BOOL EdSplash_Init (void) { char mySplashWindowClassName [256]; int myResult; WNDCLASSEX myWindowClass; // Get the class name EdGUI_LoadString (IDS_SPLASH_WINDOW_NAME, mySplashWindowClassName, sizeof (mySplashWindowClassName)); // // Register the editor window class // myWindowClass.cbSize = sizeof (myWindowClass); // Set window class to redraw when window size changes = CS_OWNDC; // Procedure to be called with messages for this window class myWindowClass.lpfnWndProc = MySplashWindowProcedure; // The extra space in class struct myWindowClass.cbClsExtra = 0; // The extra space in window struct for the pointer to text data // and editor window myWindowClass.cbWndExtra = WINDOW_EXTRA_MEMORY; // The application's handle myWindowClass.hInstance = gProgram.applicationInstance; // Set the icon for this window class myWindowClass.hIcon = LoadIcon (gProgram.applicationInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE (APP_ICON)); // Set the cursor for this window class myWindowClass.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW); // Set the background colour for this window myWindowClass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject (WHITE_BRUSH); // Set the menu for this window class myWindowClass.lpszMenuName = NULL; // Name of the window class myWindowClass.lpszClassName = mySplashWindowClassName; // Set the icon for this class. myWindowClass.hIconSm = LoadIcon (gProgram.applicationInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE (APP_SMALL_ICON)); myResult = RegisterClassEx (&myWindowClass); if (myResult == 0) { EdFail_Warn (IDS_REGISTERCLASSFAIL, __FILE__, __LINE__, GetLastError ()); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // EdSplash_Init
BOOL EdFail_Init (void) { int cnt; for (cnt = 0 ; cnt < NUM_PROGRESS_MESSAGES ; cnt++) { stProgressMessage [cnt] = malloc (MESSAGE_BUFFER_SIZE); if (stProgressMessage [cnt] == NULL) { EdFail_Warn (IDS_OUTOFMEMORY, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0); return FALSE; } stProgressMessage [cnt][0] = 0; } #ifndef TPROLOG EdCrash_Init (); #endif // #ifndef TPROLOG return TRUE; } // EdFail_Init
BOOL EdSearch_Init (void) { /*************************************/ /* Initialize find/replace structure */ /*************************************/ ZeroMemory (&stFindReplace, sizeof (FINDREPLACE)); stFindReplace.lStructSize = sizeof (FINDREPLACE); stFindReplace.lpstrFindWhat = stFindWhat; stFindReplace.wFindWhatLen = FIND_STRING_LEN; stFindReplace.lpstrReplaceWith = stReplaceWith; stFindReplace.wReplaceWithLen = FIND_STRING_LEN; stFindReplace.lpfnHook = MyFindDialogProcedure; stFindReplace.Flags = FR_DOWN | FR_MATCHCASE | FR_ENABLEHOOK; EdSearch_FindReplaceMessage = RegisterWindowMessage (FINDMSGSTRING); if (EdSearch_FindReplaceMessage == 0) { EdFail_Warn (IDS_REGISTERWINDOWMESSAGEFAIL, __FILE__, __LINE__, GetLastError ()); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // EdSearch_Init