Example #1
void randomCalculate(int size, char ch) {
  mutex.lock();  // enter critical section
  for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    int numerator = rand() % 10;
    int denominator = rand() % 10;
    if (denominator == 0) {
      throw DivisionByZeroException();
    float quotient = static_cast<float>(numerator) / denominator;
    printf(" %c%i/%i=%.2f%c ", ch, numerator, denominator, quotient, ch);
  mutex.unlock();  // exit critical section
Example #2
Calculator::_PerformOperation(float left, float right, OPERATION_TYPE operation) {
	if (operation == ADDITION) {
		return left + right;
	if (operation == SUBSTRACTION) {
		return left - right;
	if (operation == MULTIPLICATION) {
		return left * right;
	if (operation == DIVISION) {
		if (right == 0) throw DivisionByZeroException();
		return left / right;
	throw 2;
Example #3
 * std::lock_guard<M> implements RAII idiom on mutex resource.
 * Note though that the lock_guard object does not manage 
 * the lifetime of the mutex object in any way: the duration of the mutex object 
 * shall extend at least until the destruction of the lock_guard that locks it.
void randomCalculate(int size, char ch) {
  try {
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);  // enter critical section
    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
      int numerator = rand() % 10;
      int denominator = rand() % 10;
      if (denominator == 0) {
        throw DivisionByZeroException();
      float quotient = static_cast<float>(numerator) / denominator;
      printf(" %c%i/%i=%.2f%c ", ch, numerator, denominator, quotient, ch);
  } catch (DivisionByZeroException e) {  // exit critical section (dtor ~std::lock_guard<>() called)
    ERR("Exception in thread: %c", ch);
Example #4
 * std::unique_lock<M> implements RAII idiom on mutex resource.
 * Note though that the unique_lock object does not manage 
 * the lifetime of the mutex object in any way: the duration of the mutex object 
 * shall extend at least until the destruction of the lock_guard that locks it.
 * std::unique_lock<M> constructor: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/mutex/unique_lock/unique_lock/
 * See the difference between std::lock_guard<M> and std::unique_lock<M> here:
 * https://geidav.wordpress.com/2014/01/09/mutex-lock-guards-in-c11/
void randomCalculate(int size, char ch) {
  try {
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex, std::defer_lock);  // defer locking mutex
    lock.lock();  // enter critical section
    // TODO[Quiz]: use std::lock() instead of std::unique_lock<M>::lock() method calling
    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
      int numerator = rand() % 10;
      int denominator = rand() % 10;
      if (denominator == 0) {
        throw DivisionByZeroException();
      float quotient = static_cast<float>(numerator) / denominator;
      printf(" %c%i/%i=%.2f%c ", ch, numerator, denominator, quotient, ch);
  } catch (DivisionByZeroException e) {  // exit critical section (dtor ~std::lock_guard<>() called)
    ERR("Exception in thread: %c", ch);
T PostfixExprEvaluator::evalBinaryOp(const T &operand1,
	                                 const T &operand2,
	                                 const OpBinary &operation)
    T result(0);

    switch (operation)
        case OpBinary::OP_ADD:
            result = operand1 + operand2;
        case OpBinary::OP_SUBSTRACT:
            result = operand1 - operand2;
        case OpBinary::OP_MULTIPLY:
            result = operand1 * operand2;
        case OpBinary::OP_DIVIDE:
            if (operand2 == 0)
                throw DivisionByZeroException();
            result = operand1 / operand2;
        case OpBinary::OP_MODULO:
            if (typeid(operand1) == typeid(float))
                throw UnsupportedOperationForTypeException();
                result = static_cast<int>(operand1)
                       % static_cast<int>(operand2);
        case OpBinary::OP_POWER:
            result = pow(operand1, operand2);

    return result;
// Function to normalize the vector
Vector Vector::normalize(void)
     // I create a new vector to store the results
     Vector result;
     // Calculating the length using the the formula "square root of ( x^2 + y^2 + z^2 )", a short cut is multiplying the entire vector with itself
     float magnitude = this->getMagnitude();
     // Checking that I am not about to divide by zero...
     if (magnitude != 0) {
        // ...if magnitude isn't, I go ahead with normalization
        result.set(0, this->get(0) / magnitude);
        result.set(1, this->get(1) / magnitude);
        result.set(2, this->get(2) / magnitude);
     } else {
        // ...if i is, I throw an exception to be handle by whoever is calling this function and are smart enough to use try and catch
        throw DivisionByZeroException();

     // I return the result
     return result;
Example #7
Fraction::Fraction(int n, int d) throw (DivisionByZeroException) :
		n(n / gcd(n, d)), d(d / gcd(n, d)) {
	if (d == 0)
		throw DivisionByZeroException();
Fraction::Fraction(int numerator, int denominator){
    if(denominator == 0) throw DivisionByZeroException();
    n = numerator;
    d = denominator;
Fraction Fraction::operator /(const Fraction & other) const{
    if(other.n == 0) throw DivisionByZeroException();
    return Fraction(n * other.d, d * other.n);