Example #1
static	void 	Send_status_query()

	int32	proc_id;
	proc	p;
	int	proc_index;
	int	i,j;

	Pack.type    = STATUS_TYPE;
	Pack.type    = Set_endian( Pack.type );
        Pack.conf_hash = MONITOR_HASH;
	Pack.data_len= 0;

	Pack_scat.num_elements    = 1;

	Alarm( PRINT  , "Monitor: send status query\n");
	for( i=0; i < Cn.num_segments ; i++ )
	    for( j=0; j < Cn.segments[i].num_procs; j++ )
		proc_id = Cn.segments[i].procs[j]->id;
		proc_index = Conf_proc_by_id( proc_id, &p );
		if( Status_vector[proc_index] )
			DL_send( SendChan, p.id, p.port, &Pack_scat );
#ifndef _REENTRANT
	E_queue( Send_status_query, 0, NULL, Send_status_timeout );
Example #2
static	void	Send_partition()
	int32	proc_id;
	proc	p;
	int	proc_index;
	int	i,j;

	Pack.type    = PARTITION_TYPE;
	Pack.type    = Set_endian( Pack.type );
        Pack.conf_hash = MONITOR_HASH;
	Pack.data_len= sizeof( Partition );;

	Pack_scat.num_elements    = 2;
	Pack_scat.elements[1].len = sizeof( Partition );
	Pack_scat.elements[1].buf = (char *)&Partition;

	Alarm( PRINT  , "Monitor: send partition\n");
	for( i=0; i < Cn.num_segments ; i++ )
	    for( j=0; j < Cn.segments[i].num_procs; j++ )
		proc_id = Cn.segments[i].procs[j]->id;
		proc_index = Conf_proc_by_id( proc_id, &p );
		DL_send( SendChan, p.id, p.port, &Pack_scat );
		DL_send( SendChan, p.id, p.port, &Pack_scat );
#ifndef _REENTRANT
	E_queue( Send_partition, 0, NULL, Send_partition_timeout );
Example #3
/* 5 = Terminate */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	/* Variables */
  unsigned char      ttl_val;
  int                c, ret, num_groups;
  int complete = 0;
  int				response[10];
  char             sender[MAX_GROUP_NAME];
  int              service_type = 0;
  int               rts = 0;
  char mess_buf[MAX_MESS_LEN];
  struct timeval    timeout, start_time, end_time;
  struct initializers *i=malloc(sizeof(struct initializers));
  struct packet_structure *p=malloc(sizeof(struct packet_structure));
  sp_time test_timeout;
  sp_time delta_time;
  int16            mess_type;
  int              endian_mismatch=0;
  char             target_groups[MAX_MEMBERS][MAX_GROUP_NAME];
  i->debug = 0; /*Turn on for testing */
  strcpy(group, "shamil22");
  parseargs(argc, argv, i);
  setup(i); /*Setup ports and wait for start process */
  printf("Waiting to start.\n");
  while(!rts) { 
    ret = SP_receive( Mbox, &service_type, sender, 100, &num_groups, target_groups, 
                &mess_type, &endian_mismatch, sizeof(mess_buf), mess_buf );
    if (ret > 0) {
      i->packet = (struct packet_structure *)mess_buf; 
      if (i->packet->type == 2) {
         rts =1;
  gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL);          
  delta_time.sec = 0; delta_time.usec =0;
  E_queue( send_data, 0, NULL, delta_time );
  E_attach_fd( Mbox, READ_FD, receive_packet, 0, NULL, HIGH_PRIORITY );
  printf("Handling events.\n");
  //send_data(); /*Send first chunk of message*/
  return 0;  
Example #4
void    Spread_reconnect(int ret){

  if(ret != -8 && ret != -11 && ret != -2)
    wack_alarm(EXIT, "Spread_reconnnect: Unexpected Error (%d)", ret);
  wack_alarm(PRINT,"connecting to %s", Spread_name);

  if(Mbox >= 0) {
    E_detach_fd( Mbox, READ_FD );
    Mbox = -1;
  /* connecting to the relevant Spread daemon, asking for group info */
  if(spread_lock) {
    handle_reconnect(0, NULL);
  ret = SP_connect( Spread_name, User, 0, 1, &Mbox, Private_group ) ;
  if(ret == ACCEPT_SESSION) {
    ret = SP_join( Mbox, Spread_group );  
    if( ret < 0 ) {
      SP_error( ret );
      SP_disconnect( Mbox );
      Mbox = -1;
      wack_alarm(PRINT, "Spread join on reconnect failed [%d].", ret);
      handle_reconnect(0, NULL);
  } else {
    wack_alarm(PRINT, "Spread connect failed [%d].", ret);
    handle_reconnect(0, NULL);

  /* State initializations */
  State = BOOT;
  Old_maturity = 0;
  Maturity = 0;
  E_queue( Turn_mature, 0, 0, Maturity_timeout );
  My.num_allocated = 0;
  strcpy(My.private_group_name, Private_group);

  E_attach_fd( Mbox, READ_FD, Handle_network, 0, NULL, HIGH_PRIORITY );
  E_set_active_threshold( HIGH_PRIORITY );
Example #5
static	void	Handle_mature()
  if (Maturity == 1) return;
  Maturity = 1;
  E_dequeue( Turn_mature, 0, 0 );
  if ( State != GATHER )
      /* ### deterministically grab ip addresses */
      wack_alarm(LOGIC, "Shifting to RUN in Handle_mature()" );
      State = RUN;
      E_queue( Balance, 0, 0, Balance_timer );
Example #6
/* Basic algorithm:
 * 1) have configuration code load new conf file and check for modifications to conf.
 * 2) If only add/sub of daemons, then initiate membership change with token_loss and return;
 * 3) else, then set Conf_reload_state, create singleton partition, and schedule token_loss.
 * 4) When membership completes in Discard_packets() cleanup partition and probe for new members.
void    Prot_initiate_conf_reload( int code, void *data )
        bool    need_memb_partition;
        int16   singleton_partition[MAX_PROCS_RING];
        int     i;

        if (Memb_state() != OP ) {
            /* This is a race condition, that the Prot_initiate_conf_reload was scheduled when OP state, 
             * but another membership occured before it was executed.
             * The membership system will requeue this function when it reaches OP state again.
        /* Disable queueing of this function when OP state reached in membership */

        need_memb_partition = Conf_reload_initiate();

        /* Signal all subsystems to update Conf and My strucures */

        /* update protocol varialbes with new conf */
        My = Conf_my();
	My_index = Conf_proc_by_id( My.id, &My );

        if (need_memb_partition) {
                /* make partition */
                for ( i = 0 ; i < Conf_num_procs( Conf_ref() ); i++ ) 
                        singleton_partition[i] = i;

        E_queue( Memb_token_loss, 0, NULL, Zero_timeout );
Example #7
void	Prot_token_hurry()
	/* asked to send token again (almost lost) */
	sys_scatter	retrans_token;
	int32		val;

	retrans_token.num_elements = 1;
	retrans_token.elements[0].len = sizeof(token_header);
	retrans_token.elements[0].buf = (char *)Last_token;
	if( Conf_leader( Memb_active_ptr() ) == My.id ) 
		val = Get_retrans(Last_token->type);
		Last_token->type = Set_retrans( Last_token->type, val );
		E_queue( Prot_token_hurry, 0, NULL, Hurry_timeout );
	/* sending token */
	Net_send_token( &retrans_token );
	if( Wide_network && 
	    Conf_seg_last(Memb_active_ptr(), My.seg_index) == My.id )
		/* sending again to another segment */
		Net_send_token( &retrans_token );
	if( Get_retrans( Last_token->type ) > 1 )
		/* problems */ 
		Net_send_token( &retrans_token );
		Net_send_token( &retrans_token );

	Alarm( PROTOCOL, "Prot_token_hurry: retransmiting token %d %d\n",
		Get_arq(Last_token->type), Get_retrans(Last_token->type) );
Example #8
void	Prot_handle_token(channel fd, int dummy, void *dummy_p)
	int		new_ptr;
	int		num_retrans, num_allowed, num_sent;
	int		flow_control;
	char		*new_rtr;
	ring_rtr	*ring_rtr_ptr;
	int32		rtr_proc_id;
	int16		rtr_seg_index;
	int32		val;
	int		retrans_allowed; /* how many of my retrans are allowed on token */
	int		i, ret;

	/*	int		r1,r2;*/

	ret = Net_recv_token( fd, &New_token );
	/* from another monitor component */
	if( ret == 0 ) return;

	/* delete random
	r1 = ((-My.id)%17)+3;
	r2 = get_rand() % (r1+3 );
	if ( r2 == 0 ) return; */

        Alarm( DEBUG, "Received Token\n");
	/* check if it is a regular token */
	if( Is_form( Token->type ) )
                Alarm(PROTOCOL, "it is a Form Token.\n");
                Memb_handle_token( &New_token );

	/* The Veto property for tokens - swallow this token */
	if( ! Memb_token_alive() ) {
                Alarm(PROTOCOL, "Prot_handle_token: Veto Property. Memb not alive.\n");

	if( ret != sizeof(token_header) + Token->rtr_len )
		Alarm( PRINT, 
		    "Prot_handle_token: recv token len is %d, should be %d\n",
		    ret,sizeof(token_header) + Token->rtr_len );

	if( !Same_endian( Token->type ) ) 
		Flip_token_body( New_token.elements[1].buf, Token );

        /* Deal with wrapping seq values (2^32) by triggering a membership by dropping the token */
        if( (Memb_state() != EVS ) && (Token->seq > MAX_WRAP_SEQUENCE_VALUE ) )
            Alarm( PRINT, "Prot_handle_token: Token Sequence number (%ld) approaching 2^31 so trigger membership to reset it.\n", Token->seq);


	if( Conf_leader( Memb_active_ptr() ) == My.id )
		if( Get_arq(Token->type) != Get_arq(Last_token->type) )
		    Alarm( PROTOCOL, 
			"Prot_handle_token: leader swallowing token %d %d %d\n", 
			 Get_arq(Token->type),Get_retrans(Token->type),Get_arq(Last_token->type) );
		    /* received double token - swallow it */
		if( Get_arq(Token->type) == Get_arq(Last_token->type) )
		    if( Get_retrans(Token->type) > Get_retrans(Last_token->type) )
			val = Get_retrans(Token->type);
			Last_token->type = Set_retrans(Last_token->type,val);
			/* asked to send token again (almost lost) */
			Alarm( PROTOCOL,
			    "Prot_handle_token: not leader, asked to retrans %d %d\n",
				Get_arq(Token->type), val );
			Alarm( PROTOCOL,
			    "Prot_handle_token: not leader, swallow same token %d %d\n",
	   			Get_arq(Token->type), Get_retrans(Token->type) );

		} else if ( Get_arq(Token->type) != ( ( Get_arq( Last_token->type ) + 1 ) % 0x10 ) ) {
		  Alarm( PROTOCOL, 
			 "Prot_handle_token: not leader, swallowing very outdated token: ARQ(%d) RETRANS(%d) vs. Last ARQ(%d)\n",
			 Get_arq(Token->type), Get_retrans(Token->type), Get_arq(Last_token->type) );

		} else {
                        if ( Get_retrans(Token->type) > 0 ) {
	if( Highest_seq < Token->seq ) Highest_seq = Token->seq;
	/* Handle retransmissions */
	num_retrans = Answer_retrans( &new_ptr, &rtr_proc_id, &rtr_seg_index );
	GlobalStatus.retrans += num_retrans;

	new_rtr = New_token.elements[1].buf;

	/* Handle new packets */
	flow_control = (int) Token->flow_control;
	num_allowed = FC_allowed( flow_control, num_retrans );
	num_sent    = Send_new_packets( num_allowed );
	GlobalStatus.packet_sent += num_sent;

	/* Flow control calculations */
	Token->flow_control = Token->flow_control
				- Last_num_retrans - Last_num_sent 
				+ num_retrans      + num_sent;
	Last_num_retrans = num_retrans;
	Last_num_sent	 = num_sent;

	/* Prepare my retransmission requests */

	for( i = My_aru+1; i <= Highest_seq; i++ )
		if( ! Packets[i & PACKET_MASK].exist ) break;
	GlobalStatus.my_aru = My_aru;

	if( My_aru < Highest_seq )
	    /* Compute how many of my retransmission requests are possible to fit */
	    retrans_allowed = ( sizeof( token_body ) - new_ptr - sizeof( ring_rtr ) ) / sizeof( int32 );
	    if( retrans_allowed > 1 )
	    	ring_rtr_ptr = (ring_rtr *)&new_rtr[new_ptr];
	    	ring_rtr_ptr->memb_id 	= Memb_id();
	    	ring_rtr_ptr->proc_id	= rtr_proc_id;
	    	ring_rtr_ptr->seg_index	= rtr_seg_index;
	    	ring_rtr_ptr->num_seq	= 0;
	    	new_ptr += sizeof(ring_rtr);
	    	for( i=My_aru+1; i <= Highest_seq && retrans_allowed > 0; i++, retrans_allowed-- )
			if( ! Packets[i & PACKET_MASK].exist ) 
				memcpy( &new_rtr[new_ptr], &i, sizeof(int32) ); 
				new_ptr += sizeof(int32);

	if( Memb_state() == EVS )
		if( My_aru == Highest_seq )
			My_aru = Last_seq;

	Token->rtr_len = new_ptr;
	New_token.elements[1].len = new_ptr;

	/* Calculating Token->aru and Set_aru */
	if( ( Token->aru == Set_aru    ) ||
            ( Token->aru_last_id == My.id ) ||
	    ( Token->aru == Token->seq ) )
		Token->aru = My_aru;
                Token->aru_last_id = My.id;
		if( My_aru < Highest_seq ) Set_aru = My_aru;
		else Set_aru = -1;
	}else if( Token->aru > My_aru ) {
		Token->aru = My_aru;
                Token->aru_last_id = My.id;
		Set_aru    = My_aru;
		Set_aru    = -1;
	Token->proc_id = My.id;
	if( Memb_state() != EVS ) Token->seq = Highest_seq;

	if( Conf_leader( Memb_active_ptr() ) == My.id )
	    	val = Get_arq( Token->type );
		val = (val + 1)% 0x10;
		Token->type = Set_arq(     Token->type, val );
		Token->type = Set_retrans( Token->type, 0   );

	/* Send token */
	if( ! ( Conf_leader( Memb_active_ptr() ) == My.id &&
		To_hold_token() ) )
		/* sending token */
		Net_send_token( &New_token );
/* ### Bug fix for SGIs */
		Net_send_token( &New_token );
#endif  /* ARCH_SGI_IRIX */

		if( Get_retrans( Token->type ) > 1 )
			/* problems */ 
			Net_send_token( &New_token );
			Net_send_token( &New_token );


	if( Conf_leader( Memb_active_ptr() ) == My.id ) 
		E_queue( Prot_token_hurry, 0, NULL, Hurry_timeout );

	E_queue( Memb_token_loss, 0, NULL, Token_timeout );

	/* calculating Aru */
	if( Token->aru > Last_token->aru )
		Aru = Last_token->aru;
		Aru = Token->aru;
	if( Highest_seq == Aru ) Token_counter++;
	else Token_counter = 0;

	dispose( Last_token );
	Last_token = Token;
	New_token.elements[0].buf = (char *) new(TOKEN_HEAD_OBJ);
	New_token.elements[1].len = sizeof(token_body);
	Token = (token_header *)New_token.elements[0].buf;

	/* Deliver & discard packets */

	Deliver_reliable_packets( Highest_seq-num_sent+1, num_sent );

	if( Memb_state() == EVS && Token_rounds > MAX_EVS_ROUNDS ) 
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "Prot_handle_token: BUG WORKAROUND: Too many rounds in EVS state; swallowing token; state:\n" );
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "\tAru:              %d\n",   Aru );
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "\tMy_aru:           %d\n",   My_aru );
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "\tHighest_seq:      %d\n",   Highest_seq );
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "\tHighest_fifo_seq: %d\n",   Highest_fifo_seq );
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "\tLast_discarded:   %d\n",   Last_discarded );
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "\tLast_delivered:   %d\n",   Last_delivered );
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "\tLast_seq:         %d\n",   Last_seq );
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "\tToken_rounds:     %d\n",   Token_rounds );
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "Last Token:\n" );
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "\ttype:             0x%x\n", Last_token->type );
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "\ttransmiter_id:    %d\n",   Last_token->transmiter_id );
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "\tseq:              %d\n",   Last_token->seq );
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "\tproc_id:          %d\n",   Last_token->proc_id );
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "\taru:              %d\n",   Last_token->aru );
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "\taru_last_id:      %d\n",   Last_token->aru_last_id );
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "\tflow_control:     %d\n",   Last_token->flow_control );
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "\trtr_len:          %d\n",   Last_token->rtr_len );
		Alarmp( SPLOG_ERROR, PRINT, "\tconf_hash:        %d\n",   Last_token->conf_hash );


	GlobalStatus.highest_seq = Highest_seq;
	GlobalStatus.aru = Aru;
	GlobalStatus.token_rounds = Token_rounds;
Example #9
static  void	Prot_handle_bcast(channel fd, int dummy, void *dummy_p)
	packet_header	*pack_ptr;
	int		pack_entry;
	proc		p;
	int		received_bytes;
        int             total_bytes_processed;
        int             num_buffered_packets;
	int		i;
	int32		j;
	/* int		r1,r2; */

	received_bytes = Net_recv( fd, &New_pack );
	/* My own packet or from another monitor component */
	if( received_bytes == 0 ) return;
	/* problem in receiving */
	if( received_bytes < 0 ) return;

	pack_ptr = (packet_header *)New_pack.elements[0].buf;

	/* ### Pack, this has to move down to network.c
	 * if( pack_ptr->data_len +sizeof(packet_header) != received_bytes )
	 * {
	 *	Alarm( PRINT, "Prot_handle_bcast: received %d, should be %d\n",
	 *	received_bytes, pack_ptr->data_len+sizeof(packet_header) );
	 * 	return; 
	 * }

	if( Is_status( pack_ptr->type ) )
		Stat_handle_message( &New_pack );

	if( Is_fc( pack_ptr->type ) )
		FC_handle_message( &New_pack );

        if( Is_conf_reload( pack_ptr->type ) )
                Prot_handle_conf_reload( &New_pack );
	/* delete random 
	r1 = ((-My.id)%17)+3;
	r2 = get_rand() % (r1+3 );
	if ( r2 == 0 ) return; */

	if( Is_membership( pack_ptr->type ) )
		Memb_handle_message( &New_pack );
	if( Is_hurry( pack_ptr->type ) )
		Handle_hurry( pack_ptr );
	if( !Is_regular( pack_ptr->type ) )
		Alarm( PROTOCOL, "Prot_handle_bcast: Unknown packet type %d\n",
			pack_ptr->type );
	if( ! Memb_is_equal( Memb_id(), pack_ptr->memb_id ) )
		/* Foreign message */
		Memb_handle_message( &New_pack );
        if (Memb_token_alive() ) {
                E_queue( Memb_token_loss, 0, NULL, Token_timeout );
                if( Conf_leader( Memb_active_ptr() ) == My.id ) 
                        E_queue( Prot_token_hurry, 0, NULL, Hurry_timeout );

	/* ### Pack: next 70 lines (almost till the end of the routine) have changed */
        Buffered_packets[0].head = pack_ptr;
        Buffered_packets[0].body = (packet_body *)New_pack.elements[1].buf;
	received_bytes -= sizeof(packet_header);
        total_bytes_processed = pack_ptr->data_len;
        /* ignore any alignment padding */
        switch(total_bytes_processed % 4)
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 0:
                /* already aligned */
        for( i = 1; received_bytes > total_bytes_processed; i++ )
        	/* copy into each of the elements after the first element*/
                Buffered_packets[i].head = (packet_header *)new(PACK_HEAD_OBJ);
                Buffered_packets[i].body = (packet_body *)new(PACKET_BODY);
                if (Buffered_packets[i].head == NULL) 
                        Alarm(EXIT, "Prot_handle_bcast: Memory allocation failed for PACK_HEAD_OBJ\n");
                if (Buffered_packets[i].body == NULL) 
                        Alarm(EXIT, "Prot_handle_bcast: Memory allocation failed for PACKET_BODY\n");
                pack_ptr = (packet_header *)&New_pack.elements[1].buf[total_bytes_processed];
                memcpy( Buffered_packets[i].head, pack_ptr, sizeof( packet_header ) );
                total_bytes_processed += sizeof(packet_header);
                memcpy( Buffered_packets[i].body, &New_pack.elements[1].buf[total_bytes_processed], pack_ptr->data_len);
                total_bytes_processed += pack_ptr->data_len;
                /* ignore any alignment padding */
                switch(total_bytes_processed % 4)
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                case 0:
                        /* already aligned */
        num_buffered_packets = i;

        for( i = 0; i < num_buffered_packets; i++)
                pack_ptr = Buffered_packets[i].head;
                /* do we have this packet */
                if( pack_ptr->seq <= Aru )
                        Alarm( PROTOCOL, "Prot_handle_bcast: delayed packet %d already delivered (Aru %d)\n",
                               pack_ptr->seq, Aru );
                pack_entry = pack_ptr->seq & PACKET_MASK;
                if( Packets[pack_entry].exist ) 
                        Alarm( PROTOCOL, "Prot_handle_bcast: packet %d already exist\n",
                               pack_ptr->seq );

                Packets[pack_entry].proc_index = Conf_proc_by_id( pack_ptr->proc_id, &p );
                if( Packets[pack_entry].proc_index < 0 )
                        Alarm( PROTOCOL, "Prot_handle_bcast: unknown proc %d\n", pack_ptr->proc_id );
                /* insert new packet */
                Packets[pack_entry].head  = pack_ptr;
                Packets[pack_entry].body  = Buffered_packets[i].body;
                Packets[pack_entry].exist = 1;

                /* update variables */
                if( Highest_seq < pack_ptr->seq ) Highest_seq = pack_ptr->seq;
                if( pack_ptr->seq == My_aru+1 )
                        for( j=pack_ptr->seq; j <= Highest_seq; j++ )
                                if( ! Packets[j & PACKET_MASK].exist ) break;
                }else Deliver_reliable_packets( pack_ptr->seq, 1 );

                Alarm( PROTOCOL, "Prot_handle_bcast: packet %d inserted\n",
                       pack_ptr->seq );
        }      /* END OF LOOP */

	GlobalStatus.my_aru = My_aru;
	GlobalStatus.highest_seq = Highest_seq;

	/* prepare New_pack for next packet */
	New_pack.elements[0].buf = (char *) new(PACK_HEAD_OBJ);
	New_pack.elements[1].buf = (char *) new(PACKET_BODY);
Example #10
void	Discard_packets()
	int		pack_entry;
	packet_body	*body_ptr;
	up_queue	*up_ptr;
	int		proc_index;
	int		i;

    if( Aru <= Last_discarded ) return;
    if( Memb_state() == EVS )
	int		found_hole;
	membership_id	reg_memb_id;

	if( Aru != Last_seq ) return;

        /* Deliver packets that must be delivered before the transitional signal.
         * Those up to the Aru for my old ring were delivered in Read_form2().
         * So, it remains to deliver all packets up to the first hole or the first
         * SAFE message. */
        Alarmp( SPLOG_INFO, PROTOCOL,
                "Discard_packets: delivering messages after old ring Aru before transitional\n" );

        for( i = Last_discarded+1; i <= Highest_seq; i++ )
            pack_entry = i & PACKET_MASK;
	    if( ! Packets[pack_entry].exist )
		Alarmp( SPLOG_FATAL, PROTOCOL, "Discard_packets: (EVS before transitional) packet %d not exist\n", i);
	    if( Packets[pack_entry].exist == 3 )
		Alarmp( SPLOG_INFO, PROTOCOL, "Discard_packets: Found first Hole in %d\n", i);
            if( Is_safe( Packets[pack_entry].head->type ) ) {
                Alarmp( SPLOG_INFO, PROTOCOL, "Discard_packets: Found first SAFE message in %d", i);
            /* should deliver packet or dispose the body if it was delivered already */
            if( Packets[pack_entry].exist == 1 ){
                Deliver_packet( pack_entry, 0 );
            } else {
                dispose( Packets[pack_entry].body );
            /* dispose packet header in any case */
            dispose( Packets[pack_entry].head );
            Alarmp( SPLOG_INFO, PROTOCOL, "Discard_packets: delivering %d in EVS\n",i);
	    Packets[pack_entry].exist = 0;
            Last_discarded = i;

	/* calculate and deliver transitional membership */
        Alarmp( SPLOG_INFO, PROTOCOL, "Discard_packets: Delivering transitional membership\n" );
	Sess_deliver_trans_memb( Trans_membership, Memb_trans_id() );

	/* deliver all remaining packets for EVS */
	found_hole = 0;
	for( i = Last_discarded+1; i <= Highest_seq; i++ )
	    pack_entry = i & PACKET_MASK;
	    if( ! Packets[pack_entry].exist )
		Alarm( EXIT, "Discard_packets: (EVS after transitional) packet %d not exist\n", i);
	    if( Packets[pack_entry].exist == 3 )
		 * There is a hole! 
		 * from here, we need to check if the proc_id of the packet
		 * is in commited membership. 
		found_hole = 1;
		Alarm( PROTOCOL, "Discard_packets: Found a Hole in %d \n",i);

	    }else if( (!found_hole) || 
   (Conf_id_in_conf( &Commit_membership, Packets[pack_entry].head->proc_id ) != -1) ){
		/* should deliver packet or dispose the body if it was delivered already */
		if( Packets[pack_entry].exist == 1 ){
			 Deliver_packet( pack_entry, 0 );
			 dispose( Packets[pack_entry].body );
		/* dispose packet header in any case */
		dispose( Packets[pack_entry].head );
		Alarm( PROTOCOL, "Discard_packets: delivering %d in EVS\n",i);
		/* should not deliver packet */
		dispose( Packets[pack_entry].head );
		dispose(   Packets[pack_entry].body );
		Alarm( PROTOCOL, "Discard_packets: Due to hole, not delivering %d \n",i);
	    Packets[pack_entry].exist = 0;

	/* check up_queue and down_queue */
	if( Down_queue_ptr->num_mess > 0 )
		Down_queue_ptr->cur_element = 0;

	for( proc_index=0; proc_index < MAX_PROCS_RING; proc_index++ )
		if( Up_queue[proc_index].exist )
			if( proc_index != My_index )
			     * dispose only packets that are not mine 
			     * my packets will stay in Down_queue if the message is not
			     * ready to be delivered (because not fully sent yet) 
			     * so we need not to dispose them! 
			    up_ptr = &Up_queue[proc_index];
			    for( i=0; i < up_ptr->mess->num_elements; i++ )
				body_ptr = (packet_body *)up_ptr->mess->elements[i].buf;
				dispose( body_ptr );
			dispose( Up_queue[proc_index].mess );
			Up_queue[proc_index].exist = 0;

	/* calculate and deliver regular membership */
	reg_memb_id = Memb_id();
	Sess_deliver_reg_memb( Reg_membership, reg_memb_id );

        /* If in change conf mode; then if singleton (which should be true) and GOP state then:
         * Remove partition
         * Initiate Memb_lookup() to find other daemons 
        if( Conf_in_reload_singleton_state() ) {
                /* GOP state equals value 1, but is private declaration in groups.c */
                if ( (GlobalStatus.gstate != 1 ) || ( Conf_num_procs( &Reg_membership ) != 1 ) ) {
                        Alarmp( SPLOG_FATAL, MEMB, "Discard_packets: Failed to reload configuration - gstate: %d and num_procs in membership: %d\n", GlobalStatus.gstate, Conf_num_procs( &Reg_membership) );
                E_queue( Memb_lookup_new_members, 0, NULL, Zero_timeout);

	/* set variables for next membership */
        if ( Conf_debug_initial_sequence() ) {
            Last_token->aru	 = INITIAL_SEQUENCE_NEAR_WRAP;
            Highest_seq 	 = INITIAL_SEQUENCE_NEAR_WRAP;
            Highest_fifo_seq     = INITIAL_SEQUENCE_NEAR_WRAP;
            My_aru	    	 = INITIAL_SEQUENCE_NEAR_WRAP;
            Aru		         = INITIAL_SEQUENCE_NEAR_WRAP;
            Set_aru		 = INITIAL_SEQUENCE_NEAR_WRAP -1;
            Last_discarded	 = INITIAL_SEQUENCE_NEAR_WRAP;
            Last_delivered	 = INITIAL_SEQUENCE_NEAR_WRAP;
        } else {
            Last_token->aru	 = 0;
            Highest_seq 	 = 0;
            Highest_fifo_seq     = 0;
            My_aru	    	 = 0;
            Aru		         = 0;
            Set_aru		 = -1;
            Last_discarded	 = 0;
            Last_delivered	 = 0;

	GlobalStatus.my_aru	 = My_aru;
	Token_counter 	= 0;


	for( i = Last_discarded+1; i <= Aru; i++ )
	    pack_entry = i & PACKET_MASK;
	    if( ! Packets[pack_entry].exist )
		Alarm( EXIT, "Discard_packets: (NOT EVS) packet %d not exist\n",i);

	    /* should deliver packet or dispose the body if it was delivered already */
	    if( Packets[pack_entry].exist == 1 ) Deliver_packet( pack_entry, 0 );
	    else dispose( Packets[pack_entry].body );
	    /* dispose packet header in any case */
	    dispose( Packets[pack_entry].head );
	    Packets[pack_entry].exist = 0;
	Alarm( PROTOCOL, "Discard_packets: packets %d-%d were discarded\n",
			Last_discarded+1, Aru );

	Last_discarded = Aru;
	if( Last_delivered < Last_discarded ) Last_delivered = Last_discarded;
Example #11
void receive_packet() {
  /* receiving data */
  int c, ret, num_groups;
  int r=1;
  int16            mess_type;
  int              endian_mismatch=0;
  char mess_buf[MAX_MESS_LEN];
  char             target_groups[MAX_MEMBERS][MAX_GROUP_NAME];
  char             sender[MAX_GROUP_NAME];
  int              service_type = 0;
  struct timeval    end_time;
  struct packet_structure *packet;
  SP_receive( Mbox, &service_type, sender, 100, &num_groups, target_groups, 
                &mess_type, &endian_mismatch, sizeof(mess_buf), mess_buf );
  packet = (struct packet_structure *)mess_buf;
  if (packet->type == 1) /*Data packet, write to log */
  else if (packet->type == 3 && machine_index == 1)
  {  printf("Checking for termination \n");
    completed[packet->machine_index] = 1;
    for (c=1; c <= total_machines; c++) {
      if (completed[c] == 0) r =0; 
      printf("%d = %d\n", c, completed[c]);
    if (r==1) {
    /*All machines complete.  Send termination */
      packet->type = 5; printf("Complete sending termination\n");
      ret= SP_multicast( Mbox, AGREED_MESS, group, 1, sizeof(struct packet_structure), (char *)packet );
  else if (packet->type == 5) /*Terminate */
      gettimeofday(&end_time, NULL);          
      printf("%.6lf seconds elapsed\n", starttime2-starttime1);
      exit (0);
    printf("Got packet type %d, mid=%d\n", packet->type, packet->machine_index);
    printf("received message of unknown message type 0x%x with ret %d\n", service_type, ret);

  sendcount++; /* Only send when we've received at least what we've sent. */
  if (packets_to_send > 0 && sendcount == FCC) {
    sendcount = 0;
    sp_time delta_time;
    delta_time.sec = 0; delta_time.usec =1250; /*Setting this below 1000 causes problems */
    E_queue( send_data, 0, NULL, delta_time ); /*Queue up the sender */
  if (packets_to_send == 0 && completed[machine_index] == 0){ /*Send we are complete if we haven't already */
    printf("Sending completed\n");
    completed[machine_index] = 1;
    packet->type = 3;
    packet->machine_index = machine_index;
    ret= SP_multicast( Mbox, AGREED_MESS, group, 1, sizeof(struct packet_structure), (char *)packet );
Example #12
static  void    Balance(int __code, void *__data)
  int            ret;
  int            num_bytes;
  int            i, j, k;
  int            min_index;
  int            max_index;
  static member *tempMembers = NULL;
  static entry  *tempTable = NULL;
  wack_alarm(LOGIC, "Balance called." );

  if(!tempMembers) {
    tempMembers = (member *)malloc(sizeof(member) * MAX_PSEUDO);
  if(!tempTable) {
    tempTable = (entry *)malloc(sizeof(entry) * MAX_PSEUDO);
  if( My_index ) goto leave;

  if( State != RUN ) return;

  State = BALANCE;
  num_bytes = sizeof( int );

  min_index = 0;
  max_index = 0;

  memcpy( tempMembers, Members, MAX_PSEUDO * sizeof( member ) );
  memcpy( tempTable, Allocation_table, MAX_PSEUDO * sizeof( entry ) );

  for ( k = 0; k < Balance_rate; k++ )
      for ( i = 0; i < Num_members; i++ )
	  if( tempMembers[i].num_allocated < tempMembers[min_index].num_allocated )
	    min_index = i;
	  if( tempMembers[i].num_allocated > tempMembers[max_index].num_allocated )
	    max_index = i;
      if( tempMembers[max_index].num_allocated - tempMembers[min_index].num_allocated > 1 )
	  for( j = 0; j < Num_pseudo; j++ )
	      if( _rif_ip_s(tempTable[j]) == _rif_ip_s(tempMembers[max_index])
		  && tempTable[j].claim_priority < PREFER )
		  memcpy( &Mess[num_bytes], &(_rif_ip_s(tempMembers[min_index])), sizeof( address ) );
		  num_bytes += sizeof( address );
		  memcpy( &Mess[num_bytes], &(_pif_ip_s(tempTable[j])), sizeof( address ) );
		  num_bytes += sizeof( address );
		  _rif_ip_s(tempTable[j]) = _rif_ip_s(tempMembers[min_index]);
		  j = Num_pseudo;
	      else if ( j == Num_pseudo )
		  if( k == 0 ) 
		      State = RUN;
		      goto leave;
		  memcpy( &Mess[0], &k, sizeof( int ) );
		  k = Balance_rate + 1;
	  if( k == 0 ) 
	      State = RUN;
	      goto leave;
	  memcpy( &Mess[0], &k, sizeof( int ) );  
	  k = Balance_rate + 1;

  if ( k == Balance_rate )
      memcpy( &Mess[0], &k, sizeof( int ) );

  ret = SP_multicast( Mbox, AGREED_MESS, Spread_group, BALANCE_MESS, num_bytes, Mess );
  if( ret < 0 )
      SP_error( ret );
  State = RUN;
  wack_alarm(LOGIC, "Shifting to RUN in balance" );
  if( !Complete_balance )
    E_queue( Balance, 0, 0, Balance_timer );
Example #13
static	void	Send_local_arp_cache_repeat()
  Send_local_arp_cache(0, NULL);
  E_queue( Send_local_arp_cache, 0, 0, ArpRefresh_timer );
Example #14
static	void	Handle_state()
  group_id	*curr_gid_ptr;
  address	*curr_real_address_ptr;
  int		num_bytes;
  int		num_released;
  int           *curr_index_ptr;
  int           *curr_maturity_ptr;
  int           *curr_num_allocated_ptr;  
  address       *curr_pseudo_addr_ptr;
  int           *curr_claim_priority_ptr;
  int           *curr_num_prefer_ptr;
  address       *curr_prefer_address;
  int           i, j, k;

  wack_alarm(LOGIC,  "Handle state" );

  num_bytes = 0;
  curr_gid_ptr = (group_id *)&Mess[num_bytes];
  num_bytes += sizeof( group_id );
  /* ### wackamole stuff */
  curr_real_address_ptr = (address *)&Mess[num_bytes];
  num_bytes += sizeof( address );
  curr_index_ptr = (int *)&Mess[num_bytes];
  num_bytes += sizeof( int );
  curr_maturity_ptr = (int *)&Mess[num_bytes];
  num_bytes += sizeof( int );
  curr_num_allocated_ptr = (int *)&Mess[num_bytes];
  num_bytes += sizeof( int );

  if( Endian_mismatch )
      curr_gid_ptr->id[0] = Flip_int32( curr_gid_ptr->id[0] );
      curr_gid_ptr->id[1] = Flip_int32( curr_gid_ptr->id[1] );
      curr_gid_ptr->id[2] = Flip_int32( curr_gid_ptr->id[2] );
      /* ### wackamole stuff */
      *curr_real_address_ptr = Flip_int32( *curr_real_address_ptr );
      *curr_index_ptr = Flip_int32( *curr_index_ptr );
      *curr_maturity_ptr = Flip_int32( *curr_maturity_ptr );
      *curr_num_allocated_ptr = Flip_int32( *curr_num_allocated_ptr );

  /* Check this here, don't process extra stuff if we don't need to. */
  if( Gid.id[0] != curr_gid_ptr->id[0] ||
      Gid.id[1] != curr_gid_ptr->id[1] ||
      Gid.id[2] != curr_gid_ptr->id[2] ) return;
  _rif_ip_s(Members[*curr_index_ptr]) = *curr_real_address_ptr;
  Members[*curr_index_ptr].num_allocated = *curr_num_allocated_ptr;
  Members[*curr_index_ptr].got_state_from = 1;

  num_released = 0;
  /* Rip addresses and compute stuff */
  for ( i = 0; i < *curr_num_allocated_ptr; i++ )
      curr_pseudo_addr_ptr = (address *)&Mess[num_bytes];
      num_bytes += sizeof( address );
      curr_claim_priority_ptr = (int *)&Mess[num_bytes];
      num_bytes += sizeof( int );
      if( Endian_mismatch )
	  *curr_pseudo_addr_ptr = Flip_int32( *curr_pseudo_addr_ptr );
	  *curr_claim_priority_ptr = Flip_int32( *curr_claim_priority_ptr );
      for ( j = 0; j < Num_pseudo; j++)
	  if ( *curr_pseudo_addr_ptr == _pif_ip_s(Allocation_table[j]) )
	      if( _rif_ip_s(Allocation_table[j]) == 0 )
		  _rif_ip_s(Allocation_table[j]) = *curr_real_address_ptr;
		  Allocation_table[j].claim_priority = *curr_claim_priority_ptr;
		{/*conflict in ip address case*/
		  if( Allocation_table[j].claim_priority == PREFER_CLAIMED ||
		      Allocation_table[j].claim_priority ==  *curr_claim_priority_ptr )
		      if( _rif_ip_s(My) == *curr_real_address_ptr )
		      Old_table[j].claim_priority = Allocation_table[j].claim_priority;
		      _rif_ip_s(Old_table[j]) = _rif_ip_s(Allocation_table[j]);
		  else if( Allocation_table[j].claim_priority == CLAIMED &&
			   *curr_claim_priority_ptr > PREFER )
		      if( _rif_ip_s(My) == _rif_ip_s(Allocation_table[j]) )
			  ReleaseAddress( *curr_pseudo_addr_ptr );
		      for(k = 0; k < Num_members; ++k)
			  if( _rif_ip_s(Members[k]) == _rif_ip_s(Allocation_table[j]) )
		      _rif_ip_s(Allocation_table[j]) = *curr_real_address_ptr;
		      Allocation_table[j].claim_priority = *curr_claim_priority_ptr;
		      Old_table[j].claim_priority = Allocation_table[j].claim_priority;
		      _rif_ip_s(Old_table[j]) = _rif_ip_s(Allocation_table[j]);
	      j = Num_pseudo;
  if(num_released) {
  curr_num_prefer_ptr = (int *)&Mess[num_bytes];
  num_bytes += sizeof( int );
  if( Endian_mismatch ) *curr_num_prefer_ptr = Flip_int32( *curr_num_prefer_ptr );
  for ( i = 0; i < *curr_num_prefer_ptr; i++ )
      curr_prefer_address = (address *)&Mess[num_bytes];
      num_bytes += sizeof( address );
      if( Endian_mismatch )
	*curr_prefer_address = Flip_int32( *curr_prefer_address );
      for ( j = 0; j < Num_pseudo; j++)
	if ( *curr_prefer_address == _pif_ip_s(Allocation_table[j]) )
	    if ( Allocation_table[j].claim_priority < PREFER )
		_rif_ip_s(Allocation_table[j]) = *curr_real_address_ptr;
		Allocation_table[j].claim_priority = PREFER;
	    j = Num_pseudo;

  /* ### wackamole compute stuff */
  if ( Maturity == 0 && *curr_maturity_ptr == 1 )
  wack_alarm(LOGIC, "handle state:  got state from %d", *curr_real_address_ptr );
  if( Num_pending_states == 0 )
      wack_alarm(LOGIC,  "handle state: Finished getting states, maturity is %d.", Maturity );
      if ( Maturity ) 
	  /* wackamole calculate, drop and aquire */
	  /* Do we do Priority_claim or Claim_unclaimed first? ... each has advantages. */

	  State = RUN;
	  E_queue( Balance, 0, 0, Balance_timer );
	  wack_alarm(LOGIC,  "handle state: shifting to RUN");
	  State = BOOT;
	  wack_alarm(LOGIC,  "handle state: shifting back to BOOT");
Example #15
void    handle_reconnect(int a, void *d) {
  sp_time delay;
  delay.sec = Spread_retry_interval;
  delay.usec = 0;
  E_queue((void(*)(int, void *))Spread_reconnect, -2, NULL, delay);