static utility_retcode_t get_header_list(struct rtsp_response *response) { utility_retcode_t ret = UTILITY_SUCCESS; FUNC_ENTER; while (more_headers(response)) { ret = utility_copy_token(response->tmpbuf, response->tmpbuflen, response->parsep, "\r\n", NULL); if (UTILITY_SUCCESS != ret) { ERRR("Header line is not terminated by \\r\\n\n"); goto failed; } DEBG("header line: \"%s\"\n", response->tmpbuf); ret = parse_one_header(response); if (UTILITY_SUCCESS != ret) { ERRR("Failed to parse header"); goto failed; } } INFO("Got blank line (\\r\\n). Finished parsing headers\n"); failed: FUNC_RETURN; return ret; }
utility_retcode_t compare_audio_data(uint8_t *buf1, size_t buf1_size, uint8_t *buf2, size_t buf2_size) { utility_retcode_t ret = UTILITY_SUCCESS; size_t size; int i; if (buf1_size != buf2_size) { ERRR("Buffer sizes are not equal, buf1_size: %d, buf2_size: %d\n", buf1_size, buf2_size); } size = (buf1_size > buf2_size) ? buf1_size : buf2_size; INFO("Comparing %d bytes of data\n", size); for (i = 0 ; i < (int)size ; i++) { if (*(buf1 + i) != *(buf2 + i)) { ERRR("Audio data mismatch at byte %d (buf1: 0x%x buf2: 0x%x)\n", i, *(buf1 + i), *(buf2 + i)); ret = UTILITY_FAILURE; } } return ret; }
static utility_retcode_t parse_one_header(struct rtsp_response *response) { utility_retcode_t ret = UTILITY_SUCCESS; char *start_value; char *header_name = response->; char *header_value = response->current_header.value; FUNC_ENTER; ret = utility_copy_token(header_name, MAX_HEADER_NAME_LEN, response->parsep, ": ", NULL); if (UTILITY_SUCCESS != ret) { ERRR("Failed to copy header name\n"); goto out; } start_value = begin_token(response->parsep, ": "); ret = utility_copy_token(header_value, MAX_HEADER_VALUE_LEN, start_value, "\r\n", NULL); if (UTILITY_SUCCESS != ret) { ERRR("Failed to copy header value\n"); goto out; } DEBG("Found header name: \"%s\" value: \"%s\"\n", header_name, header_value); if (0 == syscalls_strcmp(header_name, "Content-Length")) { ret = parse_content_length(response); } else if (0 == syscalls_strcmp(header_name, "Apple-Response")) { ret = parse_apple_response(response); } else if (0 == syscalls_strcmp(header_name, "Audio-Jack-Status")) { ret = parse_audio_jack_status(response); } else if (0 == syscalls_strcmp(header_name, "Session")) { ret = parse_session(response); } else if (0 == syscalls_strcmp(header_name, "Transport")) { ret = parse_transport(response); } else if (0 == syscalls_strcmp(header_name, "Public")) { ret = parse_public(response); } else { parse_unknown_header(response); } out: FUNC_RETURN; return ret; }
utility_retcode_t add_rtsp_header(struct utility_locked_list *list, const char *name, const char *value, const char *description) { utility_retcode_t ret; struct key_value_pair *header; header = syscalls_malloc(sizeof(*header)); if (NULL == header) { ERRR("Could not allocate memory for RTSP header \"%s\"\n", description); goto malloc_failed; } header->name = syscalls_strndup(name, MAX_HEADER_NAME_LEN); if (NULL == header->name) { ERRR("Could not allocate memory for RTSP header name \"%s\"\n", name); goto strndup_name_failed; } header->value = syscalls_strndup(value, MAX_HEADER_VALUE_LEN); if (NULL == header->value) { ERRR("Could not allocate memory for RTSP header value \"%s\"\n", value); goto strndup_value_failed; } if (UTILITY_FAILURE == utility_list_add(list, header, description)) { ERRR("Failed to add RTSP header \"%s\"" "to request headers list\n", description); goto list_add_failed; } ret = UTILITY_SUCCESS; goto out; list_add_failed: syscalls_free(header->value); strndup_value_failed: syscalls_free(header->name); strndup_name_failed: syscalls_free(header); malloc_failed: ret = UTILITY_FAILURE; out: FUNC_RETURN; return ret; }
void test_audio(void) { struct aes_data aes_data; struct audio_stream audio_stream; char pcm_testdata[] = "pcm_testfile"; CRIT("Testing audio send routines; no connections " "will be made to the server\n"); lt_set_level(LT_AUDIO_STREAM, LT_INFO); lt_set_level(LT_RAOP_PLAY_SEND_AUDIO, LT_INFO); generate_aes_data(&aes_data); syscalls_strncpy(audio_stream.pcm_data_file, pcm_testdata, sizeof(audio_stream.pcm_data_file)); audio_stream.session_fd = syscalls_open("./fake_session", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (-1 == audio_stream.session_fd) { ERRR("Failed to open fake session file descriptor\n"); goto out; } init_audio_stream(&audio_stream); send_audio_stream(&audio_stream, &aes_data); out: CRIT("Audio test done; exiting\n"); exit (1); }
stockPosition *HoldPosition::_checkStockId(string StockID) { if (_stockPosition.count(StockID) > 0) { return &_stockPosition[StockID]; } else { ERRR("Stock ID %s not exist in map @HoldPosition::_checkStockId\n", StockID.c_str()); return nullptr; } }
int HoldPosition::GetPosition(string StockID, int idx) { stockPosition *tmpPosition = _checkStockId(StockID); if (nullptr == tmpPosition) { ERRR("StockID:%s doesn't exist @GetPosition\n", StockID.c_str()); return 0; } if (-1 != idx) { if (tmpPosition->subType > idx) { return tmpPosition->subBuyCount[idx]; } else { ERRR("idx:%d >= _subType:%d @GetPosition\n", idx, tmpPosition->subType); return 0; } } else { return tmpPosition->buyCount; } return tmpPosition->GetMount(); }
utility_retcode_t dump_raw_pcm(uint8_t *buf, size_t size) { utility_retcode_t ret = UTILITY_SUCCESS; FUNC_ENTER; ret = dump_audio(rawpcmfd, buf, size); if (UTILITY_SUCCESS != ret) { ERRR("Dump of raw PCM data failed\n"); } FUNC_RETURN; return ret; }
utility_retcode_t dump_encrypted(uint8_t *buf, size_t size) { utility_retcode_t ret = UTILITY_SUCCESS; FUNC_ENTER; ret = dump_audio(encryptedfd, buf, size); if (UTILITY_SUCCESS != ret) { ERRR("Dump of encrypted data failed\n"); } FUNC_RETURN; return ret; }
utility_retcode_t rtsp_parse_response(struct rtsp_response *response) { utility_retcode_t ret; FUNC_ENTER; ret = parse_status_line(response); if (UTILITY_SUCCESS != ret) { ERRR("Failed to parse status line\n"); goto out; } ret = get_header_list(response); if (UTILITY_SUCCESS != ret) { ERRR("Failed to parse headers\n"); goto out; } /* Here we will need to parse the message body, if any. */ out: FUNC_RETURN; return ret; }
utility_retcode_t dump_complete_raop_play(uint8_t *buf, size_t size) { utility_retcode_t ret = UTILITY_SUCCESS; FUNC_ENTER; ret = dump_audio(raop_playcompletefd, buf, size); if (UTILITY_SUCCESS != ret) { ERRR("Dump of raop_play complete data failed\n"); } FUNC_RETURN; return ret; }
const searchResult* Write2Buffer::getData(int idx) { for (vector<bufferStatus>::iterator it = searchStatus.begin(); it != searchStatus.end(); ++it) { if (it->NaviNum == idx) { // 不管有没有finish都返回读取到的sinaDailyData if (true != it->IsFinished) { INFO("Unexpected end when analyze daily history data, mostly no impact!\n"); } return &mapSearchResult[it->NaviNum]; } } // 没有找到index则返回NULL ERRR("Can not find index %d in searchResult\n", idx); return nullptr; }
static utility_retcode_t get_status_code(struct rtsp_response *response) { utility_retcode_t ret = UTILITY_SUCCESS; char *begincode; char code[4]; FUNC_ENTER; begincode = begin_token((const char *)response->parsep, " "); if (NULL == begincode) { ERRR("Could not find beginning of status " "code in status line\n"); goto failed; } ret = utility_copy_token(code, sizeof(code), begincode, " ", NULL); if (UTILITY_SUCCESS != ret) { ERRR("Could not find status code in response status line\n"); goto failed; } DEBG("status code string is \"%s\"\n", code); response->status_line.status_code = syscalls_strtoul(code, NULL, 0); INFO("response status code is: %d\n", response->status_line.status_code); ret = UTILITY_SUCCESS; goto out; failed: ret = UTILITY_FAILURE; out: FUNC_RETURN; return ret; }
utility_retcode_t clear_rtsp_response(struct rtsp_response *response) { utility_retcode_t ret; ret = allocate_response_buffers(response); if (UTILITY_SUCCESS != ret) { ERRR("Failed to allocate response buffer " "for options request.\n"); ret = UTILITY_FAILURE; } response->parsep = response->buf; return ret; }
// 什么价卖多少 bool HoldPosition::Sell(float Price, int Position, string StockName, int idx) { float SellPosition = Price*(float)Position; stockPosition *tmpPosition; if (nullptr == (tmpPosition = _checkStockId(StockName))) { ERRR("StockName:%s not exist @HoldPosition::sell\n", StockName.c_str()); return false; } if (tmpPosition->Sell(Position, idx)) { _remain += SellPosition; _recordTotal(Price, idx); return true; } else { return false; } }
static utility_retcode_t dump_audio(int fd, uint8_t *buf, size_t size) { utility_retcode_t ret = UTILITY_SUCCESS; int write_ret = 0; FUNC_ENTER; write_ret = syscalls_write(fd, buf, size); if (write_ret != (int)size) { ERRR("Write of audio data returned %d\n", write_ret); ret = UTILITY_FAILURE; } FUNC_RETURN; return ret; }
void HoldPosition::_recordTotal(float Price, int idx) { _lastTotal = _total; float tmp = 0.0f; for (map<string, stockPosition>::iterator iter = _stockPosition.begin(); iter != _stockPosition.end(); ++iter) { tmp += Price*iter->second.GetMount(); if (-1 != idx) { if (iter->second.subType > idx) { iter->second.subLastTotal[idx] = iter->second.subTotal[idx]; iter->second.subTotal[idx] = iter->second.subMount[idx]*Price; } else { ERRR("idx:%d >= _subType:%d when record\n", idx, iter->second.subType); } } } _total = _remain + tmp; }
bool HoldPosition::Buy(float Price, int Position, string StockName, int idx) { float BuyPosition = Price*(float)Position; if (_remain < BuyPosition) { INFO("买入量%.2f大于剩余量%.2f @HoldPosition::buy\n", BuyPosition, _remain); return false; } stockPosition *tmpPosition; if (nullptr == (tmpPosition = _checkStockId(StockName))) { ERRR("StockName:%s not exist @HoldPosition::buy\n", StockName.c_str()); return false; } if (tmpPosition->Buy(Position, idx)) { _remain -= BuyPosition; _recordTotal(Price, idx); return true; } else { return false; } }
utility_retcode_t build_request_string(struct rtsp_request *request) { utility_retcode_t ret; FUNC_ENTER; if (NULL == request->buf) { request->buf = syscalls_malloc(RTSP_MAX_REQUEST_LEN); request->buflen = RTSP_MAX_REQUEST_LEN; if (NULL == request->buf) { ERRR("Failed to allocate %d bytes for request\n", RTSP_MAX_REQUEST_LEN); ret = UTILITY_FAILURE; goto out; } } else { syscalls_memset(request->buf, 0, request->buflen); } request->bufp = request->buf; request->bytes_remaining = request->buflen; build_request_line(request); build_headers(request); add_blank_line(request); if (NULL != request->msg_body) { syscalls_strncpy(request->bufp, request->msg_body, request->bytes_remaining); } request->request_length = syscalls_strlen(request->buf); ret = UTILITY_SUCCESS; out: FUNC_RETURN; return ret; }
static int open_one_dumpfile(const char *name) { char dumpfile[64]; int fd, pid; INFO("Opening audio dumpfiles\n"); pid = syscalls_getpid(); snprintf(dumpfile, sizeof(dumpfile), "./audio_debug/%s.%s.%d", name, CODE_VERSION, pid); fd = open(dumpfile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (fd < 0) { ERRR("Failed to open audio dump file \"%s\"\n", name); } return fd; }
static utility_retcode_t parse_audio_jack_status(struct rtsp_response *response) { utility_retcode_t ret = UTILITY_SUCCESS; char *value = response->current_header.value; FUNC_ENTER; DEBG("value: \"%s\"\n", value); if (0 != syscalls_strncmp(value, "connected", sizeof("connected") - 1)) { response->session->server->audio_jack_status = AUDIO_JACK_DISCONNECTED; ERRR("Server reports audio jack is not connected\n"); ret = UTILITY_FAILURE; } FUNC_RETURN; return UTILITY_SUCCESS; }
static utility_retcode_t next_line(struct rtsp_response *response) { utility_retcode_t ret = UTILITY_SUCCESS; char *nextline; FUNC_ENTER; nextline = begin_token((const char *)response->parsep, "\r\n"); if (NULL == nextline) { ERRR("Could not find beginning of next line in response\n"); ret = UTILITY_FAILURE; } else { response->parsep = nextline; } FUNC_RETURN; return ret; }
static utility_retcode_t parse_status_line(struct rtsp_response *response) { utility_retcode_t ret; char status_line[64]; FUNC_ENTER; syscalls_memset(status_line, 0, sizeof(status_line)); ret = utility_copy_token(status_line, sizeof(status_line), response->parsep, "\r\n", NULL); if (UTILITY_SUCCESS != ret) { ERRR("Failed to locate end of line in status line\n"); ret = UTILITY_FAILURE; goto out; } INFO("Status line: \"%s\"\n", status_line); /* RTSP/1.0 200 OK We don't actually care about the version or * the reason string */ ret = get_status_code(response); if (UTILITY_SUCCESS != ret) { goto out; } ret = next_line(response); out: FUNC_RETURN; return ret; }
static utility_retcode_t allocate_response_buffers(struct rtsp_response *response) { utility_retcode_t ret; FUNC_ENTER; if (NULL != response->buf) { syscalls_memset(response->buf, 0, response->buflen); } else { response->buf = syscalls_malloc(RTSP_MAX_RESPONSE_LEN); if (NULL == response->buf) { ERRR("Failed to allocate %d bytes for response\n", RTSP_MAX_RESPONSE_LEN); goto buf_failed; } response->buflen = RTSP_MAX_RESPONSE_LEN; } if (response->tmpbuf != NULL) { syscalls_memset(response->tmpbuf, 0, response->tmpbuflen); } else { response->tmpbuf = syscalls_malloc(RTSP_MAX_RESPONSE_LEN); if (NULL == response->tmpbuf) { ERRR("Failed to allocate %d bytes for response\n", RTSP_MAX_RESPONSE_LEN); goto tmpbuf_failed; } response->tmpbuflen = RTSP_MAX_RESPONSE_LEN; } if (NULL != response-> { syscalls_memset(response->, 0, MAX_HEADER_NAME_LEN); } else { response-> = syscalls_malloc(MAX_HEADER_NAME_LEN); if (NULL == response-> { ERRR("Failed to allocate %d bytes for header name\n", MAX_HEADER_NAME_LEN); goto header_name_failed; } } if (NULL != response->current_header.value) { syscalls_memset(response->current_header.value, 0, MAX_HEADER_VALUE_LEN); } else { response->current_header.value = syscalls_malloc(MAX_HEADER_VALUE_LEN); if (NULL == response->current_header.value) { ERRR("Failed to allocate %d bytes for header value\n", MAX_HEADER_VALUE_LEN); goto header_value_failed; } } ret = UTILITY_SUCCESS; goto out; header_value_failed: syscalls_free(response->; header_name_failed: syscalls_free(response->tmpbuf); response->tmpbuflen = 0; tmpbuf_failed: syscalls_free(response->buf); response->buflen = 0; buf_failed: ret = UTILITY_FAILURE; out: FUNC_RETURN; return ret; }