Example #1
// Search function to find a specific row of data and return it as a string
// param[in]: columnName identifies the name of the column to be searched
//            columnName as "all" means the whole table is returned
// param[in]: valueToFind identifies the value to be searched for in the column
// return: a string which contains a concatenation of all values in the row found in the database table
//         if multiple values exist, return all rows with that value, where
//         each row is separated by a new line
// throw: DoesNotExistException when trying to find a row that doesn't exist
string Invoice::search(string columnName, string valueToFind) throw(DoesNotExistException) {

	ifstream infstream; // ifstream to be used to read invoice.txt

	string returnString = ""; // string used to store the value to be returned
	string currentRow; // string used to store the current row
	string invoice_id, date; //strings to store the invoice_id and date in the current row

	// delimiter used to store positions of the delimiters '|' in the current row
	int delimPos;



		// while loop continues as long as there is another line in the text file
			getline(infstream, currentRow); // store next line of textfile in currentRow

			// break when an empty string is assigned to currentRow
			// which occurss if there are no more valid entries in the table
			if (currentRow.empty())

			delimPos = currentRow.find('|'); // finds position of delimiter
			invoice_id = currentRow.substr(0, delimPos); // stores first string as invoice_id
			date = currentRow.substr(delimPos+1); // stores second string as date

			// if searching by invoice_id
			if(columnName == "invoice_id" && 
				invoice_id == valueToFind) {
				returnString = currentRow + "\n"; //since invoice_id is unique returns current row
			// if searching by date
			else if(columnName == "date" &&
				date == valueToFind)	{	
				returnString += currentRow + "\n"; //adds any row that contains same date
			// return the whole table
			else if(columnName == "all")
				returnString += currentRow + "\n";

	// throws DoesNotExistException if nothing was found
	if(returnString == "")
		throw DoesNotExistException(valueToFind + " does not exist in column: " + columnName); 

	return returnString;
Example #2
// Search function to find a specific row of data and return it as a string
// param[in]: columnName identifies the name of the column to be searched
// param[in]: valueToFind identifies the value to be searched for in the column
// return: a string which contains a concatenation of all values in the row found in the database table
//         if multiple values exist, return all rows with that value, where
//         each row is separated by a new line
// throw: DoesNotExistException when trying to find a row that doesn't exist
string Summary::search(string columnName, string valueToFind) throw(DoesNotExistException) { 
	ifstream infstream; // ifstream to be used to read summary.txt

	string returnString; // string used to store the value to be returned
	string currentRow; // string used to store the current row
	string product_id, total_quantity; //strings to store the product_id and total_quantity in current row

	// delimiter used to store positions of the delimiters '|' in the current row
	int delimPos;



		// while loop continues as long as there is another line in the text file
			getline(infstream, currentRow); // store next line of textfile in currentRow

			// break when an empty string is assigned to currentRow
			// which occurss if there are no more valid entries in the table
			if (currentRow.empty())

			delimPos = currentRow.find('|'); // finds position of delimiter
			product_id = currentRow.substr(0, delimPos); // stores first string as product_id
			total_quantity = currentRow.substr(delimPos+1); // stores second string as total_quantity

			// if searching by product_id
			if(columnName == "product_id" && 
				product_id == valueToFind) {
				returnString = currentRow + "\n"; //since product_id is unique, returns current row
			// if searching by total_quantity
			else if(columnName == "total_quantity" &&
				total_quantity == valueToFind)	{	
				returnString += currentRow + "\n"; //adds any row that contains same total_quantity

	// throws DoesNotExistException if nothing was found
	if(returnString == "")
		throw DoesNotExistException(valueToFind + " does not exist in column: " + columnName); 

	return returnString;
Example #3
string Product :: search(string columnName, string valueToFind) throw(DoesNotExistException)

	// bool to tell whether a match was found or not
	bool resultFound = false;

	// string to be used to return the results of a search
	string returnString;

	// string to contain the contents of a row received from the file
	string rowReceive;

	// ints to store the position of the first, second, third, and fourth delimiters
	int delimiter;
	int delimiter2;
	int delimiter3;
	int delimiter4;

	// strings to contain the data from the current row retrieved from the file
	string productID;
	string categoryID;
	string productDescription;
	string productName;
	string productPrice;

	// opens category.txt

	// ensures that categoryInFile is open
		// initially clears all text from returnString

		// while loop continues as long as there is another line in the text file
			// retrieves the next line in categoryInFile and assigns it to the string rowReceive
			getline(productInFile, rowReceive);

			// finds the first delimiter position and assigns it to int delimiter
			delimiter = rowReceive.find('|');
			// finds the second delimiter position and assigns it to int delimiter2
			delimiter2 = rowReceive.find('|', delimiter+1);
			// finds the third delimiter position and assigns it to int delimiter3
			delimiter3 = rowReceive.find('|', delimiter2+1);
			// finds the fourth delimiter position and assigns it to int delimiter4
			delimiter4 = rowReceive.find('|', delimiter3+1);

			// retrieves the product_ID from the row data and assigns it to productID
			productID = rowReceive.substr(0,delimiter);

			// retrieves the category_ID from the row data and assigns it to categoryID
			categoryID = rowReceive.substr(delimiter+1, delimiter2-delimiter-1);

			// retrieves the product description from the row data and assigns it to productDescription
			productDescription = rowReceive.substr(delimiter2+1, delimiter3-delimiter2-1);

			// retrieves the product name from the row data and assigns it to productName
			productName = rowReceive.substr(delimiter3+1, delimiter4-delimiter3-1);

			// retrieves the price from the row data and assigns it to productPrice
			productPrice = rowReceive.substr(delimiter4+1);

			// checks if columnName (argument) is "product_id" and if product_id data of current row matches 
			// valueToFind (argument)
			if(columnName == "product_id" && 
				atoi(productID.c_str()) == atoi(valueToFind.c_str()))
				// concatenates the row that matched the search arguments to the string returnString 
				// along with a line break at the end
				returnString += rowReceive + "\r\n";

				resultFound = true;
			// checks if columnName (argument) is "category_id" and if category_id data of current row matches 
			// valueToFind (argument)
			else if(columnName == "category_id" && 
				atoi(categoryID.c_str()) == atoi(valueToFind.c_str()))
				// concatenates the row that matched the search arguments to the string returnString 
				// along with a line break at the end
				returnString += rowReceive + "\r\n";

				resultFound = true;
			// checks if columnName (argument) is "description" and if product description data of current row matches 
			// valueToFind (argument)
			else if(columnName == "description" && 
				atoi(productDescription.c_str()) == atoi(valueToFind.c_str()))
				// concatenates the row that matched the search arguments to the string returnString 
				// along with a line break at the end
				returnString += rowReceive + "\r\n";

				resultFound = true;
			// checks if columnName (argument) is "name" and if product name data of current row matches 
			// valueToFind (argument)
			else if(columnName == "name" && 
				productName == valueToFind)
				// concatenates the row that matched the search arguments to the string returnString 
				// along with a line break at the end
				returnString += rowReceive + "\r\n";

				resultFound = true;
			// checks if columnName (argument) is "price" and if product price data of current row matches 
			// valueToFind (argument)
			else if(columnName == "price" && 
				atof(productPrice.c_str()) == atof(valueToFind.c_str()))
				// concatenates the row that matched the search arguments to the string returnString 
				// along with a line break at the end
				returnString += rowReceive + "\r\n";

				resultFound = true;
	// closes product.txt

		throw DoesNotExistException("Product Does Not Exist");

	// \return returnString is returned as a result of the search function
	return returnString;