Example #1
 * CreateTask creates a new task in shared hash, initializes the task, and sets
 * the task to assigned state. Note that this function expects the caller to
 * hold an exclusive lock over the shared hash.
static void
CreateTask(uint64 jobId, uint32 taskId, char *taskCallString)
	WorkerTask *workerTask = NULL;
	uint32 assignmentTime = 0;
	char *databaseName = get_database_name(MyDatabaseId);
	char *userName = CurrentUserName();

	/* increase task priority for cleanup tasks */
	assignmentTime = (uint32) time(NULL);
	if (taskId == JOB_CLEANUP_TASK_ID)
		assignmentTime = HIGH_PRIORITY_TASK_TIME;

	/* enter the worker task into shared hash and initialize the task */
	workerTask = WorkerTasksHashEnter(jobId, taskId);
	workerTask->assignedAt = assignmentTime;
	strlcpy(workerTask->taskCallString, taskCallString, TASK_CALL_STRING_SIZE);

	workerTask->taskStatus = TASK_ASSIGNED;
	workerTask->connectionId = INVALID_CONNECTION_ID;
	workerTask->failureCount = 0;
	strlcpy(workerTask->databaseName, databaseName, NAMEDATALEN);
	strlcpy(workerTask->userName, userName, NAMEDATALEN);
Example #2
 * GetOrEstablishConnection returns a PGconn which can be used to execute
 * queries on a remote PostgreSQL server. If no suitable connection to the
 * specified node on the specified port yet exists, the function establishes
 * a new connection and adds it to the connection cache before returning it.
 * Returned connections are guaranteed to be in the CONNECTION_OK state. If the
 * requested connection cannot be established, or if it was previously created
 * but is now in an unrecoverable bad state, this function returns NULL.
 * This function throws an error if a hostname over 255 characters is provided.
PGconn *
GetOrEstablishConnection(char *nodeName, int32 nodePort)
	PGconn *connection = NULL;
	NodeConnectionKey nodeConnectionKey;
	NodeConnectionEntry *nodeConnectionEntry = NULL;
	bool entryFound = false;
	bool needNewConnection = true;
	char *userName = CurrentUserName();

	/* check input */
	if (strnlen(nodeName, MAX_NODE_LENGTH + 1) > MAX_NODE_LENGTH)
						errmsg("hostname exceeds the maximum length of %d",

	/* if first call, initialize the connection hash */
	if (NodeConnectionHash == NULL)
		NodeConnectionHash = CreateNodeConnectionHash();

	memset(&nodeConnectionKey, 0, sizeof(nodeConnectionKey));
	strncpy(nodeConnectionKey.nodeName, nodeName, MAX_NODE_LENGTH);
	nodeConnectionKey.nodePort = nodePort;
	strncpy(nodeConnectionKey.nodeUser, userName, NAMEDATALEN);

	nodeConnectionEntry = hash_search(NodeConnectionHash, &nodeConnectionKey,
									  HASH_FIND, &entryFound);
	if (entryFound)
		connection = nodeConnectionEntry->connection;
		if (PQstatus(connection) == CONNECTION_OK)
			needNewConnection = false;

	if (needNewConnection)
		connection = ConnectToNode(nodeName, nodePort, nodeConnectionKey.nodeUser);
		if (connection != NULL)
			nodeConnectionEntry = hash_search(NodeConnectionHash, &nodeConnectionKey,
											  HASH_ENTER, &entryFound);
			nodeConnectionEntry->connection = connection;

	return connection;
Example #3
 * MultiClientConnectStart asynchronously tries to establish a connection. If it
 * succeeds, it returns the connection id. Otherwise, it reports connection
 * error and returns INVALID_CONNECTION_ID.
MultiClientConnectStart(const char *nodeName, uint32 nodePort, const char *nodeDatabase)
	PGconn *connection = NULL;
	char connInfoString[STRING_BUFFER_SIZE];
	ConnStatusType connStatusType = CONNECTION_BAD;
	char *userName = CurrentUserName();

	int32 connectionId = AllocateConnectionId();
	if (connectionId == INVALID_CONNECTION_ID)
		ereport(WARNING, (errmsg("could not allocate connection in connection pool")));
		return connectionId;

	if (XactModificationLevel > XACT_MODIFICATION_NONE)
						errmsg("cannot open new connections after the first modification "
							   "command within a transaction")));

	/* transcribe connection paremeters to string */
			 nodeName, nodePort, nodeDatabase, userName, CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);

	/* prepare asynchronous request for worker node connection */
	connection = PQconnectStart(connInfoString);
	connStatusType = PQstatus(connection);

	 * If prepared, we save the connection, and set its initial polling status
	 * to PGRES_POLLING_WRITING as specified in "Database Connection Control
	 * Functions" section of the PostgreSQL documentation.
	if (connStatusType != CONNECTION_BAD)
		ClientConnectionArray[connectionId] = connection;
		ClientPollingStatusArray[connectionId] = PGRES_POLLING_WRITING;
		WarnRemoteError(connection, NULL);


	return connectionId;
Example #4
 * get_and_purge_connection first gets a connection using the provided hostname
 * and port before immediately passing that connection to PurgeConnection. This
 * is to test PurgeConnection behvaior when circumventing the cache.
	char *nodeName = PG_GETARG_CSTRING(0);
	int32 nodePort = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
	char *nodeUser = CurrentUserName();

	PGconn *connection = ConnectToNode(nodeName, nodePort, nodeUser);
	if (connection == NULL)


Example #5
 * MultiClientConnect synchronously tries to establish a connection. If it
 * succeeds, it returns the connection id. Otherwise, it reports connection
 * error and returns INVALID_CONNECTION_ID.
 * nodeDatabase and userName can be NULL, in which case values from the
 * current session are used.
MultiClientConnect(const char *nodeName, uint32 nodePort, const char *nodeDatabase,
				   const char *userName)
	PGconn *connection = NULL;
	char connInfoString[STRING_BUFFER_SIZE];
	ConnStatusType connStatusType = CONNECTION_OK;
	int32 connectionId = AllocateConnectionId();
	char *effectiveDatabaseName = NULL;
	char *effectiveUserName = NULL;

	if (XactModificationLevel > XACT_MODIFICATION_NONE)
						errmsg("cannot open new connections after the first modification "
							   "command within a transaction")));

	if (connectionId == INVALID_CONNECTION_ID)
		ereport(WARNING, (errmsg("could not allocate connection in connection pool")));
		return connectionId;

	if (nodeDatabase == NULL)
		effectiveDatabaseName = get_database_name(MyDatabaseId);
		effectiveDatabaseName = pstrdup(nodeDatabase);

	if (userName == NULL)
		effectiveUserName = CurrentUserName();
		effectiveUserName = pstrdup(userName);

	 * FIXME: This code is bad on several levels. It completely forgoes any
	 * escaping, it misses setting a number of parameters, it works with a
	 * limited string size without erroring when it's too long. We shouldn't
	 * even build a query string this way, there's PQconnectdbParams()!

	/* transcribe connection paremeters to string */
			 nodeName, nodePort,
			 effectiveDatabaseName, effectiveUserName,

	/* establish synchronous connection to worker node */
	connection = PQconnectdb(connInfoString);
	connStatusType = PQstatus(connection);

	if (connStatusType == CONNECTION_OK)
		ClientConnectionArray[connectionId] = connection;
		WarnRemoteError(connection, NULL);



	return connectionId;
Example #6
 * StartPlacementListConnection returns a connection to a remote node suitable for
 * a placement accesses (SELECT, DML, DDL) or throws an error if no suitable
 * connection can be established if would cause a self-deadlock or consistency
 * violation.
MultiConnection *
StartPlacementListConnection(uint32 flags, List *placementAccessList,
							 const char *userName)
	char *freeUserName = NULL;
	ListCell *placementAccessCell = NULL;
	List *placementEntryList = NIL;
	ListCell *placementEntryCell = NULL;
	MultiConnection *chosenConnection = NULL;

	if (userName == NULL)
		userName = freeUserName = CurrentUserName();

	chosenConnection = FindPlacementListConnection(flags, placementAccessList, userName,
	if (chosenConnection == NULL)
		/* use the first placement from the list to extract nodename and nodeport */
		ShardPlacementAccess *placementAccess =
			(ShardPlacementAccess *) linitial(placementAccessList);
		ShardPlacement *placement = placementAccess->placement;
		char *nodeName = placement->nodeName;
		int nodePort = placement->nodePort;

		 * No suitable connection in the placement->connection mapping, get one from
		 * the node->connection pool.
		chosenConnection = StartNodeUserDatabaseConnection(flags, nodeName, nodePort,
														   userName, NULL);

			ConnectionAccessedDifferentPlacement(chosenConnection, placement))
			 * Cached connection accessed a non-co-located placement in the same
			 * table or co-location group, while the caller asked for a connection
			 * per placement. Open a new connection instead.
			 * We use this for situations in which we want to use a different
			 * connection for every placement, such as COPY. If we blindly returned
			 * a cached conection that already modified a different, non-co-located
			 * placement B in the same table or in a table with the same co-location
			 * ID as the current placement, then we'd no longer able to write to
			 * placement B later in the COPY.
			chosenConnection = StartNodeUserDatabaseConnection(flags |
															   nodeName, nodePort,
															   userName, NULL);

			Assert(!ConnectionAccessedDifferentPlacement(chosenConnection, placement));

	 * Now that a connection has been chosen, initialise or update the connection
	 * references for all placements.
	forboth(placementAccessCell, placementAccessList,
			placementEntryCell, placementEntryList)
		ShardPlacementAccess *placementAccess =
			(ShardPlacementAccess *) lfirst(placementAccessCell);
		ShardPlacementAccessType accessType = placementAccess->accessType;
		ConnectionPlacementHashEntry *placementEntry =
			(ConnectionPlacementHashEntry *) lfirst(placementEntryCell);
		ConnectionReference *placementConnection = placementEntry->primaryConnection;

		if (placementConnection->connection == chosenConnection)
			/* using the connection that was already assigned to the placement */
		else if (placementConnection->connection == NULL)
			/* placement does not have a connection assigned yet */
			placementConnection->connection = chosenConnection;
			placementConnection->hadDDL = false;
			placementConnection->hadDML = false;
			placementConnection->userName = MemoryContextStrdup(TopTransactionContext,
			placementConnection->placementId = placementAccess->placement->placementId;

			/* record association with connection */
			/* using a different connection than the one assigned to the placement */

			if (accessType != PLACEMENT_ACCESS_SELECT)
				 * We previously read from the placement, but now we're writing to
				 * it (if we had written to the placement, we would have either chosen
				 * the same connection, or errored out). Update the connection reference
				 * to point to the connection used for writing. We don't need to remember
				 * the existing connection since we won't be able to reuse it for
				 * accessing the placement. However, we do register that it exists in
				 * hasSecondaryConnections.
				placementConnection->connection = chosenConnection;
				placementConnection->userName = MemoryContextStrdup(TopTransactionContext,


				/* record association with connection */

			 * There are now multiple connections that read from the placement
			 * and DDL commands are forbidden.
			placementEntry->hasSecondaryConnections = true;

			if (placementEntry->colocatedEntry != NULL)
				/* we also remember this for co-located placements */
				placementEntry->colocatedEntry->hasSecondaryConnections = true;

		 * Remember that we used the current connection for writes.
		if (accessType == PLACEMENT_ACCESS_DDL)
			placementConnection->hadDDL = true;

		if (accessType == PLACEMENT_ACCESS_DML)
			placementConnection->hadDML = true;