/*! * \brief Restores a menu window. * * The menu window to restore is given in \a menuWindow. The resource ID and type of menu is given * in \a resourceId and \a menuType, respectively. * * If you override this function, you should call the base class implementation as well. */ void QS60MainAppUi::RestoreMenuL(CCoeControl* menuWindow, TInt resourceId, TMenuType menuType) { if (resourceId >= QT_SYMBIAN_FIRST_MENU_ITEM && resourceId <= QT_SYMBIAN_LAST_MENU_ITEM) { if (menuType == EMenuPane) DynInitMenuPaneL(resourceId, (CEikMenuPane*)menuWindow); else DynInitMenuBarL(resourceId, (CEikMenuBar*)menuWindow); } else { CAknAppUi::RestoreMenuL(menuWindow, resourceId, menuType); } }
/*! * \brief Restores a menu window. * * The menu window to restore is given in \a menuWindow. The resource ID and type of menu is given * in \a resourceId and \a menuType, respectively. * * If you override this function, you should call the base class implementation as well. */ void QS60MainAppUi::RestoreMenuL(CCoeControl *menuWindow, TInt resourceId, TMenuType menuType) { #ifdef Q_WS_S60 if (resourceId >= QT_SYMBIAN_FIRST_MENU_ITEM && resourceId <= QT_SYMBIAN_LAST_MENU_ITEM) { if (menuType == EMenuPane) DynInitMenuPaneL(resourceId, (CEikMenuPane*)menuWindow); else DynInitMenuBarL(resourceId, (CEikMenuBar*)menuWindow); } else if(resourceId == R_AVKON_MENUPANE_EMPTY) { CEikMenuBarTitle *title = new(ELeave) CEikMenuBarTitle; CleanupStack::PushL(title); title->iData.iMenuPaneResourceId = R_AVKON_MENUPANE_EMPTY; title->iTitleFlags = 0; S60->menuBar()->TitleArray()->AddTitleL(title); CleanupStack::Pop( title ); } else #endif { QS60MainAppUiBase::RestoreMenuL(menuWindow, resourceId, menuType); } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CTestSettingPage::TestDynInitMenuPaneL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CTestSettingPage::TestDynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane ) { DynInitMenuPaneL( aResourceId, aMenuPane ); }