Example #1
Status DeleterTest::MultipleFilesDeletionFunc()
	UnixCommand command(INSTALL_PREFIX"/bin/MultipleFilesDeletion.sh");
    std::auto_ptr<ProcessResult> result(command.Execute(CreateArguments()));
    cerr << result->GetOutput() << " ";
    return (Status)result->GetStatus();
Example #2
CMakePlugin::OnExportMakefile(clBuildEvent& event)
    const wxString project = event.GetProjectName();
    const wxString config  = event.GetConfigurationName();

    // Get settings
    const CMakeProjectSettings* settings = GetSettingsManager()->GetProjectSettings(project, config);

    // Doesn't exists or not enabled
    if (!settings || !settings->enabled) {
        // Unable to export makefile

    // Get project directory - this is directory where the makefile is stored
    const wxFileName projectDir = GetProjectDirectory(project);

    // Targets forward inspired by
    // https://gist.github.com/doitian/4978329

    // Content of the generated makefile
    wxString content = wxString() <<
        "# Generated by CMakePlugin\n"
        ".PHONY: all clean $(MAKECMDGOALS)\n"

    // Parent project is set
    if (!settings->parentProject.IsEmpty()) {
        // Configure parent project instead
        const wxString& parentProject = settings->parentProject;
        settings = GetSettingsManager()->GetProjectSettings(parentProject, config);

        // Parent project not found
        if (!settings || !settings->enabled) {
            CL_ERROR("Unable to find or not enabled parent project "
                "'" + parentProject + "' for project '" + project + "'");

        // Get parent project directory
        wxFileName parentProjectDir = GetProjectDirectory(parentProject);

        // Path is relative so UNIX path system can be used
        const wxString parentProjectDirEsc = parentProjectDir.GetPath(wxPATH_NO_SEPARATOR, wxPATH_UNIX);

        // Redirect make to the parent project
        content <<
            "# Parent project\n"
            "PARENT          := " << parentProjectDirEsc << "\n"
            "PARENT_MAKEFILE := " << parentProject << ".mk\n"
            "\t$(MAKE) -C \"$(PARENT)\" -f \"$(PARENT_MAKEFILE)\" " << project << "\n"
            "\t$(MAKE) -C \"$(PARENT)\" -f \"$(PARENT_MAKEFILE)\" " << project << " clean\n"

    } else {

        // Macro expander
        // FIXME use IMacroManager (unable to find it yet)
        MacroManager* macro = MacroManager::Instance();

        // Get variables
        // Expand variables for final project
        const wxString cmake = GetConfiguration()->GetProgramPath();
        wxFileName sourceDir = wxFileName::DirName(macro->Expand(settings->sourceDirectory, GetManager(), project, config));
        wxFileName buildDir = wxFileName::DirName(macro->Expand(settings->buildDirectory, GetManager(), project, config));

        // Source dir must be relative to build directory (here is cmake called)
        // Build dir must be relative to project directory

        // Relative paths
        const wxString sourceDirEsc = sourceDir.GetPath(wxPATH_NO_SEPARATOR, wxPATH_UNIX);
        const wxString buildDirEsc = buildDir.GetPath(wxPATH_NO_SEPARATOR, wxPATH_UNIX);

        // Generated makefile
        content <<
            "CMAKE      := \"" << cmake << "\"\n"
            "BUILD_DIR  := " << buildDirEsc << "\n"
            "SOURCE_DIR := " << sourceDirEsc << "\n"
            "CMAKE_ARGS := " << CreateArguments(*settings, *m_configuration.get()) << "\n"
            "# Building project(s)\n"
            "$(or $(lastword $(MAKECMDGOALS)), all): $(BUILD_DIR)/Makefile\n"
            "\t$(MAKE) -C \"$(BUILD_DIR)\" $(MAKECMDGOALS)\n"
            "# Building directory\n"
            "\t$(CMAKE) -E make_directory \"$(BUILD_DIR)\"\n"
            "# Rule that detects if cmake is called\n"
            "$(BUILD_DIR)/Makefile: .cmake_dirty | $(BUILD_DIR)\n"
            "\tcd \"$(BUILD_DIR)\" && $(CMAKE) $(CMAKE_ARGS) \"$(SOURCE_DIR)\"\n"
            "# This rule / file allows force cmake run\n"
            "\t@echo '' > .cmake_dirty\n"


    // Path to makefile - called project directory required
    wxFileName makefile = projectDir;

    // Read old content from disk
    wxString oldContent;
    bool ok = ReadFileWithConversion(makefile.GetFullPath(), oldContent);

    // Write only if there are some changes
    if (!ok || content != oldContent) {
        // Write make file content
        wxFile file(makefile.GetFullPath(), wxFile::write);

        if (!file.Write(content)) {
            CL_ERROR("Unable to write custom makefile (CMakePlugin): " + makefile.GetFullPath());