Example #1
int duk_heap_mark_and_sweep(duk_heap *heap, int flags) {
	duk_size_t count_keep_obj;
	duk_size_t count_keep_str;
	duk_size_t tmp;

	/* FIXME: thread selection for mark-and-sweep is currently a hack.
	 * If we don't have a thread, the entire mark-and-sweep is now
	 * skipped (although we could just skip finalizations).
	if (duk__get_temp_hthread(heap) == NULL) {
		DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("temporary hack: gc skipped because we don't have a temp thread"));

		/* reset voluntary gc trigger count */
		heap->mark_and_sweep_trigger_counter = DUK_HEAP_MARK_AND_SWEEP_TRIGGER_SKIP;
		return 0;  /* OK */

	DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("garbage collect (mark-and-sweep) starting, requested flags: 0x%08x, effective flags: 0x%08x",
	                 flags, flags | heap->mark_and_sweep_base_flags));

	flags |= heap->mark_and_sweep_base_flags;

	 *  Assertions before

	DUK_ASSERT(heap->mark_and_sweep_recursion_depth == 0);
	/* Note: DUK_HEAP_HAS_REFZERO_FREE_RUNNING(heap) may be true; a refcount
	 * finalizer may trigger a mark-and-sweep.
#endif  /* DUK_USE_ASSERTIONS */

	 *  Begin


	 *  Mark roots, hoping that recursion limit is not normally hit.
	 *  If recursion limit is hit, run additional reachability rounds
	 *  starting from "temproots" until marking is complete.
	 *  Marking happens in two phases: first we mark actual reachability
	 *  roots (and run "temproots" to complete the process).  Then we
	 *  check which objects are unreachable and are finalizable; such
	 *  objects are marked as FINALIZABLE and marked as reachability
	 *  (and "temproots" is run again to complete the process).

	duk__mark_roots_heap(heap);               /* main reachability roots */
	duk__mark_refzero_list(heap);             /* refzero_list treated as reachability roots */
	duk__mark_temproots_by_heap_scan(heap);   /* temproots */

	duk__mark_finalizable(heap);              /* mark finalizable as reachability roots */
	duk__mark_temproots_by_heap_scan(heap);   /* temproots */

	 *  Sweep garbage and remove marking flags, and move objects with
	 *  finalizers to the finalizer work list.
	 *  Objects to be swept need to get their refcounts finalized before
	 *  they are swept.  In other words, their target object refcounts
	 *  need to be decreased.  This has to be done before freeing any
	 *  objects to avoid decref'ing dangling pointers (which may happen
	 *  even without bugs, e.g. with reference loops)
	 *  Because strings don't point to other heap objects, similar
	 *  finalization is not necessary for strings.

	/* XXX: more emergency behavior, e.g. find smaller hash sizes etc */

	duk__sweep_heap(heap, flags, &count_keep_obj);
	duk__sweep_stringtable(heap, &count_keep_str);

	 *  Object compaction (emergency only).
	 *  Object compaction is a separate step after sweeping, as there is
	 *  more free memory for it to work with.  Also, currently compaction
	 *  may insert new objects into the heap allocated list and the string
	 *  table which we don't want to do during a sweep (the reachability
	 *  flags of such objects would be incorrect).  The objects inserted
	 *  are currently:
	 *    - a temporary duk_hbuffer for a new properties allocation
	 *    - if array part is abandoned, string keys are interned
	 *  The object insertions go to the front of the list, so they do not
	 *  cause an infinite loop (they are not compacted).

	if ((flags & DUK_MS_FLAG_EMERGENCY) &&

	 *  String table resize check.
	 *  Note: this may silently (and safely) fail if GC is caused by an
	 *  allocation call in stringtable resize_hash().  Resize_hash()
	 *  will prevent a recursive call to itself by setting the
	 *  DUK_MS_FLAG_NO_STRINGTABLE_RESIZE in heap->mark_and_sweep_base_flags.

	/* XXX: stringtable emergency compaction? */

		DUK_DD(DUK_DDPRINT("resize stringtable: %p", (void *) heap));
	} else {
		DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("stringtable resize skipped because DUK_MS_FLAG_NO_STRINGTABLE_RESIZE is set"));

	 *  Finalize objects in the finalization work list.  Finalized
	 *  objects are queued back to heap_allocated with FINALIZED set.
	 *  Since finalizers may cause arbitrary side effects, they are
	 *  prevented during string table and object property allocation
	 *  resizing using the DUK_MS_FLAG_NO_FINALIZERS flag in
	 *  heap->mark_and_sweep_base_flags.  In this case the objects
	 *  remain in the finalization work list after mark-and-sweep
	 *  exits and they may be finalized on the next pass.
	 *  Finalization currently happens inside "MARKANDSWEEP_RUNNING"
	 *  protection (no mark-and-sweep may be triggered by the
	 *  finalizers).  As a side effect:
	 *    1) an out-of-memory error inside a finalizer will not
	 *       cause a mark-and-sweep and may cause the finalizer
	 *       to fail unnecessarily
	 *    2) any temporary objects whose refcount decreases to zero
	 *       during finalization will not be put into refzero_list;
	 *       they can only be collected by another mark-and-sweep
	 *  This is not optimal, but since the sweep for this phase has
	 *  already happened, this is probably good enough for now.

	if (!(flags & DUK_MS_FLAG_NO_FINALIZERS)) {
	} else {
		DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("finalizer run skipped because DUK_MS_FLAG_NO_FINALIZERS is set"));

	 *  Finish


	 *  Assertions after

	DUK_ASSERT(heap->mark_and_sweep_recursion_depth == 0);
	/* Note: DUK_HEAP_HAS_REFZERO_FREE_RUNNING(heap) may be true; a refcount
	 * finalizer may trigger a mark-and-sweep.
#endif  /* DUK_USE_ASSERTIONS */

	 *  Reset trigger counter

	tmp = (count_keep_obj + count_keep_str) / 256;
	heap->mark_and_sweep_trigger_counter =
	DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("garbage collect (mark-and-sweep) finished: %d objects kept, %d strings kept, trigger reset to %d",
	                 (int) count_keep_obj, (int) count_keep_str, (int) heap->mark_and_sweep_trigger_counter));
	DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("garbage collect (mark-and-sweep) finished: %d objects kept, %d strings kept, no voluntary trigger",
	                 (int) count_keep_obj, (int) count_keep_str));
	return 0;  /* OK */
Example #2
DUK_INTERNAL duk_bool_t duk_heap_mark_and_sweep(duk_heap *heap, duk_small_uint_t flags) {
	duk_hthread *thr;
	duk_size_t count_keep_obj;
	duk_size_t count_keep_str;
	duk_size_t tmp;

	/* XXX: thread selection for mark-and-sweep is currently a hack.
	 * If we don't have a thread, the entire mark-and-sweep is now
	 * skipped (although we could just skip finalizations).

	/* If thr != NULL, the thr may still be in the middle of
	 * initialization.
	 * XXX: Improve the thread viability test.
	thr = duk__get_temp_hthread(heap);
	if (thr == NULL) {
		DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("gc skipped because we don't have a temp thread"));

		/* reset voluntary gc trigger count */
		heap->mark_and_sweep_trigger_counter = DUK_HEAP_MARK_AND_SWEEP_TRIGGER_SKIP;
		return 0;  /* OK */

	/* If debugger is paused, garbage collection is disabled by default. */
	/* XXX: will need a force flag if garbage collection is triggered
	 * explicitly during paused state.
	if (DUK_HEAP_IS_PAUSED(heap)) {
		/* Checking this here rather that in memory alloc primitives
		 * reduces checking code there but means a failed allocation
		 * will go through a few retries before giving up.  That's
		 * fine because this only happens during debugging.
		DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("gc skipped because debugger is paused"));
		return 0;

	DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("garbage collect (mark-and-sweep) starting, requested flags: 0x%08lx, effective flags: 0x%08lx",
	                 (unsigned long) flags, (unsigned long) (flags | heap->mark_and_sweep_base_flags)));

	flags |= heap->mark_and_sweep_base_flags;

	 *  Assertions before

	DUK_ASSERT(heap->mark_and_sweep_recursion_depth == 0);
	/* Note: DUK_HEAP_HAS_REFZERO_FREE_RUNNING(heap) may be true; a refcount
	 * finalizer may trigger a mark-and-sweep.
#endif  /* DUK_USE_ASSERTIONS */

	 *  Begin


	 *  Mark roots, hoping that recursion limit is not normally hit.
	 *  If recursion limit is hit, run additional reachability rounds
	 *  starting from "temproots" until marking is complete.
	 *  Marking happens in two phases: first we mark actual reachability
	 *  roots (and run "temproots" to complete the process).  Then we
	 *  check which objects are unreachable and are finalizable; such
	 *  objects are marked as FINALIZABLE and marked as reachability
	 *  (and "temproots" is run again to complete the process).
	 *  The heap finalize_list must also be marked as a reachability root.
	 *  There may be objects on the list from a previous round if the
	 *  previous run had finalizer skip flag.

	duk__mark_roots_heap(heap);               /* main reachability roots */
	duk__mark_refzero_list(heap);             /* refzero_list treated as reachability roots */
	duk__mark_temproots_by_heap_scan(heap);   /* temproots */

	duk__mark_finalizable(heap);              /* mark finalizable as reachability roots */
	duk__mark_finalize_list(heap);            /* mark finalizer work list as reachability roots */
	duk__mark_temproots_by_heap_scan(heap);   /* temproots */

	 *  Sweep garbage and remove marking flags, and move objects with
	 *  finalizers to the finalizer work list.
	 *  Objects to be swept need to get their refcounts finalized before
	 *  they are swept.  In other words, their target object refcounts
	 *  need to be decreased.  This has to be done before freeing any
	 *  objects to avoid decref'ing dangling pointers (which may happen
	 *  even without bugs, e.g. with reference loops)
	 *  Because strings don't point to other heap objects, similar
	 *  finalization is not necessary for strings.

	/* XXX: more emergency behavior, e.g. find smaller hash sizes etc */

	duk__sweep_heap(heap, flags, &count_keep_obj);
	duk__sweep_stringtable(heap, &count_keep_str);

	 *  Object compaction (emergency only).
	 *  Object compaction is a separate step after sweeping, as there is
	 *  more free memory for it to work with.  Also, currently compaction
	 *  may insert new objects into the heap allocated list and the string
	 *  table which we don't want to do during a sweep (the reachability
	 *  flags of such objects would be incorrect).  The objects inserted
	 *  are currently:
	 *    - a temporary duk_hbuffer for a new properties allocation
	 *    - if array part is abandoned, string keys are interned
	 *  The object insertions go to the front of the list, so they do not
	 *  cause an infinite loop (they are not compacted).

	if ((flags & DUK_MS_FLAG_EMERGENCY) &&

	 *  String table resize check.
	 *  This is mainly useful in emergency GC: if the string table load
	 *  factor is really low for some reason, we can shrink the string
	 *  table to a smaller size and free some memory in the process.
	 *  Only execute in emergency GC.  String table has internal flags
	 *  to protect against recursive resizing if this mark-and-sweep pass
	 *  was triggered by a string table resize.

	if (flags & DUK_MS_FLAG_EMERGENCY) {
		DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("stringtable resize check in emergency gc"));

	 *  Finalize objects in the finalization work list.  Finalized
	 *  objects are queued back to heap_allocated with FINALIZED set.
	 *  Since finalizers may cause arbitrary side effects, they are
	 *  prevented during string table and object property allocation
	 *  resizing using the DUK_MS_FLAG_NO_FINALIZERS flag in
	 *  heap->mark_and_sweep_base_flags.  In this case the objects
	 *  remain in the finalization work list after mark-and-sweep
	 *  exits and they may be finalized on the next pass.
	 *  Finalization currently happens inside "MARKANDSWEEP_RUNNING"
	 *  protection (no mark-and-sweep may be triggered by the
	 *  finalizers).  As a side effect:
	 *    1) an out-of-memory error inside a finalizer will not
	 *       cause a mark-and-sweep and may cause the finalizer
	 *       to fail unnecessarily
	 *    2) any temporary objects whose refcount decreases to zero
	 *       during finalization will not be put into refzero_list;
	 *       they can only be collected by another mark-and-sweep
	 *  This is not optimal, but since the sweep for this phase has
	 *  already happened, this is probably good enough for now.

	/* Cannot simulate individual finalizers because finalize_list only
	 * contains objects with actual finalizers.  But simulate side effects
	 * from finalization by doing a bogus function call and resizing the
	 * stacks.
		DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("skip mark-and-sweep torture finalizer, DUK_MS_FLAG_NO_FINALIZERS is set"));
	} else if (!(thr->valstack != NULL && thr->callstack != NULL && thr->catchstack != NULL)) {
		DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("skip mark-and-sweep torture finalizer, thread not yet viable"));
	} else {
		DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("run mark-and-sweep torture finalizer"));

		DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("finalizer run skipped because DUK_MS_FLAG_NO_FINALIZERS is set"));
	} else {
		duk__run_object_finalizers(heap, flags);

	 *  Finish


	 *  Assertions after

	DUK_ASSERT(heap->mark_and_sweep_recursion_depth == 0);
	/* Note: DUK_HEAP_HAS_REFZERO_FREE_RUNNING(heap) may be true; a refcount
	 * finalizer may trigger a mark-and-sweep.
#endif  /* DUK_USE_ASSERTIONS */

	 *  Reset trigger counter

	tmp = (count_keep_obj + count_keep_str) / 256;
	heap->mark_and_sweep_trigger_counter = (duk_int_t) (
	DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("garbage collect (mark-and-sweep) finished: %ld objects kept, %ld strings kept, trigger reset to %ld",
	                 (long) count_keep_obj, (long) count_keep_str, (long) heap->mark_and_sweep_trigger_counter));
	DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("garbage collect (mark-and-sweep) finished: %ld objects kept, %ld strings kept, no voluntary trigger",
	                 (long) count_keep_obj, (long) count_keep_str));

	return 0;  /* OK */
Example #3
DUK_LOCAL void duk__free_run_finalizers(duk_heap *heap) {
	duk_hthread *thr;
	duk_heaphdr *curr;
	duk_uint_t round_no;
	duk_size_t count_all;
	duk_size_t count_finalized;
	duk_size_t curr_limit;

	DUK_ASSERT(heap != NULL);
	DUK_ASSERT(heap->heap_thread != NULL);

	DUK_ASSERT(heap->refzero_list == NULL);  /* refzero not running -> must be empty */
	DUK_ASSERT(heap->finalize_list == NULL);  /* mark-and-sweep not running -> must be empty */

	/* XXX: here again finalizer thread is the heap_thread which needs
	 * to be coordinated with finalizer thread fixes.
	thr = heap->heap_thread;

	/* Prevent mark-and-sweep for the pending finalizers, also prevents
	 * refzero handling from moving objects away from the heap_allocated
	 * list.  (The flag meaning is slightly abused here.)

	curr_limit = 0;  /* suppress warning, not used */
	for (round_no = 0; ; round_no++) {
		curr = heap->heap_allocated;
		count_all = 0;
		count_finalized = 0;
		while (curr) {
				/* Only objects in heap_allocated may have finalizers.  Check that
				 * the object itself has a _Finalizer property (own or inherited)
				 * so that we don't execute finalizers for e.g. Proxy objects.
				DUK_ASSERT(thr != NULL);
				DUK_ASSERT(curr != NULL);

				if (duk_hobject_hasprop_raw(thr, (duk_hobject *) curr, DUK_HTHREAD_STRING_INT_FINALIZER(thr))) {
					if (!DUK_HEAPHDR_HAS_FINALIZED((duk_heaphdr *) curr)) {
						DUK_ASSERT(DUK_HEAP_HAS_FINALIZER_NORESCUE(heap));  /* maps to finalizer 2nd argument */
						duk_hobject_run_finalizer(thr, (duk_hobject *) curr);
			curr = DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_NEXT(heap, curr);

		/* Each round of finalizer execution may spawn new finalizable objects
		 * which is normal behavior for some applications.  Allow multiple
		 * rounds of finalization, but use a shrinking limit based on the
		 * first round to detect the case where a runaway finalizer creates
		 * an unbounded amount of new finalizable objects.  Finalizer rescue
		 * is not supported: the semantics are unclear because most of the
		 * objects being finalized here are already reachable.  The finalizer
		 * is given a boolean to indicate that rescue is not possible.
		 * See discussion in: https://github.com/svaarala/duktape/pull/473

		if (round_no == 0) {
			/* Cannot wrap: each object is at least 8 bytes so count is
			 * at most 1/8 of that.
			curr_limit = count_all * 2;
		} else {
			curr_limit = (curr_limit * 3) / 4;   /* Decrease by 25% every round */
		DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("finalizer round %ld complete, %ld objects, tried to execute %ld finalizers, current limit is %ld",
		                 (long) round_no, (long) count_all, (long) count_finalized, (long) curr_limit));

		if (count_finalized == 0) {
			DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("no more finalizable objects, forced finalization finished"));
		if (count_finalized >= curr_limit) {
			DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("finalizer count above limit, potentially runaway finalizer; skip remaining finalizers"));
