Example #1
 * Use an inline function here just to test '__textcoal_nt' sections on darwin.
inline int MyDisasm(uintptr_t CodeIndex, PDISCPUSTATE pCpu, uint32_t *pcb)
    uint32_t cb;
    int rc = DISInstrWithReader(CodeIndex, DISCPUMODE_32BIT, DisasmTest1ReadCode, 0, pCpu, &cb);
    *pcb = cb;
    MY_PRINTF(("DISCoreOneEx -> rc=%d cb=%d  Cpu: bOpCode=%#x pCurInstr=%p (42=%d)\n", \
               rc, cb, pCpu->bOpCode, pCpu->pCurInstr, 42)); \
    return rc;
static void testPerformance(const char *pszSub, uint8_t const *pabInstrs, uintptr_t uEndPtr, DISCPUMODE enmDisCpuMode)
    RTTestISubF("Performance - %s", pszSub);

    size_t const    cbInstrs = uEndPtr - (uintptr_t)pabInstrs;
    uint64_t        cInstrs  = 0;
    uint64_t        nsStart  = RTTimeNanoTS();
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _512K; i++) /* the samples are way to small. :-) */
        for (size_t off = 0; off < cbInstrs; cInstrs++)
            uint32_t    cb = 1;
            DISSTATE    Dis;
            DISInstrWithReader((uintptr_t)&pabInstrs[off], enmDisCpuMode, testReadBytes, NULL, &Dis, &cb);
            off += cb;
    uint64_t cNsElapsed = RTTimeNanoTS() - nsStart;

    RTTestIValueF(cNsElapsed, RTTESTUNIT_NS, "%s-Total", pszSub);
    RTTestIValueF(cNsElapsed / cInstrs, RTTESTUNIT_NS_PER_CALL, "%s-per-instruction", pszSub);