Example #1
_energyFromImage(pullTask *task, pullPoint *point,
                 /* output */
                 double egradSum[4]) {
  char me[]="_energyFromImage";
  double energy, grad3[3];
  int probed;

  /* not sure I have the logic for this right 
  int ptrue;
  if (task->pctx->probeProb < 1 && allowProbeProb) {
    if (egrad) {
      ptrue = (0 == task->pctx->iter
               || airDrandMT_r(task->rng) < task->pctx->probeProb);
    } else {
      ptrue = AIR_FALSE;
  } else {
    ptrue = AIR_TRUE;
  probed = AIR_FALSE;
#define MAYBEPROBE \
  if (!probed) { \
    if (_pullProbe(task, point)) { \
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: problem probing!!!\n%s\n", me, biffGetDone(PULL)); \
    } \
    probed = AIR_TRUE; \
  energy = 0;
  if (egradSum) {
    ELL_4V_SET(egradSum, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  if (task->pctx->ispec[pullInfoHeight]
      && !task->pctx->ispec[pullInfoHeight]->constraint
      && (!task->pctx->ispec[pullInfoHeightLaplacian]
          || !task->pctx->ispec[pullInfoHeightLaplacian]->constraint)) {
    energy += _pullPointScalar(task->pctx, point, pullInfoHeight,
                               grad3, NULL);
    if (egradSum) {
      ELL_3V_INCR(egradSum, grad3);
  if (task->pctx->ispec[pullInfoIsovalue]
      && !task->pctx->ispec[pullInfoIsovalue]->constraint) {
    /* we're only going towards an isosurface, not constrained to it
       ==> set up a parabolic potential well around the isosurface */
    double val;
    val = _pullPointScalar(task->pctx, point, pullInfoIsovalue,
                           grad3, NULL);
    energy += val*val;
    if (egradSum) {
      ELL_3V_SCALE_INCR(egradSum, 2*val, grad3);
  return energy;
Example #2
** assign random signs to the vectors and measures the length of their
** mean, as quickly as possible
static double
party(Nrrd *npos, airRandMTState *rstate) {
  double *pos, mean[3];
  unsigned int ii, num, rnd, rndBit;

  pos = (double *)(npos->data);
  num = AIR_UINT(npos->axis[1].size);
  rnd = airUIrandMT_r(rstate);
  rndBit = 0;
  ELL_3V_SET(mean, 0, 0, 0);
  for (ii=0; ii<num; ii++) {
    if (32 == rndBit) {
      rnd = airUIrandMT_r(rstate);
      rndBit = 0;
    if (rnd & (1 << rndBit++)) {
      ELL_3V_SCALE(pos + 3*ii, -1, pos + 3*ii);
    ELL_3V_INCR(mean, pos + 3*ii);
  ELL_3V_SCALE(mean, 1.0/num, mean);
  return ELL_3V_LEN(mean);
Example #3
File: set.c Project: BRAINSia/teem
******** echoTriMeshSet()
** This has to be called any time that the locations of the points are
** changing, even if the connectivity is not changed, because of how
** the bounding box and mean vert position is calculated here.
** NB: the TriMesh will directly use the given pos[] and vert[] arrays,
** so don't go freeing them after they've been passed here.
echoTriMeshSet(echoObject *trim,
               int numV, echoPos_t *pos,
               int numF, int *vert) {
  int i;

  if (trim && echoTypeTriMesh == trim->type) {
    TRIMESH(trim)->numV = numV;
    TRIMESH(trim)->numF = numF;
    TRIMESH(trim)->pos = pos;
    TRIMESH(trim)->vert = vert;
    ELL_3V_SET(TRIMESH(trim)->meanvert, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    for (i=0; i<numV; i++) {
      ELL_3V_MIN(TRIMESH(trim)->min, TRIMESH(trim)->min, pos + 3*i);
      ELL_3V_MAX(TRIMESH(trim)->max, TRIMESH(trim)->max, pos + 3*i);
      ELL_3V_INCR(TRIMESH(trim)->meanvert, pos + 3*i);
    ELL_3V_SCALE(TRIMESH(trim)->meanvert, 1.0/numV, TRIMESH(trim)->meanvert);
Example #4
tend_helixDoit(Nrrd *nout, double bnd,
               double orig[3], double i2w[9], double mf[9],
               double r, double R, double S, double angle, int incrtwist,
               double ev[3], double bgEval) {
  int sx, sy, sz, xi, yi, zi;
  double th, t0, t1, t2, t3, v1, v2,
    wpos[3], vpos[3], mfT[9],
    W2H[9], H2W[9], H2C[9], C2H[9], fv[3], rv[3], uv[3], mA[9], mB[9], inside,
    tmp[3], len;
  float *out;

  sx = nout->axis[1].size;
  sy = nout->axis[2].size;
  sz = nout->axis[3].size;
  out = (float*)nout->data;
  ELL_3M_TRANSPOSE(mfT, mf);
  for (zi=0; zi<sz; zi++) {
    fprintf(stderr, "zi = %d/%d\n", zi, sz);
    for (yi=0; yi<sy; yi++) {
      for (xi=0; xi<sx; xi++) {
        ELL_3V_SET(tmp, xi, yi, zi);
        ELL_3MV_MUL(vpos, i2w, tmp);
        ELL_3V_INCR(vpos, orig);

#define WPOS(pos, th) ELL_3V_SET((pos),R*cos(th), R*sin(th), S*(th)/(2*AIR_PI))
#define VAL(th) (WPOS(wpos, th), ELL_3V_DIST(wpos, vpos))
#define RR 0.61803399
#define CC (1.0-RR)
#define SHIFT3(a,b,c,d) (a)=(b); (b)=(c); (c)=(d)
#define SHIFT2(a,b,c)   (a)=(b); (b)=(c)
        th = atan2(vpos[1], vpos[0]);
        th += 2*AIR_PI*floor(0.5 + vpos[2]/S - th/(2*AIR_PI));
        if (S*th/(2*AIR_PI) > vpos[2]) {
          t0 = th - AIR_PI; t3 = th;
        } else {
          t0 = th; t3 = th + AIR_PI;
        t1 = RR*t0 + CC*t3;
        t2 = CC*t0 + RR*t3;
        v1 = VAL(t1);
        v2 = VAL(t2);
        while ( t3-t0 > 0.000001*(AIR_ABS(t1)+AIR_ABS(t2)) ) {
          if (v1 < v2) {
            SHIFT3(t3, t2, t1, CC*t0 + RR*t2);
            SHIFT2(v2, v1, VAL(t1));
          } else {
            SHIFT3(t0, t1, t2, RR*t1 + CC*t3);
            SHIFT2(v1, v2, VAL(t2));
        /* t1 (and t2) are now the th for which the point on the helix
           (R*cos(th), R*sin(th), S*(th)/(2*AIR_PI)) is closest to vpos */

        WPOS(wpos, t1);
        ELL_3V_SUB(wpos, vpos, wpos);
        ELL_3V_SET(fv, -R*sin(t1), R*cos(t1), S/AIR_PI);  /* helix tangent */
        ELL_3V_NORM(fv, fv, len);
        ELL_3V_COPY(rv, wpos);
        ELL_3V_NORM(rv, rv, len);
        len = ELL_3V_DOT(rv, fv);
        ELL_3V_SCALE(tmp, -len, fv);
        ELL_3V_ADD2(rv, rv, tmp);
        ELL_3V_NORM(rv, rv, len);  /* rv now normal to helix, closest to 
                                      pointing to vpos */
        ELL_3V_CROSS(uv, rv, fv);
        ELL_3V_NORM(uv, uv, len);  /* (rv,fv,uv) now right-handed frame */
        ELL_3MV_ROW0_SET(W2H, uv); /* as is (uv,rv,fv) */
        ELL_3MV_ROW1_SET(W2H, rv);
        ELL_3MV_ROW2_SET(W2H, fv);
        ELL_3M_TRANSPOSE(H2W, W2H);
        inside = 0.5 - 0.5*airErf((ELL_3V_LEN(wpos)-r)/(bnd + 0.0001));
        if (incrtwist) {
          th = angle*ELL_3V_LEN(wpos)/r;
        } else {
          th = angle;
        ELL_3M_ROTATE_Y_SET(H2C, th);
        ELL_3M_TRANSPOSE(C2H, H2C);
                         AIR_LERP(inside, bgEval, ev[1]),
                         AIR_LERP(inside, bgEval, ev[2]),
                         AIR_LERP(inside, bgEval, ev[0]));
        ELL_3M_MUL(mB, mA, H2C);
        ELL_3M_MUL(mA, mB, W2H);
        ELL_3M_MUL(mB, mA, mf);
        ELL_3M_MUL(mA, C2H, mB);
        ELL_3M_MUL(mB, H2W, mA);
        ELL_3M_MUL(mA, mfT, mB);
        TEN_M2T_TT(out, float, mA);
        out[0] = 1.0;
        out += 7;