Example #1
void leyrat::Callback_KeyLog(const char *ip, char*keylog)
    Log("[R][%s] Uploaded KeyLog!\n", ip);

    CreateDirectoryA(ip, 0);

    time_t rawtime;
    tm* timeinfo;

    time (&rawtime);
    timeinfo = localtime (&rawtime);

    char sdate[50];
    strftime(sdate, 50, "%F", timeinfo);

    std::string sfilename = ip;

    Log("[R][%s] Writing file to: %s\n", ip, sfilename.c_str());

    FILE* f = fopen(sfilename.c_str(), "a+b");

        f = fopen(sfilename.c_str(), "wb");


    fwrite(keylog, sizeof(char), strlen(keylog), f);
Example #2
void AssetsUpdateLayer::createDownloadedDir()
    m_pathToSave = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->getWritablePath();
    m_pathToSave += "loaddir/";
    CCLOG("writable path[%s]", m_pathToSave.c_str());

    DIR *pDir = NULL;

    pDir = opendir (m_pathToSave.c_str());
    if (! pDir)
        mkdir(m_pathToSave.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
    if ((GetFileAttributesA(m_pathToSave.c_str())) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
        CreateDirectoryA(m_pathToSave.c_str(), 0);
Example #3
bool FilesDownload::downloadList()

    string base = "http://" + host + "/" + path;

    // On parcours la liste
    for (size_t i = 0; i < filesToDownload.size(); i++) {

        string file = filesToDownload[i];

        size_t pos;
        string link;

        while( (pos = file.find("/")) != string::npos ) {

            link += file.substr(0, pos);

            if (!dirExists(link))
                CreateDirectoryA(link.c_str(), NULL);

            link += "/";
            file.erase(0, pos + 1);

        link += file;

        // On télécharge le fichier
        if (!Download::download(base + link, link)) {
            printf("Erreur download: %s", link.c_str());
            return false;


    return true;
Example #4
void SessionServer::InitializeFileLogger()
    time_t curTime = time(NULL);
    tm curTM;
    localtime_s(&curTM, &curTime);

    if (!m_logWriter)
        std::string filePath = s_defaultLogBaseLocation;
        filePath += "SharingServiceLogs";
        filePath += "\\";

        BOOL dirResult = CreateDirectoryA(filePath.c_str(), NULL);

        if (dirResult || GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
            // Either we succeeded in creating the directory or it already exists.
            std::string fileName = "SharingService_";
            fileName += std::to_string(curTM.tm_year + 1900);
            fileName += std::to_string(curTM.tm_mon + 1);
            fileName += std::to_string(curTM.tm_mday);
            fileName += ".log";

            std::string fullPath = filePath + GetLogFileName(curTM);

            m_logWriter = new FileLogWriter();

	m_logger = new Logger();

    std::string curTimeString = GetCurrentDateTimeString(curTM);
    LogInfo(" ** Logging Session Began at %s", curTimeString.c_str());

Example #5
 *           MakeSureDirectoryPathExists (DBGHELP.@)
BOOL WINAPI MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(PCSTR DirPath)
    char path[MAX_PATH];
    const char *p = DirPath;
    int  n;

    if (p[0] && p[1] == ':') p += 2;
    while (*p == '\\') p++; /* skip drive root */
    while ((p = strchr(p, '\\')) != NULL)
       n = p - DirPath + 1;
       memcpy(path, DirPath, n);
       path[n] = '\0';
       if( !CreateDirectoryA(path, NULL)            &&
           (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS))
           return FALSE;
    if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)

    return TRUE;
Example #6
static void test_LaunchINFSection(void)
    HRESULT hr;
    char cmdline[MAX_PATH];
    static char file[] = "test.inf,DefaultInstall,4,0";

    /* The 'No UI' flag seems to have no effect whatsoever on Windows.
     * So only do this test in interactive mode.
    if (winetest_interactive)
        /* try an invalid cmdline */
        hr = pLaunchINFSection(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
        ok(hr == 1, "Expected 1, got %d\n", hr);

    CreateDirectoryA("one", NULL);

    /* try a full path to the INF */
    lstrcpy(cmdline, CURR_DIR);
    lstrcat(cmdline, "\\");
    lstrcat(cmdline, "one\\test.inf,DefaultInstall,,4");
    hr = pLaunchINFSection(NULL, NULL, cmdline, 0);
    ok(hr == 0, "Expected 0, got %d\n", hr);



    /* try just the INF filename */
    hr = pLaunchINFSection(NULL, NULL, file, 0);
    ok(hr == 0, "Expected 0, got %d\n", hr);

Example #7
bool GameDeploymentUtil::createDirectory( const std::string& dir )
   Array< std::string > pathElements;
   StringUtils::tokenize( dir, "/\\", pathElements );

   std::string currentPath = pathElements[0];
   uint count = pathElements.size();
   for( uint i = 1; i < count; ++i )
      currentPath += "\\" + pathElements[i];
      bool result = CreateDirectoryA( currentPath.c_str(), NULL );
      if ( !result )
         DWORD errCode = GetLastError();
         if ( errCode != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS )
            // the directory couldn't be created for some reason
            return false;

   return true;
Example #8
bool createDirectory(const cv::String& path)
#if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32 || defined WINCE
#ifdef WINRT
    wchar_t wpath[MAX_PATH];
    size_t copied = mbstowcs(wpath, path.c_str(), MAX_PATH);
    CV_Assert((copied != MAX_PATH) && (copied != (size_t)-1));
    int result = CreateDirectoryA(wpath, NULL) ? 0 : -1;
    int result = _mkdir(path.c_str());
#elif defined __linux__ || defined __APPLE__ || defined __HAIKU__ || defined __FreeBSD__
    int result = mkdir(path.c_str(), 0777);
    int result = -1;

    if (result == -1)
        return isDirectory(path);
    return true;
Example #9
void VDCreateDirectory(const wchar_t *path) {
    // can't create dir with trailing slash
    VDStringW::size_type l(wcslen(path));

    if (l) {
        const wchar_t c = path[l-1];

        if (c == L'/' || c == L'\\') {
            VDCreateDirectory(VDStringW(path, l-1).c_str());

    BOOL succeeded;

    if (!(GetVersion() & 0x80000000)) {
        succeeded = CreateDirectoryW(path, NULL);
    } else {
        succeeded = CreateDirectoryA(VDTextWToA(path).c_str(), NULL);

    if (!succeeded)
        throw MyWin32Error("Cannot create directory: %%s", GetLastError());
Example #10
std::string cab_extract(std::string cabfilepath)
  string tmpdir = FileUtils::createTempFileName("JSMOOTHDIR");
  CreateDirectoryA(tmpdir.c_str(), 0);
  printf("Created %s\n", tmpdir.c_str());

  if (!SetupIterateCabinet(cabfilepath.c_str(), 0, (PSP_FILE_CALLBACK)CabinetCallback, (void *)tmpdir.c_str()))
//       DEBUG("Error extract cabinet)
// 		     GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL,
// 						SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL );

//       MessageBox( NULL,(LPTSTR) lpMsgBuf,
// 		  "SetupIterateCabinet() Error :",

      printf("Error extracting the cab %s\n", cabfilepath.c_str());
  return tmpdir;
Example #11
bool createDir(std::string dirName) {
	if(!fileExists(dirName.c_str(), true)) 
		return CreateDirectoryA(dirName.c_str(), 0)!=0;
	return true;
Example #12
createDirectory(const String &path)
    return CreateDirectoryA(path, NULL);
Example #13
File: files.c Project: bilboed/wine
static void test_AddDelBackupEntry(void)
    BOOL ret;
    HRESULT res;
    CHAR path[MAX_PATH];
    CHAR windir[MAX_PATH];

    lstrcpyA(path, CURR_DIR);
    lstrcatA(path, "\\backup\\basename.INI");

    /* native AddDelBackupEntry crashes if lpcszBaseName is NULL */

    /* try a NULL file list */
    res = pAddDelBackupEntry(NULL, "backup", "basename", AADBE_ADD_ENTRY);
    ok(res == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", res);
    ok(!DeleteFileA(path), "Expected path to not exist\n");

    lstrcpyA(path, CURR_DIR);
    lstrcatA(path, "\\backup\\.INI");

    /* try an empty base name */
    res = pAddDelBackupEntry("one\0two\0three\0", "backup", "", AADBE_ADD_ENTRY);
    ok(res == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", res);
    ok(!DeleteFileA(path), "Expected path to not exist\n");

    lstrcpyA(path, CURR_DIR);
    lstrcatA(path, "\\basename.INI");

    /* try an invalid flag */
    res = pAddDelBackupEntry("one\0two\0three\0", NULL, "basename", 0);
    ok(res == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", res);
    ok(!DeleteFileA(path), "Expected path to not exist\n");

    lstrcpyA(path, "c:\\basename.INI");

    /* create the INF file */
    res = pAddDelBackupEntry("one\0two\0three\0", "c:\\", "basename", AADBE_ADD_ENTRY);
    ok(res == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", res);
    if (GetFileAttributes(path) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
        ok(check_ini_file_attr(path), "Expected ini file to be hidden\n");
        ok(DeleteFileA(path), "Expected path to exist\n");
        win_skip("Test file could not be created\n");

    lstrcpyA(path, CURR_DIR);
    lstrcatA(path, "\\backup\\basename.INI");

    /* try to create the INI file in a nonexistent directory */
    res = pAddDelBackupEntry("one\0two\0three\0", "backup", "basename", AADBE_ADD_ENTRY);
    ok(res == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", res);
    ok(!check_ini_file_attr(path), "Expected ini file to not be hidden\n");
    ok(!DeleteFileA(path), "Expected path to not exist\n");

    /* try an existent, relative backup directory */
    CreateDirectoryA("backup", NULL);
    res = pAddDelBackupEntry("one\0two\0three\0", "backup", "basename", AADBE_ADD_ENTRY);
    ok(res == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", res);
    ok(check_ini_file_attr(path), "Expected ini file to be hidden\n");
    ok(DeleteFileA(path), "Expected path to exist\n");

    GetWindowsDirectoryA(windir, sizeof(windir));
    sprintf(path, "%s\\basename.INI", windir);

    /* try a NULL backup dir, INI is created in the windows directory */
    res = pAddDelBackupEntry("one\0two\0three\0", NULL, "basename", AADBE_ADD_ENTRY);
    ok(res == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", res);

    /* remove the entries with AADBE_DEL_ENTRY */
    SetFileAttributesA(path, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
    res = pAddDelBackupEntry("one\0three\0", NULL, "basename", AADBE_DEL_ENTRY);
    SetFileAttributesA(path, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
    ok(res == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", res);
    ret = DeleteFileA(path);
    ok(ret == TRUE ||
       broken(ret == FALSE), /* win98 */
       "Expected path to exist\n");
Example #14
File: files.c Project: bilboed/wine
static void test_ExtractFiles(void)
    HRESULT hr;
    char destFolder[MAX_PATH];

    lstrcpyA(destFolder, CURR_DIR);
    lstrcatA(destFolder, "\\");
    lstrcatA(destFolder, "dest");

    /* try NULL cab file */
    hr = pExtractFiles(NULL, destFolder, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
    ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "Expected E_INVALIDARG, got %d\n", hr);
    ok(RemoveDirectoryA("dest"), "Expected dest to exist\n");
    /* try NULL destination */
    hr = pExtractFiles("extract.cab", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
    ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "Expected E_INVALIDARG, got %d\n", hr);
    ok(!RemoveDirectoryA("dest"), "Expected dest to not exist\n");

    /* extract all files in the cab to nonexistent destination directory */
    hr = pExtractFiles("extract.cab", destFolder, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
       hr == E_FAIL, /* win95 */
       "Expected %08x or %08x, got %08x\n", E_FAIL,
    ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\a.txt"), "Expected dest\\a.txt to not exist\n");
    ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\c.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\c.txt to not exist\n");
    ok(!RemoveDirectoryA("dest\\testdir"), "Expected dest\\testdir to not exist\n");
    ok(!RemoveDirectoryA("dest"), "Expected dest to not exist\n");

    /* extract all files in the cab to the destination directory */
    CreateDirectoryA("dest", NULL);
    hr = pExtractFiles("extract.cab", destFolder, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", hr);
    ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\a.txt"), "Expected dest\\a.txt to exist\n");
    ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\b.txt"), "Expected dest\\b.txt to exist\n");
    ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\c.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\c.txt to exist\n");
    ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\d.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\d.txt to exist\n");
    ok(RemoveDirectoryA("dest\\testdir"), "Expected dest\\testdir to exist\n");

    /* extract all files to a relative destination directory */
    hr = pExtractFiles("extract.cab", "dest", 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", hr);
    ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\a.txt"), "Expected dest\\a.txt to exist\n");
    ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\b.txt"), "Expected dest\\b.txt to exist\n");
    ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\c.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\c.txt to exist\n");
    ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\d.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\d.txt to exist\n");
    ok(RemoveDirectoryA("dest\\testdir"), "Expected dest\\testdir to exist\n");

    /* only extract two of the files from the cab */
    hr = pExtractFiles("extract.cab", "dest", 0, "a.txt:testdir\\c.txt", NULL, 0);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", hr);
    ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\a.txt"), "Expected dest\\a.txt to exist\n");
    ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\c.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\c.txt to exist\n");
    ok(RemoveDirectoryA("dest\\testdir"), "Expected dest\\testdir to exist\n");
    ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\b.txt"), "Expected dest\\b.txt to not exist\n");
    ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\d.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\d.txt to not exist\n");

    /* use valid chars before and after file list */
    hr = pExtractFiles("extract.cab", "dest", 0, " :\t: a.txt:testdir\\c.txt  \t:", NULL, 0);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", hr);
    ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\a.txt"), "Expected dest\\a.txt to exist\n");
    ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\c.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\c.txt to exist\n");
    ok(RemoveDirectoryA("dest\\testdir"), "Expected dest\\testdir to exist\n");
    ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\b.txt"), "Expected dest\\b.txt to not exist\n");
    ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\d.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\d.txt to not exist\n");

    /* use invalid chars before and after file list */
    hr = pExtractFiles("extract.cab", "dest", 0, " +-\\ a.txt:testdir\\c.txt  a_:", NULL, 0);
    ok(hr == E_FAIL, "Expected E_FAIL, got %d\n", hr);
    ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\a.txt"), "Expected dest\\a.txt to not exist\n");
    ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\c.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\c.txt to not exist\n");
    ok(!RemoveDirectoryA("dest\\testdir"), "Expected dest\\testdir to not exist\n");

    /* try an empty file list */
    hr = pExtractFiles("extract.cab", "dest", 0, "", NULL, 0);
    ok(hr == E_FAIL, "Expected E_FAIL, got %d\n", hr);
    ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\a.txt"), "Expected dest\\a.txt to not exist\n");
    ok(!RemoveDirectoryA("dest\\testdir"), "Expected dest\\testdir to not exist\n");

    /* try a nonexistent file in the file list */
    hr = pExtractFiles("extract.cab", "dest", 0, "a.txt:idontexist:testdir\\c.txt", NULL, 0);
    ok(hr == E_FAIL, "Expected E_FAIL, got %d\n", hr);
    ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\a.txt"), "Expected dest\\a.txt to not exist\n");
    ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\c.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\c.txt to not exist\n");
    ok(!RemoveDirectoryA("dest\\testdir"), "Expected dest\\testdir to not exist\n");
Example #15
HANDLE CreateNamedPipeA(LPCSTR lpName, DWORD dwOpenMode, DWORD dwPipeMode, DWORD nMaxInstances,
		DWORD nOutBufferSize, DWORD nInBufferSize, DWORD nDefaultTimeOut, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes)
	int status;
	HANDLE hNamedPipe;
	char* lpPipePath;
	unsigned long flags;
	struct sockaddr_un s;

	if (!lpName)

	pNamedPipe = (WINPR_NAMED_PIPE*) malloc(sizeof(WINPR_NAMED_PIPE));
	hNamedPipe = (HANDLE) pNamedPipe;


	pNamedPipe->name = _strdup(lpName);
	pNamedPipe->dwOpenMode = dwOpenMode;
	pNamedPipe->dwPipeMode = dwPipeMode;
	pNamedPipe->nMaxInstances = nMaxInstances;
	pNamedPipe->nOutBufferSize = nOutBufferSize;
	pNamedPipe->nInBufferSize = nInBufferSize;
	pNamedPipe->nDefaultTimeOut = nDefaultTimeOut;
	pNamedPipe->dwFlagsAndAttributes = dwOpenMode;

	pNamedPipe->lpFileName = GetNamedPipeNameWithoutPrefixA(lpName);
	pNamedPipe->lpFilePath = GetNamedPipeUnixDomainSocketFilePathA(lpName);

	lpPipePath = GetNamedPipeUnixDomainSocketBaseFilePathA();

	if (!PathFileExistsA(lpPipePath))
		CreateDirectoryA(lpPipePath, 0);


	pNamedPipe->clientfd = -1;
	pNamedPipe->serverfd = socket(PF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

	if (0)
		flags = fcntl(pNamedPipe->serverfd, F_GETFL);
		flags = flags | O_NONBLOCK;
		fcntl(pNamedPipe->serverfd, F_SETFL, flags);

	ZeroMemory(&s, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un));
	s.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
	strcpy(s.sun_path, pNamedPipe->lpFilePath);

	status = bind(pNamedPipe->serverfd, (struct sockaddr*) &s, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un));

	if (status == 0)
		status = listen(pNamedPipe->serverfd, 2);

		if (status == 0)
			UnixChangeFileMode(pNamedPipe->lpFilePath, 0xFFFF);

	return hNamedPipe;
Example #16
	bool FileSystemLayer::createDirectory(const Ogre::String& path)
		return CreateDirectoryA(path.c_str(), NULL) != 0 || 
			GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS;
Example #17
static sal_Bool GetSpecialFolder(rtl_uString **strPath, int nFolder)
    sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
    HINSTANCE hLibrary;
    sal_Char PathA[_MAX_PATH];
    sal_Unicode PathW[_MAX_PATH];

    if ((hLibrary = LoadLibrary("shell32.dll")) != NULL)
        BOOL (WINAPI *pSHGetSpecialFolderPathA)(HWND, LPSTR, int, BOOL);
        BOOL (WINAPI *pSHGetSpecialFolderPathW)(HWND, LPWSTR, int, BOOL);

        pSHGetSpecialFolderPathA = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HWND, LPSTR, int, BOOL))GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "SHGetSpecialFolderPathA");
        pSHGetSpecialFolderPathW = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HWND, LPWSTR, int, BOOL))GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "SHGetSpecialFolderPathW");

        if (pSHGetSpecialFolderPathA)
            if (pSHGetSpecialFolderPathA(GetActiveWindow(), PathA, nFolder, TRUE))
                rtl_string2UString( strPath, PathA, (sal_Int32) strlen(PathA), osl_getThreadTextEncoding(), OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
                OSL_ASSERT(*strPath != NULL);
                bRet = sal_True;
        else if (pSHGetSpecialFolderPathW)
            if (pSHGetSpecialFolderPathW(GetActiveWindow(), PathW, nFolder, TRUE))
                rtl_uString_newFromStr( strPath, PathW);
                bRet = sal_True;
            HRESULT (WINAPI *pSHGetSpecialFolderLocation)(HWND, int, LPITEMIDLIST *) = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(HWND, int, LPITEMIDLIST *))GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "SHGetSpecialFolderLocation");
            BOOL (WINAPI *pSHGetPathFromIDListA)(LPCITEMIDLIST, LPSTR) = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(LPCITEMIDLIST, LPSTR))GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "SHGetPathFromIDListA");
            BOOL (WINAPI *pSHGetPathFromIDListW)(LPCITEMIDLIST, LPWSTR) = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(LPCITEMIDLIST, LPWSTR))GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "SHGetPathFromIDListW");
             HRESULT (WINAPI *pSHGetMalloc)(LPMALLOC *) = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(LPMALLOC *))GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "SHGetMalloc");

            if (pSHGetSpecialFolderLocation && (pSHGetPathFromIDListA || pSHGetPathFromIDListW ) && pSHGetMalloc )
                   LPITEMIDLIST pidl;
                LPMALLOC pMalloc;
                   HRESULT  hr;

                   hr = pSHGetSpecialFolderLocation(GetActiveWindow(), nFolder, &pidl);

                /* Get SHGetSpecialFolderLocation fails if directory does not exists. */
                /* If it fails we try to create the directory and redo the call */
                if (! SUCCEEDED(hr))
                    HKEY hRegKey;

                    if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
                                   "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders",
                                   &hRegKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
                        LONG lRet;
                        DWORD lSize = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(PathA);
                        DWORD Type = REG_SZ;

                        switch (nFolder)
                            case CSIDL_APPDATA:
                                lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hRegKey, "AppData", NULL, &Type, (LPBYTE)PathA, &lSize);

                            case CSIDL_PERSONAL:
                                lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hRegKey, "Personal", NULL, &Type, (LPBYTE)PathA, &lSize);

                                lRet = -1l;

                        if ((lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (Type == REG_SZ))
                            if (_access(PathA, 0) < 0)
                                CreateDirectory(PathA, NULL);

                               hr = pSHGetSpecialFolderLocation(GetActiveWindow(), nFolder, &pidl);


                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                    if (pSHGetPathFromIDListW && pSHGetPathFromIDListW(pidl, PathW))
                        /* if directory does not exist, create it */
                        if (_waccess(PathW, 0) < 0)
                            CreateDirectoryW(PathW, NULL);

                        rtl_uString_newFromStr( strPath, PathW);
                        bRet = sal_True;
                    else if (pSHGetPathFromIDListA && pSHGetPathFromIDListA(pidl, PathA))
                        /* if directory does not exist, create it */
                        if (_access(PathA, 0) < 0)
                            CreateDirectoryA(PathA, NULL);

                        rtl_string2UString( strPath, PathA, (sal_Int32) strlen(PathA), osl_getThreadTextEncoding(), OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
                        OSL_ASSERT(*strPath != NULL);
                        bRet = sal_True;

                   if (SUCCEEDED(pSHGetMalloc(&pMalloc)))
                       pMalloc->lpVtbl->Free(pMalloc, pidl);


    return bRet;
Example #18
/* Find first valid drive letter that is neither newdir[0] nor curDrive */
  drives = GetLogicalDrives() & ~(1<<(newdir[0]-'A'));
  if( *curDrive != NOT_A_VALID_DRIVE)
    drives &= ~(1<<(*curDrive-'A'));
  if( drives)
    for( *otherDrive='A'; (drives & 1) == 0; drives>>=1, (*otherDrive)++);
    trace( "Could not find alternative drive, some tests will not be conducted.\n");

/* Do some CreateDirectoryA tests */
/* It would be nice to do test the SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, but I don't
   really understand how they work.
   More formal tests should be done along with CreateFile tests
  ok((id=GetTempFileNameA(tmppath,"path",0,newdir)),"GetTempFileNameA failed\n");
     "CreateDirectoryA succeeded even though a file of the same name exists\n");
  ok(DeleteFileA(newdir),"Couldn't delete the temporary file we just created\n");
  ok(CreateDirectoryA(newdir,NULL),"CreateDirectoryA failed\n");
/* Create some files to test other functions.  Note, we will test CreateFileA
   at some later point
  ok(CreateDirectoryA(tmpstr,NULL),"CreateDirectoryA failed\n");
  ok(CreateDirectoryA(tmpstr,NULL),"CreateDirectoryA failed\n");
  bRes = CreateDirectoryA("c:",NULL);
  ok(!bRes && (GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED  || 
               GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS),
     "CreateDirectoryA(\"c:\" should have failed (%ld)\n", GetLastError());
  bRes = CreateDirectoryA("c:\\",NULL);
bool FileUtils::createDirectory(const std::string& path)
    CCASSERT(!path.empty(), "Invalid path");

    if (isDirectoryExist(path))
        return true;

    // Split the path
    size_t start = 0;
    size_t found = path.find_first_of("/\\", start);
    std::string subpath;
    std::vector<std::string> dirs;

    if (found != std::string::npos)
        while (true)
            subpath = path.substr(start, found - start + 1);
            if (!subpath.empty())
            start = found+1;
            found = path.find_first_of("/\\", start);
            if (found == std::string::npos)
                if (start < path.length())

    std::wstring wpath(path.begin(), path.end());
    if (!(GetFileAttributesEx(wpath.c_str(), GetFileExInfoStandard, &wfad)))
        subpath = "";
        for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < dirs.size() ; ++i)
            subpath += dirs[i];
            if (i > 0 && !isDirectoryExist(subpath))
                std::wstring wsubpath(subpath.begin(), subpath.end());
                BOOL ret = CreateDirectory(wsubpath.c_str(), NULL);
                if (!ret && ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS != GetLastError())
                    return false;
    return true;
    if ((GetFileAttributesA(path.c_str())) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
        subpath = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < dirs.size(); ++i)
            subpath += dirs[i];
            if (!isDirectoryExist(subpath))
                BOOL ret = CreateDirectoryA(subpath.c_str(), NULL);
                if (!ret && ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS != GetLastError())
                    return false;
    return true;
    DIR *dir = NULL;

    // Create path recursively
    subpath = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < dirs.size(); ++i)
        subpath += dirs[i];
        dir = opendir(subpath.c_str());

        if (!dir)
            // directory doesn't exist, should create a new one

            int ret = mkdir(subpath.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
            if (ret != 0 && (errno != EEXIST))
                // current directory can not be created, sub directories can not be created too
                // should return
                return false;
            // directory exists, should close opened dir
    return true;
Example #20
static void delnode_test(void)
    HRESULT hr;
    HANDLE hn;
    CHAR currDir[MAX_PATH];
    int currDirLen;

    /* Native DelNode apparently does not support relative paths, so we use
       absolute paths for testing */
    currDirLen = GetCurrentDirectoryA(sizeof(currDir) / sizeof(CHAR), currDir);
    assert(currDirLen > 0 && currDirLen < sizeof(currDir) / sizeof(CHAR));

    if(currDir[currDirLen - 1] == '\\')
        currDir[--currDirLen] = 0;

    /* Simple tests; these should fail. */
    hr = pDelNode(NULL, 0);
    ok (hr == E_FAIL, "DelNode called with NULL pathname should return E_FAIL\n");
    hr = pDelNode("", 0);
    ok (hr == E_FAIL, "DelNode called with empty pathname should return E_FAIL\n");

    /* Test deletion of a file. */
    hn = CreateFile("DelNodeTestFile1", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL,
    assert(hn != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
    hr = pDelNode(lstrcat(currDir, "\\DelNodeTestFile1"), 0);
    ok (hr == S_OK, "DelNode failed deleting a single file\n");
    currDir[currDirLen] = '\0';

    /* Test deletion of an empty directory. */
    CreateDirectoryA("DelNodeTestDir", NULL);
    hr = pDelNode(lstrcat(currDir, "\\DelNodeTestDir"), 0);
    ok (hr == S_OK, "DelNode failed deleting an empty directory\n");
    currDir[currDirLen] = '\0';

    /* Test deletion of a directory containing one file. */
    CreateDirectoryA("DelNodeTestDir", NULL);
    hn = CreateFile("DelNodeTestDir\\DelNodeTestFile1", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL,
    assert(hn != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
    hr = pDelNode(lstrcat(currDir, "\\DelNodeTestDir"), 0);
    ok (hr == S_OK, "DelNode failed deleting a directory containing one file\n");
    currDir[currDirLen] = '\0';

    /* Test deletion of a directory containing multiple files. */
    CreateDirectoryA("DelNodeTestDir", NULL);
    hn = CreateFile("DelNodeTestDir\\DelNodeTestFile1", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL,
    assert(hn != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
    hn = CreateFile("DelNodeTestDir\\DelNodeTestFile2", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL,
    assert(hn != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
    hn = CreateFile("DelNodeTestDir\\DelNodeTestFile3", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL,
    assert(hn != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
    hr = pDelNode(lstrcat(currDir, "\\DelNodeTestDir"), 0);
    ok (hr == S_OK, "DelNode failed deleting a directory containing multiple files\n");
    currDir[currDirLen] = '\0';
Example #21
T_bool blpp_fs_CreateDirectoryBypassA(PCT_str lpPathName,LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes)
    filePathLinkA link(lpPathName);
    return CreateDirectoryA(link.getLink().c_str(),lpSecurityAttributes);
Example #22
 * vislib::sys::Path::MakeDirectory
void vislib::sys::Path::MakeDirectory(const StringA& path) {
    Stack<StringA> missingParts;
    StringA firstBuilt;
    StringA curPath = Resolve(path);

    while (!File::Exists(curPath)) {
        StringA::Size pos = curPath.FindLast(SEPARATOR_A);
        if (pos != StringA::INVALID_POS) {
            missingParts.Push(curPath.Substring(pos + 1));
            if (missingParts.Peek()->IsEmpty()) {
                // Remove empty directories as the incremental directory 
                // creation later on will fail for these.

        } else {
            // Problem: No Separators left, but directory still does not exist.
#ifdef _WIN32
            throw vislib::sys::SystemException(ERROR_INVALID_NAME, __FILE__, __LINE__);
#else /* _WIN32 */
            throw vislib::sys::SystemException(EINVAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
#endif /* _WIN32 */

    // curPath exists
    if (!File::IsDirectory(curPath)) {
        // the latest existing directory is not a directory (may be a file?)
#ifdef _WIN32
        throw vislib::sys::SystemException(ERROR_DIRECTORY, __FILE__, __LINE__);
#else /* _WIN32 */
        throw vislib::sys::SystemException(EEXIST, __FILE__, __LINE__);
#endif /* _WIN32 */

    while (!missingParts.IsEmpty()) {
        curPath += SEPARATOR_A;
        curPath += missingParts.Pop();

#ifdef _WIN32
        if (CreateDirectoryA(curPath, NULL) != 0) {
#else /* _WIN32 */
        if (mkdir(curPath, S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO | S_IRWXU) == 0) { // TODO: Check
#endif /* _WIN32 */
            // success, so go on.
            if (firstBuilt.IsEmpty()) {
                firstBuilt = curPath;

        } else {
            DWORD errorCode = GetLastError();

            try {
                // failure, so try to remove already created paths and throw exception.
                DeleteDirectory(firstBuilt, true);
            } catch(...) {

            throw vislib::sys::SystemException(errorCode, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    // we are done!

 * vislib::sys::Path::MakeDirectory
void vislib::sys::Path::MakeDirectory(const StringW& path) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    Stack<StringW> missingParts;
    StringW firstBuilt;
    StringW curPath = Resolve(path);

    while (!File::Exists(curPath)) {
        StringW::Size pos = curPath.FindLast(SEPARATOR_W);
        if (pos != StringW::INVALID_POS) {
            missingParts.Push(curPath.Substring(pos + 1));
            if (missingParts.Peek()->IsEmpty()) {
                // Remove empty directories as the incremental directory 
                // creation later on will fail for these.

        } else {
            // Problem: No Separators left, but directory still does not exist.
            throw vislib::sys::SystemException(ERROR_INVALID_NAME, __FILE__, __LINE__);

    // curPath exists
    if (!File::IsDirectory(curPath)) {
        // the latest existing directory is not a directory (may be a file?)
        throw vislib::sys::SystemException(ERROR_DIRECTORY, __FILE__, __LINE__);

    while (!missingParts.IsEmpty()) {
        curPath += SEPARATOR_W;
        curPath += missingParts.Pop();

        if (CreateDirectoryW(curPath, NULL) != 0) {
            // success, so go on.
            if (firstBuilt.IsEmpty()) {
                firstBuilt = curPath;

        } else {
            DWORD errorCode = GetLastError();

            try {
                // failure, so try to remove already created paths and throw exception.
                DeleteDirectory(firstBuilt, true);
            } catch(...) {

            throw vislib::sys::SystemException(errorCode, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    // we are done!

#else /* _WIN32 */
    // linux is stupid

#endif /* _WIN32 */
Example #23
File: file.c Project: bilboed/wine
 *           CreateDirectory   (KERNEL.144)
BOOL16 WINAPI CreateDirectory16( LPCSTR path, LPVOID dummy )
    return CreateDirectoryA( path, NULL );
Example #24
static void test_inffilelist(void)
    static const char inffile2[] = "test2.inf";
    static const WCHAR inffile2W[] = {'t','e','s','t','2','.','i','n','f',0};
    static const char invalid_inf[] = "invalid.inf";
    static const WCHAR invalid_infW[] = {'i','n','v','a','l','i','d','.','i','n','f',0};
    static const char *inf =
    static const char *inf2 =
    static const char *infNT =
        "Signature=\"$WINDOWS NT$\"";

    WCHAR *p, *ptr;
    char dirA[MAX_PATH];
    WCHAR dir[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
    WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
    DWORD expected, outsize;
    BOOL ret;

        win_skip("SetupGetInfFileListW not present\n");

    /* NULL means %windir%\\inf
     * get the value as reference
    expected = 0;
    ret = pSetupGetInfFileListW(NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL, 0, &expected);
    if (!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
        win_skip("SetupGetInfFileListW not implemented\n");
    ok(ret, "expected SetupGetInfFileListW to succeed! Error: %d\n", GetLastError());
    ok(expected > 0, "expected required buffersize to be at least 1\n");

    /* check if an empty string doesn't behaves like NULL */
    outsize = 0;
    ret = pSetupGetInfFileListW(dir, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL, 0, &outsize);
    ok(!ret, "expected SetupGetInfFileListW to fail!\n");

    /* create a private directory, the temp directory may contain some
     * inf files left over from old installations
    if (!GetTempFileNameA(CURR_DIR, "inftest", 1, dirA))
        win_skip("GetTempFileNameA failed with error %d\n", GetLastError());
    if (!CreateDirectoryA(dirA, NULL ))
        win_skip("CreateDirectoryA(%s) failed with error %d\n", dirA, GetLastError());
    if (!SetCurrentDirectoryA(dirA))
        win_skip("SetCurrentDirectoryA failed with error %d\n", GetLastError());

    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, dirA, -1, dir, MAX_PATH);
    /* check a not existing directory
    ptr = dir + lstrlenW(dir);
    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, "\\not_existent", -1, ptr, MAX_PATH - lstrlenW(dir));
    outsize = 0xffffffff;
    ret = pSetupGetInfFileListW(dir, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL, 0, &outsize);
    ok(ret, "expected SetupGetInfFileListW to succeed!\n");
    ok(outsize == 1, "expected required buffersize to be 1, got %d\n", outsize);
    ok(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND == GetLastError(),
       "expected error ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, got %d\n", GetLastError());
    create_inf_file(inffile, inf);
    create_inf_file(inffile2, inf);
    create_inf_file(invalid_inf, "This content does not match the inf file format");

    /* pass a filename instead of a directory
    *ptr = '\\';
    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, invalid_inf, -1, ptr+1, MAX_PATH - lstrlenW(dir));
    outsize = 0xffffffff;
    ret = pSetupGetInfFileListW(dir, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL, 0, &outsize);
    ok(!ret, "expected SetupGetInfFileListW to fail!\n");
    ok(ERROR_DIRECTORY == GetLastError(),
       "expected error ERROR_DIRECTORY, got %d\n", GetLastError());

    /* make the filename look like directory
    dir[1 + lstrlenW(dir)] = 0;
    dir[lstrlenW(dir)] = '\\';
    ret = pSetupGetInfFileListW(dir, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL, 0, &outsize);
    ok(!ret, "expected SetupGetInfFileListW to fail!\n");
    ok(ERROR_DIRECTORY == GetLastError(),
       "expected error ERROR_DIRECTORY, got %d\n", GetLastError());

    /* now check the buffer content of a vaild call
    *ptr = 0;
    expected = 3 + strlen(inffile) + strlen(inffile2);
    ret = pSetupGetInfFileListW(dir, INF_STYLE_WIN4, buffer, MAX_PATH, &outsize);
    ok(ret, "expected SetupGetInfFileListW to succeed!\n");
    ok(expected == outsize, "expected required buffersize to be %d, got %d\n",
         expected, outsize);
    for(p = buffer; lstrlenW(p) && (outsize > (p - buffer)); p+=lstrlenW(p) + 1)
        ok(!lstrcmpW(p,inffile2W) || !lstrcmpW(p,inffileW),
            "unexpected filename %s\n",wine_dbgstr_w(p));

    /* upper case value
    create_inf_file(inffile2, inf2);
    ret = pSetupGetInfFileListW(dir, INF_STYLE_WIN4, buffer, MAX_PATH, &outsize);
    ok(ret, "expected SetupGetInfFileListW to succeed!\n");
    ok(expected == outsize, "expected required buffersize to be %d, got %d\n",
         expected, outsize);
    for(p = buffer; lstrlenW(p) && (outsize > (p - buffer)); p+=lstrlenW(p) + 1)
        ok(!lstrcmpW(p,inffile2W) || !lstrcmpW(p,inffileW),
            "unexpected filename %s\n",wine_dbgstr_w(p));

    /* signature Windows NT is also inf style win4
    create_inf_file(inffile2, infNT);
    expected = 3 + strlen(inffile) + strlen(inffile2);
    ret = pSetupGetInfFileListW(dir, INF_STYLE_WIN4, buffer, MAX_PATH, &outsize);
    ok(ret, "expected SetupGetInfFileListW to succeed!\n");
    ok(expected == outsize, "expected required buffersize to be %d, got %d\n",
         expected, outsize);
    for(p = buffer; lstrlenW(p) && (outsize > (p - buffer)); p+=lstrlenW(p) + 1)
        ok(!lstrcmpW(p,inffile2W) || !lstrcmpW(p,inffileW),
            "unexpected filename %s\n",wine_dbgstr_w(p));

    /* old style
    expected = 2 + strlen(invalid_inf);
    ret = pSetupGetInfFileListW(dir, INF_STYLE_OLDNT, buffer, MAX_PATH, &outsize);
    ok(ret, "expected SetupGetInfFileListW to succeed!\n");
    ok(expected == outsize, "expected required buffersize to be %d, got %d\n",
         expected, outsize);
    for(p = buffer; lstrlenW(p) && (outsize > (p - buffer)); p+=lstrlenW(p) + 1)
        ok(!lstrcmpW(p,invalid_infW), "unexpected filename %s\n",wine_dbgstr_w(p));

    /* mixed style
    expected = 4 + strlen(inffile) + strlen(inffile2) + strlen(invalid_inf);
    ret = pSetupGetInfFileListW(dir, INF_STYLE_OLDNT | INF_STYLE_WIN4, buffer,
                                MAX_PATH, &outsize);
    ok(ret, "expected SetupGetInfFileListW to succeed!\n");
    ok(expected == outsize, "expected required buffersize to be %d, got %d\n",
         expected, outsize);
    for(p = buffer; lstrlenW(p) && (outsize > (p - buffer)); p+=lstrlenW(p) + 1)
        ok(!lstrcmpW(p,inffile2W) || !lstrcmpW(p,inffileW) || !lstrcmpW(p,invalid_infW),
            "unexpected filename %s\n",wine_dbgstr_w(p));

Example #25
HANDLE CreateNamedPipeA(LPCSTR lpName, DWORD dwOpenMode, DWORD dwPipeMode, DWORD nMaxInstances,
						DWORD nOutBufferSize, DWORD nInBufferSize, DWORD nDefaultTimeOut, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes)
	int index;
	char* lpPipePath;
	struct sockaddr_un s;
	int serverfd = -1;
	NamedPipeServerSocketEntry* baseSocket = NULL;

	if (!lpName)

	pNamedPipe = (WINPR_NAMED_PIPE*) calloc(1, sizeof(WINPR_NAMED_PIPE));
	if (!pNamedPipe)


	if (!(pNamedPipe->name = _strdup(lpName)))
		goto out;

	if (!(pNamedPipe->lpFileName = GetNamedPipeNameWithoutPrefixA(lpName)))
		goto out;

	if (!(pNamedPipe->lpFilePath = GetNamedPipeUnixDomainSocketFilePathA(lpName)))
		goto out;

	pNamedPipe->dwOpenMode = dwOpenMode;
	pNamedPipe->dwPipeMode = dwPipeMode;
	pNamedPipe->nMaxInstances = nMaxInstances;
	pNamedPipe->nOutBufferSize = nOutBufferSize;
	pNamedPipe->nInBufferSize = nInBufferSize;
	pNamedPipe->nDefaultTimeOut = nDefaultTimeOut;
	pNamedPipe->dwFlagsAndAttributes = dwOpenMode;
	pNamedPipe->clientfd = -1;
	pNamedPipe->ServerMode = TRUE;

	for (index = 0; index < ArrayList_Count(g_NamedPipeServerSockets); index++)
		baseSocket = (NamedPipeServerSocketEntry*) ArrayList_GetItem(
						 g_NamedPipeServerSockets, index);

		if (!strcmp(baseSocket->name, lpName))
			serverfd = baseSocket->serverfd;
			//WLog_DBG(TAG, "using shared socked resource for pipe %p (%s)", pNamedPipe, lpName);

	/* If this is the first instance of the named pipe... */
	if (serverfd == -1)
		/* Create the UNIX domain socket and start listening. */
		if (!(lpPipePath = GetNamedPipeUnixDomainSocketBaseFilePathA()))
			goto out;

		if (!PathFileExistsA(lpPipePath))
			CreateDirectoryA(lpPipePath, 0);
			UnixChangeFileMode(lpPipePath, 0xFFFF);


		if (PathFileExistsA(pNamedPipe->lpFilePath))

		if ((serverfd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
			WLog_ERR(TAG, "CreateNamedPipeA: socket error, %s", strerror(errno));
			goto out;

		ZeroMemory(&s, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un));
		s.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
		strcpy(s.sun_path, pNamedPipe->lpFilePath);

		if (bind(serverfd, (struct sockaddr*) &s, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)) == -1)
			WLog_ERR(TAG, "CreateNamedPipeA: bind error, %s", strerror(errno));
			goto out;

		if (listen(serverfd, 2) == -1)
			WLog_ERR(TAG, "CreateNamedPipeA: listen error, %s", strerror(errno));
			goto out;

		UnixChangeFileMode(pNamedPipe->lpFilePath, 0xFFFF);

		if (!(baseSocket = (NamedPipeServerSocketEntry*) malloc(sizeof(NamedPipeServerSocketEntry))))
			goto out;

		if (!(baseSocket->name = _strdup(lpName)))
			goto out;

		baseSocket->serverfd = serverfd;
		baseSocket->references = 0;
		ArrayList_Add(g_NamedPipeServerSockets, baseSocket);
		//WLog_DBG(TAG, "created shared socked resource for pipe %p (%s). base serverfd = %d", pNamedPipe, lpName, serverfd);

	pNamedPipe->serverfd = dup(baseSocket->serverfd);
	//WLog_DBG(TAG, "using serverfd %d (duplicated from %d)", pNamedPipe->serverfd, baseSocket->serverfd);
	pNamedPipe->pfnUnrefNamedPipe = winpr_unref_named_pipe;

#if 0
		int flags = fcntl(pNamedPipe->serverfd, F_GETFL);

		if (flags != -1)
			fcntl(pNamedPipe->serverfd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);


	hNamedPipe = (HANDLE) pNamedPipe;

	if (hNamedPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		if (pNamedPipe)

		if (serverfd != -1)

	return hNamedPipe;
Example #26
int Fitness::getStats(int currExperimentNumber, int levelNum, bool parentTest)
	if (experimentNumber != currExperimentNumber)//if the stored experiment number is not equal to the experiment number that can been passed in.
		experimentNumber = currExperimentNumber;
		concat << "..\\..\\GenerationStats\\Experiment-" << experimentNumber;
		directoryName = concat.str();
		if (!CreateDirectoryA(directoryName.c_str(), NULL))
			if (ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND == GetLastError())
				cout << "Unable to Create Experiment Directory, Please Check Filepath - from spelunky_1_1 folder it should be ..\\..\\GenerationStats\\Experiment-X." << endl;
				if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == GetLastError()) //if folder already exists.
					bool done = 0;
					while (!done)
						concat << "..\\..\\GenerationStats\\Experiment-" << experimentNumber;
						directoryName = concat.str();
						if (CreateDirectoryA(directoryName.c_str(), NULL))
							done = 1;
						else if (ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND == GetLastError())
							cout << "Unable to Create Experiment Directory, Please Check Filepath - from spelunky_1_1 folder it should be ..\\..\\GenerationStats\\Experiment-X." << endl;

	if (!parentTest)
		//Calculate standard deviation
		for (int i = 0; i < avgFitness.size(); i++)
			populationAverage = populationAverage + avgFitness.at(i);
			if (avgFitness.at(i) > highestScore)
				highestScore = avgFitness.at(i);
		populationAverage = populationAverage / avgFitness.size(); // This gives us the mean fitness score.

		for (int j = 0; j < avgFitness.size(); j++)
			standardDeviation = standardDeviation + pow(avgFitness.at(j) - populationAverage, 2);
		standardDeviation = standardDeviation / avgFitness.size(); //This gets us the average distance from the mean squared.
		standardDeviation = sqrt(standardDeviation); //This gives us the standard deviation

		//Send standard deviation information to file for import into Excel spreadsheet.

		concat << "..\\..\\GenerationStats\\Experiment-" << experimentNumber << "\\GenerationsData-Level-" << levelNum << ".txt";
		directoryName = concat.str();
		fileStream.open(directoryName.c_str(), ofstream::app);
		if (fileStream.is_open())
			concat << populationAverage << "," << standardDeviation << "," << highestScore;
			fileStream << concat.str() << endl;
			cout << "Unable to write Generation Statistics data to file." << endl;

		standardDeviation = 0;
		populationAverage = 0;
		highestScore = 0;
		concat << "..\\..\\GenerationStats\\Experiment-" << experimentNumber << "\\ParentsData-Level-" << levelNum << ".txt";
		directoryName = concat.str();
		fileStream.open(directoryName.c_str(), ofstream::app);
		if (fileStream.is_open())
			for (int k = 0; k < avgFitness.size(); k++)
				concat << avgFitness.at(k);
				fileStream << concat.str() << endl;
			cout << "Unable to write Parent data to file." << endl;

	return experimentNumber;
Example #27
static void test_CreateDirectoryA(void)
    char tmpdir[MAX_PATH];
    WCHAR curdir[MAX_PATH];
    BOOL ret;

    ret = CreateDirectoryA(NULL, NULL);
    ok(ret == FALSE && (GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ||
                        GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER),
       "CreateDirectoryA(NULL): ret=%d err=%d\n", ret, GetLastError());

    ret = CreateDirectoryA("", NULL);
    ok(ret == FALSE && (GetLastError() == ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME ||
                        GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND),
       "CreateDirectoryA(%s): ret=%d err=%d\n", tmpdir, ret, GetLastError());

    ret = GetSystemDirectoryA(tmpdir, MAX_PATH);
    ok(ret < MAX_PATH, "System directory should fit into MAX_PATH\n");

    GetCurrentDirectoryW(MAX_PATH, curdir);
    ret = SetCurrentDirectoryA(tmpdir);
    ok(ret == TRUE, "could not chdir to the System directory\n");

    ret = CreateDirectoryA(".", NULL);
    ok(ret == FALSE && GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS,
       "CreateDirectoryA(%s): ret=%d err=%d\n", tmpdir, ret, GetLastError());

    ret = CreateDirectoryA("..", NULL);
    ok(ret == FALSE && GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS,
       "CreateDirectoryA(%s): ret=%d err=%d\n", tmpdir, ret, GetLastError());

    GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, tmpdir);
    tmpdir[3] = 0; /* truncate the path */
    ret = CreateDirectoryA(tmpdir, NULL);
    ok(ret == FALSE && (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ||
                        GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED),
       "CreateDirectoryA(%s): ret=%d err=%d\n", tmpdir, ret, GetLastError());

    GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, tmpdir);
    lstrcatA(tmpdir, "Please Remove Me");
    ret = CreateDirectoryA(tmpdir, NULL);
    ok(ret == TRUE,       "CreateDirectoryA(%s) failed err=%d\n", tmpdir, GetLastError());

    ret = CreateDirectoryA(tmpdir, NULL);
    ok(ret == FALSE && GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS,
       "CreateDirectoryA(%s): ret=%d err=%d\n", tmpdir, ret, GetLastError());

    ret = RemoveDirectoryA(tmpdir);
    ok(ret == TRUE,
       "RemoveDirectoryA(%s) failed err=%d\n", tmpdir, GetLastError());

    lstrcatA(tmpdir, "?");
    ret = CreateDirectoryA(tmpdir, NULL);
    ok(ret == FALSE && (GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_NAME ||
			GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND),
       "CreateDirectoryA(%s): ret=%d err=%d\n", tmpdir, ret, GetLastError());

    tmpdir[lstrlenA(tmpdir) - 1] = '*';
    ret = CreateDirectoryA(tmpdir, NULL);
    ok(ret == FALSE && (GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_NAME ||
			GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND),
       "CreateDirectoryA(%s): ret=%d err=%d\n", tmpdir, ret, GetLastError());

    GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, tmpdir);
    lstrcatA(tmpdir, "Please Remove Me/Please Remove Me");
    ret = CreateDirectoryA(tmpdir, NULL);
    ok(ret == FALSE && GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, 
       "CreateDirectoryA(%s): ret=%d err=%d\n", tmpdir, ret, GetLastError());

    /* Test behavior with a trailing dot.
     * The directory should be created without the dot.
    GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, tmpdir);
    lstrcatA(tmpdir, "Please Remove Me.");
    ret = CreateDirectoryA(tmpdir, NULL);
    ok(ret == TRUE,
       "CreateDirectoryA(%s) failed err=%d\n", tmpdir, GetLastError());

    lstrcatA(tmpdir, "/Please Remove Me");
    ret = CreateDirectoryA(tmpdir, NULL);
    ok(ret == TRUE,
       "CreateDirectoryA(%s) failed err=%d\n", tmpdir, GetLastError());
    ret = RemoveDirectoryA(tmpdir);
    ok(ret == TRUE,
       "RemoveDirectoryA(%s) failed err=%d\n", tmpdir, GetLastError());

    GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, tmpdir);
    lstrcatA(tmpdir, "Please Remove Me");
    ret = RemoveDirectoryA(tmpdir);
    ok(ret == TRUE,
       "RemoveDirectoryA(%s) failed err=%d\n", tmpdir, GetLastError());

    /* Test behavior with two trailing dots.
     * The directory should be created without the trailing dots.
    GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, tmpdir);
    lstrcatA(tmpdir, "Please Remove Me..");
    ret = CreateDirectoryA(tmpdir, NULL);
    ok(ret == TRUE,
       "CreateDirectoryA(%s) failed err=%d\n", tmpdir, GetLastError());

    lstrcatA(tmpdir, "/Please Remove Me");
    ret = CreateDirectoryA(tmpdir, NULL);
    ok(ret == TRUE || /* On Win98 */
       (ret == FALSE && GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND), /* On NT! */
       "CreateDirectoryA(%s): ret=%d err=%d\n", tmpdir, ret, GetLastError());
    if (ret == TRUE)
        ret = RemoveDirectoryA(tmpdir);
        ok(ret == TRUE,
           "RemoveDirectoryA(%s) failed err=%d\n", tmpdir, GetLastError());

    GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, tmpdir);
    lstrcatA(tmpdir, "Please Remove Me");
    ret = RemoveDirectoryA(tmpdir);
    ok(ret == TRUE,
       "RemoveDirectoryA(%s) failed err=%d\n", tmpdir, GetLastError());

    /* Test behavior with a trailing space.
     * The directory should be created without the trailing space.
    GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, tmpdir);
    lstrcatA(tmpdir, "Please Remove Me ");
    ret = CreateDirectoryA(tmpdir, NULL);
    ok(ret == TRUE,
       "CreateDirectoryA(%s) failed err=%d\n", tmpdir, GetLastError());

    lstrcatA(tmpdir, "/Please Remove Me");
    ret = CreateDirectoryA(tmpdir, NULL);
    ok(ret == TRUE || /* On Win98 */
       (ret == FALSE && GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND), /* On NT! */
       "CreateDirectoryA(%s): ret=%d err=%d\n", tmpdir, ret, GetLastError());
    if (ret == TRUE)
        ret = RemoveDirectoryA(tmpdir);
        ok(ret == TRUE,
           "RemoveDirectoryA(%s) failed err=%d\n", tmpdir, GetLastError());

    GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, tmpdir);
    lstrcatA(tmpdir, "Please Remove Me");
    ret = RemoveDirectoryA(tmpdir);
    ok(ret == TRUE,
       "RemoveDirectoryA(%s) failed err=%d\n", tmpdir, GetLastError());

    /* Test behavior with a trailing space.
     * The directory should be created without the trailing spaces.
    GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, tmpdir);
    lstrcatA(tmpdir, "Please Remove Me  ");
    ret = CreateDirectoryA(tmpdir, NULL);
    ok(ret == TRUE,
       "CreateDirectoryA(%s) failed err=%d\n", tmpdir, GetLastError());

    lstrcatA(tmpdir, "/Please Remove Me");
    ret = CreateDirectoryA(tmpdir, NULL);
    ok(ret == TRUE || /* On Win98 */
       (ret == FALSE && GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND), /* On NT! */
       "CreateDirectoryA(%s): ret=%d err=%d\n", tmpdir, ret, GetLastError());
    if (ret == TRUE)
        ret = RemoveDirectoryA(tmpdir);
        ok(ret == TRUE,
           "RemoveDirectoryA(%s) failed err=%d\n", tmpdir, GetLastError());

    GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, tmpdir);
    lstrcatA(tmpdir, "Please Remove Me");
    ret = RemoveDirectoryA(tmpdir);
    ok(ret == TRUE,
       "RemoveDirectoryA(%s) failed err=%d\n", tmpdir, GetLastError());
Example #28
TZF_Timestamp (wchar_t* const out)

#if 0
  // Check for Windows 8 / Server 2012
  static bool __hasSystemTimePrecise =
    (LOBYTE (LOWORD (GetVersion ())) == 6  &&
     HIBYTE (LOWORD (GetVersion ())) >= 2) ||
     LOBYTE (LOWORD (GetVersion () > 6));

  // More accurate timestamp is available on Windows 6.2+
  if (__hasSystemTimePrecise) {
    FILETIME   ftLogTime;
    GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime (&ftLogTime);
    FileTimeToSystemTime           (&ftLogTime, &stLogTime);
  } else {
    GetLocalTime (&stLogTime);

  wchar_t date [64] = { L'\0' };
  wchar_t time [64] = { L'\0' };

  GetDateFormat (LOCALE_INVARIANT,DATE_SHORTDATE,   &stLogTime,NULL,date,64);

  out [0] = L'\0';

  lstrcatW (out, date);
  lstrcatW (out, L" ");
  lstrcatW (out, time);
  lstrcatW (out, L".");

  return stLogTime.wMilliseconds;

tzf_logger_t dll_log;

tzf_logger_t::close (void)
  if (fLog != NULL) {
    fflush (fLog);
    fclose (fLog);

  initialized = false;
  silent      = true;

  DeleteCriticalSection (&log_mutex);

tzf_logger_t::init (const char* const szFileName,
                    const char* const szMode)
  if (initialized)
    return true;

  // Split the path, so we can create the log directory if necessary
  if (strstr (szFileName, "\\")) {
    char* szSplitPath = strdup (szFileName);

    // Replace all instances of '/' with '\'
    size_t len = strlen (szSplitPath);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      if (szSplitPath [i] == '/')
        szSplitPath [i] = '\\';

    char* szSplitter  = strrchr (szSplitPath, '\\');
         *szSplitter  = '\0';

    char path [MAX_PATH] = { '\0' };

    char* subpath = strtok (szSplitPath, "\\");

    // For each subdirectory, create it...
    while (subpath != nullptr) {
      strcat           (path, subpath);
      CreateDirectoryA (path, NULL);
      strcat           (path, "\\");

      subpath = strtok (NULL, "\\");

    free (szSplitPath);

  fLog = fopen (szFileName, szMode);

  BOOL bRet = InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount (&log_mutex, 2500);

  if ((! bRet) || (fLog == NULL)) {
    silent = true;
    return false;

  initialized = true;
  return initialized;

tzf_logger_t::LogEx (bool                 _Timestamp,
  _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_
                     wchar_t const* const _Format, ...)
  va_list _ArgList;

  if (! initialized)

  EnterCriticalSection (&log_mutex);

  if ((! fLog) || silent) {
    LeaveCriticalSection (&log_mutex);

  if (_Timestamp) {
    wchar_t wszLogTime [128];

    WORD ms = TZF_Timestamp (wszLogTime);

    fwprintf (fLog, L"%s%03u: ", wszLogTime, ms);

  va_start (_ArgList, _Format);
    vfwprintf (fLog, _Format, _ArgList);
  va_end   (_ArgList);

  fflush (fLog);

  LeaveCriticalSection (&log_mutex);
Example #29
	CreateDirectoryA(charenc("csgo//"), 0);
	CreateDirectoryA(charenc("csgo//cfg//"), 0);
	CreateDirectoryA(charenc("csgo//cfg//cheetos//"), 0);
Example #30
static char *
run_tests (char *logname)
    int nr_of_files = 0, nr_of_tests = 0, i;
    char *tempdir, *shorttempdir;
    int logfile;
    char *strres, *eol, *nextline;
    DWORD strsize;


    if (!logname) {
        logname = tempnam (0, "res");
        if (!logname) report (R_FATAL, "Can't name logfile.");
    report (R_OUT, logname);

    logfile = open (logname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_APPEND,
    if (-1 == logfile) {
        if (EEXIST == errno)
            report (R_FATAL, "File %s already exists.", logname);
        else report (R_FATAL, "Could not open logfile: %d", errno);
    if (-1 == dup2 (logfile, 1))
        report (R_FATAL, "Can't redirect stdout: %d", errno);
    close (logfile);

    tempdir = tempnam (0, "wct");
    if (!tempdir)
        report (R_FATAL, "Can't name temporary dir (check %%TEMP%%).");
    shorttempdir = strdup (tempdir);
    if (shorttempdir) {         /* try stable path for ZoneAlarm */
        strstr (shorttempdir, "wct")[3] = 0;
        if (CreateDirectoryA (shorttempdir, NULL)) {
            free (tempdir);
            tempdir = shorttempdir;
        } else free (shorttempdir);
    if (tempdir != shorttempdir && !CreateDirectoryA (tempdir, NULL))
        report (R_FATAL, "Could not create directory: %s", tempdir);
    report (R_DIR, tempdir);

    xprintf ("Version 3\n");
    strres = extract_rcdata (WINE_BUILD, STRINGRES, &strsize);
    xprintf ("Tests from build ");
    if (strres) xprintf ("%.*s", strsize, strres);
    else xprintf ("-\n");
    strres = extract_rcdata (TESTS_URL, STRINGRES, &strsize);
    xprintf ("Archive: ");
    if (strres) xprintf ("%.*s", strsize, strres);
    else xprintf ("-\n");
    xprintf ("Tag: %s\n", tag);
    xprintf ("Build info:\n");
    strres = extract_rcdata (BUILD_INFO, STRINGRES, &strsize);
    while (strres) {
        eol = memchr (strres, '\n', strsize);
        if (!eol) {
            nextline = NULL;
            eol = strres + strsize;
        } else {
            strsize -= eol - strres + 1;
            nextline = strsize?eol+1:NULL;
            if (eol > strres && *(eol-1) == '\r') eol--;
        xprintf ("    %.*s\n", eol-strres, strres);
        strres = nextline;
    xprintf ("Operating system version:\n");
    print_version ();
    xprintf ("Test output:\n" );

    report (R_STATUS, "Counting tests");
    if (!EnumResourceNames (NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(TESTRES),
                            EnumTestFileProc, (LPARAM)&nr_of_files))
        report (R_FATAL, "Can't enumerate test files: %d",
                GetLastError ());
    wine_tests = xmalloc (nr_of_files * sizeof wine_tests[0]);

    report (R_STATUS, "Extracting tests");
    report (R_PROGRESS, 0, nr_of_files);
    for (i = 0; i < nr_of_files; i++) {
        get_subtests (tempdir, wine_tests+i, i);
        nr_of_tests += wine_tests[i].subtest_count;
    report (R_DELTA, 0, "Extracting: Done");

    report (R_STATUS, "Running tests");
    report (R_PROGRESS, 1, nr_of_tests);
    for (i = 0; i < nr_of_files; i++) {
        struct wine_test *test = wine_tests + i;
        int j;

	for (j = 0; j < test->subtest_count; j++) {
            report (R_STEP, "Running: %s:%s", test->name,
	    run_test (test, test->subtests[j]);
    report (R_DELTA, 0, "Running: Done");

    report (R_STATUS, "Cleaning up");
    close (1);
    remove_dir (tempdir);
    free (tempdir);
    free (wine_tests);

    return logname;