Example #1
void TerrainRenderablePlane::MakeIndexBuffer()
	auto device = Globals::GetDevice()->GetDeviceD3D9();

	HRESULT res = device->CreateIndexBuffer(GetIndexNum() * sizeof(WORD), D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY, D3DFMT_INDEX16, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &m_pIB, 0);
	if (res != S_OK)
		ReportErr("Terrain CreateIB Failed");

	WORD* g_Indices = 0;
	res = m_pIB->Lock(0, 0, (void**)&g_Indices, 0);



	WORD* first = &(m_IndexData[0]);
	memcpy_s(g_Indices, GetIndexNum() * sizeof(WORD), first, GetIndexNum() * sizeof(WORD));
	res = m_pIB->Unlock();
bool Tutorial18::Init(char* pVSFileName, char* pFSFileName)
  Vector3f Pos(0.0f, 0.0f, -3.0f);
  Vector3f Target(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
  Vector3f Up(0.0, 1.0f, 0.0f);

  m_pGameCamera = new Camera(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, Pos, Target, Up);

  unsigned int Indices[] = { 0, 3, 1,
                             1, 3, 2,
                             2, 3, 0,
                             1, 2, 0

  CreateIndexBuffer(Indices, sizeof(Indices));
  CreateVertexBuffer(Indices, ARRAY_SIZE_IN_ELEMENTS(Indices));

  m_pEffect = new LightingTechnique();

  if (!m_pEffect->Init(pVSFileName, pFSFileName)) {
    printf("Error initializing the lighting technique\n");
    return false;



  m_pTexture = new Texture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, "/home/lparkin/Projects/S3/OpenGlDirsProject/LearnOpenGL-nonQt/Project/Content/test.png");

  if (!m_pTexture->Load()) {
    return false;

  return true;
Example #3
    bool Init()
        Vector3f Pos(0.0f, 0.0f, -3.0f);
        Vector3f Target(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        Vector3f Up(0.0, 1.0f, 0.0f);
        m_pGameCamera = new Camera(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, Pos, Target, Up);

        unsigned int Indices[] = { 0, 3, 1,
                                   1, 3, 2,
                                   2, 3, 0,
                                   1, 2, 0 };

        CreateIndexBuffer(Indices, sizeof(Indices));

        CreateVertexBuffer(Indices, ARRAY_SIZE_IN_ELEMENTS(Indices));

        m_pEffect = new LightingTechnique();

        if (!m_pEffect->Init())
            printf("Error initializing the lighting technique\n");
            return false;



        m_pTexture = new Texture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, "test.png");

        if (!m_pTexture->Load()) {
            return false;

        return true;
Example #4
	void DrawOutdent(const float size[2], Graphics::RenderState *state)

		// locals
		RefCountedPtr<Graphics::VertexBuffer> vb;
		RefCountedPtr<Graphics::IndexBuffer> ib[3];

		// see if we have this size of indent in the cache already
		const vector2f vsize(size[0], size[1]);
		MapOutdentBuffers::iterator bufIt = s_outdentBuffers.find(vsize);
		if (bufIt != s_outdentBuffers.end())
			// found it
			vb = bufIt->second.vb;
			ib[0] = bufIt->second.ib[0];
			ib[1] = bufIt->second.ib[1];
			ib[2] = bufIt->second.ib[2];
			// generate it
			const vector3f vertices[] = {
				/* 0 */	vector3f(0, 0, 0),
				/* 1 */	vector3f(0, size[1], 0),
				/* 2 */	vector3f(size[0], size[1], 0),
				/* 3 */	vector3f(size[0], 0, 0),
				/* 4 */	vector3f(BORDER_WIDTH, BORDER_WIDTH, 0),
				/* 5 */	vector3f(BORDER_WIDTH, size[1] - BORDER_WIDTH, 0),
				/* 6 */	vector3f(size[0] - BORDER_WIDTH, size[1] - BORDER_WIDTH, 0),
				/* 7 */	vector3f(size[0] - BORDER_WIDTH, BORDER_WIDTH, 0)
			const Uint32 indices[] = {
				0, 1, 5, 0, 5, 4, 0, 4, 7, 0, 7, 3,
				3, 7, 6, 3, 6, 2, 1, 2, 6, 1, 6, 5,
				4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7 };

			// create buffer
			Graphics::VertexBufferDesc vbd;
			vbd.attrib[0].semantic = Graphics::ATTRIB_POSITION;
			vbd.attrib[0].format = Graphics::ATTRIB_FORMAT_FLOAT3;
			vbd.numVertices = 8;
			vbd.usage = Graphics::BUFFER_USAGE_STATIC;

			// Upload data
			TPos* vtxPtr = vb->Map<TPos>(Graphics::BUFFER_MAP_WRITE);
			assert(vb->GetDesc().stride == sizeof(TPos));
			for (Uint32 i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
				vtxPtr[i].pos = vertices[i];

			// indices
			Uint32 IndexStart = 0;
			Uint32 IndexEnd = 12;
			Uint32 NumIndices = 12;

			ib[0].Reset(CreateIndexBuffer(indices, IndexStart, IndexEnd, NumIndices));

			IndexStart += NumIndices;
			NumIndices = 12;
			IndexEnd += NumIndices;

			ib[1].Reset(CreateIndexBuffer(indices, IndexStart, IndexEnd, NumIndices));

			IndexStart += NumIndices;
			NumIndices = 6;
			IndexEnd += NumIndices;

			ib[2].Reset(CreateIndexBuffer(indices, IndexStart, IndexEnd, NumIndices));

			TOutdentBuffers tib;
			tib.vb = vb;
			tib.ib[0] = ib[0];
			tib.ib[1] = ib[1];
			tib.ib[2] = ib[2];
			s_outdentBuffers[vsize] = tib;

		// Draw it!
		Screen::flatColorMaterial->diffuse = Color(153,153,153,255);
		Screen::GetRenderer()->DrawBufferIndexed(vb.Get(), ib[0].Get(), state, Screen::flatColorMaterial);
		Screen::flatColorMaterial->diffuse = Colors::bgShadow;
		Screen::GetRenderer()->DrawBufferIndexed(vb.Get(), ib[1].Get(), state, Screen::flatColorMaterial);
		Screen::flatColorMaterial->diffuse = Colors::bg;
		Screen::GetRenderer()->DrawBufferIndexed(vb.Get(), ib[2].Get(), state, Screen::flatColorMaterial);
Example #5
void BasicShapes::CreateTangentSphere(
    _Out_ ID3D11Buffer **vertexBuffer,
    _Out_ ID3D11Buffer **indexBuffer,
    _Out_opt_ unsigned int *vertexCount,
    _Out_opt_ unsigned int *indexCount
    const int numSegments = 64;
    const int numSlices = numSegments / 2;

    const int numVertices = (numSlices + 1) * (numSegments + 1);
    std::unique_ptr<TangentVertex[]> sphereVertices(new TangentVertex[numVertices]);

    for (int slice = 0; slice <= numSlices; slice++)
        float v = (float)slice/(float)numSlices;
        float inclination = v * PI_F;
        float y = cos(inclination);
        float r = sin(inclination);
        for (int segment = 0; segment <= numSegments; segment++)
            float u = (float)segment/(float)numSegments;
            float azimuth = u * PI_F * 2.0f;
            int index = slice * (numSegments+1) + segment;
            sphereVertices[index].pos = float3(r*sin(azimuth), y, r*cos(azimuth));
            sphereVertices[index].tex = float2(u, v);
            sphereVertices[index].uTan = float3(cos(azimuth), 0, -sin(azimuth));
            sphereVertices[index].vTan = float3(cos(inclination)*sin(azimuth), -sin(inclination), cos(inclination)*cos(azimuth));


    const int numIndices = numSlices * (numSegments-2) * 6;
    std::unique_ptr<unsigned short[]> sphereIndices(new unsigned short[numIndices]);

    unsigned int index = 0;
    for (int slice = 0; slice < numSlices; slice++)
        unsigned short sliceBase0 = (unsigned short)((slice)*(numSegments+1));
        unsigned short sliceBase1 = (unsigned short)((slice+1)*(numSegments+1));
        for (int segment = 0; segment < numSegments; segment++)
            if (slice > 0)
                sphereIndices[index++] = sliceBase0 + segment;
                sphereIndices[index++] = sliceBase0 + segment + 1;
                sphereIndices[index++] = sliceBase1 + segment + 1;
            if (slice < numSlices-1)
                sphereIndices[index++] = sliceBase0 + segment;
                sphereIndices[index++] = sliceBase1 + segment + 1;
                sphereIndices[index++] = sliceBase1 + segment;

    if (vertexCount != nullptr)
        *vertexCount = numVertices;

    if (indexCount != nullptr)
        *indexCount = numIndices;
Example #6
	void DrawOutdent(const float size[2], Graphics::RenderState *state)
		const vector3f vertices[] = { 
	/* 0 */	vector3f(0,0,0),
	/* 1 */	vector3f(0,size[1],0),
	/* 2 */	vector3f(size[0],size[1],0),
	/* 3 */	vector3f(size[0],0,0),
	/* 4 */	vector3f(BORDER_WIDTH,BORDER_WIDTH,0),
	/* 5 */	vector3f(BORDER_WIDTH,size[1]-BORDER_WIDTH,0),
	/* 6 */	vector3f(size[0]-BORDER_WIDTH,size[1]-BORDER_WIDTH,0),
	/* 7 */	vector3f(size[0]-BORDER_WIDTH,BORDER_WIDTH, 0)
		const GLushort indices[] = {
			0,1,5, 0,5,4, 0,4,7, 0,7,3,
			3,7,6, 3,6,2, 1,2,6, 1,6,5,
			4,5,6, 4,6,7 };

		// create buffer
		Graphics::VertexBufferDesc vbd;
		vbd.attrib[0].semantic = Graphics::ATTRIB_POSITION;
		vbd.attrib[0].format   = Graphics::ATTRIB_FORMAT_FLOAT3;
		vbd.numVertices = 8;
		vbd.usage = Graphics::BUFFER_USAGE_STATIC;

		// Upload data
		std::unique_ptr<Graphics::VertexBuffer> vb;
		vb.reset( Screen::GetRenderer()->CreateVertexBuffer(vbd) );
		TPos* vtxPtr = vb->Map<TPos>(Graphics::BUFFER_MAP_WRITE);
		assert(vb->GetDesc().stride == sizeof(TPos));
		for(Uint32 i=0 ; i<8 ; i++) {
			vtxPtr[i].pos	= vertices[i];

		// indices
		Uint32 IndexStart = 0;
		Uint32 IndexEnd = 12;
		Uint32 NumIndices = 12;

		std::unique_ptr<Graphics::IndexBuffer> ib[3];
		ib[0].reset(CreateIndexBuffer(indices, IndexStart, IndexEnd, NumIndices));

		IndexStart += NumIndices;
		NumIndices = 12;
		IndexEnd += NumIndices;

		ib[1].reset(CreateIndexBuffer(indices, IndexStart, IndexEnd, NumIndices));

		IndexStart += NumIndices;
		NumIndices = 6;
		IndexEnd += NumIndices;

		ib[2].reset(CreateIndexBuffer(indices, IndexStart, IndexEnd, NumIndices));

		// Draw it!
		Screen::flatColorMaterial->diffuse = Color(153,153,153,255);
		Screen::GetRenderer()->DrawBufferIndexed(vb.get(), ib[0].get(), state, Screen::flatColorMaterial);
		Screen::flatColorMaterial->diffuse = Colors::bgShadow;
		Screen::GetRenderer()->DrawBufferIndexed(vb.get(), ib[1].get(), state, Screen::flatColorMaterial);
		Screen::flatColorMaterial->diffuse = Colors::bg;
		Screen::GetRenderer()->DrawBufferIndexed(vb.get(), ib[2].get(), state, Screen::flatColorMaterial);
BOOL CMeshConverter::ConvertMesh(void)
	int								i;
	int								iVertexBufferIndex;
	void*							pvFirstNewVert;
	int								iStartVertex;
	CMeshVertexArray*				pcMeshVertexBuffer;
	CArrayVertexBufferArrayFormat	cArray;
	CVertexBufferArrayFormat*		pcVertexBufferFormatArray;
	int								j;
	CVertexArray*					pcVertexArray;
	int								iMaterial;
	int								iStartIndex;
	int								iNumFaces;
	int								iNumIndices;
	CVertexBufferExtended*			pcVertexBuffer;
	int								iFormat;

	if (!CreateIndexBuffer())
		return FALSE;



	iStartIndex = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < cArray.NumElements(); i++)
		pcVertexBufferFormatArray = cArray.Get(i);

		iFormat = pcVertexBufferFormatArray->mpsVertexType->iD3DVertexFormat;
		pcVertexBuffer = mpcGraphicsObject->AddVertexBuffer(iFormat, pcVertexBufferFormatArray->miNumVerticies, TRUE, &iVertexBufferIndex);
		if (pcVertexBuffer == NULL)
			return FALSE;

		pvFirstNewVert = pcVertexBuffer->pvLockedBuffer;
		if (!pvFirstNewVert)
			return FALSE;

		iStartVertex = 0;
		for (j = 0; j < pcVertexBufferFormatArray->macMeshVertexArrays.NumElements(); j++)
			pcMeshVertexBuffer = pcVertexBufferFormatArray->macMeshVertexArrays.Get(j);
			pcVertexArray = pcMeshVertexBuffer->GetVertexArray();
			PopulatePositions(pcVertexBufferFormatArray->mpsVertexType, pvFirstNewVert, pcVertexArray);
			PopulateNormals(pcVertexBufferFormatArray->mpsVertexType, pvFirstNewVert, pcVertexArray);
			PopulateColours(pcVertexBufferFormatArray->mpsVertexType, pvFirstNewVert, pcVertexArray);
			PopulateUVs(pcVertexBufferFormatArray->mpsVertexType, pvFirstNewVert, pcVertexArray);
			PopulateVertexWeights(pcVertexBufferFormatArray->mpsVertexType, pvFirstNewVert, pcVertexArray);

			iMaterial = pcMeshVertexBuffer->GetFaceType()->GetMaterial();
			iNumFaces = pcMeshVertexBuffer->GetFaceIndicies()->NumElements();
			iNumIndices = pcMeshVertexBuffer->GetFaceIndicies()->NumElements() * 3;
			if (!SetGraphicsPrimitive(i, iMaterial, iNumFaces, iNumIndices, iStartIndex, iStartVertex, iVertexBufferIndex))
				return FALSE;

			iStartIndex += iNumIndices;
			iStartVertex += pcMeshVertexBuffer->GetVertexArray()->GetSize();

	return TRUE;
Example #8
void Mesh::LoadMesh(CTSTR lpName/*, BOOL bMeshList*/)

    DWORD i;

    isStatic = 1;

        MeshList << this;*/

    String strFilePath;
    if(!Engine::ConvertResourceName(lpName, TEXT("models"), strFilePath))


    XFileInputSerializer modelData;

        AppWarning(TEXT("Could not open model file \"%s\""), (TSTR)strFilePath);

    DWORD ver;
    modelData << ver;

    if(ver != MODELFILE_VER && ver != 0x100)
        AppWarning(TEXT("'%s': Bad model file version"), strFilePath);

    strName = lpName;


    VBData *vbData = new VBData;


    List<UVCoord> LMCoords;
    TVertList tv;

    Vect::SerializeList(modelData, vbData->VertList);//modelData << vbData->VertList;
    Vect::SerializeList(modelData, vbData->NormalList);//modelData << vbData->NormalList;
    modelData << *vbData->TVList[0].GetV2();

    if(ver == 0x100) //remove
        modelData << LMCoords;
        modelData << tv;

    Vect::SerializeList(modelData, vbData->TangentList);//modelData << vbData->TangentList;

    nVerts = vbData->VertList.Num();

    VertBuffer = CreateVertexBuffer(vbData, FALSE);


    modelData << nFaces;
    FaceList = (Face*)Allocate(nFaces*sizeof(Face));
    modelData.Serialize(FaceList, nFaces*sizeof(Face));

    IdxBuffer = CreateIndexBuffer(GS_UNSIGNED_LONG, FaceList, nFaces*3);


    modelData << nEdges;
    EdgeList = (Edge*)Allocate(nEdges*sizeof(Edge));
    modelData.Serialize(EdgeList, nEdges*sizeof(Edge));


    modelData << DefaultMaterialList;

    modelData << nSections;
    SectionList = (DrawSection*)Allocate(nSections*sizeof(DrawSection));
    modelData.Serialize(SectionList, nSections*sizeof(DrawSection));


    modelData << bounds;



        DWORD *wireframeIndices = (DWORD*)Allocate(nEdges*2*sizeof(DWORD));

        for(i=0; i<nEdges; i++)
            DWORD curPos = i*2;
            wireframeIndices[curPos]   = EdgeList[i].v1;
            wireframeIndices[curPos+1] = EdgeList[i].v2;

        WireframeBuffer = CreateIndexBuffer(GS_UNSIGNED_LONG, wireframeIndices, nEdges*2);

Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="VertexBuffer"/> filled with <see cref="VertexPositionNormal"/> vertices forming a cylinder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Draw with an INDEXED TriangleList.  The values to use are as follows:
        /// Vertex Count    = slices * (stacks + 1) + 2
        /// Primitive Count = slices * (stacks + 1) * 2
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="device">The <see cref="GraphicsDevice"/> that is associated with the created cylinder.</param>
        /// <param name="bottomRadius">Radius at the negative Y end. Value should be greater than or equal to 0.0f.</param>
        /// <param name="topRadius">Radius at the positive Y end. Value should be greater than or equal to 0.0f.</param>
        /// <param name="length">Length of the cylinder along the Y-axis.</param>
        /// <param name="slices">Number of slices about the Y axis.</param>
        /// <param name="stacks">Number of stacks along the Y axis.</param>
        void Shape3D::CreateCylinder(float bottomRadius, float topRadius, float length, unsigned int slices, unsigned int stacks, const char* aShaderName)
            // if both the top and bottom have a radius of zero, just return 0, because invalid
            if (bottomRadius <= 0 && topRadius <= 0)
            float sliceStep = 2.0f*D3DXFROMWINE_PI / slices;
            float heightStep = length / stacks;
            float radiusStep = (topRadius - bottomRadius) / stacks;
            float currentHeight = -length / 2;
            unsigned int vertexCount = (stacks + 1) * slices + 2;   //cone = stacks * slices + 1
            unsigned int triangleCount = (stacks + 1) * slices * 2; //cone = stacks * slices * 2 + slices
            unsigned int indexCount = triangleCount * 3;
            float currentRadius = bottomRadius;

            VertexPositionNormal* vertices=new VertexPositionNormal[vertexCount];

            // Start at the bottom of the cylinder
            unsigned int currentVertex = 0;
            vertices[currentVertex++] = VertexPositionNormal(D3DXFROMWINEVECTOR3(0, currentHeight, 0), D3DXFROMWINEVECTOR3(0, -1, 0));
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= stacks; i++)
                float sliceAngle = 0;
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < slices; j++)
                    float x = currentRadius * (float)cosf(sliceAngle);
                    float y = currentHeight;
                    float z = currentRadius * (float)sinf(sliceAngle);

                    D3DXFROMWINEVECTOR3 position = D3DXFROMWINEVECTOR3(x, y, z);

			D3DXFROMWINEVec3Normalize(&normal, &normal);

                    vertices[currentVertex++] = VertexPositionNormal(position, normal);

                    sliceAngle += sliceStep;
                currentHeight += heightStep;
                currentRadius += radiusStep;
            vertices[currentVertex++] = VertexPositionNormal(D3DXFROMWINEVECTOR3(0, length / 2, 0), D3DXFROMWINEVECTOR3(0, 1, 0));

            // Create the actual vertex buffer object
            VertexBuffer=IRenderer::GetRendererInstance()->addVertexBuffer(VertexPositionNormal::VertexSizeInBytes * vertexCount, STATIC, vertices);
		delete[] vertices;

            IndexBuffer = CreateIndexBuffer(vertexCount, indexCount, slices);

            VertexCount = vertexCount;
            TriangleCount = triangleCount;

	Shader = FW3ShadersFactory::GetShader(aShaderName, "main", "main");
	VertexDeclaration = FW3ShadersFactory::GetVertexFormat(eCylinder, Shader);

            VertexSizeInBytes = VertexPositionNormal::VertexSizeInBytes;

void ComponentShape::CreateBuffer()
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="VertexBuffer"/> filled with <see cref="VertexPositionNormal"/> vertices forming a sphere.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Draw with an INDEXED TriangleList.  The values to use are as follows:
        /// Vertex Count    = slices * (stacks - 1) + 2
        /// Primitive Count = slices * (stacks - 1) * 2
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="device">The <see cref="GraphicsDevice"/> that is associated with the created sphere.</param>
        /// <param name="radius">Radius of the sphere. This value should be greater than or equal to 0.0f.</param>
        /// <param name="slices">Number of slices about the Y axis.</param>
        /// <param name="stacks">Number of stacks along the Y axis. Should be 2 or greater. (stack of 1 is just a cylinder)</param>
        void Shape3D::CreateSphere(float radius, unsigned int slices, unsigned int stacks, const char* aShaderName)
            float sliceStep = 2.0f*D3DXFROMWINE_PI / slices;
            float stackStep = D3DXFROMWINE_PI / stacks;
            unsigned int vertexCount = slices * (stacks - 1) + 2;
            unsigned int triangleCount = slices * (stacks - 1) * 2;
            unsigned int indexCount = triangleCount * 3;

            VertexPositionNormal* sphereVertices=new VertexPositionNormal[vertexCount];

            unsigned int currentVertex = 0;
            sphereVertices[currentVertex++] = VertexPositionNormal(D3DXFROMWINEVECTOR3(0, -radius, 0), D3DXFROMWINEVECTOR3(0, -1, 0));
            float stackAngle = D3DXFROMWINE_PI - stackStep;
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < stacks - 1; i++)
                float sliceAngle = 0;
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < slices; j++)
                    //NOTE: y and z were switched from normal spherical coordinates because the sphere is "oriented" along the Y axis as opposed to the Z axis
                    float x = (float)(radius * sinf(stackAngle) * cosf(sliceAngle));
                    float y = (float)(radius * cosf(stackAngle));
                    float z = (float)(radius * sinf(stackAngle) * sinf(sliceAngle));

                    D3DXFROMWINEVECTOR3 position = D3DXFROMWINEVECTOR3(x, y, z);


			D3DXFROMWINEVec3Normalize(&normal, &normal);

                   sphereVertices[currentVertex++] = VertexPositionNormal(position, normal);

                    sphereVertices[currentVertex++] = VertexPositionNormal(position, normal);

                    sliceAngle += sliceStep;
                stackAngle -= stackStep;
            sphereVertices[currentVertex++] = VertexPositionNormal(D3DXFROMWINEVECTOR3(0, radius, 0), D3DXFROMWINEVECTOR3(0, 1, 0));

            // Create the actual vertex buffer
		LOG_PRINT("VertexSize=%x\n", VertexPositionNormal::VertexSizeInBytes);
		LOG_PRINT("vertexCount=%x\n", vertexCount);
		LOG_PRINT("sphereVertices=%x\n", sphereVertices);
	    VertexBuffer=IRenderer::GetRendererInstance()->addVertexBuffer(VertexPositionNormal::VertexSizeInBytes * vertexCount, STATIC, sphereVertices);
		delete[] sphereVertices;

            IndexBuffer = CreateIndexBuffer(vertexCount, indexCount, slices);

            VertexCount = vertexCount;
            TriangleCount = triangleCount;

	Shader = FW3ShadersFactory::GetShader(aShaderName, "main", "main");
	VertexDeclaration = FW3ShadersFactory::GetVertexFormat(eSphere, Shader);

            VertexSizeInBytes = VertexPositionNormal::VertexSizeInBytes;

HRESULT CDXUTSDKMesh::CreateFromMemory(ID3D11Device* pDev11,
    BYTE* pData,
    UINT /*DataBytes*/,
    bool /*bCreateAdjacencyIndices*/,
    bool bCopyStatic)
    HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;

    m_pDev11 = pDev11;
    m_bCopyStatic = bCopyStatic;

    // Set outstanding resources to zero
    m_NumOutstandingResources = 0;

    if (bCopyStatic)
        SDKMESH_HEADER* pHeader = (SDKMESH_HEADER*)pData;

        SIZE_T StaticSize = (SIZE_T)(pHeader->HeaderSize + pHeader->NonBufferDataSize);
        m_pHeapData = new BYTE[StaticSize];
        if (!m_pHeapData)
            return hr;

        m_pStaticMeshData = m_pHeapData;

        CopyMemory(m_pStaticMeshData, pData, StaticSize);
        m_pHeapData = pData;
        m_pStaticMeshData = pData;

    // Pointer fixup
    m_pMeshHeader = (SDKMESH_HEADER*)m_pStaticMeshData;

#ifdef _XBOX

    m_pVertexBufferArray = (SDKMESH_VERTEX_BUFFER_HEADER*)(m_pStaticMeshData + m_pMeshHeader->VertexStreamHeadersOffset);

#ifdef _XBOX
    SwapVertexBufferHeaderArray(m_pVertexBufferArray, m_pMeshHeader->NumVertexBuffers);

    m_pIndexBufferArray = (SDKMESH_INDEX_BUFFER_HEADER*)(m_pStaticMeshData + m_pMeshHeader->IndexStreamHeadersOffset);

#ifdef _XBOX
    SwapIndexBufferHeaderArray(m_pIndexBufferArray, m_pMeshHeader->NumIndexBuffers);

    m_pMeshArray = (SDKMESH_MESH*)(m_pStaticMeshData + m_pMeshHeader->MeshDataOffset);

#ifdef _XBOX
    SwapMeshArray(m_pMeshArray, m_pMeshHeader->NumMeshes);

    m_pSubsetArray = (SDKMESH_SUBSET*)(m_pStaticMeshData + m_pMeshHeader->SubsetDataOffset);

#ifdef _XBOX
    SwapSubsetArray(m_pSubsetArray, m_pMeshHeader->NumTotalSubsets);

    m_pFrameArray = (SDKMESH_FRAME*)(m_pStaticMeshData + m_pMeshHeader->FrameDataOffset);

#ifdef _XBOX
    SwapFrameArray(m_pFrameArray, m_pMeshHeader->NumFrames);

    m_pMaterialArray = (SDKMESH_MATERIAL*)(m_pStaticMeshData + m_pMeshHeader->MaterialDataOffset);

#ifdef _XBOX
    SwapMaterialArray(m_pMaterialArray, m_pMeshHeader->NumMaterials);

    // Setup subsets
    for (UINT i = 0; i < m_pMeshHeader->NumMeshes; i++)
        m_pMeshArray[i].pSubsets = (UINT*)(m_pStaticMeshData + m_pMeshArray[i].SubsetOffset);
        m_pMeshArray[i].pFrameInfluences = (UINT*)(m_pStaticMeshData + m_pMeshArray[i].FrameInfluenceOffset);

    // error condition
    if (m_pMeshHeader->Version != SDKMESH_FILE_VERSION)
        hr = E_NOINTERFACE;
        goto Error;

    // Setup buffer data pointer
    BYTE* pBufferData = pData + m_pMeshHeader->HeaderSize + m_pMeshHeader->NonBufferDataSize;

    // Get the start of the buffer data
    UINT64 BufferDataStart = m_pMeshHeader->HeaderSize + m_pMeshHeader->NonBufferDataSize;

    // Create VBs
    m_ppVertices = new BYTE*[m_pMeshHeader->NumVertexBuffers];
    for (UINT i = 0; i < m_pMeshHeader->NumVertexBuffers; i++)
        BYTE* pVertices = NULL;
        pVertices = (BYTE*)(pBufferData + (m_pVertexBufferArray[i].DataOffset - BufferDataStart));

#ifdef _XBOX
        SwapBuffer((DWORD *)pVertices, m_pVertexBufferArray[i].SizeBytes);

        if (pDev11)
            CreateVertexBuffer(pDev11, &m_pVertexBufferArray[i], pVertices);

        m_ppVertices[i] = pVertices;

    // Create IBs
    m_ppIndices = new BYTE*[m_pMeshHeader->NumIndexBuffers];
    for (UINT i = 0; i < m_pMeshHeader->NumIndexBuffers; i++)
        BYTE* pIndices = NULL;
        pIndices = (BYTE*)(pBufferData + (m_pIndexBufferArray[i].DataOffset - BufferDataStart));

#ifdef _XBOX
        SwapBuffer((DWORD *)pIndices, m_pIndexBufferArray[i].SizeBytes);

        if (pDev11)
            CreateIndexBuffer(pDev11, &m_pIndexBufferArray[i], pIndices);

        m_ppIndices[i] = pIndices;

    // Create a place to store our bind pose frame matrices
    m_pBindPoseFrameMatrices = new MATRIX[m_pMeshHeader->NumFrames];
    if (!m_pBindPoseFrameMatrices)
        goto Error;

    // Create a place to store our transformed frame matrices
    m_pTransformedFrameMatrices = new MATRIX[m_pMeshHeader->NumFrames];
    if (!m_pTransformedFrameMatrices)
        goto Error;
    m_pWorldPoseFrameMatrices = new MATRIX[m_pMeshHeader->NumFrames];
    if (!m_pWorldPoseFrameMatrices)
        goto Error;

    hr = S_OK;

    return hr;
Example #13
void BasicShapes::CreateReferenceAxis(
    _Out_ ID3D11Buffer **vertexBuffer,
    _Out_ ID3D11Buffer **indexBuffer,
    _Out_opt_ unsigned int *vertexCount,
    _Out_opt_ unsigned int *indexCount
    BasicVertex axisVertices[] =
        { float3( 0.500f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.125f, 0.500f, 0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.125f, 0.000f), float3( 0.125f, 0.500f, 0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.125f), float3( 0.125f, 0.500f, 0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.500f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.125f,-0.500f, 0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.125f), float3( 0.125f,-0.500f, 0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f,-0.125f, 0.000f), float3( 0.125f,-0.500f, 0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.500f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.125f,-0.500f,-0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f,-0.125f, 0.000f), float3( 0.125f,-0.500f,-0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.125f), float3( 0.125f,-0.500f,-0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.500f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.125f, 0.500f,-0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.125f), float3( 0.125f, 0.500f,-0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.125f, 0.000f), float3( 0.125f, 0.500f,-0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.125f, 0.000f), float3(-0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float2(0.250f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.125f), float3(-0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float2(0.250f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f,-0.125f, 0.000f), float3(-0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float2(0.250f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.125f), float3(-0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float2(0.250f, 0.250f) },
        { float3(-0.500f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3(-0.125f, 0.500f, 0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.125f), float3(-0.125f, 0.500f, 0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.125f, 0.000f), float3(-0.125f, 0.500f, 0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.500f) },
        { float3(-0.500f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3(-0.125f, 0.500f,-0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.125f, 0.000f), float3(-0.125f, 0.500f,-0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.125f), float3(-0.125f, 0.500f,-0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.500f) },
        { float3(-0.500f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3(-0.125f,-0.500f,-0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.125f), float3(-0.125f,-0.500f,-0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f,-0.125f, 0.000f), float3(-0.125f,-0.500f,-0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.500f) },
        { float3(-0.500f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3(-0.125f,-0.500f, 0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f,-0.125f, 0.000f), float3(-0.125f,-0.500f, 0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.125f), float3(-0.125f,-0.500f, 0.500f), float2(0.250f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.125f), float3( 0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float2(0.250f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f,-0.125f, 0.000f), float3( 0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float2(0.250f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.125f), float3( 0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float2(0.250f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.125f, 0.000f), float3( 0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float2(0.250f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.500f, 0.000f), float3( 0.500f, 0.125f, 0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.125f), float3( 0.500f, 0.125f, 0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.500f, 0.125f, 0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.500f, 0.000f), float3( 0.500f, 0.125f,-0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.500f, 0.125f,-0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.125f), float3( 0.500f, 0.125f,-0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.500f, 0.000f), float3(-0.500f, 0.125f,-0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.125f), float3(-0.500f, 0.125f,-0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.250f) },
        { float3(-0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3(-0.500f, 0.125f,-0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.500f, 0.000f), float3(-0.500f, 0.125f, 0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.250f) },
        { float3(-0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3(-0.500f, 0.125f, 0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.125f), float3(-0.500f, 0.125f, 0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.000f,-0.125f, 0.000f), float2(0.500f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.125f), float3( 0.000f,-0.125f, 0.000f), float2(0.500f, 0.250f) },
        { float3(-0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.000f,-0.125f, 0.000f), float2(0.500f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.125f), float3( 0.000f,-0.125f, 0.000f), float2(0.500f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f,-0.500f, 0.000f), float3( 0.500f,-0.125f, 0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.500f,-0.125f, 0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.125f), float3( 0.500f,-0.125f, 0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f,-0.500f, 0.000f), float3(-0.500f,-0.125f, 0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.125f), float3(-0.500f,-0.125f, 0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.500f) },
        { float3(-0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3(-0.500f,-0.125f, 0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f,-0.500f, 0.000f), float3(-0.500f,-0.125f,-0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.500f) },
        { float3(-0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3(-0.500f,-0.125f,-0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.125f), float3(-0.500f,-0.125f,-0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f,-0.500f, 0.000f), float3( 0.500f,-0.125f,-0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.125f), float3( 0.500f,-0.125f,-0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.500f,-0.125f,-0.500f), float2(0.500f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.125f), float3( 0.000f, 0.125f, 0.000f), float2(0.500f, 0.500f) },
        { float3(-0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.000f, 0.125f, 0.000f), float2(0.500f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.125f), float3( 0.000f, 0.125f, 0.000f), float2(0.500f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.000f, 0.125f, 0.000f), float2(0.500f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.500f), float3( 0.500f, 0.500f, 0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.500f, 0.500f, 0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.125f, 0.000f), float3( 0.500f, 0.500f, 0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.500f), float3(-0.500f, 0.500f, 0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.125f, 0.000f), float3(-0.500f, 0.500f, 0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.250f) },
        { float3(-0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3(-0.500f, 0.500f, 0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.500f), float3(-0.500f,-0.500f, 0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.250f) },
        { float3(-0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3(-0.500f,-0.500f, 0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f,-0.125f, 0.000f), float3(-0.500f,-0.500f, 0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.500f), float3( 0.500f,-0.500f, 0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f,-0.125f, 0.000f), float3( 0.500f,-0.500f, 0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.500f,-0.500f, 0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f,-0.125f, 0.000f), float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.250f) },
        { float3(-0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.125f, 0.000f), float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.250f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.500f), float3( 0.500f, 0.500f,-0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.125f, 0.000f), float3( 0.500f, 0.500f,-0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.500f, 0.500f,-0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.500f), float3( 0.500f,-0.500f,-0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.500f,-0.500f,-0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f,-0.125f, 0.000f), float3( 0.500f,-0.500f,-0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.500f), float3(-0.500f,-0.500f,-0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f,-0.125f, 0.000f), float3(-0.500f,-0.500f,-0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.500f) },
        { float3(-0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3(-0.500f,-0.500f,-0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.000f,-0.500f), float3(-0.500f, 0.500f,-0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.500f) },
        { float3(-0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3(-0.500f, 0.500f,-0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.125f, 0.000f), float3(-0.500f, 0.500f,-0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f, 0.125f, 0.000f), float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.500f) },
        { float3(-0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.000f,-0.125f, 0.000f), float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.500f) },
        { float3( 0.125f, 0.000f, 0.000f), float3( 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.125f), float2(0.750f, 0.500f) },

    unsigned short axisIndices[] =
         0,  2,  1,
         3,  5,  4,
         6,  8,  7,
         9, 11, 10,
        12, 14, 13,
        12, 15, 14,
        16, 18, 17,
        19, 21, 20,
        22, 24, 23,
        25, 27, 26,
        28, 30, 29,
        28, 31, 30,
        32, 34, 33,
        35, 37, 36,
        38, 40, 39,
        41, 43, 42,
        44, 46, 45,
        44, 47, 46,
        48, 50, 49,
        51, 53, 52,
        54, 56, 55,
        57, 59, 58,
        60, 62, 61,
        60, 63, 62,
        64, 66, 65,
        67, 69, 68,
        70, 72, 71,
        73, 75, 74,
        76, 78, 77,
        76, 79, 78,
        80, 82, 81,
        83, 85, 84,
        86, 88, 87,
        89, 91, 90,
        92, 94, 93,
        92, 95, 94,

    if (vertexCount != nullptr)
        *vertexCount = ARRAYSIZE(axisVertices);

    if (indexCount != nullptr)
        *indexCount = ARRAYSIZE(axisIndices);
bool ModelLoader::Load( ID3D11Device* device, const std::string& filename, Vertex::VERTEX_TYPE type, Model& outModel, Skeleton* outSkeleton, AnimationController* outAnimationController ) {
	this->device = device;
	// reset extents
	minX = minY = minZ = FLT_MAX;
	maxX = maxY = maxZ = FLT_MIN;
	Assimp::Importer importer;
	Assimp::DefaultLogger::get()->info( "***********    Importing: "+filename+"    ***********" );
	scene = importer.ReadFile( filename,
	if( !scene ) {
		Assimp::DefaultLogger::get()->error( importer.GetErrorString() );
		return false;
	if( !scene->HasMeshes() ) {
		Assimp::DefaultLogger::get()->error( "File contains no mesh" );
		return false;
	CreateVertexBuffer( type );

	if( scene->HasAnimations() ) {
		this->skeleton = outSkeleton;
		this->animationController = outAnimationController;
		// if the model has animations then the caller must pass in a skeleton and a animation controller
		assert( outSkeleton!=nullptr );
		assert( outAnimationController!=nullptr );

	outModel.SetIB( ib, indexCount );
	outModel.SetVB( vb );
	switch( type ) {
	case Vertex::BASIC_32:
		outModel.SetVertexStride( sizeof( Vertex::Basic32 ) );
	case Vertex::POS_NORMAL_TEX_TAN:
		outModel.SetVertexStride( sizeof( Vertex::PosNormalTexTan ) );
		outModel.SetVertexStride( sizeof( Vertex::PosNormalTexTanSkinned ) );
		assert( false ); // this should never happen
	return true;
Example #15
bool LudoRenderer::DrawBlendedVertices(const CUSTOMVERTEX &vertices, const int numVertices, const int * const indices, const int numIndices, float factor, const LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 texture1, const LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 texture2)
    // We need to reset the VFV, ideally, we should not be calling this every draw call
    // This call is here because the Helper Function DrawSubset is resetting the FVF
    m_d3DDev->SetStreamSource(0, m_VertBuff, 0, sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX));

    if (numIndices > m_MaxNumIndices)

    if (numVertices > m_MaxNumVertex)

    int blendFactor = static_cast<int>(255 * factor);
    m_d3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRS_TEXTUREFACTOR, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(blendFactor, 0, 0, 0));

    if (texture1 != NULL)
        m_d3DDev->SetTexture(0, texture1);
        m_d3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX, 0);
        m_d3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLOROP,   D3DTOP_SELECTARG1); 
	    m_d3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE);
    if (texture2 != NULL)
        m_d3DDev->SetTexture(1, texture2);
        //m_d3DDev->SetTextureStageState(1, D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX, 1);

        m_d3DDev->SetTextureStageState(1, D3DTSS_COLOROP,   D3DTOP_BLENDFACTORALPHA); // or Add...
	    m_d3DDev->SetTextureStageState(1, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE); // the texture for this stage with...
	    m_d3DDev->SetTextureStageState(1, D3DTSS_COLORARG2, D3DTA_CURRENT); // the current argument passed down from stage 0

    VOID* pVoid = 0;
    m_VertBuff->Lock(0, 0, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pVoid), NULL);
    //memcpy_s(pVoid, sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX) * numVertices, reinterpret_cast<const BYTE * const * const>(&vertices), sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX) * numVertices);
	memcpy(pVoid, reinterpret_cast<const BYTE * const * const>(&vertices), sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX) * numVertices);

    if (indices == NULL)
        m_d3DDev->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, numVertices - 2);
        void* buffer = NULL;
        m_IndexBuff->Lock(0, 0, &buffer, NULL);
        //memcpy_s(buffer, numIndices * sizeof(int), indices, numIndices * sizeof(int));
		memcpy(buffer, indices, numIndices * sizeof(int));

        m_d3DDev->DrawIndexedPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 0, numVertices, 0, numIndices - 2);
    m_d3DDev->SetTextureStageState(1, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE); // Disable the second texture
    return true;
Example #16
void SkinMesh::LoadAnimations(CTSTR lpName)


    DWORD i, j, k;

    String strMeshPath;
    if(!Engine::ConvertResourceName(lpName, TEXT("models"), strMeshPath))

    String strFilePath;
    strFilePath << GetPathWithoutExtension(strMeshPath) << TEXT(".xan");


    XFileInputSerializer animData;

        AppWarning(TEXT("Could not open animation file \"%s\""), (TSTR)strFilePath);

    DWORD ver;
    animData << ver;

    if(ver != ANIMFILE_VER && ver != 0x100)
        AppWarning(TEXT("'%s': Bad animation file version"), strFilePath);


    unsigned int numSequences;
    animData << numSequences;
    for(i=0; i<numSequences; i++)
        animData << SequenceList[i];

    DWORD nBones;
    animData << nBones;
    for(i=0; i<nBones; i++)
        Bone &bone = BoneList[i];

        List<DWORD>     RigidVerts;
        List<VWeight>   BlendedVerts;
        DWORD           nRigid, nBlended;


        animData << bone.Pos
                 << bone.Rot
                 << nRigid
                 << nBlended
                 << bone.flags
                 << bone.idParent;

        animData << RigidVerts;
        animData << BlendedVerts;

        if(bone.idParent != 0xFFFFFFFF)
            bone.Parent = BoneList+bone.idParent;
            bone.LocalPos = bone.Pos - BoneList[bone.idParent].Pos;
            BoneList[bone.idParent].Children << &bone;
            bone.Parent = NULL;
            bone.LocalPos = bone.Pos;

            bone.flags |= BONE_ROOT;



        for(j=0; j<RigidVerts.Num(); j++)
            VWeight &weight = bone.Weights[j];

            weight.vert = RigidVerts[j];
            weight.weight = 1.0f;



        DWORD nAnim;
        animData << nAnim;
        for(j=0; j<nAnim; j++)
            SeqKeys &keys = bone.seqKeys[j];

            DWORD nPosKeys, nRotKeys;

            animData << nRotKeys;
            keys.hasRotKeys = nRotKeys > 0;
                keys.lpRotKeys = (Quat*)Allocate(nRotKeys*sizeof(Quat));
                animData.Serialize(keys.lpRotKeys, nRotKeys*sizeof(Quat));

                keys.lpRotTans = (Quat*)Allocate(nRotKeys*sizeof(Quat));
                for(k=0; k<nRotKeys; k++)
                    DWORD kp1 = (k == (nRotKeys-1)) ? k : (k+1);
                    DWORD km1 = (k == 0) ? 0 : k-1;

                    Quat &qk   = keys.lpRotKeys[k];
                    Quat &qkp1 = keys.lpRotKeys[kp1];
                    Quat &qkm1 = keys.lpRotKeys[km1];

                    keys.lpRotTans[k] = qk.GetInterpolationTangent(qkm1, qkp1);

            animData << nPosKeys;
            keys.hasPosKeys = nPosKeys > 0;
                keys.lpPosKeys = (Vect*)Allocate(nPosKeys*sizeof(Vect));
                Vect::SerializeArray(animData, keys.lpPosKeys, nPosKeys);
                keys.lpPosTans = (Vect*)Allocate(nPosKeys*sizeof(Vect));
                for(k=0; k<nPosKeys; k++)
                    DWORD kp1 = (k == (nPosKeys-1)) ? k : (k+1);
                    DWORD km1 = (k == 0) ? 0 : k-1;

                    Vect &pk   = keys.lpPosKeys[k];
                    Vect &pkp1 = keys.lpPosKeys[kp1];
                    Vect &pkm1 = keys.lpPosKeys[km1];

                    keys.lpPosTans[k] = pk.GetInterpolationTangent(pkm1, pkp1);


    int num;
    animData << num;

    for(int i=0; i<num; i++)
        animData << BoneExtensionNames[i];
        animData << BoneExtensions[i];



    if(ver == 0x100) //remove
        UINT *indices = (UINT*)IdxBuffer->GetData();

        List<UINT> adjustedIndices;
        adjustedIndices.CopyArray(indices, IdxBuffer->NumIndices());

        VBData *vbd = VertBuffer->GetData();
        List<Vect> &verts = vbd->VertList;

        // get vert data
        List<VertAnimInfo> vertInfo;

        for(int i=0; i<nBones; i++)
            Bone &bone = BoneList[i];
            for(int j=0; j<bone.Weights.Num(); j++)
                VWeight &vertWeight = bone.Weights[j];

                    vertInfo[vertWeight.vert].bones << i;
                    vertInfo[vertWeight.vert].weights << vertWeight.weight;

        // remove excess bone influence from verts (let just set the max to 3 for this)
        /*for(int i=0; i<vertInfo.Num(); i++)
            VertAnimInfo &vert = vertInfo[i];

            while(vert.bones.Num() > 3)
                float weakestWeight = M_INFINITE;
                UINT weakestID;

                for(int j=0; j<vert.bones.Num(); j++)
                    if(vert.weights[j] < weakestWeight)
                        weakestID = j;
                        weakestWeight = vert.weights[j];

                float weightAdjust = 1.0f/(1.0f-weakestWeight);

                for(int j=0; j<vert.weights.Num(); j++)
                    vert.weights[j] *= weightAdjust;
        for(int i=0; i<vertInfo.Num(); i++)
            VertAnimInfo &vert = vertInfo[i];

            for(int j=0; j<vert.bones.Num(); j++)
                if(vert.weights[j] <= 0.15f)
                    float weightAdjust = 1.0f/(1.0f-vert.weights[j]);

                    for(int k=0; k<vert.weights.Num(); k++)
                        vert.weights[k] *= weightAdjust;


        // remove excess bone influence from tris (can only have 4 bones influencing any triangle)
        for(int i=0; i<nSections; i++)
            DrawSection &section = SectionList[i];
            if(!section.numFaces) continue;

            for(int j=0; j<section.numFaces; j++)
                UINT *triVertIDs = &indices[(section.startFace+j)*3];

                List<UINT> bones;
                List<float> bestVertWeights;

                for(int k=0; k<3; k++)
                    VertAnimInfo &info = vertInfo[triVertIDs[k]];

                    for(int l=0; l<info.bones.Num(); l++)
                        UINT id = bones.FindValueIndex(info.bones[l]);
                        if(id == INVALID)
                            bestVertWeights[id] = MAX(bestVertWeights[id], info.weights[l]);

                while(bones.Num() > 4)
                    int removeBone, removeBoneID;
                    float bestWeight = M_INFINITE;

                    for(int k=0; k<bones.Num(); k++)
                        if(bestVertWeights[k] < bestWeight)
                            removeBone = bones[k];
                            removeBoneID = k;
                            bestWeight = bestVertWeights[k];

                    for(int k=0; k<3; k++)
                        VertAnimInfo &info = vertInfo[triVertIDs[k]];
                        UINT id = info.bones.FindValueIndex(removeBone);
                        if(id == INVALID) continue;

                        float weightAdjust = 1.0f/(1.0f-info.weights[id]);

                        for(int l=0; l<info.weights.Num(); l++)
                            info.weights[l] *= weightAdjust;


        // sort out sections of triangles that are influenced up to a max of 4 bones
        // also, duplicate shared verts
        VBData *newVBD = new VBData;


        List<SubSectionInfo> newSubSections;

        for(int i=0; i<nSections; i++)
            List<TriBoneInfo> triInfo;

            DrawSection &section = SectionList[i];
            if(!section.numFaces) continue;

            for(int j=0; j<section.numFaces; j++)
                UINT *triVertIDs = &indices[(section.startFace+j)*3];

                TriBoneInfo &newTri = *triInfo.CreateNew();

                for(int k=0; k<3; k++)
                    VertAnimInfo &info = vertInfo[triVertIDs[k]];

                    for(int l=0; l<info.bones.Num(); l++)

            BitList UsedTris;
            DWORD nUsedTris = 0;

            while(nUsedTris != section.numFaces)
                DWORD triSectionID = newSubSections.Num();
                SubSectionInfo *curSubSecInfo = newSubSections.CreateNew();
                curSubSecInfo->section = i;

                for(int j=0; j<triInfo.Num(); j++)
                    if(UsedTris[j]) continue;

                    TriBoneInfo &tri = triInfo[j];

                    List<UINT> secBones;

                    BOOL bBadTri = FALSE;
                    for(int k=0; k<tri.bones.Num(); k++)
                        if(secBones.Num() > 4)

                    if(secBones.Num() > 4) continue;

                    DWORD triID = section.startFace+j;

                    curSubSecInfo->tris << triID;

                    UINT *triVertIDs = &indices[triID*3];
                    for(int k=0; k<3; k++)
                        VertAnimInfo *info = &vertInfo[triVertIDs[k]];
                        UINT id = info->sections.FindValueIndex(triSectionID);
                        if(id == INVALID)
                            UINT vertID;
                            if(info->sections.Num() >= 1) //duplicate vertex
                                vertID = newVBD->DuplicateVertex(triVertIDs[k]);
                                adjustedIndices[(triID*3)+k] = vertID;

                                VertAnimInfo &newVertInfo = *vertInfo.CreateNew();
                                info = &vertInfo[triVertIDs[k]]; //reset pointer

                                newVertInfo.sections << triSectionID;
                                vertID = triVertIDs[k];

                            info->sections << triSectionID;
                            info->sectionVertIDs << vertID;

                            List<Vect4> &vertWeights = *newVBD->TVList[1].GetV4();
                            for(int l=0; l<4; l++)
                                if(l >= curSubSecInfo->bones.Num())
                                    vertWeights[vertID].ptr[l] = 0.0f;
                                    UINT boneID = curSubSecInfo->bones[l];
                                    UINT weightID = info->bones.FindValueIndex(boneID);
                                    if(weightID == INVALID)
                                        vertWeights[vertID].ptr[l] = 0.0f;
                                        vertWeights[vertID].ptr[l] = info->weights[weightID];
                            adjustedIndices[(triID*3)+k] = info->sectionVertIDs[id];

            for(int j=0; j<triInfo.Num(); j++)

        // create animated draw sections and create new index buffer
        DWORD curTriID = 0;
        List<UINT> newIndices;

        for(int i=0; i<newSubSections.Num(); i++)
            SubSectionInfo &subSecInfo = newSubSections[i];
            AnimSection &animSection = AnimatedSections[subSecInfo.section];
            AnimSubSection &subSection = *animSection.SubSections.CreateNew();

            subSection.numBones = subSecInfo.bones.Num();
            for(int j=0; j<subSecInfo.bones.Num(); j++)
                subSection.bones[j] = subSecInfo.bones[j];

            subSection.startFace = curTriID;

            for(int j=0; j<subSecInfo.tris.Num(); j++)
                UINT *tri = &adjustedIndices[subSecInfo.tris[j]*3];
                newIndices << tri[0] << tri[1] << tri[2];


            subSection.numFaces = curTriID-subSection.startFace;


        //rebuild original bone data
        for(int i=0; i<BoneList.Num(); i++)

        for(int i=0; i<vertInfo.Num(); i++)
            for(int j=0; j<vertInfo[i].bones.Num(); j++)
                VWeight weight;
                weight.vert = i;
                weight.weight = vertInfo[i].weights[j];

                BoneList[vertInfo[i].bones[j]].Weights << weight;


        delete VertBuffer;
        delete IdxBuffer;

        UINT numIndices;
        UINT *indexArray;
        newIndices.TransferTo(indexArray, numIndices);

        nVerts = newVBD->VertList.Num();

        IdxBuffer = CreateIndexBuffer(GS_UNSIGNED_LONG, indexArray, numIndices);
        VertBuffer = CreateVertexBuffer(newVBD);
        for(int i=0; i<nSections; i++)
            animData << AnimatedSections[i].SubSections;


Example #17
bool LudoRenderer::DrawPlanet(float orbitPosition, float planetScale, float planetOrbitRadius, const CUSTOMVERTEX &vertices, const int numVertices, const int * const indices, const int numIndices, const LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 texture)
    // We need to reset the VFV, ideally, we should not be calling this every draw call
    // This call is here because the Helper Function DrawSubset is resetting the FVF
    m_d3DDev->SetStreamSource(0, m_VertBuff, 0, sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX));

    if (numIndices > m_MaxNumIndices)

    if (numVertices > m_MaxNumVertex)

    if (texture != NULL)
        m_d3DDev->SetTexture(0, texture);

    // Transform the planet to its final size and position
    // I.S.R.O.T (Identity, Scale, Local Rotatation, Orbit (Translation + Rotation), Translation
    D3DXMATRIX matWorld;
    D3DXMATRIX scale;
    D3DXMatrixScaling(&scale, planetScale, planetScale, planetScale);

    matWorld *= scale;

    D3DXMATRIX orbit;
    D3DXMatrixTranslation(&orbit, planetOrbitRadius, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    D3DXMATRIX orbitRot;
    D3DXMatrixRotationZ(&orbitRot, -orbitPosition);
    orbit *= orbitRot;

    matWorld *= orbit;

    D3DXMATRIX translation;
    D3DXMatrixTranslation(&translation, 0.0f, GROUND_POS, 0.0f);

    matWorld *= translation;

    m_d3DDev->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &matWorld);

    VOID* pVoid = 0;
    m_VertBuff->Lock(0, 0, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pVoid), NULL);
    memcpy_s(pVoid, sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX) * numVertices, reinterpret_cast<const BYTE * const * const>(&vertices), sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX) * numVertices);

    if (indices == NULL)
        m_d3DDev->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, numVertices - 2);
        void* buffer = NULL;
        m_IndexBuff->Lock(0, 0, &buffer, NULL);
        memcpy_s(buffer, numIndices * sizeof(int), indices, numIndices * sizeof(int));

        m_d3DDev->DrawIndexedPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 0, numVertices, 0, numIndices - 2);

    // Reset the World Matrix
    m_d3DDev->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &matWorld);
    return true;
Example #18
	// constructor
	MeshCylinder::MeshCylinder(const f32& in_block_width, const f32& in_block_height, const u32& in_width_count, const u32& in_height_count)
		:Mesh(true, true)
		, size_(in_width_count * in_block_width, in_height_count *in_block_height)
		, block_size_(in_block_width, in_block_height)
		, width_count_(in_width_count)
		, height_count_(in_height_count)
		, index_count_(0)
		, indexs_(nullptr)
		, division_width_(1)
		, division_height_(1)
		auto directx9 = GET_DIRECTX9_DEVICE();

		vertex_count_ = 4 * width_count_*height_count_;
		index_count_ = 4 * width_count_*height_count_ + 2 * (width_count_ - 1)*height_count_ + 2 * (height_count_ - 1);
		indexs_ = new u32[width_count_*height_count_];
		memset(indexs_, 0, sizeof(u32)*width_count_*height_count_);

		// create vertex buffer
		directx9->CreateVertexBuffer(sizeof(VERTEX) * vertex_count_, D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY, 0, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &direct3dvertexbuffer9_, NULL);

		// create index buffer
		directx9->CreateIndexBuffer(sizeof(u32) * index_count_, D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY, D3DFMT_INDEX32, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &direct3dindexbuffer9_, NULL);

		division_height_ = 10;

		u32* index = nullptr;
		u32 rect_count = vertex_count_ / 4;

		u32 count = 0;

		direct3dindexbuffer9_->Lock(NULL, NULL, (void**)&index, NULL);

		for (u32 i = 0; i < height_count_; ++i)
			for (u32 j = 0; j < width_count_; ++j)
				index[count + 0] = (i * width_count_ + j) * 4 + 0;
				index[count + 1] = (i * width_count_ + j) * 4 + 1;
				index[count + 2] = (i * width_count_ + j) * 4 + 2;
				index[count + 3] = (i * width_count_ + j) * 4 + 3;

				count += 4;

				if (j != (width_count_ - 1))
					index[count + 0] = (i * width_count_ + j) * 4 + 3;
					index[count + 1] = (i * width_count_ + j) * 4 + 4;
					count += 2;
				else if (i != (height_count_ - 1))
					index[count + 0] = (i * width_count_ + j) * 4 + 3;
					index[count + 1] = ((i + 1) * width_count_) * 4 + 0;
					count += 2;


		primitive_count_ = index_count_ - 2;
		primitive_type_ = D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP;
		stride_ = sizeof(VERTEX);

Example #19
void BasicShapes::CreateBox(
    float3 r,
    _Out_ ID3D11Buffer **vertexBuffer,
    _Out_ ID3D11Buffer **indexBuffer,
    _Out_opt_ unsigned int *vertexCount,
    _Out_opt_ unsigned int *indexCount
    BasicVertex boxVertices[] =
        // FLOOR
        {float3(-r.x, -r.y,  r.z), float3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), float2(0.0f, 0.0f)},
        {float3( r.x, -r.y,  r.z), float3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), float2(1.0f, 0.0f)},
        {float3(-r.x, -r.y, -r.z), float3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), float2(0.0f, 1.5f)},
        {float3( r.x, -r.y, -r.z), float3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), float2(1.0f, 1.5f)},
        // WALL
        {float3(-r.x,  r.y, r.z), float3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), float2(0.0f, 0.0f)},
        {float3( r.x,  r.y, r.z), float3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), float2(2.0f, 0.0f)},
        {float3(-r.x, -r.y, r.z), float3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), float2(0.0f, 1.5f)},
        {float3( r.x, -r.y, r.z), float3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), float2(2.0f, 1.5f)},
        // WALL
        {float3(r.x,  r.y,  r.z), float3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), float2(0.0f, 0.0f)},
        {float3(r.x,  r.y, -r.z), float3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), float2(r.y,  0.0f)},
        {float3(r.x, -r.y,  r.z), float3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), float2(0.0f, 1.5f)},
        {float3(r.x, -r.y, -r.z), float3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), float2(r.y,  1.5f)},
        // WALL
        {float3( r.x,  r.y, -r.z), float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), float2(0.0f, 0.0f)},
        {float3(-r.x,  r.y, -r.z), float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), float2(2.0f, 0.0f)},
        {float3( r.x, -r.y, -r.z), float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), float2(0.0f, 1.5f)},
        {float3(-r.x, -r.y, -r.z), float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), float2(2.0f, 1.5f)},
        // WALL
        {float3(-r.x,  r.y, -r.z), float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), float2(0.0f, 0.0f)},
        {float3(-r.x,  r.y,  r.z), float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), float2(r.y,  0.0f)},
        {float3(-r.x, -r.y, -r.z), float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), float2(0.0f, 1.5f)},
        {float3(-r.x, -r.y,  r.z), float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), float2(r.y,  1.5f)},
        // CEILING
        {float3(-r.x, r.y, -r.z), float3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), float2(-0.15f, 0.0f)},
        {float3( r.x, r.y, -r.z), float3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), float2( 1.25f, 0.0f)},
        {float3(-r.x, r.y,  r.z), float3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), float2(-0.15f, 2.1f)},
        {float3( r.x, r.y,  r.z), float3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), float2( 1.25f, 2.1f)},

    unsigned short boxIndices[] =
        0, 2, 1,
        1, 2, 3,

        4, 6, 5,
        5, 6, 7,

        8, 10, 9,
        9, 10, 11,

        12, 14, 13,
        13, 14, 15,

        16, 18, 17,
        17, 18, 19,

        20, 22, 21,
        21, 22, 23,

    if (vertexCount != nullptr)
        *vertexCount = ARRAYSIZE(boxVertices);

    if (indexCount != nullptr)
        *indexCount = ARRAYSIZE(boxIndices);