static PyObject *bpy_bmlayercollection_subscript_str(BPy_BMLayerCollection *self, const char *keyname)
	CustomData *data;
	int index;


	data = bpy_bm_customdata_get(self->bm, self->htype);
	index = CustomData_get_named_layer(data, self->type, keyname);  /* type relative */

	if (index != -1) {
		return BPy_BMLayerItem_CreatePyObject(self->bm, self->htype, self->type, index);
	else {
		             "BMLayerCollection[key]: key \"%.200s\" not found", keyname);
		return NULL;
static PyObject *bpy_bmlayercollection_get(BPy_BMLayerCollection *self, PyObject *args)
	const char *key;
	PyObject *def = Py_None;


	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s|O:get", &key, &def)) {
		return NULL;
	else {
		CustomData *data;
		int index;

		data = bpy_bm_customdata_get(self->bm, self->htype);
		index = CustomData_get_named_layer(data, self->type, key);  /* type relative */

		if (index != -1) {
			return BPy_BMLayerItem_CreatePyObject(self->bm, self->htype, self->type, index);

	return Py_INCREF_RET(def);
Example #3
static int bake(
        Render *re, Main *bmain, Scene *scene, Object *ob_low, ListBase *selected_objects, ReportList *reports,
        const ScenePassType pass_type, const int margin,
        const BakeSaveMode save_mode, const bool is_clear, const bool is_split_materials,
        const bool is_automatic_name, const bool is_selected_to_active, const bool is_cage,
        const float cage_extrusion, const int normal_space, const BakeNormalSwizzle normal_swizzle[],
        const char *custom_cage, const char *filepath, const int width, const int height,
        const char *identifier, ScrArea *sa, const char *uv_layer)
	int op_result = OPERATOR_CANCELLED;
	bool ok = false;

	Object *ob_cage = NULL;

	BakeHighPolyData *highpoly = NULL;
	int tot_highpoly = 0;

	char restrict_flag_low = ob_low->restrictflag;
	char restrict_flag_cage = 0;

	Mesh *me_low = NULL;
	Mesh *me_cage = NULL;

	float *result = NULL;

	BakePixel *pixel_array_low = NULL;
	BakePixel *pixel_array_high = NULL;

	const bool is_save_internal = (save_mode == R_BAKE_SAVE_INTERNAL);
	const bool is_noncolor = is_noncolor_pass(pass_type);
	const int depth = RE_pass_depth(pass_type);

	BakeImages bake_images = {NULL};

	size_t num_pixels;
	int tot_materials;

	RE_bake_engine_set_engine_parameters(re, bmain, scene);

	if (!RE_bake_has_engine(re)) {
		BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Current render engine does not support baking");
		goto cleanup;

	tot_materials = ob_low->totcol;

	if (uv_layer && uv_layer[0] != '\0') {
		Mesh *me = (Mesh *)ob_low->data;
		if (CustomData_get_named_layer(&me->ldata, CD_MLOOPUV, uv_layer) == -1) {
			BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR,
			            "No UV layer named \"%s\" found in the object \"%s\"", uv_layer, ob_low-> + 2);
			goto cleanup;

	if (tot_materials == 0) {
		if (is_save_internal) {
			BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR,
			           "No active image found, add a material or bake to an external file");

			goto cleanup;
		else if (is_split_materials) {
			BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR,
			           "No active image found, add a material or bake without the Split Materials option");

			goto cleanup;
		else {
			/* baking externally without splitting materials */
			tot_materials = 1;

	/* we overallocate in case there is more materials than images */ = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(BakeImage) * tot_materials, "bake images dimensions (width, height, offset)");
	bake_images.lookup = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(int) * tot_materials, "bake images lookup (from material to BakeImage)");

	build_image_lookup(bmain, ob_low, &bake_images);

	if (is_save_internal) {
		num_pixels = initialize_internal_images(&bake_images, reports);

		if (num_pixels == 0) {
			goto cleanup;
	else {
		/* when saving extenally always use the size specified in the UI */

		num_pixels = (size_t)width * (size_t)height * bake_images.size;

		for (int i = 0; i < bake_images.size; i++) {[i].width = width;[i].height = height;[i].offset = (is_split_materials ? num_pixels : 0);[i].image = NULL;

		if (!is_split_materials) {
			/* saving a single image */
			for (int i = 0; i < tot_materials; i++) {
				bake_images.lookup[i] = 0;

	if (is_selected_to_active) {
		CollectionPointerLink *link;
		tot_highpoly = 0;

		for (link = selected_objects->first; link; link = link->next) {
			Object *ob_iter = link->;

			if (ob_iter == ob_low)

			tot_highpoly ++;

		if (is_cage && custom_cage[0] != '\0') {
			ob_cage = BLI_findstring(&bmain->object, custom_cage, offsetof(ID, name) + 2);

			if (ob_cage == NULL || ob_cage->type != OB_MESH) {
				BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "No valid cage object");
				goto cleanup;
			else {
				restrict_flag_cage = ob_cage->restrictflag;
				ob_cage->restrictflag |= OB_RESTRICT_RENDER;

	pixel_array_low = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(BakePixel) * num_pixels, "bake pixels low poly");
	pixel_array_high = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(BakePixel) * num_pixels, "bake pixels high poly");
	result = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * depth * num_pixels, "bake return pixels");

	/* get the mesh as it arrives in the renderer */
	me_low = BKE_mesh_new_from_object(bmain, scene, ob_low, 1, 2, 0, 0);

	/* populate the pixel array with the face data */
	if ((is_selected_to_active && (ob_cage == NULL) && is_cage) == false)
		RE_bake_pixels_populate(me_low, pixel_array_low, num_pixels, &bake_images, uv_layer);
	/* else populate the pixel array with the 'cage' mesh (the smooth version of the mesh)  */

	if (is_selected_to_active) {
		CollectionPointerLink *link;
		ModifierData *md, *nmd;
		ListBase modifiers_tmp, modifiers_original;
		int i = 0;

		/* prepare cage mesh */
		if (ob_cage) {
			me_cage = BKE_mesh_new_from_object(bmain, scene, ob_cage, 1, 2, 0, 0);
			if ((me_low->totpoly != me_cage->totpoly) || (me_low->totloop != me_cage->totloop)) {
				BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR,
				           "Invalid cage object, the cage mesh must have the same number "
				           "of faces as the active object");
				goto cleanup;
		else if (is_cage) {
			modifiers_original = ob_low->modifiers;

			for (md = ob_low->modifiers.first; md; md = md->next) {
				/* Edge Split cannot be applied in the cage,
				 * the cage is supposed to have interpolated normals
				 * between the faces unless the geometry is physically
				 * split. So we create a copy of the low poly mesh without
				 * the eventual edge split.*/

				if (md->type == eModifierType_EdgeSplit)

				nmd = modifier_new(md->type);
				BLI_strncpy(nmd->name, md->name, sizeof(nmd->name));
				modifier_copyData(md, nmd);
				BLI_addtail(&modifiers_tmp, nmd);

			/* temporarily replace the modifiers */
			ob_low->modifiers = modifiers_tmp;

			/* get the cage mesh as it arrives in the renderer */
			me_cage = BKE_mesh_new_from_object(bmain, scene, ob_low, 1, 2, 0, 0);
			RE_bake_pixels_populate(me_cage, pixel_array_low, num_pixels, &bake_images, uv_layer);

		highpoly = MEM_callocN(sizeof(BakeHighPolyData) * tot_highpoly, "bake high poly objects");

		/* populate highpoly array */
		for (link = selected_objects->first; link; link = link->next) {
			TriangulateModifierData *tmd;
			Object *ob_iter = link->;

			if (ob_iter == ob_low)

			/* initialize highpoly_data */
			highpoly[i].ob = ob_iter;
			highpoly[i].restrict_flag = ob_iter->restrictflag;

			/* triangulating so BVH returns the primitive_id that will be used for rendering */
			highpoly[i].tri_mod = ED_object_modifier_add(
			        reports, bmain, scene, highpoly[i].ob,
			        "TmpTriangulate", eModifierType_Triangulate);
			tmd = (TriangulateModifierData *)highpoly[i].tri_mod;
			tmd->quad_method = MOD_TRIANGULATE_QUAD_FIXED;
			tmd->ngon_method = MOD_TRIANGULATE_NGON_EARCLIP;

			highpoly[i].me = BKE_mesh_new_from_object(bmain, scene, highpoly[i].ob, 1, 2, 0, 0);
			highpoly[i].ob->restrictflag &= ~OB_RESTRICT_RENDER;

			/* lowpoly to highpoly transformation matrix */
			copy_m4_m4(highpoly[i].obmat, highpoly[i].ob->obmat);
			invert_m4_m4(highpoly[i].imat, highpoly[i].obmat);

			highpoly[i].is_flip_object = is_negative_m4(highpoly[i].ob->obmat);


		BLI_assert(i == tot_highpoly);

		ob_low->restrictflag |= OB_RESTRICT_RENDER;

		/* populate the pixel arrays with the corresponding face data for each high poly object */
		if (!RE_bake_pixels_populate_from_objects(
		            me_low, pixel_array_low, pixel_array_high, highpoly, tot_highpoly, num_pixels, ob_cage != NULL,
		            cage_extrusion, ob_low->obmat, (ob_cage ? ob_cage->obmat : ob_low->obmat), me_cage))
			BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Error handling selected objects");
			goto cage_cleanup;

		/* the baking itself */
		for (i = 0; i < tot_highpoly; i++) {
			ok = RE_bake_engine(re, highpoly[i].ob, i, pixel_array_high,
			                    num_pixels, depth, pass_type, result);
			if (!ok) {
				BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Error baking from object \"%s\"", highpoly[i].ob-> + 2);
				goto cage_cleanup;

		/* reverting data back */
		if ((ob_cage == NULL) && is_cage) {
			ob_low->modifiers = modifiers_original;

			while ((md = BLI_pophead(&modifiers_tmp))) {

		if (!ok) {
			goto cleanup;
	else {
		/* make sure low poly renders */
		ob_low->restrictflag &= ~OB_RESTRICT_RENDER;

		if (RE_bake_has_engine(re)) {
			ok = RE_bake_engine(re, ob_low, 0, pixel_array_low, num_pixels, depth, pass_type, result);
		else {
			BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Current render engine does not support baking");
			goto cleanup;

	/* normal space conversion
	 * the normals are expected to be in world space, +X +Y +Z */
	if (ok && pass_type == SCE_PASS_NORMAL) {
		switch (normal_space) {
				/* Cycles internal format */
				if ((normal_swizzle[0] == R_BAKE_POSX) &&
				    (normal_swizzle[1] == R_BAKE_POSY) &&
				    (normal_swizzle[2] == R_BAKE_POSZ))
				else {
					RE_bake_normal_world_to_world(pixel_array_low, num_pixels,  depth, result, normal_swizzle);
				RE_bake_normal_world_to_object(pixel_array_low, num_pixels, depth, result, ob_low, normal_swizzle);
				if (is_selected_to_active) {
					RE_bake_normal_world_to_tangent(pixel_array_low, num_pixels, depth, result, me_low, normal_swizzle, ob_low->obmat);
				else {
					/* from multiresolution */
					Mesh *me_nores = NULL;
					ModifierData *md = NULL;
					int mode;

					md = modifiers_findByType(ob_low, eModifierType_Multires);

					if (md) {
						mode = md->mode;
						md->mode &= ~eModifierMode_Render;

					me_nores = BKE_mesh_new_from_object(bmain, scene, ob_low, 1, 2, 0, 0);
					RE_bake_pixels_populate(me_nores, pixel_array_low, num_pixels, &bake_images, uv_layer);

					RE_bake_normal_world_to_tangent(pixel_array_low, num_pixels, depth, result, me_nores, normal_swizzle, ob_low->obmat);
					BKE_libblock_free(bmain, me_nores);

					if (md)
						md->mode = mode;

	if (!ok) {
		BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Problem baking object \"%s\"", ob_low-> + 2);
	else {
		/* save the results */
		for (int i = 0; i < bake_images.size; i++) {
			BakeImage *bk_image = &[i];

			if (is_save_internal) {
				ok = write_internal_bake_pixels(
				         pixel_array_low + bk_image->offset,
				         result + bk_image->offset * depth,
				         bk_image->width, bk_image->height,
				         margin, is_clear, is_noncolor);

				/* might be read by UI to set active image for display */
				bake_update_image(sa, bk_image->image);

				if (!ok) {
					BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR,
					           "Problem saving the bake map internally for object \"%s\"", ob_low-> + 2);
					op_result = OPERATOR_CANCELLED;
				else {
					BKE_report(reports, RPT_INFO,
					           "Baking map saved to internal image, save it externally or pack it");
					op_result = OPERATOR_FINISHED;
			/* save externally */
			else {
				BakeData *bake = &scene->r.bake;
				char name[FILE_MAX];

				BKE_image_path_from_imtype(name, filepath, bmain->name, 0, bake->im_format.imtype, true, false, NULL);

				if (is_automatic_name) {
					BLI_path_suffix(name, FILE_MAX, ob_low-> + 2, "_");
					BLI_path_suffix(name, FILE_MAX, identifier, "_");

				if (is_split_materials) {
					if (bk_image->image) {
						BLI_path_suffix(name, FILE_MAX, bk_image->image-> + 2, "_");
					else {
						if (ob_low->mat[i]) {
							BLI_path_suffix(name, FILE_MAX, ob_low->mat[i]-> + 2, "_");
						else if (me_low->mat[i]) {
							BLI_path_suffix(name, FILE_MAX, me_low->mat[i]-> + 2, "_");
						else {
							/* if everything else fails, use the material index */
							char tmp[4];
							sprintf(tmp, "%d", i % 1000);
							BLI_path_suffix(name, FILE_MAX, tmp, "_");

				/* save it externally */
				ok = write_external_bake_pixels(
				        pixel_array_low + bk_image->offset,
				        result + bk_image->offset * depth,
				        bk_image->width, bk_image->height,
				        margin, &bake->im_format, is_noncolor);

				if (!ok) {
					BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Problem saving baked map in \"%s\"", name);
					op_result = OPERATOR_CANCELLED;
				else {
					BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_INFO, "Baking map written to \"%s\"", name);
					op_result = OPERATOR_FINISHED;

				if (!is_split_materials) {

	if (is_save_internal)


	if (highpoly) {
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < tot_highpoly; i++) {
			highpoly[i].ob->restrictflag = highpoly[i].restrict_flag;

			if (highpoly[i].tri_mod)
				ED_object_modifier_remove(reports, bmain, highpoly[i].ob, highpoly[i].tri_mod);

			if (highpoly[i].me)
				BKE_libblock_free(bmain, highpoly[i].me);

	ob_low->restrictflag = restrict_flag_low;

	if (ob_cage)
		ob_cage->restrictflag = restrict_flag_cage;

	if (pixel_array_low)

	if (pixel_array_high)

	if (

	if (bake_images.lookup)

	if (result)

	if (me_low)
		BKE_libblock_free(bmain, me_low);

	if (me_cage)
		BKE_libblock_free(bmain, me_cage);

	return op_result;
void RE_bake_pixels_populate(
        Mesh *me, BakePixel pixel_array[],
        const size_t num_pixels, const BakeImages *bake_images, const char *uv_layer)
	BakeDataZSpan bd;
	size_t i;
	int a, p_id;

	MTFace *mtface;
	MFace *mface;

	/* we can't bake in edit mode */
	if (me->edit_btmesh)

	bd.pixel_array = pixel_array;
	bd.zspan = MEM_callocN(sizeof(ZSpan) * bake_images->size, "bake zspan");

	/* initialize all pixel arrays so we know which ones are 'blank' */
	for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++) {
		pixel_array[i].primitive_id = -1;

	for (i = 0; i < bake_images->size; i++) {
		zbuf_alloc_span(&bd.zspan[i], bake_images->data[i].width, bake_images->data[i].height, R.clipcrop);

	if ((uv_layer == NULL) || (uv_layer[0] == '\0')) {
		mtface = CustomData_get_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MTFACE);
	else {
		int uv_id = CustomData_get_named_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MTFACE, uv_layer);
		mtface = CustomData_get_layer_n(&me->fdata, CD_MTFACE, uv_id);

	mface = CustomData_get_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MFACE);

	if (mtface == NULL)

	p_id = -1;
	for (i = 0; i < me->totface; i++) {
		float vec[4][2];
		MTFace *mtf = &mtface[i];
		MFace *mf = &mface[i];
		int mat_nr = mf->mat_nr;
		int image_id = bake_images->lookup[mat_nr];

		bd.bk_image = &bake_images->data[image_id];
		bd.primitive_id = ++p_id;

		for (a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
			/* Note, workaround for pixel aligned UVs which are common and can screw up our intersection tests
			 * where a pixel gets in between 2 faces or the middle of a quad,
			 * camera aligned quads also have this problem but they are less common.
			 * Add a small offset to the UVs, fixes bug #18685 - Campbell */
			vec[a][0] = mtf->uv[a][0] * (float)bd.bk_image->width - (0.5f + 0.001f);
			vec[a][1] = mtf->uv[a][1] * (float)bd.bk_image->height - (0.5f + 0.002f);

		bake_differentials(&bd, vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]);
		zspan_scanconvert(&bd.zspan[image_id], (void *)&bd, vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], store_bake_pixel);

		/* 4 vertices in the face */
		if (mf->v4 != 0) {
			bd.primitive_id = ++p_id;

			bake_differentials(&bd, vec[0], vec[2], vec[3]);
			zspan_scanconvert(&bd.zspan[image_id], (void *)&bd, vec[0], vec[2], vec[3], store_bake_pixel);

	for (i = 0; i < bake_images->size; i++) {
static bool data_transfer_layersmapping_cdlayers(
        ListBase *r_map, const int cddata_type, const int mix_mode, const float mix_factor, const float *mix_weights,
        const int num_elem_dst, const bool use_create, const bool use_delete,
        CustomData *cd_src, CustomData *cd_dst, const bool use_dupref_dst,
        const int fromlayers, const int tolayers)
	int idx_src, idx_dst;
	void *data_src, *data_dst = NULL;

	if (CustomData_layertype_is_singleton(cddata_type)) {
		if (!(data_src = CustomData_get_layer(cd_src, cddata_type))) {
			if (use_delete) {
				CustomData_free_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, num_elem_dst, 0);
			return true;

		data_dst = CustomData_get_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type);
		if (!data_dst) {
			if (!use_create) {
				return true;
			data_dst = CustomData_add_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_elem_dst);
		else if (use_dupref_dst && r_map) {
			/* If dest is a derivedmesh, we do not want to overwrite cdlayers of org mesh! */
			data_dst = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, num_elem_dst);

		if (r_map) {
			data_transfer_layersmapping_add_item_cd(r_map, cddata_type, mix_mode, mix_factor, mix_weights,
			                                        data_src, data_dst);
	else if (fromlayers == DT_LAYERS_ACTIVE_SRC || fromlayers >= 0) {
		/* Note: use_delete has not much meaning in this case, ignored. */

		if (fromlayers >= 0) {  /* Real-layer index */
			idx_src = fromlayers;
		else {
			if ((idx_src = CustomData_get_active_layer(cd_src, cddata_type)) == -1) {
				return true;
		data_src = CustomData_get_layer_n(cd_src, cddata_type, idx_src);
		if (!data_src) {
			return true;

		if (tolayers >= 0) {  /* Real-layer index */
			idx_dst = tolayers;
			/* If dest is a derivedmesh, we do not want to overwrite cdlayers of org mesh! */
			if (use_dupref_dst && r_map) {
				data_dst = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst, num_elem_dst);
			else {
				data_dst = CustomData_get_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst);
		else if (tolayers == DT_LAYERS_ACTIVE_DST) {
			if ((idx_dst = CustomData_get_active_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type)) == -1) {
				if (!use_create) {
					return true;
				data_dst = CustomData_add_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_elem_dst);
			else {
				/* If dest is a derivedmesh, we do not want to overwrite cdlayers of org mesh! */
				if (use_dupref_dst && r_map) {
					data_dst = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst, num_elem_dst);
				else {
					data_dst = CustomData_get_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst);
		else if (tolayers == DT_LAYERS_INDEX_DST) {
			int num = CustomData_number_of_layers(cd_dst, cddata_type);
			idx_dst = idx_src;
			if (num <= idx_dst) {
				if (!use_create) {
					return true;
				/* Create as much data layers as necessary! */
				for (; num <= idx_dst; num++) {
					CustomData_add_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_elem_dst);
			/* If dest is a derivedmesh, we do not want to overwrite cdlayers of org mesh! */
			if (use_dupref_dst && r_map) {
				data_dst = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst, num_elem_dst);
			else {
				data_dst = CustomData_get_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst);
		else if (tolayers == DT_LAYERS_NAME_DST) {
			const char *name = CustomData_get_layer_name(cd_src, cddata_type, idx_src);
			if ((idx_dst = CustomData_get_named_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, name)) == -1) {
				if (!use_create) {
					return true;
				CustomData_add_layer_named(cd_dst, cddata_type, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_elem_dst, name);
				idx_dst = CustomData_get_named_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, name);
			/* If dest is a derivedmesh, we do not want to overwrite cdlayers of org mesh! */
			if (use_dupref_dst && r_map) {
				data_dst = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst, num_elem_dst);
			else {
				data_dst = CustomData_get_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst);
		else {
			return false;

		if (!data_dst) {
			return false;

		if (r_map) {
			        r_map, cddata_type, mix_mode, mix_factor, mix_weights, data_src, data_dst);
	else if (fromlayers == DT_LAYERS_ALL_SRC) {
		int num_src = CustomData_number_of_layers(cd_src, cddata_type);
		bool *use_layers_src = num_src ? MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*use_layers_src) * (size_t)num_src, __func__) : NULL;
		bool ret;

		if (use_layers_src) {
			memset(use_layers_src, true, sizeof(*use_layers_src) * num_src);

		ret = data_transfer_layersmapping_cdlayers_multisrc_to_dst(
		        r_map, cddata_type, mix_mode, mix_factor, mix_weights,
		        num_elem_dst, use_create, use_delete, cd_src, cd_dst, use_dupref_dst,
		        tolayers, use_layers_src, num_src);

		if (use_layers_src) {
		return ret;
	else {
		return false;

	return true;
static bool data_transfer_layersmapping_cdlayers_multisrc_to_dst(
        ListBase *r_map, const int cddata_type, const int mix_mode, const float mix_factor, const float *mix_weights,
        const int num_elem_dst, const bool use_create, const bool use_delete,
        CustomData *cd_src, CustomData *cd_dst, const bool use_dupref_dst,
        const int tolayers, bool *use_layers_src, const int num_layers_src)
	void *data_src, *data_dst = NULL;
	int idx_src = num_layers_src;
	int idx_dst, tot_dst = CustomData_number_of_layers(cd_dst, cddata_type);
	bool *data_dst_to_delete = NULL;

	if (!use_layers_src) {
		/* No source at all, we can only delete all dest if requested... */
		if (use_delete) {
			idx_dst = tot_dst;
			while (idx_dst--) {
				CustomData_free_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, num_elem_dst, idx_dst);
		return true;

	switch (tolayers) {
			idx_dst = tot_dst;

			/* Find last source actually used! */
			while (idx_src-- && !use_layers_src[idx_src]);

			if (idx_dst < idx_src) {
				if (!use_create) {
					return true;
				/* Create as much data layers as necessary! */
				for (; idx_dst < idx_src; idx_dst++) {
					CustomData_add_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_elem_dst);
			else if (use_delete && idx_dst > idx_src) {
				while (idx_dst-- > idx_src) {
					CustomData_free_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, num_elem_dst, idx_dst);
			if (r_map) {
				while (idx_src--) {
					if (!use_layers_src[idx_src]) {
					data_src = CustomData_get_layer_n(cd_src, cddata_type, idx_src);
					/* If dest is a derivedmesh, we do not want to overwrite cdlayers of org mesh! */
					if (use_dupref_dst) {
						data_dst = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_src, num_elem_dst);
					else {
						data_dst = CustomData_get_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_src);
					data_transfer_layersmapping_add_item_cd(r_map, cddata_type, mix_mode, mix_factor, mix_weights,
					                                        data_src, data_dst);
			if (use_delete) {
				if (tot_dst) {
					data_dst_to_delete = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*data_dst_to_delete) * (size_t)tot_dst, __func__);
					memset(data_dst_to_delete, true, sizeof(*data_dst_to_delete) * (size_t)tot_dst);

			while (idx_src--) {
				const char *name;

				if (!use_layers_src[idx_src]) {

				name = CustomData_get_layer_name(cd_src, cddata_type, idx_src);
				data_src = CustomData_get_layer_n(cd_src, cddata_type, idx_src);

				if ((idx_dst = CustomData_get_named_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, name)) == -1) {
					if (!use_create) {
						if (r_map) {
						return true;
					CustomData_add_layer_named(cd_dst, cddata_type, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_elem_dst, name);
					idx_dst = CustomData_get_named_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, name);
				else if (data_dst_to_delete) {
					data_dst_to_delete[idx_dst] = false;
				if (r_map) {
					/* If dest is a derivedmesh, we do not want to overwrite cdlayers of org mesh! */
					if (use_dupref_dst) {
						data_dst = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst, num_elem_dst);
					else {
						data_dst = CustomData_get_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst);
					data_transfer_layersmapping_add_item_cd(r_map, cddata_type, mix_mode, mix_factor, mix_weights,
					                                        data_src, data_dst);

			if (data_dst_to_delete) {
				/* Note: This won't affect newly created layers, if any, since tot_dst has not been updated!
				 *       Also, looping backward ensures us we do not suffer from index shifting when deleting a layer.
				for (idx_dst = tot_dst; idx_dst--;) {
					if (data_dst_to_delete[idx_dst]) {
						CustomData_free_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, num_elem_dst, idx_dst);

			return false;

	return true;
Example #7
void RE_bake_pixels_populate(
        Mesh *me, BakePixel pixel_array[],
        const size_t num_pixels, const BakeImages *bake_images, const char *uv_layer)
	BakeDataZSpan bd;
	size_t i;
	int a, p_id;

	const MLoopUV *mloopuv;
	const int tottri = poly_to_tri_count(me->totpoly, me->totloop);
	MLoopTri *looptri;
	unsigned int mpoly_prev_testindex = UINT_MAX;

	/* we can't bake in edit mode */
	if (me->edit_btmesh)

	if ((uv_layer == NULL) || (uv_layer[0] == '\0')) {
		mloopuv = CustomData_get_layer(&me->ldata, CD_MLOOPUV);
	else {
		int uv_id = CustomData_get_named_layer(&me->ldata, CD_MLOOPUV, uv_layer);
		mloopuv = CustomData_get_layer_n(&me->ldata, CD_MTFACE, uv_id);

	if (mloopuv == NULL)

	bd.pixel_array = pixel_array;
	bd.zspan = MEM_callocN(sizeof(ZSpan) * bake_images->size, "bake zspan");

	/* initialize all pixel arrays so we know which ones are 'blank' */
	for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++) {
		pixel_array[i].primitive_id = -1;

	for (i = 0; i < bake_images->size; i++) {
		zbuf_alloc_span(&bd.zspan[i], bake_images->data[i].width, bake_images->data[i].height, R.clipcrop);

	looptri = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*looptri) * tottri, __func__);

	        me->mloop, me->mpoly,
	        me->totloop, me->totpoly,

	p_id = -1;
	for (i = 0; i < tottri; i++) {
		const MLoopTri *lt = &looptri[i];
		const MPoly *mp = &me->mpoly[lt->poly];
		float vec[3][2];
		int mat_nr = mp->mat_nr;
		int image_id = bake_images->lookup[mat_nr];

		bd.bk_image = &bake_images->data[image_id];
		bd.primitive_id = ++p_id;

		if (lt->poly != mpoly_prev_testindex) {
			test_index_face_looptri(mp, me->mloop, &looptri[i]);
			mpoly_prev_testindex = lt->poly;

		for (a = 0; a < 3; a++) {
			const float *uv = mloopuv[lt->tri[a]].uv;

			/* Note, workaround for pixel aligned UVs which are common and can screw up our intersection tests
			 * where a pixel gets in between 2 faces or the middle of a quad,
			 * camera aligned quads also have this problem but they are less common.
			 * Add a small offset to the UVs, fixes bug #18685 - Campbell */
			vec[a][0] = uv[0] * (float)bd.bk_image->width - (0.5f + 0.001f);
			vec[a][1] = uv[1] * (float)bd.bk_image->height - (0.5f + 0.002f);

		bake_differentials(&bd, vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]);
		zspan_scanconvert(&bd.zspan[image_id], (void *)&bd, vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], store_bake_pixel);

	for (i = 0; i < bake_images->size; i++) {

Example #8
bool BKE_mesh_uv_cdlayer_rename(Mesh *me, const char *old_name, const char *new_name, bool do_tessface)
	CustomData *pdata, *ldata, *fdata;
	if (me->edit_btmesh) {
		pdata = &me->edit_btmesh->bm->pdata;
		ldata = &me->edit_btmesh->bm->ldata;
		/* No tessellated data in BMesh! */
		fdata = NULL;
		do_tessface = false;
	else {
		pdata = &me->pdata;
		ldata = &me->ldata;
		fdata = &me->fdata;
		do_tessface = (do_tessface && fdata->totlayer);

		const int pidx_start = CustomData_get_layer_index(pdata, CD_MTEXPOLY);
		const int lidx_start = CustomData_get_layer_index(ldata, CD_MLOOPUV);
		const int fidx_start = do_tessface ? CustomData_get_layer_index(fdata, CD_MTFACE) : -1;
		int pidx = CustomData_get_named_layer(pdata, CD_MTEXPOLY, old_name);
		int lidx = CustomData_get_named_layer(ldata, CD_MLOOPUV, old_name);
		int fidx = do_tessface ? CustomData_get_named_layer(fdata, CD_MTFACE, old_name) : -1;

		/* None of those cases should happen, in theory!
		 * Note this assume we have the same number of mtexpoly, mloopuv and mtface layers!
		if (pidx == -1) {
			if (lidx == -1) {
				if (fidx == -1) {
					/* No layer found with this name! */
					return false;
				else {
					lidx = fidx;
			pidx = lidx;
		else {
			if (lidx == -1) {
				lidx = pidx;
			if (fidx == -1 && do_tessface) {
				fidx = pidx;
#if 0
		/* For now, we do not consider mismatch in indices (i.e. same name leading to (relative) different indices). */
		else if (pidx != lidx) {
			lidx = pidx;

		/* Go back to absolute indices! */
		pidx += pidx_start;
		lidx += lidx_start;
		if (fidx != -1)
			fidx += fidx_start;

		return BKE_mesh_uv_cdlayer_rename_index(me, pidx, lidx, fidx, new_name, do_tessface);