Example #1
void ConstantDamping::rhs(const double t, const double dt_lin,
               const solution * SolIn, solution * SolOut,doubVec *linOpFluct) {
    // Exponential growth
    for (int i=0; i<Dimxy(); ++i) {
        *( SolOut->pLin(i) ) = *( SolIn->pLin(i) )*dampFac/2;
    for (int i=0; i<num_MFs(); ++i) {
        *( SolOut->pMF(i) ) = *( SolIn->pMF(i) )*dampFac/2;
    // linear part is zero
    for (int i=0; i<Dimxy(); ++i) {
Example #2
void ConstantDamping::linearOPs_Init(double t0, doubVec *linOpFluct, doubVec *linOpMF){
    for (int i=0; i<Dimxy(); ++i) {
    for (int i=0; i<num_MFs(); ++i) {
Example #3
void ConstantDamping::linearOPs_Init(double t0, doubVec **linOpFluct, doubVec *linOpMF){
    // Fluctuations
    for (int i=0; i<Dimxy(); ++i) {
        for (int j=0; j<num_Lin(); ++j) {
    // Mean fields
    for (int i=0; i<num_MFs(); ++i) {
Example #4
//   Remapping
// Remapping for the shearing box
// Using the Lithwick method of continuously remapping wavenumbers when they become too large
void ConstantDamping::ShearingBox_Remap(double qt, solution *sol){
    int nx = N(0)-1;
    double kxt;
    for (int i=0; i<Dimxy(); ++i) {
        kxt = K->kx[i].imag() + qt*K->ky[i].imag();
        // If kx has grown too large
        if (kxt > nx/2*K->kxLfac) {
            // Put kx back in correct range
            K->kx[i] = K->kx[i] - dcmplx(0,nx*K->kxLfac);
            // zero out solution
            for (int Vn=0; Vn<num_Lin(); ++Vn) {
                (sol->pLin(i, Vn))->setZero();
Example #5
// Modified const of SolIn so that it can be divergence cleaned!
void ConstantDamping::rhs(const double t, const double dt_lin,
                solution * SolIn, solution * SolOut,doubVec **linOpFluct) {
    for (int i=0; i<Dimxy(); ++i) {
        // Full Loop containing all the main work equation
        ///// MAIN EQUATIONS
        assign_laplacians_(i, t, 1);
        for (int Vn=0; Vn<num_Lin(); ++Vn) {
            *( SolOut->pLin(i,Vn) ) = -(*( SolIn->pLin(i,Vn) ))*dampFac;
        //////   LINEAR PART
        // Need to re-evaluate laplacian, since different time.
        kxtmp_=kxtmp_ + q_*dt_lin*kytmp_;

//        linOpFluct[i][0] = nu_*((-kxtmp_*kxtmp_-kytmp_*kytmp_)+ K->kz2);
//        linOpFluct[i][1] = linOpFluct[i][0];
//        linOpFluct[i][2]  = (eta_/nu_)*linOpFluct[i][0];// Saves some calculation
//        linOpFluct[i][3] = linOpFluct[i][2];
    for (int i=0; i<num_MFs(); ++i) {
        (*( SolOut->pMF(i) )).setZero();;

Example #6
void ConstantDamping::DrivingNoise(double t, double dt, solution *sol) {
    // NZ() is now dealiased NZ!!!
    // So - drive all of NZ and Nyquist frequency is not included
    // Adds noise onto linear part of solution
    for (int i=0; i<Dimxy(); ++i) {
        if (K->ky_index[i] != 0){ // ky=0 dealt with seperately. kx=ky=0 missed automatically
            // Noise multipliers
            assign_laplacians_(i,t,0); // Assign laplacian's - no inverses
            // ky=0 so not many if statements
            double noise_multfac = dt*totalN2_*mult_noise_fac_; // f_noise is included in normal distribution
            lapFtmp_ = noise_multfac*lap2tmp_/lapFtmp_; // lapFtmp_ is no longer lapF!
            lap2tmp_ = (-noise_multfac*lap2tmp_).sqrt();
            lapFtmp_ = lapFtmp_.sqrt();
            double *multU_pnt = lapFtmp_.data();
            double *multZeta_pnt = lap2tmp_.data();
            // ky != 0 modes are completely random
            // U
            dcmplx* ePoint = (*(sol->pLin(i,0) )).data();
            for (int jj=0; jj<NZ(); ++jj) {
                ePoint[jj] += multU_pnt[jj]*dcmplx(ndist_(mt_), ndist_(mt_));
            // zeta
            ePoint = (*(sol->pLin(i,1) )).data();
            for (int jj=0; jj<NZ(); ++jj) {
                ePoint[jj] += multZeta_pnt[jj]*dcmplx(ndist_(mt_), ndist_(mt_));
            // b
            ePoint = (*(sol->pLin(i,2) )).data();
            for (int jj=0; jj<NZ(); ++jj) {
                ePoint[jj] += multU_pnt[jj]*dcmplx(ndist_(mt_), ndist_(mt_));
            // eta
            ePoint = (*(sol->pLin(i,3) )).data();
            for (int jj=0; jj<NZ(); ++jj) {
                ePoint[jj] += multZeta_pnt[jj]*dcmplx(ndist_(mt_), ndist_(mt_));
        // Don't drive kx=ky=0 modes (mean fields) or ky=kz=0 modes (non-invertible).These are both taken care of in laplacian
        // Still need to make sure that ky=0 kx!=0 kz!=0 modes are symmetric. In particular ky=0, kx=a, kz=b must be the complex conjugate to kx=-a, kz=-b
        // To do this, have to communicate between processors!
    if (!dont_drive_ky0_modes_){
        // Deal with ky=0 part - a real PIA!!
        // Iterators for vectors
        K->i_tosend = K->match_kx_tosend.begin();
        K->i_loc = K->match_kx_local.begin();
        K->i_from = K->match_kx_from.begin();
        K->i_fp = K->match_kx_from_p.begin();
        K->i_sp = K->match_kx_tosend_p.begin();
        int nz = NZ()-1; // For noise
        // Sending - create noise here and broadcast
        while (K->i_sp < K->match_kx_tosend_p.end()) {
            int i = *(K->i_tosend); // Index in k array
            if (K->ky_index[i]!=0) // Be paranoid
                mpi_.print1("Warning: Something wrong in noise data swapping!!");
            // Noise multipliers
            assign_laplacians_(i,t,0); // Assign laplacian's - no inverses
            double noise_multfac = dt*totalN2_*mult_noise_fac_; // f_noise is included in normal distribution
            lap2tmp_(0) = 0.0; // Don't drive ky=kz=0
            lapFtmp_ = noise_multfac*lap2tmp_/lapFtmp_; // lapFtmp_ is no longer lapF!
            lap2tmp_ = (-noise_multfac*lap2tmp_).sqrt();
            lapFtmp_ = lapFtmp_.sqrt();
            double *multU_pnt = lapFtmp_.data();
            double *multZeta_pnt = lap2tmp_.data();
            // Make some noise - add to current k value
            dcmplx* noise_buff_dat_ = noise_buff_.data();
            dcmplx* ePoint = (*(sol->pLin(i,0) )).data();
            for (int jj=1; jj<NZ(); ++jj){
                noise_buff_dat_[jj-1]=multU_pnt[jj]*dcmplx(ndist_(mt_), ndist_(mt_));
                ePoint[jj] += noise_buff_dat_[jj-1];
            // zeta
            noise_buff_dat_ = noise_buff_.data()+nz;
            ePoint = (*(sol->pLin(i,1) )).data();
            for (int jj=1; jj<NZ(); ++jj){
                noise_buff_dat_[jj-1]=multZeta_pnt[jj]*dcmplx(ndist_(mt_), ndist_(mt_));
                ePoint[jj] += noise_buff_dat_[jj-1];
            // b
            noise_buff_dat_ = noise_buff_.data()+2*nz;
            ePoint = (*(sol->pLin(i,2) )).data();
            for (int jj=1; jj<NZ(); ++jj){
                noise_buff_dat_[jj-1]=multU_pnt[jj]*dcmplx(ndist_(mt_), ndist_(mt_));
                ePoint[jj] += noise_buff_dat_[jj-1];
            // eta
            noise_buff_dat_ = noise_buff_.data()+3*nz;
            ePoint = (*(sol->pLin(i,3) )).data();
            for (int jj=1; jj<NZ(); ++jj){
                noise_buff_dat_[jj-1]=multZeta_pnt[jj]*dcmplx(ndist_(mt_), ndist_(mt_));
                ePoint[jj] += noise_buff_dat_[jj-1];
            // Send data
            mpi_.Send_dcmplx(noise_buff_.data(), num_Lin()*nz, *(K->i_sp), *(K->i_tosend));
            //        cout << "(kx,ky)=(" << K->kx[i] <<"," << K->ky[i] << ")" << endl;
            //        cout << noise_buff_.segment(0, nz).transpose() << endl<<endl;
            // Update iterator
        // Recieving
        while (K->i_fp < K->match_kx_from_p.end()) {
            int i = *(K->i_loc);
            // Receive data from matching call
            mpi_.Recv_dcmplx(noise_buff_.data(), num_Lin()*nz, *(K->i_fp), *(K->i_from));
            // Flip noise around
            for (int nV=0; nV<num_Lin(); ++nV) {
                noise_buff_.segment(nV*nz, nz).reverseInPlace();
            //        cout << "(kx,ky)=(" << K->kx[i] <<"," << K->ky[i] << ")" << endl;
            //        cout << noise_buff_.segment(0, nz).transpose().conjugate() <<endl<<endl;
            // Add to solution
            for (int nV=0; nV<num_Lin(); ++nV) {
                (*(sol->pLin(i,nV) )).segment(1,nz) += noise_buff_.segment(nV*nz, nz).conjugate();
            // Update iterators
        // mpi_.Barrier();  // This is probably not necessary but don't see why it would cause harm
#else       // Need a separate "no-mpi" case, since MPI_Send functions not defined
        while (K->i_tosend < K->match_kx_tosend.end()) {
            // Noise multipliers
            int i = *(K->i_tosend); // index
            assign_laplacians_(i,t,0); // Assign laplacian's - no inverses
            double noise_multfac = dt*totalN2_*mult_noise_fac_; // f_noise is included in normal distribution
            lap2tmp_(0) = 0.0; // Don't drive ky=kz=0
            lap2tmp_(NZ()/2)=0.0; // Or Nyquist
            lapFtmp_ = noise_multfac*lap2tmp_/lapFtmp_; // lapFtmp_ is no longer lapF!
            lap2tmp_ = (-noise_multfac*lap2tmp_).sqrt();
            lapFtmp_ = lapFtmp_.sqrt();
            double *multU_pnt = lapFtmp_.data();
            double *multZeta_pnt = lap2tmp_.data();
            // Make some noise - add to current k value
            dcmplx* noise_buff_dat_ = noise_buff_.data();
            dcmplx* ePoint = (*(sol->pLin(i,0) )).data();
            for (int jj=1; jj<NZ(); ++jj){
                noise_buff_dat_[jj-1]=multU_pnt[jj]*dcmplx(ndist_(mt_), ndist_(mt_));
                ePoint[jj] += noise_buff_dat_[jj-1];
            // zeta
            noise_buff_dat_ = noise_buff_.data()+nz;
            ePoint = (*(sol->pLin(i,1) )).data();
            for (int jj=1; jj<NZ(); ++jj){
                noise_buff_dat_[jj-1]=multZeta_pnt[jj]*dcmplx(ndist_(mt_), ndist_(mt_));
                ePoint[jj] += noise_buff_dat_[jj-1];
            // b
            noise_buff_dat_ = noise_buff_.data()+2*nz;
            ePoint = (*(sol->pLin(i,2) )).data();
            for (int jj=1; jj<NZ(); ++jj){
                noise_buff_dat_[jj-1]=multU_pnt[jj]*dcmplx(ndist_(mt_), ndist_(mt_));
                ePoint[jj] += noise_buff_dat_[jj-1];
            // eta
            noise_buff_dat_ = noise_buff_.data()+3*nz;
            ePoint = (*(sol->pLin(i,3) )).data();
            for (int jj=1; jj<NZ(); ++jj){
                noise_buff_dat_[jj-1]=multZeta_pnt[jj]*dcmplx(ndist_(mt_), ndist_(mt_));
                ePoint[jj] += noise_buff_dat_[jj-1];
            // Find matching K value and use the same noise
            i = *(K->i_loc);
            // Flip noise around
            for (int nV=0; nV<num_Lin(); ++nV) {
                noise_buff_.segment(nV*nz, nz).reverseInPlace();
            // Add to solution
            for (int nV=0; nV<num_Lin(); ++nV) {
                (*(sol->pLin(i,nV) )).segment(1,nz) += noise_buff_.segment(nV*nz, nz).conjugate();
            // Update iterators
Example #7
void ConstantDamping::Calc_Energy_AM_Diss(TimeVariables* tv, double t, const solution *sol) {
    // Energy, angular momentum and dissipation of the solution MFin and Cin
    // TimeVariables class stores info and data about energy, AM etc.
    // t is time
    // OUTPUT: energy[1] and [2] contain U and B mean field energies (energy[1]=0 for this)
    // energy[3] and [4] contain u and b fluctuating energies.
    // Energy
    double energy_u=0, energy_b=0;
    // Angular momentum
    double AM_u = 0, AM_b = 0;
    // Dissipation
    double diss_u=0,diss_b=0;
    // MPI buffers - this method passes around some unecessary data but will be very minimal
    const int num_to_mpi = 6;
    int mult_fac;// Factor to account for only doing half fft sum.
    for (int i=0; i<Dimxy();  ++i){
        // Form Laplacians using time-dependent kx
        assign_laplacians_(i, 0*t, 1);
        mult_fac = 2;
        if (kytmp_== 0.0 )
            mult_fac = 1; // Only count ky=0 mode once
        lap2tmp_ = lapFtmp_*ilap2tmp_; // lap2tmp_ just a convenient storage

        if (tv->energy_save_Q()){
            //     ENERGY
            // Use Qkl_tmp_ for Mkl to save memory
            lap2tmp_ = lapFtmp_*ilap2tmp_; // lap2tmp_ just a convenient storage
            // (NB: ilap2tmp_ is negative but want abs, just use -ilap2)
            energy_u += mult_fac*(  lap2tmp_*(( *(sol->pLin(i,0)) ).abs2()) - ilap2tmp_*(( *(sol->pLin(i,1)) ).abs2())  ).sum();
            energy_b += mult_fac*(  lap2tmp_*(( *(sol->pLin(i,2)) ).abs2()) - ilap2tmp_*(( *(sol->pLin(i,3)) ).abs2())  ).sum();
        if (tv->AngMom_save_Q()){
            //   Angular momentum
            uy_ = ( (-kyctmp_*kxctmp_)*(*sol->pLin(i, 0)) +  K->kz*(*sol->pLin(i, 1)) )*ilap2tmp_;
            by_ = ( (-kyctmp_*kxctmp_)*(*sol->pLin(i, 2)) +  K->kz*(*sol->pLin(i, 3)) )*ilap2tmp_;
            AM_u += ( (*sol->pLin(i, 0))*uy_.conjugate() ).real().sum();
            AM_b += ( (*sol->pLin(i, 2))*by_.conjugate() ).real().sum();
        if (tv->dissip_save_Q()){
            //     DISSIPATION
    double mpi_send_buff[num_to_mpi] = {energy_u,energy_b,AM_u,AM_b,diss_u,diss_b};
    double mpi_receive_buff[num_to_mpi];
    // Put the everything on processor 0
    //    mpi_.SumReduce_IP_doub(&energy_u_f,1); // Is this working?
    // Currently, TimeVariables is set to save on root process, may want to generalize this at some point (SumReduce_doub is also)
    if (mpi_.my_n_v() == 0) {
        ///// All this is only on processor 0  /////
        double divfac=1.0/totalN2_;
        energy_u = mpi_receive_buff[0]*divfac;
        energy_b = mpi_receive_buff[1]*divfac;
        AM_u = mpi_receive_buff[2]*divfac;
        AM_b = mpi_receive_buff[3]*divfac;
        diss_u = mpi_receive_buff[4]*divfac;
        diss_b = mpi_receive_buff[5]*divfac;
        ///       MEAN FIELDS            //////
        // Only need to calculate on one processor
        double energy_MU=0, energy_MB=0;
        double AM_MU =0, AM_MB=0;
        double diss_MU =0, diss_MB =0;
        energy_MB = ( (*(sol->pMF(0))).abs2().sum() )/nz2_;
        AM_MB = 0;
        AM_MU = 0;
        diss_MB = 0;
        diss_MU = 0;
        //////         OUTPUT            //////
        // Energy
        double* en_point = tv->current_energy();
        en_point[0] = energy_MU/2;
        en_point[1] = energy_MB/2;
        en_point[2] = energy_u/2;
        en_point[3] = energy_b/2;
        // Angular momentum
        double* AM_point = tv->current_AM();
        AM_point[0] = AM_MU;
        AM_point[1] = AM_MB;
        AM_point[2] = AM_u;
        AM_point[3] = AM_b;
        // Energy
        double* diss_point = tv->current_diss();
        diss_point[0] = diss_MU;
        diss_point[1] = diss_MB;
        diss_point[2] = diss_u;
        diss_point[3] = diss_b;
        ///// All this is only on processor 0  /////
    // Save the data