Example #1
// Attempt to acquire a 1-Wire net using a com port and a DS2480 based
// adapter.
// 'portnum'    - number 0 to MAX_PORTNUM-1.  This number was provided to
//                OpenCOM to indicate the port number.
// 'port_zstr'  - zero terminated port name.  For this platform
//                use format COMX where X is the port number.
// 'return_msg' - zero terminated return message.
// Returns: TRUE - success, COM port opened
int owAcquire(int portnum, char *port_zstr, char *return_msg)
   int cnt=0;
   portname[portnum][0] = 0;

   // attempt to open the communications port
   if (OpenCOM(portnum,port_zstr))
      cnt += sprintf(&return_msg[cnt],"%s opened\n",port_zstr);
      cnt += sprintf(&return_msg[cnt],"Could not open port %s,"
              " aborting.\nClosing port %s.\n",port_zstr,port_zstr);
      return FALSE;

   // detect DS2480
   if (DS2480Detect(portnum))
      cnt += sprintf(&return_msg[cnt],"DS2480-based adapter detected\n");
      cnt += sprintf(&return_msg[cnt],"DS2480-based adapter not detected, aborting program\n");
      cnt += sprintf(&return_msg[cnt],"Closing port %s.\n",port_zstr);
      return FALSE;

   // success
   return TRUE;
Example #2
File: mlanllu.c Project: Aconex/pcp
// Set the MicroLAN communucation speed.  
// 'NewSpeed' - new speed defined as
//                MODE_NORMAL     0x00
//                MODE_OVERDRIVE  0x01
// Returns:  current MicroLAN speed 
int MLanSpeed(int NewSpeed)
   uchar sendpacket[5];
   short sendlen=0;
   int rt = FALSE;
   // check if change from current mode
   if (((NewSpeed == MODE_OVERDRIVE) &&
        (USpeed != SPEEDSEL_OD)) ||
       ((NewSpeed == MODE_NORMAL) &&
        (USpeed != SPEEDSEL_FLEX)))
      if (NewSpeed == MODE_OVERDRIVE) 
         // if overdrive then switch to 115200 baud
         if (DS2480ChangeBaud(PARMSET_57600) == PARMSET_57600)
            USpeed = SPEEDSEL_OD;
            rt = TRUE;
      else if (NewSpeed == MODE_NORMAL) 
         // else normal so set to 9600 baud
         if (DS2480ChangeBaud(PARMSET_9600) == PARMSET_9600)
            USpeed = SPEEDSEL_FLEX;
            rt = TRUE;

      // if baud rate is set correctly then change DS2480 speed
      if (rt)
         // check if correct mode 
         if (UMode != MODSEL_COMMAND)
            UMode = MODSEL_COMMAND;
            sendpacket[sendlen++] = MODE_COMMAND;

         // proceed to set the DS2480 communication speed
         sendpacket[sendlen++] = CMD_COMM | FUNCTSEL_SEARCHOFF | USpeed;

         // send the packet 
         if (!WriteCOM(sendlen,sendpacket)) 
            rt = FALSE;
            // lost communication with DS2480 then reset 

   // return the current speed
Example #3
File: owllu.c Project: bcl/digitemp
// This procedure creates a fixed 480 microseconds 12 volt pulse
// on the 1-Wire Net for programming EPROM iButtons.
// 'portnum'  - number 0 to MAX_PORTNUM-1.  This number was provided to
//              OpenCOM to indicate the port number.
// Returns:  TRUE  successful
//           FALSE program voltage not available
SMALLINT owProgramPulse(int portnum)
   uchar sendpacket[10],readbuffer[10];
   uchar sendlen=0;

   // check if programming voltage available
   if (!ProgramAvailable[portnum])
      return FALSE;

   // make sure normal level

   // check if correct mode
   if (UMode[portnum] != MODSEL_COMMAND)
      UMode[portnum] = MODSEL_COMMAND;
      sendpacket[sendlen++] = MODE_COMMAND;

   // set the SPUD time value
   sendpacket[sendlen++] = CMD_CONFIG | PARMSEL_12VPULSE | PARMSET_512us;

   // pulse command
   sendpacket[sendlen++] = CMD_COMM | FUNCTSEL_CHMOD | BITPOL_12V | SPEEDSEL_PULSE;

   // flush the buffers

   // send the packet
   if (WriteCOM(portnum,sendlen,sendpacket))
      // read back the 2 byte response
      if (ReadCOM(portnum,2,readbuffer) == 2)
         // check response byte
         if (((readbuffer[0] | CMD_CONFIG) ==
                (CMD_CONFIG | PARMSEL_12VPULSE | PARMSET_512us)) &&
             ((readbuffer[1] & 0xFC) ==
                (0xFC & (CMD_COMM | FUNCTSEL_CHMOD | BITPOL_12V | SPEEDSEL_PULSE))))
            return TRUE;

   // an error occurred so re-sync with DS2480

   return FALSE;
Example #4
File: owllu.c Project: bcl/digitemp
// Reset all of the devices on the 1-Wire Net and return the result.
// 'portnum'    - number 0 to MAX_PORTNUM-1.  This number was provided to
//                OpenCOM to indicate the port number.
// Returns: TRUE(1):  presense pulse(s) detected, device(s) reset
//          FALSE(0): no presense pulses detected
// WARNING: This routine will not function correctly on some
//          Alarm reset types of the DS1994/DS1427/DS2404 with
//          Rev 1,2, and 3 of the DS2480/DS2480B.
SMALLINT owTouchReset(int portnum)
   uchar readbuffer[10],sendpacket[10];
   uchar sendlen=0;

   // make sure normal level

   // check if correct mode
   if (UMode[portnum] != MODSEL_COMMAND)
      UMode[portnum] = MODSEL_COMMAND;
      sendpacket[sendlen++] = MODE_COMMAND;

   // construct the command
   sendpacket[sendlen++] = (uchar)(CMD_COMM | FUNCTSEL_RESET | USpeed[portnum]);

   // flush the buffers

   // send the packet
   if (WriteCOM(portnum,sendlen,sendpacket))
      // read back the 1 byte response
      if (ReadCOM(portnum,1,readbuffer) == 1)
         // make sure this byte looks like a reset byte
         if (((readbuffer[0] & RB_RESET_MASK) == RB_PRESENCE) ||
             ((readbuffer[0] & RB_RESET_MASK) == RB_ALARMPRESENCE))
            // check if programming voltage available
            ProgramAvailable[portnum] = ((readbuffer[0] & 0x20) == 0x20);
            return TRUE;


   // an error occurred so re-sync with DS2480

   return FALSE;
Example #5
File: mlanllu.c Project: Aconex/pcp
// This procedure creates a fixed 480 microseconds 12 volt pulse 
// on the MicroLAN for programming EPROM iButtons.
// Returns:  TRUE  successful
//           FALSE program voltage not available  
int MLanProgramPulse(void)
   uchar sendpacket[10],readbuffer[10];
   short sendlen=0;

   // check if programming voltage available
   if (!ProgramAvailable)
      return FALSE;

   // make sure normal level

   // check if correct mode 
   if (UMode != MODSEL_COMMAND)
      sendpacket[sendlen++] = MODE_COMMAND;

   // set the SPUD time value 
   sendpacket[sendlen++] = CMD_CONFIG | PARMSEL_12VPULSE | PARMSET_512us;

   // pulse command
   sendpacket[sendlen++] = CMD_COMM | FUNCTSEL_CHMOD | BITPOL_12V | SPEEDSEL_PULSE;
   // flush the buffers

   // send the packet 
   if (WriteCOM(sendlen,sendpacket)) 
      // read back the 2 byte response 
      if (ReadCOM(2,readbuffer) == 2)
         // check response byte
         if (((readbuffer[0] | CMD_CONFIG) == 
                (CMD_CONFIG | PARMSEL_12VPULSE | PARMSET_512us)) &&
             ((readbuffer[1] & 0xFC) == 
                (0xFC & (CMD_COMM | FUNCTSEL_CHMOD | BITPOL_12V | SPEEDSEL_PULSE))))
            return TRUE;

   // an error occured so re-sync with DS2480

   return FALSE;
Example #6
File: owllu.c Project: bcl/digitemp
// Send 1 bit of communication to the 1-Wire Net and return the
// result 1 bit read from the 1-Wire Net.  The parameter 'sendbit'
// least significant bit is used and the least significant bit
// of the result is the return bit.
// 'portnum' - number 0 to MAX_PORTNUM-1.  This number was provided to
//             OpenCOM to indicate the port number.
// 'sendbit' - the least significant bit is the bit to send
// Returns: 0:   0 bit read from sendbit
//          1:   1 bit read from sendbit
SMALLINT owTouchBit(int portnum, SMALLINT sendbit)
   uchar readbuffer[10],sendpacket[10];
   uchar sendlen=0;

   // make sure normal level

   // check if correct mode
   if (UMode[portnum] != MODSEL_COMMAND)
      UMode[portnum] = MODSEL_COMMAND;
      sendpacket[sendlen++] = MODE_COMMAND;

   // construct the command
   sendpacket[sendlen] = (sendbit != 0) ? BITPOL_ONE : BITPOL_ZERO;
   sendpacket[sendlen++] |= CMD_COMM | FUNCTSEL_BIT | USpeed[portnum];

   // flush the buffers

   // send the packet
   if (WriteCOM(portnum,sendlen,sendpacket))
      // read back the response
      if (ReadCOM(portnum,1,readbuffer) == 1)
         // interpret the response
         if (((readbuffer[0] & 0xE0) == 0x80) &&
             ((readbuffer[0] & RB_BIT_MASK) == RB_BIT_ONE))
            return 1;
            return 0;

   // an error occurred so re-sync with DS2480

   return 0;
Example #7
File: mlanllu.c Project: Aconex/pcp
// Reset all of the devices on the MicroLAN and return the result.
// Returns: TRUE(1):  presense pulse(s) detected, device(s) reset
//          FALSE(0): no presense pulses detected
// WARNING: This routine will not function correctly on some
//          Alarm reset types of the DS1994/DS1427/DS2404 with
//          Rev 1 and 2 of the DS2480.
int MLanTouchReset(void)
   uchar readbuffer[10],sendpacket[10];
   int sendlen=0;

   // make sure normal level

   // check if correct mode 
   if (UMode != MODSEL_COMMAND)
      sendpacket[sendlen++] = MODE_COMMAND;

   // construct the command
   sendpacket[sendlen++] = (uchar)(CMD_COMM | FUNCTSEL_RESET | USpeed);

   // flush the buffers

   // send the packet 
   if (WriteCOM(sendlen,sendpacket)) 
      // read back the 1 byte response 
      if (ReadCOM(1,readbuffer) == 1)
         // make sure this byte looks like a reset byte
         if (((readbuffer[0] & RB_RESET_MASK) == RB_PRESENCE) ||
             ((readbuffer[0] & RB_RESET_MASK) == RB_ALARMPRESENCE)) 
            // check if programming voltage available
            ProgramAvailable = ((readbuffer[0] & 0x20) == 0x20); 
            return TRUE;
            return FALSE;

   // an error occured so re-sync with DS2480

   return FALSE;
Example #8
File: owllu.c Project: bcl/digitemp
// Send 8 bits of communication to the 1-Wire Net and return the
// result 8 bits read from the 1-Wire Net.  The parameter 'sendbyte'
// least significant 8 bits are used and the least significant 8 bits
// of the result is the return byte.
// 'portnum'  - number 0 to MAX_PORTNUM-1.  This number was provided to
//              OpenCOM to indicate the port number.
// 'sendbyte' - 8 bits to send (least significant byte)
// Returns:  8 bits read from sendbyte
SMALLINT owTouchByte(int portnum, SMALLINT sendbyte)
   uchar readbuffer[10],sendpacket[10];
   uchar sendlen=0;

   // make sure normal level

   // check if correct mode
   if (UMode[portnum] != MODSEL_DATA)
      UMode[portnum] = MODSEL_DATA;
      sendpacket[sendlen++] = MODE_DATA;

   // add the byte to send
   sendpacket[sendlen++] = (uchar)sendbyte;

   // check for duplication of data that looks like COMMAND mode
   if (sendbyte ==(SMALLINT)MODE_COMMAND)
      sendpacket[sendlen++] = (uchar)sendbyte;

   // flush the buffers

   // send the packet
   if (WriteCOM(portnum,sendlen,sendpacket))
      // read back the 1 byte response
      if (ReadCOM(portnum,1,readbuffer) == 1)
          // return the response
          return (int)readbuffer[0];

   // an error occurred so re-sync with DS2480

   return 0;
Example #9
// Attempt to acquire a 1-Wire net using a com port and a DS2480 based
// adapter.
// 'portnum'    - number 0 to MAX_PORTNUM-1.  This number was provided to
//                OpenCOM to indicate the port number.
// 'port_zstr'  - zero terminated port name.  For this platform
//                use format COMX where X is the port number.
// Returns: TRUE - success, COM port opened
// exportable functions defined in ownetu.c
SMALLINT owAcquire(int portnum, char *port_zstr)
   // attempt to open the communications port
   if (OpenCOM(portnum,port_zstr) < 0)
      return FALSE;

   // detect DS2480
   if (!DS2480Detect(portnum))
      return FALSE;

   return TRUE;
Example #10
File: mlanllu.c Project: Aconex/pcp
// Send 1 bit of communication to the MicroLAN and return the
// result 1 bit read from the MicroLAN.  The parameter 'sendbit'
// least significant bit is used and the least significant bit
// of the result is the return bit.
// 'sendbit' - the least significant bit is the bit to send
// Returns: 0:   0 bit read from sendbit
//          1:   1 bit read from sendbit
int MLanTouchBit(int sendbit)
   uchar readbuffer[10],sendpacket[10];
   int sendlen=0;

   // make sure normal level

   // check if correct mode 
   if (UMode != MODSEL_COMMAND)
      sendpacket[sendlen++] = MODE_COMMAND;

   // construct the command
   sendpacket[sendlen] = (sendbit != 0) ? BITPOL_ONE : BITPOL_ZERO;
   sendpacket[sendlen++] |= CMD_COMM | FUNCTSEL_BIT | USpeed;

   // flush the buffers

   // send the packet 
   if (WriteCOM(sendlen,sendpacket)) 
      // read back the response 
      if (ReadCOM(1,readbuffer) == 1)
         // interpret the response 
         if (((readbuffer[0] & 0xE0) == 0x80) &&
             ((readbuffer[0] & RB_BIT_MASK) == RB_BIT_ONE))
            return 1;
            return 0;

   // an error occured so re-sync with DS2480

   return 0;
Example #11
File: mlanllu.c Project: Aconex/pcp
// Send 8 bits of communication to the MicroLAN and return the
// result 8 bits read from the MicroLAN.  The parameter 'sendbyte'
// least significant 8 bits are used and the least significant 8 bits
// of the result is the return byte.
// 'sendbyte' - 8 bits to send (least significant byte)
// Returns:  8 bytes read from sendbyte
int MLanTouchByte(int sendbyte)
   uchar readbuffer[10],sendpacket[10];
   int sendlen=0;

   // make sure normal level

   // check if correct mode 
   if (UMode != MODSEL_DATA)
      UMode = MODSEL_DATA;
      sendpacket[sendlen++] = MODE_DATA;

   // add the byte to send
   sendpacket[sendlen++] = (uchar)sendbyte;

   // check for duplication of data that looks like COMMAND mode 
   if (sendbyte == MODE_COMMAND) 
      sendpacket[sendlen++] = (uchar)sendbyte;

   // flush the buffers

   // send the packet 
   if (WriteCOM(sendlen,sendpacket)) 
      // read back the 1 byte response 
      if (ReadCOM(1,readbuffer) == 1)
          // return the response 
          return (int)readbuffer[0];

   // an error occured so re-sync with DS2480

   return 0;
Example #12
// Attempt to acquire a 1-Wire net using a com port and a DS2480 based
// adapter.
// 'port_zstr'  - zero terminated port name.  For this platform
//                use format COMX where X is the port number.
// Returns: valid handle, or -1 if an error occurred
// exportable functions defined in ownetu.c
int owAcquireEx(char *port_zstr)
   int portnum;

   // attempt to open the communications port
   if ((portnum = OpenCOMEx(port_zstr)) < 0)
      return -1;

   // detect DS2480
   if (!DS2480Detect(portnum))
      return -1;

   return portnum;
Example #13
File: mlanllu.c Project: Aconex/pcp
// Set the MicroLAN line level.  The values for NewLevel are
// as follows:
// 'NewLevel' - new level defined as
//                MODE_NORMAL     0x00
//                MODE_STRONG5    0x02
//                MODE_PROGRAM    0x04
//                MODE_BREAK      0x08 (not supported)
// Returns:  current MicroLAN level  
int MLanLevel(int NewLevel)
   uchar sendpacket[10],readbuffer[10];
   short sendlen=0;
   short rt=FALSE;

   // check if need to change level
   if (NewLevel != ULevel)
      // check if just putting back to normal
      if (NewLevel == MODE_NORMAL)
         // check if correct mode 
         if (UMode != MODSEL_COMMAND)
            UMode = MODSEL_COMMAND;
            sendpacket[sendlen++] = MODE_COMMAND;

         // stop pulse command
         sendpacket[sendlen++] = MODE_STOP_PULSE;
         // flush the buffers

         // send the packet 
         if (WriteCOM(sendlen,sendpacket)) 
            // read back the 1 byte response 
            if (ReadCOM(1,readbuffer) == 1)
               // check response byte
               if ((readbuffer[0] & 0xE0) == 0xE0)
                  rt = TRUE;
                  ULevel = MODE_NORMAL;
      // set new level
         // check if correct mode 
         if (UMode != MODSEL_COMMAND)
            UMode = MODSEL_COMMAND;
            sendpacket[sendlen++] = MODE_COMMAND;

         // strong 5 volts
         if (NewLevel == MODE_STRONG5)
            // set the SPUD time value 
            sendpacket[sendlen++] = CMD_CONFIG | PARMSEL_5VPULSE | PARMSET_infinite;
            // add the command to begin the pulse
            sendpacket[sendlen++] = CMD_COMM | FUNCTSEL_CHMOD | SPEEDSEL_PULSE | BITPOL_5V;
         // 12 volts
         else if (NewLevel == MODE_PROGRAM)
            // check if programming voltage available
            if (!ProgramAvailable)
               return MODE_NORMAL;

            // set the PPD time value 
            sendpacket[sendlen++] = CMD_CONFIG | PARMSEL_12VPULSE | PARMSET_infinite;
            // add the command to begin the pulse
            sendpacket[sendlen++] = CMD_COMM | FUNCTSEL_CHMOD | SPEEDSEL_PULSE | BITPOL_12V;

         // flush the buffers

         // send the packet 
         if (WriteCOM(sendlen,sendpacket)) 
            // read back the 1 byte response from setting time limit
            if (ReadCOM(1,readbuffer) == 1)
               // check response byte
               if ((readbuffer[0] & 0x81) == 0)
                  ULevel = NewLevel;
                  rt = TRUE;

      // if lost communication with DS2480 then reset 
      if (rt != TRUE)

   // return the current level
   return ULevel;      
Example #14
File: owllu.c Project: bcl/digitemp
// Set the 1-Wire Net communucation speed.
// 'portnum'   - number 0 to MAX_PORTNUM-1.  This number was provided to
//               OpenCOM to indicate the port number.
// 'new_speed' - new speed defined as
//                MODE_NORMAL     0x00
//                MODE_OVERDRIVE  0x01
// Returns:  current 1-Wire Net speed
SMALLINT owSpeed(int portnum, SMALLINT new_speed)
   uchar sendpacket[5];
   uchar sendlen=0;
   uchar rt = FALSE;

   // check if change from current mode
   if (((new_speed == MODE_OVERDRIVE) &&
        (USpeed[portnum] != SPEEDSEL_OD)) ||
       ((new_speed == MODE_NORMAL) &&
        (USpeed[portnum] != SPEEDSEL_FLEX)))
      if (new_speed == MODE_OVERDRIVE)
         // if overdrive then switch to 115200 baud
         if (DS2480ChangeBaud(portnum,PARMSET_115200) == PARMSET_115200)
            USpeed[portnum] = SPEEDSEL_OD;
            rt = TRUE;

      else if (new_speed == MODE_NORMAL)
         // else normal so set to 9600 baud
         if (DS2480ChangeBaud(portnum,PARMSET_9600) == PARMSET_9600)
            USpeed[portnum] = SPEEDSEL_FLEX;
            rt = TRUE;


      // if baud rate is set correctly then change DS2480 speed
      if (rt)
         // check if correct mode
         if (UMode[portnum] != MODSEL_COMMAND)
            UMode[portnum] = MODSEL_COMMAND;
            sendpacket[sendlen++] = MODE_COMMAND;

         // proceed to set the DS2480 communication speed
         sendpacket[sendlen++] = CMD_COMM | FUNCTSEL_SEARCHOFF | USpeed[portnum];

         // send the packet
         if (!WriteCOM(portnum,sendlen,sendpacket))
            rt = FALSE;
            // lost communication with DS2480 then reset


   // return the current speed
   return (USpeed[portnum] == SPEEDSEL_OD) ? MODE_OVERDRIVE : MODE_NORMAL;
Example #15
// The 'owNext' function does a general search.  This function
// continues from the previos search state. The search state
// can be reset by using the 'owFirst' function.
// This function contains one parameter 'alarm_only'.
// When 'alarm_only' is TRUE (1) the find alarm command
// 0xEC is sent instead of the normal search command 0xF0.
// Using the find alarm command 0xEC will limit the search to only
// 1-Wire devices that are in an 'alarm' state.
// 'portnum'    - number 0 to MAX_PORTNUM-1.  This number was provided to
//                OpenCOM to indicate the port number.
// 'do_reset'   - TRUE (1) perform reset before search, FALSE (0) do not
//                perform reset before search.
// 'alarm_only' - TRUE (1) the find alarm command 0xEC is
//                sent instead of the normal search command 0xF0
// Returns:   TRUE (1) : when a 1-Wire device was found and it's
//                       Serial Number placed in the global SerialNum
//            FALSE (0): when no new device was found.  Either the
//                       last search was the last device or there
//                       are no devices on the 1-Wire Net.
SMALLINT owNext(int portnum, SMALLINT do_reset, SMALLINT alarm_only)
   uchar last_zero,pos;
   uchar tmp_serial_num[8];
   uchar readbuffer[20],sendpacket[40];
   uchar i,sendlen=0;
   uchar lastcrc8;

   // if the last call was the last one
   if (LastDevice[portnum])
      // reset the search
      LastDiscrepancy[portnum] = 0;
      LastDevice[portnum] = FALSE;
      LastFamilyDiscrepancy[portnum] = 0;
      return FALSE;

   // check if reset first is requested
   if (do_reset)
      // reset the 1-wire
      // if there are no parts on 1-wire, return FALSE
      if (!owTouchReset(portnum))
         // reset the search
         LastDiscrepancy[portnum] = 0;
         LastFamilyDiscrepancy[portnum] = 0;
         return FALSE;

   // build the command stream
   // call a function that may add the change mode command to the buff
   // check if correct mode
   if (UMode[portnum] != MODSEL_DATA)
      UMode[portnum] = MODSEL_DATA;
      sendpacket[sendlen++] = MODE_DATA;

   // search command
   if (alarm_only)
      sendpacket[sendlen++] = 0xEC; // issue the alarming search command
      sendpacket[sendlen++] = 0xF0; // issue the search command

   // change back to command mode
   UMode[portnum] = MODSEL_COMMAND;
   sendpacket[sendlen++] = MODE_COMMAND;

   // search mode on
   sendpacket[sendlen++] = (uchar)(CMD_COMM | FUNCTSEL_SEARCHON | USpeed[portnum]);

   // change back to data mode
   UMode[portnum] = MODSEL_DATA;
   sendpacket[sendlen++] = MODE_DATA;

   // set the temp Last Descrep to none
   last_zero = 0;

   // add the 16 bytes of the search
   pos = sendlen;
   for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
      sendpacket[sendlen++] = 0;

   // only modify bits if not the first search
   if (LastDiscrepancy[portnum] != 0)
      // set the bits in the added buffer
      for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
         // before last discrepancy
         if (i < (LastDiscrepancy[portnum] - 1))
                   (short)(i * 2 + 1),
         // at last discrepancy
         else if (i == (LastDiscrepancy[portnum] - 1))
                   (short)(i * 2 + 1),
         // after last discrepancy so leave zeros

   // change back to command mode
   UMode[portnum] = MODSEL_COMMAND;
   sendpacket[sendlen++] = MODE_COMMAND;

   // search OFF
   sendpacket[sendlen++] = (uchar)(CMD_COMM | FUNCTSEL_SEARCHOFF | USpeed[portnum]);

   // flush the buffers

   // send the packet
   if (WriteCOM(portnum,sendlen,sendpacket))
      // read back the 1 byte response
      if (ReadCOM(portnum,17,readbuffer) == 17)
         // interpret the bit stream
         for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
            // get the SerialNum bit
                   bitacc(READ_FUNCTION,0,(short)(i * 2 + 1),&readbuffer[1]),
            // check LastDiscrepancy
            if ((bitacc(READ_FUNCTION,0,(short)(i * 2),&readbuffer[1]) == 1) &&
                (bitacc(READ_FUNCTION,0,(short)(i * 2 + 1),&readbuffer[1]) == 0))
               last_zero = i + 1;
               // check LastFamilyDiscrepancy
               if (i < 8)
                  LastFamilyDiscrepancy[portnum] = i + 1;

         // do dowcrc
//         for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
//            lastcrc8 = docrc8(portnum,tmp_serial_num[i]);
         // The above has been commented out for the DS28E04.  The
         // below has been added to accomidate the valid CRC with the
         // possible changing serial number values of the DS28E04.
         for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            if (((tmp_serial_num[0] & 0x7F) == 0x1C) && (i == 1))
               lastcrc8 = docrc8(portnum,0x7F);
               lastcrc8 = docrc8(portnum,tmp_serial_num[i]);

         // check results
         if ((lastcrc8 != 0) || (LastDiscrepancy[portnum] == 63) || (tmp_serial_num[0] == 0))
            // error during search
            // reset the search
            LastDiscrepancy[portnum] = 0;
            LastDevice[portnum] = FALSE;
            LastFamilyDiscrepancy[portnum] = 0;
            return FALSE;
         // successful search
            // set the last discrepancy
            LastDiscrepancy[portnum] = last_zero;

            // check for last device 
            if (LastDiscrepancy[portnum] == 0)
               LastDevice[portnum] = TRUE;

            // copy the SerialNum to the buffer
            for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
               SerialNum[portnum][i] = tmp_serial_num[i];

            // set the count
            return TRUE;
   // an error occured so re-sync with DS2480

   // reset the search
   LastDiscrepancy[portnum] = 0;
   LastDevice[portnum] = FALSE;
   LastFamilyDiscrepancy[portnum] = 0;

   return FALSE;