// Called once, when the plugin is to initialize PLUGIN_API VOID InitializePlugin(VOID) { DebugSpewAlways("Initializing MQ2CustomBinds"); AddCommand("/custombind",CustomBindCmd,0,0,0); // Add commands, macro parameters, hooks, etc. // AddCommand("/mycommand",MyCommand); // AddParm("$myparm(x)",MyParm); // AddXMLFile("MQUI_MyXMLFile.xml"); // bmMyBenchmark=AddMQ2Benchmark("My Benchmark Name"); }
// Called once, when the plugin is to shutdown PLUGIN_API VOID ShutdownPlugin(VOID) { DebugSpewAlways("Shutting down MQ2HUD"); ClearElements(); RemoveCommand("/loadhud"); RemoveCommand("/unloadhud"); RemoveCommand("/defaulthud"); RemoveCommand("/backgroundhud"); RemoveCommand("/classhud"); RemoveCommand("/zonehud"); RemoveMQ2Data("HUD"); }
PLUGIN_API VOID InitializePlugin() { DebugSpewAlways("Initializing MQ2ChatWnd"); // Add commands, macro parameters, hooks, etc. AddCommand("/style",Style,0,1,0); AddCommand("/mqfont",MQChatFont); AddCommand("/mqmin",MQChatMin); AddCommand("/mqclear",MQChatClear); AddMQ2KeyBind("MQ2CHAT",DoMQ2ChatBind); bmStripFirstStmlLines=AddMQ2Benchmark("StripFirstStmlLines"); LoadChatSettings(); }
// Called once, when the plugin is to initialize PLUGIN_API VOID InitializePlugin(VOID) { DebugSpewAlways("Initializing MQ2Labels"); // Add commands, macro parameters, hooks, etc. //EasyClassDetour(CLabel__Draw,CLabelHook,Draw_Detour,VOID,(VOID),Draw_Trampoline); EzDetourwName(CLabel__Draw,&CLabelHook::Draw_Detour,&CLabelHook::Draw_Trampoline,"CLabel__Draw"); EzDetourwName(CSidlManager__CreateLabel,&CSidlManagerHook::CreateLabel_Detour,&CSidlManagerHook::CreateLabel_Trampoline,"CSidlManager__CreateLabel"); if (gAnonymize) { EzDetourwName(CEverQuest__trimName, &CLabelHook::CEverQuest__trimName_Detour, &CLabelHook::CEverQuest__trimName_Trampoline,"CEverQuest__trimName"); EzDetourwName(__GetGaugeValueFromEQ, GetGaugeValueFromEQ_Detour, GetGaugeValueFromEQ_Trampoline,"__GetGaugeValueFromEQ"); EzDetourwName(__GetLabelFromEQ, GetLabelFromEQ_Detour, GetLabelFromEQ_Trampoline,"__GetLabelFromEQ"); bTrimnames = 1; } }
// Called once, when the plugin is to shutdown PLUGIN_API VOID ShutdownPlugin(VOID) { DebugSpewAlways("Shutting down MQ2Labels"); // Remove commands, macro parameters, hooks, etc. if (bTrimnames) { bTrimnames = 0; RemoveDetour(CEverQuest__trimName); RemoveDetour(__GetGaugeValueFromEQ); RemoveDetour(__GetLabelFromEQ); } RemoveDetour(CSidlManager__CreateLabel); RemoveDetour(CLabel__Draw); //RemoveDetour(CGaugeWnd__Draw); //RemoveDetour(__GetGaugeValueFromEQ); }
PLUGIN_API VOID ShutdownPlugin(VOID) { DebugSpewAlways("Shutting down MQ2EQBugFix"); RemoveDetour(CDisplay__is3dON); if (switchbug) { //RemoveDetour(switchbug); } if (__UpdateDisplay) { //RemoveDetour(__UpdateDisplay); } if (__Reset) { RemoveDetour(__Reset); } #ifdef EQMULETESTINGSTUFF //RemoveDetour(startworlddisplayexceptionhandler); #endif }
// Called once, when the plugin is to shutdown PLUGIN_API VOID ShutdownPlugin(VOID) { DebugSpewAlways("Shutting down MQ2CustomBinds"); RemoveCommand("/custombind"); //SaveCustomBinds(); for (unsigned long N = 0 ; N < CustomBinds.Size ; N++) if (PCUSTOMBIND pBind=CustomBinds[N]) { RemoveMQ2KeyBind(pBind->Name); } CustomBinds.Cleanup(); // Remove commands, macro parameters, hooks, etc. // RemoveMQ2Benchmark(bmMyBenchmark); // RemoveParm("$myparm(x)"); // RemoveCommand("/mycommand"); // RemoveXMLFile("MQUI_MyXMLFile.xml"); }
BOOL Detour_ProcessGameEvents(VOID) { CAutoLock Lock(&gPulseCS); int ret = Heartbeat(); #ifdef ISXEQ if (!pISInterface->ScriptEngineActive()) pISInterface->LavishScriptPulse(); #endif int ret2 = Trampoline_ProcessGameEvents(); #ifndef ISXEQ if(ret==2 && bPluginCS==0) { OutputDebugString("I am loading in ProcessGameEvents"); //we are loading stuff DWORD oldscreenmode = ScreenMode; ScreenMode = 3; InitializeMQ2Commands(); InitializeMQ2Windows(); MQ2MouseHooks(1); Sleep(100); InitializeMQ2KeyBinds(); #ifndef ISXEQ InitializeMQ2Plugins(); #endif ScreenMode = oldscreenmode; SetEvent(hLoadComplete); } else if(ret==1) { OutputDebugString("I am unloading in ProcessGameEvents"); //we are unloading stuff DWORD oldscreenmode = ScreenMode; ScreenMode = 3; WriteChatColor(UnloadedString,USERCOLOR_DEFAULT); DebugSpewAlways("%s", UnloadedString); UnloadMQ2Plugins(); MQ2Shutdown(); DebugSpew("Shutdown completed"); g_Loaded = FALSE; ScreenMode = oldscreenmode; SetEvent(hUnloadComplete); } #endif return ret2; }
// Called once, when the plugin is to shutdown PLUGIN_API VOID ShutdownPlugin(VOID) { if (bzsrchhandle) { ReleaseMutex(bzsrchhandle); CloseHandle(bzsrchhandle); bzsrchhandle = 0; } DebugSpewAlways("Shutting down MQ2Bzsrch"); // Remove commands, macro parameters, hooks, etc. RemoveDetour(CBazaarSearchWnd__HandleBazaarMsg); RemoveMQ2Data("Bazaar"); //RemoveCommand("/pricecheck"); RemoveCommand("/mq2bzsrch"); RemoveCommand("/breset"); RemoveCommand("/bzsrch"); delete pBazaarType; delete pBazaarItemType; }
PLUGIN_API VOID ShutdownPlugin() { DebugSpewAlways("Shutting down MQ2ChatWnd"); while(pPendingChat) { ChatBuffer *pNext=pPendingChat->pNext; delete pPendingChat; pPendingChat=pNext; } pPendingChatTail=0; PendingChatLines=0; // Remove commands, macro parameters, hooks, etc. RemoveCommand("/style"); RemoveCommand("/mqfont"); RemoveCommand("/mqmin"); RemoveCommand("/mqclear"); RemoveMQ2KeyBind("MQ2CHAT"); RemoveMQ2Benchmark(bmStripFirstStmlLines); DestroyChatWnd(); }
// Called once, when the plugin is to initialize PLUGIN_API VOID InitializePlugin(VOID) { CHAR szBuffer[MAX_STRING] = {0}; // check for eqw running, and steal its function to check the foreground window if available if (EQWhMod=GetModuleHandle("eqw.dll")) { EQW_GetDisplayWindow=(fEQW_GetDisplayWindow)GetProcAddress(EQWhMod,"EQW_GetDisplayWindow"); } DebugSpewAlways("Initializing MQ2HUD"); GetPrivateProfileString(HUDSection,"Last","Elements",HUDNames,MAX_STRING,INIFileName); HandleINI(); AddCommand("/defaulthud",DefaultHUD); AddCommand("/loadhud",LoadHUD); AddCommand("/unloadhud",UnLoadHUD); AddCommand("/backgroundhud",BackgroundHUD); AddCommand("/classhud",ClassHUD); AddCommand("/zonehud",ZoneHUD); AddMQ2Data("HUD",dataHUD); }
PLUGIN_API VOID InitializePlugin(VOID) { //dont mess with this its work in progress, im sick of the crash that happens if you invoke the UAC dialog while eq is loading //basically it makes the render device get lost and then we crash //the proper handling would be to detect UAC or device lost and then reset it, but its not done //and if it is, its in the wrong place or it misses it //also, if the device is lost then we cant simply do d3device->Reset because well... d3device is NULL so that would crash us... //something to think more on... //8B 44 24 04 8B 0D ?? ?? ?? 10 50 E8 ?? E8 FF FF /*MessageBox(NULL, "break in", "eqbugfix", MB_SYSTEMMODAL | MB_OK); if (HANDLE eqghandle = GetModuleHandle("EQGraphicsDX9.dll")) { if (DWORD DeviceReady = _FindPattern((DWORD)eqghandle, 0x150000, drPattern, drMask)) { g_bDeviceReady = _GetDWordAt(DeviceReady, 2); } if (switchbug = _FindPattern((DWORD)eqghandle, 0x150000, lcPattern, lcMask)) { p2DPrimitiveManager = _GetDWordAt(switchbug, 6); if (g_ppDrawHandler) { if (DWORD addr = *(DWORD*)g_ppDrawHandler) { if (DWORD addr2 = *(DWORD*)addr) { if (__UpdateDisplay = *(DWORD*)(addr2 + 0xb4)) { pRender = _GetDWordAt(__UpdateDisplay, 1); //EzDetourwName(__UpdateDisplay, &CDisplay_Hook::UpdateDisplay_Detour , &CDisplay_Hook::UpdateDisplay_Tramp, "UpdateDisplay_Detour"); } if (__Reset = *(DWORD*)(addr2 + 0x40)) { EzDetourwName(__Reset, &CDisplay_Hook::Reset_Detour , &CDisplay_Hook::Reset_Tramp, "Reset_Detour"); } } } } //EzDetourwName(switchbug, CachedTextBug_Detour, CachedTextBug_Tramp,"CachedTextBug_Detour"); } }*/ DebugSpewAlways("Initializing MQ2EQBugFix"); EzDetourwName(CDisplay__is3dON, &CDisplay_Hook::is_3dON_Detour, &CDisplay_Hook::is_3dON_Trampoline,"CDisplay__is3dON"); #ifdef EQMULETESTINGSTUFF //EzDetourwName(startworlddisplayexceptionhandler, startworddisplayexceptionhandler_Detour, startworddisplayexceptionhandler_Trampoline,"startworlddisplayexceptionhandler"); #endif }
// Called once, when the plugin is to initialize PLUGIN_API VOID InitializePlugin(VOID) { bzsrchhandle = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); DebugSpewAlways("Initializing MQ2Bzsrch"); LoadMQ2Plugin("MQ2ItemDisplay"); if(HMODULE h = GetModuleHandle("MQ2ItemDisplay.dll")) { pg_Item = (ITEMINFO *)GetProcAddress(h, "g_Item"); } else { pg_Item = NULL; } // Add commands, macro parameters, hooks, etc. AddCommand("/bzquery",BZQuery); AddCommand("/bzsrch",BzSrchMe); AddCommand("/breset",BzSrchMe); AddCommand("/mq2bzsrch",MQ2BzSrch); //AddCommand("/pricecheck",bzpc); AddMQ2Data("Bazaar",dataBazaar); // cc - added, but not using TLO yet EzDetourwName(CBazaarSearchWnd__HandleBazaarMsg,&BzSrchHook::BzDetour,&BzSrchHook::BzTrampoline,"CBazaarSearchWnd__HandleBazaarMsg"); pBazaarType = new MQ2BazaarType; pBazaarItemType = new MQ2BazaarItemType; }
NavMeshLoader::LoadResult NavMeshLoader::LoadZoneMeshData(const std::shared_ptr<char>& data, DWORD length) { ReadCursor cursor{ data.get(), length }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Read the header NavMeshSetHeader header; if (!FillStructure(cursor, header)) { DebugSpewAlways("Failed to read header from mesh file!"); return CORRUPT; } if (header.magic != NAVMESHSET_MAGIC) { DebugSpewAlways("Header Magic value mismatch!"); return CORRUPT; } if (header.version != NAVMESHSET_VERSION) { DebugSpewAlways("Header version mismatch!"); return VERSION_MISMATCH; } std::unique_ptr<dtNavMesh> navMesh(new dtNavMesh); if (!navMesh->init(&header.params)) { DebugSpewAlways("Header params are bad!"); return CORRUPT; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Read the tiles int passtile = 0, failtile = 0; for (int i = 0; i < header.numTiles; ++i) { NavMeshTileHeader tileHeader; if (!FillStructure(cursor, tileHeader)) { DebugSpewAlways("Failed to read tile header for tile %d!", i); return CORRUPT; } if (!tileHeader.tileRef || !tileHeader.dataSize) { continue; } // validate the size. For sure it should not exceed the remainder of the // file size. if (tileHeader.dataSize < 0 || tileHeader.dataSize > cursor.length) { DebugSpewAlways("tileHeader's dataSize has invalid size %d for tile %d", tileHeader.dataSize, i); return CORRUPT; } unsigned char* tileData = (unsigned char*)dtAlloc(tileHeader.dataSize, DT_ALLOC_PERM); memcpy(tileData, cursor.data, tileHeader.dataSize); cursor.length -= tileHeader.dataSize; cursor.data += tileHeader.dataSize; if (navMesh->addTile(tileData, tileHeader.dataSize, DT_TILE_FREE_DATA, tileHeader.tileRef, 0)) passtile++; else { DebugSpewAlways("Failed to load tile %d", i); failtile++; } } // these values shouldn't be set until we have a successful load m_loadedTiles = passtile; m_mesh = std::move(navMesh); OnNavMeshChanged(m_mesh.get()); return SUCCESS; }
void NavigationPath::UpdatePath(bool force) { if (m_navMesh == nullptr) return; if (m_query == nullptr) { m_query.reset(new dtNavMeshQuery); m_query->init(m_navMesh, 10000 /* MAX_NODES */); } PSPAWNINFO me = GetCharInfo()->pSpawn; if (me == nullptr) return; float startOffset[3] = { me->X, me->Feet, me->Y }; float endOffset[3] = { m_destination.x, m_destination.z, m_destination.y }; float spos[3]; float epos[3]; glm::vec3 thisPos(startOffset[0], startOffset[1], startOffset[2]); if (thisPos == m_lastPos && !force) return; m_lastPos = thisPos; m_currentPathCursor = 0; m_currentPathSize = 0; dtPolyRef startRef, endRef; m_query->findNearestPoly(startOffset, m_extents, &m_filter, &startRef, spos); if (!startRef) { WriteChatf(PLUGIN_MSG "No start reference"); return; } dtPolyRef polys[MAX_POLYS]; int numPolys = 0; if (!m_corridor) { if (m_useCorridor) { // initialize planning m_corridor.reset(new dtPathCorridor); m_corridor->init(MAX_PATH_SIZE); m_corridor->reset(startRef, startOffset); } m_query->findNearestPoly(endOffset, m_extents, &m_filter, &endRef, epos); if (!endRef) { WriteChatf(PLUGIN_MSG "No end reference"); return; } dtStatus status = m_query->findPath(startRef, endRef, spos, epos, &m_filter, polys, &numPolys, MAX_POLYS); if (status & DT_OUT_OF_NODES) DebugSpewAlways("findPath from %.2f,%.2f,%.2f to %.2f,%.2f,%.2f failed: out of nodes", startOffset[0], startOffset[1], startOffset[2], endOffset[0], endOffset[1], endOffset[2]); if (status & DT_PARTIAL_RESULT) DebugSpewAlways("findPath from %.2f,%.2f,%.2f to %.2f,%.2f,%.2f returned a partial result.", startOffset[0], startOffset[1], startOffset[2], endOffset[0], endOffset[1], endOffset[2]); if (m_corridor) { m_corridor->setCorridor(endOffset, polys, numPolys); } } else { // this is an update m_corridor->movePosition(startOffset, m_query.get(), &m_filter); } if (m_corridor) { m_corridor->optimizePathTopology(m_query.get(), &m_filter); m_currentPathSize = m_corridor->findCorners(m_currentPath, m_cornerFlags, polys, 10, m_query.get(), &m_filter); } if (m_debugDrawGrp) m_debugDrawGrp->Reset(); if (numPolys > 0) { m_query->findStraightPath(spos, epos, polys, numPolys, m_currentPath, 0, 0, &m_currentPathSize, MAX_POLYS, 0); // The 0th index is the starting point. Begin by trying to reach the // 2nd point... if (m_currentPathSize > 1) m_currentPathCursor = 1; if (m_debugDrawGrp && mq2nav::GetSettings().debug_render_pathing) { DebugDrawDX dd(m_debugDrawGrp.get()); // draw current position duDebugDrawCross(&dd, me->X, me->Feet, me->Y, 0.5, DXColor(51, 255, 255), 1); // Draw the waypoints. Green is next point for (int i = 0; i < m_currentPathSize; ++i) { int color = DXColor(255, 255, 255); if (i < m_currentPathCursor) color = DXColor(0, 102, 204); if (i == m_currentPathCursor) color = DXColor(0, 255, 0); if (i == m_currentPathSize - 1) color = DXColor(255, 0, 0); duDebugDrawCross(&dd, m_currentPath[i * 3], m_currentPath[i * 3 + 1], m_currentPath[i * 3 + 2], 0.5, color, 1); } } } if (m_line && mq2nav::GetSettings().show_nav_path) { m_line->Update(); } }
DWORD WINAPI ProcessingThread(LPVOID lpParam) { CTelnetServer *server=(CTelnetServer*)lpParam; EnterCriticalSection(&ProcessingCS); bThreading=true; char Buffer[4096] = { 0 }; SOCKET incoming; CHAR szAddr[MAX_STRING] = { 0 }; while(!bKillThread) { // process new connections if (bListening) { incoming = accept(Listener,NULL,NULL); if (incoming != INVALID_SOCKET) { int ret=0; sockaddr_in addr; if (LocalOnly) { int namesize = sizeof(addr); int ret; ret = getpeername(incoming,(sockaddr*)&addr,&namesize); } inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr.sin_addr, szAddr, sizeof(szAddr)); //PCHAR paddr = inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr); if ((bKillThread) || (ret==SOCKET_ERROR) || (LocalOnly && !strcmp("",szAddr))) { DebugSpewAlways("ListenThread: Closing new connection..."); closesocket(incoming); continue; } EnterCriticalSection(&ListCS); _TELNET *NewConn = new _TELNET; memset(NewConn,0,sizeof(_TELNET)); CWinTelnet *telnet = new CWinTelnet; telnet->m_Socket=incoming; unsigned long nonblocking = 1; ioctlsocket(incoming,FIONBIO,&nonblocking); NewConn->connection=telnet; NewConn->pNext=Connections; if (Connections) Connections->pLast=NewConn; Connections=NewConn; LeaveCriticalSection(&ListCS); } } // process sends EnterCriticalSection(&BufferCS); _TELNET *Conn=Connections; CHAR szText[MAX_STRING * 25] = { 0 }; PCHATBUF pBuff=Sends; while(pBuff) { PCHATBUF NextChat=pBuff->pNext; strcat_s(szText,pBuff->szText); strcat_s(szText,"\r\n"); free(pBuff); pBuff=NextChat; } Sends=0; LeaveCriticalSection(&BufferCS); EnterCriticalSection(&ListCS); while(Conn) { if (!Conn->connection->isConnected()) { // remove connection... _TELNET *Next=Conn->pNext; while(Conn->Received) { PCHATBUF rNext=Conn->Received->pNext; free(Conn->Received); Conn->Received=rNext; } if (Conn->pLast) Conn->pLast->pNext=Conn->pNext; else Connections=Conn->pNext; if (Conn->pNext) Conn->pNext->pLast=Conn->pLast; delete Conn->connection; delete Conn; Conn=Next; continue; } switch(Conn->State) { case TS_MAININPUT: Conn->connection->WriteStr(szText); break; case TS_SENDLOGIN: Conn->connection->WriteStr(TelnetLoginPrompt); Conn->State=TS_GETLOGIN; break; case TS_SENDPASSWORD: Conn->connection->WriteStr(TelnetPasswordPrompt); Conn->State=TS_GETPASSWORD; break; } Conn=Conn->pNext; } // process receives Conn=Connections; while(Conn) { // update receive buffer for this connection int isize=0; if (isize=Conn->connection->isData()) { memset(Buffer,0,4096); if (isize>2047) isize=2047; strcpy_s(Buffer,Conn->Buffer); isize=Conn->connection->Read(&Buffer[strlen(Buffer)],isize); int begin=0; for (int i = 0 ; Buffer[i] ; i++) { if (Buffer[i]==0x0a || Buffer[i]==0x0d || (i-begin>250)) { // carriage return, see if we have a length if (i-begin) { // we do. make a command out of it. PCHATBUF newcmd = (PCHATBUF)calloc(1,sizeof(CHATBUF)); if (newcmd) { DebugSpew("MQ2Telnet processing input"); //memset(newcmd,0,sizeof(CHATBUF)); memcpy(newcmd->szText,&Buffer[begin],i-begin); DebugSpew("MQ2Telnet: received '%s'",newcmd->szText); newcmd->pNext = NULL; if (!Conn->Received) { Conn->Received = newcmd; } else { PCHATBUF pCurrent = 0; for (pCurrent = Conn->Received;pCurrent->pNext;pCurrent=pCurrent->pNext); pCurrent->pNext = newcmd; } } } begin=i+1; } } if (isize) { strcpy_s(Conn->Buffer, &Buffer[begin]); } } while(Conn->Received) { if (Conn->State==TS_MAININPUT) { EnterCriticalSection(&CommandCS); // Add command to list PCHATBUF pChat = (PCHATBUF)calloc(1,sizeof(CHATBUF)); if (pChat) { strcpy_s(pChat->szText,Conn->Received->szText); pChat->pNext = NULL; if (!Commands) { Commands = pChat; } else { PCHATBUF pCurrent; for (pCurrent = Commands;pCurrent->pNext;pCurrent=pCurrent->pNext); pCurrent->pNext = pChat; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&CommandCS); } else if (Conn->State==TS_GETLOGIN) { // process user name char pwd[32] = { 0 }; if (server->IsValidUser(Conn->Received->szText,pwd)) { Conn->State=TS_SENDPASSWORD; // send password prompt strcpy_s(Conn->Username,Conn->Received->szText); strcpy_s(Conn->Password,pwd); } else { Conn->connection->WriteStr("invalid\r\n"); Conn->State=TS_SENDLOGIN; } } else if (Conn->State==TS_GETPASSWORD) { // process password if (!strcmp(Conn->Password,Conn->Received->szText)) { Conn->connection->WriteStr(TelnetWelcome); Conn->connection->WriteStr("\r\n"); Conn->State=TS_MAININPUT; } else { Conn->connection->WriteStr("invalid\r\n"); if (++Conn->PasswordTries>=3) { Conn->connection->WriteStr("3 strikes, you're out. later.\r\n"); Conn->connection->Disconnect(); } Conn->State=TS_SENDPASSWORD; } } else break; PCHATBUF Next=Conn->Received->pNext; free(Conn->Received); Conn->Received=Next; } Conn=Conn->pNext; } LeaveCriticalSection(&ListCS); Sleep(10); } LeaveCriticalSection(&ProcessingCS); DebugSpew("MQ2Telnet processing thread ending"); bThreading=false; return 0; }
void MQ2NavigationPlugin::AttemptMovement() { if (m_isActive) { clock::time_point now = clock::now(); if (now - m_pathfindTimer > std::chrono::milliseconds(PATHFINDING_DELAY_MS)) { //WriteChatf(PLUGIN_MSG "Recomputing Path..."); // update path m_activePath->UpdatePath(); m_isActive = m_activePath->GetPathSize() > 0; m_pathfindTimer = now; } } // if no active path, then leave if (!m_isActive) return; //WriteChatf(PLUGIN_MSG "AttemptMovement - cursor = %d, size = %d, isActive = %d", // m_activePath->GetPathIndex() , m_activePath->GetPathSize(), m_isActive ? 1 : 0); const glm::vec3& dest = m_activePath->GetDestination(); float distanceToTarget = GetDistance(dest.x, dest.z); //PSPAWNINFO me = GetCharInfo()->pSpawn; //WriteChatf(PLUGIN_MSG "Distance from target: %.2f. I am at: %.2f %.2f %.2f", distanceToTarget, // me->X, me->Y, me->Z); if (m_activePath->IsAtEnd()) { DebugSpewAlways("[MQ2Nav] Reached destination at: %.2f %.2f %.2f", dest.x, dest.z, dest.y); WriteChatf(PLUGIN_MSG "\agReached destination at: %.2f %.2f %.2f", dest.x, dest.y, dest.z); if (PSPAWNINFO me = GetCharInfo()->pSpawn) { if (distanceToTarget < ENDPOINT_STOP_DISTANCE && !m_bSpamClick) { LookAt(dest); } } Stop(); } else if (m_activePath->GetPathSize() > 0) { if (!m_isPaused) { if (!GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->SpeedRun) MQ2Globals::ExecuteCmd(FindMappableCommand("FORWARD"), 1, 0); } glm::vec3 nextPosition = m_activePath->GetNextPosition(); float distanceFromNextPosition = GetDistance(nextPosition.x, nextPosition.z); if (distanceFromNextPosition < WAYPOINT_PROGRESSION_DISTANCE) { m_activePath->Increment(); if (!m_activePath->IsAtEnd()) { m_activePath->UpdatePath(); nextPosition = m_activePath->GetNextPosition(); } } if (m_currentWaypoint != nextPosition) { m_currentWaypoint = nextPosition; DebugSpewAlways("[MQ2Nav] Moving Towards: %.2f %.2f %.2f", nextPosition.x, nextPosition.z, nextPosition.y); } glm::vec3 eqPoint(nextPosition.x, nextPosition.z, nextPosition.y); LookAt(eqPoint); } }
PLUGIN_API VOID OnReloadUI() { DebugSpewAlways("MQ2ChatWnd::OnReloadUI()"); // redraw window when you load/reload UI DebugTry(CreateChatWindow()); }
PLUGIN_API VOID OnCleanUI() { DebugSpewAlways("MQ2ChatWnd::OnCleanUI()"); // destroy chatwnd before server select & while reloading UI DestroyChatWnd(); }