int main(void)
    unsigned char in[BUFSIZE], encrypted[BUFSIZE], decrypted[BUFSIZE];
    unsigned char *e = encrypted;
    int len;

    DES_cblock key1, key2, key3;
    DES_cblock seed = {0xFE, 0xDC, 0xBA, 0x98, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10};
    DES_key_schedule ks1, ks2, ks3;
    DES_cblock ivsetup = {0xE1, 0xE2, 0xE3, 0xD4, 0xD5, 0xC6, 0xC7, 0xA8};
    DES_cblock ivec;

    memset(in, 0, sizeof(in));
    memset(encrypted, 0, sizeof(encrypted));
    memset(decrypted, 0, sizeof(decrypted));

    RAND_seed(seed, sizeof(DES_cblock));


    DES_set_key((DES_cblock *)key1, &ks1);
    DES_set_key((DES_cblock *)key2, &ks2);
    DES_set_key((DES_cblock *)key3, &ks3);

    /* plaintext */
    strcpy(in, "this is a string encrypted with triple des. it is 64 bytes long.");

    printf("Plaintext: [%s]\n", in);

    len = strlen(in);
    memcpy(ivec, ivsetup, sizeof(ivsetup));
    DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(in, encrypted, len, &ks1, &ks2, &ks3, &ivec, DES_ENCRYPT);

    while (*e) printf(" [%02x]", *e++);

    len = strlen(encrypted);
    memcpy(ivec, ivsetup, sizeof(ivsetup));
    DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(encrypted, decrypted, len, &ks1, &ks2, &ks3, &ivec, DES_DECRYPT);

    printf("Decrypted Text: [%s]\n", decrypted);


Example #2
void openssl_des_crypt()
	int size;
	DES_cblock key;
	DES_cblock outputs;
	const_DES_cblock inputs;
	DES_key_schedule schedule;
	unsigned char tmp[16] = "des crypt";

	DES_string_to_key("beike2012", &key);
	DES_set_key_checked(&key, &schedule);
	DES_is_weak_key((const_DES_cblock *)tmp);
	DES_ecb_encrypt((const_DES_cblock *)tmp, &outputs, &schedule, DES_ENCRYPT);
	printf("\nDES_ecb_encrypt(%s) = ", tmp);
	for (size = 0; size < sizeof(outputs); size++)
		printf("%02x", outputs[size]);

	DES_ecb_encrypt(&outputs, &inputs, &schedule, DES_DECRYPT);
	for (size = 0; size < sizeof(outputs); size++)
		printf("%02x", outputs[size]);
	printf(") = %s\n", inputs);
Example #3
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

  /* does not seem to be needed ot useful
  time_t curtime = time(NULL);
  unsigned int iseed = (unsigned int) curtime;

  printf("size of random key is: %d\n", sizeof(DES_cblock));
  printf("size of long is: %d\n", sizeof(long));

  DES_cblock *key = (DES_cblock *) malloc(sizeof(DES_cblock));
  assert(key != NULL);
  printf("key memory location is %lx\n", key);

  *((long*) key) = 0L;

  long before = *((long *) key);
  printf("key prior to initialization: %lx\n", before);

  DES_random_key(key);  /* generating random key */

  long after = *((long*) key);
  printf("key after initialization: %lx\n", after);


  return 0;

Example #4
File: des_R.c Project: kgadek/kpfp
int main(int argc, char** args) {
	if(argc!=5 || (strcmp(args[1], "cbc") && strcmp(args[1], "ecb")) || (strcmp(args[2], "encrypt") && strcmp(args[2], "decrypt"))) {
		printf("uzycie: des cbc/ecb encrypt/decrypt plik.key\ndane wyjsciowe przekierowywane sa do pliku plik.out\n");
		return 1;
	FILE* in = fopen(args[3], "r");
	if(!in) {
		printf("blad przy otwieraniu pliku...\n");
		return 1;
	FILE* key;
	if(strcmp(args[2], "encrypt"))
		key = fopen(args[4], "r");
		key = fopen(args[4], "w");
	DES_key_schedule klucz;
	DES_cblock sekwencja;
	if(DES_set_key_checked(&sekwencja, &klucz)<0) {
		printf("blad przy generacji klucza!\n");
		return 1;

	if(strcmp(args[1], "cbc")) {
		if(strcmp(args[2], "encrypt"))
			ecb(in, key, klucz, 0);
			ecb(in, key, klucz, 1);
	} else {
		if(strcmp(args[2], "encrypt"))
			cbc(in, key, klucz, 0); 
			cbc(in, key, klucz, 1);
	fclose(in); fclose(key);
	return 0;
Example #5
int CmdHF14AMfDESAuth(const char *Cmd){
    uint8_t blockNo = 0;
    uint32_t cuid=0;
    uint8_t reply[16];
    //DES_cblock r1_b1;
    uint8_t b1[8]={ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
    uint8_t b2[8]={ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
    DES_cblock nr,  b0, r1, r0;
    uint8_t key[8]={ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
    //DES_cblock iv={0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
    DES_key_schedule ks1;
    DES_cblock key1;

    if (strlen(Cmd)<1) {
        PrintAndLog("Usage:  hf desfire des-auth k <key number>");
        PrintAndLog("        sample: hf desfire des-auth k 0");
        return 0;
    //Change key to user defined one
    DES_set_key((DES_cblock *)key1,&ks1);
    //DES_set_key((DES_cblock *)key2,&ks2);
    UsbCommand c = {CMD_MIFARE_DES_AUTH1, {blockNo}};
    UsbCommand resp;
    if (WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK,&resp,1500)) {
        uint8_t isOK  = resp.arg[0] & 0xff;
	        cuid  = resp.arg[1];
        uint8_t * data= resp.d.asBytes;

         if (isOK){
             PrintAndLog("enc(nc)/b0:%s", sprint_hex(data+2,8));
    } else {
        PrintAndLog("Command execute timeout");
    //Do crypto magic
    //PrintAndLog("b1:%s",sprint_hex(b1, 8));
    PrintAndLog("r0:%s",sprint_hex(r0, 8));
    PrintAndLog("r1:%s",sprint_hex(r1, 8));
    for(int i=0;i<8;i++){   
      b2[i]=(r1[i] ^ b1[i]);
    //PrintAndLog("b1:%s",sprint_hex(b1, 8));
    PrintAndLog("b2:%s",sprint_hex(b2, 8));

    UsbCommand d = {CMD_MIFARE_DES_AUTH2, {cuid}};
    memcpy(d.d.asBytes,reply, 16);

    UsbCommand respb;
    if (WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK,&respb,1500)) {
        uint8_t  isOK  = respb.arg[0] & 0xff;
        uint8_t * data2= respb.d.asBytes;

        if (isOK){
            PrintAndLog("b3:%s", sprint_hex(data2+2, 8));
    } else {
        PrintAndLog("Command execute timeout");
    return 1;
Example #6
 * Authenticate to the provided MIFARE tag.
mifare_ultralightc_authenticate (MifareTag tag, const MifareDESFireKey key)
    ASSERT_ACTIVE (tag);

    BUFFER_INIT (cmd1, 2);
    BUFFER_INIT (res, 9);
    BUFFER_APPEND (cmd1, 0x1A);
    BUFFER_APPEND (cmd1, 0x00);

    ULTRALIGHT_TRANSCEIVE_RAW(tag, cmd1, res);

    uint8_t PICC_E_RndB[8];
    memcpy (PICC_E_RndB, res+1, 8);

    uint8_t PICC_RndB[8];
    memcpy (PICC_RndB, PICC_E_RndB, 8);
    uint8_t ivect[8];
    memset (ivect, '\0', sizeof (ivect));
    mifare_cypher_single_block (key, PICC_RndB, ivect, MCD_RECEIVE, MCO_DECYPHER, 8);

    uint8_t PCD_RndA[8];
    DES_random_key ((DES_cblock*)&PCD_RndA);

    uint8_t PCD_r_RndB[8];
    memcpy (PCD_r_RndB, PICC_RndB, 8);
    rol (PCD_r_RndB, 8);

    uint8_t token[16];
    memcpy (token, PCD_RndA, 8);
    memcpy (token+8, PCD_r_RndB, 8);
    size_t offset = 0;

    while (offset < 16) {
	mifare_cypher_single_block (key, token + offset, ivect, MCD_SEND, MCO_ENCYPHER, 8);
	offset += 8;

    BUFFER_INIT (cmd2, 17);

    BUFFER_APPEND (cmd2, 0xAF);
    BUFFER_APPEND_BYTES (cmd2, token, 16);

    ULTRALIGHT_TRANSCEIVE_RAW(tag, cmd2, res);

    uint8_t PICC_E_RndA_s[8];
    memcpy (PICC_E_RndA_s, res+1, 8);

    uint8_t PICC_RndA_s[8];
    memcpy (PICC_RndA_s, PICC_E_RndA_s, 8);
    mifare_cypher_single_block (key, PICC_RndA_s, ivect, MCD_RECEIVE, MCO_DECYPHER, 8);

    uint8_t PCD_RndA_s[8];
    memcpy (PCD_RndA_s, PCD_RndA, 8);
    rol (PCD_RndA_s, 8);

    if (0 != memcmp (PCD_RndA_s, PICC_RndA_s, 8)) {
	return -1;
    // XXX Should we store the state "authenticated" in the tag struct??
    return 0;
Example #7
void _ossl_old_des_random_key(_ossl_old_des_cblock ret)
  DES_random_key((DES_cblock *)ret);
Example #8
int main(void)
    int         i;
    BIO*        bio_out;

    DES_cblock          key;
    DES_key_schedule    schedule;

    unsigned char const iv_data[DES_KEY_SZ] = {
        0xcc, 0xfe, 0xcd, 0x3e, 0x21, 0xde, 0x1c, 0x31

    unsigned char       iv[DES_KEY_SZ]; 

    char*   data    = "The worthwhile problems are the ones you can"
                      "really solve or help solve, the ones you can"
                      "really contribute something to. No "
                      "problem is too small or too trivial if we "
                      "can really do something about it."
                      "- Richard Feynman";

    int     length  = strlen(data);

    /* Intialise to '0' to indicate that '0' bytes of the IV has been used */
    int     num     = 0;

    /* Allocate the memory for the resulting ciphertext and plaintext */
    char*	ciphertext  = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * length); 
    char*	plaintext   = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * length); 

    /* Copy the IV data to the IV array. The IV array will be updated by the DES_ofb_encrypt call.*/
    memcpy(iv, iv_data, DES_KEY_SZ);

    /* In this example, we shall be generating a random key. Before this can
     * happen, we must seed the PRNG. OpenSSL ensures that the PRNG is transparently 
     * seeded on systems that provide the "/dev/urandom" file. 

    /* Cater for seeding the PRNG in Windows */
    /* Add entropy */

    /* Generate the random key (as expected by DES) */

    /* Check the odd parity of the key and its weakness. In doing so, 
     * convert to the architecture dependent format.  
    DES_set_key_checked(&key, &schedule);

    DES_ofb64_encrypt(data, ciphertext, length, &schedule, (DES_cblock*)iv, &num);

    bio_out = BIO_new_fp(stdout, BIO_NOCLOSE);

    BIO_printf(bio_out, "Original plaintext: %s\n\n", data);

    BIO_printf(bio_out, "Ciphertext: ");

    /* print out the ciphertext */
    for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
        BIO_printf(bio_out, "%02x", ((unsigned char*)ciphertext)[i]);

    BIO_printf(bio_out, "\n\n");

    /* Start the decryption process */

    /* Re-intialise to '0' to indicate that '0' bytes of the IV has been used */
    num = 0;

    /* First, copy the original IV data back to the IV array - as it was 
     * overwritten during the encryption process 
    memcpy(iv, iv_data, DES_KEY_SZ);

    DES_ofb64_encrypt(ciphertext, plaintext, length, &schedule, (DES_cblock*)iv, &num);

    BIO_printf(bio_out, "Recovered plaintext: ");

    /* print out the plaintext */
    for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
        BIO_printf(bio_out, "%c", ((unsigned char*)plaintext)[i]);

    BIO_printf(bio_out, "\n");



    return 0;

Example #9
mifare_desfire_authenticate (MifareTag tag, uint8_t key_no, MifareDESFireKey key)
    ASSERT_ACTIVE (tag);

    MIFARE_DESFIRE (tag)->last_picc_error = OPERATION_OK;

    MIFARE_DESFIRE (tag)->authenticated_key_no = NOT_YET_AUTHENTICATED;
    free (MIFARE_DESFIRE (tag)->session_key);
    MIFARE_DESFIRE (tag)->session_key = NULL;

    BUFFER_INIT (cmd1, 2);
    BUFFER_INIT (res, 9);

    BUFFER_APPEND (cmd1, 0x0A);
    BUFFER_APPEND (cmd1, key_no);

    DESFIRE_TRANSCEIVE (tag, cmd1, res);

    uint8_t PICC_E_RndB[8];
    memcpy (PICC_E_RndB, res+1, 8);

    uint8_t PICC_RndB[8];
    memcpy (PICC_RndB, PICC_E_RndB, 8);
    mifare_cbc_des (key, PICC_RndB, 8, MD_RECEIVE, 0);

    uint8_t PCD_RndA[8];
    DES_random_key ((DES_cblock*)&PCD_RndA);

    uint8_t PCD_r_RndB[8];
    memcpy (PCD_r_RndB, PICC_RndB, 8);
    rol8 (PCD_r_RndB);

    uint8_t token[16];
    memcpy (token, PCD_RndA, 8);
    memcpy (token+8, PCD_r_RndB, 8);

    mifare_cbc_des (key, token, 16, MD_SEND, 0);

    BUFFER_INIT (cmd2, 17);

    BUFFER_APPEND (cmd2, 0xAF);
    BUFFER_APPEND_BYTES (cmd2, token, 16);

    DESFIRE_TRANSCEIVE (tag, cmd2, res);

    uint8_t PICC_E_RndA_s[8];
    memcpy (PICC_E_RndA_s, res+1, 8);

    uint8_t PICC_RndA_s[8];
    memcpy (PICC_RndA_s, PICC_E_RndA_s, 8);
    mifare_cbc_des (key, PICC_RndA_s, 8, MD_RECEIVE, 0);

    uint8_t PCD_RndA_s[8];
    memcpy (PCD_RndA_s, PCD_RndA, 8);
    rol8 (PCD_RndA_s);

    if (0 != memcmp (PCD_RndA_s, PICC_RndA_s, 8)) {
	    printf ("PCD_RndA_s != PICC_RndA_s");
		return -1;

    MIFARE_DESFIRE (tag)->authenticated_key_no = key_no;
    MIFARE_DESFIRE (tag)->session_key = mifare_desfire_session_key_new (PCD_RndA, PICC_RndB, key);

    return 0;