Example #1
void DocEdit::Paint(Draw& w) {
	Size sz = GetSize();
	Color bg =  color[IsShowEnabled() && !IsReadOnly() ? PAPER_NORMAL : PAPER_READONLY];
		bg = Null;
	int y = -sb + 1;
	int pos = 0;
	int sell, selh;
	GetSelection(sell, selh);
	for(int i = 0; i < para.GetCount() && y < sz.cy; i++) {
		int h = GetHeight(i);
		if(y + h >= 0) {
			WString text = line[i];
			Fmt fmt = Format(text);
			int p = pos;
			for(int i = 0; i < fmt.line.GetCount(); i++) {
				int n = fmt.LineEnd(i) - fmt.line[i];
				int a = minmax(sell - p, 0, n);
				int b = minmax(selh - p, 0, n) - a;
				int c = n - a - b;
				int *wa = fmt.width + fmt.line[i];
				int *wb = fmt.width + fmt.line[i] + a;
				int *wc = fmt.width + fmt.line[i] + a + b;
				int acx = sSum(wa, a);
				int bcx = sSum(wb, b);
				int ccx = sSum(wc, c);
				w.DrawRect(1, y, acx, fmt.fi.GetHeight(), bg);
				w.DrawText(1, y, ~fmt.text + fmt.line[i], font,
				           IsShowEnabled() ? color[INK_NORMAL] : color[INK_DISABLED], a, wa);
				w.DrawRect(1 + acx, y, bcx, fmt.fi.GetHeight(), color[PAPER_SELECTED]);
				w.DrawText(1 + acx, y, ~fmt.text + fmt.line[i] + a, font, color[INK_SELECTED], b, wb);
				w.DrawRect(1 + acx + bcx, y, ccx, fmt.fi.GetHeight(), bg);
				w.DrawText(1 + acx + bcx, y, ~fmt.text + fmt.line[i] + a + b, font, color[INK_NORMAL], c, wc);
				p += n;
				w.DrawRect(1 + acx + bcx + ccx, y, cx - (acx + bcx + ccx), fmt.fi.GetHeight(),
				           p >= sell && p < selh ? color[PAPER_SELECTED] : bg);
				y += fmt.fi.GetHeight();
			w.DrawRect(1, y, cx, after, color[PAPER_NORMAL]);
			y += after;
			y += h;
		pos += line[i].GetLength() + 1;
	w.DrawRect(0, -sb, sz.cx, 1, bg);
	w.DrawRect(0, 0, 1, sz.cy, bg);
	w.DrawRect(sz.cx - 1, 0, 1, sz.cy, bg);
		w.DrawRect(1, y++, cx, 1, SColorShadow);
	if(y < sz.cy)
		w.DrawRect(1, y, cx, sz.cy - y, bg);
	DrawTiles(w, DropCaret(), CtrlImg::checkers());
Example #2
void LineEdit::RefreshDropCaret()
Example #3
void   LineEdit::Paint0(Draw& w) {
	int sell, selh;
	GetSelection(sell, selh);
		sell = selh = 0;
	Size sz = GetSize();
	Size fsz = GetFontSize();
	Point sc = sb;
	int ll = min(line.GetCount(), sz.cy / fsz.cy + sc.y + 1);
	int  y = 0;
	cpos = GetPos(sc.y);
	cline = sc.y;
	sell -= cpos;
	selh -= cpos;
	int pos = cpos;
	Vector<int> dx, dx2;
	int fascent = font.Info().GetAscent();
	for(int i = sc.y; i < ll; i++) {
		WString tx = line[i];
		int len = tx.GetLength();
		if(w.IsPainting(0, y, sz.cx, fsz.cy)) {
			Highlight ih;
			ih.ink = color[IsShowEnabled() ? INK_NORMAL : INK_DISABLED];
			ih.paper = color[IsReadOnly() || !IsShowEnabled() ? PAPER_READONLY : PAPER_NORMAL];
				ih.paper = Null;
			ih.font = font;
			ih.chr = 0;
			Vector<Highlight> hl;
			hl.SetCount(len + 1, ih);
			for(int q = 0; q < tx.GetCount(); q++)
				hl[q].chr = tx[q];
			HighlightLine(i, hl, pos);
			int ln = hl.GetCount() - 1;
			int l = max(sell, 0);
			int h = selh > len ? len : selh;
			if(l < h)
				for(int i = l; i < h; i++) {
					hl[i].paper = color[PAPER_SELECTED];
					hl[i].ink = color[INK_SELECTED];
			if(sell <= len && selh > len)
				for(int i = len; i < hl.GetCount(); i++) {
					hl[i].paper = color[PAPER_SELECTED];
					hl[i].ink = color[INK_SELECTED];
			Buffer<wchar> txt(ln);
			for(int i = 0; i < ln; i++)
				txt[i] = hl[i].chr;
			for(int pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) {
				int gp = 0;
				int scx = fsz.cx * sc.x;
				if(ln >= 0) {
					int q = 0;
					while(q < ln) {
						Highlight& h = hl[q];
						if(txt[q] == '\t') {
							int ngp = (gp + tabsize) / tabsize * tabsize;
							int l = ngp - gp;
							LLOG("Highlight -> tab[" << q << "] paper = " << h.paper);
							if(pass == 0) {
								w.DrawRect(gp * fsz.cx - scx, y, fsz.cx * l, fsz.cy, h.paper);
								if(showtabs && h.paper != SColorHighlight && q < tx.GetLength()) {
									Color c = Blend(SColorLight, SColorHighlight);
									w.DrawRect(gp * fsz.cx - scx + 2, y + fsz.cy / 2,
									           l * fsz.cx - 4, 1, c);
									w.DrawRect(ngp * fsz.cx - scx - 3, y + 3,
									           1, fsz.cy - 6, c);
								if(bordercolumn > 0 && bordercolumn >= gp && bordercolumn < gp + l)
									w.DrawRect((bordercolumn - sc.x) * fsz.cx, y, 1, fsz.cy, bordercolor);
							gp = ngp;
						if(txt[q] == ' ') {
						    LLOG("Highlight -> space[" << q << "] paper = " << h.paper);
						    if(pass == 0) {
						        w.DrawRect(gp * fsz.cx - scx, y, fsz.cx, fsz.cy, h.paper);
						        if(showspaces && h.paper != SColorHighlight && q < tx.GetLength()) {
						            Color c = Blend(SColorLight, SColorHighlight);
						            w.DrawRect(gp * fsz.cx - scx + fsz.cx / 2, y + fsz.cy / 2,
						                       2, 2, c);
						        if(bordercolumn > 0 && bordercolumn >= gp && bordercolumn < gp + 1)
						            w.DrawRect((bordercolumn - sc.x) * fsz.cx, y, 1, fsz.cy, bordercolor);
						else {
							bool cjk = IsCJKIdeograph(txt[q]);
							int p = q + 1;
							while(p < len && h == hl[p] && txt[p] != '\t' && txt[p] != ' ' && IsCJKIdeograph(txt[p]) == cjk && p - q < 128)
							int l = p - q;
							int ll = cjk ? 2 * l : l;
							LLOG("Highlight -> paper[" << q << "] = " << h.paper);
							int x = gp * fsz.cx - scx;
							int xx = x + (gp + ll) * fsz.cx;
							if(max(x, 0) < min(xx, sz.cx))
								if(pass == 0) {
									w.DrawRect(x, y, fsz.cx * ll, fsz.cy, h.paper);
									if(bordercolumn > 0 && bordercolumn >= gp && bordercolumn < gp + ll)
										w.DrawRect((bordercolumn - sc.x) * fsz.cx, y, 1, fsz.cy, bordercolor);
								else {
										dx2.At(l, 2 * fsz.cx);
										dx.At(l, fsz.cx);
									           y + fascent - h.font.Info().GetAscent(),
									           ~txt + q, h.font, h.ink, l, cjk ? dx2 : dx);
							q = p;
							gp += ll;
							if(x > sz.cx)
				if(pass == 0) {
					int gpx = gp * fsz.cx - scx;
					w.DrawRect(gpx, y, sz.cx - gpx, fsz.cy, hl.Top().paper);
					if(bordercolumn > 0 && bordercolumn >= gp)
						w.DrawRect((bordercolumn - sc.x) * fsz.cx, y, 1, fsz.cy, bordercolor);
		y += fsz.cy;
		sell -= len + 1;
		selh -= len + 1;
		pos += len + 1;
	w.DrawRect(0, y, sz.cx, sz.cy - y, color[IsReadOnly() || !IsShowEnabled() ? PAPER_READONLY : PAPER_NORMAL]);
	DrawTiles(w, DropCaret(), CtrlImg::checkers());
Example #4
void DocEdit::RefreshDropCaret()
Example #5
void   LineEdit::Paint0(Draw& w) {
	int sell, selh;
	GetSelection(sell, selh);
		sell = selh = 0;
	Rect rect;
	bool rectsel = IsRectSelection();
		rect = GetRectSelection();
	Size sz = GetSize();
	Size fsz = GetFontSize();
	Point sc = sb;
	int ll = min(line.GetCount(), sz.cy / fsz.cy + sc.y + 1);
	int  y = 0;
	sc.y = minmax(sc.y, 0, line.GetCount() - 1);
	cpos = GetPos(sc.y);
	cline = sc.y;
	sell -= cpos;
	selh -= cpos;
	int pos = cpos;
	int fascent = font.Info().GetAscent();
	int cursorline = GetLine(cursor);
	Highlight ih;
	ih.ink = color[IsShowEnabled() ? INK_NORMAL : INK_DISABLED];
	ih.paper = color[IsReadOnly() && showreadonly || !IsShowEnabled() ? PAPER_READONLY : PAPER_NORMAL];
		ih.paper = Null;
	ih.font = font;
	ih.chr = 0;
	for(int i = sc.y; i < ll; i++) {
		Color showcolor = color[WHITESPACE];
		WString tx = line[i];
		bool warn_whitespace = false;
		if(warnwhitespace && !IsSelection()) {
			int pos = GetCursor();
			int linei = GetLinePos(pos);
			if(linei != i || pos < tx.GetCount()) {
				int wkind = 0;
				bool empty = true;
				for(const wchar *s = tx; *s; s++) {
					if(*s == '\t') {
						if(wkind == ' ') {
							warn_whitespace = true;
						wkind = '\t';
					if(*s == ' ')
						wkind = ' ';
					if(*s > ' ') {
						empty = false;
						wkind = 0;
				if(wkind && !empty)
					warn_whitespace = true;
					showcolor = color[WARN_WHITESPACE];
		bool do_highlight = tx.GetCount() < 100000;
		int len = tx.GetLength();
		if(w.IsPainting(0, y, sz.cx, fsz.cy)) {
			Vector<Highlight> hl;
			int ln;
			if(do_highlight) {
				hl.SetCount(len + 1, ih);
				for(int q = 0; q < tx.GetCount(); q++)
					hl[q].chr = tx[q];
				HighlightLine(i, hl, pos);
				ln = hl.GetCount() - 1;
				ln = tx.GetCount();
			int lgp = -1;
			for(int pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) {
				int gp = 0;
				int scx = fsz.cx * sc.x;
				sOptimizedRectRenderer rw(w);
				if(ln >= 0) {
					int q = 0;
					int x = 0;
					int scx2 = scx - max(2, tabsize) * fsz.cx;
					while(q < ln && x < scx2) { // Skip part before left border
						wchar chr = do_highlight ? hl[q++].chr : tx[q++];
						if(chr == '\t') {
							gp = (gp + tabsize) / tabsize * tabsize;
							x = fsz.cx * gp;
						if(IsCJKIdeograph(chr)) {
							x += 2 * fsz.cx;
							gp += 2;
						else {
							x += fsz.cx;
					sOptimizedTextRenderer tw(w);
					while(q < ln) {
						if(q == tx.GetCount())
							lgp = gp;
						Highlight h;
							h = hl[q];
						else {
							h = ih;
							h.chr = tx[q];
						int pos = min(q, len); // Highligting can add chars at the end of line
						if(rectsel ? i >= rect.top && i <= rect.bottom && gp >= rect.left && gp < rect.right
						           : pos >= sell && pos < selh) {
							h.paper = color[PAPER_SELECTED];
							h.ink = color[INK_SELECTED];
						int x = gp * fsz.cx - scx;
						if(h.chr == '\t') {
							int ngp = (gp + tabsize) / tabsize * tabsize;
							int l = ngp - gp;
							LLOG("Highlight -> tab[" << q << "] paper = " << h.paper);
							if(pass == 0 && x >= -fsz.cy * tabsize) {
								rw.DrawRect(x, y, fsz.cx * l, fsz.cy, h.paper);
								if((showtabs || warn_whitespace) &&
								   h.paper != SColorHighlight && q < tx.GetLength()) {
									rw.DrawRect(x + 2, y + fsz.cy / 2, l * fsz.cx - 4, 1, showcolor);
									rw.DrawRect(ngp * fsz.cx - scx - 3, y + 3, 1, fsz.cy - 6, showcolor);
								if(bordercolumn > 0 && bordercolumn >= gp && bordercolumn < gp + l)
									rw.DrawRect((bordercolumn - sc.x) * fsz.cx, y, 1, fsz.cy, bordercolor);
							gp = ngp;
						if(h.chr == ' ') {
							LLOG("Highlight -> space[" << q << "] paper = " << h.paper);
							if(pass == 0 && x >= -fsz.cy) {
								rw.DrawRect(x, y, fsz.cx, fsz.cy, h.paper);
								if((showspaces || warn_whitespace)
								   && h.paper != SColorHighlight && q < tx.GetLength()) {
									int n = fsz.cy / 10 + 1;
									rw.DrawRect(x + fsz.cx / 2, y + fsz.cy / 2, n, n, showcolor);
								if(bordercolumn > 0 && bordercolumn >= gp && bordercolumn < gp + 1)
									rw.DrawRect((bordercolumn - sc.x) * fsz.cx, y, 1, fsz.cy, bordercolor);
						else {
							bool cjk = IsCJKIdeograph(h.chr);
							LLOG("Highlight -> paper[" << q << "] = " << h.paper);
							int xx = x + (gp + 1 + cjk) * fsz.cx;
							if(max(x, 0) < min(xx, sz.cx) && fsz.cx >= -fsz.cy) {
								if(pass == 0) {
									rw.DrawRect(x, y, (cjk + 1) * fsz.cx, fsz.cy, h.paper);
									if(bordercolumn > 0 && bordercolumn >= gp && bordercolumn < gp + 1 + cjk)
										rw.DrawRect((bordercolumn - sc.x) * fsz.cx, y, 1, fsz.cy, bordercolor);
									tw.DrawChar(x + (h.flags & SHIFT_L ? -fsz.cx / 6 : h.flags & SHIFT_R ? fsz.cx / 6 : 0),
									            y + fascent - h.font.GetAscent(),
									            h.chr, (cjk + 1) * fsz.cx, h.font, h.ink);
							gp += 1 + cjk;
							if(x > sz.cx)
				if(pass == 0) {
					int gpx = gp * fsz.cx - scx;
					rw.DrawRect(gpx, y, sz.cx - gpx, fsz.cy,
					            !rectsel && sell <= len && len < selh ? color[PAPER_SELECTED]
					            : (do_highlight ? hl.Top() : ih).paper);
					if(bordercolumn > 0 && bordercolumn >= gp)
						rw.DrawRect((bordercolumn - sc.x) * fsz.cx, y, 1, fsz.cy, bordercolor);
				if(pass == 0 && (showlines || warn_whitespace)) {
					int yy = 2 * fsz.cy / 3;
					int x = (lgp >= 0 ? lgp : gp) * fsz.cx - scx;
					rw.DrawRect(x, y + yy, fsz.cx / 2, 1, showcolor);
					if(fsz.cx > 2)
						rw.DrawRect(x + 1, y + yy - 1, 1, 3, showcolor);
					if(fsz.cx > 5)
						rw.DrawRect(x + 2, y + yy - 2, 1, 5, showcolor);
					rw.DrawRect(x + fsz.cx / 2, y + yy / 2, 1, yy - yy / 2, showcolor);
				if(pass == 0 && !IsNull(hline) && sell == selh && i == cursorline) {
					rw.DrawRect(0, y, sz.cx, 1, hline);
					rw.DrawRect(0, y + fsz.cy - 1, sz.cx, 1, hline);
				if(pass == 0 && rectsel && rect.left == rect.right && i >= rect.top && i <= rect.bottom)
					rw.DrawRect(rect.left * fsz.cx - scx, y, 2, fsz.cy, Blend(color[PAPER_SELECTED], color[PAPER_NORMAL]));
		y += fsz.cy;
		sell -= len + 1;
		selh -= len + 1;
		pos += len + 1;
	w.DrawRect(0, y, sz.cx, sz.cy - y, color[IsReadOnly() && showreadonly || !IsShowEnabled() ? PAPER_READONLY : PAPER_NORMAL]);
	DrawTiles(w, DropCaret(), CtrlImg::checkers());