Example #1
    void Enable( bool enable )
        MenuItemIndex i = FindMenuItemIndex() ;
        if ( i > 0 )

            if ( GetWXPeer()->GetId() == wxApp::s_macPreferencesMenuItemId)
                if ( enable )
                    EnableMenuCommand( NULL , kHICommandPreferences ) ;
                    DisableMenuCommand( NULL , kHICommandPreferences ) ;
            else if ( GetWXPeer()->GetId() == wxApp::s_macExitMenuItemId)
                if ( enable )
                    EnableMenuCommand( NULL , kHICommandQuit ) ;
                    DisableMenuCommand( NULL , kHICommandQuit ) ;

            if ( enable )
                EnableMenuItem(m_parentMenuRef , i);
                DisableMenuItem(m_parentMenuRef , i);

            if ( GetWXPeer()->IsSubMenu() )
                UMAEnableMenuItem( GetWXPeer()->GetSubMenu()->GetHMenu() , 0 , enable ) ;
Example #2
TextViewSpellingSupport( HIViewRef textView, Boolean on )
	OSStatus status = noErr;
	TXNCommandEventSupportOptions options = 0;
	TXNObject txnObj =  HITextViewGetTXNObject(textView);
	// Got TXNObject?
	require( txnObj != NULL, EXIT );

	// Get existing option settings...
	status = TXNGetCommandEventSupport( txnObj, &options );
	require_noerr( status, EXIT );
	// add or subtract spelling support as requested
	// (and enable/disable menu items appropriately)
	if( on )	
		options |= kTXNSupportSpellCheckCommandProcessing;
		options |= kTXNSupportSpellCheckCommandUpdating;
		EnableMenuCommand(NULL, kHICommandShowSpellingPanel);
		EnableMenuCommand(NULL, kToggleAutoSpellcheckCommand);
		verify_noerr( SignalHelpMessage( HIViewGetWindow( textView ), CFSTR("SpellSupportEnable") ));
		if( options & kTXNSupportSpellCheckCommandProcessing )
			options ^= kTXNSupportSpellCheckCommandProcessing;
		if( options & kTXNSupportSpellCheckCommandUpdating )
			options ^= kTXNSupportSpellCheckCommandUpdating;
		DisableMenuCommand(NULL, kHICommandShowSpellingPanel);
		DisableMenuCommand(NULL, kToggleAutoSpellcheckCommand);
		verify_noerr( SignalHelpMessage( HIViewGetWindow( textView ), CFSTR("SpellSupportDisable") ));

	// Set auto spell check state accordingly
	status = TextViewSpellCheckAsYouType(textView, on);
	verify_noerr( status );

	// reset modified options
	status = TXNSetCommandEventSupport(txnObj, options);
	verify_noerr( status );
	HIViewSetNeedsDisplay( textView, true );

	return status;
Example #3
// Event handling for window focus acquired events
pascal OSStatus
WindowFocusAcquired(EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData)
#pragma unused (nextHandler, userData)
	WindowRef window;
	OSStatus status = noErr;

	GetEventParameter(theEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeWindowRef, NULL, sizeof(WindowRef), NULL, &window);
	require_noerr( status, CantGetEventParameter);

	if ( window != NULL )
		HIViewRef textView;
		status = GetTextViewFromWindow(window, textView);
		if ( status == noErr )
			UniChar mark; // For checking menu items

			// Handle font panel menu item and palette
			if ( TextViewIsFontPanelSupportEnabled(textView) ) {
				EnableMenuCommand(NULL, kHICommandShowHideFontPanel);
				if ( ! FPIsFontPanelVisible() )
					verify_noerr( FPShowHideFontPanel() );
			} else {
				DisableMenuCommand(NULL, kHICommandShowHideFontPanel);
				if ( FPIsFontPanelVisible() )
					verify_noerr( FPShowHideFontPanel() );
			// Handle spelling menu items
			if ( TextViewIsSpellingSupportEnabled(textView) ) {
				EnableMenuCommand(NULL, kHICommandShowSpellingPanel);
				EnableMenuCommand(NULL, kToggleAutoSpellcheckCommand);
			} else {
				DisableMenuCommand(NULL, kHICommandShowSpellingPanel);
				DisableMenuCommand(NULL, kToggleAutoSpellcheckCommand);
			// Auto-spellcheck menu item
			mark = ( TXNGetSpellCheckAsYouType(HITextViewGetTXNObject(textView)) ) ? kMenuCheckmarkGlyph : kMenuNullGlyph;
			verify_noerr( SetMenuCommandMark(NULL, kToggleAutoSpellcheckCommand, mark) );

	return status;
EXPORT(sqInt) primitiveDisableMenuCommand(void) {
	MenuCommand commandID;
	MenuHandle menuHandle;
	sqInt menuHandleOop;
	sqInt anInteger;
	sqInt _return_value;

	menuHandleOop = interpreterProxy->stackValue(1);
	anInteger = interpreterProxy->stackValue(0);
	if (interpreterProxy->failed()) {
		return null;
	menuHandle = ((MenuHandle) (interpreterProxy->positive64BitValueOf(menuHandleOop)));
	commandID = ((MenuCommand) (interpreterProxy->positive64BitValueOf(anInteger)));
	if (!(ioCheckMenuHandle(menuHandle))) {
		_return_value = interpreterProxy->success(0);
		if (interpreterProxy->failed()) {
			return null;
		interpreterProxy->popthenPush(3, _return_value);
		return null;
	return null;
Example #5
void wxMenuItem::UpdateItemStatus()
    if ( !m_parentMenu )
        return ;

    if ( IsSeparator() )
        return ;

    if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1000 && GetId() == wxApp::s_macPreferencesMenuItemId)
        if ( !IsEnabled() )
            DisableMenuCommand( NULL , kHICommandPreferences ) ;
            EnableMenuCommand( NULL , kHICommandPreferences ) ;

    if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1000 && GetId() == wxApp::s_macExitMenuItemId)
        if ( !IsEnabled() )
            DisableMenuCommand( NULL , kHICommandQuit ) ;
            EnableMenuCommand( NULL , kHICommandQuit ) ;

        MenuHandle mhandle = MAC_WXHMENU(m_parentMenu->GetHMenu()) ;
        MenuItemIndex index = m_parentMenu->MacGetIndexFromItem( this ) ;
        if ( mhandle == NULL || index == 0)
            return ;

        UMAEnableMenuItem( mhandle , index , m_isEnabled ) ;
        if ( IsCheckable() && IsChecked() )
            ::SetItemMark( mhandle , index , 0x12 ) ; // checkmark
            ::SetItemMark( mhandle , index , 0 ) ; // no mark

        UMASetMenuItemText( mhandle , index , wxStripMenuCodes(m_text) , wxFont::GetDefaultEncoding() ) ;
        wxAcceleratorEntry *entry = wxAcceleratorEntry::Create( m_text ) ;
        UMASetMenuItemShortcut( mhandle , index , entry ) ;
        delete entry ;
OSStatus DoOpenDocument(void)
    OSStatus 	err = noErr;
    NavDialogCreationOptions	dialogOptions;
    OurDialogData *dialogDataP = NULL;
    static NavEventUPP	gNavEventProc = NULL;		// event proc for our Nav Dialogs 
        gNavEventProc = NewNavEventUPP(NavEventProc);
            err = memFullErr;

    // while our open dialog is up we'll disable our Open command, else
    // we might end up with more than one open dialog. Yuk
    DisableMenuCommand(NULL, kHICommandOpen);

    dialogDataP = (OurDialogData *)calloc(1, sizeof(OurDialogData));
	err = memFullErr;
    if (!err && ( err = NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions( &dialogOptions )) == noErr )
		dialogOptions.preferenceKey = kOpenPrefKey;
		dialogOptions.modality = kWindowModalityAppModal;	// make it modal
		if ((err = NavCreateGetFileDialog( 	&dialogOptions,
							NULL,		   //openListH,
							NULL,		// no custom previews
							NULL,		// filter proc is NULL
							&dialogDataP->dialogRef )) == noErr)
			if (( err = NavDialogRun( dialogDataP->dialogRef )) != noErr){
				if ( dialogDataP->dialogRef != NULL ){
					NavDialogDispose( dialogDataP->dialogRef );
					dialogDataP->dialogRef = NULL;
		if(err == userCanceledErr){
			err = noErr;
		EnableMenuCommand(NULL, kHICommandOpen);

    return err;
Example #7
TextViewFontPanelSupport( HIViewRef textView, Boolean on )
	OSStatus status = noErr;
	TXNCommandEventSupportOptions options = 0;
	TXNObject txnObj =  HITextViewGetTXNObject(textView);
	// Got TXNObject?
	require( txnObj != NULL, EXIT );

	// Get existing option settings...
	status = TXNGetCommandEventSupport( txnObj, &options );
	require_noerr( status, EXIT );
	// Add or subract font command support as requested,
	// (and enable/disable menu items appropriately)
	if( on )	
		options |= kTXNSupportFontCommandProcessing;
		options |= kTXNSupportFontCommandUpdating;
		EnableMenuCommand(NULL, kHICommandShowHideFontPanel);
		if ( ! FPIsFontPanelVisible() )
			verify_noerr( FPShowHideFontPanel() );
		verify_noerr( SignalHelpMessage( HIViewGetWindow( textView ), CFSTR("FontPanelEnable") ));
		if( options & kTXNSupportFontCommandProcessing )
			options ^= kTXNSupportFontCommandProcessing;
		if( options & kTXNSupportFontCommandUpdating )
			options ^= kTXNSupportFontCommandUpdating;
		DisableMenuCommand(NULL, kHICommandShowHideFontPanel);
		if ( FPIsFontPanelVisible() )
			verify_noerr( FPShowHideFontPanel() );
		verify_noerr( SignalHelpMessage( HIViewGetWindow( textView ), CFSTR("FontPanelDisable") ));
	// reset modified options
	status = TXNSetCommandEventSupport(txnObj, options );
	verify_noerr( status );
	return status;
Example #8
void wxMenuBar::MacInstallMenuBar()
    if ( s_macInstalledMenuBar == this )
        return ;


    // hide items in the apple menu that don't exist in the wx menubar

    int menuid = 0;
    wxMenuItem* appleItem = NULL;
    wxMenuItem* wxItem = NULL;

    menuid = wxApp::s_macAboutMenuItemId;
    appleItem = m_appleMenu->FindItem(menuid);
    wxItem = FindItem(menuid);
    if ( appleItem != NULL )
        if ( wxItem == NULL )

    menuid = wxApp::s_macPreferencesMenuItemId;
    appleItem = m_appleMenu->FindItem(menuid);
    wxItem = FindItem(menuid);
    if ( appleItem != NULL )
        if ( wxItem == NULL )

#if 0

    // if we have a mac help menu, clean it up before adding new items
    MenuHandle helpMenuHandle ;
    MenuItemIndex firstUserHelpMenuItem ;

    if ( UMAGetHelpMenuDontCreate( &helpMenuHandle , &firstUserHelpMenuItem) == noErr )
        for ( int i = CountMenuItems( helpMenuHandle ) ; i >= firstUserHelpMenuItem ; --i )
            DeleteMenuItem( helpMenuHandle , i ) ;
        helpMenuHandle = NULL ;

    if ( wxApp::s_macPreferencesMenuItemId)
        wxMenuItem *item = FindItem( wxApp::s_macPreferencesMenuItemId , NULL ) ;
        if ( item == NULL || !(item->IsEnabled()) )
            DisableMenuCommand( NULL , kHICommandPreferences ) ;
            EnableMenuCommand( NULL , kHICommandPreferences ) ;

    // Unlike preferences which may or may not exist, the Quit item should be always
    // enabled unless it is added by the application and then disabled, otherwise
    // a program would be required to add an item with wxID_EXIT in order to get the
    // Quit menu item to be enabled, which seems a bit burdensome.
    if ( wxApp::s_macExitMenuItemId)
        wxMenuItem *item = FindItem( wxApp::s_macExitMenuItemId , NULL ) ;
        if ( item != NULL && !(item->IsEnabled()) )
            DisableMenuCommand( NULL , kHICommandQuit ) ;
            EnableMenuCommand( NULL , kHICommandQuit ) ;

    wxString strippedHelpMenuTitle = wxStripMenuCodes( wxApp::s_macHelpMenuTitleName ) ;
    wxString strippedTranslatedHelpMenuTitle = wxStripMenuCodes( wxString( _("&Help") ) ) ;
    wxMenuList::compatibility_iterator menuIter = m_menus.GetFirst();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_menus.GetCount(); i++, menuIter = menuIter->GetNext())
        wxMenuItemList::compatibility_iterator node;
        wxMenuItem *item;
        wxMenu* menu = menuIter->GetData() , *subMenu = NULL ;
        wxString strippedMenuTitle = wxStripMenuCodes(m_titles[i]);

        if ( strippedMenuTitle == wxT("?") || strippedMenuTitle == strippedHelpMenuTitle || strippedMenuTitle == strippedTranslatedHelpMenuTitle )
            for (node = menu->GetMenuItems().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext())
                item = (wxMenuItem *)node->GetData();
                subMenu = item->GetSubMenu() ;
                if (subMenu)
                    UMAAppendMenuItem(mh, wxStripMenuCodes(item->GetText()) , wxFont::GetDefaultEncoding() );
                    MenuItemIndex position = CountMenuItems(mh);
                    ::SetMenuItemHierarchicalMenu(mh, position, MAC_WXHMENU(subMenu->GetHMenu()));
                    if ( item->GetId() != wxApp::s_macAboutMenuItemId )
                        // we have found a user help menu and an item other than the about item,
                        // so we can create the mac help menu now, if we haven't created it yet
                        if ( helpMenuHandle == NULL )
                            if ( UMAGetHelpMenu( &helpMenuHandle , &firstUserHelpMenuItem) != noErr )
                                helpMenuHandle = NULL ;
                                break ;

                    if ( item->IsSeparator() )
                        if ( helpMenuHandle )
                            AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString( helpMenuHandle,
                                                            CFSTR(""), kMenuItemAttrSeparator, 0,NULL);
                        entry = wxAcceleratorEntry::Create( item->GetItemLabel() ) ;

                        if ( item->GetId() == wxApp::s_macAboutMenuItemId )
                            // this will be taken care of below
                            if ( helpMenuHandle )
                                UMAAppendMenuItem(helpMenuHandle, wxStripMenuCodes(item->GetItemLabel()) , wxFont::GetDefaultEncoding(), entry);
                                SetMenuItemCommandID( helpMenuHandle , CountMenuItems(helpMenuHandle) , wxIdToMacCommand ( item->GetId() ) ) ;
                                SetMenuItemRefCon( helpMenuHandle , CountMenuItems(helpMenuHandle) , (URefCon) item ) ;

                        delete entry ;

        else if ( ( m_titles[i] == wxT("Window") || m_titles[i] == wxT("&Window") )
                  && GetAutoWindowMenu() )
            if ( MacGetWindowMenuHMenu() == NULL )
                CreateStandardWindowMenu( 0 , (MenuHandle*) &s_macWindowMenuHandle ) ;

            MenuRef wm = (MenuRef)MacGetWindowMenuHMenu();
            if ( wm == NULL )

            // get the insertion point in the standard menu
            MenuItemIndex winListStart;
                                        kHICommandWindowListSeparator, 1, NULL, &winListStart);

            // add a separator so that the standard items and the custom items
            // aren't mixed together, but only if this is the first run
            OSStatus err = GetIndMenuItemWithCommandID(wm,
                           'WXWM', 1, NULL, NULL);

            if ( err == menuItemNotFoundErr )
                InsertMenuItemTextWithCFString( wm,
                                                CFSTR(""), winListStart-1, kMenuItemAttrSeparator, 'WXWM');

            wxInsertMenuItemsInMenu(menu, wm, winListStart);
            UMASetMenuTitle( MAC_WXHMENU(menu->GetHMenu()) , m_titles[i], GetFont().GetEncoding()  ) ;
            menu->MacBeforeDisplay(false) ;

            ::InsertMenu(MAC_WXHMENU(GetMenu(i)->GetHMenu()), 0);

    // take care of the about menu item wherever it is
        wxMenu* aboutMenu ;
        wxMenuItem *aboutMenuItem = FindItem(wxApp::s_macAboutMenuItemId , &aboutMenu) ;
        if ( aboutMenuItem )
            entry = wxAcceleratorEntry::Create( aboutMenuItem->GetItemLabel() ) ;
            UMASetMenuItemText( GetMenuHandle( kwxMacAppleMenuId ) , 1 , wxStripMenuCodes ( aboutMenuItem->GetItemLabel() ) , wxFont::GetDefaultEncoding() );
            UMAEnableMenuItem( GetMenuHandle( kwxMacAppleMenuId ) , 1 , true );
            SetMenuItemCommandID( GetMenuHandle( kwxMacAppleMenuId ) , 1 , kHICommandAbout ) ;
            SetMenuItemRefCon(GetMenuHandle( kwxMacAppleMenuId ) , 1 , (URefCon)aboutMenuItem ) ;
            UMASetMenuItemShortcut( GetMenuHandle( kwxMacAppleMenuId ) , 1 , entry ) ;
            delete entry;

    if ( GetAutoWindowMenu() )
        if ( MacGetWindowMenuHMenu() == NULL )
            CreateStandardWindowMenu( 0 , (MenuHandle*) &s_macWindowMenuHandle ) ;

        InsertMenu( (MenuHandle) MacGetWindowMenuHMenu() , 0 ) ;

    ::DrawMenuBar() ;

    s_macInstalledMenuBar = this;
Example #9
bool wxMenu::HandleCommandUpdateStatus( wxMenuItem* item, wxWindow* senderWindow )
    int menuid = item ? item->GetId() : 0;
    wxUpdateUIEvent event(menuid);
    event.SetEventObject( this );

    bool processed = false;

    // Try the menu's event handler
        wxEvtHandler *handler = GetEventHandler();
        if ( handler )
            processed = handler->ProcessEvent(event);

    // Try the window the menu was popped up from
    // (and up through the hierarchy)
    if ( !processed )
        wxWindow *win = GetWindow();
        if ( win )
            processed = win->HandleWindowEvent(event);

    if ( !processed && senderWindow != NULL)
        processed = senderWindow->HandleWindowEvent(event);

    if ( processed )
        // if anything changed, update the changed attribute
        if (event.GetSetText())
            SetLabel(menuid, event.GetText());
        if (event.GetSetChecked())
            Check(menuid, event.GetChecked());
        if (event.GetSetEnabled())
            Enable(menuid, event.GetEnabled());
        // these two items are also managed by the Carbon Menu Manager, therefore we must
        // always reset them ourselves
        UInt32 cmd = 0;

        if ( menuid == wxApp::s_macExitMenuItemId )
            cmd = kHICommandQuit;
        else if (menuid == wxApp::s_macPreferencesMenuItemId )
            cmd = kHICommandPreferences;

        if ( cmd != 0 )
            if ( !item->IsEnabled() || wxDialog::OSXHasModalDialogsOpen() )
                DisableMenuCommand( NULL , cmd ) ;
                EnableMenuCommand( NULL , cmd ) ;


    return processed;
Example #10
void EnableCommand( MenuRef menu, MenuCommand command, Boolean enable )
	if( enable )	EnableMenuCommand( menu, command );
	else			DisableMenuCommand( menu, command );
Example #11
void wxMenuBar::MacInstallMenuBar()
    if ( s_macInstalledMenuBar == this )
        return ;

    MenuBarHandle menubar = NULL ;

    menubar = NewHandleClear( 6 /* sizeof( MenuBarHeader ) */ ) ;
    menubar = NewHandleClear( 12 ) ;
    (*menubar)[3] = 0x0a ;

    ::SetMenuBar( menubar ) ;
    DisposeMenuBar( menubar ) ;
    MenuHandle appleMenu = NULL ;

    verify_noerr( CreateNewMenu( kwxMacAppleMenuId , 0 , &appleMenu ) ) ;
    verify_noerr( SetMenuTitleWithCFString( appleMenu , CFSTR( "\x14" ) ) );

    // Add About/Preferences separator only on OS X
    // KH/RN: Separator is always present on 10.3 but not on 10.2
    // However, the change from 10.2 to 10.3 suggests it is preferred
    InsertMenuItemTextWithCFString( appleMenu,
                CFSTR(""), 0, kMenuItemAttrSeparator, 0); 
    InsertMenuItemTextWithCFString( appleMenu,
                CFSTR("About..."), 0, 0, 0); 
    MacInsertMenu( appleMenu , 0 ) ;

    // clean-up the help menu before adding new items
    static MenuHandle mh = NULL ;

    if ( mh != NULL )
        MenuItemIndex firstUserHelpMenuItem ;
        if ( UMAGetHelpMenu( &mh , &firstUserHelpMenuItem) == noErr )
            for ( int i = CountMenuItems( mh ) ; i >= firstUserHelpMenuItem ; --i )
                DeleteMenuItem( mh , i ) ;
            mh = NULL ;

    if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1000 && wxApp::s_macPreferencesMenuItemId)
        wxMenuItem *item = FindItem( wxApp::s_macPreferencesMenuItemId , NULL ) ;
        if ( item == NULL || !(item->IsEnabled()) )
            DisableMenuCommand( NULL , kHICommandPreferences ) ;
            EnableMenuCommand( NULL , kHICommandPreferences ) ;

    // Unlike preferences which may or may not exist, the Quit item should be always
    // enabled unless it is added by the application and then disabled, otherwise
    // a program would be required to add an item with wxID_EXIT in order to get the
    // Quit menu item to be enabled, which seems a bit burdensome.
    if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1000 && wxApp::s_macExitMenuItemId)
        wxMenuItem *item = FindItem( wxApp::s_macExitMenuItemId , NULL ) ;
        if ( item != NULL && !(item->IsEnabled()) )
            DisableMenuCommand( NULL , kHICommandQuit ) ;
            EnableMenuCommand( NULL , kHICommandQuit ) ;

    wxMenuList::compatibility_iterator menuIter = m_menus.GetFirst();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_menus.GetCount(); i++, menuIter = menuIter->GetNext())
        wxMenuItemList::compatibility_iterator node;
        wxMenuItem *item;
        wxMenu* menu = menuIter->GetData() , *subMenu = NULL ;

        if ( m_titles[i] == wxT("?") || m_titles[i] == wxT("&?")  || m_titles[i] == wxApp::s_macHelpMenuTitleName )
            for (node = menu->GetMenuItems().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext())
                item = (wxMenuItem *)node->GetData();
                subMenu = item->GetSubMenu() ;
                if (subMenu)
                    // we don't support hierarchical menus in the help menu yet
                    if ( item->GetId() != wxApp::s_macAboutMenuItemId )
                        if ( mh == NULL )
                            MenuItemIndex firstUserHelpMenuItem ;
                            if ( UMAGetHelpMenu( &mh , &firstUserHelpMenuItem) != noErr )
                                mh = NULL ;
                                break ;

                    if ( item->IsSeparator() )
                        if ( mh )
                            AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString( mh,
                                CFSTR(""), kMenuItemAttrSeparator, 0,NULL); 
                            entry = wxAcceleratorEntry::Create( item->GetText() ) ;

                        if ( item->GetId() == wxApp::s_macAboutMenuItemId )
                            // this will be taken care of below
                            if ( mh )
                                UMAAppendMenuItem(mh, wxStripMenuCodes(item->GetText()) , wxFont::GetDefaultEncoding(), entry);
                                SetMenuItemCommandID( mh , CountMenuItems(mh) , wxIdToMacCommand ( item->GetId() ) ) ;
                                SetMenuItemRefCon( mh , CountMenuItems(mh) , (URefCon) item ) ;

                        delete entry ;
            UMASetMenuTitle( MAC_WXHMENU(menu->GetHMenu()) , m_titles[i], m_font.GetEncoding()  ) ;
            menu->MacBeforeDisplay(false) ;
            ::InsertMenu(MAC_WXHMENU(_wxMenuAt(m_menus, i)->GetHMenu()), 0);

    // take care of the about menu item wherever it is
        wxMenu* aboutMenu ;
        wxMenuItem *aboutMenuItem = FindItem(wxApp::s_macAboutMenuItemId , &aboutMenu) ;
        if ( aboutMenuItem )
                entry = wxAcceleratorEntry::Create( aboutMenuItem->GetText() ) ;
            UMASetMenuItemText( GetMenuHandle( kwxMacAppleMenuId ) , 1 , wxStripMenuCodes ( aboutMenuItem->GetText() ) , wxFont::GetDefaultEncoding() );
            UMAEnableMenuItem( GetMenuHandle( kwxMacAppleMenuId ) , 1 , true );
            SetMenuItemCommandID( GetMenuHandle( kwxMacAppleMenuId ) , 1 , kHICommandAbout ) ;
            SetMenuItemRefCon(GetMenuHandle( kwxMacAppleMenuId ) , 1 , (URefCon)aboutMenuItem ) ;
            UMASetMenuItemShortcut( GetMenuHandle( kwxMacAppleMenuId ) , 1 , entry ) ;

    if ( GetAutoWindowMenu() )
        if ( MacGetWindowMenuHMenu() == NULL )
            CreateStandardWindowMenu( 0 , (MenuHandle*) &s_macWindowMenuHandle ) ;

        InsertMenu( (MenuHandle) MacGetWindowMenuHMenu() , 0 ) ;

    ::DrawMenuBar() ;
    s_macInstalledMenuBar = this;