Example #1
wxBitmap wxSTEditorArtProvider::CreateBitmap(const wxArtID& id,
                                             const wxArtClient& client,
                                             const wxSize& size)
    wxBitmap bmp = DoGetBitmap(id, client, size);

    return bmp; // ok to return invalid bitmap, the wxArtProvider will search other providers
void wxAnyButton::OnLeaveWindow( wxMouseEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    if ( DoGetBitmap( State_Current ).IsOk() )
        GetPeer()->SetBitmap( DoGetBitmap( State_Normal ) );
Example #3
void wxButton::OnEnterWindow( wxMouseEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    if ( DoGetBitmap( State_Current ).IsOk() )
        GetPeer()->SetBitmap( DoGetBitmap( State_Current ) );