Example #1
#define	DDOFF(f)	bitize(offsetof(xfs_dqblk_t, dd_ ## f))
#define	DDSZC(f)	szcount(xfs_dqblk_t, dd_ ## f)
const field_t	dqblk_flds[] = {
	{ "diskdq", FLDT_DISK_DQUOT, OI(DDOFF(diskdq)), C1, 0, TYP_NONE },
	{ "fill", FLDT_CHARS, OI(DDOFF(fill)), CI(DDSZC(fill)), FLD_SKIPALL,
	  TYP_NONE },
	{ "crc", FLDT_CRC, OI(DDOFF(crc)), C1, 0, TYP_NONE },
	{ "lsn", FLDT_UINT64X, OI(DDOFF(lsn)), C1, 0, TYP_NONE },
	{ "uuid", FLDT_UUID, OI(DDOFF(uuid)), C1, 0, TYP_NONE },
	{ NULL }

#define	DOFF(f)		bitize(offsetof(xfs_disk_dquot_t, d_ ## f))
const field_t	disk_dquot_flds[] = {
	{ "magic", FLDT_UINT16X, OI(DOFF(magic)), C1, 0, TYP_NONE },
	{ "version", FLDT_UINT8X, OI(DOFF(version)), C1, 0, TYP_NONE },
	{ "flags", FLDT_UINT8X, OI(DOFF(flags)), C1, 0, TYP_NONE },
	{ "id", FLDT_DQID, OI(DOFF(id)), C1, 0, TYP_NONE },
	{ "blk_hardlimit", FLDT_QCNT, OI(DOFF(blk_hardlimit)), C1, 0,
	  TYP_NONE },
	{ "blk_softlimit", FLDT_QCNT, OI(DOFF(blk_softlimit)), C1, 0,
	  TYP_NONE },
	{ "ino_hardlimit", FLDT_QCNT, OI(DOFF(ino_hardlimit)), C1, 0,
	  TYP_NONE },
	{ "ino_softlimit", FLDT_QCNT, OI(DOFF(ino_softlimit)), C1, 0,
	  TYP_NONE },
	{ "bcount", FLDT_QCNT, OI(DOFF(bcount)), C1, 0, TYP_NONE },
	{ "icount", FLDT_QCNT, OI(DOFF(icount)), C1, 0, TYP_NONE },
	{ "itimer", FLDT_INT32D, OI(DOFF(itimer)), C1, 0, TYP_NONE },
	{ "btimer", FLDT_INT32D, OI(DOFF(btimer)), C1, 0, TYP_NONE },
Example #2
static void handle_hit( Blob **blobs,
			int nblobs,
			struct object *res,
			int docid,
			double *field_c[65],
			double *prox_c[8],
			double mc, double mp,
			int cutoff )
  int i, j, k, end = 0;
  Hit *hits = calloc( nblobs, sizeof(Hit) );
  unsigned char *nhits = malloc( nblobs );
  unsigned char *pos = malloc( nblobs );

  int matrix[65][8];

  memset(matrix, 0, sizeof(matrix) );

  for( i = 0; i<nblobs; i++ )
    nhits[i] = wf_blob_nhits( blobs[i] );

  for( i = 0; i<nblobs; i++ )
    memset( pos, 0, nblobs );
    for( j = 0; j<nhits[i]; j++ )
      hits[i] = wf_blob_hit( blobs[i], j );

      /* forward the other positions */
      for( k = 0; k<nblobs; k++ )
	if( k != i &&  pos[ k ] < nhits[ k ] )
	  while( (hits[k].raw < hits[i].raw) && (pos[ k ] < nhits[ k ]))
	    hits[k] = wf_blob_hit( blobs[k], pos[k]++ );
	  if( (pos[ k ] < nhits[ k ]) && hits[k].type == hits[i].type )

  free( pos );
  free( nhits );
  free( hits );
  /* Now we have our nice matrix. Time to do some multiplication */

    double accum = 0.0, fc, pc;
    int accum_i;
    for( i = 0; i<65; i++ )
      if( (fc = (*field_c)[i]) != 0.0 )
	for( j = 0; j<8; j++ )
	  if( (pc = (*prox_c)[j]) != 0.0 )
	    accum += (MINIMUM(matrix[i][j],cutoff)*fc*pc) / (mc*mp);

    /* Limit */
    if( accum > 32000.0 )
      accum = 32000.0;
    accum_i = (int)(accum *100 ) + 1;
    if( accum > 0.0 )
      wf_resultset_add( res, docid, accum_i );