// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void XtArrayInitialization::initialize(EMMPM_Data::Pointer data)
  size_t total;

  total = data->rows * data->columns;

  const float rangeMin = 0.0f;
  const float rangeMax = 1.0f;
  typedef boost::uniform_real<> NumberDistribution;
  typedef boost::mt19937 RandomNumberGenerator;
  typedef boost::variate_generator<RandomNumberGenerator&,
          NumberDistribution> Generator;

  NumberDistribution distribution(rangeMin, rangeMax);
  RandomNumberGenerator generator;
  Generator numberGenerator(generator, distribution);
  generator.seed(EMMPM_getMilliSeconds()); // seed with the current time

  /* Initialize classification of each pixel randomly with a uniform disribution */
  for (size_t i = 0; i < total; i++)
    data->xt[i] = numberGenerator() * data->classes;

Example #2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void acvmpm(EMMPM_Data* data, EMMPM_CallbackFunctions* callbacks)
  double* yk;
  double sqrt2pi, current, con[EMMPM_MAX_CLASSES];
  double x, post[EMMPM_MAX_CLASSES], sum, edge;
  int k, l, prior;
  int i, j, d;
  size_t ld, ijd, ij, lij, i1j1;
  int dims = data->dims;
  int rows = data->rows;
  int cols = data->columns;
  int classes = data->classes;
  unsigned char* y = data->y;
  unsigned char* xt = data->xt;
  double* probs = data->probs;
  double* m = data->m;
  double* v = data->v;
  double* ccost = data->ccost;
  double* ns = data->ns;
  double* ew = data->ew;
  double* sw = data->sw;
  double* nw = data->nw;
  char msgbuff[256];
  float totalLoops;
  float currentLoopCount = 0.0;
//  double local_beta;

  size_t nsCols = data->columns - 1;
 // size_t nsRows = data->rows;
  size_t ewCols = data->columns;
//  size_t ewRows = data->rows - 1;
  size_t swCols = data->columns - 1;
//  size_t swRows = data->rows - 1;
  size_t nwCols = data->columns-1;
//  size_t nwRows = data->rows-1;

  memset(post, 0, EMMPM_MAX_CLASSES * sizeof(double));
  memset(con, 0,  EMMPM_MAX_CLASSES * sizeof(double));

  totalLoops = (float)(data->emIterations * data->mpmIterations + data->mpmIterations);
  memset(msgbuff, 0, 256);

  yk = (double*)malloc(cols * rows * classes * sizeof(double));

  sqrt2pi = sqrt(2.0 * M_PI);

  unsigned long long int millis = EMMPM_getMilliSeconds();

  for (l = 0; l < classes; l++)
    con[l] = 0;
    for (d = 0; d < dims; d++)
      ld = dims * l + d;
      con[l] += -log(sqrt2pi * sqrt(v[ld]));

  for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < cols; j++)
      for (l = 0; l < classes; l++)
        lij = (cols * rows * l) + (cols * i) + j;
        probs[lij] = 0;
        yk[lij] = con[l];
        for (d = 0; d < dims; d++)
          ld = dims * l + d;
          ijd = (dims * cols * i) + (dims * j) + d;
          yk[lij] += ((y[ijd] - m[ld]) * (y[ijd] - m[ld]) / (-2.0 * v[ld]));

  printf("Serial Millis to complete initialization: %llu \n", EMMPM_getMilliSeconds() - millis);

  /* Perform the MPM loops */
  for (k = 0; k < data->mpmIterations; k++)
    data->currentMPMLoop = k;
    if (data->cancel) { data->progress = 100.0; break; }
    data->inside_mpm_loop = 1;
    millis = EMMPM_getMilliSeconds();

    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < cols; j++)
        ij = (cols * i) + j;
        sum = 0;
        for (l = 0; l < classes; l++)
          /* edge penalties (in both x and y) */
          prior = 0;
          edge = 0;
          if (i - 1 >= 0)
            if (j - 1 >= 0)
              i1j1 = (cols*(i-1))+j-1;
              if (xt[i1j1] != l)
                i1j1 = (swCols*(i-1))+j-1;
                edge += sw[i1j1];

            i1j1 = (cols*(i-1))+j;
            if (xt[i1j1] != l)
              i1j1 = (ewCols*(i-1))+j;
              edge += ew[i1j1];
            if (j + 1 < cols)
              i1j1 = (cols*(i-1))+j+1;
              if (xt[i1j1] != l)
                i1j1 = (nwCols*(i-1))+j;
                edge += nw[i1j1];

          if (i + 1 < rows)
            if (j - 1 >= 0)
              i1j1 = (cols*(i+1))+j-1;
              if (xt[i1j1] != l)
                i1j1 = (nwCols*(i))+j-1;
                edge += nw[i1j1];
            i1j1 = (cols*(i+1))+j;
            if (xt[i1j1] != l)
              i1j1 = (ewCols*(i))+j;
              edge += ew[i1j1];
            if (j + 1 < cols)
              i1j1 = (cols*(i+1))+j+1;
              if (xt[i1j1] != l)
                i1j1 = (swCols*(i))+j;
                edge += sw[i1j1];
          if (j - 1 >= 0)
            i1j1 = (cols*(i))+j-1;
            if (xt[i1j1] != l)
              i1j1 = (nsCols*(i))+j-1;
              edge += ns[i1j1];
          if (j + 1 < cols)
            i1j1 = (cols*(i))+j+1;
            if (xt[i1j1] != l)
              i1j1 = (nsCols*(i))+j;
              edge += ns[i1j1];
          lij = (cols * rows * l) + (cols * i) + j;
          post[l] = exp(yk[lij] - (data->workingBeta * (double)prior) - edge - (data->beta_c * ccost[lij]) - data->w_gamma[l]);
          sum += post[l];
        x = genrand_real2(data->rngVars);
        current = 0;
        for (l = 0; l < classes; l++)
          lij = (cols * rows * l) + (cols * i) + j;
          ij = (cols*i)+j;
          if ((x >= current) && (x <= (current + post[l] / sum)))
            xt[ij] = l;
            probs[lij] += 1.0;
          current += post[l] / sum;
    printf("Millis to complete loop: %llu \n", EMMPM_getMilliSeconds() - millis);
    EMMPM_ConvertXtToOutputImage(data, callbacks);
    if (callbacks->EMMPM_ProgressFunc != NULL)
      data->currentMPMLoop = k;
      snprintf(msgbuff, 256, "MPM Loop %d", data->currentMPMLoop);
      callbacks->EMMPM_ProgressFunc(msgbuff, data->progress);
    if (NULL != callbacks->EMMPM_ProgressStatsFunc)
      currentLoopCount = data->mpmIterations * data->currentEMLoop + data->currentMPMLoop;
      data->progress = currentLoopCount / totalLoops * 100.0;

  data->inside_mpm_loop = 0;

  if (!data->cancel)
  /* Normalize probabilities */
    for (i = 0; i < data->rows; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < data->columns; j++)
        for (l = 0; l < classes; l++)
          lij = (cols * rows * l) + (cols * i) + j;
          data->probs[lij] = data->probs[lij] / (double)data->mpmIterations;

  /* Clean Up Memory */

Example #3
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(int argc,char *argv[])

//  unsigned long long int millis = EMMPM_getMilliSeconds();

  tbb::task_scheduler_init init;
  std::cout << "Default Number of Threads: " << init.default_num_threads() << std::endl;

  int err = 0;
  EMMPM_Data::Pointer data = EMMPM_Data::New();
//  EMMPM_CallbackFunctions* callbacks = EMMPM_AllocateCallbackFunctionStructure();
#if 1
  /* Parse the command line arguments */
  EMMPMInputParser parser;
  err = parser.parseCLIArguments(argc, argv, data.get());

  if (err < 0)
    printf("Error trying to parse the arguments.\n");
    return 0;
  char* infile = (char*)(malloc(1024));
  memset(infile, 0, 1024);
  snprintf(infile, 1024, "/Users/mjackson/Desktop/EMMPM.tif");
  char* outfile = (char*)(malloc(1024));
  memset(outfile, 0, 1024);
  snprintf(outfile, 1024, "/tmp/out.tif");
  data->input_file_name = infile;
  data->output_file_name = outfile;
  data->emIterations = 1;
  data->mpmIterations = 1;
  data->in_beta = 1.0;
  data->classes = 2;
  data->dims = 1;
  data->initType = EMMPM_Basic;
  data->simulatedAnnealing = 0;
  data->grayTable[0] = 0;
  data->grayTable[1] = 255;
  data->verbose = 1;
  data->w_gamma[0] = 1.0;
  data->w_gamma[1] = 1.0;
  data->useCurvaturePenalty = 0;
  data->ccostLoopDelay = 0;
  data->beta_e = 1.0;
  data->beta_c = 0.0;
  data->r_max = 1.0;

  /* Set the Callback functions to provide feedback */
  Observer obs;
  CLIStatsDelegate::Pointer statsDelegate = CLIStatsDelegate::New();

  // Get our input image from the Image IO functions
  TiffUtilities tifUtil;
  err = tifUtil.readInputImage(data);
  if (err < 0)
    printf("Error Reading the input image.\n");
    return 0;

  InitializationFunction::Pointer initFunction = BasicInitialization::New();

  // Set the initialization function based on the command line arguments
    case EMMPM_ManualInit:
      initFunction = InitializationFunction::New();
    case EMMPM_UserInitArea:
      initFunction = UserDefinedAreasInitialization::New();

  obs.updateProgressAndMessage("EM/MPM Starting.... ", 0);

  // Allocate all the memory here

  if (err)
    printf("Error allocating memory for the EMMPM Data Structure.\n   %s(%d)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    return 1;

  EMMPM::Pointer emmpm = EMMPM::New();

  err = tifUtil.writeOutputImage(data);
  if (err < 0)
    return 0;
#if 0
  std::cout << "Parrallel Time to Complete:";
  std::cout << "Serial Time To Complete: ";
  std::cout  << (EMMPM_getMilliSeconds() - millis) << std::endl;


  // Write the stats file
  std::stringstream ss;
  ss << data->output_file_name << "_Stats.txt";

  std::cout << "StatsFile: " << ss.str() << std::endl;

  FILE* f = fopen(ss.str().c_str(), "wb");
  fprintf(f, "InputFile:%s\n", data->input_file_name);
  fprintf(f, "SegmentedFile:%s\n" , data->output_file_name);
  fprintf(f, "NumClasses:%d\n", data->classes);
  fprintf(f, "Class,Mu,Sigma\n");
  // Remember the Sigma is the Square Root of the variance
  for(int i = 0; i < data->classes; ++i)
    fprintf(f, "%d,%f,%f\n", i,  data->mean[i] , sqrtf(data->variance[i]) );


  std::cout << "EM/MPM Ending" << std::endl;

    return 1;