void PxIntroSceneRenderer::Enter()
	glClearColor(0.0f ,0.0f ,0.0f ,0.0f);

	screenWidth = float(PxWindow::Window()->ScreenWidth);
	screenHeight = float(PxWindow::Window()->ScreenHeight);

	glViewport(0, 0, PxWindow::Window()->ScreenWidth, PxWindow::Window()->ScreenHeight);
	gluPerspective(45.0, screenWidth / screenHeight, 1.0, 100.0);
	PxAudioManager::Loop( "INTRO" );
void COctree::CreateDisplayList(COctree *pNode, t3DModel *pRootWorld, int displayListOffset)
	// This function handles our rendering code in the beginning and assigns it all
	// to a display list.  This increases our rendering speed, as long as we don't flood
	// the pipeline with a TON of data.  Display lists can actually be to bloated or too small.
	// Like our DrawOctree() function, we need to find the end nodes by recursing down to them.
	// We only create a display list for the end nodes and ignore the rest.  The 
	// displayListOffset is used to add to the end nodes current display list ID, in case
	// we created some display lists before creating the octree.  Usually it is just 1 otherwise.

	// Make sure a valid node was passed in, otherwise go back to the last node
	if(!pNode) return;

	// Check if this node is subdivided. If so, then we need to recurse down to it's nodes
		// Recurse down to each one of the children until we reach the end nodes
		CreateDisplayList(pNode->m_pOctreeNodes[TOP_LEFT_FRONT],	pRootWorld, displayListOffset);
		CreateDisplayList(pNode->m_pOctreeNodes[TOP_LEFT_BACK],		pRootWorld, displayListOffset);
		CreateDisplayList(pNode->m_pOctreeNodes[TOP_RIGHT_BACK],	pRootWorld, displayListOffset);
		CreateDisplayList(pNode->m_pOctreeNodes[TOP_RIGHT_FRONT],	pRootWorld, displayListOffset);
		CreateDisplayList(pNode->m_pOctreeNodes[BOTTOM_LEFT_FRONT],	pRootWorld, displayListOffset);
		CreateDisplayList(pNode->m_pOctreeNodes[BOTTOM_LEFT_BACK],	pRootWorld, displayListOffset);
		CreateDisplayList(pNode->m_pOctreeNodes[BOTTOM_RIGHT_BACK],	pRootWorld, displayListOffset);
		CreateDisplayList(pNode->m_pOctreeNodes[BOTTOM_RIGHT_FRONT],pRootWorld, displayListOffset);
		// Make sure we have valid data assigned to this node
		if(!pNode->m_pWorld) return;

		// Add our display list offset to our current display list ID
		pNode->m_DisplayListID += displayListOffset;

		// Start the display list and assign it to the end nodes ID

		// Create a temp counter for our while loop below to store the objects drawn
		int counter = 0;
		// Store the object count and material count in some local variables for optimization
		int objectCount = pNode->m_pObjectList.size();
		int materialCount = pRootWorld->pMaterials.size();

		// Go through all of the objects that are in our end node
		while(counter < objectCount)
			// Get the first object index into our root world
			int i = pNode->m_pObjectList[counter];

			// Store pointers to the current face list and the root object 
			// that holds all the data (verts, texture coordinates, normals, etc..)
			t3DObject *pObject     = &pNode->m_pWorld->pObject[i];
			t3DObject *pRootObject = &pRootWorld->pObject[i];

			// Check to see if this object has a texture map, if so, bind the texture to it.
				// Turn on texture mapping and turn off color

				// Reset the color to normal again
				glColor3ub(255, 255, 255);

				// Bind the texture map to the object by it's materialID
				glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, g_Texture[pRootObject->materialID]);
				// Turn off texture mapping and turn on color

				// Reset the color to normal again
				glColor3ub(255, 255, 255);

			// Check to see if there is a valid material assigned to this object
			if(materialCount && pRootObject->materialID >= 0) 
				// Get and set the color that the object is, since it must not have a texture
				BYTE *pColor = pRootWorld->pMaterials[pRootObject->materialID].color;

				// Assign the current color to this model
				glColor3ub(pColor[0], pColor[1], pColor[2]);

			// Now we get to the more unknown stuff, vertex arrays.  If you haven't
			// dealt with vertex arrays yet, let me give you a brief run down on them.
			// Instead of doing loops to go through and pass in each of the vertices
			// of a model, we can just pass in the array vertices, then an array of
			// indices that MUST be an unsigned int, which gives the indices into
			// the vertex array.  That means that we can send the vertices to the video
			// card with one call to glDrawElements().  There are a bunch of other
			// functions for vertex arrays that do different things, but I am just going
			// to mention this one.  Since texture coordinates, normals and colors are also
			// associated with vertices, we are able to point OpenGL to these arrays before
			// we draw the geometry.  It uses the same indices that we pass to glDrawElements()
			// for each of these arrays.  Below, we point OpenGL to our texture coordinates,
			// vertex and normal arrays.  This is done with calls to glTexCoordPointer(), 
			// glVertexPointer() and glNormalPointer().
			// Before using any of these functions, we need to enable their states.  This is
			// done with glEnableClientState().  You just pass in the ID of the type of array 
			// you are wanting OpenGL to look for.  If you don't have data in those arrays,
			// the program will most likely crash.
			// If you don't want to use vertex arrays, you can just render the world like normal.
			// That is why I saved the pFace information, as well as the pIndices info.  This
			// way you can use what ever method you are comfortable with.  I tried both, and
			// by FAR the vertex arrays are incredibly faster.  You decide :)

			// Make sure we have texture coordinates to render
				// Turn on the texture coordinate state

				// Point OpenGL to our texture coordinate array.
				// We have them in a pair of 2, of type float and 0 bytes of stride between them.
				glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, pRootObject->pTexVerts);

			// Make sure we have vertices to render
				// Turn on the vertex array state

				// Point OpenGL to our vertex array.  We have our vertices stored in
				// 3 floats, with 0 stride between them in bytes.
				glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, pRootObject->pVerts);

			// Make sure we have normals to render
				// Turn on the normals state

				// Point OpenGL to our normals array.  We have our normals
				// stored as floats, with a stride of 0 between.
				glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, pRootObject->pNormals);

			// Here we pass in the indices that need to be rendered.  We want to
			// render them in triangles, with numOfFaces * 3 for indice count,
			// and the indices are of type UINT (important).
			glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES,    pObject->numOfFaces * 3, 
						   GL_UNSIGNED_INT, pObject->pIndices);

			// Increase the current object count rendered

		// End the display list for this ID
Example #3
	m_ToolBox = EngineGetToolBox();