Example #1
		bool CVideoDriverDX9::initDriver( const core::dimension2d<u32>& screenSize, HWND hwnd, u32 bits, bool fullScreen, bool pureSoftware, bool highPrecisionFPU, bool vsync, u8 antiAlias )
			DXUTSetCursorSettings( true, true );
			DXUTCreateDevice( !fullScreen, screenSize.Width,screenSize.Height );
			return true;
// Rejects any D3D9 devices that aren't acceptable to the app by returning false
bool CALLBACK IsD3D9DeviceAcceptable( D3DCAPS9* pCaps, D3DFORMAT AdapterFormat, D3DFORMAT BackBufferFormat, bool bWindowed, void* pUserContext )
	// Typically want to skip back buffer formats that don't support alpha blending
	IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3D9Object();
	if( FAILED( pD3D->CheckDeviceFormat( pCaps->AdapterOrdinal, pCaps->DeviceType, AdapterFormat, D3DUSAGE_QUERY_POSTPIXELSHADER_BLENDING, D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE, BackBufferFormat ) ) )
		return false;
	return true;
Example #3
// This callback function is called immediately before a device is created to allow the 
// application to modify the device settings. The supplied pDeviceSettings parameter 
// contains the settings that the framework has selected for the new device, and the 
// application can make any desired changes directly to this structure.  Note however that 
// DXUT will not correct invalid device settings so care must be taken 
// to return valid device settings, otherwise IDirect3D9::CreateDevice() will fail.  
bool CALLBACK ModifyDeviceSettings( DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings, void* pUserContext )
    assert( DXUT_D3D9_DEVICE == pDeviceSettings->ver );

    HRESULT hr;
    IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3D9Object();
    D3DCAPS9 caps;

    V( pD3D->GetDeviceCaps( pDeviceSettings->d3d9.AdapterOrdinal,
                            &caps ) );

    // If device doesn't support HW T&L or doesn't support 1.1 vertex shaders in HW 
    // then switch to SWVP.
    if( ( caps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT ) == 0 ||
        caps.VertexShaderVersion < D3DVS_VERSION( 1, 1 ) )
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags = D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;

    // Debugging vertex shaders requires either REF or software vertex processing 
    // and debugging pixel shaders requires REF.  
#ifdef DEBUG_VS
    if( pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType != D3DDEVTYPE_REF )
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE;
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
#ifdef DEBUG_PS
    pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType = D3DDEVTYPE_REF;

    // Enable anti-aliasing for HAL devices which support it
    CD3D9Enumeration* pEnum = DXUTGetD3D9Enumeration();
    CD3D9EnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pCombo = pEnum->GetDeviceSettingsCombo( &pDeviceSettings->d3d9 );

    if( pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_HAL &&
        pCombo->multiSampleTypeList.Contains( D3DMULTISAMPLE_4_SAMPLES ) )
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.pp.MultiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_4_SAMPLES;
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.pp.MultiSampleQuality = 0;
    // For the first device created if its a REF device, optionally display a warning dialog box
    static bool s_bFirstTime = true;
    if( s_bFirstTime )
        s_bFirstTime = false;
        if( pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_REF )
            DXUTDisplaySwitchingToREFWarning( pDeviceSettings->ver );

    return true;
Example #4
// This callback function is called immediately before a device is created to allow the 
// application to modify the device settings. The supplied pDeviceSettings parameter 
// contains the settings that the framework has selected for the new device, and the 
// application can make any desired changes directly to this structure.  Note however that 
// DXUT will not correct invalid device settings so care must be taken 
// to return valid device settings, otherwise IDirect3D9::CreateDevice() will fail.  
bool CALLBACK ModifyDeviceSettings( DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings, void* pUserContext )
    assert( DXUT_D3D9_DEVICE == pDeviceSettings->ver );

    HRESULT hr;
    IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3D9Object();
    D3DCAPS9 caps;

    V( pD3D->GetDeviceCaps( pDeviceSettings->d3d9.AdapterOrdinal,
                            &caps ) );

    // Turn vsync off
    pDeviceSettings->d3d9.pp.PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE;
    g_SettingsDlg.GetDialogControl()->GetComboBox( DXUTSETTINGSDLG_PRESENT_INTERVAL )->SetEnabled( false );

    // If device doesn't support HW T&L or doesn't support 2.0 vertex shaders in HW 
    // then switch to SWVP.
    if( ( caps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT ) == 0 ||
        caps.VertexShaderVersion < D3DVS_VERSION( 2, 0 ) )
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags = D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;

    // Debugging vertex shaders requires either REF or software vertex processing 
    // and debugging pixel shaders requires REF.  
#ifdef DEBUG_VS
    if( pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType != D3DDEVTYPE_REF )
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE;
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
#ifdef DEBUG_PS
    pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType = D3DDEVTYPE_REF;

    if( caps.MaxVertexBlendMatrices < 2 )
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags = D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;

    // For the first device created if its a REF device, optionally display a warning dialog box
    static bool s_bFirstTime = true;
    if( s_bFirstTime )
        s_bFirstTime = false;
        if( pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_REF )
            DXUTDisplaySwitchingToREFWarning( pDeviceSettings->ver );

    return true;
Example #5
bool CALLBACK ModifyDeviceSettings(DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings, void* pUserContext)
    IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3D9Object();
    D3DCAPS9 caps;
    HRESULT hr;

    V(pD3D->GetDeviceCaps(pDeviceSettings->d3d9.AdapterOrdinal, pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType, &caps));

    if((caps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT) == 0 ||
        caps.VertexShaderVersion < D3DVS_VERSION(1, 1))
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags = D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags = D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;

    // This application is designed to work on a pure device by not using 
    // IDirect3D9::Get*() methods, so create a pure device if supported and using HWVP.
    if((caps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_PUREDEVICE) != 0 &&
        (pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags & D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING) != 0)
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE;

    // Debugging vertex shaders requires either REF or software vertex processing 
    // and debugging pixel shaders requires REF.  
#ifdef DEBUG_VS
    if(pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType != D3DDEVTYPE_REF)
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE;
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
#ifdef DEBUG_PS
    pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType = D3DDEVTYPE_REF;

    // Enable anti-aliasing for HAL devices which support it
    CD3D9Enumeration* pEnum = DXUTGetD3D9Enumeration();
    CD3D9EnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pCombo = pEnum->GetDeviceSettingsCombo(&pDeviceSettings->d3d9);

    if(pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_HAL &&
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.pp.MultiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_4_SAMPLES;
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.pp.MultiSampleQuality = 0;

    return true;
// Called right before creating a D3D9 or D3D10 device, allowing the app to modify the device settings as needed
bool RenderWin32DX9Imp::ModifyDeviceSettings( DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings, void* pUserContext )
    RenderWin32DX9Imp * const render = (RenderWin32DX9Imp*) pUserContext;

    if( pDeviceSettings->ver == DXUT_D3D9_DEVICE )
        IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3D9Object();
        D3DCAPS9 Caps;
        pD3D->GetDeviceCaps( pDeviceSettings->d3d9.AdapterOrdinal, pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType, &Caps );

        // If device doesn't support HW T&L or doesn't support 1.1 vertex shaders in HW
        // then switch to SWVP.
        if( ( Caps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT ) == 0 ||
                Caps.VertexShaderVersion < D3DVS_VERSION( 1, 1 ) )
            pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags = D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;

        if( render->isBackbufferLockable() )
            pDeviceSettings->d3d9.pp.Flags |= D3DPRESENTFLAG_LOCKABLE_BACKBUFFER;

#ifdef DEBUG_VS
        // Debugging vertex shaders requires either REF or software vertex processing
        // and debugging pixel shaders requires REF.
        if( pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType != D3DDEVTYPE_REF )
            pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
            pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE;
            pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
#ifdef DEBUG_PS
        pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType = D3DDEVTYPE_REF;

    // For the first device created if its a REF device, optionally display a warning dialog box
    static bool s_bFirstTime = false; // true;
    if( s_bFirstTime )
        s_bFirstTime = false;
        if( ( DXUT_D3D9_DEVICE == pDeviceSettings->ver && pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_REF ) ||
                ( DXUT_D3D10_DEVICE == pDeviceSettings->ver &&
                  pDeviceSettings->d3d10.DriverType == D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE_REFERENCE ) )
            DXUTDisplaySwitchingToREFWarning( pDeviceSettings->ver );

    return true;
// Rejects any D3D9 devices that aren't acceptable to the app by returning false
bool CALLBACK IsD3D9DeviceAcceptable( D3DCAPS9* pCaps, D3DFORMAT AdapterFormat,
                                      D3DFORMAT BackBufferFormat, bool bWindowed, void* pUserContext )
    // No fallback defined by this app, so reject any device that doesn't support at least ps2.0
    if( pCaps->PixelShaderVersion < D3DPS_VERSION( 2, 0 ) )
        return false;

    // Skip backbuffer formats that don't support alpha blending
    IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3D9Object();
    if( FAILED( pD3D->CheckDeviceFormat( pCaps->AdapterOrdinal, pCaps->DeviceType,
                                         AdapterFormat, D3DUSAGE_QUERY_POSTPIXELSHADER_BLENDING,
                                         D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE, BackBufferFormat ) ) )
        return false;

    return true;
Example #8
// Called during device initialization, this code checks the device for some 
// minimum set of capabilities, and rejects those that don't pass by returning false.
bool CALLBACK IsDeviceAcceptable( D3DCAPS9* pCaps, D3DFORMAT AdapterFormat,
                                  D3DFORMAT BackBufferFormat, bool bWindowed, void* pUserContext )
    // Skip backbuffer formats that don't support alpha blending
    IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3D9Object();
    if( FAILED( pD3D->CheckDeviceFormat( pCaps->AdapterOrdinal, pCaps->DeviceType,
                                         AdapterFormat, D3DUSAGE_QUERY_POSTPIXELSHADER_BLENDING,
                                         D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE, BackBufferFormat ) ) )
        return false;

    // Determine texture support.  Fail if not good enough 
    D3DFORMAT fmtTexture, fmtCubeMap;
    GetSupportedTextureFormat( pD3D, pCaps, AdapterFormat, &fmtTexture, &fmtCubeMap );
    if( D3DFMT_UNKNOWN == fmtTexture || D3DFMT_UNKNOWN == fmtCubeMap )
        return false;

    // This sample requires pixel shader 2.0, but does showcase techniques which will 
    // perform well on shader model 1.1 hardware.
    if( pCaps->PixelShaderVersion < D3DPS_VERSION( 2, 0 ) )
        return false;

    return true;
Example #9
// This callback function will be called immediately after the Direct3D device has been 
// created, which will happen during application initialization and windowed/full screen 
// toggles. This is the best location to create D3DPOOL_MANAGED resources since these 
// resources need to be reloaded whenever the device is destroyed. Resources created  
// here should be released in the OnDestroyDevice callback. 
HRESULT CALLBACK OnCreateDevice( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, const D3DSURFACE_DESC* pBackBufferSurfaceDesc,
                                 void* pUserContext )
    HRESULT hr;

    V_RETURN( g_DialogResourceManager.OnD3D9CreateDevice( pd3dDevice ) );
    V_RETURN( g_SettingsDlg.OnD3D9CreateDevice( pd3dDevice ) );
    // Initialize the font
    V_RETURN( D3DXCreateFont( pd3dDevice, 15, 0, FW_BOLD, 1, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET,
                              L"Arial", &g_pFont ) );

    // Define DEBUG_VS and/or DEBUG_PS to debug vertex and/or pixel shaders with the 
    // shader debugger. Debugging vertex shaders requires either REF or software vertex 
    // processing, and debugging pixel shaders requires REF.  The 
    // D3DXSHADER_FORCE_*_SOFTWARE_NOOPT flag improves the debug experience in the 
    // shader debugger.  It enables source level debugging, prevents instruction 
    // reordering, prevents dead code elimination, and forces the compiler to compile 
    // against the next higher available software target, which ensures that the 
    // unoptimized shaders do not exceed the shader model limitations.  Setting these 
    // flags will cause slower rendering since the shaders will be unoptimized and 
    // forced into software.  See the DirectX documentation for more information about 
    // using the shader debugger.

#if defined( DEBUG ) || defined( _DEBUG )
    // Set the D3DXSHADER_DEBUG flag to embed debug information in the shaders.
    // Setting this flag improves the shader debugging experience, but still allows 
    // the shaders to be optimized and to run exactly the way they will run in 
    // the release configuration of this program.
    dwShaderFlags |= D3DXSHADER_DEBUG;

#ifdef DEBUG_VS
#ifdef DEBUG_PS

    // Determine which LDPRT texture and SH coefficient cubemap formats are supported
    IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3D9Object();
    D3DCAPS9 Caps;
    pd3dDevice->GetDeviceCaps( &Caps );
    D3DDISPLAYMODE DisplayMode;
    pd3dDevice->GetDisplayMode( 0, &DisplayMode );

    GetSupportedTextureFormat( pD3D, &Caps, DisplayMode.Format, &g_fmtTexture, &g_fmtCubeMap );
    if( D3DFMT_UNKNOWN == g_fmtTexture || D3DFMT_UNKNOWN == g_fmtCubeMap )
        return E_FAIL;

    // Create the skybox
    g_Skybox.OnCreateDevice( pd3dDevice, 50, L"Light Probes\\rnl_cross.dds", L"SkyBox.fx" );
    V( D3DXSHProjectCubeMap( 6, g_Skybox.GetEnvironmentMap(), g_fSkyBoxLightSH[0], g_fSkyBoxLightSH[1],
                             g_fSkyBoxLightSH[2] ) );

    // Now compute the SH projection of the skybox...
    V( D3DXCreateCubeTexture( pd3dDevice, 256, 1, 0, D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &pSHCubeTex ) );

    SHCubeProj projData;
    projData.Init( g_fSkyBoxLightSH[0], g_fSkyBoxLightSH[1], g_fSkyBoxLightSH[2] );

    V( D3DXFillCubeTexture( pSHCubeTex, SHCubeFill, &projData ) );
    g_Skybox.InitSH( pSHCubeTex );

    // Read the D3DX effect file
    WCHAR str[MAX_PATH];
    V_RETURN( DXUTFindDXSDKMediaFileCch( str, MAX_PATH, TEXT( "LocalDeformablePRT.fx" ) ) );

    // If this fails, there should be debug output as to they the .fx file failed to compile
    V_RETURN( D3DXCreateEffectFromFile( pd3dDevice, str, NULL, NULL, dwShaderFlags, NULL, &g_pEffect, NULL ) );

    V_RETURN( LoadTechniqueObjects( "bat" ) );

    V_RETURN( g_LightControl.StaticOnD3D9CreateDevice( pd3dDevice ) );
    g_LightControl.SetRadius( 2.0f );

    // Setup the camera's view parameters
    D3DXVECTOR3 vecEye( 0.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f );
    D3DXVECTOR3 vecAt ( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
    g_Camera.SetViewParams( &vecEye, &vecAt );

    // Set the model's initial orientation
    D3DXQUATERNION quatRotation;
    D3DXQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll( &quatRotation, -0.5f, 0.7f, 0.0f );
    g_Camera.SetWorldQuat( quatRotation );

    return hr;
// Called right before creating a D3D9 or D3D10 device, allowing the app to modify the device settings as needed
bool CALLBACK ModifyDeviceSettings(DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings,
								   void* pUserContext)
	pDeviceSettings->d3d10.sd.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
	pDeviceSettings->d3d10.sd.SampleDesc.Quality = 0;

	if (DXUT_D3D9_DEVICE == pDeviceSettings->ver)
		D3DCAPS9 Caps;
		IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3D9Object();
							pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType, &Caps);

		// If device doesn't support HW T&L or doesn't support 1.1 vertex shaders in HW
		// then switch to SWVP.
				Caps.VertexShaderVersion < D3DVS_VERSION(1, 1))
			pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags = D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;

		// Debugging vertex shaders requires either REF or software vertex processing
		// and debugging pixel shaders requires REF.
#ifdef DEBUG_VS

		if (pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType != D3DDEVTYPE_REF)
			pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
			pDeviceSettings->d3d9.BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE;
			pDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;

#ifdef DEBUG_PS
		pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType = D3DDEVTYPE_REF;
		// Uncomment this to get debug information from D3D10
		//pDeviceSettings->d3d10.CreateFlags |= D3D10_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG;

	// For the first device created if its a REF device, optionally display a warning dialog box
	static bool s_bFirstTime = true;

	if (s_bFirstTime)
		s_bFirstTime = false;

		if ((DXUT_D3D9_DEVICE == pDeviceSettings->ver
				&& pDeviceSettings->d3d9.DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_REF) ||
				(DXUT_D3D10_DEVICE == pDeviceSettings->ver
				 && pDeviceSettings->d3d10.DriverType == D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE_REFERENCE))

	return true;
Example #11
// Enumerate for each adapter all of the supported display modes, 
// device types, adapter formats, back buffer formats, window/full screen support, 
// depth stencil formats, multisampling types/qualities, and presentations intervals.
// For each combination of device type (HAL/REF), adapter format, back buffer format, and
// IsWindowed it will call the app's ConfirmDevice callback.  This allows the app
// to reject or allow that combination based on its caps/etc.  It also allows the 
// app to change the BehaviorFlags.  The BehaviorFlags defaults non-pure HWVP 
// if supported otherwise it will default to SWVP, however the app can change this 
// through the ConfirmDevice callback.
                                     void* pIsD3D9DeviceAcceptableFuncUserContext )
    CDXUTPerfEventGenerator eventGenerator( DXUT_PERFEVENTCOLOR, L"DXUT D3D9 Enumeration" );
    IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3D9Object();
    if( pD3D == NULL )
        pD3D = DXUTGetD3D9Object();
        if( pD3D == NULL )
            return DXUTERR_NODIRECT3D;

    m_bHasEnumerated = true;
    m_pD3D = pD3D;
    m_IsD3D9DeviceAcceptableFunc = IsD3D9DeviceAcceptableFunc;
    m_pIsD3D9DeviceAcceptableFuncUserContext = pIsD3D9DeviceAcceptableFuncUserContext;

    HRESULT hr;
    CGrowableArray <D3DFORMAT> adapterFormatList;

    const D3DFORMAT allowedAdapterFormatArray[] =
    const UINT allowedAdapterFormatArrayCount = sizeof( allowedAdapterFormatArray ) / sizeof
        ( allowedAdapterFormatArray[0] );

    UINT numAdapters = pD3D->GetAdapterCount();
    for( UINT adapterOrdinal = 0; adapterOrdinal < numAdapters; adapterOrdinal++ )
        CD3D9EnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo = new CD3D9EnumAdapterInfo;
        if( pAdapterInfo == NULL )
            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

        pAdapterInfo->AdapterOrdinal = adapterOrdinal;
        pD3D->GetAdapterIdentifier( adapterOrdinal, 0, &pAdapterInfo->AdapterIdentifier );

        // Get list of all display modes on this adapter.  
        // Also build a temporary list of all display adapter formats.

        for( UINT iFormatList = 0; iFormatList < allowedAdapterFormatArrayCount; iFormatList++ )
            D3DFORMAT allowedAdapterFormat = allowedAdapterFormatArray[iFormatList];
            UINT numAdapterModes = pD3D->GetAdapterModeCount( adapterOrdinal, allowedAdapterFormat );
            for( UINT mode = 0; mode < numAdapterModes; mode++ )
                D3DDISPLAYMODE displayMode;
                pD3D->EnumAdapterModes( adapterOrdinal, allowedAdapterFormat, mode, &displayMode );

                if( displayMode.Width < m_nMinWidth ||
                    displayMode.Height < m_nMinHeight ||
                    displayMode.Width > m_nMaxWidth ||
                    displayMode.Height > m_nMaxHeight ||
                    displayMode.RefreshRate < m_nRefreshMin ||
                    displayMode.RefreshRate > m_nRefreshMax )

                pAdapterInfo->displayModeList.Add( displayMode );

                if( !adapterFormatList.Contains( displayMode.Format ) )
                    adapterFormatList.Add( displayMode.Format );


        D3DDISPLAYMODE displayMode;
        pD3D->GetAdapterDisplayMode( adapterOrdinal, &displayMode );
        if( !adapterFormatList.Contains( displayMode.Format ) )
            adapterFormatList.Add( displayMode.Format );

        // Sort displaymode list
        qsort( pAdapterInfo->displayModeList.GetData(),
               pAdapterInfo->displayModeList.GetSize(), sizeof( D3DDISPLAYMODE ),
               SortModesCallback );

        // Get info for each device on this adapter
        if( FAILED( EnumerateDevices( pAdapterInfo, &adapterFormatList ) ) )
            delete pAdapterInfo;

        // If at least one device on this adapter is available and compatible
        // with the app, add the adapterInfo to the list
        if( pAdapterInfo->deviceInfoList.GetSize() > 0 )
            hr = m_AdapterInfoList.Add( pAdapterInfo );
            if( FAILED( hr ) )
                return hr;
            delete pAdapterInfo;

    // Check for 2 or more adapters with the same name. Append the name
    // with some instance number if that's the case to help distinguish
    // them.
    bool bUniqueDesc = true;
    CD3D9EnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo;
    for( int i = 0; i < m_AdapterInfoList.GetSize(); i++ )
        CD3D9EnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo1 = m_AdapterInfoList.GetAt( i );

        for( int j = i + 1; j < m_AdapterInfoList.GetSize(); j++ )
            CD3D9EnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo2 = m_AdapterInfoList.GetAt( j );
            if( _stricmp( pAdapterInfo1->AdapterIdentifier.Description,
                          pAdapterInfo2->AdapterIdentifier.Description ) == 0 )
                bUniqueDesc = false;

        if( !bUniqueDesc )

    for( int i = 0; i < m_AdapterInfoList.GetSize(); i++ )
        pAdapterInfo = m_AdapterInfoList.GetAt( i );

        MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0,
                             pAdapterInfo->AdapterIdentifier.Description, -1,
                             pAdapterInfo->szUniqueDescription, 100 );
        pAdapterInfo->szUniqueDescription[100] = 0;

        if( !bUniqueDesc )
            WCHAR sz[100];
            swprintf_s( sz, 100, L" (#%d)", pAdapterInfo->AdapterOrdinal );
            wcscat_s( pAdapterInfo->szUniqueDescription, 256, sz );


    return S_OK;