static void ProcessGameOver(struct BALL *Ball, struct PADDLE *Paddle) { char OutBuf[255]; snprintf(OutBuf, sizeof OutBuf, "GAME OVER! Score is %d. Hit ESC to exit or space to play again.", Score); Lives = 0; DrawStats(); Lives = 3; Score = 0; DrawMessage(OutBuf); cbreak(); AskAgain: switch (getch()) { case 27: /*27 is ESC.*/ endwin(); exit(0); break; case ' ': break; default: goto AskAgain; } halfdelay(1); DeleteMessage(); DeleteBall(Ball); DeletePaddle(Paddle); DeleteAllBricks(); DeleteAllCharms(); SetLevel(1); /*Set back to the default level again.*/ ResetPaddle(Paddle); ResetBricks(); DrawPaddle(Paddle); DrawAllBricks(); DrawStats(); /*Assume they want to play again.*/ WaitForUserLaunch(); ResetBall(Ball); DrawBall(Ball); DrawAllBricks(); /*Redraw to fix WaitForUserLaunch() goofing.*/ }
void RectangleDrawer::DoDraw(wxClientDC& dc, bool isInnerInclude) { dc.Clear(); DrawBox(dc); DrawStats(dc); for (size_t i = 0, i_end = m_pRectangleDB->Size(); i < i_end; ++i) { if ((*m_pRectangleDB)[i] && (*m_pRectangleDB)[i]->GetStatus() == ON_FIELD) { DrawRectangle(dc, (*m_pRectangleDB)[i], false, isInnerInclude); } } if (m_bDoScreenShot) { size_t uiCurrentFile = m_pController->GetCurrentTestFile(); const char* fileName = ConfigReader::GetInstance()->GetTestName(uiCurrentFile).c_str(); char str[128]; wxDateTime now = wxDateTime::Now(); sprintf_s(str, "screenshots/_time_%s_file_%s_conf_%d_repeat_%d_fit_%4.1f.bmp", now.Format("%H.%M.%S", wxDateTime::CEST).c_str(), fileName, m_pController->GetCurrentTestConfig()+1, m_pController->GetCurrentTestRepeat(), m_fFitnress); GetScreenShot(dc).SaveFile(str, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP); m_bDoScreenShot = false; } }
void byoSnake::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event) { wxSize size = GetClientSize(); wxBitmap buffer(wxImage(size.GetWidth(),size.GetHeight())); wxBufferedPaintDC DC(this,buffer); DrawBorder(&DC); DrawSnake(&DC); DrawApple(&DC); DrawStats(&DC); }
void RenderGui(){ DrawOutlines(); DrawMsgLog(); DrawStats(); io::flip(); }
/****************************************************************\ * called from ThreadConsumer to make and register move * *--------------------------------------------------------------* * * * Name: MyMove (ulMyID, ulUser) * * ULONG ulMyID; id of caller * * ULONG ulUser; number of the square to "hit" * * * * Purpose: color a square on the game board 'my' color. * * update display of number of hits for 'my' thread. * * * * Usage: called only from ThreadConsumer * * * * Method: * * * * Returns: none * * * \****************************************************************/ static VOID MyMove (ULONG ulMyID, ULONG ulUser) { if (aSquares [ulUser].usOwner != ulMyID) { aSquares[ulUser].usOwner = ulMyID; thrConsumers[ulMyID].lHits++; DrawResource (&aSquares[ulUser].rcl, colors [ulMyID]); DrawStats (ulMyID); } return; }
void TUI::Redraw (int drawFlags) { // Redraw the "static" background if (simpleMode) { DrawSimple (); return; } // Clear if (drawFlags & TUI_DRAW_CLEAR) csPrintf (CS_ANSI_CLEAR_SCREEN); // Screen layout (keep to 80x25...) if (drawFlags & TUI_DRAW_STATIC) DrawStatic (); // Draw progress if (drawFlags & TUI_DRAW_PROGRESS) DrawProgress (); // Draw messages if (drawFlags & TUI_DRAW_MESSAGES) DrawMessage (); // Draw RayCore stats if (drawFlags & TUI_DRAW_RAYCORE) DrawRayCore (); // Draw photonmapper stats if (drawFlags & TUI_DRAW_PMCORE) DrawPMCore (); // Draw global settings if (drawFlags & TUI_DRAW_SETTINGS) DrawSettings (); // Draw global stats if (drawFlags & TUI_DRAW_STATS) DrawStats (); if (drawFlags & TUI_DRAW_SWAPCACHE) DrawSwapCacheStats (); /* Linux: output is buffered, and the UI may appear "incomplete" if not * flushed */ fflush (stdout); }
void yawmppp_routine (int argc, char **argv) { int i, j; int but_stat; long currenttime; long lasttime; long waittime; long ppptime; int hour, minute; long timetolog; long ppp_send, ppp_sl = -1; long ppp_recv, ppp_rl = -1; long ppp_sbytes, ppp_rbytes; long ppp_osbytes, ppp_orbytes; struct stat st; pid_t stop_child = 0; pid_t start_child = 0; int status; int isonline = 0; XEvent Event; int speed_ind = 10; /* Initialize some stuff */ get_statistics (active_interface, &ppp_rl, &ppp_sl, &ppp_orbytes, &ppp_osbytes); if (caution>0) close_ppp(); grab_isp_info(1); /* Open the display */ createXBMfromXPM (dock_mask_bits, dockxpm_xpm, dock_mask_width, dock_mask_height); openXwindow (argc, argv, dockxpm_xpm, dock_mask_bits, dock_mask_width, dock_mask_height); /* V Button */ AddMouseRegion (0, 35, 48, 46, 58); /* x Button */ AddMouseRegion (1, 47, 48, 58, 58); /* < Button */ AddMouseRegion (2, 5, 48, 16, 58); /* > Button */ AddMouseRegion (3, 17, 48, 28, 58); /* ISP display */ AddMouseRegion (4, 5, 6, 59, 43); starttime = 0; currenttime = time (0); ppptime = 0; but_stat = -1; waittime = 0; timetolog=0; /* 888k8 on bottom */ copyXPMArea (ERR_SRC_X+28, ERR_SRC_Y+9, 25, 8, ERR_DEST_X, ERR_DEST_Y); DrawISPName (); while (1) { lasttime = currenttime; currenttime = time (0); /* Check if any child has left the playground */ i = waitpid (0, &status, WNOHANG); if (i == stop_child && stop_child != 0) { starttime = 0; SetOffLED (LED_PPP_POWER); SetOffLED (LED_PPP_RX); SetOffLED (LED_PPP_TX); /* 888k8 on bottom */ copyXPMArea (ERR_SRC_X+28, ERR_SRC_Y+9, 25, 8, ERR_DEST_X, ERR_DEST_Y); RedrawWindow (); stop_child = 0; } if (i == start_child && start_child != 0) { if (WIFEXITED (status)) { if (WEXITSTATUS (status) == 10) { starttime = 0; /* 88k8 on bottom */ copyXPMArea (ERR_SRC_X+28, ERR_SRC_Y+9, 25, 8, ERR_DEST_X, ERR_DEST_Y); SetOffLED (LED_PPP_POWER); DrawTime (0, 1); RedrawWindow (); } start_child = 0; } } /* On-line detectie! 1x per second */ if (currenttime != lasttime) { i = 0; if (stillonline (active_interface)) { i = 1; if (!starttime) { starttime = currenttime; if (stat (STAMP_FILE, &st) == 0) starttime = st.st_mtime; SetOnLED (LED_PPP_POWER); waittime = 0; /* 88k8 on bottom */ copyXPMArea (ERR_SRC_X+28, ERR_SRC_Y+9, 25, 8, ERR_DEST_X, ERR_DEST_Y); if (IspData[current_isp].SpeedAction) DrawSpeedInd (IspData[current_isp].SpeedAction); speed_ind = currenttime + 10; RedrawWindow (); } } if (!i && starttime) { starttime = 0; SetErrLED (LED_PPP_POWER); logconn.status=1; /* Error */ copyXPMArea (ERR_SRC_X, ERR_SRC_Y+9, 25, 8, ERR_DEST_X, ERR_DEST_Y); if (IspData[current_isp].IfDownAction) execCommand (IspData[current_isp].IfDownAction); RedrawWindow (); } } if (waittime && waittime <= currenttime) { SetOffLED (LED_PPP_POWER); RedrawWindow (); waittime = 0; } if ((starttime)&&(!isonline)) { isonline=1; logconn.start=time(NULL); logconn.status=0; strcpy(logconn.longname,IspData[current_isp].LongName); strcpy(logconn.shortname,IspData[current_isp].ShortName); strcpy(logconn.user,IspData[current_isp].User); strcpy(,IspData[current_isp].Phone); if (!strlen(logconn.shortname)) strcpy(logconn.shortname,"empty"); if (!strlen(logconn.longname)) strcpy(logconn.longname,"empty"); if (!strlen(logconn.user)) strcpy(logconn.user,"empty"); if (!strlen( strcpy(,"empty"); make_guards(); } if ((!starttime)&&(isonline)) { isonline=0; logconn.end=time(NULL); write_log(); if (got_sched) make_delayed_update(); if (caution>0) close_ppp(); } /* If we are on-line. Print the time we are */ if (starttime) { i = currenttime - starttime; i /= TimerDivisor; if (TimerDivisor == 1) if (i > 59 * 60 + 59) i /= 60; minute = i % 60; hour = (i / 60) % 100; i = hour * 100 + minute; DrawTime (i, currenttime % 2); /* We are online, so we can check for send/recv packets */ get_statistics (active_interface, &ppp_recv, &ppp_send, &ppp_rbytes, &ppp_sbytes); if (caution>1) close_ppp(); if (ppp_send != ppp_sl) SetOnLED (LED_PPP_TX); else SetOffLED (LED_PPP_TX); if (ppp_recv != ppp_rl) SetOnLED (LED_PPP_RX); else SetOffLED (LED_PPP_RX); ppp_sl = ppp_send; ppp_rl = ppp_recv; /* Every five seconds we check to load on the line */ if (currenttime - timetolog >= 0) { timetolog=currenttime + 60; make_guards(); } if ((currenttime - ppptime >= 0) || (ppptime == 0)) { ppptime = currenttime + updaterate; ppp_history[PPP_STATS_HIS][0] = ppp_rbytes - ppp_orbytes; ppp_history[PPP_STATS_HIS][1] = ppp_sbytes - ppp_osbytes; ppp_orbytes = ppp_rbytes; ppp_osbytes = ppp_sbytes; DrawStats (54, 17, 5, 32); for (j = 1; j < 55; j++) { ppp_history[j - 1][0] = ppp_history[j][0]; ppp_history[j - 1][1] = ppp_history[j][1]; } if (currenttime > speed_ind) { DrawLoadInd ((ppp_history[54][0] + ppp_history[54][1]) / updaterate); } } RedrawWindow (); } while (XPending (display)) { XNextEvent (display, &Event); switch (Event.type) { case Expose: RedrawWindow (); break; case DestroyNotify: XCloseDisplay (display); while (start_child | stop_child) { i = waitpid (0, &status, WNOHANG); if (i == stop_child) stop_child = 0; if (i == start_child) start_child = 0; usleep (50000l); } exit (0); break; case ButtonPress: i = CheckMouseRegion (Event.xbutton.x, Event.xbutton.y); switch (i) { case 0: ButtonDown (BUT_V); break; case 1: ButtonDown (BUT_X); break; case 2: ButtonDown (BUT_REW); break; case 3: ButtonDown (BUT_FF); break; } but_stat = i; RedrawWindow (); break; case ButtonRelease: i = CheckMouseRegion (Event.xbutton.x, Event.xbutton.y); // Button but_stat omhoogdoen! switch (but_stat) { case 0: ButtonUp (BUT_V); break; case 1: ButtonUp (BUT_X); break; case 2: ButtonUp (BUT_REW); break; case 3: ButtonUp (BUT_FF); break; } if (i == but_stat && but_stat >= 0) { switch (i) { case 0: if (!starttime) { /* 888k8 */ copyXPMArea (ERR_SRC_X+28, ERR_SRC_Y+9, 25, 8, ERR_DEST_X, ERR_DEST_Y); DrawTime (0, 1); start_child = execCommand (IspData[current_isp].StartAction); SetWaitLED (LED_PPP_POWER); waittime = ORANGE_LED_TIMEOUT + currenttime; } break; case 1: if (stop_child == 0) { stop_child = execCommand (IspData[current_isp].StopAction); } break; case 2: if (!starttime) { current_isp--; if (current_isp < 0) current_isp = num_isps - 1; if (current_isp < 0) current_isp=0; DrawISPName (); } break; case 3: if (!starttime) { current_isp++; if (current_isp == num_isps) current_isp = 0; DrawISPName (); } break; case 4: if (Event.xbutton.button==Button1) run_pref_app(); else run_log_app(); break; } } RedrawWindow (); but_stat = -1; break; default: break; } } usleep (50000L); } }
void wmifs_routine(int argc, char **argv) { rckeys wmifs_keys[] = { { "left", &left_action }, { "middle", &middle_action }, { "right", &right_action }, { NULL, NULL } }; int i, j; XEvent Event; int but_stat = -1; int stat_online; int stat_current; int first_time = 1; unsigned int curtime; unsigned int nexttime; struct timeval tv, tv2; long ipacket, opacket, istat, ostat; char temp[BUFFER_SIZE]; char *p; for (i = 0; i < MAX_STAT_DEVICES; i++) { stat_devices[i].name[0] = 0; for (j = 0; j < 48; j++) { stat_devices[i].his[j][0] = 0; stat_devices[i].his[j][1] = 0; } } stat_online = checknetdevs(); stat_current = 0; if (active_interface) { int isauto = !strcmp(active_interface, "auto"); for (i = 0; i < stat_online; i++) { if ((isauto && stillonline(stat_devices[i].name)) || !strcmp(stat_devices[i].name, active_interface)) { stat_current = i; break; } } } #ifdef LEFT_ACTION left_action = strdup(LEFT_ACTION); #endif #ifdef MIDDLE_ACTION middle_action = strdup(MIDDLE_ACTION); #endif #ifdef RIGHT_ACTION right_action = strdup(RIGHT_ACTION); #endif /* Scan throught the .rc files */ parse_rcfile(CONF"/wmifsrc", wmifs_keys); p = getenv("HOME"); if (p == NULL || *p == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown $HOME directory, please check your environment\n"); return; } strncpy(temp, p, BUFFER_SIZE - 10); strcat(temp, "/.wmifsrc"); parse_rcfile(temp, wmifs_keys); parse_rcfile(CONF"/wmifsrc.fixed", wmifs_keys); /* set user-defined colors */ if (color[0] != 0) { Window Root; XColor col; XWindowAttributes attributes; int screen; Pixel pixel; #define NUMSYMBOLS 4 XpmColorSymbol user_color[NUMSYMBOLS] = { {NULL, "#2081B2CAAEBA", 0}, /* + */ {NULL, "#28A23CF338E3", 0}, /* O */ {NULL, "#000049244103", 0}, /* @ */ {NULL, "#18618A288617", 0}, /* # */ }; /* code based on GetColor() from wmgeneral.c */ /* we need a temporary display to parse the color */ display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); screen = DefaultScreen(display); Root = RootWindow(display, screen); XGetWindowAttributes(display, Root, &attributes); col.pixel = 0; if (!XParseColor(display, attributes.colormap, color, &col)) { fprintf(stderr, "wmtime: can't parse %s.\n", color); goto draw_window; } else if (!XAllocColor(display, attributes.colormap, &col)) { fprintf(stderr, "wmtime: can't allocate %s.\n", color); goto draw_window; } pixel = col.pixel; /* replace colors from wmtime-master.xpm */ user_color[0].pixel = pixel; user_color[1].pixel = scale_pixel(pixel, .3); user_color[2].pixel = scale_pixel(pixel, .4); user_color[3].pixel = scale_pixel(pixel, .8); wmgen.attributes.valuemask |= XpmColorSymbols; wmgen.attributes.numsymbols = NUMSYMBOLS; wmgen.attributes.colorsymbols = user_color; XCloseDisplay(display); } draw_window: openXwindow(argc, argv, wmifs_master_xpm, (char*)wmifs_mask_bits, wmifs_mask_width, wmifs_mask_height); /* > Button */ AddMouseRegion(0, 5, 5, 35, 15); AddMouseRegion(1, 5, 20, 58, 58); gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL); nexttime = ScrollSpeed; DrawActiveIFS(stat_devices[stat_current].name); while (1) { struct timespec ts; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); curtime = (tv.tv_sec - tv2.tv_sec) * 1000 + (tv.tv_usec - tv2.tv_usec) / 1000; waitpid(0, NULL, WNOHANG); for (i = 0; i < stat_online; i++) { get_statistics(stat_devices[i].name, &ipacket, &opacket, &istat, &ostat); if (first_time) { first_time = 0; } else { stat_devices[i].his[53][0] += istat - stat_devices[i].istatlast; stat_devices[i].his[53][1] += ostat - stat_devices[i].ostatlast; } if (i == stat_current) { if (!stillonline(stat_devices[i].name)) SetErrLED(LED_NET_POWER); else SetOnLED(LED_NET_POWER); if (stat_devices[i].istatlast == istat) SetOffLED(LED_NET_RX); else SetOnLED(LED_NET_RX); if (stat_devices[i].ostatlast == ostat) SetOffLED(LED_NET_TX); else SetOnLED(LED_NET_TX); } stat_devices[i].istatlast = istat; stat_devices[i].ostatlast = ostat; } RedrawWindow(); if (curtime >= nexttime) { nexttime = curtime + ScrollSpeed; DrawStats(&stat_devices[stat_current].his[0][0], 54, 40, 5, 58); for (i = 0; i < stat_online; i++) { if (stillonline(stat_devices[i].name)) { for (j = 1; j < 54; j++) { stat_devices[i].his[j-1][0] = stat_devices[i].his[j][0]; stat_devices[i].his[j-1][1] = stat_devices[i].his[j][1]; } stat_devices[i].his[53][0] = 0; stat_devices[i].his[53][1] = 0; } } RedrawWindow(); } while (XPending(display)) { XNextEvent(display, &Event); switch (Event.type) { case Expose: RedrawWindow(); break; case DestroyNotify: XCloseDisplay(display); exit(0); break; case ButtonPress: but_stat = CheckMouseRegion(Event.xbutton.x, Event.xbutton.y); break; case ButtonRelease: i = CheckMouseRegion(Event.xbutton.x, Event.xbutton.y); if (but_stat == i && but_stat >= 0) { switch (but_stat) { case 0: /* re-read the table */ strcpy(temp, stat_devices[stat_current].name); stat_online = checknetdevs(); stat_current = 0; for (i = 0; i < stat_online; i++) { if (!strcmp(temp, stat_devices[i].name)) stat_current = i; } stat_current++; if (stat_current == stat_online) stat_current = 0; DrawActiveIFS(stat_devices[stat_current].name); DrawStats(&stat_devices[stat_current].his[0][0], 54, 40, 5, 58); break; case 1: switch (Event.xbutton.button) { case 1: if (left_action) execCommand(left_action); break; case 2: if (middle_action) execCommand(middle_action); break; case 3: if (right_action) execCommand(right_action); break; } break; } } but_stat = -1; RedrawWindow(); break; } } ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = SampleInt * 1000000; nanosleep(&ts, NULL); } }
static void GameLoop(struct BALL *const Ball, struct PADDLE *const Paddle) { /*Primary loop where most events get processed.*/ struct BRICKSTRIKE Strike; int Key = 0; int SecTick = 0; Bool PaddleMovedLastTick; DirectionX PaddleMoveDir; int Inc = 0; Bool Flip = false; int SlowBallTicks = 0, BallNukeTicks = 0; while ((Key = getch()) != 27) /*27 is ESC*/ { if (SecTick == 10) { /*We get score every second for just surviving.*/ Score += 2; DrawStats(); SecTick = 0; } ++SecTick; if (Ball->Y == 1) { /*We hit the ceiling.*/ BounceBallY(Ball, DOWN); } else if (Ball->Y >= BRICKTICK_MAX_Y - 2) { /*More happens when we hit the floor.*/ if (!CheckBallHitPaddle(Ball, Paddle)) { DeleteBall(Ball); Ball->Y = BRICKTICK_MAX_Y - 1; DrawBall(Ball); if (Lives == 1) { /*We ran out of lives.*/ ProcessGameOver(Ball, Paddle); } else { --Lives; DrawStats(); WaitForUserLaunch(); DeleteBall(Ball); DeletePaddle(Paddle); ResetBall(Ball); ResetPaddle(Paddle); DrawPaddle(Paddle); DrawBall(Ball); /*Redraw but don't reset.*/ DrawAllBricks(); } } else { BounceBallY(Ball, UP); if (PaddleMovedLastTick) { /*We can "whack" the ball with our Paddle->*/ Ball->DirX = PaddleMoveDir; } else { /*We cut the paddle into thirds for the X direction after bounce.*/ #define PADDLE_THIRD (Paddle->Length / 3) if (Ball->X <= Paddle->X + PADDLE_THIRD) { Ball->DirX = LEFT; } else if (Ball->X > Paddle->X + PADDLE_THIRD && Ball->X <= Paddle->X + (PADDLE_THIRD * 2)) { /*Make whether we hit up or not as a chance.*/ Bool StraightUp = rand() & 1; if (StraightUp) Ball->DirX = X_NEUTRAL; } else { Ball->DirX = RIGHT; } } } } PaddleMovedLastTick = false; /*Bounce off left and right walls.*/ if (Ball->X >= BRICKTICK_MAX_X - 1) { Ball->X = BRICKTICK_MAX_X - 1; BounceBallX(Ball, LEFT); } else if (Ball->X <= 0) { Ball->X = 0; BounceBallX(Ball, RIGHT); } /*Check if a charm hit the paddle.*/ for (Inc = 0; Inc < BRICK_MAX_NUMLINES * BRICK_MAX_PERLINE; ++Inc) { if (Charms[Inc].Type == CHARM_NONE || !Charms[Inc].Dropped || Charms[Inc].Y != BRICKTICK_MAX_Y - 2) continue; if (CheckCharmHitPaddle(Paddle, Charms + Inc)) { void *Ptr = NULL; const char *const Strings[] = { "+1,000 Score", "+1 Lives", "10 Second Slow Ball", "3 second nuke mode" }; switch (Charms[Inc].Type) { case CHARM_SCORE: Ptr = &Score; break; case CHARM_LIFE: Ptr = &Lives; break; case CHARM_SLOW: Ptr = &SlowBallTicks; break; case CHARM_NUKE: Ptr = &BallNukeTicks; break; default: break; } if (Charms[Inc].Type != CHARM_NONE) { /*Show a message on what type of charm we have here.*/ DrawMessage(Strings[Charms[Inc].Type - 1]); fflush(NULL); usleep(500000); DeleteMessage(); DrawAllBricks(); DrawStats(); } /*Do the thing the charm does.*/ ProcessCharmAction(Charms + Inc, Ptr); } /*In any case, we're done with it.*/ DeleteCharm(Charms + Inc); Charms[Inc].Type = CHARM_NONE; } /*We hit a brick.*/ if (BallStruckBrick(Ball, &Strike)) { if (BallNukeTicks == 0) /*Nuclear ball passes through.*/ { switch (Strike.StrikeV) { case STRIKE_TOP: Ball->DirY = UP; break; case STRIKE_BOTTOM: Ball->DirY = DOWN; break; default: break; } switch (Strike.StrikeH) { case STRIKE_LEFT: Ball->DirX = LEFT; break; case STRIKE_RIGHT: Ball->DirX = RIGHT; break; default: { if (Ball->DirX != X_NEUTRAL) break; else { Bool Dir = rand() & 1; Ball->DirX = (DirectionX)Dir; } break; } } } DeleteBrick(Strike.Brick); Score += 100; DrawStats(); if (!BricksLeft()) { /*Move to next level.*/ if (SetLevel(Level + 1)) { /*We have more levels to go before we win.*/ DeleteAllBricks(); DeleteAllCharms(); DeleteBall(Ball); DeletePaddle(Paddle); DrawStats(); Score += 1000; /*Reward for making it this far.*/ Lives = BRICKTICK_NUMLIVES; ResetBall(Ball); ResetPaddle(Paddle); ResetBricks(); DrawAllBricks(); DrawPaddle(Paddle); WaitForUserLaunch(); DrawBall(Ball); DrawAllBricks(); /*Redraw to fix WaitForUserLaunch() goofing.*/ } else { /*WE WON!!!!*/ char WonBuf[256]; snprintf(WonBuf, sizeof WonBuf, "You Won! Score is %d! Hit ESC to exit or space to play again.", Score); DrawMessage(WonBuf); WinRegetch: switch (getch()) { case 27: /*27 is ESC*/ endwin(); exit(0); break; case ' ': { DeleteMessage(); SetLevel(1); Lives = BRICKTICK_NUMLIVES; Score = 0; DeleteAllBricks(); DeleteAllCharms(); DeleteBall(Ball); DeletePaddle(Paddle); DrawStats(); ResetBall(Ball); ResetPaddle(Paddle); ResetBricks(); DrawAllBricks(); DrawPaddle(Paddle); WaitForUserLaunch(); DrawBall(Ball); DrawAllBricks(); /*Redraw to fix WaitForUserLaunch() goofing.*/ continue; /*For the loop we are in.*/ } default: goto WinRegetch; } } continue; } else { /*Charm drops.*/ struct CHARM *Charm = GetCharmByBrick(Strike.Brick); if (Charm) { /*We DO have a charm for this brick.*/ PerformCharmDrop(Charm); /*Mark it dropped.*/ /*Now draw the charm.*/ DrawCharm(Charm); } } } switch (Key) { /*Paddle movement.*/ case KEY_LEFT: MovePaddle(Paddle, LEFT); PaddleMovedLastTick = true; PaddleMoveDir = LEFT; break; case KEY_RIGHT: MovePaddle(Paddle, RIGHT); PaddleMovedLastTick = true; PaddleMoveDir = RIGHT; break; case 's': /*They want to save the game.*/ if (SaveGame(Ball, Paddle)) { DrawMessage("Game saved."); } else { DrawMessage("Failed to save game."); } fflush(NULL); usleep(500000); DeleteMessage(); DrawAllBricks(); /*Redraw bricks if damaged.*/ break; case 'o': /*They want us to load a game.*/ { const Bool LoadedOk = LoadGame(Ball, Paddle); if (LoadedOk) { /*Restore the state.*/ clear(); DrawBorders(); /*Need to redraw these after clearing the screen.*/ DrawBall(Ball); DrawPaddle(Paddle); DrawStats(); DrawAllBricks(); DrawMessage("Game loaded."); } else { DrawMessage("Failed to load game."); } fflush(NULL); usleep(500000); DeleteMessage(); DrawAllBricks(); break; } case ' ': { DrawMessage("PAUSED"); cbreak(); PauseRegetch: switch (getch()) { case ' ': DeleteMessage(); DrawAllBricks(); /*Redraw to fix what deleting the message messed up.*/ halfdelay(1); break; case 27: /*27 is ESC*/ endwin(); exit(0); break; default: goto PauseRegetch; } } default: break; } Flip = !Flip; /*Ball movement, obviously. Flip is used to keep it at half speed if we got a 'slow' charm.*/ if (Flip || SlowBallTicks == 0) MoveBall(Ball); /*Decrement slow ball ticks until zero, then the ball goes fast again.*/ if (SlowBallTicks > 0) --SlowBallTicks; /*Decrement nuclear ball until ticks hit zero.*/ if (BallNukeTicks > 0) --BallNukeTicks; /*Charm movement.*/ for (Inc = 0; Inc < BRICK_MAX_NUMLINES * BRICK_MAX_PERLINE; ++Inc) { if (Charms[Inc].Type == CHARM_NONE || !Charms[Inc].Dropped) continue; if (Flip) MoveCharm(Charms + Inc); } /*Redraw borders in case of terminal resize.*/ DrawBorders(); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int Inc = 1; struct BALL Ball = { 0 }; struct PADDLE Paddle = { 0 }; Bool DoLoadGame = false; int GotoLevel = 0; for (; Inc < argc; ++Inc) { /*Argument parsing.*/ if (!strcmp("--nocolor", argv[Inc])) { UseColor = false; } else if (!strcmp("--version", argv[Inc])) { printf("Bricktick brick breaker v" BRICKTICK_VERSION "\n" "By Subsentient.\n"); fflush(NULL); exit(0); } else if (!strcmp("--help", argv[Inc])) { printf("Command line options:\n\t" "--help: Show this help.\n\t" "--nocolor: Run Bricktick with no color.\n\t" "--version: Display version and exit.\n"); fflush(NULL); exit(0); } else if (!strncmp("--level=", argv[Inc], sizeof "--level=" - 1)) { GotoLevel = atoi(argv[Inc] + sizeof "--level=" - 1); if (GotoLevel > sizeof Levels / sizeof *Levels) { fprintf(stderr, "The maximum level is %d.\n", sizeof Levels / sizeof *Levels); fflush(NULL); exit(1); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Bad command line argument \"%s\".\n" "Use --help for command line options.\n", argv[Inc]); exit(1); } } initscr(); /*Fire up ncurses.*/ if (COLS < BRICKTICK_MAX_X || LINES < BRICKTICK_MAX_Y) { endwin(); fprintf(stderr, "Please use a console with a resolution of at least %dx%d.\n", BRICKTICK_MAX_X, BRICKTICK_MAX_Y); exit(1); } /*Color not supported.*/ if (!has_colors()) UseColor = false; /*Various ncurses things.*/ noecho(); if (UseColor) { /*Color fireup.*/ start_color(); init_pair(1, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(2, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(3, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE); init_pair(4, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(5, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(6, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(7, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); /*Fire up colors for the bricks.*/ init_pair(BRICK_COLORS_START, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(BRICK_COLORS_START + 1, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(BRICK_COLORS_START + 2, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(BRICK_COLORS_START + 3, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(BRICK_COLORS_START + 4, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(BRICK_COLORS_END, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); } /*Draw borders for consoles bigger than our 80x24 playing area.*/ DrawBorders(); /*Greeting.*/ GreetAsk: if (!GotoLevel) { /*If they specified a level let them go straigth to game start.*/ DrawGreeting(); switch (getch()) { case 27: /*27 is ESC key*/ endwin(); exit(0); break; case ' ': clear(); /*Wipe the message from the screen.*/ DrawBorders(); /*Redraw borders.*/ break; case 'o': clear(); DrawBorders(); DoLoadGame = true; LoadGame(&Ball, &Paddle); break; default: goto GreetAsk; } } else { clear(); DrawBorders(); } halfdelay(1); keypad(stdscr, true); #if NCURSES_VERSION_MAJOR >= 5 && NCURSES_VERSION_MINOR >=4 set_escdelay(25); #endif curs_set(0); if (DoLoadGame) { DrawStats(); DrawBall(&Ball); DrawPaddle(&Paddle); DrawAllBricks(); } else { /*Show our initial lives count.*/ DrawStats(); /*Reset to level 1 if we haven't specified a level.*/ SetLevel(GotoLevel ? GotoLevel : 1); ResetBall(&Ball); ResetPaddle(&Paddle); DrawBall(&Ball); DrawPaddle(&Paddle); ResetBricks(); DrawAllBricks(); } /*Wait for L key.*/ WaitForUserLaunch(); DrawAllBricks(); /*Redraw to fix goofing by WaitForUserLaunch().*/ /*Set up the number generator.*/ srand(time(NULL)); /** * Main loop for the game! **/ Reloop: GameLoop(&Ball, &Paddle); DrawMessage("Really quit Bricktick? y/n"); cbreak(); /*When the game loop exits.*/ switch (getch()) { case 'y': case 'Y': break; default: DeleteMessage(); refresh(); halfdelay(1); DrawAllBricks(); /*Fix damage to brick display resulting from the message.*/ goto Reloop; break; } DeleteBall(&Ball); DeletePaddle(&Paddle); endwin(); return 0; }
void GamePanel::Update() { DrawStats(); }