Example #1
/* Verify anti-symmetry and transitivity for comparator CMP on sorted array
   of N SIZE-sized elements pointed to by BASE.  */
qsort_chk (void *base, size_t n, size_t size,
	   int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *))
#if 0
#define LIM(n) (n)
  /* Limit overall time complexity to O(n log n).  */
#define LIM(n) ((n) <= 16 ? (n) : 12 + floor_log2 (n))
#define ELT(i) ((const char *) base + (i) * size)
#define CMP(i, j) cmp (ELT (i), ELT (j))
#define ERR2(i, j) qsort_chk_error (ELT (i), ELT (j), NULL, cmp)
#define ERR3(i, j, k) qsort_chk_error (ELT (i), ELT (j), ELT (k), cmp)
  size_t i1, i2, i, j;
  /* This outer loop iterates over maximum spans [i1, i2) such that
     elements within each span compare equal to each other.  */
  for (i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1 = i2)
      /* Position i2 one past last element that compares equal to i1'th.  */
      for (i2 = i1 + 1; i2 < n; i2++)
	if (CMP (i1, i2))
	else if (CMP (i2, i1))
	  return ERR2 (i1, i2);
      size_t lim1 = LIM (i2 - i1), lim2 = LIM (n - i2);
      /* Verify that other pairs within current span compare equal.  */
      for (i = i1 + 1; i + 1 < i2; i++)
	for (j = i + 1; j < i1 + lim1; j++)
	  if (CMP (i, j))
	    return ERR3 (i, i1, j);
	  else if (CMP (j, i))
	    return ERR2 (i, j);
      /* Verify that elements within this span compare less than
         elements beyond the span.  */
      for (i = i1; i < i2; i++)
	for (j = i2; j < i2 + lim2; j++)
	  if (CMP (i, j) >= 0)
	    return ERR3 (i, i1, j);
	  else if (CMP (j, i) <= 0)
	    return ERR2 (i, j);
#undef ERR3
#undef ERR2
#undef CMP
#undef ELT
#undef LIM
Example #2
 * Open a connection to the display and print error if it fails.
 * @return True on success or False otherwise.
getDisplay(int argc, char **argv)
    int major, minor, why;

    major = XkbMajorVersion;
    minor = XkbMinorVersion;
    dpy =
        XkbOpenDisplay(settings.display.value, NULL, NULL, &major, &minor,
    if (!dpy)
        if (settings.display.value == NULL)
            settings.display.value = getenv("DISPLAY");
        if (settings.display.value == NULL)
            settings.display.value = "default display";
        switch (why)
        case XkbOD_BadLibraryVersion:
            ERR3("%s was compiled with XKB version %d.%02d\n", argv[0],
                 XkbMajorVersion, XkbMinorVersion);
            ERR2("Xlib supports incompatible version %d.%02d\n",
                 major, minor);
        case XkbOD_ConnectionRefused:
            ERR1("Cannot open display \"%s\"\n", settings.display.value);
        case XkbOD_NonXkbServer:
            ERR1("XKB extension not present on %s\n", settings.display.value);
        case XkbOD_BadServerVersion:
            ERR3("%s was compiled with XKB version %d.%02d\n", argv[0],
                 XkbMajorVersion, XkbMinorVersion);
            ERR3("Server %s uses incompatible version %d.%02d\n",
                 settings.display.value, major, minor);
            ERR1("Unknown error %d from XkbOpenDisplay\n", why);
        return False;
    if (synch)
        XSynchronize(dpy, True);
    return True;
Example #3
static int get_translated_line1(InputSource s)
    unsigned int c;		/* can't use Char, it might be >0x10000 */
    unsigned char *inbuf = s->inbuf;
    int nextin = s->nextin, insize = s->insize;
    int startin = s->nextin;
    Char *outbuf = s->line;
    int outsize = s->line_alloc;
    int nextout = 0;
    int remaining = 0;
    int ignore_linefeed = s->line_end_was_cr;

#if CHAR_SIZE == 16

    int *to_unicode = 0;	/* initialize to shut gcc up */
    CharacterEncoding enc = s->entity->encoding;
    int more, i;
    s->complicated_utf8_line = 0;

    if(enc >= CE_ISO_8859_2 && enc <= CE_ISO_8859_9)
	to_unicode = iso_to_unicode[enc - CE_ISO_8859_2];


    s->line_end_was_cr = 0;
    s->bytes_before_current_line = s->bytes_consumed;

	/* There are never more characters than bytes in the input */
	if(outsize < nextout + (insize - nextin))
	    outsize = nextout + (insize - nextin);
	    outbuf = Realloc(outbuf, outsize * sizeof(Char));

	while(nextin < insize)
#if CHAR_SIZE == 8
	    c = inbuf[nextin++];
	    case CE_ISO_10646_UCS_2B:
	    case CE_UTF_16B:
		if(nextin+2 > insize)
		    goto more_bytes;
		c = (inbuf[nextin] << 8) + inbuf[nextin+1];
		nextin += 2;
	    case CE_ISO_10646_UCS_2L:
	    case CE_UTF_16L:
		if(nextin+2 > insize)
		    goto more_bytes;
		c = (inbuf[nextin+1] << 8) + inbuf[nextin];
		nextin += 2;
	    case CE_ISO_8859_1:
	    case CE_unspecified_ascii_superset:
		c = inbuf[nextin++];
	    case CE_ISO_8859_2:
	    case CE_ISO_8859_3:
	    case CE_ISO_8859_4:
	    case CE_ISO_8859_5:
	    case CE_ISO_8859_6:
	    case CE_ISO_8859_7:
	    case CE_ISO_8859_8:
	    case CE_ISO_8859_9:
		c = to_unicode[inbuf[nextin++]];
		if(c == (unsigned int)-1)
		  ERR3("Illegal %s character <0x%x> "
			    "at file offset %d\n",
			    CharacterEncodingName[enc], inbuf[nextin-1],
			    s->bytes_consumed + nextin - 1 - startin);
	    case CE_UTF_8:
		c = inbuf[nextin++];
		if(c <= 0x7f)
		if(c <= 0xc0 || c >= 0xfe)
		  ERR2("Illegal UTF-8 start byte <0x%x> "
			    "at file offset %d\n",
			    c, s->bytes_consumed + nextin - 1 - startin);
		    return -1;
		if(c <= 0xdf)
		    c &= 0x1f;
		    more = 1;
		else if(c <= 0xef)
		    c &= 0x0f;
		    more = 2;
		else if(c <= 0xf7)
		    c &= 0x07;
		    more = 3;
		else if(c <= 0xfb)
		    c &= 0x03;
		    more = 4;
		    c &= 0x01;
		    more = 5;
		if(nextin+more > insize)
		    goto more_bytes;
		s->complicated_utf8_line = 1;
		for(i=0; i<more; i++)
		    c = (c << 6) + (inbuf[nextin++] & 0x3f);
	      ERR("read from entity with unsupported encoding!\n");
		return -1;

	    if(c > 0x110000 || (c < 0x10000 && !is_xml_legal(c)))
		if(!(enc == CE_UTF_16L || enc == CE_UTF_16B) ||
		   c < 0xd800 || c > 0xdfff)
		    /* We treat the surrogates as legal because we didn't
		       combine them when translating from UTF-16.  XXX */
		  ERR2("Error: illegal character <0x%x> "
			    "immediately before file offset %d\n",
			    c, s->bytes_consumed + nextin - startin);
		    return -1;
	    if(c == '\n' && ignore_linefeed)
		/* Ignore lf at start of line if last line ended with cr */
		ignore_linefeed = 0;
		s->bytes_before_current_line += (nextin - startin);
		ignore_linefeed = 0;
		if(c == '\r')
		    s->line_end_was_cr = 1;
		    c = '\n';

#if CHAR_SIZE == 16
		if(c >= 0x10000)
		    /* Use surrogates */
		    outbuf[nextout++] = ((c - 0x10000) >> 10) + 0xd800;
		    outbuf[nextout++] = ((c - 0x10000) & 0x3ff) + 0xdc00;
		    outbuf[nextout++] = c;
		outbuf[nextout++] = c;

		if(c == '\n')
		    s->nextin = nextin;
		    s->insize = insize;
		    s->bytes_consumed += (nextin - startin);
		    s->line = outbuf;
		    s->line_alloc = outsize;
		    s->line_length = nextout;
		    return 0;