PBYTE *T5( PBYTE *pMem ) { ODS( WIDE("Starting Defrag test\n")); DumpStats(); { int i, r; for( i = 0; i < MAX_I/2; i++ ) { r = i*2; if( r >= MAX_I ) r -= (MAX_I - 1); pMem[r] = Release( pMem[r] ); } DumpStats(); for( i = 0; i < (MAX_I)/2; i++ ) { r = i*2; Defragment( &pMem[r+1] ); } DumpStats(); for( ; i < MAX_I; i++ ) { r = i*2; if( r >= MAX_I ) r -= (MAX_I - 1); pMem[r] = Release( pMem[r] ); } DumpStats(); } IsDone(); return pMem; }
void test12_8() { std::cout << "==================== test12_8 ====================\n"; const unsigned asize = 8; Digipen::Utils::srand(2, 1); BList<int, asize> bl; std::cout << "nodesize is " << bl.nodesize() << std::endl; unsigned low = 10; unsigned high = 99; unsigned range = high - low; unsigned size = 16; int *ia = new int[range]; for (unsigned i = low; i < high; i++) ia[i - low] = i + 1; Shuffle(ia, range); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) { bl.insert(ia[i]); //DumpList(bl, true); //DumpList(bl); //std::cout << "==========================\n"; } DumpList(bl, false); DumpStats(bl); bl.clear(); DumpList(bl, false); DumpStats(bl); std::cout << std::endl; delete [] ia; }
CGLMShaderPairCache::~CGLMShaderPairCache( ) { if (gl_shaderpair_cachelog/* .GetInt() */) { DumpStats(); } // free all the built pairs // free the entry table bool purgeResult = this->Purge(); Assert( !purgeResult ); if (m_entries) { free( m_entries ); m_entries = NULL; } if (m_evictions) { free( m_evictions ); m_evictions = NULL; } if (m_hits) { free( m_hits ); m_hits = NULL; } }
VOID Fini(int, VOID * v) { DumpStats(*out, GlobalStatsStatic, "static counts"); *out << endl; ComputeGlobalStats(); DumpStats(*out, GlobalStatsDynamic, "dynamic counts"); *out << "# eof" << endl; out->close(); }
CGLMShaderPairCache::~CGLMShaderPairCache( ) { if (gl_shaderpair_cachelog.GetInt()) { DumpStats(); } // free all the built pairs // free the entry table bool purgeResult = this->Purge(); (void)purgeResult; Assert( !purgeResult ); if (m_entries) { free( m_entries ); m_entries = NULL; } if (m_evictions) { free( m_evictions ); m_evictions = NULL; } #if GL_SHADER_PAIR_CACHE_STATS if (m_hits) { free( m_hits ); m_hits = NULL; } #endif }
VProfilingCounter::~VProfilingCounter() { if (fDebugDumpOnDelete) { DumpStats(); Stop(false); } }
void GFXDebuggerPanel::OnDumpButton(wxCommandEvent& event) { std::string dump_path = File::GetUserPath(D_DUMP_IDX) + "Debug/" + SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.m_strUniqueID + "/"; if (!File::CreateFullPath(dump_path)) return; switch (m_pDumpList->GetSelection()) { case 0: // Pixel Shader DumpPixelShader(dump_path); break; case 1: // Vertex Shader DumpVertexShader(dump_path); break; case 2: // Pixel Shader Constants DumpPixelShaderConstants(dump_path); wxMessageBox(_("Not implemented"), _("Error"), wxOK); break; case 3: // Vertex Shader Constants DumpVertexShaderConstants(dump_path); wxMessageBox(_("Not implemented"), _("Error"), wxOK); break; case 4: // Textures DumpTextures(dump_path); wxMessageBox(_("Not implemented"), _("Error"), wxOK); break; case 5: // Frame Buffer DumpFrameBuffer(dump_path); wxMessageBox(_("Not implemented"), _("Error"), wxOK); break; case 6: // Geometry DumpGeometry(dump_path); wxMessageBox(_("Not implemented"), _("Error"), wxOK); break; case 7: // Vertex Description DumpVertexDecl(dump_path); wxMessageBox(_("Not implemented"), _("Error"), wxOK); break; case 8: // Vertex Matrices DumpMatrices(dump_path); wxMessageBox(_("Not implemented"), _("Error"), wxOK); break; case 9: // Statistics DumpStats(dump_path); wxMessageBox(_("Not implemented"), _("Error"), wxOK); break; } }
void Mask::UpdateBeadFindOutcomes( Region &wholeChip, char const *maskFileName, bool not_single_beadfind, int update_stats, char const *maskStatsName) { // write the beadmask in maskPtr to file maskFileName if (!update_stats) { DumpStats (wholeChip, (char *)maskStatsName, not_single_beadfind); } WriteRaw (maskFileName); validateMask(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc >= 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0) { PrintVersion(); return 0; } if (argc < 3) return PrintHelp(); bool sounds = false; bool stats = false; int arg = 1; for (arg = 1; arg < argc; arg++) { if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-s") == 0) sounds = true; else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-i") == 0) stats = true; else break; } // Make sure we have 1 arg left after getting the options char* pageFile = nil; if (arg < argc) pageFile = argv[arg]; else return PrintHelp(); // Init our special resMgr plResMgrSettings::Get().SetFilterNewerPageVersions(false); plResMgrSettings::Get().SetFilterOlderPageVersions(false); plResMgrSettings::Get().SetLoadPagesOnInit(false); gResMgr = new plResManager; hsgResMgr::Init(gResMgr); gResMgr->AddSinglePage(pageFile); if (sounds) DumpSounds(); if (stats) { char path[256]; strcpy(path, pageFile); plFileUtils::StripFile(path); DumpStats(path); } hsgResMgr::Shutdown(); return 0; }
void ExitError(short code) { DumpStats(); if (OutFileName) { fclose(stdout); remove(OutFileName); } if (ExitCode < code) ExitCode = code; exit(ExitCode); }
void test2() { std::cout << "==================== test2 ====================\n"; const unsigned asize = 4; Digipen::Utils::srand(2, 1); BList<Foo, asize> bl; std::cout << "nodesize is " << bl.nodesize() << std::endl; bl.insert(Foo(3,2)); DumpList(bl, false); bl.insert(Foo(1,2)); DumpList(bl, false); bl.insert(Foo(2, 5)); DumpList(bl, false); bl.insert(Foo(2,7)); DumpList(bl, false); bl.insert(Foo(2,2)); DumpList(bl, false); bl.insert(Foo(3, 8)); DumpList(bl, false); DumpList(bl, true); DumpStats(bl); int index = bl.find(Foo(2,7)); std::cout << "Index of " << Foo(2,7) << " is " << index << std::endl; index = bl.find(Foo(1,8)); std::cout << "Index of " << Foo(1,8) << " is " << index << std::endl << std::endl; bl.remove(1); DumpList(bl, false); bl.remove_by_value(Foo(2,7)); DumpList(bl, false); DumpStats(bl); std::cout << "==========================\n"; std::cout << std::endl; }
void TCPTest1000Byte( void ) { int n; uint32_t sec = time(NULL); while( (sec+5) > time(NULL) ) //for( n = 0; n < 10000; n++ ) { l.waiting = 1; SetTick( l.start ); SendTCP( l.pClient, l.data, 1000 ); // have to wait here until the responce is received. while( l.waiting ) Relinquish(); } DumpStats(); }
VOID Fini(int, VOID * v) { string filename = KnobOutputFile.Value(); if( KnobPid ) { filename += "." + decstr( getpid_portable() ); } std::ofstream out(filename.c_str()); DumpStats(out); out << "# $eof" << endl; out.close(); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // push_front void test1_1() { std::cout << "==================== test1_1 ====================\n"; const unsigned asize = 1; BList<int, asize> bl; std::cout << "nodesize is " << bl.nodesize() << std::endl; for (int i = 1; i <= 16; i++) { bl.push_front(i); //DumpList(bl); //std::cout << "==========================\n"; } DumpList(bl, false); DumpList(bl, true); DumpStats(bl); std::cout << std::endl; }
bool Lacrimi::run() { Delay(400); if(GetConfigBool("Features", "LuaEngine", true)) { L_LuaEngineMgr = new LuaEngineMgr(); L_LuaEngineMgr->Startup(); Delay(100); while(LuaEngineIsStarting) Delay(100); } uint32 curTime = getMSTime(); uint32 m_StatDumpTimer = curTime+15000, m_CleanupDelay = curTime+10000; while(GetThreadState() != THREADSTATE_SELF_TERMINATE) { curTime = getMSTime(); if(!SetThreadState(THREADSTATE_BUSY)) break; if(dumpstats) { if(curTime > m_StatDumpTimer) { DumpStats(); m_StatDumpTimer = curTime+60000; } } if(curTime > m_CleanupDelay) Cleanup(); if(!SetThreadState(THREADSTATE_SLEEPING)) break; Delay(5); } sLog.Notice("Lacrimi", "Terminating..."); FinalCleanup(); if(database) _StopDB(); OnShutdown(); return true; }
void Test1Byte( void ) /*FOLD00*/ { uint32_t responce; uint32_t reslen = 4096; int n; uint32_t sec = time(NULL); while( (sec+5) > time(NULL) ) //for( n = 0; n < 10000; n++ ) { SetTick( l.start ); if( !TransactServerMessage( l.MsgBaseClient + MSG_Test1 , l.data, 1 , &responce, l.data_in, &reslen ) ) { printf( WIDE("Transact message generally failed - suppose that's a timeout.\n") ); } else { if( responce & 0x80000000 ) lprintf( WIDE("Responce was faillure from the server...") ); else { uint64_t del; SetTick( l.end ); l.accum += (del = l.end - l.start); l.passes++; l.bytes += reslen; if( (!l.min) || (del < l.min) ) l.min = del; if( del > l.max ) l.max = del; l.waiting = 0; } } } DumpStats(); }
void test6_512() { std::cout << "==================== test5_512 ====================\n"; const unsigned asize = 512; BList<int, asize> bl; std::cout << "nodesize is " << bl.nodesize() << std::endl; unsigned low = 1000; unsigned high = 9999; unsigned range = high - low; unsigned size = 8000; int *ia = new int[range]; for (unsigned i = low; i < high; i++) ia[i - low] = i + 1; Shuffle(ia, range); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) bl.insert(ia[i]); //DumpList(bl, true); //DumpList(bl, false); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) { int index = bl.find(ia[i]); if (index == -1) std::cout << "Item: " << ia[i] << " not found. Something's wrong.\n"; else if (!(i % 400)) std::cout << "Found " << ia[i] << " at index " << index << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; DumpStats(bl); std::cout << std::endl; delete [] ia; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt; char *queryWord = NULL; char *queryFile = NULL; int discardDupFiles = 1; int cacheSizeInKB = 0; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "ql:d:uw:f:bc:s:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'q': quietFlag = 1; break; case 'l': diskLatency = atoi(optarg); break; case 'c': cacheSizeInKB = atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': diskBusyWaitEnable = 1; break; case 'u': discardDupFiles = 0; break; case 'w': queryWord = strdup(optarg); break; case 'f': queryFile = strdup(optarg); break; case 's': serverAckFd = atoi(optarg); diskLatency = 0; /* Default for assignment 3 is zero-latency */ break; case 'd': { char *c = optarg; while (*c) { Debug_SetFlag(*c, 1); c++; } break; } default: PrintUsageAndExit(argv[0]); } } if (optind != argc-1) { PrintUsageAndExit(argv[0]); } /* * Allocate Memory for any caching of data. 0 means infinite cache. */ if (cacheSizeInKB == 0) { cacheSizeInKB = INFINITE_CACHE_SIZE/1024; } int retVal = CacheMem_Init(cacheSizeInKB); if (retVal < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't allocate memory for cache\n"); return 1; } char *diskpath = diskpath = argv[optind]; BuildDiskIndex(diskpath, discardDupFiles); if (queryWord) { TestServiceBySingleWord(queryWord); } if (queryFile) { TestServiceByFileOfWords(queryFile); } if (serverAckFd) { ServerMode(serverAckFd); } if (!quietFlag) { printf("************ Stats ***************\n"); DumpStats(stdout); DumpUsageStats(stdout); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); return 0; }
MemoryTracker::~MemoryTracker() { DumpStats(); DumpLeaks(); }