static void THNN_(VolumetricAdaptiveAveragePooling_updateGradInput_frame)(
          real *gradInput_p,
          real *gradOutput_p,
          int64_t sizeD,
          int64_t isizeT,
          int64_t isizeH,
          int64_t isizeW,
          int64_t osizeT,
          int64_t osizeH,
          int64_t osizeW)
  int64_t d;
#pragma omp parallel for private(d)
  for (d = 0; d < sizeD; d++)
    real *gradInput_p_d  = gradInput_p + d*isizeT*isizeW*isizeH;
    real *gradOutput_p_d = gradOutput_p + d*osizeT*osizeW*osizeH;

    /* calculate average */
    int64_t ot, oh, ow;
    for(ot = 0; ot < osizeT; ot++)
      int istartT = START_IND(ot, osizeT, isizeT);
      int iendT   = END_IND(ot, osizeT, isizeT);
      int kT = iendT - istartT;

      for(oh = 0; oh < osizeH; oh++)
        int istartH = START_IND(oh, osizeH, isizeH);
        int iendH   = END_IND(oh, osizeH, isizeH);
        int kH = iendH - istartH;

        for(ow = 0; ow < osizeW; ow++)

          int istartW = START_IND(ow, osizeW, isizeW);
          int iendW   = END_IND(ow, osizeW, isizeW);
          int kW = iendW - istartW;

          real grad_delta = gradOutput_p_d[ot*osizeH*osizeW + oh*osizeW + ow] / kT / kH / kW;

          int it, ih, iw;
          for(it = istartT; it < iendT; it++)
            for(ih = istartH; ih < iendH; ih++)
              for(iw = istartW; iw < iendW; iw++)
                /* update gradient */
                gradInput_p_d[it*isizeH*isizeW + ih*isizeW + iw] += grad_delta;
static void THNN_(VolumetricAdaptiveAveragePooling_updateOutput_frame)(
          real *input_p,
          real *output_p,
          int64_t sizeD,
          int64_t isizeT,
          int64_t isizeH,
          int64_t isizeW,
          int64_t osizeT,
          int64_t osizeH,
          int64_t osizeW,
          int64_t istrideD,
          int64_t istrideT,
          int64_t istrideH,
          int64_t istrideW)
  int64_t d;
#pragma omp parallel for private(d)
  for (d = 0; d < sizeD; d++)
    /* loop over output */
    int64_t ot, oh, ow;
    for(ot = 0; ot < osizeT; ot++)
      int istartT = START_IND(ot, osizeT, isizeT);
      int iendT   = END_IND(ot, osizeT, isizeT);
      int kT = iendT - istartT;

      for(oh = 0; oh < osizeH; oh++)
        int istartH = START_IND(oh, osizeH, isizeH);
        int iendH   = END_IND(oh, osizeH, isizeH);
        int kH = iendH - istartH;

        for(ow = 0; ow < osizeW; ow++)

          int istartW = START_IND(ow, osizeW, isizeW);
          int iendW   = END_IND(ow, osizeW, isizeW);
          int kW = iendW - istartW;

          /* local pointers */
          real *ip = input_p  + d*istrideD + istartT*istrideT + istartH*istrideH + istartW*istrideW;
          real *op = output_p + d*osizeT*osizeH*osizeW + ot*osizeH*osizeW + oh*osizeW + ow;

          /* compute local average: */
          real sum = 0;
          int it, ih, iw;
          for(it = 0; it < kT; it++)
            for(ih = 0; ih < kH; ih++)
              for(iw = 0; iw < kW; iw++)
                real val = *(ip + it*istrideT + ih*istrideH + iw*istrideW);
                sum += val;

          /* set output to local average */
          *op = sum / kT / kH / kW;
static void THNN_(VolumetricAdaptiveMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(
          real *input_p,
          real *output_p,
          THIndex_t *ind_p,
          int64_t sizeD,
          int64_t isizeT,
          int64_t isizeH,
          int64_t isizeW,
          int64_t osizeT,
          int64_t osizeH,
          int64_t osizeW,
          int64_t istrideD,
          int64_t istrideT,
          int64_t istrideH,
          int64_t istrideW)
  int64_t d;
#pragma omp parallel for private(d)
  for (d = 0; d < sizeD; d++)
    /* loop over output */
    int64_t ot, oh, ow;
    for(ot = 0; ot < osizeT; ot++)
      int64_t istartT = START_IND(ot, osizeT, isizeT);
      int64_t iendT   = END_IND(ot, osizeT, isizeT);
      int64_t kT = iendT - istartT;

      for(oh = 0; oh < osizeH; oh++)
        int64_t istartH = START_IND(oh, osizeH, isizeH);
        int64_t iendH   = END_IND(oh, osizeH, isizeH);
        int64_t kH = iendH - istartH;

        for(ow = 0; ow < osizeW; ow++)

          int64_t istartW = START_IND(ow, osizeW, isizeW);
          int64_t iendW   = END_IND(ow, osizeW, isizeW);
          int64_t kW = iendW - istartW;

          /* local pointers */
          real *ip = input_p   + d*istrideD + istartT *istrideT + istartH*istrideH + istartW*istrideW;
          real *op = output_p  + d*osizeT*osizeH*osizeW + ot*osizeH*osizeW + oh*osizeW + ow;
          THIndex_t *indp = ind_p   + d*osizeT*osizeH*osizeW + ot*osizeH*osizeW + oh*osizeW + ow;

          /* compute local max: */
          int64_t maxindex = -1;
          real maxval = -FLT_MAX;
          int64_t it, ih, iw;
          for(it = 0; it < kT; it++)
            for(ih = 0; ih < kH; ih++)
              for(iw = 0; iw < kW; iw++)
                real val = *(ip + it*istrideT + ih*istrideH + iw*istrideW);
                if ((val > maxval) || std::isnan(val))
                  maxval = val;
                  maxindex = (it+istartT)*isizeH*isizeW + (ih+istartH)*isizeW + (iw+istartW);

          /* set output to local max */
          *op = maxval;

          /* store location of max */
          *indp = maxindex + TH_INDEX_BASE;