void DpsAppendTarget(DPS_AGENT *Indexer, const char *url, const char *lang, const int hops, int parent) { DPS_DOCUMENT *Doc, *Save; size_t i; TRACE_IN(Indexer, "AppendTarget"); DPS_GETLOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_THREAD); DPS_GETLOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_CONF); if (Indexer->Conf->Targets.num_rows > 0) { for (i = Indexer->Conf->Targets.num_rows - 1; i > 0; i--) { Doc = &Indexer->Conf->Targets.Doc[i]; if ((strcasecmp(DpsVarListFindStr(&Doc->Sections, "URL", ""), url) == 0) && (strcmp(DpsVarListFindStr(&Doc->RequestHeaders, "Accept-Language", ""), lang) == 0)) { DPS_RELEASELOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_CONF); DPS_RELEASELOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_THREAD); TRACE_OUT(Indexer); return; } } } if ((Indexer->Conf->Targets.Doc = DpsRealloc(Save = Indexer->Conf->Targets.Doc, (Indexer->Conf->Targets.num_rows + 1) * sizeof(DPS_DOCUMENT))) == NULL) { Indexer->Conf->Targets.Doc = Save; DPS_RELEASELOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_CONF); DPS_RELEASELOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_THREAD); TRACE_OUT(Indexer); return; } Doc = &Indexer->Conf->Targets.Doc[Indexer->Conf->Targets.num_rows]; DpsDocInit(Doc); DpsVarListAddStr(&Doc->Sections, "URL", url); DpsVarListAddInt(&Doc->Sections, "Hops", hops); DpsVarListDel(&Doc->Sections, "URL_ID"); DpsVarListReplaceInt(&Doc->Sections, "Referrer-ID", parent); if (*lang != '\0') DpsVarListAddStr(&Doc->RequestHeaders, "Accept-Language", lang); if (DPS_OK == DpsURLAction(Indexer, Doc, DPS_URL_ACTION_FINDBYURL)) { urlid_t url_id = DpsVarListFindInt(&Doc->Sections, "DP_ID", 0); if (url_id != 0) Indexer->Conf->Targets.num_rows++; else DpsDocFree(Doc); } /* fprintf(stderr, "-- AppandTarget: url:%s URL_ID:%d\n", url, DpsStrHash32(url));*/ DPS_RELEASELOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_CONF); DpsURLAction(Indexer, Doc, DPS_URL_ACTION_ADD); DPS_RELEASELOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_THREAD); TRACE_OUT(Indexer); return; }
int __DPSCALL DpsResAddDocInfoSearchd(DPS_AGENT * query,DPS_DB *cl,DPS_RESULT * Res,size_t clnum){ DPS_SEARCHD_PACKET_HEADER hdr; char * msg=NULL; size_t i; /* num=0,curnum=0;*/ int done = 0; ssize_t nsent,nrecv; char * dinfo=NULL; int rc=DPS_OK; char *textbuf; size_t dlen = 0; TRACE_IN(query, "DpsResAddDocInfoSearchd"); if(!Res->num_rows) { TRACE_OUT(query); return(DPS_OK); } for(i=0;i<Res->num_rows;i++){ size_t ulen; size_t olen; size_t nsec, r; DPS_DOCUMENT *D=&Res->Doc[i]; r = (size_t) 's'; for(nsec = 0; nsec < D->Sections.Root[r].nvars; nsec++) if (strcasecmp(D->Sections.Root[r].Var[nsec].name, "Score") == 0) D->Sections.Root[r].Var[nsec].section = 1; #ifdef WITH_MULTIDBADDR if (D->dbnum != cl->dbnum) continue; #endif textbuf = DpsDocToTextBuf(D, 1, 0); if (textbuf == NULL) {TRACE_OUT(query); return DPS_ERROR;} ulen = dps_strlen(textbuf)+2; olen = dlen; dlen = dlen + ulen; dinfo = (char*)DpsRealloc(dinfo, dlen + 1); if (dinfo == NULL) { DpsFree(textbuf); TRACE_OUT(query); return DPS_ERROR; } dinfo[olen] = '\0'; sprintf(dinfo + olen, "%s\r\n", textbuf); DpsFree(textbuf); } if (dinfo == NULL) { TRACE_OUT(query); return DPS_OK; } hdr.cmd=DPS_SEARCHD_CMD_DOCINFO; hdr.len = dps_strlen(dinfo); nsent = DpsSearchdSendPacket(cl->searchd, &hdr, dinfo); #ifdef DEBUG_SDP DpsLog(query, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Sent DOCINFO size=%d buf=%s\n", hdr.len, dinfo); #endif while(!done){ char * tok, * lt; nrecv = DpsRecvall(cl->searchd, &hdr, sizeof(hdr), 360); if(nrecv!=sizeof(hdr)){ DpsLog(query, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Received incomplete header from searchd (%d bytes, errno:%d)", (int)nrecv, errno); TRACE_OUT(query); return(DPS_ERROR); }else{ #ifdef DEBUG_SDP DpsLog(query, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Received header cmd=%d len=%d\n",hdr.cmd,hdr.len); #endif } switch(hdr.cmd){ case DPS_SEARCHD_CMD_ERROR: msg=(char*)DpsMalloc(hdr.len+1); if (msg == NULL) { done = 1; break; } nrecv = DpsRecvall(cl->searchd, msg, hdr.len, 360); msg[(nrecv >= 0) ? nrecv : 0]='\0'; sprintf(query->Conf->errstr,"Searchd error: '%s'",msg); rc=DPS_ERROR; DPS_FREE(msg); done=1; break; case DPS_SEARCHD_CMD_MESSAGE: msg=(char*)DpsMalloc(hdr.len+1); if (msg == NULL) { done = 1; break; } nrecv = DpsRecvall(cl->searchd, msg, hdr.len, 360); msg[(nrecv >= 0) ? nrecv : 0]='\0'; #ifdef DEBUG_SDP DpsLog(query, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Message from searchd: '%s'\n",msg); #endif DPS_FREE(msg); break; case DPS_SEARCHD_CMD_DOCINFO: dinfo = (char*)DpsRealloc(dinfo, hdr.len + 1); if (dinfo == NULL) { done=1; break; } nrecv = DpsRecvall(cl->searchd, dinfo, hdr.len, 360); dinfo[(nrecv > 0) ? nrecv : 0] = '\0'; #ifdef DEBUG_SDP DpsLog(query, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Received DOCINFO size=%d buf=%s\n",hdr.len,dinfo); #endif tok = dps_strtok_r(dinfo, "\r\n", <, NULL); while(tok){ urlid_t Doc_url_id, Res_Doc_url_id; DPS_DOCUMENT Doc; DpsDocInit(&Doc); DpsDocFromTextBuf(&Doc,tok); Doc_url_id = (urlid_t)DpsVarListFindInt(&Doc.Sections, "DP_ID", 0); for(i=0;i<Res->num_rows;i++){ #ifdef WITH_MULTIDBADDR if (Res->Doc[i].dbnum != cl->dbnum) continue; #endif Res_Doc_url_id = (urlid_t)DpsVarListFindInt(&Res->Doc[i].Sections, "DP_ID", 0); if (Res_Doc_url_id == Doc_url_id) { DpsDocFromTextBuf(&Res->Doc[i], tok); break; } } tok = dps_strtok_r(NULL, "\r\n", <, NULL); DpsDocFree(&Doc); } DPS_FREE(dinfo); done=1; break; default: sprintf(query->Conf->errstr,"Unknown searchd response: cmd=%d len=%d",hdr.cmd,hdr.len); rc=DPS_ERROR; done=1; break; } } TRACE_OUT(query); return rc; }
void DpsCookiesFind(DPS_AGENT *Indexer, DPS_SERVER *Server, DPS_DOCUMENT *Doc, const char *hostinfo) { #ifdef HAVE_SQL DPS_DSTR cookie; DPS_COOKIES *Cookies = &Indexer->Cookies; DPS_COOKIE *Coo; size_t i, blen = dps_strlen(hostinfo), slen; int have_no_cookies = DpsVarListFindInt(&Doc->Sections, "have_no_cookies", 1); #ifdef WITH_PARANOIA void *paran = DpsViolationEnter(paran); #endif TRACE_IN(Indexer, "DpsCookiesFind"); DpsDSTRInit(&cookie, 1024); for(i = 0; i < Cookies->ncookies; i++) { Coo = &Cookies->Cookie[i]; slen = dps_strlen(Coo->domain); if (slen > blen) continue; if (Coo->secure == 'y' && strcasecmp(Doc->CurURL.schema, "https")) continue; if (strncasecmp(Coo->path, Doc->CurURL.path, dps_strlen(Coo->path))) continue; if (strcasecmp(Coo->domain, hostinfo + (blen - slen))) continue; if (Coo->from_config != 1) have_no_cookies = 0; if (Coo->name[0] == '\0' && Coo->value[0] == '\0') continue; if (cookie.data_size) DpsDSTRAppend(&cookie, "; ", 2); DpsDSTRAppendStr(&cookie, Coo->name); DpsDSTRAppend(&cookie, "=", 1); DpsDSTRAppendStr(&cookie, Coo->value); } if (have_no_cookies) { char buf[2*PATH_MAX]; dpshash32_t url_id; DPS_DB *db; DPS_SQLRES Res; size_t rows; int rc; if (Server != NULL) { char *PingData = DpsVarListFindStr(&Server->Vars, "AuthPing", NULL); if (PingData != NULL) { char *AuthPing = DpsStrdup(DpsTrim(PingData, " \t\r\n")); int method = DPS_METHOD_GET; dps_base64_decode(AuthPing, PingData, dps_strlen(PingData)); if (!strncasecmp(AuthPing, "GET", 3)) { method = DPS_METHOD_GET; PingData = DpsTrim(AuthPing + 3, " \t\r\n"); } else if (!strncasecmp(AuthPing, "POST", 4)) { method = DPS_METHOD_POST; PingData = DpsTrim(AuthPing + 4, " \t\r\n"); } else { DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "AuthPing should be GET or POST: %s", AuthPing); PingData = NULL; } if (PingData != NULL) { size_t size = dps_strlen(PingData); { char PingURL[size + 2]; char PingBody[size]; DPS_DOCUMENT *rDoc; int result; rDoc = DpsDocInit(NULL); DpsSpiderParamInit(&rDoc->Spider); DpsVarList2Doc(rDoc, Server); rDoc->Buf.max_size = (size_t)DpsVarListFindInt(&Indexer->Vars, "MaxDocSize", DPS_MAXDOCSIZE); rDoc->Buf.allocated_size = DPS_NET_BUF_SIZE; if ((rDoc->Buf.buf = (char*)DpsMalloc(rDoc->Buf.allocated_size + 1)) == NULL) { DpsDocFree(rDoc); TRACE_OUT(Indexer); return; } rDoc->Buf.buf[0]='\0'; rDoc->subdoc = Indexer->Flags.SubDocLevel + 1; #if 1 dps_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s://%s/", DPS_NULL2EMPTY(Doc->CurURL.schema), DPS_NULL2EMPTY(Doc->CurURL.hostinfo)); DpsVarListReplaceStr(&rDoc->Sections, "URL", buf); DpsURLParse(&rDoc->CurURL, buf); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_INFO, "HOME: %s", buf); rDoc->method = DPS_METHOD_HEAD; /* DpsVarListFree(&rDoc->RequestHeaders);*/ if (Doc != NULL) { DpsVarListReplaceLst(&rDoc->RequestHeaders, &Doc->RequestHeaders, NULL, "*"); } DpsVarListReplaceStr(&rDoc->Sections, "have_no_cookies", "0"); DpsDocAddDocExtraHeaders(Indexer, Server, rDoc); DpsDocAddConfExtraHeaders(Indexer->Conf, rDoc); DpsVarListReplaceLst(&rDoc->Sections, &Server->Vars, NULL, "*"); DpsDocAddServExtraHeaders(Server, rDoc); DpsVarListLog(Indexer, &rDoc->RequestHeaders, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "HOME.Request"); if (Doc == NULL || Indexer->Flags.cmd == DPS_IND_FILTER) { DpsDocLookupConn(Indexer, rDoc); } else { DPS_FREE(rDoc->connp.connp); rDoc->connp = Doc->connp; } result = DpsGetURL(Indexer, rDoc, NULL); /* Just get headers from the home as we need only Cookies from it */ DpsDocProcessResponseHeaders(Indexer, rDoc); DpsVarListLog(Indexer, &rDoc->Sections, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "HOME.Response"); #endif sscanf(PingData, "%s %s", PingURL, PingBody); if (rDoc->method == DPS_METHOD_GET) { dps_strcat(PingURL, "?"); dps_strcat(PingURL, PingBody); } else { DpsVarListReplaceStr(&rDoc->Sections, "body", PingBody); } DpsVarListReplaceStr(&rDoc->Sections, "URL", PingURL); DpsURLParse(&rDoc->CurURL, PingURL); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_INFO, "AUTH.PING: %s", PingURL); rDoc->method = method; DpsVarListFree(&rDoc->RequestHeaders); DpsVarListReplaceStr(&rDoc->Sections, "have_no_cookies", "0"); DpsDocAddDocExtraHeaders(Indexer, Server, rDoc); DpsDocAddConfExtraHeaders(Indexer->Conf, rDoc); DpsVarListReplaceLst(&rDoc->Sections, &Server->Vars, NULL, "*"); DpsDocAddServExtraHeaders(Server, rDoc); if (method == DPS_METHOD_POST) { dps_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=%s", DpsVarListFindStr(&Indexer->Conf->Vars, "LocalCharset", "iso-8859-1")); DpsVarListReplaceStr(&rDoc->RequestHeaders, "Content-Type", buf); dps_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", dps_strlen(PingBody)); DpsVarListReplaceStr(&rDoc->RequestHeaders, "Content-Length", buf); } DpsVarListLog(Indexer, &rDoc->RequestHeaders, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "AUTHPING.Request"); #if 0 if (Doc == NULL || Indexer->Flags.cmd == DPS_IND_FILTER) { DpsDocLookupConn(Indexer, rDoc); } else { DPS_FREE(rDoc->connp.connp); rDoc->connp = Doc->connp; } #endif result = DpsGetURL(Indexer, rDoc, NULL); /* Just get it as we need only Cookies from the headers */ DpsDocProcessResponseHeaders(Indexer, rDoc); DpsVarListDel(&rDoc->Sections, "body"); DpsVarListLog(Indexer, &rDoc->Sections, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "AUTHPING.Response"); if (Doc != NULL) bzero(&rDoc->connp, sizeof(rDoc->connp)); DpsDocFree(rDoc); } } DpsFree(AuthPing); } } while(hostinfo != NULL) { url_id = DpsStrHash32(hostinfo); DpsSQLResInit(&Res); dps_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "SELECT name,value,path,secure FROM cookies WHERE domain='%s'", hostinfo); if (Indexer->flags & DPS_FLAG_UNOCON) { DPS_GETLOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_DB); db = Indexer->Conf->dbl.db[url_id % Indexer->Conf->dbl.nitems]; } else { db = Indexer->dbl.db[url_id % Indexer->dbl.nitems]; } if(DPS_OK == (rc = DpsSQLQuery(db, &Res, buf))) { rows = DpsSQLNumRows(&Res); for(i = 0; i < rows; i++) { DpsCookiesAdd(Indexer, hostinfo, DpsSQLValue(&Res, i, 2), DpsSQLValue(&Res, i, 0), DpsSQLValue(&Res, i, 1), *DpsSQLValue(&Res, i, 3), 0, 0, 0); if (*DpsSQLValue(&Res, i, 3) == 'y' && strcasecmp(Doc->CurURL.schema, "https")) continue; if (strncasecmp(DpsSQLValue(&Res, i, 2), Doc->CurURL.path, dps_strlen(DpsSQLValue(&Res, i, 2)))) continue; if (cookie.data_size) DpsDSTRAppend(&cookie, "; ", 2); DpsDSTRAppendStr(&cookie, DpsSQLValue(&Res, i, 0)); DpsDSTRAppend(&cookie, "=", 1); DpsDSTRAppendStr(&cookie, DpsSQLValue(&Res, i, 1)); } if (rows == 0) { DpsCookiesAdd(Indexer, hostinfo, "/", "", "", 'n', 0, 0, 0); } } DpsSQLFree(&Res); if (Indexer->flags & DPS_FLAG_UNOCON) { DPS_RELEASELOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_DB); } hostinfo = strchr(hostinfo, '.'); if (hostinfo != NULL) hostinfo++; } } if (cookie.data_size) { DpsVarListReplaceStr(&Doc->RequestHeaders, "Cookie", cookie.data); } DpsDSTRFree(&cookie); #endif TRACE_OUT(Indexer); return; }