Example #1
LLValue* DtoIndexClass(LLValue* src, ClassDeclaration* cd, VarDeclaration* vd)
    Logger::println("indexing class field %s:", vd->toPrettyChars());

    if (Logger::enabled())
        Logger::cout() << "src: " << *src << '\n';

    // make sure class is resolved

    // vd must be a field
    IrField* field = vd->ir.irField;

    // get the start pointer
    LLType* st = DtoType(cd->type);
    // cast to the struct type
    src = DtoBitCast(src, st);

    // gep to the index
#if 0
    if (Logger::enabled())
        Logger::cout() << "src2: " << *src << '\n';
        Logger::cout() << "index: " << field->index << '\n';
        Logger::cout() << "srctype: " << *src->getType() << '\n';
    LLValue* val = DtoGEPi(src, 0, field->index);

    // do we need to offset further? (union area)
    if (field->unionOffset)
        // cast to void*
        val = DtoBitCast(val, getVoidPtrType());
        // offset
        val = DtoGEPi1(val, field->unionOffset);

    // cast it to the right type
    val = DtoBitCast(val, getPtrToType(DtoType(vd->type)));

    if (Logger::enabled())
        Logger::cout() << "value: " << *val << '\n';

    return val;
Example #2
LLValue* DtoIndexStruct(LLValue* src, StructDeclaration* sd, VarDeclaration* vd)
    Logger::println("indexing struct field %s:", vd->toPrettyChars());


    // vd must be a field
    IrField* field = vd->ir.irField;

    // get the start pointer
    LLType* st = getPtrToType(DtoType(sd->type));

    // cast to the formal struct type
    src = DtoBitCast(src, st);

    // gep to the index
    LLValue* val = DtoGEPi(src, 0, field->index);

    // do we need to offset further? (union area)
    if (field->unionOffset)
        // cast to void*
        val = DtoBitCast(val, getVoidPtrType());
        // offset
        val = DtoGEPi1(val, field->unionOffset);

    // cast it to the right type
    val = DtoBitCast(val, getPtrToType(i1ToI8(DtoType(vd->type))));

    if (Logger::enabled())
        Logger::cout() << "value: " << *val << '\n';

    return val;
Example #3
File: nested.cpp Project: torje/ldc
DValue* DtoNestedVariable(Loc loc, Type* astype, VarDeclaration* vd, bool byref)
    Logger::println("DtoNestedVariable for %s @ %s", vd->toChars(), loc.toChars());

    // Locate context value

    Dsymbol* vdparent = vd->toParent2();

    IrFunction* irfunc = gIR->func();

    // Check whether we can access the needed frame
    FuncDeclaration *fd = irfunc->decl;
    while (fd != vdparent) {
        if (fd->isStatic()) {
            error(loc, "function %s cannot access frame of function %s", irfunc->decl->toPrettyChars(), vdparent->toPrettyChars());
            return new DVarValue(astype, vd, llvm::UndefValue::get(getPtrToType(DtoType(astype))));
        fd = getParentFunc(fd, false);

    // is the nested variable in this scope?
    if (vdparent == irfunc->decl)
        LLValue* val = vd->ir.getIrValue();
        return new DVarValue(astype, vd, val);

    LLValue *dwarfValue = 0;
    std::vector<LLValue*> dwarfAddr;
    LLType *int64Ty = LLType::getInt64Ty(gIR->context());

    // get the nested context
    LLValue* ctx = 0;
    if (irfunc->decl->isMember2())
    #if DMDV2
        AggregateDeclaration* cd = irfunc->decl->isMember2();
        LLValue* val = irfunc->thisArg;
        if (cd->isClassDeclaration())
            val = DtoLoad(val);
        ClassDeclaration* cd = irfunc->decl->isMember2()->isClassDeclaration();
        LLValue* val = DtoLoad(irfunc->thisArg);
        ctx = DtoLoad(DtoGEPi(val, 0,cd->vthis->ir.irField->index, ".vthis"));
    else if (irfunc->nestedVar) {
        ctx = irfunc->nestedVar;
        dwarfValue = ctx;
    } else {
        ctx = DtoLoad(irfunc->nestArg);
        dwarfValue = irfunc->nestArg;
        if (global.params.symdebug)


    // Extract variable from nested context

    if (nestedCtx == NCArray) {
        LLValue* val = DtoBitCast(ctx, getPtrToType(getVoidPtrType()));
        val = DtoGEPi1(val, vd->ir.irLocal->nestedIndex);
        val = DtoAlignedLoad(val);
        val = DtoBitCast(val, vd->ir.irLocal->value->getType(), vd->toChars());
        return new DVarValue(astype, vd, val);
    else if (nestedCtx == NCHybrid) {
        LLValue* val = DtoBitCast(ctx, LLPointerType::getUnqual(irfunc->frameType));
        Logger::cout() << "Context: " << *val << '\n';
        Logger::cout() << "of type: " << *val->getType() << '\n';

        unsigned vardepth = vd->ir.irLocal->nestedDepth;
        unsigned funcdepth = irfunc->depth;

        Logger::cout() << "Variable: " << vd->toChars() << '\n';
        Logger::cout() << "Variable depth: " << vardepth << '\n';
        Logger::cout() << "Function: " << irfunc->decl->toChars() << '\n';
        Logger::cout() << "Function depth: " << funcdepth << '\n';

        if (vardepth == funcdepth) {
            // This is not always handled above because functions without
            // variables accessed by nested functions don't create new frames.
            Logger::println("Same depth");
        } else {
            // Load frame pointer and index that...
            if (dwarfValue && global.params.symdebug) {
                dwarfOpOffset(dwarfAddr, val, vd->ir.irLocal->nestedDepth);
            Logger::println("Lower depth");
            val = DtoGEPi(val, 0, vd->ir.irLocal->nestedDepth);
            Logger::cout() << "Frame index: " << *val << '\n';
            val = DtoAlignedLoad(val, (std::string(".frame.") + vdparent->toChars()).c_str());
            Logger::cout() << "Frame: " << *val << '\n';

        if (dwarfValue && global.params.symdebug)
            dwarfOpOffset(dwarfAddr, val, vd->ir.irLocal->nestedIndex);
        val = DtoGEPi(val, 0, vd->ir.irLocal->nestedIndex, vd->toChars());
        Logger::cout() << "Addr: " << *val << '\n';
        Logger::cout() << "of type: " << *val->getType() << '\n';
        if (vd->ir.irLocal->byref || byref) {
            val = DtoAlignedLoad(val);
            Logger::cout() << "Was byref, now: " << *val << '\n';
            Logger::cout() << "of type: " << *val->getType() << '\n';

        if (dwarfValue && global.params.symdebug)
            DtoDwarfLocalVariable(dwarfValue, vd, dwarfAddr);

        return new DVarValue(astype, vd, val);
    else {
        assert(0 && "Not implemented yet");