Example #1
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int		    driver = DB_PDB;
    char 	    *filename = "empty.silo";
    int             show_all_errors = FALSE;
    int             i, pass;
    char const * const cnames[3] = {"x","y","z"};
    void           *coords[3] = {(void*)1,(void*)2,(void*)3}; /* really funky dummy pointers */
    void           *vars[3] = {(void*)1,(void*)2,(void*)3}; /* really funky dummy pointers */
    void const * const vvars[3] = {(void*)1,(void*)2,(void*)3}; /* really funky dummy pointers */
    void           *var = (void*)1;
    int             iarr[3] = {1,1,1}; /* dummy int array */
    int             ZDIMS[3] = {0,0,0};
    double          exts[4] = {0,0,0,0};
    DBoptlist      *ol = 0;
    double          dtime = 0.0;
    int             hide_from_gui=0;
    int            *gnodeno = 0;
    int            *gzoneno = 0;
    char           *ghostn = 0;
    char           *ghostz = 0;

    /* Parse command-line */
    for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
	if (!strncmp(argv[i], "DB_", 3)) {
	    driver = StringToDriver(argv[i]);
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "show-all-errors")) {
            show_all_errors = 1;
	} else if (argv[i][0] != '\0') {
	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: ignored argument `%s'\n", argv[0], argv[i]);
    DBShowErrors(show_all_errors?DB_ALL_AND_DRVR:DB_NONE, NULL);
    printf("Creating test file \"%s\".\n", filename);
    dbfile = DBCreate(filename, DB_CLOBBER, DB_LOCAL, "test empty silo objects", driver);

    ol = DBMakeOptlist(10);
    DBAddOption(ol, DBOPT_DTIME, &dtime);
    DBAddOption(ol, DBOPT_HIDE_FROM_GUI, &hide_from_gui);
    DBAddOption(ol, DBOPT_NODENUM, gnodeno);
    DBAddOption(ol, DBOPT_ZONENUM, gzoneno);
    DBAddOption(ol, DBOPT_GHOST_NODE_LABELS, ghostn);
    DBAddOption(ol, DBOPT_GHOST_ZONE_LABELS, ghostz);

    /* first pass confirms we catch bad arguments; second pass confirms we permit empty objects */
    for (pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++)
        const int dt = DB_FLOAT;
        const int ct = DB_ZONECENT;
        const int ZZ = 0; /* Used for sole arg causing emptiness */
        if (pass) DBSetAllowEmptyObjects(1);

        /* Because references to the following objects will not ever appear in a
           multi-xxx object, we do not currently test for support of empties...
               DBPutUcdsubmesh, DBPutMrgtree, DBPutMrgvar, DBPutGroupelmap

           Note: 'ZZ' or 'ZDIMS' is the key argument in each call that triggers an empty

        /* empty curve objects */
        ASSERT(DBPutCurve(dbfile,"empty_curveb",        0,coords[0],dt,ZZ,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutCurve(dbfile,"empty_curvec",coords[0],        0,dt,ZZ,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);

        /* empty point meshes and vars */
        ASSERT(DBPutPointmesh(dbfile,"empty_pointmeshb",3,     0,ZZ,dt,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutPointvar(dbfile,"pvb","empty_pointmesha",3,   0,ZZ,dt,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutPointvar1(dbfile,"pv1b","empty_pointmesha",  0,ZZ,dt,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);

        /* empty quad meshes and vars (ZDIMS is the magic zero'ing arg) */
        ASSERT(DBPutQuadmesh(dbfile,"empty_quadmesha",     0,coords,ZDIMS,1,dt,DB_COLLINEAR,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutQuadmesh(dbfile,"empty_quadmeshb",cnames,     0,ZDIMS,2,dt,DB_COLLINEAR,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);

        ASSERT(DBPutQuadvar(dbfile,"qva","empty_quadmesha",2,     0,vars,ZDIMS,2,0,0,dt,ct,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutQuadvar(dbfile,"qvb","empty_quadmesha",3,cnames,   0,ZDIMS,3,0,0,dt,ct,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);

        ASSERT(DBPutQuadvar1(dbfile,"qv1a","empty_quadmesha",  0,ZDIMS,ZZ,var,0,dt,ct,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutQuadvar1(dbfile,"qv1b","empty_quadmesha",var,ZDIMS,ZZ,  0,0,dt,ct,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);

        /* empty ucd meshes, facelists, zonelists and vars */
        ASSERT(DBPutUcdmesh(dbfile,"empty_ucdmesh2",1,     0,coords,ZZ,1,"foo","bar",dt,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutUcdmesh(dbfile,"empty_ucdmesh3",2,cnames,     0,ZZ,0,"foo","bar",dt,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutUcdmesh(dbfile,"empty_ucdmesh3",0,     0,     0,ZZ,0,    0,    0,dt,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);

        ASSERT(DBPutFacelist(dbfile,"empty_facelistb",ZZ,0,   0,1,1,iarr,iarr,iarr,1,iarr,iarr,1),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutFacelist(dbfile,"empty_facelistc",ZZ,0,iarr,1,1,   0,iarr,iarr,1,iarr,iarr,1),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutFacelist(dbfile,"empty_facelistd",ZZ,0,iarr,1,1,iarr,   0,iarr,1,iarr,iarr,1),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutFacelist(dbfile,"empty_faceliste",ZZ,0,iarr,1,1,iarr,iarr,   0,1,iarr,iarr,1),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutFacelist(dbfile,"empty_facelistf",ZZ,0,iarr,1,1,iarr,iarr,iarr,1,   0,iarr,1),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutFacelist(dbfile,"empty_facelistg",ZZ,0,iarr,1,1,iarr,iarr,iarr,1,iarr,   0,1),retval<0,retval==0);

        ASSERT(DBPutZonelist(dbfile,"empty_zonelistb",ZZ,1,   0,10,0,iarr,iarr,10),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutZonelist(dbfile,"empty_zonelistc",ZZ,1,iarr,10,0,   0,iarr,10),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutZonelist(dbfile,"empty_zonelistd",ZZ,1,iarr,10,0,iarr,    0,10),retval<0,retval==0);

        ASSERT(DBPutZonelist2(dbfile,"empty_zonelist2b",ZZ,0,   0,1,3,3,3,iarr,iarr,iarr,1,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutZonelist2(dbfile,"empty_zonelist2c",ZZ,1,iarr,0,3,3,3,   0,iarr,iarr,1,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutZonelist2(dbfile,"empty_zonelist2d",ZZ,1,iarr,1,0,3,0,iarr,   0,iarr,0,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutZonelist2(dbfile,"empty_zonelist2e",ZZ,1,iarr,1,3,0,0,iarr,iarr,   0,1,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);

        ASSERT(DBPutPHZonelist(dbfile,"empty_phzonelistb",ZZ,   0,1,iarr,cnames[0],1,iarr,1,iarr,0,0,0,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutPHZonelist(dbfile,"empty_phzonelistc",ZZ,iarr,1,   0,cnames[0],1,iarr,1,iarr,0,0,0,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutPHZonelist(dbfile,"empty_phzonelistd",ZZ,iarr,1,iarr,        0,1,iarr,1,iarr,0,0,0,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutPHZonelist(dbfile,"empty_phzoneliste",ZZ,iarr,1,iarr,cnames[0],1,   0,1,iarr,0,0,0,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutPHZonelist(dbfile,"empty_phzonelistf",ZZ,iarr,1,iarr,cnames[0],1,iarr,1,   0,0,0,0,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);

        ASSERT(DBPutUcdvar(dbfile,"uvb","empty_ucdmesh1",1,     0,vars,ZZ,vars,1,dt,ct,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutUcdvar(dbfile,"uvc","empty_ucdmesh1",2,cnames,   0,ZZ,vars,1,dt,ct,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutUcdvar(dbfile,"uvd","empty_ucdmesh1",3,cnames,vars,ZZ,   0,1,dt,ct,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutUcdvar(dbfile,"uve","empty_ucdmesh1",3,     0,   0,ZZ,   0,1,dt,ct,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutUcdvar1(dbfile,"uv1b","empty_ucdmesh1",  0,ZZ,vars[0],1,dt,ct,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutUcdvar1(dbfile,"uv1c","empty_ucdmesh1",var,ZZ,      0,1,dt,ct,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutUcdvar1(dbfile,"uv1d","empty_ucdmesh1",  0,ZZ,      0,1,dt,ct,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);

        /* csg meshes and vars */
        ASSERT(DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile,"empty_csgmesh1",2,ZZ,   0,iarr,var,1,dt,exts,"foo",OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile,"empty_csgmesh2",2,ZZ,iarr,   0,var,2,dt,exts,"foo",OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile,"empty_csgmesh3",3,ZZ,iarr,iarr,  0,3,dt,exts,"foo",OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);

        ASSERT(DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile,"empty_csgzonelistb",1,   0,iarr,iarr,0,0,dt,ZZ,iarr,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile,"empty_csgzonelistc",1,iarr,   0,iarr,0,0,dt,ZZ,iarr,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile,"empty_csgzonelistd",1,iarr,iarr,   0,0,0,dt,ZZ,iarr,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile,"empty_csgzoneliste",1,iarr,iarr,iarr,0,0,dt,ZZ,   0,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);

        ASSERT(DBPutCsgvar(dbfile,"csgvb","empty_csgmesh1",1,     0,vvars,ZZ,dt,ct,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutCsgvar(dbfile,"csgvc","empty_csgmesh1",1,cnames,   0, ZZ,dt,ct,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);

        /* empty materials and species */
        ASSERT(DBPutMaterial(dbfile,"empty_matb","foo",1,   0,iarr,ZDIMS,1,iarr,iarr,iarr,vars[0],1,dt,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutMaterial(dbfile,"empty_matc","foo",1,iarr,   0,ZDIMS,1,iarr,iarr,iarr,vars[0],1,dt,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutMaterial(dbfile,"empty_matd","foo",1,iarr,iarr,ZDIMS,1,   0,iarr,iarr,vars[0],1,dt,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutMaterial(dbfile,"empty_mate","foo",1,iarr,iarr,ZDIMS,1,iarr,   0,iarr,vars[0],1,dt,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutMaterial(dbfile,"empty_matf","foo",1,iarr,iarr,ZDIMS,1,iarr,iarr,   0,vars[0],1,dt,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutMaterial(dbfile,"empty_matg","foo",1,iarr,iarr,ZDIMS,1,iarr,iarr,iarr,   0,1,dt,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);

        /* empty matspecies via dims[i] == 0 */
        ASSERT(DBPutMatspecies(dbfile,"empty_specd","empty_mata",1,iarr,iarr,ZDIMS,1,1,  0,iarr,1,dt,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);
        ASSERT(DBPutMatspecies(dbfile,"empty_spece","empty_mata",1,iarr,iarr,ZDIMS,1,1,var,   0,0,dt,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);

        /* empty matspeces via nspecies_mf==0 */
        { int nd=2, d[2]={3,2}, slm[6]={0,0,-1,-3,0,0}, ml=4, msl[4]={1,2,1,2}, slc[6]={0,0,0,0,0,0};
        ASSERT(DBPutMatspecies(dbfile,"empty_specf","empty_mata",1,iarr,slc,d,nd,ZZ,var,  0, 0,dt,OL(ol)),retval<0,retval==0);

    dbfile = 0;

    /* Ok, now try to read each empty object to make sure we get what we expect and nothing fails */
    dbfile = DBOpen(filename, DB_UNKNOWN, DB_READ);

    /* test read back of empty curves */
    {   int i=0; char *cnames[] = {"empty_curvea", "empty_curveb", "empty_curvec", 0};
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "DBPutCurve");
        while (cnames[i])
            DBcurve *curve = DBGetCurve(dbfile, cnames[i++]);
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "..");

    /* test read back of empty point meshes and vars */
    {   int i=0; char *pmnames[] = {"empty_pointmesha", "empty_pointmeshb", 0};
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "DBPutPointmesh");
        while (pmnames[i])
            DBpointmesh *pointmesh = DBGetPointmesh(dbfile, pmnames[i++]);
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "..");
    {   int i=0; char *vnames[] = {"pva", "pvb", "pv1a", "pv1b", 0};
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "DBPutPointvar");
        while (vnames[i])
            DBpointvar *pointvar = DBGetPointvar(dbfile, vnames[i++]);
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "..");

    /* test read back of empty quad meshes and vars */
    {   int i=0; char *qmnames[] = {"empty_quadmesha", "empty_quadmeshb", "empty_quadmeshc", 0};
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "DBPutQuadmesh");
        while (qmnames[i])
            DBquadmesh *quadmesh = DBGetQuadmesh(dbfile, qmnames[i++]);
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "..");
    {   int i=0; char *vnames[] = {"qva" , "qvb", "qv1a", "qv1b",  0};
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "DBPutQuadvar");
        while (vnames[i])
            DBquadvar *quadvar = DBGetQuadvar(dbfile, vnames[i++]);
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "..");

    /* test read back of empty ucd meshes, zonelists and vars */
    {   int i=0; char *mnames[] = {"empty_ucdmesh1", "empty_ucdmesh2", "empty_ucdmesh3", 0};
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "DBPutUcdmesh");
        while (mnames[i])
            DBucdmesh *ucdmesh = DBGetUcdmesh(dbfile, mnames[i++]);
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "..");
    {   int i=0; char *flnames[] = {"empty_facelista", "empty_facelistb",
                                    "empty_facelistc", "empty_facelistd",
                                    "empty_faceliste", "empty_facelistf",
                                    "empty_facelistg", 0};
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "DBPutFacelist");
        while (flnames[i])
            DBfacelist *fl = DBGetFacelist(dbfile, flnames[i++]);
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "..");
    {   int i=0; char *zlnames[] = {"empty_zonelista", "empty_zonelistb",
                                    "empty_zonelistc", "empty_zonelistd",
                                    "empty_zonelist2a", "empty_zonelist2b",
                                    "empty_zonelist2c", "empty_zonelist2d",
                                    "empty_zonelist2e", 0};
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "DBPutZonelist");
        while (zlnames[i])
            DBzonelist *zl = DBGetZonelist(dbfile, zlnames[i++]);
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "..");
    {   int i=0; char *zlnames[] = {"empty_phzonelista", "empty_phzonelistb",
                                    "empty_phzonelistc", "empty_phzonelistd",
                                    "empty_phzoneliste", "empty_phzonelistf", 0};
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "DBPutPHZonelist");
        while (zlnames[i])
            DBphzonelist *zl = DBGetPHZonelist(dbfile, zlnames[i++]);
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "..");
    {   int i=0; char *vnames[] = { "uva",  "uvb",  "uvc",
                                    "uvd",  "uve",  "uv1a",
                                    "uv1b", "uv1c", "uv1d", 0};
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "DBPutUcdvar");
        while (vnames[i])
            DBucdvar *ucdvar = DBGetUcdvar(dbfile, vnames[i++]);
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "..");

    /* test read back of empty csg meshes and vars */
    {   int i=0; char *mnames[] = {"empty_csgmesh1", "empty_csgmesh2", "empty_csgmesh3", 0};
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "DBPutCsgmesh");
        while (mnames[i])
            DBcsgmesh *csgmesh = DBGetCsgmesh(dbfile, mnames[i++]);
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "..");
    {   int i=0; char *zlnames[] = {"empty_csgzonelista", "empty_csgzonelistb",
                                    "empty_csgzonelistc", "empty_csgzonelistd", 
                                    "empty_csgzoneliste", 0};
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "DBPutCSGZonelist");
        while (zlnames[i])
            DBcsgzonelist *zl = DBGetCSGZonelist(dbfile, zlnames[i++]);
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "..");
    {   int i=0; char *vnames[] = {"csgva", "csgvb", "csgvc", "csgvd", 0};
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "DBPutCsgvar");
        while (vnames[i])
            DBcsgvar *csgvar = DBGetCsgvar(dbfile, vnames[i++]);
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "..");

    /* test read back of empty materials and matspecies */
    {   int i=0; char *vnames[] = {"empty_mata", "empty_matb", "empty_matc", "empty_matd",
                                   "empty_mate", "empty_matf", "empty_matg", 0};
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "DBPutMaterial");
        while (vnames[i])
            DBmaterial *mat = DBGetMaterial(dbfile, vnames[i++]);
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "..");
    {   int i=0; char *vnames[] = {"empty_speca", "empty_specb", "empty_specc",
                                   "empty_specd", "empty_spece", "empty_specf", 
                                   "empty_specg", 0};
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "DBPutMatspecies");
        while (vnames[i])
            DBmatspecies *spec = DBGetMatspecies(dbfile, vnames[i++]);
        DBSetDir(dbfile, "..");



    return 0;
Example #2
File: csg.C Project: maxhutch/visit
static void
build_csg(DBfile *dbfile, char *name)
    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =

        float coeffs[] =
            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0,                // point-radius form of sphere
           -2.0,                               // x-intercept form of plane
            2.0,                               // x-intercept form of plane
           -10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 4.5, // point-normal-length-radius form of cylinder
          //  0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -20.25,
            0.0, 0.0, 49.5, 50.0,              // point-radius form of sphere
            0.0, 0.0, -49.5, 50.0              // point radius form of sphere

        int nbounds = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int lcoeffs = sizeof(coeffs) / sizeof(coeffs[0]);

        double extents[] = {-5.0, -5.0, -5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0};

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, name, 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "csgzl", NULL);

    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_INNER,       // 0: inside of sphere
            DBCSG_OUTER,       // 1: in-front of -X plane
            DBCSG_INNER,       // 2: in-back of +X plane 
            DBCSG_INNER,       // 3: inside of quadric cylinder
            DBCSG_INTERSECT,   // 4: sphere cut to -X plane
            DBCSG_INTERSECT,   // 5: -X-cut-sphere cut to +X plane
            DBCSG_DIFF,        // 6: cut-sphere minus quadric cylinder
            DBCSG_INNER,       // 7: inside of large upper sphere
            DBCSG_INNER,       // 8: inside of large lower sphere
            DBCSG_INTERSECT,   // 9: intersection of large spheres
            DBCSG_INTERSECT,   //10: 9 cut to inside of quadric cylinder 
            DBCSG_INTERSECT    //11: 10 cut to inside of smaller sphere 
        //                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11
        int leftids[] =  { 0,  1,  2,  3,  0,  4,  5,  4,  5,  7,  9, 10};
        int rightids[] = {-1, -1, -1, -1,  1,  2,  3, -1, -1,  8,  3, 0}; 
        int zonelist[] = {6, 11};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"ring housing", "lens-shaped fin"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);


    // output a csg variable
        void *pv[1];
        double var1_data[] = {10.0, 100.0};
        char *pname[1];
        char name1[] = "var1";

        pv[0] = var1_data;
        pname[0] = name1;

#ifdef DB_SDX // Use existence of sdx driver to detect earlier versions.
              // Sdx driver exists in 4.5.1 and earlier.
        DBPutCsgvar(dbfile, "var1", "csgmesh", 1, (const char**)pname,
                    (const void**)pv, 2, DB_DOUBLE, DB_ZONECENT, 0);
        DBPutCsgvar(dbfile, "var1", "csgmesh", 1, pname,
                    pv, 2, DB_DOUBLE, DB_ZONECENT, 0);

    // output a material for this csg mesh
        int matnos[] = {2, 3};
        int matlist[] = {2, 3};
        int dims = 2;
        DBPutMaterial(dbfile, "mat", "csgmesh", 2,  matnos,  matlist, &dims, 1,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, DB_FLOAT, 0);
Example #3
File: csg.C Project: maxhutch/visit
// This mesh is based on some test data from Greg Greenman
static void
build_greenman_csg(DBfile *dbfile, char *name)
    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =

        const float c0 = .464102;
        const float c1 = .707107;
        const float c2 = -1.0718;
        float coeffs[] =
         // x^2  y^2  z^2  xy   yz   xz    x    y    z    c
            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,    // 0: "bottom" 
            1.0,  c0,  c0, 0.0,  c2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,    // 1: "cone"
            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  c1,  c1, 0.0,    // 2: "cone_apex"
            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  c1,  c1,-4.0,    // 3: "cone_end"
            1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -100.0, // 4: "cylinder"
            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -10.0   // 5: "top" 

        int nbounds = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int lcoeffs = sizeof(coeffs) / sizeof(coeffs[0]);

        //double extents[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0};
        double extents[] = {-10.0, -10.0, -10.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0};

        char *bndnames[] = {"bottom", "cone", "cone_apex", "cone_end",
                            "cylinder", "top"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(2);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_BNDNAMES, bndnames);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, name, 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "greenman_csgzl", optlist);


    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_OUTER,          // 0: above bottom plane
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 1: below top plane
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 2: inside of cylinder
            DBCSG_INTERSECT,      // 3: between top/bottom
            DBCSG_INTERSECT,      // 4: cylinder clipped to between top/bottom
            DBCSG_OUTER,          // 5: outside of cylinder
            DBCSG_INTERSECT,      // 6: oustide of cylinder cliped to between top/bottom
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 7: inside of cone
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 8: below cone_end plane
            DBCSG_OUTER,          // 9: above cone_apex plane
            DBCSG_INTERSECT,      //10: between cone planes 
            DBCSG_INTERSECT,      //11: inside of cone between cone planes
            DBCSG_DIFF            //12: cylinder minus cone
        //                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12
        int leftids[] =  { 0,  5,  4,  0,  3,  4,  5,  1,  3,  2,  8, 10,  4};
        int rightids[] = {-1, -1, -1,  1,  2, -1,  3, -1, -1, -1,  9,  7, 11};
        int zonelist[] = {6, 11, 12};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"void", "uranium", "air"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "greenman_csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);
Example #4
File: csg.C Project: maxhutch/visit
static void
build_primitives_csg(DBfile *dbfile)

    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =

        float coeffs[] =
            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,               // point-radius form of sphere
            0.0                               // x-intercept form of plane

        double extents[] = {-2.0, -2.0, -2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0};

        char *bndnames[] = {"sphere", "plane"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(2);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_BNDNAMES, bndnames);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "sphere", 3, 1, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, 4, DB_FLOAT, extents, "sphere_csgzl", optlist);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "half_sphere", 3, 2, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, 5, DB_FLOAT, extents, "half_sphere_csgzl", optlist);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "half_sphere_compliment", 3, 2, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, 5, DB_FLOAT, extents, "half_sphere_comp_csgzl", optlist);


    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 0: inside of sphere 
            DBCSG_OUTER,          // 1: +x side of plane
            DBCSG_INTERSECT,      // 2: the +half sphere
            DBCSG_COMPLIMENT      // 3: the not of 2
        //                 0   1   2   3
        int leftids[] =  { 0,  1,  1,  2};
        int rightids[] = {-1, -1,  0, -1};
        int zonelist1[] = {0};
        int zonelist2[] = {2};
        int zonelist3[] = {3};

        char *zonenames[] = {"region_1"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "sphere_csgzl", 1, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, 1, zonelist1, optlist);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "half_sphere_csgzl", 3, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, 1, zonelist2, optlist);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "half_sphere_comp_csgzl", 4, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, 1, zonelist3, optlist);

    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_CYLINDER_PNLR,      // 0: cylinderY
            DBCSG_CYLINDER_PNLR,      // 1: cylinderX
            DBCSG_CYLINDER_PNLR       // 2: cylinderZ

        float coeffs[] =
           //0.0, -10.0, 0.0, 0.707, 0.0, 0.707, 20.0, 4.5 point-normal-length-radius form of cylinder
         -10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 4.5, // point-normal-length-radius form of cylinder
           0.0, -10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 20.0, 4.5, // point-normal-length-radius form of cylinder
           0.0, 0.0, -10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 20.0, 4.5  // point-normal-length-radius form of cylinder

        int nbounds = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int lcoeffs = sizeof(coeffs) / sizeof(coeffs[0]);

        double extents[] = {-10.0, -10.0, -10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0};

        char *bndnames[] = {"cylinderY", "cylinderX", "cylinderZ"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(2);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_BNDNAMES, bndnames);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "cylinders", 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "cylinders_csgzl", optlist);


    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 0: inside of cylinderY
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 1: inside of cylinderX 
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 2: inside of cylinderZ
            DBCSG_UNION,          // 3: 0 and 1 
            DBCSG_UNION           // 4: 2 and 3 
        //                 0   1   2   3   4
        int leftids[] =  { 0,  1,  2,  0,  2};
        int rightids[] = {-1, -1, -1,  1,  3};
        int zonelist[] = {0, 1, 2, 4};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"cylinderY","cylinderX","cylinderZ","cylinderAll"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "cylinders_csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);

    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =

        float coeffs[] =
            1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0  // point-normal form of plane

        int nbounds = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int lcoeffs = sizeof(coeffs) / sizeof(coeffs[0]);

        double extents[] = {-2.0, -2.0, -2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0};

        char *bndnames[] = {"plane"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(2);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_BNDNAMES, bndnames);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "plane_pn_X", 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "plane_pn_X_csgzl", optlist);


    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_INNER,           // 0: inside (everything to left) of plane
            DBCSG_OUTER            // 1: outside (everything to right) of plane
        //                 0
        int leftids[] =  { 0,  0};
        int rightids[] = {-1, -1};
        int zonelist[] = {0, 1};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"left-of-plane",

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "plane_pn_X_csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);

    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =

        float coeffs[] =
            1.0  // x-intercept form of plane

        int nbounds = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int lcoeffs = sizeof(coeffs) / sizeof(coeffs[0]);

        double extents[] = {-2.0, -2.0, -2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0};

        char *bndnames[] = {"plane"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(2);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_BNDNAMES, bndnames);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "plane_X", 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "plane_X_csgzl", optlist);


    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 0: inside (everything to left) of plane
            DBCSG_OUTER           // 1: outside (everything to right) of plane
        //                 0   1
        int leftids[] =  { 0,  0};
        int rightids[] = {-1, -1};
        int zonelist[] = { 0,  1};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"left-of-plane", "right-of-plane"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "plane_X_csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);

    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =

        float coeffs[] =
            1.0  // y-intercept form of plane

        int nbounds = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int lcoeffs = sizeof(coeffs) / sizeof(coeffs[0]);

        double extents[] = {-2.0, -2.0, -2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0};

        char *bndnames[] = {"plane"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(2);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_BNDNAMES, bndnames);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "plane_Y", 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "plane_Y_csgzl", optlist);


    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 0: inside (everything to bottom) of plane
            DBCSG_OUTER           // 1: outside (everything to top) of plane
        //                 0   1
        int leftids[] =  { 0,  0};
        int rightids[] = {-1, -1};
        int zonelist[] = { 0,  1};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"bottom-of-plane", "top-of-plane"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "plane_Y_csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);

    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =

        float coeffs[] =
            1.0  // z-intercept form of plane

        int nbounds = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int lcoeffs = sizeof(coeffs) / sizeof(coeffs[0]);

        double extents[] = {-2.0, -2.0, -2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0};

        char *bndnames[] = {"plane"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(2);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_BNDNAMES, bndnames);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "plane_Z", 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "plane_Z_csgzl", optlist);


    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 0: inside (everything to back) of plane
            DBCSG_OUTER           // 1: outside (everything to front) of plane
        //                 0   1
        int leftids[] =  { 0,  0};
        int rightids[] = {-1, -1};
        int zonelist[] = { 0,  1};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"back-of-plane", "front-of-plane"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "plane_Z_csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);

    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =

        float coeffs[] =
            1.0, -1.0,  // x-intercept form of plane
            1.0, -1.0,  // y-intercept form of plane
            1.0, -1.0   // z-intercept form of plane

        int nbounds = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int lcoeffs = sizeof(coeffs) / sizeof(coeffs[0]);

        double extents[] = {-2.0, -2.0, -2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0};

        char *bndnames[] = {"XAplane","XBplane","YAplane","YBplane","ZAplane","ZBplane"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(2);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_BNDNAMES, bndnames);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "Box", 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "box_csgzl", optlist);


    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 0: inside (everything to left) of plane
            DBCSG_OUTER,          // 1: outside (everything to right) of plane
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 2: inside (everything to left) of plane
            DBCSG_OUTER,          // 3: outside (everything to right) of plane
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 4: inside (everything to left) of plane
            DBCSG_OUTER,          // 5: outside (everything to right) of plane
            DBCSG_INTERSECT,      // 6: between X planes
            DBCSG_INTERSECT,      // 7: between Y planes
            DBCSG_INTERSECT,      // 8: between Z planes
            DBCSG_INTERSECT,      // 9: between XY planes
            DBCSG_INTERSECT,      //10: between XY & Z planes
        //                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10
        int leftids[] =  { 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  0,  2,  4,  6,  8};
        int rightids[] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,  1,  3,  5,  7,  9};
        int zonelist[] = {10};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"box"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "box_csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);

    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =

        float coeffs[] =
            1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.707, 0.707, 0.0  // point-normal form of plane

        int nbounds = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int lcoeffs = sizeof(coeffs) / sizeof(coeffs[0]);

        double extents[] = {-2.0, -2.0, -2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0};

        char *bndnames[] = {"plane"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(2);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_BNDNAMES, bndnames);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "plane_PN", 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "plane_PN_csgzl", optlist);


    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 0: inside (everything to back) of plane
            DBCSG_OUTER           // 1: outside (everything to front) of plane
        //                 0   1
        int leftids[] =  { 0,  0};
        int rightids[] = {-1, -1};
        int zonelist[] = { 0,  1};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"sideA", "sideB"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "plane_PN_csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);

    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =

        float coeffs[] =
            0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -20.25 // cylinder

        int nbounds = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int lcoeffs = sizeof(coeffs) / sizeof(coeffs[0]);

        double extents[] = {-5.0, -5.0, -5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0};

        char *bndnames[] = {"cylinder"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(2);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_BNDNAMES, bndnames);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "quadric_cylinder", 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "quadric_cylinder_csgzl", optlist);


    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 0: inside (everything to back) of plane
            DBCSG_OUTER           // 1: outside (everything to front) of plane
        //                 0   1
        int leftids[] =  { 0,  0};
        int rightids[] = {-1, -1};
        int zonelist[] = { 0,  1};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"inside", "outside"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "quadric_cylinder_csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);

    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =

        float coeffs[] =
            1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -16.0 // spheriod

        int nbounds = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int lcoeffs = sizeof(coeffs) / sizeof(coeffs[0]);

        double extents[] = {-5.0, -5.0, -5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0};

        char *bndnames[] = {"spheriod"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(2);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_BNDNAMES, bndnames);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "quadric_spheriod", 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "quadric_spheroid_csgzl", optlist);


    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 0: inside (everything to back) of plane
            DBCSG_OUTER           // 1: outside (everything to front) of plane
        //                 0   1
        int leftids[] =  { 0,  0};
        int rightids[] = {-1, -1};
        int zonelist[] = { 0,  1};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"inside", "outside"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "quadric_spheroid_csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);

    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =

        float coeffs[] =
            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0 // plane

        int nbounds = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int lcoeffs = sizeof(coeffs) / sizeof(coeffs[0]);

        double extents[] = {-5.0, -5.0, -5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0};

        char *bndnames[] = {"plane"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(2);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_BNDNAMES, bndnames);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "quadric_plane", 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "quadric_plane_csgzl", optlist);


    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 0: inside (everything to back) of plane
            DBCSG_OUTER           // 1: outside (everything to front) of plane
        //                 0   1
        int leftids[] =  { 0,  0};
        int rightids[] = {-1, -1};
        int zonelist[] = { 0,  1};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"inside", "outside"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "quadric_plane_csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);

    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =

        const float c0 = .464102;
        const float c2 = -1.0718;
        float coeffs[] =
            1.0,  c0,  c0, 0.0,  c2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0    // cone
            //1/9.0,  1/9.0,  -0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0    // good-cone
            //1/9.0,  1/9.0,  -0.01, 0.0, -.10, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0    // cone

        int nbounds = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int lcoeffs = sizeof(coeffs) / sizeof(coeffs[0]);

        //double extents[] = {-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
        double extents[] = {-10.0, -10.0, -10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0};

        char *bndnames[] = {"cone"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(2);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_BNDNAMES, bndnames);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "quadric_cone", 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "quadric_cone_csgzl", optlist);


    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 0: inside (everything to back) of plane
            DBCSG_OUTER           // 1: outside (everything to front) of plane
        //                 0   1
        int leftids[] =  { 0,  0};
        int rightids[] = {-1, -1};
        int zonelist[] = { 0,  1};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"inside", "outside"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "quadric_cone_csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);

    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =

        float coeffs[] =
            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9

        int nbounds = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int lcoeffs = sizeof(coeffs) / sizeof(coeffs[0]);

        double extents[] = {-3.0, -3.0, -3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0};

        char *bndnames[] = {"outer-sphere", "inner-sphere"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(2);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_BNDNAMES, bndnames);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "quadric_shell", 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "quadric_shell_csgzl", optlist);


    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 0: inside of outer sphere 
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 1: inside of inner sphere 
            DBCSG_DIFF            // 2: difference 
        //                 0   1   2
        int leftids[] =  { 0,  1,  0};
        int rightids[] = {-1, -1,  1};
        int zonelist[] = {2};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"difference"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "quadric_shell_csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);
    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =

        float theta = 45.0f * 3.1415926f/180.0f;
        float a = cos(theta);
        float b = sin(theta);
        float coeffs[] =
         // x^2  y^2   z^2  xy    yz    xz        x     y     z     c
            a*a, 1.0f, b*b, 0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f*a*b, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f
            //1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -4

        int nbounds = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int lcoeffs = sizeof(coeffs) / sizeof(coeffs[0]);

        double extents[] = {-5.0, -5.0, -5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0};

        char *bndnames[] = {"quadric_cylinder"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(2);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_BNDNAMES, bndnames);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "quadric_cylinder2", 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "quadric_cylinder2_csgzl", optlist);


    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_INNER           // 0: inside of cylinder 
        //                 0
        int leftids[] =  { 0};
        int rightids[] = {-1};
        int zonelist[] = {0};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"cylinder"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "quadric_cylinder2_csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);

    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =

        float theta = 45.0 * 3.1415926/180.0;
        float phi  = 45.0 * 3.1415926/180.0;
        float a = cos(theta);
        float b = sin(theta); 
        float q = cos(-phi);
        float r = sin(-phi);
        float a2 = a*a;
        float b2 = b*b;
        float q2 = q*q;
        float r2 = r*r;
        float R = 2.0;
        float coeffs[] =
         // x^2    y^2 z^2       xy          yz          xz                     x     y     z     c
         a2+r2*b2, q2, b2+r2*a2, 2.0f*q*r*b, 2.0f*q*r*a, -2.0f*a*b+2.0f*a*b*r2, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -R*R

        int nbounds = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int lcoeffs = sizeof(coeffs) / sizeof(coeffs[0]);

        double extents[] = {-5.0, -5.0, -5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0};

        char *bndnames[] = {"quadric_cylinder"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(2);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_BNDNAMES, bndnames);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "quadric_cylinder3", 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "quadric_cylinder3_csgzl", optlist);


    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_INNER           // 0: inside of cylinder 
        //                 0
        int leftids[] =  { 0};
        int rightids[] = {-1};
        int zonelist[] = {0};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"cylinder"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "quadric_cylinder3_csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);

    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =

        float coeffs[] =
            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.577, 0.577, 0.577, 5.0, 30.0

        int nbounds = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int lcoeffs = sizeof(coeffs) / sizeof(coeffs[0]);

        double extents[] = {-5.0, -5.0, -5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0};

        char *bndnames[] = {"cone_pnla"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(2);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_BNDNAMES, bndnames);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "cone_pnla", 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "cone_pnla_csgzl", optlist);


    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_INNER           // 0: inside of cylinder 
        //                 0
        int leftids[] =  { 0};
        int rightids[] = {-1};
        int zonelist[] = {0};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"cone"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "cone_pnla_csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);

    // build and output the csg mesh (boundaries)
        int typeflags[] =

        float coeffs[] =
            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.975,
            0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  1.0,
            0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.57, 0.578, 0.578, 2.0, 0.1

        int nbounds = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int lcoeffs = sizeof(coeffs) / sizeof(coeffs[0]);

        double extents[] = {-2.0, -2.0, -2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(2);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "sphere_shell_by_intersection", 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "ssbi_csgzl", optlist);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "sphere_shell_by_diff", 3, nbounds, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, lcoeffs, DB_FLOAT, extents, "ssbd_csgzl", optlist);


    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_OUTER,          // 0: outside of inner sphere
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 1: inside of outer sphere 
            DBCSG_INTERSECT,      // 2: intersection between them 
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 3: inside of cylinder
            DBCSG_DIFF            // 4: sphere shell minus cylinder
        //                 0   1   2   3   4
        int leftids[] =  { 0,  1,  0,  2,  2};
        int rightids[] = {-1, -1,  1, -1,  3};
        int zonelist[] = {4};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"shelli"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "ssbi_csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);

    // build and output the csg zonelist
        int typeflags[] =
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 0: inside of inner sphere
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 1: inside of outer sphere 
            DBCSG_DIFF,           // 2: outer minus inner 
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 3: inside of cylinder
            DBCSG_DIFF            // 4: sphere shell minus cylinder
        //                 0   1   2   3   4
        int leftids[] =  { 0,  1,  1,  2,  2};
        int rightids[] = {-1, -1,  0, -1,  3};
        int zonelist[] = {2};

        int nregs = sizeof(typeflags) / sizeof(typeflags[0]);
        int nzones = sizeof(zonelist) / sizeof(zonelist[0]);

        char *zonenames[] = {"shelli"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "ssbd_csgzl", nregs, typeflags, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, nzones, zonelist, optlist);
Example #5
File: csg.C Project: maxhutch/visit
static void
build_csg_time_series(int driver)
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        char fileName[64];
        sprintf(fileName, "csg_series_%03d.silo", i);
        DBfile *dbfile = DBCreate(fileName, 0, DB_LOCAL, "csg time series test file", driver);

        int typeflags[] =

        float coeffs[] =
            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,               // point-radius form of sphere
            0.0                               // x-intercept form of plane

        if (i == 3) coeffs[3] = 1.5;
        if (i == 6) coeffs[4] = -0.25;

        double extents[] = {-2.0, -2.0, -2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0};

        char *bndnames[] = {"sphere", "plane"};

        DBoptlist *optlist = DBMakeOptlist(4);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_EXTENTS, extents);
        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_BNDNAMES, bndnames);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "sphere", 3, 1, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, 4, DB_FLOAT, extents, "sphere_csgzl", optlist);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "half_sphere", 3, 2, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, 5, DB_FLOAT, extents, "half_sphere_csgzl", optlist);

        DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "half_sphere_compliment", 3, 2, typeflags,
            NULL, coeffs, 5, DB_FLOAT, extents, "half_sphere_comp_csgzl", optlist);

        int typeflags2[] =
            DBCSG_INNER,          // 0: inside of sphere 
            DBCSG_OUTER,          // 1: +x side of plane
            DBCSG_INTERSECT,      // 2: the +half sphere
            DBCSG_COMPLIMENT      // 3: the not of 2
        //                 0   1   2   3
        int leftids[] =  { 0,  1,  1,  2};
        int rightids[] = {-1, -1,  0, -1};
        int zonelist1[] = {0};
        int zonelist2[] = {2};
        int zonelist3[] = {3};

        char *zonenames[] = {"region_1"};

        DBAddOption(optlist, DBOPT_ZONENAMES, zonenames);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "sphere_csgzl", 1, typeflags2, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, 1, zonelist1, optlist);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "half_sphere_csgzl", 3, typeflags2, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, 1, zonelist2, optlist);

        DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "half_sphere_comp_csgzl", 4, typeflags2, leftids, rightids,
                         NULL, 0, DB_INT, 1, zonelist3, optlist);
