Example #1
static inline DArray *TSTree_all_values(TSTree *node, DArray *values)

  if(node == NULL) return NULL;

  if(values == NULL) values = DArray_create(DEFAULT_DARRAY_SIZE, DEFAULT_DARRAY_SIZE);

  if(!DArray_empty(node->values)) DArray_push(values, DArray_first(node->values));

  if(node->low) TSTree_all_values(node->low, values);
  if(node->equal) TSTree_all_values(node->equal, values);
  if(node->high) TSTree_all_values(node->high, values);

  return values;
Example #2
char *test_load()
  BytecodeFile *file = BytecodeFile_new(state, bfromcstr("tests/testfile.tvm"));

  bstring main_name = bfromcstr("0_main");
  Function *main = Hashmap_get(file->functions, main_name);
  bstring add_name = bfromcstr("4_add");
  Function *add = Hashmap_get(file->functions, add_name);

  mu_assert(*main->code == PUSH, "error parsing main");

  VALUE first_lit = DArray_first(main->literals);
  mu_assert(strcmp(VAL2STR(first_lit), "add") == 0, "error parsing literal in main");

  VALUE first_num = DArray_at(main->literals, 1);
  mu_assert(VAL2NUM(first_num) == 1.2, "error parsing float literal in main");

  mu_assert(*add->code == PUSHSELF, "error parsing add");


  return NULL;
Example #3
/* My own implemenatation of quicksort */
int DArray_quicksort(DArray *array, DArray_compare cmp) {
	debug( ">>> DArray_quicksort\n");
	check(array != NULL, "array is NULL\n");
	debug( "array: %p\n", array);

	// declare here for error handling
	DArray *less;
	DArray *more;

	if(DArray_count(array) <= 1) {
	// base-case: array is empty or singleton
		debug( "array less/equal 1\n");
		return 0;

	} else {
		// recursive-case: array is longer than 1
		debug( "array greater than 1\n");
		// pick a pivot
		void *pivot = DArray_pop(array);
		check(pivot != NULL, "pivot is NULL");
		debug("length of array: %d", DArray_count(array));	

		// make a list of larger and smaller elements
		less = DArray_create(sizeof(void *), _quicksort_INITIAL_MAX);
		more = DArray_create(sizeof(void *), _quicksort_INITIAL_MAX);
		debug("create less and more");
		void *cur;
		int i;

		for(i = 0, cur = DArray_first(array); 
			i < DArray_count(array);
			i++, cur = DArray_get(array, i)) {

		for(cur = DArray_pop(array); cur != NULL; cur = DArray_pop(array)) {

			check(cur != NULL, "cur is NULL");
			debug("length of array: %d; i: %d", DArray_count(array), i);

			debug("comparing cur to pivot");
			debug("cur: %s", (char *)cur);
			debug("pivot: %s", (char *)pivot);
			debug("address of comparator: %p", cmp);
			debug("cmp(&pivot, &cur): %d", cmp(&pivot, &cur));

			if(cmp(&pivot, &cur) > 0){
				debug("cur is less than the pivot");
				DArray_push(less, cur);
				debug("cur is more than the pivot");
				DArray_push(more, cur);

		check(DArray_count(array) == 0, "array not empty");

		// get lengths before
		int len_less_before = DArray_count(less);
		int len_more_before = DArray_count(more);

		// sort the sublists
		int rc1 = DArray_quicksort(less, cmp);
		int rc2 = DArray_quicksort(more, cmp);
		check(rc1 == 0, "failed to sort less sublist");
		check(rc2 == 0, "failed to sort more sublist");

		// check lengths
		check(len_less_before == DArray_count(less), "length of less changes");
		debug("old len(more): %d; new len(more): %d", len_more_before, DArray_count(more));
		check(len_more_before == DArray_count(more), "length of more changes");
		// at this point less and more are already sorted

		// write all elements back into the old array
		for( i = 0, cur = DArray_first(less); 
			i < DArray_count(less); 
			i++, cur = DArray_get(less, i)) {

			debug("pushing from less, length of less: %d; i: %d", DArray_count(less), i);
			DArray_push(array, cur);

		DArray_push(array, pivot);
			debug("pushing from pivot");

		for(i = 0, cur = DArray_first(more); 
			i < DArray_count(more); 
			i++, cur = DArray_get(more, i)) {

			debug("pushing from more");
			DArray_push(array, cur);

		// check size
		int s_array = DArray_count(array);
		int s_less = DArray_count(less);
		int s_more = DArray_count(more);
		check(s_array = (s_less + s_more + 1), "number of elements changes");

		// destroy the temporary arrays

		// give feedback
		#ifndef NDEBUG
		int k;
		for(k=0; k<DArray_count(array); k++) {
			debug("element %d: %s", k, DArray_get(array, k));

		return 0;

// free all allocated memory
if(array) DArray_destroy(array);
if(less) DArray_destroy(less);
if(more) DArray_destroy(more);

return 1;