// *******************************************************************************
// FUNCTION:     GetBitmapFromClipboard
// FUNCTION USE: Retrieves bitmap data from the clipboard
// DESCRIPTION:  This function is used to handle the paste functionality, by 
//               retrieving bitmap data (CF_BITMAP) from the clipboard.  The
//               function will set a bitmap into an HPS if passed a valid PS
//               handle.
//               NOTE: This routine has been slightly modified from the routine
//                     used in the Chapter 4 sample program.
// PARAMETERS:   HPS      Presentation space handle to place the bitmap in.
// RETURNS:      TRUE     success
//               FALSE    error
// *******************************************************************************
HBITMAP GetBitmapFromClipboard(HPS hpsSource)
 HAB     habTemp;
 HBITMAP hbmTemp;
 APIRET  rc;

 static HBITMAP hbmClip;

 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------           
 // Get an anchor block handle                                                           
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------           
 habTemp = WinQueryAnchorBlock(HWND_DESKTOP);                                                            

 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------             
 // Open the clipboard                                                              
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------             
 rc = WinOpenClipbrd (habTemp);                                                      

 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                  
 // If we get an error opening, return FALSE and post message  
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                  
 if (!rc)  
   return rc;                                                                         
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                 
 // Get the bitmap data out of the clipboard                                 
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                 
 hbmTemp = (HBITMAP) WinQueryClipbrdData (habTemp, CF_BITMAP);                        

 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                       
 // WinQueryClipbrdData will return a NULLHANDLE if there is no 
 // bitmap data in the clipboard or if an error occurred.
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------             
 if (hbmTemp != NULLHANDLE)                                                        
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                     
   // Duplicate our bitmap handle.                                                            
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                     
   hbmClip = DuplicateBitmap (hbmTemp, hpsSource);                                          
   if (hbmClip == NULLHANDLE)                                                     
     DisplayMessages(NULLHANDLE, "Error Duplicating Bitmap", MSG_EXCLAMATION);     

 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                          
 // Close the clipboard and return our bitmap handle                                                
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                          
 WinCloseClipbrd (habTemp);                                                           
 return hbmClip;
Example #2
void ColorBalanceManipulator::SetPreviewBitmap(BBitmap *bm)
	if (preview_bitmap != bm) {
		delete copy_of_the_preview_bitmap;
		if (bm != NULL) {
			preview_bitmap = bm;
			copy_of_the_preview_bitmap = DuplicateBitmap(bm,0);
		else {
			preview_bitmap = NULL;
			copy_of_the_preview_bitmap = NULL;
Example #3
void SaturationManipulator::SetPreviewBitmap(BBitmap *bm)
	if (preview_bitmap != bm) {
		delete copy_of_the_preview_bitmap;
		delete luminance_image;

		if (bm != NULL) {
			preview_bitmap = bm;
			copy_of_the_preview_bitmap = DuplicateBitmap(bm,0);
			luminance_image = new BBitmap(preview_bitmap->Bounds(),B_CMAP8);
		else {
			preview_bitmap = NULL;
			copy_of_the_preview_bitmap = NULL;
			luminance_image = NULL;

	if (preview_bitmap != NULL) {
		BeOS_system_info info;
		double speed = info.cpu_count * info.cpu_clock_speed;

		// Let's select a resolution that can handle all the pixels at least
		// 10 times in a second while assuming that one pixel calculation takes
		// about 50 CPU cycles.
		speed = speed / (10*50);
		BRect bounds = preview_bitmap->Bounds();
		float num_pixels = (bounds.Width()+1) * (bounds.Height() + 1);
		lowest_available_quality = 1;
		while ((num_pixels/lowest_available_quality/lowest_available_quality) > speed)
			lowest_available_quality *= 2;

		lowest_available_quality = min_c(lowest_available_quality,16);
		highest_available_quality = max_c(lowest_available_quality/2,1);
	else {
		lowest_available_quality = 1;
		highest_available_quality = 1;
	last_calculated_resolution = lowest_available_quality;
Example #4
 * ShiftImage - shift the image in the given direction
void ShiftImage( WORD shiftdirection )
    HBITMAP     dup_and;
    HBITMAP     dup_xor;
    HBITMAP     oldbitmap;
    HBITMAP     oldsrcbitmap;
    WPI_PRES    pres;
    HDC         memdc;
    WPI_PRES    mempres;
    HDC         srcdc;
    WPI_PRES    srcpres;
    short       x_src;
    short       y_src;
    short       x_dest;
    short       y_dest;
    short       width;
    short       height;
    short       min_width;
    short       min_height;
    short       rgn_width;
    short       rgn_height;
    img_node    *node;
    WPI_RECT    rect;
    IMGED_DIM   left;
    IMGED_DIM   right;
    IMGED_DIM   top;
    IMGED_DIM   bottom;
    DWORD       message;

    node = GetCurrentNode();
    if( node == NULL ) {

    dup_and = DuplicateBitmap( node->handbitmap );
    dup_xor = DuplicateBitmap( node->hxorbitmap );

    pres = _wpi_getpres( HWND_DESKTOP );
    mempres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &memdc );
    srcpres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &srcdc );
    _wpi_releasepres( HWND_DESKTOP, pres );

    _wpi_torgbmode( mempres );
    _wpi_torgbmode( srcpres );

    if( DoesRectExist( &rect ) ) {
        width = (short)_wpi_getwidthrect( rect );
        height = (short)_wpi_getheightrect( rect );
    } else {
        _wpi_setwrectvalues( &rect, 0, 0, node->width, node->height );
        width = node->width;
        height = node->height;

    _wpi_getwrectvalues( rect, &left, &top, &right, &bottom );

    oldbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, node->handbitmap );
    _wpi_patblt( mempres, left, top, width, height, BLACKNESS );
    _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbitmap );
    oldbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, node->hxorbitmap );
    _wpi_patblt( mempres, left, top, width, height, WHITENESS );

    oldsrcbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( srcpres, dup_xor );

    x_src = (short)left;
    y_src = (short)top;
    x_dest =(short)left;
    y_dest = (short)top;
    min_width = (short)min( ImgedConfigInfo.shift, width );
    min_height = (short)min( ImgedConfigInfo.shift, height );
    rgn_width = width;
    rgn_height = height;

    switch( shiftdirection ) {
    case IMGED_LEFT:
        width -= min_width;
        x_src = x_src + min_width;
        message = WIE_IMAGESHIFTEDLEFT;

    case IMGED_RIGHT:
        width -= min_width;
        x_dest = x_dest + min_width;
        message = WIE_IMAGESHIFTEDRIGHT;

    case IMGED_UP:
#ifndef __OS2_PM__
        height -= min_height;
        y_src = y_src + min_height;
        height += min_height;
        y_src = y_src - min_height;
        message = WIE_IMAGESHIFTEDUP;

    case IMGED_DOWN:
#ifndef __OS2_PM__
        height -= min_height;
        y_dest = y_dest + min_height;
        height += min_height;
        y_dest = y_dest - min_height;
        message = WIE_IMAGESHIFTEDDOWN;


    _wpi_bitblt( mempres, x_dest, y_dest, width, height, srcpres, x_src, y_src, SRCCOPY );
    _wpi_selectobject( srcpres, oldsrcbitmap );
    oldsrcbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( srcpres, dup_and );
    _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbitmap );
    oldbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, node->handbitmap );
    _wpi_bitblt( mempres, x_dest, y_dest, width, height, srcpres, x_src, y_src, SRCCOPY );

    if( IsShiftWrap() ) {
        switch( shiftdirection ) {
        case IMGED_LEFT:
            width = min_width;
            x_src = (short)left;
            x_dest = (short)(right - width);

        case IMGED_RIGHT:
            width = min_width;
            x_dest = (short)left;
            x_src = (short)(right - width);

        case SHIFT_UP:
            height = min_height;
            y_src = (short)top;
            y_dest = (short)(bottom - height);

        case SHIFT_DOWN:
            height = min_height;
            y_dest = (short)top;
            y_src = (short)(bottom - height);


        _wpi_bitblt( mempres, x_dest, y_dest, width, height, srcpres,
                     x_src, y_src, SRCCOPY );
        _wpi_selectobject( srcpres, oldsrcbitmap );
        _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbitmap );
        oldsrcbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( srcpres, dup_xor );
        oldbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, node->hxorbitmap );
        _wpi_bitblt( mempres, x_dest, y_dest, width, height, srcpres,
                     x_src, y_src, SRCCOPY );
    _wpi_selectobject( srcpres, oldsrcbitmap );
    _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbitmap );
    _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( srcpres, srcdc );
    _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( mempres, memdc );

    _wpi_deleteobject( dup_xor );
    _wpi_deleteobject( dup_and );

    RecordImage( node->hwnd );
    BlowupImage( node->hwnd, NULL );
    InvalidateRect( node->viewhwnd, NULL, FALSE );

    IEPrintAmtText( message, ImgedConfigInfo.shift );

} /* ShiftImage */
Example #5
BBitmap* OilManipulator::ManipulateBitmap(BBitmap *original,Selection *selection,BStatusBar *status_bar)
	BWindow *status_bar_window = NULL;
	if (status_bar != NULL)
		status_bar_window = status_bar->Window();

	BRect a_rect = original->Bounds();
	BBitmap *spare_buffer = DuplicateBitmap(original);

	BitmapDrawer *target = new BitmapDrawer(original);
	BitmapDrawer *source = new BitmapDrawer(spare_buffer);

	int32 width = original->Bounds().Width() + 1;
	int32 height = original->Bounds().Height() + 1;

	float status_bar_update_step = 100.0 / (width*height) * 1000.0;

	BMessage progress_message = BMessage(B_UPDATE_STATUS_BAR);

	// We must select all pixels between 0 and width*height in a
	// pseudo-random order.
	int32 *offsets = new int32[width*height];
	for (int32 i=0;i<width*height;i++)
		offsets[i] = i;

		We copy each pixel with the following pattern:

			X	->		 OXOO


	int32 size_of_area = width*height-1;
	int32 width_times_height = width*height;
	uint32 moved_pixel;
	union {
		uint8 bytes[4];
		uint32 word;
	} color;

	int32 random_array_size = 32;
	int32 *random_array = new int32[random_array_size];
	for (int32 i=0;i<random_array_size;i++) {
		random_array[i] = random()%10 * (random()%2 == 0?-1:1);

	if ((selection == NULL) || (selection->IsEmpty() == TRUE)) {
//		for (int32 i=0;i<width_times_height;i++) {
		while (size_of_area > 0) {
			// Select one pixel at random
			int32 new_offset = rand() % size_of_area;
			int32 spare = offsets[new_offset];
			offsets[new_offset] = offsets[size_of_area];
			int32 x = spare % width;
			int32 y = spare / width;
			color.word = source->GetPixel(BPoint(x,y));
			// randomize the color a bit
			color.bytes[0] = min_c(255,max_c(0,(int32)color.bytes[0] + random_array[size_of_area%random_array_size]));
			color.bytes[1] = min_c(255,max_c(0,(int32)color.bytes[1] + random_array[size_of_area%random_array_size]));
			color.bytes[2] = min_c(255,max_c(0,(int32)color.bytes[2] + random_array[size_of_area%random_array_size]));

			moved_pixel = color.word;

			if (((size_of_area % 1000) == 0) && (status_bar != NULL) && (status_bar_window != NULL) && (status_bar_window->LockWithTimeout(0) == B_OK)) {
	else {
		while (size_of_area > 0) {
			// Select one pixel at random
			int32 new_offset = rand() % size_of_area;
			int32 spare = offsets[new_offset];
			offsets[new_offset] = offsets[size_of_area];
			int32 x = spare % width;
			int32 y = spare / width;
			color.word = source->GetPixel(BPoint(x,y));
			// randomize the color a bit
			color.bytes[0] = min_c(255,max_c(0,(int32)color.bytes[0] + random_array[size_of_area%random_array_size]));
			color.bytes[1] = min_c(255,max_c(0,(int32)color.bytes[1] + random_array[size_of_area%random_array_size]));
			color.bytes[2] = min_c(255,max_c(0,(int32)color.bytes[2] + random_array[size_of_area%random_array_size]));

			moved_pixel = color.word;

			if (((size_of_area % 1000) == 0) && (status_bar != NULL) && (status_bar_window != NULL) && (status_bar_window->LockWithTimeout(0) == B_OK)) {
	// we should also delete the spare-bitmap
	delete spare_buffer;
	delete target;
	delete source;
	delete[] offsets;

	return original;
Example #6
 * PasteImage - paste the image in the clipboard at the current point
 *            - first check to see if the image was cut/copied from our program
 *            - if it was, then we use the hXorClipped and hAndClipped bitmaps
 *              we created in order to preserve the screen colors if ther were used
 *            - otherwise, just copy from the clipboard
void PasteImage( WPI_POINT *pt, WPI_POINT pointsize, HWND hwnd )
    HBITMAP     hbitmap;
    HBITMAP     hbitmapdup;
    HBITMAP     holddup;
    HBITMAP     oldbitmap;
    HBITMAP     oldbitmap2;
    WPI_PRES    pres;
    WPI_PRES    mempres;
    HDC         memdc;
    WPI_PRES    clippres;
    HDC         clipdc;
    WPI_RECT    client;
    WPI_POINT   truept;
    short       width;
    short       height;
    short       clipwidth;
    short       clipheight;
    img_node    *node;
    int         fstretchbmp;
    int         bm_width, bm_height;
    WPI_RECTDIM left;
    WPI_RECTDIM right;
    WPI_RECTDIM top;
    WPI_RECTDIM bottom;
    WPI_RECTDIM client_l;
    WPI_RECTDIM client_r;
    WPI_RECTDIM client_t;
    WPI_RECTDIM client_b;
#ifdef __OS2_PM__
    int         src_y, dest_y;

    if( fEnableCutCopy ) {
        _wpi_getwrectvalues( clipRect.rect, &left, &top, &right, &bottom );
        truept.x = left;
        truept.y = top;
        fstretchbmp = StretchPastedImage();
    } else {
        truept.x = pt->x / pointsize.x;
        truept.y = pt->y / pointsize.y;
        fstretchbmp = -1;

    node = SelectImage( hwnd );
    pres = _wpi_getpres( node->viewhwnd );

    if( _wpi_getclipboardowner( Instance ) == HMainWindow && node->imgtype != BITMAP_IMG ) {
        _wpi_getbitmapdim( hAndClipped, &bm_width, &bm_height );
        GetClientRect( node->hwnd, &client );
        if( fEnableCutCopy ) {
            width = (short)_wpi_getwidthrect( clipRect.rect );
            height = (short)_wpi_getheightrect( clipRect.rect );
        } else {
            _wpi_getrectvalues( client, &client_l, &client_t, &client_r, &client_b );
            width = (short)( client_r / pointsize.x - truept.x );
            if( width > (short)bm_width )
                width = (short)bm_width;
            height = (short)( client_b / pointsize.y - truept.y );
            if( height > (short)bm_height ) {
                height = (short)bm_height;

        mempres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &memdc );
        _wpi_setstretchbltmode( mempres, COLORONCOLOR );
        clippres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &clipdc );

        oldbitmap = _wpi_selectbitmap( mempres, node->handbitmap );
        oldbitmap2 = _wpi_selectbitmap( clippres, hAndClipped );

        if( fstretchbmp == FALSE ) {
            clipwidth = (short)bm_width;
            if( clipwidth > (short)width )
                clipwidth = (short)width;
            clipheight = (short)bm_height;
            if( clipheight > (short)height )
                clipheight = (short)height;

            _wpi_patblt( mempres, truept.x, truept.y, width, height, BLACKNESS );
            _wpi_bitblt( mempres, truept.x, truept.y, clipwidth, clipheight,
                         clippres, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
        } else if( fstretchbmp == TRUE ) {
            _wpi_stretchblt( mempres, truept.x, truept.y, width, height,
                             clippres, 0, 0, bm_width, bm_height, SRCCOPY);
        } else {
            _wpi_bitblt( mempres, truept.x, truept.y, width, height, clippres,
                         0, 0, SRCCOPY );
        _wpi_getoldbitmap( mempres, oldbitmap );
        oldbitmap = _wpi_selectbitmap( mempres, node->hxorbitmap );

        hbitmapdup = DuplicateBitmap( hXorClipped );
        _wpi_getoldbitmap( clippres, oldbitmap2 );
        oldbitmap2 = _wpi_selectbitmap( clippres, hbitmapdup );

        if( fstretchbmp == FALSE ) {
            clipwidth = (short)bm_width;
            if( clipwidth > (short)width )
                clipwidth = (short)width;
            clipheight = (short)bm_height;
            if( clipheight > (short)height )
                clipheight = (short)height;

            _wpi_patblt( mempres, truept.x, truept.y, width, height, WHITENESS );
#ifdef __OS2_PM__
            if( bm_height > height ) {
                src_y = bm_height - height;
                dest_y = truept.y;
            } else {
                src_y = 0;
                dest_y = truept.y + (height - bm_height);
            _wpi_bitblt( mempres, truept.x, dest_y, clipwidth, clipheight,
                         clippres, 0, src_y, SRCCOPY );
            _wpi_bitblt( mempres, truept.x, truept.y, clipwidth, clipheight,
                         clippres, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
        } else if( fstretchbmp == TRUE ) {
            _wpi_stretchblt( mempres, truept.x, truept.y, width, height,
                             clippres, 0, 0, bm_width, bm_height, SRCCOPY );
        } else {
            _wpi_bitblt( mempres, truept.x, truept.y, width, height, clippres,
                         0, 0, SRCCOPY );
        _wpi_getoldbitmap( mempres, oldbitmap );
        _wpi_getoldbitmap( clippres, oldbitmap2 );
        _wpi_deletebitmap( hbitmapdup );
        _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( mempres, memdc );
        _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( clippres, clipdc );
    } else {
        if( node->imgtype != BITMAP_IMG ) {
        _wpi_openclipboard( Instance, HMainWindow );
        hbitmap = _wpi_getclipboarddata( Instance, CF_BITMAP );
        hbitmapdup = DuplicateBitmap( hbitmap );
        _wpi_closeclipboard( Instance );

        _wpi_getbitmapdim( hbitmapdup, &bm_width, &bm_height );
        GetClientRect( node->hwnd, &client );

        if( fEnableCutCopy ) {
            width = (short)_wpi_getwidthrect( clipRect.rect );
            height = (short)_wpi_getheightrect( clipRect.rect );
        } else {
            _wpi_getrectvalues( client, &client_l, &client_t, &client_r, &client_b );
            width = (short)( client_r / pointsize.x - truept.x );
            if( width > (short)bm_width )
                width = (short)bm_width;
            height = (short)( client_b / pointsize.y - truept.y );
            if( height > (short)bm_height ) {
                height = (short)bm_height;

        clippres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &clipdc );
        mempres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &memdc );
        _wpi_setstretchbltmode( mempres, COLORONCOLOR );

        holddup = _wpi_selectbitmap( clippres, hbitmapdup );
        oldbitmap = _wpi_selectbitmap( mempres, node->hxorbitmap );

        if( fstretchbmp == FALSE ) {
            clipwidth = (short)bm_width;
            if( clipwidth > (short)width )
                clipwidth = (short)width;
            clipheight = (short)bm_height;
            if( clipheight > (short)height )
                clipheight = (short)height;

            _wpi_patblt( mempres, truept.x, truept.y, width, height, WHITENESS );
#ifdef __OS2_PM__
            if( bm_height > height ) {
                src_y = bm_height - height;
                dest_y = truept.y;
            } else {
                src_y = 0;
                dest_y = truept.y + (height - bm_height);
            _wpi_bitblt( mempres, truept.x, dest_y, clipwidth, clipheight,
                         clippres, 0, src_y, SRCCOPY );
            _wpi_bitblt( mempres, truept.x, truept.y, clipwidth, clipheight,
                         clippres, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
        } else if( fstretchbmp == TRUE ) {
            _wpi_stretchblt( mempres, truept.x, truept.y, width, height,
                             clippres, 0, 0, bm_width, bm_height, SRCCOPY );
        } else {
            _wpi_bitblt( mempres, truept.x, truept.y, width, height, clippres,
                         0, 0, SRCCOPY );
        _wpi_getoldbitmap( clippres, holddup );
        _wpi_deletebitmap( hbitmapdup );
        _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( clippres, clipdc );

        _wpi_getoldbitmap( mempres, oldbitmap );
        oldbitmap = _wpi_selectbitmap( mempres, node->handbitmap );
        _wpi_patblt( mempres, truept.x, truept.y, width, height, BLACKNESS );

        _wpi_getoldbitmap( mempres, oldbitmap );
        _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( mempres, memdc );

    _wpi_releasepres( node->viewhwnd, pres );

    InvalidateRect( node->viewhwnd, NULL, TRUE );
    if( !fEnableCutCopy ) {
        _wpi_setcursor( prevCursor );
        _wpi_destroycursor( pointCursor );
        SetToolType( prevToolType );

    fEnableCutCopy = FALSE;
    RecordImage( hwnd );
    BlowupImage( NULL, NULL );


} /* PasteImage */
Example #7
BBitmap* ColorBalanceManipulator::ManipulateBitmap(ManipulatorSettings *set,BBitmap *original,Selection *selection,BStatusBar *status_bar)
	ColorBalanceManipulatorSettings *new_settings = dynamic_cast<ColorBalanceManipulatorSettings*>(set);

	if (new_settings == NULL)
		return NULL;

	if (original == NULL)
		return NULL;

	if ((new_settings->red_difference == 0) &&(new_settings->green_difference == 0) && (new_settings->blue_difference == 0))
		return NULL;

	BBitmap *source_bitmap;
	BBitmap *target_bitmap;
	BBitmap *new_bitmap = NULL;

	if (original == preview_bitmap) {
		target_bitmap = original;
		source_bitmap = copy_of_the_preview_bitmap;
	else {
		target_bitmap = original;
		new_bitmap =  DuplicateBitmap(original,0);
		source_bitmap = new_bitmap;

	uint32 *source_bits = (uint32*)source_bitmap->Bits();
	uint32 *target_bits = (uint32*)target_bitmap->Bits();
	int32 source_bpr = source_bitmap->BytesPerRow()/4;
	int32 target_bpr = target_bitmap->BytesPerRow()/4;

	int32 left = target_bitmap->Bounds().left;
	int32 right = target_bitmap->Bounds().right;
	int32 top = target_bitmap->Bounds().top;
	int32 bottom = target_bitmap->Bounds().bottom;

	union {
		uint8 bytes[4];
		uint32 word;
	} color;

	if (selection->IsEmpty() == TRUE) {
		for (int32 y=top;y<=bottom;y++) {
			for (int32 x=left;x<=right;x++) {
				color.word = *source_bits++;
				color.bytes[0] = max_c(min_c(255,color.bytes[0]+new_settings->blue_difference),0);
				color.bytes[1] = max_c(min_c(255,color.bytes[1]+new_settings->green_difference),0);
				color.bytes[2] = max_c(min_c(255,color.bytes[2]+new_settings->red_difference),0);
				*target_bits++ = color.word;
	else {
		for (int32 y=top;y<=bottom;y++) {
			for (int32 x=left;x<=right;x++) {
				if (selection->ContainsPoint(x,y)) {
					color.word = *source_bits++;
					color.bytes[0] = max_c(min_c(255,color.bytes[0]+new_settings->blue_difference),0);
					color.bytes[1] = max_c(min_c(255,color.bytes[1]+new_settings->green_difference),0);
					color.bytes[2] = max_c(min_c(255,color.bytes[2]+new_settings->red_difference),0);
					*target_bits++ = color.word;
				else {
					*target_bits++ = *source_bits++;
	if (new_bitmap != NULL) {
		delete new_bitmap;

	return original;