Example #1
int main(){
	// Function to retrieve OAPI version
	size_t len = LEN;
	size_t read;
	char *line = malloc(len);
	// return variables
	char s0[1024];
	int i0;
	int nFrameOld = -1;

	while ((read = getline(&line, &len, stdin)) != -1) {
		//fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Retrieved line of length %zu (including NULL): %s", read, line);
		if (cmp(line, "OAPIGetVersionString")){
			i0 = OAPIGetVersionString(s0, len);
			printf("'%s'\n", s0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "OptoGetLastError")){
			i0 = OptoGetLastError(s0, len);
			printf("'%s'\n", s0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "OptotrakGetErrorString")){
			i0 = OptotrakGetErrorString(s0, len);
			printf("'%s'\n", s0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "OptoGetExtendedErrorCode")){
			i0 = OptoGetExtendedErrorCode();
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "TransputerLoadSystem")){
			strtok(line, "\"");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, "\""); // may be null
			i0 = TransputerLoadSystem(s);
			//i0 = TransputerLoadSystem("/opt/NDIoapi/ndigital/realtime/system.nif");
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "TransputerInitializeSystem")){
			i0 = TransputerInitializeSystem(OPTO_LOG_ERRORS_FLAG);
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "TransputerShutdownSystem")){
			i0 = TransputerShutdownSystem();
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "TransputerDetermineSystemCfg")){
			strtok(line, "\"");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, "\""); // may be null
			i0 = TransputerDetermineSystemCfg(s);
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "OptotrakLoadCameraParameters")){
			strtok(line, "\"");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, "\""); // may be null
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "OptotrakLoadAutoScale")){
			strtok(line, "\"");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, "\""); // may be null
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "OptotrakLockTemperatures")){
			i0 = OptotrakLockTemperatures();
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "OptotrakSetCollectionFile")){
			strtok(line, "\"");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, "\""); // may be null
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "OptotrakSetupCollectionFromFile")){
			strtok(line, "\"");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, "\""); // may be null
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "OptotrakSetupCollection")){
			float fFrameFrequency, fMarkerFrequency;
			int nThreshold, nMinimumGain, nStreamData;
			float fDutyCycle, fVoltage, fCollectionTime, fPreTriggerTime;
			int nFlags;
			strtok(line, "(");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, ")");
			int i = sscanf(s, "%d, %f, %f, %d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %f, %f, %d", 
				&fFrameFrequency, &fMarkerFrequency,
				&nThreshold, &nMinimumGain, &nStreamData,
				&fDutyCycle, &fVoltage, &fCollectionTime, &fPreTriggerTime,
				i0 = OptotrakSetupCollection(nMarkers, 
					fFrameFrequency, fMarkerFrequency, 
					nThreshold, nMinimumGain, nStreamData,
					fDutyCycle, fVoltage, fCollectionTime, fPreTriggerTime, 
				printf("%d\n", i0);
			} else
				printf("ERROR: %d arguments read (11 expected)\n", i);
		} else if (cmp(line, "OptotrakActivateMarkers")){
			i0 = OptotrakActivateMarkers();
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "OptotrakDeActivateMarkers")){
			i0 = OptotrakDeActivateMarkers();
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "OptotrakGetStatus")){
			int nNumSensors, nNumOdaus, nNumRigidBodies, nMarkers;
			float fFrameFrequency, fMarkerFrequency;
			int nThreshold, nMinimumGain, nStreamData;
			float fDutyCycle, fVoltage, fCollectionTime, fPreTriggerTime;
			int nFlags;
			i0 = OptotrakGetStatus(&nNumSensors, &nNumOdaus, &nNumRigidBodies, &nMarkers,
				&fFrameFrequency, &fMarkerFrequency,
				&nThreshold, &nMinimumGain, &nStreamData, 
				&fDutyCycle, &fVoltage, &fCollectionTime, &fPreTriggerTime,
			printf("(%d, %d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %f, %f, 0x%x)\n", 
				nNumSensors, nNumOdaus, nNumRigidBodies, nMarkers,
				fFrameFrequency, fMarkerFrequency,
				nThreshold, nMinimumGain, nStreamData, 
				fDutyCycle, fVoltage, fCollectionTime, fPreTriggerTime,
		} else if (cmp(line, "OptotrakSetStroberPortTable")){
			int nPort1, nPort2, nPort3, nPort4;
			strtok(line, "(");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, ")");
			if(s && sscanf(s, "%d, %d, %d, %d", &nPort1, &nPort2, &nPort3, &nPort4) == 4){
				i0 = OptotrakSetStroberPortTable(nPort1, nPort2, nPort3, nPort4);
				printf("%d\n", i0);
			} else
				printf("ERROR: reading 4 arguments\n");
		} else if (cmp(line, "OptotrakSaveCollectionToFile")){
			strtok(line, "\"");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, "\"");
			if (s)
				i0 = OptotrakSaveCollectionToFile(s);
				i0 = OptotrakSaveCollectionToFile("");
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "OptotrakSetCameraParameters")){
			int nMarkerType, nWaveLength, nModelType;
			strtok(line, "(");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, ")");
			if(s && sscanf(s, "%d, %d, %d", &nMarkerType, &nWaveLength, &nModelType) == 3){
				i0 = OptotrakSetCameraParameters(nMarkerType, nWaveLength, nModelType);
				printf("%d\n", i0);
			} else
				printf("ERROR: reading 3 arguments\n");
		} else if (cmp(line, "OptotrakGetCameraParameterStatus")){
			int curMarkerType, nCurWaveLength, nCurModelType;
			char szStatus[len];
			i0 = OptotrakGetCameraParameterStatus(&curMarkerType, &nCurWaveLength, &nCurModelType, szStatus, len);
			printf("(%d, %d, %d, '%s')\n", curMarkerType, nCurWaveLength, nCurModelType, szStatus);
		} else if (cmp(line, "OdauSaveCollectionToFile")){
			strtok(line, "\"");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, "\"");
			if (s){
				i0 = OptotrakSaveCollectionToFile(s);
				printf("%d\n", i0);
			} else
				printf("ERROR: reading filename\n");
		} else if (cmp(line, "OdauSetupCollectionFromFile")){
			strtok(line, "\"");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, "\"");
			if (s){
				i0 = OdauSetupCollectionFromFile(s);
				printf("%d\n", i0);
			} else
				printf("ERROR: reading filename\n");
		} else if (cmp(line, "OdauSetTimer")){
			//int OdauSetTimer( int nOdauId, unsigned uTimer, unsigned uMode, unsigned long ulVal );
			int nOdauId;
			unsigned uTimer, uMode;
			unsigned long ulVal;
			strtok(line, "(");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, ")");
			if(s && sscanf(s, "%d, %u, %u, %lu", &nOdauId, &uTimer, &uMode, &ulVal) == 4){
				i0 = OdauSetTimer(ODAU1+nOdauId-1, uMode, uTimer, ulVal);
				printf("%d\n", i0);
			} else
				printf("ERROR: reading 4 arguments\n");
		} else if (cmp(line, "OdauSetAnalogOutputs")){
			//int OdauSetAnalogOutputs( int nOdauId, float *pfVoltage1, float *pfVoltage2, unsigned uChangeMask );
			int nOdauId; // 1-4 -> ODAU1-ODAU4
			float fVoltage1;
			float fVoltage2;
			unsigned uChangeMask;
			strtok(line, "(");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, ")");
			if(s && sscanf(s, "%d, %f, %f, %u", &nOdauId, &fVoltage1, &fVoltage2, &uChangeMask) == 4){
				i0 = OdauSetAnalogOutputs(ODAU1+nOdauId-1, &fVoltage1, &fVoltage2, uChangeMask);
				printf("(%f, %f)\n", fVoltage1, fVoltage1);
			} else
				printf("ERROR: reading 4 arguments\n");
		} else if (cmp(line, "OdauSetDigitalOutputs")){
			//int OdauSetDigitalOutputs( int nOdauId, unsigned *puDigitalOut, unsigned uUpdateMask );
			int nOdauId; // 1-4 -> ODAU1-ODAU4
			unsigned uDigitalOut, uUpdateMask;
			strtok(line, "(");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, ")");
			if(s && sscanf(s, "%d, %u, %u", &nOdauId, &uDigitalOut, &uUpdateMask) == 4){
				i0 = OdauSetDigitalOutputs(ODAU1+nOdauId-1, &uDigitalOut, uUpdateMask);
				printf("0x%x\n", uDigitalOut);
			} else
				printf("ERROR: reading 3 arguments\n");
		} else if (cmp(line, "OdauSetupCollection")){
			//OdauSetupCollection( int nOdauId, int nChannels, int nGain, int nDigitalMode, float fFrameFreq, float fScanFreq, int nStreamData, float fCollectionTime, float fPreTriggerTime, unsigned uFlags );
			int nOdauId, nChannels, nGain, nDigitalMode;
			float fFrameFreq, fScanFreq;
			int nStreamData;
			float fCollectionTime, fPreTriggerTime;
			unsigned uFlags;
			strtok(line, "(");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, ")");
			if(s && sscanf(s, "%d, %d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %d, %f, %f, %u", 
					&nOdauId, &nChannels, &nGain, &nDigitalMode, 
					&fFrameFreq, &fScanFreq, &nStreamData,
					&fCollectionTime, &fPreTriggerTime, &uFlags) == 10){
				i0 = OdauSetupCollection(ODAU1+nOdauId-1, nChannels, nGain, nDigitalMode, 
					fFrameFreq, fScanFreq, nStreamData,
					fCollectionTime, fPreTriggerTime, uFlags);
				printf("%d\n", i0);
			} else
				printf("ERROR: reading 10 arguments\n");
		} else if (cmp(line, "OptotrakStopCollection")){
			i0 = OptotrakStopCollection();
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "OdauGetStatus")){
			 //int OdauGetStatus( int nOdauId, int *pnChannels, int *pnGain, int *pnDigitalMode, float *pfFrameFrequency, float *pfScanFrequency, int *pnStreamData, float *pfCollectionTime, float *pfPreTriggerTime, unsigned  *puCollFlags, int *pnFlags );
			int nOdauId, nChannels, nGain, nDigitalMode;
			float fFrameFrequency, fScanFrequency;
			int nStreamData;
			float fCollectionTime, fPreTriggerTime;
			unsigned  uCollFlags;
			int nFlags;
			strtok(line, "(");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, ")");
			if(s && sscanf(s, "%d", &nOdauId) == 1){
				i0 = OdauGetStatus(ODAU1+nOdauId-1, &nChannels, &nGain, &nDigitalMode, 
					&fFrameFrequency, &fScanFrequency, &nStreamData, &fCollectionTime, &fPreTriggerTime, 
					&uCollFlags, &nFlags);
				printf("(%d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %d, %f, %f, 0x%04x, %d)\n", 
					nChannels, nGain, nDigitalMode, 
					fFrameFrequency, fScanFrequency, nStreamData, fCollectionTime, fPreTriggerTime, 
					uCollFlags, nFlags);
			} else
				printf("ERROR: reading argument\n");
		} else if (cmp(line, "RigidBodyAddFromFile")){
			int nRigidBodyId, nStartMarker;
			char szRigFile[len];
			int nFlags;
			strtok(line, "(");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, ")");
			if(s && sscanf(s, "%d, %d, %s, %d", &nRigidBodyId, &nStartMarker, szRigFile, &nFlags) != 4){
				i0 = RigidBodyAddFromFile(nRigidBodyId, nStartMarker, szRigFile, nFlags);
				printf("%d\n", i0);
			} else
				printf("ERROR: reading 4 arguments\n");
		} else if (cmp(line, "RigidBodyAdd")){
			//int ( int nRigidBodyId, int nStartMarker, int nNumMarkers, float *pRigidCoordinates, float *pNormalCoordinates, int nFlags );
			int nRigidBodyId, nStartMarker, nNumMarkers;
			float *rigidCoordinates, *normalCoordinates;
			int nFlags;
			char* s = strtok(line, "(");
			if(s && sscanf(line+strlen(s)+1, "%d, %d, %d", &nRigidBodyId, &nStartMarker, &nNumMarkers)==3){
				rigidCoordinates = calloc(3*nNumMarkers, sizeof(float));
				normalCoordinates = calloc(3*nNumMarkers, sizeof(float));
				s = strtok(NULL, "[("); // up to first list/tuple
					printf("ERROR: reading rigid values\n");
					goto end;
				for(int i=0; i<3*nNumMarkers; i++){
					char* s = strtok(NULL, ",");
						printf("ERROR: reading rigid value %d\n", i);
						goto end;
					if(sscanf(s, "%f", (float*)&rigidCoordinates[i]) != 1){
						printf("ERROR: parsing rigid value %d\n", i);
						goto end;

				s = strtok(NULL, "[("); // up to first list/tuple
					printf("ERROR: reading normal values\n");
					goto end;
				for(int i=0; i<3*nNumMarkers; i++){
					char* s = strtok(NULL, ",");
						printf("ERROR: reading normal value %d\n", i);
						goto end;
					if(sscanf(s, "%f", (float*)&normalCoordinates[i]) != 1){
						printf("ERROR: parsing normal value %d\n", i);
						goto end;
				s = strtok(NULL, "],) ");
				//s = strtok(NULL, ")");
				if(s && sscanf(s, "%d", &nFlags)==1){
					i0 = RigidBodyAdd(nRigidBodyId, nStartMarker, nNumMarkers, rigidCoordinates, normalCoordinates, nFlags);
					printf("%d\n", i0);
				} else
					printf("ERROR: reading last argument\n");
			} else
				printf("ERROR: reading first 3 arguments\n");
			//int RigidBodyAddFromFile( int nRigidBodyId, int nStartMarker, char *pszRigFile, int nFlags );
			//int RigidBodyChangeSettings( int nRigidBodyId, int nMinMarkers, int nMaxMarkersAngle, float fMax3dError, float fMaxSensorError, float fMax3dRmsError, float fMaxSensorRmsError, int nFlags );
			//int RigidBodyDelete( int nRigidBodyId );
			//int RigidBodyChangeFOR( int nRigidId, int nRotationMethod );
		} else if (cmp(line, "RigidBodyChangeSettings")){
			int nRigidBodyId, nMinMarkers, nMaxMarkersAngle;
			float fMax3dError, fMaxSensorError, fMax3dRmsError, fMaxSensorRmsError;
			int nFlags;
			strtok(line, "(");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, ")");
			if(s && sscanf(s, "%d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %f, %f, %d", 
				&nRigidBodyId, &nMinMarkers, &nMaxMarkersAngle, 
				&fMax3dError, &fMaxSensorError, &fMax3dRmsError, &fMaxSensorRmsError, &nFlags) != 4){
				i0 = RigidBodyChangeSettings(nRigidBodyId, nMinMarkers, nMaxMarkersAngle,
				fMax3dError, fMaxSensorError, fMax3dRmsError, fMaxSensorRmsError, nFlags);
				printf("%d\n", i0);
			} else
				printf("ERROR: reading 8 arguments\n");
		} else if (cmp(line, "DataGetLatestRaw")){
			uint uFrameNumber=999, uElements=999, uFlags=999;
			i0 = DataGetLatestRaw(&uFrameNumber, &uElements, &uFlags, pFullRawData);
			printf("Frame Number: %8u\n", uFrameNumber);
			printf("Elements    : %8u\n", uElements);
			printf("Flags       :     0x%04x\n", uFlags);
			for(uint uMarkerCnt=0; uMarkerCnt<nMarkers; uMarkerCnt++){
				// Print out the current marker number.
				fprintf( stdout, "Marker %u, ", uMarkerCnt + 1 );
				//Print out the information for each sensor.
				for(uint uSensorCnt = 0; uSensorCnt<NUM_SENSORS; ++uSensorCnt ){
					//Print out the current sensor number.
					fprintf( stdout, "Sensor %u, ", uSensorCnt + 1 );
					// Print out the centroid. If it is bad print out *the string	'missing'.
					//if( pFullRawData[uMarkerCnt].fCentroid[uSensorCnt] < MAX_NEGATIVE )
						//printf("data missing, " );
						printf("data: %8.2g, ", (float)pFullRawData[uMarkerCnt].fCentroid[uSensorCnt] );
					//Print out the rest of this sensor’s information.
					printf("peak: %4d, DRC: %4d, sensorCode: %u\n",
				} /* for */
			} /* for */
		} else if (cmp(line, "DataGetLatest3D")){
			//int DataGetLatest3D( unsigned *pnFrame, unsigned *pElems, unsigned *pFlags, void *pDataDest );
			uint nFrame=999, elems=999, flags=999;
			//Position3d dataDest[NUM_MARKERS];
			i0 = DataGetLatest3D(&nFrame, &elems, &flags, pPosition3d);
			printf("(%d, %u, %u, 0x%X, (", i0, nFrame, elems, flags);
			for(uint i=0; i<nMarkers; i++){
				printf("  (%10.3g, %10.3g, %10.3g),", pPosition3d[i].x, pPosition3d[i].y, pPosition3d[i].z);
		} else if (cmp(line, "RequestLatest3D")){
			i0 = RequestLatest3D();
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "DataIsReady")){
			i0 = DataIsReady();
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "DataReceiveLatest3D")){
			// alle markers 3d 
			uint nFrame=999, elems=999, flags=999;
			Position3d dataDest;
			i0 = DataReceiveLatest3D(&nFrame, &elems, &flags, &dataDest);
			printf("(%d, %u, %u, 0x%X, (", i0, nFrame, elems, flags);
			for(uint i=0; i<nMarkers; i++){
				printf("  (%10.3g, %10.3g, %10.3g),", pPosition3d[i].x, pPosition3d[i].y, pPosition3d[i].z);
		} else if (cmp(line, "DataReceiveLatestRaw")){
			uint nFrame, elems, flags;
			void *dataDest; // todo allocate!
			i0 = DataReceiveLatestRaw(&nFrame, &elems, &flags, &dataDest);
			printf("(%d, %u, 0x%x)\n", i0, nFrame, flags);
		} else if (cmp(line, "DataBufferInitializeFile")){
			//unsigned uDataId;
			char pszFileName[len];
			strtok(line, "\"");
			char* s = strtok(NULL, "\"");
			if(sscanf(s, "%s", pszFileName)==1){
				i0 = DataBufferInitializeFile(OPTOTRAK, s);
				printf("%d\n", i0);
			} else
				printf("ERROR: could not read filename\n");
		} else if (cmp(line, "DataBufferSpoolData")){
			int i = 999;
			i0 = DataBufferSpoolData(&i);
			printf("(%d, %d)\n", i0, i);
		} else if (cmp(line, "DataBufferStart")){
			i0 = DataBufferStart();
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "DataBufferStop")){
			i0 = DataBufferStop();
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else if (cmp(line, "DataBufferWriteData")){
			unsigned uRealtimeData=999, uSpoolComplete=0, uSpoolStatus=999;
			unsigned long ulFramesBuffered=999;
			i0 = DataBufferWriteData(&uRealtimeData, &uSpoolComplete, &uSpoolStatus, &ulFramesBuffered);
			printf("(%d, %u, %u, %u, %lu)\n", i0, uRealtimeData, uSpoolComplete, uSpoolStatus, ulFramesBuffered);
		} else if (cmp(line, "DataBufferAbortSpooling")){
			i0 = DataBufferAbortSpooling();
			printf("%d\n", i0);
		} else {
			printf("ERROR: no such command: %s\n", line);
Example #2
void main( int argc, unsigned char *argv[] )
        szNDErrorString[MAX_ERROR_STRING_LENGTH + 1];
	unsigned int

     * initialization
	 * intialize variables
	pdtDevices = NULL;
	pdtDeviceHandles = NULL;
	pdtDeviceHandlesInfo = NULL;
	p3dData = NULL;
	nMarkersToActivate = 0;
	nDevices = 0;
	nDeviceMarkers = 0;
	dtSettings.nMarkers = 0;
	dtSettings.fFrameFrequency = SAMPLE_FRAMEFREQ;
	dtSettings.fMarkerFrequency = SAMPLE_MARKERFREQ;
	dtSettings.nThreshold = 30;
	dtSettings.nMinimumGain = 160;
	dtSettings.nStreamData = SAMPLE_STREAMDATA;
	dtSettings.fDutyCycle = SAMPLE_DUTYCYCLE;
	dtSettings.fVoltage = SAMPLE_VOLTAGE;
	dtSettings.fCollectionTime = 1.0;
	dtSettings.fPreTriggerTime = 0.0;

	 * Announce that the program has started
	fprintf( stdout, "\nOptotrak Certus sample program #16\n\n" );

	 * look for the -nodld parameter that indicates 'no download'
	if( ( argc < 2 ) || ( strncmp( argv[1], "-nodld", 6 ) != 0 ) )
		 * Load the system of processors.
		fprintf( stdout, "...TransputerLoadSystem\n" );
		if( TransputerLoadSystem( "system" ) != OPTO_NO_ERROR_CODE )
			goto ERROR_EXIT;
		} /* if */

		sleep( 1 );
	} /* if */

     * Communication Initialization
     * Once the system processors have been loaded, the application
     * prepares for communication by initializing the system processors.
	fprintf( stdout, "...TransputerInitializeSystem\n" );
		goto ERROR_EXIT;
	} /* if */

	 * Determine if this sample will run with the system attached.
	 * This sample is intended for Certus systems.
	fprintf( stdout, "...DetermineSystem\n" );
	if( uDetermineSystem( ) != OPTOTRAK_CERTUS_FLAG )
	} /* if */

     * Strober Initialization
     * Once communication has been initialized, the application must
     * determine the strober configuration.
     * The application retrieves device handles and all strober
     * properties from the system.
	fprintf( stdout, "...DetermineStroberConfiguration\n" );
	if( DetermineStroberConfiguration( &pdtDeviceHandles, &pdtDeviceHandlesInfo, &nDevices ) != OPTO_NO_ERROR_CODE )
		goto ERROR_EXIT;
	} /* if */

	 * check if any devices have been detected by the system
	if( nDevices == 0 )
		fprintf( stdout, ".........no devices detected.  Quitting program...\n" );
	} /* if */

     * Now that all the device handles have been completely set up,
     * the application can store all the device handle information in
     * an internal data structure.  This will facilitate lookups when
     * a property setting needs to be checked.
    ApplicationStoreDeviceProperties( &pdtDevices, pdtDeviceHandlesInfo, nDevices );

	 * Change the number of markers to fire for all devices
	for( nCurDevice = 0; nCurDevice < nDevices; nCurDevice++ )
		nMarkersToActivate = pdtDevices[nCurDevice].b3020Capability?

		SetMarkersToActivateForDevice( &(pdtDevices[nCurDevice]), pdtDeviceHandlesInfo[nCurDevice].pdtHandle->nID, nMarkersToActivate );
	} /* if */
	fprintf( stdout, "\n" );

	 * Determine the collection settings based on the device properties
	ApplicationDetermineCollectionParameters( nDevices, pdtDevices, &dtSettings );

     * Set optional processing flags (this overides the settings in Optotrak.INI).
	fprintf( stdout, "...OptotrakSetProcessingFlags\n" );
    if( OptotrakSetProcessingFlags( OPTO_LIB_POLL_REAL_DATA |
                                    OPTO_CONVERT_ON_HOST |
                                    OPTO_RIGID_ON_HOST ) )
        goto ERROR_EXIT;
    } /* if */

	 * Load camera parameters.
	fprintf( stdout, "...OptotrakLoadCameraParameters\n" );
    if( OptotrakLoadCameraParameters( "standard" ) != OPTO_NO_ERROR_CODE )
		goto ERROR_EXIT;
	} /* if */

	 * allocate memory for all data
	if( OptotrakGetStatus( &nNumSensors, NULL, NULL, NULL,
		goto ERROR_EXIT;
	} /* if */

	 * Ensure that we are firing some markers
	if( dtSettings.nMarkers == 0 )
		fprintf( stdout, "Error: There are no markers to be activated.\n" );
		goto ERROR_EXIT;
	} /* if */

	p3dData = (Position3d*)malloc( dtSettings.nMarkers * sizeof( Position3d ) );
	pCentroidData = (float*)malloc( dtSettings.nMarkers * nNumSensors * sizeof( float ) );

     * Configure Optotrak Collection
     * Once the system strobers have been enabled, and all settings are
     * loaded, the application can set up the Optotrak collection
	fprintf( stdout, "...OptotrakSetupCollection\n" );
	fprintf( stdout, ".....%d, %.2f, %.0f, %d, %d, %d, %.2f, %.2f, %.0f, %.0f\n",
								 dtSettings.fPreTriggerTime );
    if( OptotrakSetupCollection( dtSettings.nMarkers,
		goto ERROR_EXIT;
	} /* if */

     * Wait one second to let the camera adjust.
    sleep( 1 );

     * Prepare for realtime data retrieval.
     * Activate markers. Turn on the markers prior to data retrieval.
	fprintf( stdout, "...OptotrakActivateMarkers\n" );
    if( OptotrakActivateMarkers( ) != OPTO_NO_ERROR_CODE )
        goto ERROR_EXIT;
    } /* if */
	sleep( 1 );

    fprintf( stdout, "\n\nSample Program Results:\n\n" );
	 * Retrieve a frame of Centroid data.
	 * Use the non-block 'RequestNext'/'ReceiveLatest' call to
	 * retrieve a frame of data.
	 * Add the data retrieval functions return status information in
	 * the uFlags field.
     * All the data retrieval functions return status information in
     * the uFlags field.
     * If the flags indicate that the system configuration has changed,
     * all processing should stop and the application should re-query
     * the system for all device information.
     * NOTE: The re-initialization is not done here in order to
     *       simplify the sample program.
	if( RequestNextCentroid( ) != OPTO_NO_ERROR_CODE )
		goto ERROR_EXIT;
	} /* if */

	while( !DataIsReady( ) );

	if( DataReceiveLatestCentroid( &uFrameNumber, &uElements, &uFlags, pCentroidData ) != OPTO_NO_ERROR_CODE )
		goto ERROR_EXIT;
	} /* if */

	 * display the Centroid data
    fprintf( stdout, "Centroid Data Display (%d Markers)\n", dtSettings.nMarkers );
     * Print out the data.
    fprintf( stdout, "Frame Number: %8u\n", uFrameNumber );
    fprintf( stdout, "Elements    : %8u\n", uElements );
    fprintf( stdout, "Flags       : 0x%04x\n", uFlags );
	for( nCurMarker = 0, pfCurSensor = pCentroidData; nCurMarker < dtSettings.nMarkers; nCurMarker++ )
		fprintf( stdout, "Marker_%.3d:\n", nCurMarker + 1 );
		for( nCurSensor = 0; nCurSensor < nNumSensors; nCurSensor++, pfCurSensor++ )
			fprintf( stdout, "  sensor_%.2d: %10.4f\n", nCurSensor, *pfCurSensor );
		} /* for */
	} /* for */
	fprintf( stdout, "\n\n" );

     * Retrieve a frame of 3D data.
     * Use the blocking 'GetLatest' call to retrieve a frame of data.
    if( DataGetLatest3D( &uFrameNumber, &uElements, &uFlags, p3dData ) != OPTO_NO_ERROR_CODE )
		goto ERROR_EXIT;
	} /* if */

	 * display the 3d data
    fprintf( stdout, "3D Data Display (%d Markers)\n", dtSettings.nMarkers );
     * Print out the data.
    fprintf( stdout, "Frame Number: %8u\n", uFrameNumber );
    fprintf( stdout, "Elements    : %8u\n", uElements );
    fprintf( stdout, "Flags       : 0x%04x\n", uFlags );
	for( nCurMarker = 0; nCurMarker < dtSettings.nMarkers; nCurMarker++ )
		DisplayMarker( nCurMarker, p3dData[nCurMarker] );
	} /* for */

     * De-activate the markers.
	fprintf( stdout, "...OptotrakDeActivateMarkers\n" );
    if( OptotrakDeActivateMarkers() )
        goto ERROR_EXIT;
    } /* if */

     * CLEANUP
	fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
	fprintf( stdout, "...TransputerShutdownSystem\n" );
    TransputerShutdownSystem( );

	 * free all memory
	if( pdtDeviceHandlesInfo )
		for( i = 0; i < nDevices; i++ )
			AllocateMemoryDeviceHandleProperties( &(pdtDeviceHandlesInfo[i].grProperties), 0 );
		} /* for */
	} /* if */
	AllocateMemoryDeviceHandles( &pdtDeviceHandles, 0 );
	AllocateMemoryDeviceHandlesInfo( &pdtDeviceHandlesInfo, pdtDeviceHandles, 0 );
	free( p3dData );
	free( pCentroidData );

	exit( 0 );

	 * Indicate that an error has occurred
	fprintf( stdout, "\nAn error has occurred during execution of the program.\n" );
    if( OptotrakGetErrorString( szNDErrorString, MAX_ERROR_STRING_LENGTH + 1 ) == 0 )
        fprintf( stdout, szNDErrorString );
    } /* if */

	fprintf( stdout, "\n\n...TransputerShutdownSystem\n" );
	OptotrakDeActivateMarkers( );
	TransputerShutdownSystem( );

	 * free all memory
	if( pdtDeviceHandlesInfo )
		for( i = 0; i < nDevices; i++ )
			AllocateMemoryDeviceHandleProperties( &(pdtDeviceHandlesInfo[i].grProperties), 0 );
		} /* for */
	} /* if */
	AllocateMemoryDeviceHandles( &pdtDeviceHandles, 0 );
	AllocateMemoryDeviceHandlesInfo( &pdtDeviceHandlesInfo, pdtDeviceHandles, 0 );
	free( p3dData );
	free( pCentroidData );

    exit( 1 );

} /* main */