Example #1
 * FUNCTION:    ThumbnailViewLoadRecords
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine loads sketches into the thumbnails view form.
 * PARAMETERS:  nothing
 * RETURNED:    nothing
static void ThumbnailViewLoadRecords(FormType* frm) {
  UInt16 recordNum;

  if (p.dbI != noRecordSelected) {
    /* Is the current record before the first visible record? */
    if (d.top_visible_record > p.dbI)
      SetTopVisibleRecord(p.dbI - DmPositionInCategory(d.dbR, p.dbI, p.category) % recordsPerRow);

    /* Is the current record after the last visible record? */
    else {
      recordNum = d.top_visible_record;
      DmSeekRecordInCategory(d.dbR, &recordNum, DmPositionInCategory(d.dbR, p.dbI, p.category) % recordsPerRow, dmSeekForward, p.category);
      if (recordNum < p.dbI)
    SetTopVisibleRecord(p.dbI - DmPositionInCategory(d.dbR, p.dbI, p.category) % recordsPerRow);

  /* Make sure we show a full display of records. */
  if (d.records_in_cat) {
    recordNum = dmMaxRecordIndex;
    DmSeekRecordInCategory(d.dbR, &recordNum, recordsPerPage - 1 - (recordsPerRow - d.records_in_cat % recordsPerRow) % recordsPerRow, dmSeekBackward, p.category);
    SetTopVisibleRecord(Min(d.top_visible_record, recordNum));
    /* Ensure that the top visible record actually is part of this category */
    recordNum = d.top_visible_record;
    DmSeekRecordInCategory(d.dbR, &recordNum, 0, dmSeekForward, p.category);
    d.top_visible_record = recordNum;
  } else

Example #2
CourseNewID(DmOpenRef cats, UInt16 category)
  Err err=errNone;
  MemHandle m;
  UInt16 index=0,lastid=0;

  err = DmSeekRecordInCategory(cats, &index, 0, dmSeekForward, category);
  if (err != errNone) return 0;

  while ((m = DmQueryNextInCategory(cats, &index, category))) {
    Char *s = MemHandleLock(m);
    if (s[0] == TYPE_COURSE) {
      CourseDBRecord c;
      UnpackCourse(&c, s);

      if (c.id > lastid) lastid = c.id;

    index += 1;

  // lastid contains the last existing ID here, so return lastid+1 to get the first
  // non-existing one
  return lastid+1;
Example #3
** Move the cursor down, if possible.
** The return value indicates whether we need to scroll down.
static Boolean ThumbnailViewMoveCursorDown(void) {
  const UInt16 pos = DmPositionInCategory(d.dbR, p.dbI, p.category);
  if (DmGetLastErr() != errNone) abort();

  /* We're already at the very end. */
  if (pos + 1 == d.records_in_cat)
    return false;
  /* Just go to the last visible thumbnail if we can't move downward a full row. */
  if (pos + recordsPerRow >= d.records_in_cat) {
    UInt16 x1, y1; /* dummy coordinates */
    UInt16 dummyIndex = dmMaxRecordIndex;
    Err err = DmSeekRecordInCategory(d.dbR, &dummyIndex, 0, dmSeekBackward, p.category);
    if (err != errNone) abort();

    MapIndexToCoordinates(&dummyIndex, &x1, &y1);

    /* Only move the cursor if we can move to a new row, otherwise do nothing. */
    if (y1 != d.thumbnailY) {
      d.thumbnailY = y1;
      d.thumbnailX = x1;
    /* Handle the special case that we need to scroll AND would go past the end. */
    if (d.thumbnailY > numberOfRows - 1) {
      d.thumbnailY = numberOfRows - 1;
      return true;

    return false;

  /* Simply go down a row. */
  if (d.thumbnailY < numberOfRows - 1) {
    return false;
  /* We need to scroll down. */
  return true;
Example #4
 * FUNCTION:    ApptGetAppointments
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine returns a list of appointments that are on 
 *              the date specified
 * PARAMETERS:  dbP    - pointer to the database
 *              date   - date to search for
 *              countP - number of appointments on the specified 
 *                       day (returned value)
 * RETURNED:    handle of the appointment list (ApptInfoType)
 *          Name    Date        Description
 *          ----    ----        -----------
 *          art     6/15/95     Initial Revision
MemHandle ApptGetAppointments (DmOpenRef dbP, DateType date, UInt16 * countP) {
    Err error;
    Int16 result;
    Int16 count = 0;
    UInt16    recordNum;
    Boolean repeats;
    MemHandle recordH;
    MemHandle apptListH;
    ApptInfoPtr apptList;
    ApptDBRecordType apptRec;
    ApptPackedDBRecordPtr r;

    // Allocated a block to hold the appointment list.
    apptListH = MemHandleNew (sizeof (ApptInfoType) * apptMaxPerDay);
    ErrFatalDisplayIf(!apptListH, "Out of memory");
    if (! apptListH) return (0);

    apptList = MemHandleLock (apptListH);

    // Find the first non-repeating appointment of the day.
    if (ApptFindFirst (dbP, date, &recordNum)) {
        while (count < apptMaxPerDay) {
            // Check if the appointment is on the date passed, if it is
            // add it to the appointment list.
            recordH = DmQueryRecord (dbP, recordNum);
            r = MemHandleLock (recordH);
            result = DateCompare (r->when.date, date);

            if (result == 0) {
                // Add the record to the appoitment list.
                apptList[count].startTime = r->when.startTime;
                apptList[count].endTime = r->when.endTime;
                apptList[count].recordNum = recordNum;
            MemHandleUnlock (recordH);
            if (result != 0) break;

            // Get the next record.
            error = DmSeekRecordInCategory (dbP, &recordNum, 1,
            if (error == dmErrSeekFailed) break;

    // Add the repeating appointments to the list.  Repeating appointments
    // are stored at the beginning of the database.
    recordNum = 0;
    while (count < apptMaxPerDay) {
        recordH = DmQueryNextInCategory (dbP, &recordNum, dmAllCategories);
        if (! recordH) break;
        r = (ApptPackedDBRecordPtr) MemHandleLock (recordH);
        repeats = (r->flags.repeat != 0);
        if (repeats) {
            ApptUnpack (r, &apptRec);
            if (ApptRepeatsOnDate (&apptRec, date)) {
                // Add the record to the appoitment list.
                apptList[count].startTime = r->when.startTime;              
                apptList[count].endTime = r->when.endTime;              
                apptList[count].recordNum = recordNum;  
        MemHandleUnlock (recordH);

        // If the record has no repeating info we've reached the end of the 
        // repeating appointments.
        if (! repeats) break;

    // Sort the list by start time.
    // SysInsertionSort (apptList, count, sizeof (ApptInfoType),
    //          ApptListCompare, 0L);

    // If there are no appointments on the specified day, free the appointment
    // list.
    if (count == 0) {
        MemPtrFree (apptList);
        apptListH = 0;
    // Resize the appointment list block to release any unused space.
    else {
        MemHandleUnlock (apptListH);
        MemHandleResize (apptListH, count * sizeof (ApptInfoType));

    *countP = count;
    return (apptListH);
Example #5
 * FUNCTION:    ApptFindFirst
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine finds the first appointment on the specified
 *              day.
 * PARAMETERS:  dbP    - pointer to the database
 *              date   - date to search for
 *              indexP - pointer to the index of the first record on the 
 *                       specified day (returned value)
 * RETURNED:    true if a record has found
 *          Name    Date        Description
 *          ----    ----        -----------
 *          art 6/15/95     Initial Revision
Boolean ApptFindFirst (DmOpenRef dbP, DateType date, UInt16 * indexP) {
    Err err;
    Int16 numOfRecords;
    Int16 kmin, probe, i;     // all positions in the database.
    Int16 result = 0;         // result of comparing two records
    UInt16 index;
    MemHandle recordH;
    Boolean found = false;
    ApptPackedDBRecordPtr r;

    kmin = probe = 0;
    numOfRecords = DmNumRecords(dbP);

    while (numOfRecords > 0) {
        i = numOfRecords >> 1;
        probe = kmin + i;

        index = probe;
        recordH = DmQueryNextInCategory (dbP, &index, dmAllCategories);
        if (recordH) {
            r = (ApptPackedDBRecordPtr) MemHandleLock (recordH);
            if (r->flags.repeat)
                result = 1;
                result = DateCompare (date, r->when.date);
            MemHandleUnlock (recordH);

        // If no handle, assume the record is deleted, deleted records
        // are greater.
            result = -1;

        // If the date passed is less than the probe's date, keep searching.
        if (result < 0)
            numOfRecords = i;

        // If the date passed is greater than the probe's date, keep searching.
        else if (result > 0) {
            kmin = probe + 1;
            numOfRecords = numOfRecords - i - 1;

        // If the records are equal find the first record on the day.
        else {
            found = true;
            *indexP = index;
            while (true) {
                err = DmSeekRecordInCategory (dbP, &index, 1, dmSeekBackward,
                if (err == dmErrSeekFailed) break;

                recordH = DmQueryRecord(dbP, index);
                r = (ApptPackedDBRecordPtr) MemHandleLock (recordH);
                if (r->flags.repeat)
                    result = 1;
                    result = DateCompare (date, r->when.date);
                MemHandleUnlock (recordH);
                if (result != 0) break;
                *indexP = index;


    // If that were no appointments on the specified day, return the
    // index of the next appointment (on a future day).
    if (! found) {
        if (result < 0)
            *indexP = probe;
            *indexP = probe + 1;

    return (found);
Example #6
* Function: GadgetDrawStep
* Description: Helper function for GadgetTap. Highlights next of previous
*              event on current screen
GadgetDrawStep(WinDirectionType direction)
  MemHandle m;
  UInt16 index=gTimeIndex, wantCourse=0, courseIndex=0;
  Boolean found=false, endLoop=false;
  TimeDBRecord *t=NULL;

  /* ASSUMPTION: We assume that the user does not have 2^16 events
   * in his schedule. Otherwise this can become an endless. loop. but
   * since I think this is a reasonable assumption I will not take any
   * special care for this...
   * If we loop to ID 2^16-1 we will surely find no record and terminate
   * below (m = ... == NULL)

  if ( (direction == winUp) && (index > 0) ) {
    while( !endLoop && (DmSeekRecordInCategory(DatabaseGetRefN(DB_MAIN), &index, 1, dmSeekBackward, DatabaseGetCat()) == errNone)) {
      Char *s;
      m = DmQueryRecord(DatabaseGetRefN(DB_MAIN), index);
      if (s[0] == TYPE_TIME) {
        t = (TimeDBRecord *)s;
        if ( GadgetEventIsVisible(t) ) {
          // Found entry
          found = true;
          wantCourse = t->course;
      } else {
        // nothing more to search and nothing found
  } else if (direction == winDown) {
    index += 1;
    while( !endLoop && ((m = DmQueryNextInCategory(DatabaseGetRef(), &index, DatabaseGetCat())) != NULL)) {
      Char *s=MemHandleLock(m);
      if (s[0] == TYPE_TIME) {
        t = (TimeDBRecord *)s;
        if ( GadgetEventIsVisible(t) ) {
          // Found entry
          found = true;
          wantCourse = t->course;
        } else {
          // previous in DB is not visible, search further
          index += 1;
      } else {
        // nothing more to search and nothing found
  if (found && CourseGetIndex(DatabaseGetRef(), DatabaseGetCat(), wantCourse, &courseIndex)) {