bool deleteFile(const char* path) { return DeleteFile(path)!=0; }
unsigned int __stdcall updateAll(void *parms) { unsigned int ret = 0; OrangeFS_size fileSize; FileListHandler *syncList = FileListHandler::getInstance(); MetadataHandler *metadataHandler = MetadataHandler::getInstance(); wxString statusBarString = "Updated "; int numRetrieved = 0; int numCreated = 0; int numDeleted = 0; static int timesUpdated = 1; OrangeFS_ds_position ds_token; bool filesCreated = false; bool filesDeleted = false; bool syncFlag = false; mainFileListing = (char **) malloc(MAX_FILES * sizeof(char *)); for (int i=0; i < MAX_FILES; i++) { mainFileListing[i] = (char *) malloc(MAX_PATH); memset(mainFileListing[i], 0, MAX_PATH); } /* if the sync configuration has not been set, we'll wait for it and stay in the thread */ do { if ( MAIN_APP->syncExists() ) { syncFlag = true; } else { orangefs_debug_print("---- Unable to find sync configuration... Waiting 5 seconds ----\n"); #ifdef WIN32 Sleep(5000); #else sleep(5000); #endif continue; } } while ( !syncFlag ); /* register our local directory listener for changes to files locally */ /* for now, we'll just monitor the root dir */ MAIN_APP->setLocalSyncPath( MAIN_APP->getLocalSyncPath().substr(0, MAIN_APP->getLocalSyncPath().length()-1) ); /* set sync path without trailing '/' */ orangefs_debug_print("Local sync path : %s\n", MAIN_APP->getLocalSyncPath().c_str()); /* subscribe to changes on our local sync directory */ changeHandler = new DirHandler(); dirWatcher = new DirWatcher(); dirWatcher->watchDirectory(MAIN_APP->getLocalSyncPath(), FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE, changeHandler, false); /*****************************************/ /* */ /* MAIN SYNC UPDATE LOOP */ /* */ /*****************************************/ do { ds_token = ORANGEFS_READDIR_START; filesCreated, filesDeleted = false; /* get a listing of all the files currently on the orangefs server at the subscribed directory/directories (for now, it's the root directory until we add different sync paths to the local config) */ orangefs_find_files(&MAIN_APP->getMntentAt(0)->fs_id, MAIN_APP->getCred(), "/", &ds_token, MAX_FILES, &numRetrieved, mainFileListing, MAIN_APP->getAttr()); /* set up the remote files runtime maps accessible by index or filename */ for (int i=0; i < numRetrieved; i++) { wxString temp = mainFileListing[i]; metadataHandler->addRemoteToRuntime(temp, i); } /* if the number of files changed, determine if file(s) was deleted or created */ if (MAIN_APP->getNumFiles() != numRetrieved) { /* file(s) was deleted */ if (numRetrieved < MAIN_APP->getNumFiles()) { /* set a flag so we know the list control needs to be updated */ filesDeleted = true; numDeleted = MAIN_APP->getNumFiles() - numRetrieved; orangefs_debug_print("NUM LOCAL : %d - NUM RETRIEVED : %d = NUM DELETED : %d\n", MAIN_APP->getNumFiles(), numRetrieved, numDeleted); } /* file(s) was created */ if (numRetrieved > MAIN_APP->getNumFiles()) { filesCreated = true; numCreated = numRetrieved - MAIN_APP->getNumFiles(); orangefs_debug_print("NUM RETRIEVED: %d - NUM LOCAL : %d = NUM CREATED : %d\n", numRetrieved, MAIN_APP->getNumFiles(), numCreated); } } /**************************************************************************************/ /* Here, we will check a few things to determine if things need to be updated locally */ /* - compare the last modified times of the subscribed files on the server from */ /* the last update to the current update, if they're different, something was */ /* obviously changed and we'll do a low level scan and sync for the modified */ /* binary data */ /**************************************************************************************/ for (int i=0; i < numRetrieved; i++) { /* go through all the files saved locally */ for (int j=0; j < metadataHandler->getNumFiles(); j++) { if ( !metadataHandler->getFileName(j).compare( metadataHandler->getRemoteFileName(i) ) ) /* we have found a file that is both on the server and locally stored */ { if ( metadataHandler->getFileModTime( metadataHandler->getFileName(j) ) == MAIN_APP->getAttr()[i].mtime ) { /* the mod times match, keep going until we find non-matching times */ continue; } else { /* modified times don't match, update the modified time locally, and do low-level data copy */ /* updateFileMetadata() not only adds the metadata to the application's data file, but updates all the hash maps that store the metadata during runtime */ metadataHandler->updateFileMetadata(metadataHandler->getFileName(j), &MAIN_APP->getAttr()[i]); /****************************************************************************/ /* FILES TO SYNC : */ /* local copy that needs updating : metadataHandler->getFileName(j) */ /* remote copy to sync data from : mainFileListing[i] */ /****************************************************************************/ SyncType = SYNC_EXISTING; MAIN_APP->syncFile(metadataHandler->getFileName(j), MAIN_APP->getAttr()[i].size); /* passing in size of remote file to sync */ syncList->updateList(MAIN_APP->getFileName(i)); } } } } /* find which files need to be created (if any) */ if (filesCreated) { for (int i=0; i < numRetrieved; i++) { /* server file was not found locally, needs to be created/synced */ if ( !metadataHandler->isServerOnLocal( metadataHandler->getRemoteFileName(i) ) ) { SyncType = SYNC_NEW; orangefs_debug_print("FILE NAME : %s\n", metadataHandler->getRemoteFileName(i).c_str()); /* sync the file/folder over, then add the file metadata to the data file and runtime maps */ if ( MAIN_APP->getAttr()[i].objtype == OrangeFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY ) { MAIN_APP->syncDir(metadataHandler->getRemoteFileName(i)); } else { MAIN_APP->syncFile(metadataHandler->getRemoteFileName(i), MAIN_APP->getAttr()[i].size); } metadataHandler->addFileMetadata(metadataHandler->getRemoteFileName(i), &MAIN_APP->getAttr()[i]); syncList->updateList(metadataHandler->getRemoteFileName(i)); } } } deleteIndexes.reserve(MAIN_APP->getNumFiles()); /* if all the files on the server were deleted, getNumFiles() would appropriately hold index for all of them */ if (filesDeleted) { for (int i=0; i < MAIN_APP->getNumFiles(); i++) { /* the local file wasn't found on the server, delete locally */ if ( !metadataHandler->isLocalOnServer( metadataHandler->getFileName(i) ) ) { /* THIS ISN"T WORKING, GETS IN HERE EVERY TIME */ orangefs_debug_print("---- ADDDED index : %d\n", i); deleteIndexes.push_back(i); } } orangefs_debug_print("NUM FILES FOR DELETE : %d\n", deleteIndexes.size()); /* now we have the indexes of files stored locally to be deleted */ for (int i=0; i < deleteIndexes.size(); i++) { /***********************************************************************************************/ /* we will need to delete the actual file, and all of it's traces at the following locations : */ /* */ /* 1) the physical file on the local hard disk */ /* 2) the metadata entry from the metadata file */ /* 3) the list control entry for the file */ /* 4) the runtime maps */ /***********************************************************************************************/ /* (1) */ wxString fullPath = MAIN_APP->getLocalSyncPath(); fullPath += metadataHandler->getFileName(i); #ifdef WIN32 DeleteFile(fullPath.c_str()); #elif remove(fullPath.c_str()); #endif /* (2) and (4) */ metadataHandler->removeFile(metadataHandler->getFileName(i)); /* (3) */ MAIN_FRAME->fileHandler->removeListData(metadataHandler->getFileName(i)); } } #ifdef WIN32 Sleep(5000); /* Wait 5 seconds before checking for updates again */ #elif sleep(5000); /* maybe in the future have the user set this value in the app configuration */ #endif stringstream ss; ss << timesUpdated; /* clear and refresh the status text */ statusBarString.clear(); statusBarString = "Updated "; statusBarString += ss.str(); statusBarString += " times"; MAIN_FRAME->setStatusbarText(statusBarString); timesUpdated++; }while(!MAIN_APP->stillUpdating()); /* keep checking for new files or existing file modifications on the subscribed dirs/files */ done_syncing: /* let the app know we're finished syncing */ MAIN_APP->finishedSyncing(true); orangefs_debug_print("---- Syncing Completed ----\n"); for (int i=0; i < MAX_FILES; i++) { free(mainFileListing[i]); } free(mainFileListing); deleteIndexes.clear(); LPDWORD exitCode; GetExitCodeThread(dirWatcher->getThreadHandle(), exitCode); TerminateThread(dirWatcher->getThreadHandle(), *exitCode); return ret; }
static BOOL InUn(int remove, char *drivername, char *dllname, char *dll2name, char *dsname) { char path[301], driver[300], attr[300], inst[400], inst2[400]; WORD pathmax = sizeof (path) - 1, pathlen; DWORD usecnt, mincnt; if (SQLInstallDriverManager(path, pathmax, &pathlen)) { char *p; sprintf(driver, "%s;Driver=%s;Setup=%s;", drivername, dllname, dllname); p = driver; while (*p) { if (*p == ';') { *p = '\0'; } ++p; } usecnt = 0; SQLInstallDriverEx(driver, NULL, path, pathmax, &pathlen, ODBC_INSTALL_INQUIRY, &usecnt); sprintf(driver, "%s;Driver=%s\\%s;Setup=%s\\%s;", drivername, path, dllname, path, dllname); p = driver; while (*p) { if (*p == ';') { *p = '\0'; } ++p; } sprintf(inst, "%s\\%s", path, dllname); if (dll2name) { sprintf(inst2, "%s\\%s", path, dll2name); } if (!remove && usecnt > 0) { /* first install try: copy over driver dll, keeping DSNs */ if (GetFileAttributes(dllname) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && CopyFile(dllname, inst, 0) && CopyOrDelModules(dllname, path, 0)) { if (dll2name != NULL) { CopyFile(dll2name, inst2, 0); } return TRUE; } } mincnt = remove ? 1 : 0; while (usecnt != mincnt) { if (!SQLRemoveDriver(driver, TRUE, &usecnt)) { break; } } if (remove) { if (!SQLRemoveDriver(driver, TRUE, &usecnt)) { ProcessErrorMessages("SQLRemoveDriver"); return FALSE; } if (!usecnt) { char buf[512]; DeleteFile(inst); /* but keep inst2 */ CopyOrDelModules(dllname, path, 1); if (!quiet) { sprintf(buf, "%s uninstalled.", drivername); MessageBox(NULL, buf, "Info", MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK|MB_TASKMODAL| MB_SETFOREGROUND); } } if (nosys) { goto done; } sprintf(attr, "DSN=%s;", dsname); p = attr; while (*p) { if (*p == ';') { *p = '\0'; } ++p; } SQLConfigDataSource(NULL, ODBC_REMOVE_SYS_DSN, drivername, attr); goto done; } if (GetFileAttributes(dllname) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { return FALSE; } if (!CopyFile(dllname, inst, 0)) { char buf[512]; sprintf(buf, "Copy %s to %s failed", dllname, inst); MessageBox(NULL, buf, "CopyFile", MB_ICONSTOP|MB_OK|MB_TASKMODAL|MB_SETFOREGROUND); return FALSE; } if (dll2name != NULL && !CopyFile(dll2name, inst2, 0)) { char buf[512]; sprintf(buf, "Copy %s to %s failed", dll2name, inst2); MessageBox(NULL, buf, "CopyFile", MB_ICONSTOP|MB_OK|MB_TASKMODAL|MB_SETFOREGROUND); /* but go on hoping that an SQLite engine is in place */ } if (!CopyOrDelModules(dllname, path, 0)) { return FALSE; } if (!SQLInstallDriverEx(driver, path, path, pathmax, &pathlen, ODBC_INSTALL_COMPLETE, &usecnt)) { ProcessErrorMessages("SQLInstallDriverEx"); return FALSE; } if (nosys) { goto done; } sprintf(attr, "DSN=%s;", dsname); p = attr; while (*p) { if (*p == ';') { *p = '\0'; } ++p; } SQLConfigDataSource(NULL, ODBC_REMOVE_SYS_DSN, drivername, attr); if (!SQLConfigDataSource(NULL, ODBC_ADD_SYS_DSN, drivername, attr)) { ProcessErrorMessages("SQLConfigDataSource"); return FALSE; } } else { ProcessErrorMessages("SQLInstallDriverManager"); return FALSE; } done: return TRUE; }
Application::Application(HINSTANCE _hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { MPQInit(); instance = this; resources = NULL; imageLibrary = NULL; dotaLibrary = NULL; mainWindow = NULL; cache = NULL; hInstance = _hInstance; _loaded = false; root = String::getPath(getAppPath());; warLoader = new MPQLoader("Custom_V1"); warLoader->loadArchive(String::buildFullName(cfg.warPath, "war3.mpq")); warLoader->loadArchive(String::buildFullName(cfg.warPath, "war3x.mpq")); warLoader->loadArchive(String::buildFullName(cfg.warPath, "war3xlocal.mpq")); warLoader->loadArchive(String::buildFullName(cfg.warPath, "war3patch.mpq")); if (logCommand(lpCmdLine)) return; ScriptType::initTypes(); UpdateDialog::init(hInstance); INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX iccex; iccex.dwSize = sizeof iccex; iccex.dwICC = ICC_STANDARD_CLASSES | ICC_PROGRESS_CLASS | ICC_BAR_CLASSES | ICC_TREEVIEW_CLASSES | ICC_LISTVIEW_CLASSES | ICC_TAB_CLASSES | ICC_UPDOWN_CLASS | ICC_DATE_CLASSES; InitCommonControlsEx(&iccex); LoadLibrary("Riched20.dll"); OleInitialize(NULL); String path = String::getPath(getAppPath()); String resPath = String::buildFullName(path, "resources.mpq"); String patchPath = String::buildFullName(path, "install.mpq"); File* tOpen = File::open(resPath, File::READ); if (tOpen == NULL) { tOpen = File::open(patchPath, File::READ); if (tOpen) { delete tOpen; MoveFile(patchPath, resPath); } } else delete tOpen; resources = MPQArchive::open(resPath); MPQArchive* patch = MPQArchive::open(patchPath, File::READ); if (patch) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < patch->getHashSize(); i++) { char const* name = patch->getFileName(i); if (name) { MPQFile* source = patch->openFile(i, File::READ); if (source) { MPQFile* dest = resources->openFile(name, File::REWRITE); if (dest) { static uint8 buf[1024]; while (int length = source->read(buf, sizeof buf)) dest->write(buf, length); delete dest; } delete source; } } } delete patch; DeleteFile(patchPath); } imageLibrary = new ImageLibrary(resources); cache = new CacheManager(); dotaLibrary = new DotaLibrary(); #if 0 File* dlog = File::open("diff.txt", File::REWRITE); for (int pt = 0; pt < 120; pt++) { String prev = ""; bool different = false; for (int ver = 1; ver <= 80 && !different; ver++) { Dota* dota = dotaLibrary->getDota(makeVersion(6, ver)); if (dota) { Dota::Hero* hero = dota->getHero(pt); if (hero) { if (prev == "") prev = hero->name; else if (prev.icompare(hero->name)) different = true; } } } if (different) { dlog->printf(" Pt=%d\r\n", pt); prev = ""; for (int ver = 1; ver <= 80; ver++) { Dota* dota = dotaLibrary->getDota(makeVersion(6, ver)); if (dota) { Dota::Hero* hero = dota->getHero(pt); if (hero) { if (prev.icompare(hero->name)) { dlog->printf("6.%02d = %s\r\n", ver, hero->name); prev = hero->name; } } } } } } delete dlog; #endif #if 0 dotaLibrary->getDota(parseVersion("6.79e"), "K:\\Progs\\DotAReplay\\maps\\DotA v6.79e.w3x"); WIN32_FIND_DATA data; String enumPath = "K:\\Progs\\DotAReplay\\maps"; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(String::buildFullName(enumPath, "*"), &data); BOOL success = (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); while (success) { String file(data.cFileName); if (String::getExtension(file).icompare(".w3x") == 0) { file.toLower(); Array<String> sub; if (file.rfind("dota{{_| }allstars}?{_| }v(\\d)\\.(\\d\\d)([b-z]?)[^b-z]", 0, &sub) >= 0) { int major = sub[1].toInt(); int minor = sub[2].toInt(); int build = 0; if (!sub[3].isEmpty()) build = int(sub[3][0] - 'a'); uint32 version = makeVersion(major, minor, build); dotaLibrary->getDota(version, String::buildFullName(enumPath, file)); } } success = FindNextFile(hFind, &data); } FindClose(hFind); #endif mainWindow = new MainWnd(); mainWindow->postLoad(); _loaded = true; if (lpCmdLine[0]) { COPYDATASTRUCT cd; cd.dwData = MAINWND_OPEN_REPLAY; cd.cbData = strlen(lpCmdLine) + 1; cd.lpData = lpCmdLine; PostMessage(getMainWindow(), WM_COPYDATA_FAKE, NULL, (LPARAM) &cd); } }
bool RecurseDeletePath(const char * a_path) { WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; char path[MAX_PATH] = ""; strcpy(path,a_path); // remove trailing '\' char int last = (int)strlen(path) - 1; if(path[last] == '\\') { path[last] = '\0'; } // is path valid HANDLE h = FindFirstFile(path,&findData); // path not could not be found OR path is a file, not a folder if((h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || (!(findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))) { return false; } FindClose(h); h = NULL; // push current working directory char currDir[MAX_PATH + 1] = ""; GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH,currDir); SetCurrentDirectory(path); // iterate over contents of folder h = FindFirstFile("*",&findData); if(h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { for(;;) { if(strcmp(findData.cFileName,".") != 0 && strcmp(findData.cFileName,"..") != 0) { if(findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { RecurseDeletePath(findData.cFileName); } else { DWORD attrs = GetFileAttributes(findData.cFileName); if(attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) { SetFileAttributes(findData.cFileName,attrs ^ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); } if(DeleteFile(findData.cFileName) != TRUE) { DWORD res = GetLastError(); printf("\nDeleteFile() returned '%d'..\n",(int)res); } } } if(!FindNextFile(h,&findData)) break; } } // pop current working directory SetCurrentDirectory(currDir); FindClose(h); h = NULL; // remove this directory DWORD attrs = GetFileAttributes(path); if(attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) { SetFileAttributes(path,attrs ^ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); } return RemoveDirectory(path) != 0; }
void __fastcall TForm1::FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action) { DeleteFile("sprites\\fbDefines.fabric"); }
int DeleteLogFiles() { WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd; char szDir[MAX_PATH]; char File[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwError=0; LARGE_INTEGER ft; time_t now = time(NULL); int Age; // Prepare string for use with FindFile functions. First, copy the // string to a buffer, then append '\*' to the directory name. strcpy(szDir, GetBPQDirectory()); strcat(szDir, "\\logs\\Log_*.txt"); // Find the first file in the directory. hFind = FindFirstFile(szDir, &ffd); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFind) { return dwError; } // List all the files in the directory with some info about them. do { if (ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { OutputDebugString(ffd.cFileName); } else { ft.HighPart = ffd.ftCreationTime.dwHighDateTime; ft.LowPart = ffd.ftCreationTime.dwLowDateTime; ft.QuadPart -= 116444736000000000; ft.QuadPart /= 10000000; Age = (now - ft.LowPart) / 86400; if (Age > LogAge) { sprintf(File, "%s/logs/%s%c", GetBPQDirectory(), ffd.cFileName, 0); if (DeletetoRecycleBin) DeletetoRecycle(File); else DeleteFile(File); } } } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &ffd) != 0); dwError = GetLastError(); FindClose(hFind); return dwError; }
void CSetCurrentProject::OnOK() { int nSelected = -1; POSITION p = m_listAvailableProjects.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); while(p) { nSelected = m_listAvailableProjects.GetNextSelectedItem(p); } if( nSelected >= 0 ) { TCHAR szBuffer[1024]; DWORD cchBuf(1024); LVITEM lvi; lvi.iItem = nSelected; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT; lvi.pszText = szBuffer; lvi.cchTextMax = cchBuf; m_listAvailableProjects.GetItem(&lvi); for( CUInt i = 0; i < g_projects.size(); i++ ) { if(g_projects[i]->m_isActive) { if( Cmp( szBuffer, g_projects[i]->m_name ) ) { return; // no need to switch projects } } } //switch projects //close curren open VScene if(!ex_pVandaEngine1Dlg->OnMenuClickedNew(CTrue)) return; //fist of all, mark all as inactive for( CUInt i = 0; i < g_projects.size(); i++ ) { g_projects[i]->m_isActive = CFalse; } //then find the selected project and mark it as active for( CUInt i = 0; i < g_projects.size(); i++ ) { if( Cmp( szBuffer, g_projects[i]->m_name ) ) { g_projects[i]->m_isActive = CTrue; break; } } //change current directory Cpy( g_currentProjectPath, g_projectsPath ); Append( g_currentProjectPath, szBuffer ); Append( g_currentProjectPath, "/" ); //clear VScene names g_VSceneNamesOfCurrentProject.clear(); //then fill it with the VScenes of the selected project for( CUInt i = 0; i < g_projects.size(); i++ ) { if( g_projects[i]->m_isActive ) { for( CUInt j = 0; j < g_projects[i]->m_sceneNames.size(); j++ ) { g_VSceneNamesOfCurrentProject.push_back( g_projects[i]->m_sceneNames[j].c_str() ); } } } CChar m_currentVSceneNameWithoutDot[MAX_NAME_SIZE]; if (Cmp(g_currentVSceneName, "\n")) Cpy(m_currentVSceneNameWithoutDot, "Untitled"); else { Cpy(m_currentVSceneNameWithoutDot, g_currentVSceneName); GetWithoutDot(m_currentVSceneNameWithoutDot); } CChar temp[256]; sprintf(temp, "%s%s%s%s%s", "Vanda Engine 1.4 (", szBuffer, " - ", m_currentVSceneNameWithoutDot, ")"); ex_pVandaEngine1Dlg->SetWindowTextA(temp); //save the changes to projects.dat FILE *ProjectsFilePtr; CChar DATPath[MAX_NAME_SIZE]; sprintf( DATPath, "%s%s", g_projectsPath, "projects.dat" ); DeleteFile( DATPath ); ProjectsFilePtr = fopen( DATPath, "wb" ); if( !ProjectsFilePtr ) { MessageBox( "Couldn't open 'assets/Projects/projects.dat' to save data!", "Vanda Engine Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); //return; } CInt numProjects = (CInt)g_projects.size(); fwrite(&numProjects, sizeof(CInt), 1, ProjectsFilePtr); fclose(ProjectsFilePtr); for (CInt i = 0; i < numProjects; i++) { CChar filePath[MAX_URI_SIZE]; sprintf(filePath, "%s%s%s%s", g_projectsPath, "PRJ/", g_projects[i]->m_name, ".prj"); ProjectsFilePtr = fopen(filePath, "wb"); fwrite(g_projects[i]->m_name, sizeof(CChar), MAX_NAME_SIZE, ProjectsFilePtr); CInt numScenes = (CInt)g_projects[i]->m_sceneNames.size(); fwrite(&numScenes, sizeof(CInt), 1, ProjectsFilePtr); for (CInt j = 0; j < numScenes; j++) { CChar vsceneName[MAX_NAME_SIZE]; Cpy(vsceneName, g_projects[i]->m_sceneNames[j].c_str()); fwrite(vsceneName, sizeof(CChar), MAX_NAME_SIZE, ProjectsFilePtr); } fwrite(&g_projects[i]->m_isActive, sizeof(CBool), 1, ProjectsFilePtr); fclose(ProjectsFilePtr); } CDialog::OnOK(); } else { MessageBoxA( "Please select a project" ); } }
BOOL Shortcut_FixStartup (LPCTSTR pszLinkName, BOOL fAutoStart) { TCHAR szShortcut[ MAX_PATH + 10 ] = TEXT(""); BOOL bSuccess; HKEY hk; if (RegOpenKey (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders"), &hk) == 0) { DWORD dwSize = sizeof(szShortcut); DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; RegQueryValueEx (hk, TEXT("Common Startup"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szShortcut, &dwSize); if (szShortcut[0] == TEXT('\0')) { dwSize = sizeof(szShortcut); dwType = REG_SZ; RegQueryValueEx (hk, TEXT("Startup"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szShortcut, &dwSize); } RegCloseKey (hk); } if (szShortcut[0] == TEXT('\0')) { GetWindowsDirectory (szShortcut, MAX_PATH); lstrcat (szShortcut, TEXT("\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup")); } lstrcat (szShortcut, TEXT("\\")); lstrcat (szShortcut, pszLinkName); TCHAR szSource[ MAX_PATH ]; GetModuleFileName (GetModuleHandle(NULL), szSource, MAX_PATH); if (fAutoStart) { DWORD code, len, type; TCHAR szParams[ 64 ] = TEXT(AFSCREDS_SHORTCUT_OPTIONS); code = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, AFSREG_USER_OPENAFS_SUBKEY, 0, (IsWow64()?KEY_WOW64_64KEY:0)|KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hk); if (code == ERROR_SUCCESS) { len = sizeof(szParams); type = REG_SZ; code = RegQueryValueEx(hk, "AfscredsShortcutParams", NULL, &type, (BYTE *) &szParams, &len); RegCloseKey (hk); } if (code != ERROR_SUCCESS) { code = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AFSREG_CLT_OPENAFS_SUBKEY, 0, (IsWow64()?KEY_WOW64_64KEY:0)|KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hk); if (code == ERROR_SUCCESS) { len = sizeof(szParams); type = REG_SZ; code = RegQueryValueEx(hk, "AfscredsShortcutParams", NULL, &type, (BYTE *) &szParams, &len); RegCloseKey (hk); } } bSuccess = Shortcut_Create (szShortcut, szSource, "Autostart Authentication Agent", szParams); } else // (!g.fAutoStart) { bSuccess = DeleteFile (szShortcut); } return bSuccess; }
BOOL CGpsxConsoleApp::InitInstance() { AfxEnableControlContainer(); openCommandWindow(); TCHAR result[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(NULL,result,MAX_PATH);//daemon CString strProcess; strProcess.Format(_T("%s"),result); strProcess.MakeLower(); int nRet = strProcess.Find("daemon.exe"); if(__argc==1 && nRet>0 )//带参数 { printf("守护进程\r\nPress 'E' to exit\r\n"); nRet = strProcess.Find("daemon"); strProcess.Delete(nRet,6); HANDLE hProcess=NULL; DWORD dwProcessID=0; while(1){ if((dwProcessID=_IsProcessExist(strProcess))==0){ int nRet = DeleteFile(strProcess); if(nRet || GetLastError()==2){ if(CopyFile(result,strProcess,FALSE)){ PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; _CreateProcess(strProcess,pi,FALSE,""); hProcess = pi.hProcess; dwProcessID = pi.dwProcessId; }else{ } }else{ // printf("deletefile %d,%d\r\n",nRet,GetLastError()); } //printf("pi-->%d-->%d\r\n",hProcess,pi.dwProcessId); }else{ //printf("IS-->%d\r\n",hProcess); } //Sleep(30*1000); if(getch2(3*1000) == 101){ _KillProcess(dwProcessID); int i=0; do{ Sleep(i*100); BOOL bRet = DeleteFile(strProcess); printf("%s---%d\r\n",strProcess,bRet); }while(i++<4); return 1; } } } CString strLogServer("sonaps.logger.service.exe"); //* HANDLE hProcess=NULL; DWORD dwProcessID = 0; if(!_IsProcessExist(strLogServer,FALSE)){ PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; _CreateProcess(strLogServer,pi,FALSE,""); }/**/ // Standard initialization // If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size // of your final executable, you should remove from the following // the specific initialization routines you do not need. int nListenPort=GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("GPSSet"),_T("listenPort"),110,GetMgConfigFileName()); CString strTmp; strTmp.Format(_T("GPSXCONSOLE_H__BA472566_78AA_%d"),nListenPort); if(OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,strTmp)) { return FALSE; } else { CreateMutex(NULL,FALSE,strTmp); } // IDumper *pDumper = CreateDumper(); // if(pDumper) // pDumper->SetExceptionFilter(); //自动抓取错误dump CMiniDumper::SetExceptionFilter(MiniDumpWithFullMemory); #ifdef _AFXDLL Enable3dControls(); // Call this when using MFC in a shared DLL #else Enable3dControlsStatic(); // Call this when linking to MFC statically #endif CGpsxConsoleDlg dlg; m_pMainWnd = &dlg; int nResponse = dlg.DoModal(); if (nResponse == IDOK) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with OK } else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with Cancel } // Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the // application, rather than start the application's message pump. return FALSE; }
INT copy(TCHAR source[MAX_PATH], TCHAR dest[MAX_PATH], INT append, DWORD lpdwFlags, BOOL bTouch) { FILETIME srctime,NewFileTime; HANDLE hFileSrc; HANDLE hFileDest; LPBYTE buffer; DWORD dwAttrib; DWORD dwRead; DWORD dwWritten; BOOL bEof = FALSE; TCHAR TrueDest[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR TempSrc[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR * FileName; SYSTEMTIME CurrentTime; /* Check Breaker */ if (CheckCtrlBreak(BREAK_INPUT)) return 0; TRACE ("checking mode\n"); if (bTouch) { hFileSrc = CreateFile (source, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hFileSrc == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ConOutResPrintf(STRING_COPY_ERROR1, source); nErrorLevel = 1; return 0; } GetSystemTime(&CurrentTime); SystemTimeToFileTime(&CurrentTime, &NewFileTime); if (SetFileTime(hFileSrc,(LPFILETIME) NULL, (LPFILETIME) NULL, &NewFileTime)) { CloseHandle(hFileSrc); nErrorLevel = 1; return 1; } else { CloseHandle(hFileSrc); return 0; } } dwAttrib = GetFileAttributes (source); hFileSrc = CreateFile (source, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hFileSrc == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ConOutResPrintf(STRING_COPY_ERROR1, source); nErrorLevel = 1; return 0; } TRACE ("getting time\n"); GetFileTime (hFileSrc, &srctime, NULL, NULL); TRACE ("copy: flags has %s\n", lpdwFlags & COPY_ASCII ? "ASCII" : "BINARY"); /* Check to see if /D or /Z are true, if so we need a middle man to copy the file too to allow us to use CopyFileEx later */ if (lpdwFlags & COPY_DECRYPT) { GetEnvironmentVariable(_T("TEMP"),TempSrc,MAX_PATH); _tcscat(TempSrc,_T("\\")); FileName = _tcsrchr(source,_T('\\')); FileName++; _tcscat(TempSrc,FileName); /* This is needed to be on the end to prevent an error if the user did "copy /D /Z foo bar then it would be copied too %TEMP%\foo here and when %TEMP%\foo when it sets it up for COPY_RESTART, this would mean it is copying to itself which would error when it tried to open the handles for ReadFile and WriteFile */ _tcscat(TempSrc,_T(".decrypt")); if (!CopyFileEx(source, TempSrc, NULL, NULL, FALSE, COPY_FILE_ALLOW_DECRYPTED_DESTINATION)) { CloseHandle (hFileSrc); nErrorLevel = 1; return 0; } _tcscpy(source, TempSrc); } if (lpdwFlags & COPY_RESTART) { _tcscpy(TrueDest, dest); GetEnvironmentVariable(_T("TEMP"),dest,MAX_PATH); _tcscat(dest,_T("\\")); FileName = _tcsrchr(TrueDest,_T('\\')); FileName++; _tcscat(dest,FileName); } if (!IsExistingFile (dest)) { TRACE ("opening/creating\n"); hFileDest = CreateFile (dest, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); } else if (!append) { TRACE ("SetFileAttributes (%s, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);\n", debugstr_aw(dest)); SetFileAttributes (dest, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); TRACE ("DeleteFile (%s);\n", debugstr_aw(dest)); DeleteFile (dest); hFileDest = CreateFile (dest, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); } else { LONG lFilePosHigh = 0; if (!_tcscmp (dest, source)) { CloseHandle (hFileSrc); return 0; } TRACE ("opening/appending\n"); SetFileAttributes (dest, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); hFileDest = CreateFile (dest, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); /* Move to end of file to start writing */ SetFilePointer (hFileDest, 0, &lFilePosHigh,FILE_END); } if (hFileDest == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (hFileSrc); ConOutResPuts(STRING_ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND); nErrorLevel = 1; return 0; } /* A page-aligned buffer usually give more speed */ buffer = VirtualAlloc(NULL, BUFF_SIZE, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if (buffer == NULL) { CloseHandle (hFileDest); CloseHandle (hFileSrc); ConOutResPuts(STRING_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); nErrorLevel = 1; return 0; } do { ReadFile (hFileSrc, buffer, BUFF_SIZE, &dwRead, NULL); if (lpdwFlags & COPY_ASCII) { LPBYTE pEof = memchr(buffer, 0x1A, dwRead); if (pEof != NULL) { bEof = TRUE; dwRead = pEof-buffer+1; break; } } if (dwRead == 0) break; WriteFile (hFileDest, buffer, dwRead, &dwWritten, NULL); if (dwWritten != dwRead || CheckCtrlBreak(BREAK_INPUT)) { ConOutResPuts(STRING_COPY_ERROR3); VirtualFree (buffer, 0, MEM_RELEASE); CloseHandle (hFileDest); CloseHandle (hFileSrc); nErrorLevel = 1; return 0; } } while (!bEof); TRACE ("setting time\n"); SetFileTime (hFileDest, &srctime, NULL, NULL); if ((lpdwFlags & COPY_ASCII) && !bEof) { /* we're dealing with ASCII files! */ buffer[0] = 0x1A; TRACE ("appending ^Z\n"); WriteFile (hFileDest, buffer, sizeof(CHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); } VirtualFree (buffer, 0, MEM_RELEASE); CloseHandle (hFileDest); CloseHandle (hFileSrc); TRACE ("setting mode\n"); SetFileAttributes (dest, dwAttrib); /* Now finish off the copy if needed with CopyFileEx */ if (lpdwFlags & COPY_RESTART) { if (!CopyFileEx(dest, TrueDest, NULL, NULL, FALSE, COPY_FILE_RESTARTABLE)) { nErrorLevel = 1; DeleteFile(dest); return 0; } /* Take care of file in the temp folder */ DeleteFile(dest); } if (lpdwFlags & COPY_DECRYPT) DeleteFile(TempSrc); return 1; }
LRESULT CDlgView::onBnCLick( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { CButtonCtrl *button = (CButtonCtrl*)lParam; ADD_APP_DATA itemdata =(ADD_APP_DATA)button->m_pData; if (itemdata.isLagerPic) { ShellExecute(NULL,"open",TEXT(""),NULL,NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); return 0; } if (itemdata.isInstall) { ADD_APP_DATA BtData; GetAppUrlValue(itemdata.type,itemdata.appname,BtData); if (BtData.appname != "" && BtData.version != itemdata.version) { if ( IDYES == UiFun::MessageBoxEx(_T("此程序有更新的版本,是否要下载") , UiFun::UI_LoadString("COMM_MODULE" , "COMM_TIP" ,theApp.gsLanguage) , MFB_YESNO|MFB_TIP ) ) { string dowloufilepath = m_apppath + "\\"+strprintf("%s",itemdata.appname); string dowloufileName = dowloufilepath + "\\"+strprintf("",itemdata.appname); string dowlouUrlPaht = m_urlpath +"/"+strprintf("%s",itemdata.appname); string dowlouUrName = dowlouUrlPaht +"/"+strprintf("",itemdata.appname); if (Download(dowlouUrName.c_str(),dowloufileName.c_str())) { UnZipFile(dowloufileName,dowloufilepath); ///删除下载的临时文件 DeleteFile(dowloufileName.c_str()); button->m_pData.version = BtData.version; MoidfyListAndSaveToFile(itemdata.type ,itemdata.appname,button->m_pData); } } } ///打开应用程序 { string appname = strprintf("%s",itemdata.appname)+".exe"; map<string,PROCESS_INFORMATION>::iterator it = m_process.find(itemdata.appname); if (it != m_process.end()) /// 此应用程序已经打开,置顶 { PROCESS_INFORMATION item = it->second; HANDLE processHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,item.dwProcessId); if(NULL != processHandle) { ProcessWindow procwin; procwin.dwProcessId = item.dwProcessId; procwin.hwndWindow = NULL; // 查找主窗口 EnumWindows(EnumWindowCallBack, (LPARAM)&procwin); //SetWindowPos(&this->wndTopMost, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); //显示窗口 ::ShowWindow(procwin.hwndWindow , SW_NORMAL); //前端显示 ::SetForegroundWindow(procwin.hwndWindow ); ::SetWindowPos( procwin.hwndWindow ,0,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE); CloseHandle(processHandle); return 0; } } string appfileexe = m_apppath + "\\"+strprintf("%s",itemdata.appname)+"\\"+strprintf("%s",itemdata.appname)+strprintf("\\%s",itemdata.appname)+".exe"; /// 配置文件安装了,但是找不到exe,重新设置配置文件没有安装 if (_access(appfileexe.c_str(),0) == -1) { button->m_pData.isInstall = false; MoidfyListAndSaveToFile(itemdata.type ,itemdata.appname,button->m_pData); return 0; } PROCESS_INFORMATION app_pi; STARTUPINFOA si; memset(&si, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow =SW_HIDE;//SW_HIDE; //SW_SHOW; if(!CreateProcessA(NULL,(LPSTR)appfileexe.c_str(),NULL,NULL,FALSE,0,NULL,NULL,&si,&app_pi)) { int n = GetLastError(); AfxMessageBox(_T("CreateProcessA sever error!")); LogPrint("INFO", "开启服务端程序失败\n"); exit(1); } CloseHandle(app_pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(app_pi.hThread); m_process[itemdata.appname]=app_pi; } } else { /// 下载可执行程序 string dowloufilepath = m_apppath + "\\"+strprintf("%s",itemdata.appname); string dowloufileName = dowloufilepath + "\\"+strprintf("",itemdata.appname); string dowlouUrlPaht = m_urlpath +"/"+strprintf("%s",itemdata.appname); string dowlouUrName = dowlouUrlPaht +"/"+strprintf("",itemdata.appname); if (Download(dowlouUrName.c_str(),dowloufileName.c_str())) { UnZipFile(dowloufileName,dowloufilepath); ///删除下载的临时文件 DeleteFile(dowloufileName.c_str()); button->m_pData.isInstall = true; //// 替换图片 { string filepathe; filepathe = m_apppath +"\\"+itemdata.appname+"\\ini.bmp"; CString FileName; FileName.AppendFormat(_T("%s"),filepathe.c_str()); HBITMAP hbmp = (HBITMAP)::LoadImage(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), FileName, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE | LR_CREATEDIBSECTION | LR_DEFAULTSIZE); HBITMAP hbmp2; FileName.Format(_T("%s\\%s\\Install.bmp"),m_apppath.c_str(),itemdata.appname.c_str()); hbmp2 = (HBITMAP)::LoadImage(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), FileName, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE | LR_CREATEDIBSECTION | LR_DEFAULTSIZE); if (hbmp2 != NULL && hbmp != NULL) { button->SetBitmaps( hbmp2 , RGB(255, 255, 255), hbmp , RGB(255, 255, 255) ); } } MoidfyListAndSaveToFile(itemdata.type ,itemdata.appname,button->m_pData); AfxMessageBox(_T("已经下载完成!")); } } return 0; }
bool deleteFile(const UnicodeString& path) { std::string str; path.toUTF8String(str); return DeleteFile(str.c_str())!=0; }
bool deleteFile(const std::string& path) { return DeleteFile(path.c_str())!=0; }
HRESULT CSXFile::ScCallMethod(CScScript* Script, CScStack *Stack, CScStack *ThisStack, char *Name) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SetFilename ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(strcmp(Name, "SetFilename")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(1); char* Filename = Stack->Pop()->GetString(); Cleanup(); CBUtils::SetString(&m_Filename, Filename); Stack->PushNULL(); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OpenAsText / OpenAsBinary ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "OpenAsText")==0 || strcmp(Name, "OpenAsBinary")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(1); Close(); m_Mode = Stack->Pop()->GetInt(1); if(m_Mode<1 || m_Mode>3) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: invalid access mode. Setting read mode.", Name); m_Mode = 1; } if(m_Mode==1) { m_ReadFile = Game->m_FileManager->OpenFile(m_Filename); if(!m_ReadFile) { //Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: Error opening file '%s' for reading.", Name, m_Filename); Close(); } else m_TextMode = strcmp(Name, "OpenAsText")==0; } else { if(strcmp(Name, "OpenAsText")==0) { if(m_Mode==2) m_WriteFile = fopen(m_Filename, "w+"); else m_WriteFile = fopen(m_Filename, "a+"); } else { if(m_Mode==2) m_WriteFile = fopen(m_Filename, "wb+"); else m_WriteFile = fopen(m_Filename, "ab+"); } if(!m_WriteFile) { //Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: Error opening file '%s' for writing.", Name, m_Filename); Close(); } else m_TextMode = strcmp(Name, "OpenAsText")==0; } if(m_ReadFile || m_WriteFile) Stack->PushBool(true); else Stack->PushBool(false); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Close ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "Close")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(0); Close(); Stack->PushNULL(); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SetPosition ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "SetPosition")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(1); if(m_Mode==0) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: File is not open", Name); Stack->PushBool(false); } else { int Pos = Stack->Pop()->GetInt(); Stack->PushBool(SetPos(Pos)); } return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Delete ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "Delete")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(0); Close(); Stack->PushBool(DeleteFile(m_Filename)!=FALSE); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copy ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "Copy")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(2); char* Dest = Stack->Pop()->GetString(); bool Overwrite = Stack->Pop()->GetBool(true); Close(); Stack->PushBool(CopyFile(m_Filename, Dest, !Overwrite)!=FALSE); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ReadLine ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "ReadLine")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(0); if(!m_TextMode || !m_ReadFile) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: File must be open in text mode.", Name); Stack->PushNULL(); return S_OK; } DWORD BufSize = FILE_BUFFER_SIZE; BYTE* Buf = (BYTE*)malloc(BufSize); DWORD Counter = 0; BYTE b; bool FoundNewLine = false; HRESULT Ret = E_FAIL; do { Ret = m_ReadFile->Read(&b, 1); if(FAILED(Ret)) break; if(Counter>BufSize) { Buf = (BYTE*)realloc(Buf, BufSize+FILE_BUFFER_SIZE); BufSize+=FILE_BUFFER_SIZE; } if(b=='\n') { Buf[Counter] = '\0'; FoundNewLine = true; break; } else if(b==0x0D) continue; else { Buf[Counter] = b; Counter++; } } while(SUCCEEDED(Ret)); if(Counter>BufSize) { Buf = (BYTE*)realloc(Buf, BufSize+FILE_BUFFER_SIZE); BufSize+=FILE_BUFFER_SIZE; } Buf[Counter] = '\0'; if(!FoundNewLine && Counter==0) Stack->PushNULL(); else Stack->PushString((char*)Buf); free(Buf); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ReadText ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "ReadText")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(1); int TextLen = Stack->Pop()->GetInt(); if(!m_TextMode || !m_ReadFile) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: File must be open in text mode.", Name); Stack->PushNULL(); return S_OK; } DWORD BufSize = FILE_BUFFER_SIZE; BYTE* Buf = (BYTE*)malloc(BufSize); DWORD Counter = 0; BYTE b; HRESULT Ret = E_FAIL; while(Counter<TextLen) { Ret = m_ReadFile->Read(&b, 1); if(FAILED(Ret)) break; if(Counter>BufSize) { Buf = (BYTE*)realloc(Buf, BufSize+FILE_BUFFER_SIZE); BufSize+=FILE_BUFFER_SIZE; } if(b==0x0D) continue; else { Buf[Counter] = b; Counter++; } } if(Counter>BufSize) { Buf = (BYTE*)realloc(Buf, BufSize+FILE_BUFFER_SIZE); BufSize+=FILE_BUFFER_SIZE; } Buf[Counter] = '\0'; if(TextLen>0 && Counter==0) Stack->PushNULL(); else Stack->PushString((char*)Buf); free(Buf); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WriteLine / WriteText ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "WriteLine")==0 || strcmp(Name, "WriteText")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(1); char* Line = Stack->Pop()->GetString(); if(!m_TextMode || !m_WriteFile) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: File must be open for writing in text mode.", Name); Stack->PushBool(false); return S_OK; } if(strcmp(Name, "WriteLine")==0) fprintf(m_WriteFile, "%s\n", Line); else fprintf(m_WriteFile, "%s", Line); Stack->PushBool(true); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ReadBool ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "ReadBool")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(0); if(m_TextMode || !m_ReadFile) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: File must be open for reading in binary mode.", Name); Stack->PushNULL(); return S_OK; } bool Val; if(SUCCEEDED(m_ReadFile->Read(&Val, sizeof(bool)))) Stack->PushBool(Val); else Stack->PushNULL(); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ReadByte ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "ReadByte")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(0); if(m_TextMode || !m_ReadFile) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: File must be open for reading in binary mode.", Name); Stack->PushNULL(); return S_OK; } BYTE Val; if(SUCCEEDED(m_ReadFile->Read(&Val, sizeof(BYTE)))) Stack->PushInt(Val); else Stack->PushNULL(); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ReadShort ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "ReadShort")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(0); if(m_TextMode || !m_ReadFile) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: File must be open for reading in binary mode.", Name); Stack->PushNULL(); return S_OK; } short Val; if(SUCCEEDED(m_ReadFile->Read(&Val, sizeof(short)))) Stack->PushInt(65536 + Val); else Stack->PushNULL(); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ReadInt / ReadLong ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "ReadInt")==0 || strcmp(Name, "ReadLong")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(0); if(m_TextMode || !m_ReadFile) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: File must be open for reading in binary mode.", Name); Stack->PushNULL(); return S_OK; } int Val; if(SUCCEEDED(m_ReadFile->Read(&Val, sizeof(int)))) Stack->PushInt(Val); else Stack->PushNULL(); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ReadFloat ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "ReadFloat")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(0); if(m_TextMode || !m_ReadFile) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: File must be open for reading in binary mode.", Name); Stack->PushNULL(); return S_OK; } float Val; if(SUCCEEDED(m_ReadFile->Read(&Val, sizeof(float)))) Stack->PushFloat(Val); else Stack->PushNULL(); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ReadDouble ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "ReadDouble")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(0); if(m_TextMode || !m_ReadFile) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: File must be open for reading in binary mode.", Name); Stack->PushNULL(); return S_OK; } double Val; if(SUCCEEDED(m_ReadFile->Read(&Val, sizeof(double)))) Stack->PushFloat(Val); else Stack->PushNULL(); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ReadString ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "ReadString")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(0); if(m_TextMode || !m_ReadFile) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: File must be open for reading in binary mode.", Name); Stack->PushNULL(); return S_OK; } DWORD Size; if(SUCCEEDED(m_ReadFile->Read(&Size, sizeof(DWORD)))) { BYTE* Str = new BYTE[Size+1]; if(Str) { if(SUCCEEDED(m_ReadFile->Read(Str, Size))) { Str[Size] = '\0'; Stack->PushString((char*)Str); } delete [] Str; } else Stack->PushNULL(); } else Stack->PushNULL(); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WriteBool ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "WriteBool")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(1); bool Val = Stack->Pop()->GetBool(); if(m_TextMode || !m_WriteFile) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: File must be open for writing in binary mode.", Name); Stack->PushBool(false); return S_OK; } fwrite(&Val, sizeof(Val), 1, m_WriteFile); Stack->PushBool(true); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WriteByte ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "WriteByte")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(1); BYTE Val = Stack->Pop()->GetInt(); if(m_TextMode || !m_WriteFile) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: File must be open for writing in binary mode.", Name); Stack->PushBool(false); return S_OK; } fwrite(&Val, sizeof(Val), 1, m_WriteFile); Stack->PushBool(true); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WriteShort ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "WriteShort")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(1); short Val = Stack->Pop()->GetInt(); if(m_TextMode || !m_WriteFile) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: File must be open for writing in binary mode.", Name); Stack->PushBool(false); return S_OK; } fwrite(&Val, sizeof(Val), 1, m_WriteFile); Stack->PushBool(true); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WriteInt / WriteLong ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "WriteInt")==0 || strcmp(Name, "WriteLong")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(1); int Val = Stack->Pop()->GetInt(); if(m_TextMode || !m_WriteFile) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: File must be open for writing in binary mode.", Name); Stack->PushBool(false); return S_OK; } fwrite(&Val, sizeof(Val), 1, m_WriteFile); Stack->PushBool(true); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WriteFloat ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "WriteFloat")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(1); float Val = Stack->Pop()->GetFloat(); if(m_TextMode || !m_WriteFile) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: File must be open for writing in binary mode.", Name); Stack->PushBool(false); return S_OK; } fwrite(&Val, sizeof(Val), 1, m_WriteFile); Stack->PushBool(true); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WriteDouble ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "WriteDouble")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(1); double Val = Stack->Pop()->GetFloat(); if(m_TextMode || !m_WriteFile) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: File must be open for writing in binary mode.", Name); Stack->PushBool(false); return S_OK; } fwrite(&Val, sizeof(Val), 1, m_WriteFile); Stack->PushBool(true); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WriteString ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if(strcmp(Name, "WriteString")==0){ Stack->CorrectParams(1); char* Val = Stack->Pop()->GetString(); if(m_TextMode || !m_WriteFile) { Script->RuntimeError("File.%s: File must be open for writing in binary mode.", Name); Stack->PushBool(false); return S_OK; } DWORD Size = strlen(Val); fwrite(&Size, sizeof(Size), 1, m_WriteFile); fwrite(Val, Size, 1, m_WriteFile); Stack->PushBool(true); return S_OK; } else return CBScriptable::ScCallMethod(Script, Stack, ThisStack, Name); }
void UpdateMPD(char *pszOldFileName, char *pszNewFileName, int nPid) { int error; char pszStr[4096]; HANDLE hMPD; //FILE *fout; //fout = fopen("c:\\temp\\update.out", "w"); // Open a handle to the running service hMPD = OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, nPid); if (hMPD == NULL) { error = GetLastError(); Translate_Error(error, pszStr); //fprintf(fout, "OpenProcess(%d) failed, %s\n", nPid, pszStr); //fclose(fout); CloseHandle(hMPD); return; } // Stop the service CmdStopService(); // Wait for the service to exit if (WaitForSingleObject(hMPD, 20000) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { error = GetLastError(); Translate_Error(error, pszStr); //fprintf(fout, "Waiting for the old mpd to stop failed. %s\n", pszStr); //fclose(fout); CloseHandle(hMPD); return; } CloseHandle(hMPD); // Delete the old service if (!DeleteFile(pszOldFileName)) { error = GetLastError(); Translate_Error(error, pszStr); //fprintf(fout, "DeleteFile(%s) failed.\nError: %s\n", pszOldFileName, pszStr); //fclose(fout); return; } // Move the new service to the old service's spot if (!MoveFile(pszNewFileName, pszOldFileName)) { error = GetLastError(); Translate_Error(error, pszStr); //fprintf(fout, "MoveFile(%s,%s) failed.\nError: %s\n", pszNewFileName, pszOldFileName, pszStr); //fclose(fout); return; } char szExe[1024]; if (!GetModuleFileName(NULL, szExe, 1024)) { Translate_Error(GetLastError(), pszStr); //fprintf(fout, "GetModuleFileName failed.\nError: %s\n", pszStr); return; } STARTUPINFO sInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION pInfo; GetStartupInfo(&sInfo); _snprintf(pszStr, 4096, "\"%s\" -startdelete \"%s\"", pszOldFileName, szExe); //fprintf(fout, "launching '%s'\n", pszStr); if (!CreateProcess(NULL, pszStr, NULL, NULL, FALSE, DETACHED_PROCESS, NULL, NULL, &sInfo, &pInfo)) { error = GetLastError(); //fprintf(fout, "CreateProcess failed for '%s'\n", pszStr); Translate_Error(error, pszStr); //fprintf(fout, "Error: %s\n", pszStr); //fclose(fout); return; } CloseHandle(pInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(pInfo.hThread); //fclose(fout); }
fsInternetResult vmsMaliciousDownloadChecker::Check(LPCTSTR pszUrl) { TCHAR szTmpPath [MY_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szTmpFile [MY_MAX_PATH]; m_bNeedStop = false; GetTempPath (_countof (szTmpPath), szTmpPath); GetTempFileName (szTmpPath, _T("fdm"), 0, szTmpFile); CString strUrl; strUrl.Format (_T(""), EncodeUrl (pszUrl)); vmsSimpleFileDownloader dldr; m_dldr = &dldr; if (m_bNeedStop) { DeleteFile (szTmpFile); return IR_S_FALSE; } dldr.Download (strUrl, szTmpFile); while (dldr.IsRunning ()) Sleep (50); m_dldr = NULL; if (dldr.GetLastError ().first != IR_SUCCESS) { DeleteFile (szTmpFile); return dldr.GetLastError ().first; } if (m_bNeedStop) { DeleteFile (szTmpFile); return IR_S_FALSE; } HANDLE hFile = CreateFile (szTmpFile, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE, NULL); ASSERT (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DeleteFile (szTmpFile); return IR_ERROR; } char szBuf [1000]; DWORD dwSize = 0; ReadFile (hFile, szBuf, sizeof (szBuf), &dwSize, NULL); CloseHandle (hFile); if (dwSize == 0) { m_cOpinions = 0; m_cMalOpinions = 0; m_fRating = 0; m_strVirusCheckResult = _T(""); } else { szBuf [dwSize] = 0; char szVCR [10000]; sscanf (szBuf, "%d %f %d %s", &m_cOpinions, &m_fRating, &m_cMalOpinions, szVCR); std::wstring sRes; AnsiToUni(szBuf, sRes); m_strVirusCheckResult = sRes.c_str(); } return IR_SUCCESS; }
void ExecScript(int log) { char szRet[128] = ""; char *pExec; int nComSpecSize; char meDLLPath[MAX_PATH]; char *p; char *executor; char *g_exec; unsigned int g_to; nComSpecSize = GetModuleFileName(g_hInst, meDLLPath, MAX_PATH) + 2; // 2 chars for quotes p = meDLLPath + nComSpecSize - 2; // point p at null char of meDLLPath g_exec = (char *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(char)*g_stringsize+nComSpecSize+2); // 1 for space, 1 for null *g_exec = '"'; executor = g_exec + 1; do { if (*p == '\\') break; p = CharPrev(meDLLPath, p); } while (p > meDLLPath); if (p == meDLLPath) { // bad path lstrcpy(szRet, "error"); goto done; } *p = 0; GetTempFileName(meDLLPath, "ns", 0, executor); *p = '\\'; if (CopyFile(meDLLPath, executor, FALSE)) { HANDLE hFile, hMapping; LPBYTE pMapView; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNTHeaders; hFile = CreateFile(executor, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING,0, 0); hMapping = CreateFileMapping(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, 0, NULL); pMapView = MapViewOfFile(hMapping, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); if (pMapView) { pNTHeaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)(pMapView + ((PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)pMapView)->e_lfanew); pNTHeaders->FileHeader.Characteristics = IMAGE_FILE_32BIT_MACHINE | IMAGE_FILE_LOCAL_SYMS_STRIPPED | IMAGE_FILE_LINE_NUMS_STRIPPED | IMAGE_FILE_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE; pNTHeaders->OptionalHeader.Subsystem = IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI; pNTHeaders->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint = (DWORD)WinMain - (DWORD)g_hInst; UnmapViewOfFile(pMapView); } CloseHandle(hMapping); CloseHandle(hFile); } lstrcat(g_exec, "\""); g_to = 0; // default is no timeout g_hwndList = FindWindowEx(FindWindowEx(g_hwndParent,NULL,"#32770",NULL),NULL,"SysListView32",NULL); // add space pExec = g_exec + lstrlen(g_exec); *pExec = ' '; pExec++; popstring(pExec); if (my_strstr(pExec, "/TIMEOUT=")) { char *szTimeout = pExec + 9; g_to = my_atoi(szTimeout); popstring(pExec); } if (!g_exec[0]) { lstrcpy(szRet, "error"); goto done; } { STARTUPINFO si={sizeof(si),}; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa={sizeof(sa),}; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR sd={0,}; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi={0,}; OSVERSIONINFO osv={sizeof(osv)}; HANDLE newstdout=0,read_stdout=0; HANDLE newstdin=0,read_stdin=0; DWORD dwRead = 1; DWORD dwExit = !STILL_ACTIVE; DWORD dwLastOutput; static char szBuf[1024]; HGLOBAL hUnusedBuf; char *szUnusedBuf = 0; if (log) { hUnusedBuf = GlobalAlloc(GHND, log & 2 ? g_stringsize : sizeof(szBuf)*4); if (!hUnusedBuf) { lstrcpy(szRet, "error"); goto done; } szUnusedBuf = (char *)GlobalLock(hUnusedBuf); } GetVersionEx(&osv); if (osv.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&sd,SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&sd,true,NULL,false); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = &sd; } else sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; sa.bInheritHandle = true; if (!CreatePipe(&read_stdout,&newstdout,&sa,0)) { lstrcpy(szRet, "error"); goto done; } if (!CreatePipe(&read_stdin,&newstdin,&sa,0)) { lstrcpy(szRet, "error"); goto done; } GetStartupInfo(&si); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES|STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; si.hStdInput = newstdin; si.hStdOutput = newstdout; si.hStdError = newstdout; if (!CreateProcess(NULL,g_exec,NULL,NULL,TRUE,CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi)) { lstrcpy(szRet, "error"); goto done; } dwLastOutput = GetTickCount(); while (dwExit == STILL_ACTIVE || dwRead) { PeekNamedPipe(read_stdout, 0, 0, 0, &dwRead, NULL); if (dwRead) { dwLastOutput = GetTickCount(); ReadFile(read_stdout, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)-1, &dwRead, NULL); szBuf[dwRead] = 0; if (log) { char *p, *p2; SIZE_T iReqLen = lstrlen(szBuf) + lstrlen(szUnusedBuf); if (GlobalSize(hUnusedBuf) < iReqLen && (iReqLen < g_stringsize || !(log & 2))) { GlobalUnlock(hUnusedBuf); hUnusedBuf = GlobalReAlloc(hUnusedBuf, iReqLen+sizeof(szBuf), GHND); if (!hUnusedBuf) { lstrcpy(szRet, "error"); break; } szUnusedBuf = (char *)GlobalLock(hUnusedBuf); } p = szUnusedBuf; // get the old left overs if (iReqLen < g_stringsize || !(log & 2)) lstrcat(p, szBuf); else { lstrcpyn(p + lstrlen(p), szBuf, g_stringsize - lstrlen(p)); } if (!(log & 2)) { while (p = my_strstr(p, "\t")) { if ((int)(p - szUnusedBuf) > (int)(GlobalSize(hUnusedBuf) - TAB_REPLACE_SIZE - 1)) { *p++ = ' '; } else { int len = lstrlen(p); char *c_out=(char*)p+TAB_REPLACE_SIZE+len; char *c_in=(char *)p+len; while (len-- > 0) { *c_out--=*c_in--; } lstrcpy(p, TAB_REPLACE); p += TAB_REPLACE_SIZE; *p = ' '; } } p = szUnusedBuf; // get the old left overs for (p2 = p; *p2;) { if (*p2 == '\r') { *p2++ = 0; continue; } if (*p2 == '\n') { *p2 = 0; while (!*p && p != p2) p++; LogMessage(p); p = ++p2; continue; } p2 = CharNext(p2); } // If data was taken out from the unused buffer, move p contents to the start of szUnusedBuf if (p != szUnusedBuf) { char *p2 = szUnusedBuf; while (*p) *p2++ = *p++; *p2 = 0; } } } } else { if (g_to && GetTickCount() > dwLastOutput+g_to) { TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, -1); lstrcpy(szRet, "timeout"); } else Sleep(LOOPTIMEOUT); } GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &dwExit); if (dwExit != STILL_ACTIVE) { PeekNamedPipe(read_stdout, 0, 0, 0, &dwRead, NULL); } } done: if (log & 2) pushstring(szUnusedBuf); if (log & 1 && *szUnusedBuf) LogMessage(szUnusedBuf); if ( dwExit == STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION ) lstrcpy(szRet, "error"); if (!szRet[0]) wsprintf(szRet,"%d",dwExit); pushstring(szRet); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(newstdout); CloseHandle(read_stdout); CloseHandle(newstdin); CloseHandle(read_stdin); *(pExec-2) = '\0'; // skip space and quote DeleteFile(executor); GlobalFree(g_exec); if (log) { GlobalUnlock(hUnusedBuf); GlobalFree(hUnusedBuf); } } }
BOOL RemoveKilledMessages() { struct MsgInfo * Msg; struct MsgInfo ** NewMsgHddrPtr; char MsgFile[MAX_PATH]; int i, n; Removed = 0; GetSemaphore(&MsgNoSemaphore, 0); GetSemaphore(&AllocSemaphore, 0); FirstMessageIndextoForward = 0; NewMsgHddrPtr = zalloc((NumberofMessages+1) * 4); NewMsgHddrPtr[0] = MsgHddrPtr[0]; // Copy Control Record i = 0; for (n = 1; n <= NumberofMessages; n++) { Msg = MsgHddrPtr[n]; if (Msg->status == 'K') { sprintf_s(MsgFile, sizeof(MsgFile), "%s/m_%06d.mes%c", MailDir, Msg->number, 0); if (DeletetoRecycleBin) DeletetoRecycle(MsgFile); else DeleteFile(MsgFile); MsgnotoMsg[Msg->number] = NULL; free(Msg); Removed++; } else { NewMsgHddrPtr[++i] = Msg; if (memcmp(Msg->fbbs, zeros, NBMASK) != 0) { if (FirstMessageIndextoForward == 0) FirstMessageIndextoForward = i; } } } NumberofMessages = i; NewMsgHddrPtr[0]->number = i; if (FirstMessageIndextoForward == 0) FirstMessageIndextoForward = NumberofMessages; free(MsgHddrPtr); MsgHddrPtr = NewMsgHddrPtr; FreeSemaphore(&MsgNoSemaphore); FreeSemaphore(&AllocSemaphore); SaveMessageDatabase(); return TRUE; }
u32 FSArchiveXPAK::open(string fileName) { XPAK_HEADER pakHeader; XPAK_FILE pakFile; FSFileEntryXPAK fileEntry; prepFileName(&fileName[0]); archName = fileName; if(!plugEngine->kernel->fs->exists(fileName, ST_DISK)) { std::ofstream fout;, std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc); if(!fout.is_open())return 0; fout.close(); DeleteFile(fileName.c_str()); return 1; } std::ifstream file;, std::ios::binary); if(!file.is_open()) { plugEngine->kernel->log->prnEx(LT_ERROR, "FSArchiveXPAK", "Couldn't open archive '%s'.", fileName.c_str()); return 0; } file.seekg(0,std::ios::beg);*)&pakHeader, sizeof(XPAK_HEADER)); if(memcmp(pakHeader.signature, "XPAK", 4) != 0) { plugEngine->kernel->log->prnEx(LT_ERROR, "FSArchiveXPAK", "Wrong signature of archive XPAK '%s'.", fileName.c_str()); return 0; } if(pakHeader.version != XPAK_VERSION) { plugEngine->kernel->log->prnEx(LT_ERROR, "FSArchiveXPAK", "Wrong version of archive XPAK '%s'.", fileName.c_str()); return 0; } if(pakHeader.dirLength%sizeof(XPAK_FILE) != 0) { plugEngine->kernel->log->prnEx(LT_ERROR, "FSArchiveXPAK", "Wrong length of directory in archive XPAK '%s'.", fileName.c_str()); return 0; } file.seekg(pakHeader.dirOffset,std::ios::beg); u32 count = pakHeader.dirLength/sizeof(XPAK_FILE); u32 TotalDataSize = pakHeader.dirOffset - sizeof(XPAK_HEADER); for(u32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {*)&pakFile, sizeof(XPAK_FILE)); prepFileName(pakFile.fileName); fileEntry.fileName = pakFile.fileName; fileEntry.packedFileName = pakFile.fileName; fileEntry.offset = pakFile.position; fileEntry.size = pakFile.size; fileEntry.uncompSize = pakFile.uncompSize; fileEntry.compType = pakFile.compType; fileEntry.mdate = pakFile.mdate; fileEntry.canLoad = 1; files.insert(std::make_pair(pakFile.fileName, fileEntry)); plugEngine->kernel->log->prnEx(LT_INFO, "FSArchiveXPAK", "Archive '%s' contains file '%s', compressed: %u bytes, uncompressed: %u, method: %s ", fileName.c_str(), pakFile.fileName, pakFile.size, pakFile.uncompSize, Compression::getName(pakFile.compType)); } file.close(); plugEngine->kernel->log->prnEx(LT_SUCCESS, "FSArchiveXPAK", "Added archive XPAK '%s' (%u files, %u bytes).", fileName.c_str(), count, TotalDataSize); return 1; }
int Init(RecorderProperties *ws, wstring name) { ws->pLoc = NULL; ws->pSvc = NULL; ws->treminateFlag = false; //recoder logs initialisation ws-> = name; wstring preLog = AppPath() + L"\\SDRpreinit_" + name + L"rec.log"; OpenFileStream(ws->logStream, preLog); SetDefaultLog(ws->logStream); pugi::xml_document config; if (int initConfigResult = InitConfig(config) != status_ok) { return initConfigResult; } wstring recorderXpath = L"/sdr/recording/recorders/sdrd[@name='" + ws-> + L"']"; pugi::xml_node recorderConfigNode = config.select_single_node(; if ((ws->parameters.interval = recorderConfigNode.attribute(L"interval").as_int()) == 0 && ws->parameters.interval <= 1) { ws->parameters.interval = 60; } if ((ws->parameters.countTotal = recorderConfigNode.attribute(L"count").as_int()) == 0 && ws->parameters.countTotal < -1) { ws->parameters.countTotal = -1; } //for archive testing if ((ws->parameters.archiveInterval = recorderConfigNode.attribute( L"archiveat").as_int()) == 0) ws->parameters.archiveInterval = -1; wstring apppath = AppPath(); ws->parameters.rawCurrentPath = apppath + config.select_single_node(L"/sdr/recording/logs/current").node().attribute( L"path").as_string(); if (ws->parameters.rawCurrentPath.empty()) { WriteFileLogf(L"Failed to init configuration, code here:"); return status_config_file_not_found; } ws->parameters.logDailyPath = apppath + config.select_single_node(L"/sdr/recording/logs/daily").node().attribute( L"path").as_string(); if (ws->parameters.logDailyPath.empty()) { WriteFileLogf(L"Failed to init configuration, code here:"); return status_config_file_not_found; } ws->sysLogPath = ws->parameters.rawCurrentPath + ws-> + L"rec.log"; //ws->parameters.rawCurrentFile = ws->parameters.rawCurrentPath; ws->parameters.rawCurrentFile += ws-> + L"rec.sdrd"; OpenFileStream(ws->rawStream, ws->parameters.rawCurrentPath + ws->parameters.rawCurrentFile); CloseFileStream(ws->logStream); DeleteFile(; OpenFileStream(ws->logStream, ws->sysLogPath); SetDefaultLog(ws->logStream); WriteFileLogf(L"Starting recorder " + ws-> + L"rec."); return status_ok; }
/*makes the replace*/ INT replace(TCHAR source[MAX_PATH], TCHAR dest[MAX_PATH], DWORD dwFlags, BOOL *doMore) { TCHAR d[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR s[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hFileSrc, hFileDest; DWORD dwAttrib, dwRead, dwWritten; LPBYTE buffer; BOOL bEof = FALSE; FILETIME srcCreationTime, destCreationTime, srcLastAccessTime, destLastAccessTime; FILETIME srcLastWriteTime, destLastWriteTime; GetPathCase(source, s); GetPathCase(dest, d); s[0] = (TCHAR)_totupper(s[0]); d[0] = (TCHAR)_totupper(d[0]); // ConOutPrintf(_T("old-src: %s\n"), s); // ConOutPrintf(_T("old-dest: %s\n"), d); // ConOutPrintf(_T("src: %s\n"), source); // ConOutPrintf(_T("dest: %s\n"), dest); /* Open up the sourcefile */ hFileSrc = CreateFile (source, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ,NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hFileSrc == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ConOutResPrintf(STRING_COPY_ERROR1, source); return 0; } /* Get the time from source file to be used in the comparison with dest time if update switch is set */ GetFileTime (hFileSrc, &srcCreationTime, &srcLastAccessTime, &srcLastWriteTime); /* Retrieve the source attributes so that they later on can be inserted in to the destination */ dwAttrib = GetFileAttributes (source); if(IsExistingFile (dest)) { /* Resets the attributes to avoid probles with read only files, checks for read only has been made earlier */ SetFileAttributes(dest,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); /* Is the update flas set? The time has to be controled so that only older files are replaced */ if(dwFlags & REPLACE_UPDATE) { /* Read destination time */ hFileDest = CreateFile(dest, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hFileSrc == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ConOutResPrintf(STRING_COPY_ERROR1, dest); return 0; } /* Compare time */ GetFileTime (hFileDest, &destCreationTime, &destLastAccessTime, &destLastWriteTime); if(!((srcLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime > destLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime) || ( srcLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime == destLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime && srcLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime > destLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime))) { CloseHandle (hFileSrc); CloseHandle (hFileDest); return 0; } CloseHandle (hFileDest); } /* Delete the old file */ DeleteFile (dest); } /* Check confirm flag, and take appropriate action */ if(dwFlags & REPLACE_CONFIRM) { /* Output depending on add flag */ if(dwFlags & REPLACE_ADD) ConOutResPrintf(STRING_REPLACE_HELP9, dest); else ConOutResPrintf(STRING_REPLACE_HELP10, dest); if( !FilePromptYNA (0)) return 0; } /* Output depending on add flag */ if(dwFlags & REPLACE_ADD) ConOutResPrintf(STRING_REPLACE_HELP11, dest); else ConOutResPrintf(STRING_REPLACE_HELP5, dest); /* Make sure source and destination is not the same */ if(!_tcscmp(s, d)) { ConOutResPaging(TRUE, STRING_REPLACE_ERROR7); CloseHandle (hFileSrc); *doMore = FALSE; return 0; } /* Open destination file to write to */ hFileDest = CreateFile (dest, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); if (hFileDest == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (hFileSrc); ConOutResPaging(TRUE, STRING_REPLACE_ERROR7); *doMore = FALSE; return 0; } /* Get buffer for the copy process */ buffer = (LPBYTE)VirtualAlloc(NULL, BUFF_SIZE, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if (buffer == NULL) { CloseHandle (hFileDest); CloseHandle (hFileSrc); ConOutResPaging(TRUE, STRING_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return 0; } /* Put attribute and time to the new destination file */ SetFileAttributes (dest, dwAttrib); SetFileTime (hFileDest, &srcCreationTime, &srcLastAccessTime, &srcLastWriteTime); do { /* Read data from source */ ReadFile (hFileSrc, buffer, BUFF_SIZE, &dwRead, NULL); /* Done? */ if (dwRead == 0) break; /* Write to destination file */ WriteFile (hFileDest, buffer, dwRead, &dwWritten, NULL); /* Done! or ctrl break! */ if (dwWritten != dwRead || CheckCtrlBreak(BREAK_INPUT)) { ConOutResPuts(STRING_COPY_ERROR3); cmd_free (buffer); CloseHandle (hFileDest); CloseHandle (hFileSrc); nErrorLevel = 1; return 0; } } while (!bEof); /* Return memory and close files */ VirtualFree (buffer, 0, MEM_RELEASE); CloseHandle (hFileDest); CloseHandle (hFileSrc); /* Return one file replaced */ return 1; }
void qtDLGAssembler::InsertNewInstructions() { if(lineEdit->text().length() <= 0) { close(); return; } QMap<quint64,DisAsDataRow>::const_iterator i = m_pCurrentDisassembler->SectionDisAs.constFind(m_instructionOffset); if(i == m_pCurrentDisassembler->SectionDisAs.constEnd()) { close(); return; } QString oldOpcodes = i.value().OpCodes; DWORD oldOpcodeLen = oldOpcodes.replace(" ", "").length() / 2, newOpcodeLen = NULL; QFile tempOutput("nanomite.asm"); | QIODevice::Text); QTextStream out(&tempOutput); if(m_is64Bit) out << "BITS 64\n"; else out << "BITS 32\n"; out << "org 0x" << hex << i.value().Offset << "\r\n"; out << lineEdit->text(); tempOutput.close(); QProcess nasm; nasm.setReadChannel(QProcess::StandardOutput); nasm.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); nasm.start("nasm.exe -o nanomite.bin nanomite.asm"); if (!nasm.waitForStarted()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, "Nanomite", "Unable to launch assembler!", QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok); close(); return; } while(nasm.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { nasm.waitForReadyRead(); QString errorMessage = nasm.readAll(); if(errorMessage.contains("nanomite.asm:3:")) { errorMessage.replace("nanomite.asm:3:",""); QMessageBox::critical(this, "Nanomite", errorMessage, QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok); lineEdit->clear(); return; } } DeleteFile(L"nanomite.asm"); HANDLE hFile = CreateFileW(L"nanomite.bin",GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,NULL,NULL); if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { lineEdit->clear(); return; } int iLen = GetFileSize(hFile,NULL); LPVOID pFileBuffer = clsMemManager::CAlloc(iLen); DWORD BytesRead = NULL; if(!ReadFile(hFile,pFileBuffer,iLen,&BytesRead,NULL)) { CloseHandle(hFile); DeleteFile(L"nanomite.bin"); clsMemManager::CFree(pFileBuffer); QMessageBox::critical(this,"Nanomite","no valid opcodes found!",QMessageBox::Ok,QMessageBox::Ok); lineEdit->clear(); return; } CloseHandle(hFile); DeleteFile(L"nanomite.bin"); if(BytesRead <= 0) { clsMemManager::CFree(pFileBuffer); QMessageBox::critical(this,"Nanomite","no valid opcodes found!",QMessageBox::Ok,QMessageBox::Ok); lineEdit->clear(); return; } if(oldOpcodeLen >= BytesRead) newOpcodeLen = oldOpcodeLen; else if(oldOpcodeLen < BytesRead) { newOpcodeLen = oldOpcodeLen; while(newOpcodeLen < BytesRead) { ++i; if(i == m_pCurrentDisassembler->SectionDisAs.constEnd()) return; oldOpcodes = i.value().OpCodes; newOpcodeLen += oldOpcodes.replace(" ", "").length() / 2; } } LPVOID pBuffer = clsMemManager::CAlloc(newOpcodeLen); memset(pBuffer,0x90,newOpcodeLen); memcpy(pBuffer,pFileBuffer,BytesRead); qtDLGPatchManager::AddNewPatch(GetProcessId(m_processHandle), m_processHandle, m_instructionOffset, newOpcodeLen, pBuffer); clsMemManager::CFree(pBuffer); clsMemManager::CFree(pFileBuffer); lineEdit->clear(); close(); }
FAR ULONG PASCAL MAPISendMail( LHANDLE lhSession, ULONG ulUIParam, lpMapiMessage lpMessage, FLAGS flFlags, ULONG ulReserved ) { #ifdef DEBUG_BOX MessageBox(NULL, "MAPISendMail", NULL, MB_OK); #endif ostrstream out; bool q_mark = true; // Do basic mailto out << "mailto:"; // Look for recipients for(int i = 0; i < lpMessage->nRecipCount; i++) { // Check on recip type and copy in header detail switch(lpMessage->lpRecips[i].ulRecipClass) { case MAPI_ORIG: continue; case MAPI_TO: out << (q_mark ? "?" : "&") << "to="; break; case MAPI_CC: out << (q_mark ? "?" : "&") << "cc="; break; case MAPI_BCC: out << (q_mark ? "?" : "&") << "bcc="; break; } q_mark = false; // copy in address detail const char* p = lpMessage->lpRecips[i].lpszAddress; if (!::strncmp(p, "SMTP:", 5)) p += 5; char* encoded = EncodeURL(p); out << (encoded ? encoded : p); if (encoded) free(encoded); } // Look for subject if (lpMessage->lpszSubject && *lpMessage->lpszSubject) { char* encoded = EncodeURL(lpMessage->lpszSubject); out << (q_mark ? "?" : "&") << "subject=" << (encoded ? encoded : lpMessage->lpszSubject); q_mark = false; if (encoded) free(encoded); } // Look for body if (lpMessage->lpszNoteText && *lpMessage->lpszNoteText) { char* encoded = EncodeURL(lpMessage->lpszNoteText); out << (q_mark ? "?" : "&") << "body=" << (encoded ? encoded : lpMessage->lpszNoteText); q_mark = false; if (encoded) free(encoded); } // Look for files for(int i = 0; i < lpMessage->nFileCount; i++) { // Get name of attachment const char* fpath = lpMessage->lpFiles[i].lpszPathName; const char* fname = lpMessage->lpFiles[i].lpszFileName; if (!fname || !*fname || strrchr(fname, '\\')) { fname = strrchr(fpath, '\\'); if (fname) fname++; } // Must duplicate this attachment into Temp char temp_path[MAX_PATH]; char temp_path_[MAX_PATH]; char temp_dir[MAX_PATH]; if (GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, temp_dir)) { strcpy(temp_path, temp_dir); strcpy(temp_path_, temp_dir); strcat(temp_path_, "_"); strcat(temp_path, fname); strcat(temp_path_, fname); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_BOX DWORD err = GetLastError(); char temp_err[1024]; snprintf(temp_err, 1024, "No temp directory, errno = %ld", err); MessageBox(NULL, temp_err, NULL, MB_OK); #endif // Fail if no temp directory return MAPI_E_FAILURE; } // If source file is in TEMP then we must copy it if (!strncmp(temp_dir, fpath, strlen(temp_dir))) { // Do copy to standard name if (!CopyFile(fpath, temp_path_, true)) { DWORD last_err = GetLastError(); #ifdef DEBUG_BOX char temp_err[1024]; snprintf(temp_err, 1024, "Orig. file: \"%s\" Temp. file: \"%s\" errno = %ld", fpath, temp_path_, last_err); MessageBox(NULL, temp_err, NULL, MB_OK); #endif if (last_err == ERROR_FILE_EXISTS) { DeleteFile(temp_path_); if (!CopyFile(fpath, temp_path_, true)) { #ifdef DEBUG_BOX DWORD err = GetLastError(); char temp_err[1024]; snprintf(temp_err, 1024, "Unable to copy to temp directory after removal, errno = %ld", err); MessageBox(NULL, temp_err, NULL, MB_OK); #endif return MAPI_E_FAILURE; } } else { return MAPI_E_FAILURE; } } strcpy(temp_path, temp_path_); } else strcpy(temp_path, fpath); // Encode attachment name and add to URL char* encoded = EncodeURL(temp_path); out << (q_mark ? "?" : "&") << "x-mulberry-file=" << (encoded ? encoded : temp_path); q_mark = false; if (encoded) free(encoded); } // NULL terminate the string out << ends; #ifdef DEBUG_BOX MessageBox(NULL, out.str(), NULL, MB_OK); out.freeze(false); #endif // Now do Shell open of mailto URL char dir[MAX_PATH]; if (GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, dir)) { ShellExecute((HWND) ulUIParam, "open", out.str(), 0L, dir, 0); out.freeze(false); } return SUCCESS_SUCCESS; }
/* ======================================================================= */ BOOL EncodeTrack(PWINDOWHANDLES H, DWORD Index, PCHAR BasePath, HANDLE CDHandle, PCDTRACK CDTrackData, PDWORD DiscCurrent, PDWORD DiscTotal, PDWORD TrackCount) { Log(LOG_WRITE, "Encoding track %u/%u; Sector %u-%u/%u", Index+1, *TrackCount, CDTrackData[Index].Address, CDTrackData[Index].Address + CDTrackData[Index].Length - 1, CDTrackData[Index].Length); CHAR MP3FilePath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR MP3FilePathFancy[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE MP3FileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; static lame_global_flags *GFP = NULL; if(OneTrackOnly == 0) { _snprintf(MP3FilePath, MAX_PATH, "%s\\Track %u.mp3", BasePath, Index + 1); MakeFancyPath(MP3FilePath, MP3FilePathFancy, 35); SetLabel(H->WT, "Creating file %s...", MP3FilePath); MP3FileHandle = CreateFile(MP3FilePath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); } else { _snprintf(MP3FilePath, MAX_PATH, "%s\\Audio.mp3", BasePath, Index + 1); MakeFancyPath(MP3FilePath, MP3FilePathFancy, 35); switch(OneTrackOnly) { case 1: SetLabel(H->WT, "Creating solid file %s...", MP3FilePath); MP3FileHandle = CreateFile(MP3FilePath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); OneTrackOnly = 2; break; case 2: SetLabel(H->WT, "Re-opening file %s...", MP3FilePath); MP3FileHandle = CreateFile(MP3FilePath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if(MP3FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) SetFilePointer(MP3FileHandle, 0, NULL, FILE_END); break; } } BOOL Success = TRUE; INT EncoderReturnCode = 0; if(MP3FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Log(LOG_WRITE, "Created file %s", MP3FilePath); DWORD DiscLastCurrent = *DiscCurrent; DWORD SectorTotal = CDTrackData[Index].Length/SECTORS_AT_READ; DWORD MP3BytesWritten; SendMessage(H->PO, PBM_SETRANGE32, 0, SectorTotal); SendMessage(H->PO, PBM_SETPOS, 0, 0); SendMessage(H->PA, PBM_SETRANGE32, 0, *DiscTotal); if(GFP == NULL) { GFP = lame_init(); lame_set_preset(GFP, MP3Quality); lame_set_copyright(GFP, 1); lame_set_original(GFP, 1); lame_set_error_protection(GFP, 1); lame_set_extension(GFP, 1); lame_set_quality(GFP, Quality); EncoderReturnCode = lame_init_params(GFP); } if(EncoderReturnCode == 0) { DWORD dwWAVBufferSize=(1152 * lame_get_num_channels(GFP)); DWORD dwMP3BufferSize=(DWORD)(1.25*(dwWAVBufferSize/lame_get_num_channels(GFP))+7200); PBYTE MP3Buffer = new BYTE[dwMP3BufferSize]; PBYTE CDBuffer = new BYTE[SECTORS_AT_READ * RAW_SECTOR_SIZE]; INT nOutputSamples; DWORD CDBytesWritten; RAW_READ_INFO Info; Info.TrackMode = CDDA; Info.SectorCount = SECTORS_AT_READ; DWORD SectorCurrent; TCHAR NumWritten[30]; TCHAR NumWrittenKB[30]; for(SectorCurrent = 0; SectorCurrent < SectorTotal; ++SectorCurrent, ++*DiscCurrent) { Info.DiskOffset.QuadPart = (CDTrackData[Index].Address + SectorCurrent*SECTORS_AT_READ) * CD_SECTOR_SIZE; MP3BytesWritten = SetFilePointer(MP3FileHandle, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT); Comma(MP3BytesWritten, NumWritten, sizeof(NumWritten)); Comma(MP3BytesWritten / 1024, NumWrittenKB, sizeof(NumWrittenKB)); SetLabel(H->WT, "Encoding track %u of %u and sector %u of %u\nTo %s\nWritten %s bytes (%s KB) to file", Index + 1, *TrackCount, SectorCurrent, SectorTotal - 1, MP3FilePathFancy, NumWritten, NumWrittenKB); if(DeviceIoControl(CDHandle, IOCTL_CDROM_RAW_READ, &Info, sizeof(Info), CDBuffer, SECTORS_AT_READ*RAW_SECTOR_SIZE, &CDBytesWritten, NULL) != 0) { if(EncodeAudioBuffer(CDBuffer, CDBytesWritten, dwWAVBufferSize, MP3FileHandle, MP3Buffer, GFP) == FALSE) { Log(LOG_WRITE, "Encoding of audio buffer failed"); Success = FALSE; break; } } else { DWORD ErrorCode = GetLastError(); if(ErrorCode == ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION) { Log(LOG_WRITE, "Track %u is not a valid CDDA track", Index + 1); Success = FALSE; break; } else if(ErrorCode != ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) { Log(LOG_WRITE, "Error code %u reading track %u!", ErrorCode, Index + 1); Success = FALSE; break; } } SendMessage(H->PO, PBM_SETPOS, SectorCurrent, 0); SendMessage(H->PA, PBM_SETPOS, *DiscCurrent, 0); Percentage = (float)((float)*DiscCurrent / (float)*DiscTotal) * 100; } if(Success == FALSE) { *DiscTotal -= SectorTotal; SectorTotal = 0; } else if(OneTrackOnly == 0 || Index+1 == *TrackCount) { nOutputSamples = lame_encode_flush_nogap(GFP, MP3Buffer, LAME_MAXMP3BUFFER); if(nOutputSamples > 0) { if(WriteFile(MP3FileHandle, MP3Buffer, nOutputSamples, &MP3BytesWritten, NULL) == FALSE) { Log(LOG_WRITE, "Failed to write %u final bytes to file", nOutputSamples); Success = FALSE; } else if(nOutputSamples != (int)MP3BytesWritten) { Log(LOG_WRITE, "Written %u final bytes instead of %u bytes to file", MP3BytesWritten, nOutputSamples); Success = FALSE; } } else if(nOutputSamples < 0) { Log(LOG_WRITE, "Error code %d flushing encoded audio buffer", nOutputSamples); Success = FALSE; } } *DiscCurrent = DiscLastCurrent + SectorTotal; SendMessage(H->PO, PBM_SETPOS, *DiscCurrent, 0); } else { Log(LOG_WRITE, "Error code %d initialising audio encoder", EncoderReturnCode); Success = FALSE; } MP3BytesWritten = SetFilePointer(MP3FileHandle, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT); if(CloseHandle(MP3FileHandle) == FALSE) { Log(LOG_WRITE, "Error code %u closing file handle"); Success = FALSE; } if(OneTrackOnly == 0 && (MP3BytesWritten == 0 || Success == FALSE)) { if(DeleteFile(MP3FilePath) == FALSE) Log(LOG_WRITE, "Error code %u deleting file"); else Log(LOG_WRITE, "Deleted the file due to error"); } else Log(LOG_WRITE, "Written %u bytes to file", MP3BytesWritten); } else { Log(LOG_WRITE, "Error code %u creating %s", GetLastError(), MP3FilePath); Success = FALSE; } if(EncoderReturnCode == 0 && (OneTrackOnly == 0 || Index+1 == *TrackCount)) { lame_close(GFP); GFP = NULL; } return Success; }
int CBiosDlg::UpdateBios(void) { BOOL retval; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi={0}; STARTUPINFOA si={0}; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa={0}; HANDLE hReadPipe,hWritePipe; sa.bInheritHandle=TRUE; sa.nLength=sizeof SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; sa.lpSecurityDescriptor=NULL; retval=CreatePipe(&hReadPipe,&hWritePipe,&sa,0); si.cb=sizeof STARTUPINFOA; si.wShowWindow=SW_HIDE; si.dwFlags=STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW|STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; si.hStdOutput=si.hStdError=hWritePipe; DWORD dwLen,dwRead,retCode1=-1,retCode2=-1,retDet=-1; UINT nActualBiosSize=0,nLock=0; char buff[256] = {0}; TCHAR szErrMsg[256]={0}; CFile fp; CFile fp1,fp2; DWORD fLen; BYTE* fBuff; CStringA cmd; CBytTool* t1=0; CChtTool86* t2=0; CChtTool64* t3=0; CHWToolDlg* pParent = (CHWToolDlg*)((CHWToolApp*)AfxGetApp())->m_pMainWnd; if (m_nType == 1) { t2 = new CChtTool86(); } else if (m_nType == 2) { t1 = new CBytTool(); } else if (m_nType == 3) { t3 = new CChtTool64(); } SetCurrentDirectory(m_szTempDir); m_nSN = ((CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_SNCHECK))->GetCheck(); retval=CreateProcessA(NULL,"cmd.exe /c fptw.exe -i",&sa,&sa,TRUE,0,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi); if(retval) { WaitForSingleObject(pi.hThread,INFINITE);//等待命令行执行完毕 GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess,&retDet); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); if (retDet) { _tcscpy(szErrMsg,TEXT("不支持当前平台!")); goto end; } dwLen=GetFileSize(hReadPipe,NULL); char* szRegion = new char[dwLen]; ReadFile(hReadPipe,szRegion,dwLen,&dwRead,NULL); if (dwRead) { char* szToken=strstr(szRegion,"BIOS - Base: "); char szLen[9]={0}; if (szToken) { strncpy(szLen,szToken+19,8); sscanf(szLen,"%x",&nActualBiosSize); nActualBiosSize = 0x800000 - nActualBiosSize; } } delete szRegion; } if (m_nBiosSize != nActualBiosSize) { wsprintf(szErrMsg,TEXT("当前BIOS分区大小与机器里的不一致, 机器中的大小为:0x%X, 文件中的大小为:0x%X!"),nActualBiosSize,m_nBiosSize); goto end; } retval=CreateProcessA(NULL,"cmd.exe /c fptw.exe -dumplock",&sa,&sa,TRUE,0,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi); if(retval) { WaitForSingleObject(pi.hThread,INFINITE); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); dwLen=GetFileSize(hReadPipe,NULL); char* szRegion = new char[dwLen]; ReadFile(hReadPipe,szRegion,dwLen,&dwRead,NULL); if (dwRead) { char* szToken=strstr(szRegion,"Host CPU master: "); int a,b,c,d,nCPU=0,nTXE=0; if (szToken) { szToken += 20; if (4 == sscanf(szToken,"%x %x %x %x",&a,&b,&c,&d)) { nCPU = (a<<24) + (b<<16) + (c<<8) + d; } } szToken=strstr(szRegion,"TXE region master: "); if (szToken) { szToken += 20; if (4 == sscanf(szToken,"%x %x %x %x",&a,&b,&c,&d)) { nTXE = (a<<24) + (b<<16) + (c<<8) + d; } } if (nCPU == 0x0B0A && nTXE == 0x0D0C) { nLock = 1; } } SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATUS,nLock?TEXT("TXE/ME 已锁定"):TEXT("TXE/ME 未锁定")); delete szRegion; } Sleep(2000); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// retval=CreateProcessA(NULL,"cmd.exe /c Check.exe",&sa,&sa,TRUE,0,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi); if(retval) { WaitForSingleObject(pi.hThread,INFINITE); GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess,&retCode1); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); if (retCode1 != 0) { m_bExistKey = FALSE; SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATUS,TEXT("未发现微软密钥")); } else { SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATUS,TEXT("发现微软密钥,保存中......")); dwLen=GetFileSize(hReadPipe,NULL); char *buff=new char [dwLen+1]; char dpk[30]={0}; char* vptr,*token="Product key: "; memset(buff,0,dwLen+1); retval=ReadFile(hReadPipe,buff,dwLen,&dwRead,NULL); vptr=strstr(buff+700,token); if (vptr) { vptr +=strlen(token); strncpy(dpk,vptr,29); char szDPK[20]={0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x1d,0x00,0x00,0x00}; fp.Open(TEXT("key.bin"),CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeWrite|CFile::typeBinary); fp.Write(szDPK,20); fp.Write(dpk,29); fp.Close(); m_bExistKey = TRUE; } delete buff; } } if (!fp1.Open(m_szPath,CFile::modeRead|CFile::typeBinary)) { _tcscpy(szErrMsg,TEXT("未发现BIOS文件,请确认其是否存在!")); goto end; } fLen=(DWORD)fp1.GetLength(); fBuff = new BYTE[fLen]; fp1.Read(fBuff,fLen); fp1.Close(); if (!fp2.Open(TEXT("fw.bin"),CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeReadWrite)) { delete fBuff; _tcscpy(szErrMsg,TEXT("打开BIOS文件失败!")); goto end; } fp2.Write(fBuff,fLen); fp2.Close(); delete fBuff; if (nLock == 0) { cmd="cmd.exe /c fptw.exe -f fw.bin"; } else { cmd="cmd.exe /c fptw.exe -f fw.bin -bios"; } Sleep(2000); SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATUS,TEXT("正在刷写BIOS......")); sa.bInheritHandle=0; si.wShowWindow=SW_SHOW; retval=CreateProcessA(NULL,(LPSTR)(LPCSTR)cmd,&sa,&sa,0,0,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi); WaitForSingleObject(pi.hThread,INFINITE); GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess,&retCode1); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); DeleteFile(TEXT("fw.bin")); if (retCode1 == 0) { SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATUS,TEXT("升级完成!")); Sleep(1000); } else { SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATUS,TEXT("升级失败!")); _tcscpy(szErrMsg,TEXT("BIOS升级失败!")); goto end; } si.wShowWindow=SW_HIDE; if (1) { CBiosInfo* pInfo = ((CHWToolApp*)AfxGetApp())->m_BiosInfo; strcpy(buff,"cmd.exe /c amidewin.exe /su \""); if (strncmp(pInfo->m_BiosInfoA.m_szSU,"00020003000400050006000700080009",32) == 0) { GUID guid; CoCreateGuid(&guid); memset(pInfo->m_BiosInfoA.m_szSU,0,sizeof(pInfo->m_BiosInfoA.m_szSU)); sprintf(pInfo->m_BiosInfoA.m_szSU,"%08X%04X%04X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X",guid.Data1,guid.Data2,guid.Data3,guid.Data4[0],guid.Data4[1],guid.Data4[2],guid.Data4[3],guid.Data4[4],guid.Data4[5],guid.Data4[6],guid.Data4[7]); mbstowcs(pInfo->m_BiosInfoW.m_wszSU,pInfo->m_BiosInfoA.m_szSU,64); pParent->m_pDlg[1]->SetDlgItemText(IDC_UUID,pInfo->m_BiosInfoW.m_wszSU); } if (strlen(pInfo->m_BiosInfoA.m_szSU)) { strcat(buff,pInfo->m_BiosInfoA.m_szSU); strcat(buff,"\""); retval=CreateProcessA(NULL,buff,&sa,&sa,0,0,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi); WaitForSingleObject(pi.hThread,INFINITE); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); } } if (m_nSN == BST_CHECKED) { if (m_strSSN.GetLength()) { Sleep(2000); SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATUS,TEXT("正在刷写保留的序列号......")); CBiosInfo* pInfo = ((CHWToolApp*)AfxGetApp())->m_BiosInfo; strcpy(buff,"cmd.exe /c amidewin.exe /ss \""); strcat(buff,pInfo->m_BiosInfoA.m_szSS); strcat(buff,"\""); retval=CreateProcessA(NULL,buff,&sa,&sa,0,0,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi); WaitForSingleObject(pi.hThread,INFINITE); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); } } if (m_bExistKey) { if (fp.Open(TEXT("key.bin"),CFile::modeRead)) { fp.Close(); Sleep(2000); SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATUS,TEXT("正在重新写入机器中的微软密钥......")); CreateProcessA(NULL,"cmd.exe /c afuwin.exe /oad",&sa,&sa,0,0,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi); WaitForSingleObject(pi.hThread,INFINITE); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CreateProcessA(NULL,"cmd.exe /c afuwin.exe /akey.bin",&sa,&sa,0,0,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi); WaitForSingleObject(pi.hThread,INFINITE); GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess,&retCode2); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); if (retCode2 == 0) { SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATUS,TEXT("刷KEY成功!")); } else { SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATUS,TEXT("刷KEY失败!")); } DeleteFile(TEXT("key.bin")); } } end: CloseHandle(hWritePipe); CloseHandle(hReadPipe); if (t1) delete t1; if (t2) delete t2; if (t3) delete t3; EnableMenuItem(::GetSystemMenu(GetParent()->m_hWnd,FALSE),SC_CLOSE,MF_BYCOMMAND|MF_ENABLED); GetParent()->GetDlgItem(IDC_TAB1)->EnableWindow(); GetDlgItem(IDC_SNCHECK)->EnableWindow(); GetDlgItem(IDC_UPDATE)->EnableWindow(); GetDlgItem(IDC_BROWSE)->EnableWindow(); if (retCode1 == 0) { HANDLE hToken; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tkp; TCHAR szTmpDir[2048]={0}; _tcscpy(szTmpDir,_tgetenv(TEXT("SystemRoot"))); _tcscat(szTmpDir,TEXT("\\Temp")); SetCurrentDirectory(szTmpDir); DeleteFile(TEXT("Check.exe")); DeleteFile(TEXT("afuwin.exe")); DeleteFile(TEXT("amidewin.exe")); DeleteFile(TEXT("amifldrv32.sys")); DeleteFile(TEXT("amifldrv64.sys")); Sleep(1000); OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(),TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES|TOKEN_QUERY,&hToken); LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL,SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME,&tkp.Privileges[0].Luid); tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken,FALSE,&tkp,sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES),NULL,0); ExitWindowsEx(EWX_FORCE|EWX_REBOOT,0); CloseHandle(hToken); } else { MessageBox(szErrMsg,TEXT("升级错误"),MB_ICONERROR); } return 0; }
void CDCAntivirusAlertDlg::OnDel() { DeleteFile(m_sFilePath); CDialog::OnOK(); }
/* Tar file extraction * gzFile in, handle of input tarball opened with gzopen * int cm, compressionMethod * int junkPaths, nonzero indicates to ignore stored path (don't create directories) * enum KeepMode keep, indicates to perform if file exists * int iCnt, char *iList[], argv style list of files to extract, {0,NULL} for all * int xCnt, char *xList[], argv style list of files NOT to extract, {0,NULL} for none * int failOnHardLinks, if nonzero then will treat failure to create a hard link same as * failure to create a regular file, 0 prints a warning if fails - note that hardlinks * will always fail on Windows prior to NT 5 (Win 2000) or later and non NTFS file systems. * * returns 0 (or positive value) on success * returns negative value on error, where * -1 means error reading from tarball * -2 means error extracting file from tarball * -3 means error creating hard link */ int tgz_extract(gzFile in, int cm, int junkPaths, enum KeepMode keep, int iCnt, TCHAR *iList[], int xCnt, TCHAR *xList[], int failOnHardLinks) { int getheader = 1; /* assume initial input has a tar header */ HANDLE outfile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; union tar_buffer buffer; unsigned long remaining; TCHAR fname[BLOCKSIZE]; /* must be >= BLOCKSIZE bytes */ time_t tartime; /* do any prep work for extracting from compressed TAR file */ if (cm_init(in, cm)) { PrintMessage(_T("tgz_extract: unable to initialize decompression method.")); cm_cleanup(cm); return -1; } while (1) { if (readBlock(cm, &buffer) < 0) return -1; /* * If we have to get a tar header */ if (getheader >= 1) { /* * if we met the end of the tar * or the end-of-tar block, * we are done */ if (/* (len == 0) || */ ([0]== 0)) break; /* compute and check header checksum, support signed or unsigned */ if (!valid_checksum(&(buffer.header))) { PrintMessage(_T("tgz_extract: bad header checksum")); cm_cleanup(cm); return -1; } /* store time, so we can set the timestamp on files */ tartime = (time_t)getoct(buffer.header.mtime,12); /* copy over filename chunk from header, avoiding overruns */ if (getheader == 1) /* use normal (short or posix long) filename from header */ { /* NOTE: prepends any prefix, including separator, and ensures terminated */ memset(fname, 0, sizeof(fname)); getFullName(&buffer, fname); } else /* use (GNU) long filename that preceeded this header */ { #if 0 /* if (strncmp(fname,,SHORTNAMESIZE-1) != 0) */ char fs[SHORTNAMESIZE]; /* force strings to same max len, then compare */ lstrcpyn(fs, fname, SHORTNAMESIZE); fs[SHORTNAMESIZE-1] = '\0';[SHORTNAMESIZE-1] = '\0'; if (lstrcmp(fs, != 0) { PrintMessage(_T("tgz_extract: mismatched long filename")); cm_cleanup(cm); return -1; } #else PrintMessage(_T("tgz_extract: using GNU long filename [%s]"), fname); #endif } /* LogMessage(" is:"); LogMessage(fname); */ switch (buffer.header.typeflag) { case DIRTYPE: dirEntry: if (!junkPaths) { safetyStrip(fname); makedir(fname); } break; case LNKTYPE: /* hard link */ case CONTTYPE: /* contiguous file, for compatibility treat as normal */ case REGTYPE: case AREGTYPE: /* Note: a file ending with a / may actually be a BSD tar directory entry */ if (fname[strlen(fname)-1] == '/') goto dirEntry; remaining = getoct(buffer.header.size,12); if ( /* add (remaining > 0) && to ignore 0 zero byte files */ ( (iList == NULL) || (matchname(fname, iCnt, iList, junkPaths)) ) && (!matchname(fname, xCnt, xList, junkPaths)) ) { if (!junkPaths) /* if we want to use paths as stored */ { /* try creating directory */ TCHAR *p = tstrrchr(fname, '/'); if (p != NULL) { *p = '\0'; makedir(fname); *p = '/'; } } else { /* try ignoring directory */ TCHAR *p = tstrrchr(fname, '/'); if (p != NULL) { /* be sure terminating '\0' is copied and */ /* use ansi memcpy equivalent that handles overlapping regions */ MoveMemory(fname, p+1, (strlen(p+1) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); } } if (*fname) /* if after stripping path a fname still exists */ { /* Attempt to open the output file and report action taken to user */ const TCHAR szERRMsg[] = _T("Error: Could not create file "), szSUCMsg[] = _T("Writing "), szSKPMsg[] = _T("Skipping "); const TCHAR * szMsg = szSUCMsg; safetyStrip(fname); if (buffer.header.typeflag == LNKTYPE) { outfile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; /* create a hardlink if possible, else produce just a warning unless failOnHardLinks is true */ if (!MakeHardLink(fname, buffer.header.linkname)) { PrintMessage(_T("Warning: unable to create hard link %s [%d]"), fname, GetLastError()); if (failOnHardLinks) { cm_cleanup(cm); return -3; } } else { outfile = CreateFile(fname,GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL); goto setTimeAndCloseFile; } } else { /* Open the file for writing mode, creating if doesn't exist and truncating if exists and overwrite mode */ outfile = CreateFile(fname,GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ,NULL,(keep==OVERWRITE)?CREATE_ALWAYS:CREATE_NEW,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL); /* failed to open file, either valid error (like open) or it already exists and in a keep mode */ if (outfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { /* if skip existing or only update existing and failed to open becauses exists */ if ((keep!=OVERWRITE) && (GetLastError()==ERROR_FILE_EXISTS)) { /* assume skipping initially (mode==SKIP or ==UPDATE with existing file newer) */ szMsg = szSKPMsg; /* and update output message accordingly */ /* if in update mode, check filetimes and reopen in overwrite mode */ if (keep == UPDATE) { FILETIME ftm_a; HANDLE h; WIN32_FIND_DATA ffData; cnv_tar2win_time(tartime, &ftm_a); /* archive file time */ h = FindFirstFile(fname, &ffData); /* existing file time */ if (h!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) FindClose(h); /* cleanup search handle */ else goto ERR_OPENING; /* compare date+times, is one in tarball newer? */ if (*((LONGLONG *)&ftm_a) > *((LONGLONG *)&(ffData.ftLastWriteTime))) { outfile = CreateFile(fname,GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ,NULL,CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL); if (outfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto ERR_OPENING; szMsg = szSUCMsg; } } } else /* in overwrite mode or failed for some other error than exists */ { ERR_OPENING: PrintMessage(_T("%s%s [%d]"), szERRMsg, fname, GetLastError()); cm_cleanup(cm); return -2; } } /* Inform user of current extraction action (writing, skipping file XYZ) */ PrintMessage(_T("%s%s"), szMsg, fname); } } } else outfile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; /* * could have no contents, in which case we close the file and set the times */ if (remaining > 0) getheader = 0; else { setTimeAndCloseFile: getheader = 1; if (outfile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FILETIME ftm; cnv_tar2win_time(tartime, &ftm); SetFileTime(outfile,&ftm,NULL,&ftm); CloseHandle(outfile); outfile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } break; case GNUTYPE_LONGLINK: case GNUTYPE_LONGNAME: { remaining = getoct(buffer.header.size,12); if (readBlock(cm, fname) < 0) return -1; fname[BLOCKSIZE-1] = '\0'; if ((remaining >= BLOCKSIZE) || ((unsigned)strlen(fname) > remaining)) { PrintMessage(_T("tgz_extract: invalid long name")); cm_cleanup(cm); return -1; } getheader = 2; break; } default: /* if (action == TGZ_LIST) printf(" %s <---> %s\n",strtime(&tartime),fname); */ break; } } else /* (getheader == 0) */ { unsigned int bytes = (remaining > BLOCKSIZE) ? BLOCKSIZE : remaining; unsigned long bwritten; if (outfile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WriteFile(outfile,buffer.buffer,bytes,&bwritten,NULL); if (bwritten != bytes) { PrintMessage(_T("Error: write failed for %s"), fname); CloseHandle(outfile); DeleteFile(fname); cm_cleanup(cm); return -2; } } remaining -= bytes; if (remaining == 0) goto setTimeAndCloseFile; } } /* while(1) */ cm_cleanup(cm); return 0; }
void SetInformationDirectory() { strcpy(InformationDirectory,"d:\\"); DeleteFile("d:\\log.inv"); }
__declspec(dllexport) void download (HWND parent, int string_size, char *variables, nsis_stack_t **stacktop) { char buf[1024]; char url[1024]; char filename[1024]; static char proxy[1024]; BOOL bSuccess=FALSE; int timeout_ms=30000; int getieproxy=1; int manualproxy=0; int translation_version; char *error=NULL; // translation version 2 & 1 static char szDownloading[1024]; // "Downloading %s" static char szConnecting[1024]; // "Connecting ..." static char szSecond[1024]; // " (1 second remaining)" for v2 // "second" for v1 static char szMinute[1024]; // " (1 minute remaining)" for v2 // "minute" for v1 static char szHour[1024]; // " (1 hour remaining)" for v2 // "hour" for v1 static char szProgress[1024]; // "%skB (%d%%) of %skB at %u.%01ukB/s" for v2 // "%dkB (%d%%) of %dkB at %d.%01dkB/s" for v1 // translation version 2 only static char szSeconds[1024]; // " (%u seconds remaining)" static char szMinutes[1024]; // " (%u minutes remaining)" static char szHours[1024]; // " (%u hours remaining)" // translation version 1 only static char szPlural[1024]; // "s"; static char szRemaining[1024]; // " (%d %s%s remaining)"; EXDLL_INIT(); popstring(url); if (!lstrcmpi(url, "/TRANSLATE2")) { popstring(szDownloading); popstring(szConnecting); popstring(szSecond); popstring(szMinute); popstring(szHour); popstring(szSeconds); popstring(szMinutes); popstring(szHours); popstring(szProgress); popstring(url); translation_version=2; } else if (!lstrcmpi(url, "/TRANSLATE")) { popstring(szDownloading); popstring(szConnecting); popstring(szSecond); popstring(szMinute); popstring(szHour); popstring(szPlural); popstring(szProgress); popstring(szRemaining); popstring(url); translation_version=1; } else { lstrcpy(szDownloading, "Downloading %s"); lstrcpy(szConnecting, "Connecting ..."); lstrcpy(szSecond, " (1 second remaining)"); lstrcpy(szMinute, " (1 minute remaining)"); lstrcpy(szHour, " (1 hour remaining)"); lstrcpy(szSeconds, " (%u seconds remaining)"); lstrcpy(szMinutes, " (%u minutes remaining)"); lstrcpy(szHours, " (%u hours remaining)"); lstrcpy(szProgress, "%skB (%d%%) of %skB at %u.%01ukB/s"); translation_version=2; } lstrcpyn(buf, url, 10); if (!lstrcmpi(buf, "/TIMEOUT=")) { timeout_ms=my_atoi(url+9); popstring(url); } if (!lstrcmpi(url, "/PROXY")) { getieproxy=0; manualproxy=1; popstring(proxy); popstring(url); } if (!lstrcmpi(url, "/NOIEPROXY")) { getieproxy=0; popstring(url); } popstring(filename); HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(filename,GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ,NULL,CREATE_ALWAYS,0,NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { wsprintf(buf, "Unable to open %s", filename); error = buf; } else { if (parent) { uMsgCreate = RegisterWindowMessage("nsisdl create"); lpWndProcOld = (void *)SetWindowLong(parent,GWL_WNDPROC,(long)ParentWndProc); SendMessage(parent, uMsgCreate, TRUE, (LPARAM) parent); // set initial text char *p = filename; while (*p) p++; while (*p != '\\' && p != filename) p = CharPrev(filename, p); wsprintf(buf, szDownloading, p != filename ? p + 1 : p); SetDlgItemText(childwnd, 1006, buf); SetWindowText(g_hwndStatic, szConnecting); } { WSADATA wsaData; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsaData); JNL_HTTPGet *get = 0; static char main_buf[8192]; char *buf=main_buf; char *p=NULL; HKEY hKey; if (getieproxy && RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings",0,KEY_READ,&hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD l = 4; DWORD t; DWORD v; if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey,"ProxyEnable",NULL,&t,(unsigned char *)&v,&l) == ERROR_SUCCESS && t == REG_DWORD && v) { l=8192; if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey,"ProxyServer",NULL,&t,(unsigned char *)buf,&l ) == ERROR_SUCCESS && t == REG_SZ) { p=strstr(buf,"http="); if (!p) p=buf; else { p+=5; } char *tp=strstr(p,";"); if (tp) *tp=0; char *p2=strstr(p,"="); if (p2) p=0; // we found the wrong proxy } } buf[8192-1]=0; RegCloseKey(hKey); } if (manualproxy == 1) { p = proxy; } DWORD start_time=GetTickCount(); get=new JNL_HTTPGet(JNL_CONNECTION_AUTODNS,16384,(p&&p[0])?p:NULL); int st; int has_printed_headers = 0; __int64 cl = 0; int len; __int64 sofar = 0; DWORD last_recv_time=start_time; get->addheader ("User-Agent: NSISDL/1.2 (Mozilla)"); get->addheader ("Accept: */*"); get->connect (url); while (1) { if (g_cancelled) error = "cancel"; if (error) { if (parent) { SendMessage(parent, uMsgCreate, FALSE, (LPARAM) parent); SetWindowLong(parent, GWL_WNDPROC, (long)lpWndProcOld); } break; } st = get->run (); if (st == -1) { lstrcpyn(url, get->geterrorstr(), sizeof(url)); error = url; } else if (st == 1) { if (sofar < cl || get->get_status () != 2) error="download incomplete"; else { bSuccess=TRUE; error = "success"; } } else { if (get->get_status () == 0) { // progressFunc ("Connecting ...", 0); if (last_recv_time+timeout_ms < GetTickCount()) error = "Timed out on connecting."; else Sleep(10); // don't busy-loop while connecting } else if (get->get_status () == 1) { progress_callback("Reading headers", 0); if (last_recv_time+timeout_ms < GetTickCount()) error = "Timed out on getting headers."; else Sleep(10); // don't busy-loop while reading headers } else if (get->get_status () == 2) { if (! has_printed_headers) { has_printed_headers = 1; last_recv_time=GetTickCount(); cl = get->content_length (); if (cl == 0) error = "Server did not specify content length."; else if (g_hwndProgressBar) { SendMessage(g_hwndProgressBar, PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(0, 30000)); g_file_size = cl; } } int data_downloaded = 0; while ((len = get->bytes_available ()) > 0) { data_downloaded++; if (len > 8192) len = 8192; len = get->get_bytes (buf, len); if (len > 0) { last_recv_time=GetTickCount(); DWORD dw; WriteFile(hFile,buf,len,&dw,NULL); sofar += len; int time_sofar=(GetTickCount()-start_time)/1000; int bps = (int)(sofar/(time_sofar?time_sofar:1)); int remain = MulDiv64(time_sofar, cl, sofar) - time_sofar; if (translation_version == 2) { char *rtext=remain==1?szSecond:szSeconds;; if (remain >= 60) { remain/=60; rtext=remain==1?szMinute:szMinutes; if (remain >= 60) { remain/=60; rtext=remain==1?szHour:szHours; } } char sofar_str[128]; char cl_str[128]; myitoa64(sofar/1024, sofar_str); myitoa64(cl/1024, cl_str); wsprintf (buf, szProgress, //%skB (%d%%) of %skB @ %u.%01ukB/s sofar_str, MulDiv64(100, sofar, cl), cl_str, bps/1024,((bps*10)/1024)%10 ); if (remain) wsprintf(buf+lstrlen(buf),rtext, remain ); } else if (translation_version == 1) { char *rtext=szSecond; if (remain >= 60) { remain/=60; rtext=szMinute; if (remain >= 60) { remain/=60; rtext=szHour; } } wsprintf (buf, szProgress, //%dkB (%d%%) of %dkB @ %d.%01dkB/s int(sofar/1024), MulDiv64(100, sofar, cl), int(cl/1024), bps/1024,((bps*10)/1024)%10 ); if (remain) wsprintf(buf+lstrlen(buf),szRemaining, remain, rtext, remain==1?"":szPlural ); } progress_callback(buf, sofar); } else { if (sofar < cl) error = "Server aborted."; } } if (GetTickCount() > last_recv_time+timeout_ms) { if (sofar != cl) { error = "Downloading timed out."; } else { // workaround for bug #1713562 // buggy servers that wait for the client to close the connection. // another solution would be manually stopping when cl == sofar, // but then buggy servers that return wrong content-length will fail. bSuccess = TRUE; error = "success"; } } else if (!data_downloaded) Sleep(10); } else { error = "Bad response status."; } } } // Clean up the connection then release winsock if (get) delete get; WSACleanup(); } CloseHandle(hFile); } if (g_cancelled || !bSuccess) { DeleteFile(filename); } pushstring(error); }