//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TPrihodForm::TPrihodForm(TComponent* Owner, TDocPrihod * doc) : TDocumentForm(Owner) { Report = new TFReport(); Document = doc; DocToForm(); FrameList1->Query = CreateQuery(this, "select p.id_prihod, p.id_tovar,t.kod, t.nametovar,p.kilxkist, p.cina " " from Tovar t, Prihod p " " where p.nomer = "+IntToStr(Document->Nomer)+ " and p.id_tovar = t.id_tovar" ,true); FrameList1->Query->Name = "PrihodDS"; Refresh(); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TNakladnaForm::TNakladnaForm(TComponent* Owner, TDocRashod * doc) : TDocumentForm(Owner) { Report = new TFReport(); Document = doc; DocToForm(); FrameList1->Query = CreateQuery(this, "select r.id_rashod, r.id_tovar,t.kod, t.nametovar,r.kilxkist, t.cinaprodazh, r.cina " " from Tovar t, Rashod r " " where r.nomer = "+IntToStr(Document->Nomer)+ " and r.id_tovar = t.id_tovar order by r.id_rashod" ,true); FrameList1->Query->Name = "NakDS"; TRashod * r = new TRashod(FrameList1->Query->FieldByName("id_rashod")->AsInteger); TTovar * t = new TTovar(r->ID_Tovar,Document->Partner->ID_Partner); if(t->CinaProdazh != 0) cxSpinEditProcent->Value = Round(((t->CinaProdazh - r->Cina)/t->CinaProdazh)*100,0); delete r; delete t; Refresh(); }