wxWindowDCImpl::wxWindowDCImpl( wxDC *owner, wxWindow *window )
   : wxGCDCImpl( owner )
    m_window = window;

    m_ok = true ;

    m_window->GetSize( &m_width , &m_height);
    if ( !m_window->IsShownOnScreen() )
        m_width = m_height = 0;

    CGContextRef cg = (CGContextRef) window->MacGetCGContextRef();

    m_release = false;
    if ( cg == NULL )
        SetGraphicsContext( wxGraphicsContext::Create( window ) ) ;
        CGContextSaveGState( cg );
        m_release = true ;
        // make sure the context is having its origin at the wx-window coordinates of the
        // view (read at the top of window.cpp about the differences)
        if ( window->MacGetLeftBorderSize() != 0 || window->MacGetTopBorderSize() != 0 )
            CGContextTranslateCTM( cg , -window->MacGetLeftBorderSize() , -window->MacGetTopBorderSize() );

        SetGraphicsContext( wxGraphicsContext::CreateFromNative( cg ) );
    DoSetClippingRegion( 0 , 0 , m_width , m_height ) ;


    SetFont( window->GetFont() ) ;
Example #2
wxPaintDCImpl::wxPaintDCImpl( wxDC *owner, wxWindow *window ) :
    wxWindowDCImpl( owner, window )
    wxASSERT_MSG( window->MacGetCGContextRef() != NULL, wxT("using wxPaintDC without being in a native paint event") );
    wxPoint origin = window->GetClientAreaOrigin() ;
    m_window->GetClientSize( &m_width , &m_height);
    SetDeviceOrigin( origin.x, origin.y );
    DoSetClippingRegion( 0 , 0 , m_width , m_height ) ;
wxClientDCImpl::wxClientDCImpl( wxDC *owner, wxWindow *window ) :
    wxWindowDCImpl( owner, window )
    wxCHECK_RET( window, wxT("invalid window in wxClientDCImpl") );
    wxPoint origin = window->GetClientAreaOrigin() ;
    m_window->GetClientSize( &m_width , &m_height);
    if ( !m_window->IsShownOnScreen() )
        m_width = m_height = 0;
    SetDeviceOrigin( origin.x, origin.y );
    DoSetClippingRegion( 0 , 0 , m_width , m_height ) ;
Example #4
void wxDFBDCImpl::DoSetDeviceClippingRegion(const wxRegion& region)
    // NB: this can be done because wxDFB only supports rectangular regions
    wxRect rect = region.AsRect();

    // our parameter is in physical coordinates while DoSetClippingRegion()
    // takes logical ones
    rect.x = XDEV2LOG(rect.x);
    rect.y = YDEV2LOG(rect.y);
    rect.width = XDEV2LOG(rect.width);
    rect.height = YDEV2LOG(rect.height);

    DoSetClippingRegion(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
Example #5
wxWindowDCImpl::wxWindowDCImpl( wxDC *owner, wxWindow *window )
   : wxGCDCImpl( owner )
    m_window = window;

    m_ok = true ;

    m_window->GetSize( &m_width , &m_height);
    if ( !m_window->IsShownOnScreen() )
        m_width = m_height = 0;

    CGContextRef cg = (CGContextRef) window->MacGetCGContextRef();

    m_release = false;
    if ( cg == NULL )
        SetGraphicsContext( wxGraphicsContext::Create( window ) ) ;
        m_contentScaleFactor = window->GetContentScaleFactor();
        SetDeviceOrigin(-window->MacGetLeftBorderSize() , -window->MacGetTopBorderSize());
        // determine content scale
        CGRect userrect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 10, 10);
        CGRect devicerect;
        devicerect = CGContextConvertRectToDeviceSpace(cg, userrect);
        m_contentScaleFactor = devicerect.size.height / userrect.size.height;

        CGContextSaveGState( cg );
        m_release = true ;
        // make sure the context is having its origin at the wx-window coordinates of the
        // view (read at the top of window.cpp about the differences)
        if ( window->MacGetLeftBorderSize() != 0 || window->MacGetTopBorderSize() != 0 )
            CGContextTranslateCTM( cg , -window->MacGetLeftBorderSize() , -window->MacGetTopBorderSize() );

        wxGraphicsContext* context = wxGraphicsContext::CreateFromNative( cg );
        SetGraphicsContext( context );
    DoSetClippingRegion( 0 , 0 , m_width , m_height ) ;


    SetFont( window->GetFont() ) ;
Example #6
void wxClientDCImpl::InitDC()

    // in wxUniv build we must manually do some DC adjustments usually
    // performed by Windows for us
    // we also need to take the menu/toolbar manually into account under
    // Windows CE because they're just another control there, not anything
    // special as usually under Windows
#if defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) || defined(__WXWINCE__)
    wxPoint ptOrigin = m_window->GetClientAreaOrigin();
    if ( ptOrigin.x || ptOrigin.y )
        // no need to shift DC origin if shift is null
        SetDeviceOrigin(ptOrigin.x, ptOrigin.y);

    // clip the DC to avoid overwriting the non client area
    wxSize size = m_window->GetClientSize();
    DoSetClippingRegion(0, 0, size.x, size.y);
#endif // __WXUNIVERSAL__ || __WXWINCE__