void AsixDOFPawn::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)
    bool ret = OurTick(DeltaSeconds);
	    //printf("running %f\n",DeltaSeconds);
		const FVector LocalMove = FVector(m_vx*10, m_vy*10, -m_vz*10);//(CurrentForwardSpeed * DeltaSeconds, 0.f, 0.f);
		//FVector curMove = GetVelocity();//(CurrentForwardSpeed * DeltaSeconds, 0.f, 0.f);
		FVector curMove = ReplicatedMovement.LinearVelocity;
		printf("------> %f %f %f \n",curMove.X, curMove.Y, curMove.Z );

		// Move plan forwards (with sweep so we stop when we collide with things)
		AddActorLocalOffset(LocalMove, true);

		// Calculate change in rotation this frame
		FRotator DeltaRotation(0,0,0);
		//printf("Delta -> %f %f %f \n",m_Deltaroll, m_Deltapitch, m_Deltayaw );
		//printf("raw -> %f %f %f \n",m_roll, m_pitch, m_yaw );
		DeltaRotation.Pitch = m_Deltapitch;
		DeltaRotation.Yaw 	= m_Deltayaw;
		DeltaRotation.Roll 	= m_Deltaroll;
		FRotator actorRotation(0,0,0);
		DeltaRotation.Yaw 	= m_Deltayaw;
		// Rotate plane
	// Call any parent class Tick implementation
void ATP_FlyingPawn::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)
	const FVector LocalMove = FVector(CurrentForwardSpeed * DeltaSeconds, 0.f, 0.f);

	// Move plan forwards (with sweep so we stop when we collide with things)
	AddActorLocalOffset(LocalMove, true);

	// Calculate change in rotation this frame
	FRotator DeltaRotation(0,0,0);
	DeltaRotation.Pitch = CurrentPitchSpeed * DeltaSeconds;
	DeltaRotation.Yaw = CurrentYawSpeed * DeltaSeconds;
	DeltaRotation.Roll = CurrentRollSpeed * DeltaSeconds;

	// Rotate plane

	// Call any parent class Tick implementation
Example #3
void ASpaceRocksPawn::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)
	const FVector LocalMove = FVector(CurrentXAxisSpeed * DeltaSeconds, CurrentYAxisSpeed * DeltaSeconds, CurrentZAxisSpeed * DeltaSeconds);

	// Move Craft's Root Component through X,Y and Z axis (with sweep so we stop when we collide with things)
	// Note that orientation/rotation of root component always remains fixed, but the craft's static mesh + camera do the rotation.
	AddActorLocalOffset(LocalMove, true);

	// Calculate change in rotation this frame (For player's mesh and camera)
	FRotator DeltaRotation(0, 0, 0);
	DeltaRotation.Pitch = CurrentPitchSpeed * DeltaSeconds;
	DeltaRotation.Roll = CurrentRollSpeed * DeltaSeconds;
	DeltaRotation.Yaw = CurrentYawSpeed * DeltaSeconds;

	// Rotate Craft

	// Call any parent class Tick implementation

	// Are the fire button(s) pressed? If so, do something about it
	if (primary_on)
		// Primary Fire

		// Just some test(ish) code to start with

		// Fire, if firerate not breached
		if (lastfired <= (this->GetWorld()->GetTimeSeconds() - WeapInfo.getFireRate(PlayerInv.weaponInventory[weapon])))
			// ** TODO ** Can we make this all more efficient?

			// This big gets the Location an orientation of the player
			//FireLocation = ShieldMesh->RelativeLocation;
			FireLocation = RootComponent->RelativeLocation;
			FireRotation = PlaneMesh->RelativeRotation;

			// This gets the default direction the fire should head from the PlaneMesh forward vector.
			FireDirection = PlaneMesh->GetForwardVector();

			//Now we calculate various offsets to the player position, so we are not firing from the middle of the mesh

			// - Mid Left
			//FireLocation_Mid_Left = FireLocation;
			FireLocation_Mid_Left = FireLocation - PlaneMesh->GetRightVector() * 105.f;
			FireLocation_Mid_Left = FireLocation_Mid_Left + PlaneMesh->GetForwardVector() * 50.f;
			FireDirection_Mid_Left = FireDirection;
			FireRotation_Mid_Left = FireRotation;

			// - Mid Right
			//FireLocation_Mid_Right = FireLocation;
			FireLocation_Mid_Right = FireLocation + PlaneMesh->GetRightVector() * 105.f;
			FireLocation_Mid_Right = FireLocation_Mid_Right + PlaneMesh->GetForwardVector() * 50.f;
			FireDirection_Mid_Right = FireDirection;
			FireRotation_Mid_Right = FireRotation;

			// - Infront and centre

			FireLocation = FireLocation + FireDirection * 205.f;

			// This now changes the FireDirection by calculating the direction the fire should head to hit where the player's crosshair is.

			if (!bIsThirdPerson)
				LineTraceStart = FireLocation;
				LineTraceEnd = LineTraceStart + FireDirection * 10000.f;
				LineTraceStart = TP_Camera->GetComponentLocation();
				LineTraceEnd = LineTraceStart + TP_Camera->GetForwardVector() * 10000.f;

				CrossHair_Hit,			 //result
				LineTraceStart,					//start
				LineTraceEnd,					//end
				ECC_Pawn,				//collision channel

			if (CrossHair_Hit.bBlockingHit)
				FireDirection_Mid_Left = CrossHair_Hit.ImpactPoint - FireLocation_Mid_Left;

				FireRotation_Mid_Left = FireDirection_Mid_Left.Rotation();
				FireDirection_Mid_Right = CrossHair_Hit.ImpactPoint - FireLocation_Mid_Right;

				FireRotation_Mid_Right = FireDirection_Mid_Right.Rotation();
				CrossHair_Hit.bBlockingHit = false;	// why I have to reset this, I don't know? UE bug?

			// Finally, fire the appropriate weapon
			if (PlayerInv.ammo[weapon] != 0)

				AActor * spawned;

				if (PlayerInv.ammo[weapon] > 0) PlayerInv.ammo[weapon] --;

				switch (PlayerInv.weaponInventory[weapon])
				case PHASEOID:
					spawned = GetWorld()->SpawnActor(AReconOneWP_phaseoid::StaticClass(), &FireLocation, &FireRotation);
				case PULSER:
					if (weap_cycle == 1 || weap_cycle == 3)
						spawned = GetWorld()->SpawnActor(AReconOneWP_pulser::StaticClass(), &FireLocation_Mid_Left, &FireRotation_Mid_Left);
						spawned = GetWorld()->SpawnActor(AReconOneWP_pulser::StaticClass(), &FireLocation_Mid_Right, &FireRotation_Mid_Right);
					spawned = GetWorld()->SpawnActor(AReconOneWP_phaseoid::StaticClass(), &FireLocation, &FireRotation);

				// Tag the projectile with the name of the Actor that spawned it.
				AReconOneWeaponProjectile* const TestProj = Cast<AReconOneWeaponProjectile>(spawned);
				if (TestProj)
					TestProj->SpawnedBy = GetUniqueID();

				lastfired = this->GetWorld()->GetTimeSeconds();

			//GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, GetFName().ToString());
			//GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("UniqueID = %d"), GetUniqueID()));

			// Increment weapon fire position cycle
			if (weap_cycle > 4)
				weap_cycle = 1;