Example #1
SNDOBJ *SndObjCreate(IDirectSound *pDS, LPCTSTR lpName, int iConcurrent)
    BOOL fFound = FALSE;
    BYTE *pbData;
    DWORD cbData;
    void *pvBase;

    if (DSGetWaveResource(NULL, lpName, &pWaveHeader, &pbData, &cbData))
        fFound = TRUE;
    if (DSGetWaveFile(NULL, lpName, &pWaveHeader, &pbData, &cbData, &pvBase))
        fFound = TRUE;
        UnmapViewOfFile( pvBase );
    if( fFound )
        if (iConcurrent < 1)
            iConcurrent = 1;

        if ((pSO = (SNDOBJ *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(SNDOBJ) +
        (iConcurrent-1) * sizeof(IDirectSoundBuffer *))) != NULL)
            int i;

            pSO->iAlloc = iConcurrent;
            pSO->pbWaveData = pbData;
            pSO->cbWaveSize = cbData;
            pSO->Buffers[0] = DSLoadSoundBuffer(pDS, lpName);

        for (i=1; i<pSO->iAlloc; i++)
        if (FAILED(IDirectSound_DuplicateSoundBuffer(pDS,
                    pSO->Buffers[0], &pSO->Buffers[i])))
            pSO->Buffers[i] = DSLoadSoundBuffer(pDS, lpName);
            if (!pSO->Buffers[i]) {
            pSO = NULL;
    return pSO;
Example #2
SNDOBJ *SndObjCreate(IDirectSound *pDS, char *lpName, int sfx_flags , DWORD buf_flags, int sfx)
    void * Buffer = NULL;
    int i;
    HRESULT hres;
    DSBCAPS dsbcaps;

#if 0
    // needed for locking sound buffer
    LPVOID lpvAudioPtr1;
    DWORD dwAudioBytes1;
    LPVOID lpvAudioPtr2;  
    DWORD dwAudioBytes2;  

    pSO = (SNDOBJ *)malloc(sizeof(SNDOBJ));

    if ( !FreeHWBuffers )
        buf_flags |= DSBCAPS_LOCSOFTWARE;

    if (pSO != NULL)
        memset( pSO, 0, sizeof(SNDOBJ) );

        pSO->Dup_Buffer[0] = NULL;
        pSO->CompoundBuffer = FALSE;
        pSO->looping_sfx_index[0] = -1;

        // if sound is already loaded into HW...
        if ( ( IS_COMPOUND( sfx_flags ) ) && CompoundSfxAllocated[sfx] ) 
            pSO->CompoundBuffer = TRUE;
            for (i = 0; i < MAX_DUP_BUFFERS; i++)
               pSO->CompoundBufferLookup[i] = -1;
            if ( A3DCapable )
                pSO->Dup_Buffer[0] = DSLoad3DSoundBuffer(pDS, lpName, &pSO->Dup_3DBuffer[0], buf_flags );
                // create buffer. Will create in hw if available, since only 16 channels have been used for compound sfx
                if( buf_flags & DSBCAPS_CTRL3D )
                    pSO->Dup_Buffer[0] = DSLoad3DSoundBuffer(pDS, lpName, &pSO->Dup_3DBuffer[0], buf_flags );
                    pSO->Dup_Buffer[0] = DSLoadSoundBuffer(pDS, lpName, buf_flags );

            if( !pSO->Dup_Buffer[ 0 ] )
                Msg("Unable to create sound buffer for %s\n", lpName );
                InvalidateBuffers( pSO );
                return pSO;

            // get caps of buffer
            memset( &dsbcaps, 0, sizeof( DSBCAPS ) );
            dsbcaps.dwSize = sizeof( DSBCAPS );
            IDirectSoundBuffer_GetCaps( pSO->Dup_Buffer[ 0 ], &dsbcaps );

            if ( dsbcaps.dwFlags & DSBCAPS_LOCHARDWARE )
                //DebugPrintf("creating %s in hardware\n", lpName );
                //DebugPrintf("creating %s in software\n", lpName );
#if 0
                // lock buffer
                IDirectSoundBuffer_Lock( pSO->Dup_Buffer[ 0 ], 0, 0, &lpvAudioPtr1, &dwAudioBytes1,
                &lpvAudioPtr2, &dwAudioBytes2, dwFlags );

                // make non-volatile
                MakeRegionPresent( ( BYTE * )lpvAudioPtr1, (UINT)dwAudioBytes1 );

                // unlock buffer
                IDirectSoundBuffer_Unlock( pSO->Dup_Buffer[ 0 ], lpvAudioPtr1, 0, lpvAudioPtr2, 0 );

            // if buffer in hw, should check free channels here, but Ensoniq driver always reports back 256
            // so we will just have to try duplicating until failure
            for (i = 1; i < MAX_DUP_BUFFERS; i++)
                pSO->looping_sfx_index[i] = -1;
                // duplicate 2D buffer...
                if ( !SoundBufferDuplicate( pDS, pSO->Dup_Buffer[0], &pSO->Dup_Buffer[i]) )
                    DebugPrintf("unable to duplicate sound buffer\n");

                    // invalidate buffer & all duplicates
                    InvalidateBuffers( pSO );

                    // was original buffer hw? if so, try to recreate in sw
                    if ( dsbcaps.dwFlags & DSBCAPS_LOCHARDWARE )
                        DebugPrintf("trying to recreate in sw\n");
                        FreeHWBuffers = FALSE;
                        // recreate all buffers up to & including this one in software
                        if( buf_flags & DSBCAPS_CTRL3D )
                            pSO->Dup_Buffer[ 0 ] = DSLoad3DSoundBuffer(pDS, lpName, &pSO->Dup_3DBuffer[ 0 ], buf_flags | DSBCAPS_LOCSOFTWARE );
                            pSO->Dup_Buffer[ 0 ] = DSLoadSoundBuffer(pDS, lpName, buf_flags | DSBCAPS_LOCSOFTWARE );

                        if( !pSO->Dup_Buffer[ 0 ] )
                            Msg("Unable to create sound buffer for %s\n", lpName );
                            InvalidateBuffers( pSO );
                            return pSO;

                        i = 0;

                        // couldn't duplicate buffer in sw - just break out with buffer info still marked as invalid
                        Msg("unable to duplicate buffers in sw\n");

                // query for 3D interface if we are using 3D...
                if ( pSO->Dup_3DBuffer[0] )
                    hres = IDirectSoundBuffer_QueryInterface(pSO->Dup_Buffer[i], &IID_IDirectSound3DBuffer, &pSO->Dup_3DBuffer[i]);        


    return pSO;