Example #1
 *  ======== Algorithm_activate ========
Void Algorithm_activate(Algorithm_Handle alg)
    Algorithm_Obj *pObject = (Algorithm_Obj *)alg;

    Log_print1(Diags_ENTRY, "[+E] Algorithm_activate> Enter(alg=0x%x)",

    DSKT2_activateAlg(pObject->groupId, pObject->alg);

    if (pObject->iresFxns) {
        RMAN_activateAllResources(pObject->alg, pObject->iresFxns,

    Log_print0(Diags_EXIT, "[+X] Algorithm_activate> Exit");
 *  ======== rmanTask ========
Void rmanTask(UArg arg0, UArg arg1)
    Int            taskId = (Int)arg0;
    Int            index = (Int)arg1;  /* index into attrsTable */
    IALG_Fxns    * algFxns = (IALG_Fxns *)&DUMALG_TI_IDUMALG;
    IRES_Fxns    * resFxns = &DUMALG_TI_IRES;
    IDUMALG_Handle dumHandle = NULL;
    IDUMALG_Params params;
    Int            scratchId = attrsTable[index].scratchId;
    Int            yieldFlag = attrsTable[index].yieldFlag;
    Int            priority = attrsTable[index].priority;
    Arg            resourceId = (Arg)(&(attrsTable[index].id));
    Int            i;
    IRES_Status    status;

    Log_print0(Diags_ENTRY, "[+E] rmanTask> Enter ");

    params.size = sizeof(IDUMALG_Params);

    Log_print4(Diags_USER4, "[+4] rmanTask> "
            "Task #%d: ScratchId %d, Priority %d Yield %d",
            (IArg)taskId, (IArg)scratchId, (IArg)priority, (IArg)yieldFlag);

    params.yieldFlag  = yieldFlag;
    params.taskId = taskId;

    for (i = 0; i < NUM_RESOURCES; i++) {
        params.hdvicp[i] = *((IRES_HDVICP_RequestType *)resourceId + i);
        Log_print1(Diags_USER4, "[+4] rmanTask> "
                "Requesting resource %d (2 => ANY)",

     * Create an instance of the algorithm using "algFxns"
    SemThread_pend(mutex, SemThread_FOREVER, NULL);
    dumHandle = (IDUMALG_Handle)DSKT2_createAlg((Int)scratchId,
            (IALG_Fxns *)algFxns, NULL,(IALG_Params *)&params);

    if (dumHandle == NULL) {
        Log_print0(Diags_USER7, "[+7] rmanTask> Alg creation failed");
        System_abort("DSKT2_createAlg() failed, aborting...\n");

    SemThread_post(mutex, NULL);

    /* Assign resources to the algorithm */
    status = RMAN_assignResources((IALG_Handle)dumHandle, resFxns, scratchId);
    if (status != IRES_OK) {
        Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] rmanTask> Assign resource failed [%d]",
        System_abort("RMAN_assignResources() failed, aborting...\n");

    /* Activate the Algorithm */
    DSKT2_activateAlg(scratchId, (IALG_Handle)dumHandle);

    /* Activate All Resources */
    RMAN_activateAllResources((IALG_Handle)dumHandle, resFxns, scratchId);

    /* Use IALG interfaces to do something */
    dumHandle->fxns->useHDVICP(dumHandle, taskId);

    /* Deactivate All Resources */
    RMAN_deactivateAllResources((IALG_Handle)dumHandle, resFxns, scratchId);

    /* Deactivate algorithm */
    DSKT2_deactivateAlg(scratchId, (IALG_Handle)dumHandle);

    /* Free resources assigned to this algorihtm */
    status = RMAN_freeResources((IALG_Handle)(dumHandle), resFxns, scratchId);
    if (status != IRES_OK) {
        Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] rmanTask> Free resource failed [%d]",
        System_abort("RMAN_freeResources() failed, aborting...\n");

     * Free instance of the algorithm created
    SemThread_pend(mutex, SemThread_FOREVER, NULL);
    DSKT2_freeAlg(scratchId, (IALG_Handle)dumHandle);
    SemThread_post(mutex, NULL);

    SemThread_post(done, NULL);

    Log_print0(Diags_EXIT, "[+X] rmanTask> Exit ");
Example #3
Int rmanTask(Arg scratchId, Arg resourceId,  Arg priority, Arg taskId, 
        Arg yieldFlag)

    Int i;
    IALG_Fxns * algFxns = &DUMALG_TI_IALG;
    IRES_Fxns * resFxns = &DUMALG_TI_IRES;
    IDUMALG_Handle dumHandle = NULL; 
    IDUMALG_Params params;

    GT_0trace(ti_sdo_fc_rman_examples_hdvicp, GT_ENTER, "_rmanTask> Enter \n");

    params.size = sizeof(IDUMALG_Params);

    GT_4trace(ti_sdo_fc_rman_examples_hdvicp, GT_4CLASS, "_rmanTask> "
            "Task #%d: ScratchId %d, Priority %d Yield %d\n",taskId, scratchId,
            priority, yieldFlag);

    params.yieldFlag  = yieldFlag;
    params.taskId = taskId; 

    for (i = 0; i < NUM_RESOURCES; i++) {
        params.hdvicp[i] = *((IRES_HDVICP_RequestType *)resourceId + i);
        GT_1trace(ti_sdo_fc_rman_examples_hdvicp, GT_4CLASS, "_rmanTask> "
        "Requesting resource %d (2 => ANY)\n",(Int)params.hdvicp[i]);
     * Create an instance of the algorithm using "algFxns" 
    SEM_pend(mutex, SYS_FOREVER);
    dumHandle = (IDUMALG_Handle)DSKT2_createAlg((Int)scratchId, 
            (IALG_Fxns *)algFxns, NULL,(IALG_Params *)&params);
    if (dumHandle == NULL) {
        GT_0trace(ti_sdo_fc_rman_examples_hdvicp, GT_7CLASS, "_rmanTask> "
                "Alg creation failed\n");
        return -1;
    /* Assign resources to the algorithm */
    if (IRES_OK != RMAN_assignResources((IALG_Handle)dumHandle,
                resFxns, scratchId)) {
        GT_0trace(ti_sdo_fc_rman_examples_hdvicp, GT_7CLASS, "_rmanTask> "
                "Assign resource failed\n");
        return -1;

     * Activate the Algorithm
    DSKT2_activateAlg(scratchId, (IALG_Handle)dumHandle);

     * Activate All Resources
    RMAN_activateAllResources((IALG_Handle)dumHandle, resFxns, scratchId);

     * Use IALG interfaces to do something 
        dumHandle->fxns->useHDVICP(dumHandle, taskId);
     * Deactivate All Resources
    RMAN_deactivateAllResources((IALG_Handle)dumHandle, resFxns, scratchId);

     * Deactivate algorithm 
    DSKT2_deactivateAlg(scratchId, (IALG_Handle)dumHandle);

     * Free resources assigned to this algorihtm
    if (IRES_OK != RMAN_freeResources((IALG_Handle)(dumHandle),
                resFxns, scratchId)) {
        GT_0trace(ti_sdo_fc_rman_examples_hdvicp, GT_7CLASS, "_rmanTask> "
                "Free resource failed\n");
        return -1;

     * Free instance of the algorithm created
    SEM_pend(mutex, SYS_FOREVER);
    DSKT2_freeAlg(scratchId, (IALG_Handle)dumHandle);


    GT_0trace(ti_sdo_fc_rman_examples_hdvicp, GT_ENTER, "_rmanTask> Exit \n");

    return 0;
/* ARGSUSED - this line tells the compiler to not generate compiler warnings
 * for unused arguments */
Int smain(Int argc, Char * argv[])
    IRES_Status status;
    Int size = 0;
    Int scratchId = 2;
    IALG_Fxns * algFxns = (IALG_Fxns *)&TEMPLATE_TI_CODECIRES;
    IRES_Fxns * resFxns = &TEMPLATE_TI_IRES;
    IALG_Handle dumHandle = NULL;
    ITEMPLATE_Status algStatus;

     * Create an instance of the algorithm using "algFxns"
    dumHandle = DSKT2_createAlg(scratchId, (IALG_Fxns *)algFxns, NULL,
            (IALG_Params *)NULL);

    if (dumHandle == NULL) {
        printf("Alg creation failed \n");
        return -1;

     * Supply initialization information for the RESMAN while registering
    size = sizeof(IRESMAN_Params);

    configParams.allocFxn = RMAN_PARAMS.allocFxn;
    configParams.freeFxn = RMAN_PARAMS.freeFxn;
    configParams.size = size;

     *  Register the NULL protocol/resource manager with the generic resource
     *  manager
    status = RMAN_register(&IRESMAN_NULLRES, (IRESMAN_Params *)&configParams);

    if (IRES_EEXISTS == status) {
        printf("Protocol Already Registered\n");

    /* Create an instance of an algorithm that implements IALG and IRES_Fxns */
    if (IRES_OK != RMAN_assignResources((IALG_Handle)dumHandle,
                resFxns,scratchId)) {
        printf("Assign Resource Failed \n");
        return (-1);

    /* Activate the Algorithm */
    DSKT2_activateAlg(scratchId, (IALG_Handle)dumHandle);

    /* Activate All Resources */
    RMAN_activateAllResources((IALG_Handle)dumHandle, resFxns, -1);

    /* Use IALG interfaces to do something */
            (ITEMPLATE_InArgs *)NULL, (ITEMPLATE_OutArgs *)NULL);

            (ITEMPLATE_Cmd )0, (ITEMPLATE_DynamicParams *)NULL, &algStatus);

    /* Deactivate All Resources */
    RMAN_deactivateAllResources((IALG_Handle)dumHandle, resFxns, -1);

    /* Deactivate algorithm */
    DSKT2_deactivateAlg(scratchId, (IALG_Handle)dumHandle);

    /* Free resources assigned to this algorihtm */
    if (IRES_OK != RMAN_freeResources((IALG_Handle)(dumHandle),
                resFxns, -1)) {
        printf("Free Resource Failed\n");
        return (-1);

    /* Free instance of the algorithm created */
    DSKT2_freeAlg(scratchId, (IALG_Handle)dumHandle);

    /* Unregister the protocol */
    if (IRES_OK != RMAN_unregister(&IRESMAN_NULLRES)) {
        printf("Unregister Protocol Failed\n");
        return (-1);


    return (0);
Example #5
Int32 AlgLink_ScdalgProcess(AlgLink_ScdObj *pScdAlgLinkObj, UInt32 chId, AlgLink_ScdResult * scdResultBuff)
    SCD_Status      chanStatus; 
    SCD_Result      scdResult;
    UInt32          chanID;
    SCD_chPrm       chanParam;
    AlgLink_ScdchPrm * chPrm;
    UInt32         blkIdx;

    /* Activate the Algorithm */
    DSKT2_activateAlg(gScratchId, (IALG_Handle)pScdAlgLinkObj->algHndl);

    chanID = pScdAlgLinkObj->chParams[chId].chId;
    chPrm = &(pScdAlgLinkObj->chParams[chId]);

    chanParam.chId	                = chPrm->chId;
    chanParam.mode	                = (SCD_Mode)chPrm->mode;
    chanParam.width	              = chPrm->width;
    chanParam.height               = chPrm->height;
    chanParam.stride               = chPrm->stride;
    chanParam.curFrame             = chPrm->curFrame;
    chanParam.frmSensitivity       = (SCD_Sensitivity)chPrm->frmSensitivity;
    chanParam.frmIgnoreLightsON    = chPrm->frmIgnoreLightsON;
    chanParam.frmIgnoreLightsOFF   = chPrm->frmIgnoreLightsOFF;
    chanParam.frmEdgeThreshold     = chPrm->frmEdgeThreshold;

    if(chPrm->chBlkConfigUpdate == TRUE)
        chanParam.blkConfig = (SCD_blkChngConfig *) chPrm->blkConfig;
        chanParam.blkConfig = NULL;
    chanStatus = SCD_TI_setPrms(pScdAlgLinkObj->algHndl, &chanParam, chanID);

    if(chanStatus != SCD_NO_ERROR)
        Vps_printf(" %d: SCD    : ERROR: Alg Set Params (chanID = %d) - 0x%08X !!!\n",
                  Utils_getCurTimeInMsec(), chanID, chanStatus);
        /* Deactivate algorithm */
        DSKT2_deactivateAlg(gScratchId, (IALG_Handle)pScdAlgLinkObj->algHndl);
        return FVID2_EFAIL;

    scdResult.frmResult = SCD_DETECTOR_NO_CHANGE;
    scdResult.blkResult = (SCD_blkChngMeta *)(scdResultBuff->blkResult);
    chanStatus = SCD_TI_process(pScdAlgLinkObj->algHndl, chanID, &scdResult);

    /* Deactivate algorithm */
    DSKT2_deactivateAlg(gScratchId, (IALG_Handle)pScdAlgLinkObj->algHndl);

    if(chanStatus != SCD_NO_ERROR)
        Vps_printf(" %d: SCD    : ERROR: Alg Process (chanID = %d) !!!\n",
                  Utils_getCurTimeInMsec(), chanID );

        return FVID2_EFAIL;

    scdResultBuff->frmResult = (AlgLink_ScdOutput) scdResult.frmResult;
    scdResultBuff->chId = chanID;

//    if(pScdAlgLinkObj->createArgs.chDefaultParams[chId].mode & SCD_DETECTMODE_MONITOR_BLOCKS)
    if(pScdAlgLinkObj->chParams[chId].mode & SCD_DETECTMODE_MONITOR_BLOCKS)
        UInt32 numBlkChg;
        UInt32 monitoredBlk;
        UInt32 numHorzBlks, numVertBlks, numBlksInFrame, blkHeight;
        AlgLink_ScdResult *pChResult = scdResultBuff;    	
        pChResult->frmResult = ALG_LINK_SCD_DETECTOR_CHANGE;
        pChResult->chId   = chanID;

        monitoredBlk = 0;
        numBlkChg = 0;
        numHorzBlks     = ((pScdAlgLinkObj->chParams[chId].width + 0x1F ) & (~0x1F)) / 32;  /* Rounding to make divisible by 32 */
        if((pScdAlgLinkObj->chParams[chId].height%ALG_LINK_SCD_BLK_HEIGHT_MIN) == 0)/* For Block height is divisible by 10 */
           blkHeight = ALG_LINK_SCD_BLK_HEIGHT_MIN;
        else   /* For Block height is divisible by 12 */
           blkHeight = ALG_LINK_SCD_BLK_HEIGHT;
        numVertBlks    = pScdAlgLinkObj->chParams[chId].height / blkHeight;

        numBlksInFrame = numHorzBlks * numVertBlks;

        for(blkIdx = 0; blkIdx < numBlksInFrame; blkIdx++)
            if(pScdAlgLinkObj->chParams[chId].blkConfig[blkIdx].monitored == 1)
                if(scdResultBuff->blkResult[blkIdx].numPixelsChanged > MOTION_DETECTION_SENSITIVITY(ALG_LINK_SCD_BLK_WIDTH, blkHeight))
        if((monitoredBlk > 0) && (numBlkChg > (NUM_BLOCK_MOTION_DETECTION_THRESOLD(monitoredBlk))))
            Vps_printf(" %d: SCD    : Motion Detected (chanID = %d) !!!\n",
                  Utils_getCurTimeInMsec(), chanID );
            System_linkControl(SYSTEM_LINK_ID_HOST, VSYS_EVENT_MOTION_DETECT, pChResult, sizeof(AlgLink_ScdResult), FALSE);
    if(scdResult.frmResult == SCD_DETECTOR_CHANGE)
        AlgLink_ScdChStatus *pChStatus = &pScdAlgLinkObj->scdChStat[chanID];    	
        pChStatus->size   = sizeof(AlgLink_ScdChStatus);
        pChStatus->frmResult = (UInt32) ALG_LINK_SCD_DETECTOR_CHANGE;
        pChStatus->chId   = chanID;
#if 0 
        /* Will be used post GA */
        Vps_printf(" %d: SCD    : Tamper Detected (chanID = %d) !!!\n",
                  Utils_getCurTimeInMsec(), chanID );

        System_linkControl(SYSTEM_LINK_ID_HOST, VSYS_EVENT_TAMPER_DETECT, pChStatus, sizeof(AlgLink_ScdChStatus), FALSE);

    return FVID2_SOK;
 *  ======== smain ========
Int smain(Int argc, Char * argv[])
    ISHMALG_Handle     alg;
    ISHMALG_Fxns       fxns = SHMALG_TI_ISHMALG;
    ISHMALG_Params     params = ISHMALG_PARAMS;
    IRES_Fxns          iresFxns = SHMALG_TI_IRES;
    IRES_Status        status;
    Int                scratchId;
    Bool               passed = FALSE;
    Bool               retVal = TRUE;
    Int                fillVal = 1;

    if (argc > 1) {
        fillVal = atoi(argv[1]);
    params.fillVal = fillVal;

    System_printf("shmbuf_test2> Started. buffer fill value: %d\n", fillVal);

    /* Initialize and register resource manager */
    System_printf("Calling RMAN_init()...\n");
    status = RMAN_init();

    if (status != IRES_OK) {
        /* Test failed */
        System_printf("RMAN_init() failed: %s [%d]\n", getError(status),
        goto done;

    SHMBUF_PARAMS.isScratch = TRUE;      /* Make the buffer sharable */

    System_printf("Calling RMAN_register()...\n");
    status = RMAN_register(&SHMBUF_MGRFXNS, (IRESMAN_Params *)&SHMBUF_PARAMS);
    if (status != IRES_OK) {
        /* Test failed */
        System_printf("RMAN_register() failed %s [%d]\n", getError(status),
        goto done;

    scratchId = 1;
    System_printf("Calling DSKT2_createAlg()...\n");
    alg = (ISHMALG_Handle)DSKT2_createAlg(scratchId, (IALG_Fxns *)&fxns,
            NULL, (IALG_Params *)&params);
    if (alg == NULL) {
        System_printf("DSKT2_createAlg() failed\n");
        goto done;

    /* Assign resources to the algorithm */
    System_printf("Calling RMAN_assignResources()...\n");
    status = RMAN_assignResources((IALG_Handle)alg, &iresFxns, scratchId);

    if (status != IRES_OK) {
        System_printf("RMAN_assignResources() failed %s [%d]\n",
                getError(status), status);
        goto done;

    System_printf("Calling DSKT2_activateAlg()...\n");
    DSKT2_activateAlg(scratchId, (IALG_Handle)alg);

    /* Activate All Resources */
    System_printf("Calling RMAN_activateAllResources()...\n");
    status = RMAN_activateAllResources((IALG_Handle)alg, &iresFxns, scratchId);
    if (status != IRES_OK) {
        System_printf("RMAN_activateAllResourceRMAN_unregister(&SHMBUF_MGRFXNS);s() failed %s [%d]\n",
                getError(status), status);
        goto done;

    /* Use the buffer */

    /* Hold onto the resource for awhile */


    /* Check contents of the buffer */
    if (!(retVal = alg->fxns->checkBufs(alg))) {
        System_printf("Buffer overwritten by another alg.\n");

    /* Deactivate All Resources */
    System_printf("Calling RMAN_deactivateAllResources()...\n");
    status = RMAN_deactivateAllResources((IALG_Handle)alg, &iresFxns,
    if (status != IRES_OK) {
        System_printf("RMAN_deactivateAllResources() failed %s [%d]\n",
                getError(status), status);
        goto done;

    /* Deactivate algorithm */
    System_printf("Calling DSKT2_deactivateAlg()...\n");
    DSKT2_deactivateAlg(scratchId, (IALG_Handle)alg);

    /* Free resources assigned to this algorihtm */
    System_printf("Calling RMAN_freeResources()...\n");
    status = RMAN_freeResources((IALG_Handle)(alg), &iresFxns, scratchId);
    if (status != IRES_OK) {
        System_printf("RMAN_freeResources() failed %s [%d]\n",
                getError(status), status);
        goto done;

    /* Free instance of the algorithm created */
    System_printf("Calling DSKT2_freeAlg()...\n");
    DSKT2_freeAlg(scratchId, (IALG_Handle)alg);

    System_printf("Calling RMAN_unregister()...\n");
    status = RMAN_unregister(&SHMBUF_MGRFXNS);
    if (status != IRES_OK) {
        System_printf("RMAN_unregister() failed %s [%d]\n", getError(status),
        goto done;

    System_printf("Calling RMAN_exit()...\n");
    status = RMAN_exit();
    if (status != IRES_OK) {
        System_printf("RMAN_exit() failed %s [%d]\n", getError(status),
        goto done;
    else {
        if (retVal) {
            passed = TRUE;



    if (passed) {
        System_printf("TEST PASSED\n");
    else {
        System_printf("TEST FAILED\n");

    return (0);
Example #7
/* ARGSUSED - this line tells the compiler to not generate compiler warnings 
 * for unused arguments */ 
Int smain(Int argc, Char * argv[])

    Int scratchId1 = 0;
        Int scratchId2 = 0;
    IALG_Status algStatus;
    IALG_Fxns * algFxns = &DUMRES_TI_IALG;
    IRES_Fxns * resFxns = &DUMRES_TI_IRES;
    DUMRES_TI_Handle algHandle1 = NULL; 
    DUMRES_TI_Handle algHandle2 = NULL; 
    EDMA3_RM_Handle rmHandle = NULL;
    EDMA3_RM_ResDesc resObj;

    MEM_Stat stat;
    Bool retVal;
    Int i = 0;
     * Create 2 instances of the algorithm using "algFxns" 
    algHandle1 = (DUMRES_TI_Handle)DSKT2_createAlg(scratchId1, 
            (IALG_Fxns *)algFxns, NULL,(IALG_Params *)NULL);
    if (algHandle1 == NULL) {
        printf("Alg creation failed for algHandle1\n");
        return -1;

    algHandle2 = (DUMRES_TI_Handle)DSKT2_createAlg(scratchId2, 
            (IALG_Fxns *)algFxns, NULL,(IALG_Params *)NULL);
    if (algHandle2 == NULL) {
        printf("Alg creation failed for algHandle2\n");
        return -1;

    /* Assign resources to the algorithm */
    if (IRES_OK != RMAN_assignResources((IALG_Handle)algHandle1,
                resFxns, scratchId1)) {
        GT_0trace(ti_sdo_fc_rman_examples_scratchEdma3_GTMask, GT_7CLASS,
                "Assign Resource Failed \n");
        goto AppEnd1;

     * Activate the Algorithm
    DSKT2_activateAlg(scratchId1, (IALG_Handle)algHandle1);

     * Activate All Resources
    RMAN_activateAllResources((IALG_Handle)algHandle1, resFxns, scratchId1);

     * Use IALG interfaces to do something 
    DSKT2_controlAlg((IALG_Handle)algHandle1, (IALG_Cmd)NULL, &algStatus);
    /* Assign resources to the second algorithm */
    if (IRES_OK != RMAN_assignResources((IALG_Handle)algHandle2,
                resFxns, scratchId2)) {
        printf("Assign Resource Failed \n");
        return -1;

     * Deactivate All Resources
    RMAN_deactivateAllResources((IALG_Handle)algHandle1, resFxns, scratchId1);

     * Deactivate algorithm 
    DSKT2_deactivateAlg(scratchId1, (IALG_Handle)algHandle1);

     * Activate the Algorithm
    DSKT2_activateAlg(scratchId2, (IALG_Handle)algHandle2);

     * Activate All Resources
    RMAN_activateAllResources((IALG_Handle)algHandle2, resFxns, scratchId2);

     * Free resources assigned to this algorihtm
    if (IRES_OK != RMAN_freeResources((IALG_Handle)(algHandle1),
                resFxns, scratchId1)) {
        printf("Free Resource Failed \n");
        return -1;
     * Acquire the EDMA3 handle first
    rmHandle = EDMA3_getResourceManager(NULL, -1);
    if (NULL == rmHandle) {
        printf("Error obtaining SYSTEM resource Manager Handle \n");
        return (-1);

    resObj.resId = 151; 
    resObj.type = EDMA3_RM_RES_PARAM_SET;

    if (EDMA3_RM_SOK != EDMA3_RM_allocResource(rmHandle, &resObj)) {
        printf("Could not allocate this resource, as it is already owned by "
                "the algorithm\n");

    resObj.resId = 256; 
    if (EDMA3_RM_SOK != EDMA3_RM_allocResource(rmHandle, &resObj)) {
        printf("Error, could not allocate resource %d\n"
                "ERROR for 6467, OK for 6446\n", resObj.resId);
    if (EDMA3_RM_SOK != EDMA3_releaseResourceManager(NULL, -1)) {
        printf("Error releasing system resource manager handle\n");

     * Deactivate All Resources
    RMAN_deactivateAllResources((IALG_Handle)algHandle2, resFxns, scratchId2);

     * Deactivate algorithm 
    DSKT2_deactivateAlg(scratchId2, (IALG_Handle)algHandle2);

     * Free resources assigned to this algorihtm
    if (IRES_OK != RMAN_freeResources((IALG_Handle)(algHandle2),
                resFxns, scratchId2)) {
        printf("Free Resource Failed \n");
        return -1;

     * Free instance of the algorithm created
    DSKT2_freeAlg(scratchId1, (IALG_Handle)algHandle1);

     * Free instance of the algorithm created
    DSKT2_freeAlg(scratchId2, (IALG_Handle)algHandle2);

     * Unregister the protocol
    if (IRES_OK != RMAN_unregister(&IRESMAN_EDMA3CHAN)) {
            printf("Unregister Protocol Failed \n");
            return -1;
    for (i = 0; i < MAXMEMSEGMENTS; i++) {
        retVal = MEM_stat(i, &stat);
        if (!retVal) {
                    memStat[i].size == 0);
        else {
            if (memStat[i].used != stat.used) {
                        GT_7CLASS, "MEM seg [%d]: orig used = 0x%x, "
                        "curr used = 0x%x", i, memStat[i].used, 
                return (-1);


    return (0);
/* ARGSUSED - this line tells the compiler to not generate compiler warnings
 * for unused arguments */
Int smain(UArg arg0, UArg arg1)
    IRES_Status         status;
    Int                 size = 0;
    Int                 scratchId = 2;
    IALG_Status         algStatus;
    IALG_Fxns         * algFxns = &DUMRES_TI_IALG;
    IRES_Fxns         * resFxns = &DUMRES_TI_IRES;
    DUMRES_TI_Handle    dumHandle = NULL;

    status = RMAN_init();
    if (IRES_OK != status) {
        System_abort("RMAN initialization Failed \n");

     * Create an instance of the algorithm using "algFxns"
    dumHandle = (DUMRES_TI_Handle)DSKT2_createAlg(scratchId,
            (IALG_Fxns *)algFxns, NULL, (IALG_Params *)NULL);
    if (dumHandle == NULL) {
        System_abort("Alg creation failed \n");

    /* Create an instance of an algorithm that implements IALG and IRES_Fxns */
    status = RMAN_assignResources((IALG_Handle)dumHandle, resFxns, scratchId);
    if (status != IRES_OK) {
        System_printf("Assign Resource Failed [%d]\n", status);

    /* Activate the Algorithm */
    DSKT2_activateAlg(scratchId, (IALG_Handle)dumHandle);

    /* Activate All Resources */
    RMAN_activateAllResources((IALG_Handle)dumHandle, resFxns, scratchId);

    /* Use IALG interfaces to do something */
    DSKT2_controlAlg((IALG_Handle)dumHandle, (IALG_Cmd)NULL, &algStatus);

    /* Deactivate All Resources */
    RMAN_deactivateAllResources((IALG_Handle)dumHandle, resFxns, scratchId);

    /* Deactivate algorithm */
    DSKT2_deactivateAlg(scratchId, (IALG_Handle)dumHandle);

    /* Free resources assigned to this algorihtm */
    status = RMAN_freeResources((IALG_Handle)(dumHandle), resFxns, scratchId);
    if (status != IRES_OK) {
        System_printf("Free Resource Failed [%d]\n", status);

    /* Free instance of the algorithm created */
    DSKT2_freeAlg(scratchId, (IALG_Handle)dumHandle);

    return (1);
Example #9
Int32 AlgLink_ScdalgProcess(AlgLink_ScdObj *pScdAlgLinkObj, UInt32 chId, AlgLink_ScdResult * scdResultBuff)
    SCD_Status      chanStatus;
    SCD_Result      scdResult;
    UInt32          chanID;
    SCD_chPrm       chanParam;
    AlgLink_ScdchPrm * chPrm;
    AlgLink_ScdChObj * chObj;
    UInt32         blkIdx;
	//System_FrameInfo *pInFrameInfo;

    /* Activate the Algorithm */
    DSKT2_activateAlg(gScratchId, (IALG_Handle)pScdAlgLinkObj->algHndl);

    chanID = pScdAlgLinkObj->chParams[chId].chId;
    chPrm = &(pScdAlgLinkObj->chParams[chId]);
    chObj = &(pScdAlgLinkObj->chObj[chId]);

    chanParam.chId	                = chPrm->chId;
    chanParam.mode	                = (SCD_Mode)chPrm->mode;
    chanParam.width	              = chPrm->width;
    chanParam.height               = chPrm->height;
    chanParam.stride               = chPrm->stride;
    chanParam.curFrame             = chPrm->curFrame;
    chanParam.frmSensitivity       = (SCD_Sensitivity)chPrm->frmSensitivity;
    chanParam.frmIgnoreLightsON    = chPrm->frmIgnoreLightsON;
    chanParam.frmIgnoreLightsOFF   = chPrm->frmIgnoreLightsOFF;
    chanParam.frmEdgeThreshold     = chPrm->frmEdgeThreshold;

    if(chPrm->chBlkConfigUpdate == TRUE)
        chanParam.blkConfig = (SCD_blkChngConfig *) chPrm->blkConfig;
        chanParam.blkConfig = NULL;
    chanStatus = SCD_TI_setPrms(pScdAlgLinkObj->algHndl, &chanParam, chanID);

    if(chanStatus != SCD_NO_ERROR)
        Vps_printf(" %d: SCD    : ERROR: Alg Set Params (chanID = %d) - 0x%08X !!!\n",
                  Utils_getCurTimeInMsec(), chanID, chanStatus);
        /* Deactivate algorithm */
        DSKT2_deactivateAlg(gScratchId, (IALG_Handle)pScdAlgLinkObj->algHndl);
        return FVID2_EFAIL;

    scdResult.frmResult = SCD_DETECTOR_NO_TAMPER;
    scdResult.blkResult = (SCD_blkChngMeta *)(scdResultBuff->blkResult);

    chanStatus = SCD_TI_process(pScdAlgLinkObj->algHndl, chanID, &scdResult);
	chanStatus = SCD_NO_ERROR;

    /* Deactivate algorithm */
    DSKT2_deactivateAlg(gScratchId, (IALG_Handle)pScdAlgLinkObj->algHndl);

    if(chanStatus != SCD_NO_ERROR)
        Vps_printf(" %d: SCD    : ERROR: Alg Process (chanID = %d) !!!\n",
                  Utils_getCurTimeInMsec(), chanID );

        return FVID2_EFAIL;

    scdResultBuff->frmResult = (AlgLink_ScdOutput) scdResult.frmResult;
    scdResultBuff->chId = chanID;

//    if(pScdAlgLinkObj->createArgs.chDefaultParams[chId].mode & SCD_DETECTMODE_MONITOR_BLOCKS)

    /* Motion detect event notification. */
    if(pScdAlgLinkObj->chParams[chId].mode & SCD_DETECTMODE_MONITOR_BLOCKS)
        UInt32 numBlkChg;
        UInt32 monitoredBlk;
        UInt32 numHorzBlks, numVertBlks, numBlksInFrame, blkHeight;

        monitoredBlk = 0;
        numBlkChg = 0;
        numHorzBlks     = ((pScdAlgLinkObj->chParams[chId].width + 0x1F ) & (~0x1F)) / 32;  /* Rounding to make divisible by 32 */
        if((pScdAlgLinkObj->chParams[chId].height%ALG_LINK_SCD_BLK_HEIGHT_MIN) == 0)/* For Block height is divisible by 10 */
           blkHeight = ALG_LINK_SCD_BLK_HEIGHT_MIN;
        else   /* For Block height is divisible by 12 */
           blkHeight = ALG_LINK_SCD_BLK_HEIGHT;
        numVertBlks    = pScdAlgLinkObj->chParams[chId].height / blkHeight;

        numBlksInFrame = numHorzBlks * numVertBlks;

        /* Logic  to see how many blocks of total enabled blocks experienced change.
         * For each block, algorithm returns no. of pixels changed in the current
         * frame. This is compared against thresold determined using SCD sensitivity .
         * if changed pixels are more than the calculated thresold, block is marked as changed
         * i.e. motion is detected in the block.
         * Minimum value of thresold is 20% and then it is incrmented by 10% for
         * each sensitivity level change. Thresold can vary from 20% - 100%
         * At max sensitivity, thresold would be 20%. That means if 20% pixels
         * are changed block is marked as changed.
         * At minimu sensitivity, thresold would be 100%. That means if 100% pixels
         * are changed block is marked as changed */

        for(blkIdx = 0; blkIdx < numBlksInFrame; blkIdx++)
            SCD_blkChngConfig * blockConfig;

            blockConfig = &pScdAlgLinkObj->chParams[chId].blkConfig[blkIdx];
            scdResultBuff->blkConfig[blkIdx].monitored   = blockConfig->monitored;
            scdResultBuff->blkConfig[blkIdx].sensitivity = blockConfig->sensitivity;
            if(blockConfig->monitored == 1)
                UInt32 threshold;

                threshold = MOTION_DETECTION_SENSITIVITY(ALG_LINK_SCD_BLK_WIDTH, blkHeight) +
                                  (MOTION_DETECTION_SENSITIVITY_STEP * (SCD_SENSITIVITY_MAX - blockConfig->sensitivity));
#if 0
		 if(scdResultBuff->blkResult[blkIdx].numPixelsChanged > 0)
                if(scdResultBuff->blkResult[blkIdx].numPixelsChanged > threshold)

        /* Logic  to notify A8-host about motion detection.
         * Currently, if atleast 1 block is detected as changed A8 is notified.
         * User can use commented logic to chnage this behavior. */
        /* if((monitoredBlk > 0) && (numBlkChg > (NUM_BLOCK_MOTION_DETECTION_THRESOLD(monitoredBlk)))) */

           if((monitoredBlk > 0) && (numBlkChg > 0))
               Vps_printf(" %d: SCD    : Motion Detected (chanID = %d),  !!!\n",
                      Utils_getCurTimeInMsec(), chanID );
               System_linkControl(SYSTEM_LINK_ID_HOST, VSYS_EVENT_MOTION_DETECT, scdResultBuff, sizeof(AlgLink_ScdResult), TRUE);




    if(scdResult.frmResult == SCD_DETECTOR_NO_TAMPER)
        chObj->scdChStat = ALG_LINK_SCD_DETECTOR_NO_CHANGE;
    else if(scdResult.frmResult == SCD_DETECTOR_TAMPER)
        chObj->scdChStat = ALG_LINK_SCD_DETECTOR_CHANGE;


    /* Tamper detect event notification. */
        if(scdResult.frmResult == SCD_DETECTOR_TAMPER)
            AlgLink_ScdChStatus pChStatus;

            pChStatus.frmResult = (UInt32) ALG_LINK_SCD_DETECTOR_CHANGE;
            pChStatus.chId      = chObj->chId;

            Vps_printf(" %d: SCD    : Tamper Detected (chanID = %d) !!!\n",
                      Utils_getCurTimeInMsec(), chanID );

            System_linkControl(SYSTEM_LINK_ID_HOST, VSYS_EVENT_TAMPER_DETECT, &pChStatus, sizeof(AlgLink_ScdChStatus), TRUE);

    return FVID2_SOK;