BspPolygon2* Boolean2D::ConstructPentagon ()
    const int numVertices = 5;

    double primitiveAngle = Mathd::TWO_PI/numVertices;
    double radius = 0.35*GetWidth();
    double cx = 0.5*GetWidth(), cy = 0.5*GetWidth();

    Vector2d vertices[numVertices];
    for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
        double angle = i*primitiveAngle;
        vertices[i].X() = cx + radius*Mathd::Cos(angle);
        vertices[i].Y() = cy + radius*Mathd::Sin(angle);

    BspPolygon2* poly = new0 BspPolygon2();
    for (int i0 = numVertices - 1, i1 = 0; i1 < numVertices; i0 = i1++)
        poly->InsertEdge(Edge2(i0, i1));
    return poly;
BspPolygon2* Boolean2D::ConstructInvertedEll ()
    double w = (double)GetWidth();
    double d1d8 = 0.125*w;
    double d2d8 = 0.250*w;
    double d3d8 = 0.375*w;
    double d5d8 = 0.625*w;
    double d6d8 = 0.750*w;
    double d7d8 = 0.875*w;

    const int numVertices = 10;
    Vector2d vertices[numVertices] =
        Vector2d(d1d8, d1d8),
        Vector2d(d3d8, d1d8),
        Vector2d(d3d8, d3d8),
        Vector2d(d2d8, d3d8),
        Vector2d(d2d8, d6d8),
        Vector2d(d5d8, d6d8),
        Vector2d(d5d8, d5d8),
        Vector2d(d7d8, d5d8),
        Vector2d(d7d8, d7d8),
        Vector2d(d1d8, d7d8)

    BspPolygon2* poly = new0 BspPolygon2();
    for (int i0 = numVertices - 1, i1 = 0; i1 < numVertices; i0 = i1++)
        poly->InsertEdge(Edge2(i0, i1));
    return poly;
Example #3
void BspTree2::GetNegPartition (const BspPolygon2& polygon,
    const Vector2d& v0, const Vector2d& v1, BspPolygon2& pos,
    BspPolygon2& neg, BspPolygon2& coSame, BspPolygon2& coDiff) const
    if (mNegChild)
        mNegChild->GetPartition(polygon, v0, v1, pos, neg, coSame, coDiff);
        int i0 = neg.InsertVertex(v0);
        int i1 = neg.InsertVertex(v1);
        neg.InsertEdge(Edge2(i0, i1));
Example #4
vector <Edge2> CueTable::generatePocketEdges( const Circle& circle, const Edge2& startEdge, const Edge2& endEdge, int quality ){
	vector <Edge2> pocketEdges;

	float startAngle = orientedAngle(-startEdge.getDirection(),vec2(0,1));
	float endAngle = orientedAngle(endEdge.getDirection(), vec2(0,1));
	float startRad = radians( startAngle );
	float endRad = radians( endAngle );

	float alpha = (endAngle - startAngle) / (float)(quality - 1);
	float alphaRad = radians( alpha );

	float tangetialFactor = tan( alphaRad );
	float radialFactor = cos( alphaRad );

	float x = circle.radius * cos( 0.0f );
	float y = circle.radius * sin( 0.0f );

	auto rotate = [=]( float x, float y) -> vec2 {
		vec3 i = vec3( x, 0, y );
		vec3 r = angleAxis(startAngle + 90, vec3(0,1,0) ) * i;
		return vec2( r.x, r.z );

	for (int i = 0; i < quality - 1; i++){
		vec2 v0 = circle.center + rotate( x,y );

		float tx = -y;
		float ty = x;

		x += tx * tangetialFactor;
		y += ty * tangetialFactor;

		x *= radialFactor;
		y *= radialFactor;

		vec2 v1 = circle.center + rotate( x,y );
		pocketEdges.push_back( Edge2(v0, v1) );

	return pocketEdges;
BspPolygon2* Boolean2D::ConstructSShape ()
    double w = (double)GetWidth();
    double d10d32 = 10.0*w/32.0;
    double d12d32 = 12.0*w/32.0;
    double d13d32 = 13.0*w/32.0;
    double d16d32 = 16.0*w/32.0;
    double d19d32 = 19.0*w/32.0;
    double d20d32 = 20.0*w/32.0;
    double d22d32 = 22.0*w/32.0;
    double d24d32 = 24.0*w/32.0;
    double d26d32 = 26.0*w/32.0;
    double d28d32 = 28.0*w/32.0;

    const int numVertices = 12;
    Vector2d vertices[numVertices] =
        Vector2d(d24d32, d10d32),
        Vector2d(d28d32, d10d32),
        Vector2d(d28d32, d16d32),
        Vector2d(d22d32, d16d32),
        Vector2d(d22d32, d19d32),
        Vector2d(d24d32, d19d32),
        Vector2d(d24d32, d22d32),
        Vector2d(d20d32, d22d32),
        Vector2d(d20d32, d13d32),
        Vector2d(d26d32, d13d32),
        Vector2d(d26d32, d12d32),
        Vector2d(d24d32, d12d32)

    BspPolygon2* poly = new0 BspPolygon2();
    for (int i0 = numVertices - 1, i1 = 0; i1 < numVertices; i0 = i1++)
        poly->InsertEdge(Edge2(i0, i1));
    return poly;
BspPolygon2* Boolean2D::ConstructSquare ()
    double w = (double)GetWidth();
    double d2d8 = 0.250*w;
    double d6d8 = 0.750*w;

    const int numVertices = 4;
    Vector2d vertices[numVertices] =
        Vector2d(d2d8, d2d8),
        Vector2d(d6d8, d2d8),
        Vector2d(d6d8, d6d8),
        Vector2d(d2d8, d6d8)

    BspPolygon2* poly = new0 BspPolygon2();
    for (int i0 = numVertices - 1, i1 = 0; i1 < numVertices; i0 = i1++)
        poly->InsertEdge(Edge2(i0, i1));
    return poly;
BspPolygon2* Boolean2D::ConstructPolyWithHoles ()
    double w = (double)GetWidth();
    double d2d16 = 2.0*w/16.0;
    double d3d16 = 3.0*w/16.0;
    double d4d16 = 4.0*w/16.0;
    double d6d16 = 6.0*w/16.0;
    double d14d16 = 14.0*w/16.0;

    const int numVertices = 6;
    Vector2d vertices[numVertices] =
        // outer boundary
        Vector2d(d2d16, d2d16),
        Vector2d(d14d16, d2d16),
        Vector2d(d2d16, d14d16),

        // inner boundary
        Vector2d(d4d16, d3d16),
        Vector2d(d6d16, d6d16),
        Vector2d(d6d16, d3d16)

    BspPolygon2* poly = new0 BspPolygon2();
    for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)

    poly->InsertEdge(Edge2(0, 1));
    poly->InsertEdge(Edge2(1, 2));
    poly->InsertEdge(Edge2(2, 0));
    poly->InsertEdge(Edge2(3, 4));
    poly->InsertEdge(Edge2(4, 5));
    poly->InsertEdge(Edge2(5, 3));

    return poly;
Example #8
BspTree2::BspTree2 (BspPolygon2& polygon, const EArray& edges)
    assertion(edges.size() > 0, "Invalid input.\n");

    // Construct splitting line from first edge.
    Vector2d end0 = polygon.mVArray[edges[0].I0];
    Vector2d end1 = polygon.mVArray[edges[0].I1];

    // Add edge to coincident list.

    // Split remaining edges.
    EArray posArray, negArray;
    int imax = (int)edges.size();
    for (int i = 1; i < imax; ++i)
        int v0 = edges[i].I0;
        int v1 = edges[i].I1;
        Vector2d vertex0 = polygon.mVArray[v0];
        Vector2d vertex1 = polygon.mVArray[v1];

        Vector2d intr;
        int vmid;

        switch (Classify(end0, end1, vertex0, vertex1, intr))
            case TRANSVERSE_POSITIVE:
                // modify edge <V0,V1> to <V0,I> and add new edge <I,V1>
                vmid = polygon.InsertVertex(intr);
                polygon.SplitEdge(v0, v1, vmid);
                posArray.push_back(Edge2(vmid, v1));
                negArray.push_back(Edge2(v0, vmid));
            case TRANSVERSE_NEGATIVE:
                // modify edge <V0,V1> to <V0,I> and add new edge <I,V1>
                vmid = polygon.InsertVertex(intr);
                polygon.SplitEdge(v0, v1, vmid);
                posArray.push_back(Edge2(v0, vmid));
                negArray.push_back(Edge2(vmid, v1));
            case ALL_POSITIVE:
            case ALL_NEGATIVE:
            default:  // COINCIDENT

    if (posArray.size() > 0)
        mPosChild = new0 BspTree2(polygon, posArray);
        mPosChild = 0;

    if (negArray.size() > 0)
        mNegChild = new0 BspTree2(polygon, negArray);
        mNegChild = 0;
Example #9
bool CueTable::insertPocket(Polygon2& shape, vec2 holePos){
	const Circle circle(holePos, 1.0f);
	auto edges = &shape.getEdges();
	int countEdges = 0;

	for(uint i = 0; i < edges->size(); i++){
		Edge2 edge = edges->at(i);
		if(circle.inside(edge[0]) ^ circle.inside(edge[1])){

	if(countEdges > 2){
		return false;
	}else if (countEdges == 1){
		return false;

	for( auto it = edges->begin(); it != edges->end(); ){
		Edge2 edge = (*it);
		if(circle.inside(edge[0]) && circle.inside(edge[1])){
			it = edges->erase( it );

	for( auto it = edges->begin(); it != edges->end(); ){
		Edge2 edge = (*it);

		vec2 alpha;
		IntersectionType intType = circleIntersection(edge, circle, alpha.x, alpha.y);

		vec2 edge0 = edge[0];
		vec2 edge1 = edge[1];
		vec2 hit0 = lerp(edge0,edge1,alpha[0]);
		vec2 hit1 = lerp(edge0,edge1,alpha[1]);

		switch (intType) {
			case IMPALE: {
				it = edges->erase( it );
				it = edges->insert(it, Edge2(edge0, hit0));

				/*vector<Edge2> pocketEdges = generatePocketEdges(circle, Edge2(edge0, hit0), Edge2(hit1, edge1), 10);
				for( auto& e : pocketEdges )
					it = edges->insert( it + 1, e );*/

				it = edges->insert(it + 1, Edge2(hit1, edge1));
			case POKE: {
				it->at(1) = hit0;
				/*vector<Edge2> pocketEdges = generatePocketEdges(circle, *it, *(it+1), 10);
				for( auto& e : pocketEdges )
					it = edges->insert( it + 1, e );*/

			case EXITWOUND: {
				it->at(0) = hit1;
			case FALLSHORT:
			case PAST:
			case NONE: break;
			case INVALID:
			default: assert(0);


	return true;