Example #1
// test the plant class
void test_plant()
  std::cout << "plant test" << std::endl;

  // make a plant.
  Plant kale("kale", .7, 2, 5000);

  // try to clone the kale and check that they have the same name.
  Organism *kale2 = kale.clone();
  if (kale2->getName() != kale.getName())
    throw CppException("Failed to create plant using Organism clone function");

  // now try the other constructor mechanism.
  Plant kale3(kale);
  if (kale3.getName() != kale.getName())
    throw CppException("Failed to create plant using Plant(plant) function");

Example #2
// test the animal class
void test_animal()
  std::cout << "animal test" << std::endl;

  std::vector<std::string> food;

  // make an animal.
  Animal chupacabra("chupacabra", .7,2, food);

  // try to clone the animal
  Organism *chupacabra2 = chupacabra.clone();
  if (chupacabra2->getName() != chupacabra.getName())
    throw CppException("Failed to create animal using Organism clone function");

int main()
    return 0;