Example #1
 * Add one more symbol.
static orl_return do_orl_symbol( orl_symbol_handle o_symbol )
    char *              name;
    char *              namecopy;

    name = ORLSymbolGetName( o_symbol );

    if( !is_name_mangled( name ) ) {
        namecopy = DupStrMem( name );
        InsertHash( hashtable, namecopy );

    return( ORL_OKAY );
Example #2
 * Add one more parameter to the section specified by block.  Reallocates
 * memory if necessary, and does all necessary bookkeeping.
void AppendCmdLine( CmdLine *cmdLine, int section, const char *parm )
    /*** Allocate GRANULARITY more elements if we're out of room ***/
    if( section < 0  ||  section >= cmdLine->numSections )  Zoinks();
    if( cmdLine[section].curItems+2 > cmdLine[section].maxItems ) {
        cmdLine[section].args = ReallocMem( cmdLine[section].args, (cmdLine[section].maxItems+GRANULARITY) * sizeof(char*) );
        cmdLine[section].maxItems += GRANULARITY;

    /*** Store the specified pointer and update curItems ***/
    if( parm != NULL )  parm = DupStrMem( parm );               /* copy it */
    cmdLine[section].args[ cmdLine[section].curItems ] = (char*)parm;
    cmdLine[section].args[ cmdLine[section].curItems+1 ] = NULL;/* last one */
Example #3
 * Returns the actual name of 'filename', searching 'libpaths' if necessary.
 * The caller is responsible for freeing the returned memory.  If the file
 * cannot be found, NULL is returned.
static char *find_file( const char *filename, const char *libpaths[] )
    int                 rc;
    unsigned            count;
    char *              tryme;
    size_t              len;
    const char *        p;
    bool                hasbackslash;

    /*** We might not have to go searching for it ***/
    rc = access( filename, F_OK );
    if( rc == 0 ) {
        return( DupStrMem( filename ) );

    /*** Not found, so check any directories in 'libpaths' ***/
    if( libpaths != NULL ) {
        for( count=0; libpaths[count]!=NULL; count++ ) {
            /*** Determine if we need to add a backslash to the path ***/
            len = strlen( libpaths[count] );
            if( len == 0 )  Zoinks();
            p = libpaths[count] + len - 1;
            if( *p == '\\' ) {
                hasbackslash = TRUE;
            } else {
                hasbackslash = FALSE;

            /*** See if the file exists here ***/
            len = strlen( libpaths[count] )  +
                  ( hasbackslash ? 0 : 1 )  +
                  strlen( filename ) + 1;
            tryme = AllocMem( len );
            sprintf( tryme, "%s%s%s", libpaths[count],
                     hasbackslash ? "" : "\\", filename );
            rc = access( tryme, F_OK );
            if( rc == 0 ) {
                return( tryme );
            } else {
                FreeMem( tryme );

    return( NULL );
Example #4
 * Process output from the WLIB DLL.
static int wlib_output( const char *text )
    bool                badness = false;

    if( ( strncmp( text, "Error!", 6 ) == 0 ) || ( strncmp( text, "Warning!", 8 ) == 0 ) ) {
        badness = true;

    if( !badness ) {
        if( strchr( text, ' ' ) == NULL ) {
            InsertHash( hashtable, (void*)DupStrMem( (char*)text ) );
        return( 1 );
    } else {
        Warning( "Message from WLIB DLL: %s", text );
        return( 0 );
Example #5
 * Perform fuzzy matching on the given symbol.  If exactly one match is
 * found, a pointer to the real symbol name (in ' quotes) is returned;
 * the caller is responsible for freeing this memory.  In all other cases,
 * NULL is returned.
char *MatchFuzzy( const char *entryname )
    MatchingInfo        info;
    char *              retval;
    char *              tmp;
    unsigned            numfound = 0;
    ListElem *          curelem;

    if( hashtable == NULL )  Zoinks();

    /*** Strip quotes from 'entryname' ***/
    tmp = DupStrMem( entryname );
    if( *tmp == '\'' ) {
        info.basename = DupStrMem( tmp + 1 );
        info.basename[ strlen(info.basename) - 1 ] = '\0';
        FreeMem( tmp );
    } else {
        info.basename = tmp;

    /*** Check for an exact match ***/
    info.findmode = MATCH_MODE_EXACT;
    info.found = NULL;
    WalkBucketHash( hashtable, info.basename, matching_callback, &info );

    /*** Check for _symbol ***/
    if( info.found == NULL ) {
        info.findmode = MATCH_MODE_UNDERBAR_SYMBOL;
        WalkBucketHash( hashtable, info.basename, matching_callback, &info );

    /*** Check for symbol_ ***/
    if( info.found == NULL ) {
        info.findmode = MATCH_MODE_SYMBOL_UNDERBAR;
        WalkBucketHash( hashtable, info.basename, matching_callback, &info );

    /*** Check for _symbol@number ***/
    if( info.found == NULL ) {
        WalkBucketHash( hashtable, info.basename, matching_callback, &info );

    /*** Count how many matches we got ***/
    numfound = 0;
    curelem = info.found;
    while( curelem != NULL ) {
        curelem = curelem->next;

    /*** If there was more than one match, complain ***/
    if( numfound > 1 ) {
        Warning( "Symbol with entry name %s has %u matching internal names:",
                 entryname, numfound );
        curelem = info.found;
        while( curelem != NULL ) {
            Information( "%s", curelem->buff );
            curelem = curelem->next;
        Information( "Symbol will be ignored!" );

    /*** Return an appropriate value ***/
    if( numfound == 1 ) {
        retval = DupQuoteStrMem( info.found->buff, '\'' );
    } else {
        retval = NULL;
    free_list( info.found );
    return( retval );
Example #6
 * Hash a symbol name.
static unsigned hash_symbol_name( const void *symbol )
    char *              namecopy;
    char *              namestart;
    char *              p;
    unsigned *          s;
    unsigned            len;
    unsigned            mask;
    unsigned            c;
    unsigned            g;
    unsigned            h;
    unsigned const      namecmpmask[5] = {
        0x00000000, 0x000000FF, 0x0000FFFF, 0x00FFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF

     * We want 'foo', '_foo', 'foo_', '_foo@8', and so on all to hash to
     * the same value, so strip off stuff from each end if necessary to
     * get the root name.
    namecopy = DupStrMem( symbol );
    namestart = namecopy;
    while( *namestart == '_' )  namestart++;
    len = (unsigned)strlen( namestart );
    if( len > 0 ) {
        p = namestart + len - 1;
        while( p >= namestart  &&  ( isdigit(*p) || *p=='@' || *p=='_' ) ) {
            *p = '\0';

     * Ok, now do the actual hashing.
    s = (unsigned *)namestart;
    len = (unsigned)strlen( namestart );
    h = len;
    c = len;
    if( len > sizeof( unsigned ) ) {
        do {
            c ^= *s;
            h = ( h << 4 ) + c;
            g = h & ~0x00FFFFFF;
            h ^= g;
            h ^= g >> (4+4+4+4+4);
            len -= sizeof( unsigned );
        } while( len > sizeof( unsigned ) );
    mask = namecmpmask[ len ];
    c ^= *s & mask;
    h = ( h << 4 ) + c;
    g = h & ~0x00FFFFFF;
    h ^= g;
    h ^= g >> (4+4+4+4+4);
    g = h & ~0x0FFF;
    h ^= g;
    h ^= g >> (4+4+4);
    h ^= h >> (2+4);

    FreeMem( namecopy );
    return( h );
Example #7
 * Examine a file's extension to determine what type of file it is.  If the
 * file has no extension, a warning is issued and TYPE_ASSUME_FILE is assumed.
static int file_type( const char *filename )
    char *              newfilename;
    char *              tempfilename;
    char                ext[_MAX_EXT];
    int                 type;

    /*** Strip quotes from filename ***/
    newfilename = DupStrMem( filename );
    if( *newfilename == '"' ) {
        tempfilename = newfilename + 1;                 /* skip leading " */
        tempfilename[ strlen(tempfilename)-1 ] = '\0';  /* smite trailing " */
    } else {
        tempfilename = newfilename;

    _splitpath( tempfilename, NULL, NULL, NULL, ext );
    if( allowC && !stricmp( ext, ".c" ) ) {
        type = TYPE_C_FILE;
    } else if( allowCPP && !stricmp( ext, ".cc" ) ) {
        type = TYPE_CPP_FILE;
    } else if( allowCPP && !stricmp( ext, ".cpp" ) ) {
        type = TYPE_CPP_FILE;
    } else if( allowCPP && !stricmp( ext, ".cxx" ) ) {
        type = TYPE_CPP_FILE;
    } else if( allowCPP && !stricmp( ext, ".odl" ) ) {
        type = TYPE_CPP_FILE;
    } else if( allowCPP && !stricmp( ext, ".idl" ) ) {
        type = TYPE_CPP_FILE;
    } else if( allowDEF && !stricmp( ext, ".def" ) ) {
        type = TYPE_DEF_FILE;
    } else if( allowOBJ && !stricmp( ext, ".obj" ) ) {
        type = TYPE_OBJ_FILE;
    } else if( allowLIB && !stricmp( ext, ".lib" ) ) {
        type = TYPE_LIB_FILE;
    } else if( allowRC && !stricmp( ext, ".rc" ) ) {
        type = TYPE_RC_FILE;
    } else if( allowRES && !stricmp( ext, ".res" ) ) {
        type = TYPE_RES_FILE;
    } else if( allowRBJ && !stricmp( ext, ".rbj" ) ) {
        type = TYPE_RBJ_FILE;
    } else if( allowRS && !stricmp( ext, ".rs" ) ) {
        type = TYPE_RS_FILE;
    } else if( allowEXP && !stricmp( ext, ".exp" ) ) {
        type = TYPE_EXP_FILE;
    } else {
        if( defaultType == TYPE_INVALID_FILE ) {
        if( languageToForce == FORCE_NONE ) {
            Warning( "Unrecognized file type '%s' -- %s file assumed",
                     filename, defaultName );
        type = defaultType;
    if( type == TYPE_C_FILE && languageToForce == FORCE_CPP_COMPILE ) {
        type = TYPE_CPP_FILE;
    } else if( type == TYPE_CPP_FILE && languageToForce == FORCE_C_COMPILE ) {
        type = TYPE_C_FILE;
    FreeMem( newfilename );
    return( type );
Example #8
 * Scan a string.  No leading whitespace is allowed.  Returns a pointer
 * to newly allocated memory containing the string.  If leading whitespace
 * is found, returns NULL.  Quotes embedded within a string must be escaped
 * by a preceding backslash; two consecutive backslashes are reduced to one.
char *CmdScanString( void )
    const char          quotechar = '"';
    int                 ch;
    int                 inQuote = Quoted;   /* true if inside a quoted string */
    int                 backslash = 0;      /* true if last char was a '\\' */
    int                 start;              /* context offset of string start */
    char *              buf = DupStrMem( "" );
    size_t              bufsize = 0;
    size_t              offset = 0;

    /*** Return NULL if there's leading whitespace or no more data ***/
    ch = GetCharContext();
    if( !Quoted && isspace( ch ) ) {
        return( NULL );
    } else if( ch != '\0' ) {
    } else {
        return( NULL );

    /*** Count the number of characters in the string ***/
    start = GetPosContext();
    for( ;; ) {
        ch = GetCharContext();
        if( ch == 0 )  break;
        if( !inQuote && isspace( ch ) )  break;
        if( ch == quotechar ) {
            if( backslash ) {
                backslash = 0;          /* handle \" within a string */
            } else if( inQuote ) {
                if( Quoted ) {
                    Quoted = 0;
                    return( buf );
                inQuote = 0;            /* end of a quoted portion */
            } else {
                inQuote = 1;            /* start of a quoted portion */
            buf = got_char( buf, &bufsize, offset, ch );
        } else if( ch == '\\' ) {
            if( backslash ) {
                buf = got_char( buf, &bufsize, offset, ch );
                backslash = 0;      /* second '\\' of a pair */
                if( GetCharContext() == quotechar )
                    buf = got_char( buf, &bufsize, offset++, '\\' );
            } else {
                backslash = 1;      /* first '\\' of a pair */
        } else {
            if( backslash ) {
                buf = got_char( buf, &bufsize, offset, '\\' );
                backslash = 0;
            buf = got_char( buf, &bufsize, offset, ch );
    if( backslash ) {                   /* store any leftover backslash */
        buf = got_char( buf, &bufsize, offset, '\\' );

    if( ch != 0 )  UngetCharContext();
    return( buf );