Example #1
int Zoltan_DD_Find (
 Zoltan_DD_Directory *dd, /* contains directory state information        */
 ZOLTAN_ID_PTR gid,       /* Incoming list of GIDs to get owners proc    */
 ZOLTAN_ID_PTR lid,       /* Outgoing corresponding list of LIDs         */
 char *data,              /* Outgoing optional corresponding user data   */
 int *partition,          /* Outgoing optional partition information     */
 int  count,              /* Count of GIDs in above list (in)            */
 int *owner)              /* Outgoing optional list of data owners       */
   ZOLTAN_COMM_OBJ *plan  = NULL;     /* efficient MPI communication     */
   char            *rbuff = NULL;     /* receive buffer                  */
   char            *rbufftmp = NULL;  /* pointer into receive buffer     */
   char            *sbuff = NULL;     /* send buffer                     */
   char            *sbufftmp = NULL;  /* pointer into send buffer        */
   int             *procs = NULL;     /* list of processors to contact   */
   DD_Find_Msg     *ptr   = NULL;
   int              i;
   int              nrec;             /* number of messages to receive   */
   int              err = ZOLTAN_OK;  /* return error condition          */
   int              errcount;         /* count of GIDs not found         */
   char            *yo = "Zoltan_DD_Find";

   /* input sanity check */
   if (dd == NULL || count < 0 || (gid == NULL && count > 0))  {
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR (dd ? dd->my_proc : ZOLTAN_DD_NO_PROC, yo,
       "Invalid input argument");
      return ZOLTAN_FATAL;
   if (dd->debug_level > 4)
      ZOLTAN_TRACE_IN(dd->my_proc, yo, NULL);

   /* allocate memory for processors to contact for directory info */
   if (count)  {
      procs = (int*) ZOLTAN_MALLOC (sizeof(int) * count);
      if (procs == NULL) {
         ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR (dd->my_proc, yo, "Unable to malloc proc list");
         if (dd->debug_level > 4)
           ZOLTAN_TRACE_OUT(dd->my_proc, yo, NULL);
         return ZOLTAN_MEMERR;

   /* allocate memory for DD_Find_Msg send buffer */
   if (count)  {
      sbuff = (char*) ZOLTAN_CALLOC (count, dd->find_msg_size);
      if (sbuff == NULL)  {
         ZOLTAN_FREE (&procs);
         ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR (dd->my_proc, yo, "Unable to malloc send buffer");
         if (dd->debug_level > 4)
            ZOLTAN_TRACE_OUT(dd->my_proc, yo, NULL);
         return ZOLTAN_MEMERR;

   if (dd->debug_level > 6)
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_INFO(dd->my_proc, yo, "After mallocs");

   /* for each GID, fill DD_Find_Msg buffer and contact list */
   sbufftmp = sbuff;
   for (i = 0; i < count; i++)  {
      procs[i] = dd->hash (gid + i*dd->gid_length, dd->gid_length, dd->nproc,
                           dd->hashdata, dd->hashfn);
      ptr      = (DD_Find_Msg*) sbufftmp;
      sbufftmp += dd->find_msg_size;

      ptr->index = i;
      ptr->proc  = procs[i];
      ZOLTAN_SET_ID (dd->gid_length, ptr->id, gid + i*dd->gid_length);
   if (dd->debug_level > 6)
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_INFO(dd->my_proc, yo, "After fill");

   /* create efficient communication plan */
   err = Zoltan_Comm_Create (&plan, count, procs, dd->comm,
   if (dd->debug_level > 6)
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_INFO(dd->my_proc, yo, "After Comm_Create");
   if (err != ZOLTAN_OK)
      goto fini;

   /* allocate receive buffer */
   if (nrec)  {
      rbuff = (char*) ZOLTAN_MALLOC ((size_t)nrec*(size_t)(dd->find_msg_size));
      if (rbuff == NULL)  {
         err = ZOLTAN_MEMERR;
         goto fini;

   /* send out find messages across entire system */
   err = Zoltan_Comm_Do (plan, ZOLTAN_DD_FIND_MSG_TAG+1, sbuff,
    dd->find_msg_size, rbuff);
   if (err != ZOLTAN_OK)
      goto fini;

   if (dd->debug_level > 6)
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_INFO(dd->my_proc, yo, "After Comm_Do");

   /* get find messages directed to me, fill in return information */
   errcount = 0;
   rbufftmp = rbuff;
   for (i = 0; i < nrec; i++)  {
      ptr = (DD_Find_Msg*) rbufftmp;
      rbufftmp += dd->find_msg_size;
      err = DD_Find_Local (dd, ptr->id, ptr->id,
                           (char *)(ptr->id + dd->max_id_length),
                           &ptr->partition, &ptr->proc);
      if (err == ZOLTAN_WARN)
   if (dd->debug_level > 6)
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_INFO(dd->my_proc, yo, "After fill in return info");

   /* send return information back to requester */
   err = Zoltan_Comm_Do_Reverse(plan, ZOLTAN_DD_FIND_MSG_TAG+2, rbuff,
    dd->find_msg_size, NULL, sbuff);
   if (err != ZOLTAN_OK)
      goto fini;
   if (dd->debug_level > 6)
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_INFO(dd->my_proc, yo, "After Comm_Reverse");

   /* fill in user supplied lists with returned information */
   sbufftmp = sbuff;
   for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      ptr = (DD_Find_Msg*) sbufftmp;
      sbufftmp += dd->find_msg_size;

      if (owner)
         owner[ptr->index] = ptr->proc;
      if (partition)
         partition[ptr->index] = ptr->partition ;
      if (lid)
      if (data)
         memcpy(data + (size_t)(ptr->index) * (size_t)(dd->user_data_length),
                ptr->id + dd->max_id_length, dd->user_data_length);
   if (dd->debug_level > 6)
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_INFO(dd->my_proc, yo, "After fill return lists");
/*    err = ZOLTAN_OK;     */

   MPI_Allreduce(&errcount, &err, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, dd->comm);
   err = (err) ? ZOLTAN_WARN : ZOLTAN_OK;

   /* if at least one GID was not found, potentially notify caller of error */
   if (dd->debug_level > 0)  {
      char str[100];      /* diagnostic message string */
      sprintf (str, "Processed %d GIDs, GIDs not found: %d", count, errcount);
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_INFO (dd->my_proc, yo, str);

   ZOLTAN_FREE (&sbuff);
   ZOLTAN_FREE (&rbuff);
   ZOLTAN_FREE (&procs) ;
   Zoltan_Comm_Destroy (&plan);

   if (dd->debug_level > 4)
      ZOLTAN_TRACE_OUT(dd->my_proc, yo, NULL);
   return err;
Example #2
int Zoltan_DD_Find (
 Zoltan_DD_Directory *dd, /* contains directory state information          */
 ZOLTAN_ID_PTR gid,       /* Incoming list of GIDs to get owners proc      */
 ZOLTAN_ID_PTR lid,       /* Outgoing corresponding list of LIDs           */
 ZOLTAN_ID_PTR data,      /* Outgoing optional corresponding user data     */
 int *partition,          /* Outgoing optional partition information       */
 int  count,              /* Count of GIDs in above list (in)              */
 int *owner)              /* Outgoing corresponding list of data locations */
   ZOLTAN_COMM_OBJ *plan  = NULL ;  /* efficient MPI communication     */
   char            *rbuff = NULL ;  /* receive buffer                  */
   char            *sbuff = NULL ;  /* send buffer                     */
   int             *procs = NULL ;  /* list of processors to contact   */
   DD_Find_Msg     *ptr   = NULL ;
   int              i ;
   int              nrec ;          /* number of messages to receive   */
   int              err ;           /* return error condition          */
   int              errcount ;      /* count of GIDs not found         */

   char            *yo = "Zoltan_DD_Find" ;

   if (dd != NULL && dd->debug_level > 1)
      ZOLTAN_TRACE_IN(dd->my_proc, yo, NULL);

   /* input sanity check */
   if (dd == NULL || count < 0 || ((owner == NULL || gid == NULL) && count > 0))
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR ((dd == NULL ? ZOLTAN_DD_NO_PROC : dd->my_proc),
       yo, "Invalid input argument.") ;
      if (dd != NULL && dd->debug_level > 1)
         ZOLTAN_TRACE_OUT((dd == NULL ? ZOLTAN_DD_NO_PROC : dd->my_proc),
          yo, NULL);
      return ZOLTAN_DD_INPUT_ERROR ;

   /* allocate memory for processors to contact for directory info */
   if (count > 0)
      procs = (int *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC (sizeof (int) * count) ;
      if (procs == NULL)
        ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR (dd->my_proc, yo, "Unable to malloc proc list.") ;
        if (dd->debug_level > 1)
           ZOLTAN_TRACE_OUT(dd->my_proc, yo, NULL);
        return ZOLTAN_DD_MEMORY_ERROR ;

   /* allocate memory for DD_Find_Msg send buffer */
   if (count > 0)
      sbuff = (char *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC (dd->find_msg_size * count) ;
      if (sbuff == NULL)
         ZOLTAN_FREE (&procs) ;
         ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR (dd->my_proc, yo, "Unable to malloc send buffer.") ;
         if (dd->debug_level > 1)
            ZOLTAN_TRACE_OUT(dd->my_proc, yo, NULL);
         return ZOLTAN_DD_MEMORY_ERROR ;

   if (dd->debug_level > 2)
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_INFO(dd->my_proc, yo, "After mallocs.");

   /* for each GID, fill DD_Find_Msg buffer and contact list */
   for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++)
      procs[i] = dd->hash (gid + i*dd->gid_length, dd->gid_length, dd->nproc) ;
      ptr      = (DD_Find_Msg *) (sbuff + i * dd->find_msg_size) ;

      ptr->index = i ;
      ptr->proc  = procs[i] ;
      ZOLTAN_SET_ID (dd->gid_length, ptr->id, gid + i*dd->gid_length) ;

   if (dd->debug_level > 2)
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_INFO(dd->my_proc, yo, "After fill.");

   /* create efficient communication plan */
   err = Zoltan_Comm_Create (&plan, count, procs, dd->comm,
    ZOLTAN_DD_FIND_MSG_TAG, &nrec) ;
   if (dd->debug_level > 2)
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_INFO(dd->my_proc, yo, "After Comm_Create.");
   if (err != ZOLTAN_OK)
      goto fini ;

   /* allocate receive buffer */
   if (nrec > 0)
      rbuff = (char *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC (nrec * dd->find_msg_size) ;
      if (rbuff == NULL)
         err = ZOLTAN_DD_MEMORY_ERROR ;
         goto fini ;

   /* send out find messages across entire system */
   err = Zoltan_Comm_Do (plan, ZOLTAN_DD_FIND_MSG_TAG+1, sbuff,
    dd->find_msg_size, rbuff) ;
   if (err != ZOLTAN_OK)
      goto fini ;

   if (dd->debug_level > 2)
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_INFO(dd->my_proc, yo, "After Comm_Do.");

   /* get find messages directed to me, fill in return information */
   errcount = 0 ;
   for (i = 0 ; i < nrec ; i++)
      ptr = (DD_Find_Msg *) (rbuff + i*dd->find_msg_size) ;

      err = DD_Find_Local (dd, ptr->id, ptr->id, ptr->id + dd->max_id_length,
       (partition) ? (&ptr->partition) : NULL, &ptr->proc) ;
          errcount++ ;

   if (dd->debug_level > 2)
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_INFO(dd->my_proc, yo, "After fill in return info.");

   /* send return information back to requester */
   err = Zoltan_Comm_Do_Reverse(plan, ZOLTAN_DD_FIND_MSG_TAG+2, rbuff,
    dd->find_msg_size, NULL, sbuff) ;
   if (err != ZOLTAN_OK)
      goto fini ;

   if (dd->debug_level > 2)
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_INFO(dd->my_proc, yo, "After Comm_Reverse.");

   /* fill in user supplied lists with returned information */
   for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++)
      ptr = (DD_Find_Msg *) (sbuff + i*dd->find_msg_size) ;

      owner[ptr->index] = ptr->proc ;

      if (partition != NULL)
         partition[ptr->index] = ptr->partition ;

      if (lid != NULL)
         ZOLTAN_SET_ID (dd->lid_length, lid + ptr->index * dd->lid_length,
           ptr->id) ;

      if (data != NULL)
         ZOLTAN_SET_ID (dd->user_data_length, data + ptr->index
          * dd->user_data_length, ptr->id + dd->max_id_length) ;

   /* if at least one GID was not found, notify caller of error */
   err = (errcount == 0) ? ZOLTAN_DD_NORMAL_RETURN
                         : ZOLTAN_DD_GID_NOT_FOUND_ERROR ;

   if (dd->debug_level > 2)
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_INFO(dd->my_proc, yo, "After fill return lists.");

   ZOLTAN_FREE (&sbuff) ;
   ZOLTAN_FREE (&rbuff) ;
   ZOLTAN_FREE (&procs) ;
   Zoltan_Comm_Destroy (&plan) ;

      ZOLTAN_PRINT_WARN (dd->my_proc, yo, "Return is not normal.") ;

   if (dd->debug_level > 0)
      char str[100] ;      /* diagnostic message string */
      sprintf (str, "Processed %d GIDs, GIDs not found: %d", count, errcount) ;
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_INFO (dd->my_proc, yo, str) ;

   if (dd->debug_level > 1)
      ZOLTAN_TRACE_OUT(dd->my_proc, yo, NULL);

   return err ;