Example #1
  Send null requests to all removable media block IO devices so the a media add/remove/change
  can be detected in real before we execute a command.

  This is mainly due to the fact that the FAT driver does not do this today so you can get stale
  dir commands after an SD Card has been removed.
EblProbeRemovableMedia (
  UINTN         Index;
  UINTN         Max;

  // Probe for media insertion/removal in removable media devices
  Max = EfiGetDeviceCounts (EfiOpenBlockIo);
  if (Max != 0) {
    for (Index = 0; Index < Max; Index++) {
      File = EfiDeviceOpenByType (EfiOpenBlockIo, Index);
      if (File != NULL) {
        if (File->FsBlockIoMedia->RemovableMedia) {
          // Probe to see if media is present (or not) or media changed
          //  this causes the ReinstallProtocolInterface() to fire in the
          //  block io driver to update the system about media change events
          File->FsBlockIo->ReadBlocks (File->FsBlockIo, File->FsBlockIo->Media->MediaId, (EFI_LBA)0, 0, NULL);
        EfiClose (File);
Example #2
  Print information about the Blk IO devices.
  If the device supports PXE dump out extra information

  @param  File  Open File for the device

EblPrintBlkIoInfo (
  UINT64                    DeviceSize;
  UINTN                     Index;
  UINTN                     Max;
  EFI_OPEN_FILE             *FsFile;

  if (File == NULL) {

  AsciiPrint ("  %a: ", File->DeviceName);

  // print out name of file system, if any, on this block device
  Max = EfiGetDeviceCounts (EfiOpenFileSystem);
  if (Max != 0) {
    for (Index = 0; Index < Max; Index++) {
      FsFile = EfiDeviceOpenByType (EfiOpenFileSystem, Index);
      if (FsFile != NULL) {
        if (FsFile->EfiHandle == File->EfiHandle) {
          AsciiPrint ("fs%d: ", Index);
          EfiClose (FsFile);
        EfiClose (FsFile);

  // Print out useful Block IO media properties
  if (File->FsBlockIoMedia->RemovableMedia) {
    AsciiPrint ("Removable ");
  if (!File->FsBlockIoMedia->MediaPresent) {
    AsciiPrint ("No Media\n");
  } else {
    if (File->FsBlockIoMedia->LogicalPartition) {
      AsciiPrint ("Partition ");
    DeviceSize = MultU64x32 (File->FsBlockIoMedia->LastBlock + 1, File->FsBlockIoMedia->BlockSize);
    AsciiPrint ("Size = 0x%lX\n", DeviceSize);
  EfiClose (File);
Example #3
  Dump information about devices in the system.

  fv:       PI Firmware Volume
  fs:       EFI Simple File System
  blk:      EFI Block IO
  LoadFile: EFI Load File Protocol (commonly PXE network boot)

  Argv[0] - "device"

  @param  Argc   Number of command arguments in Argv
  @param  Argv   Array of strings that represent the parsed command line.
                 Argv[0] is the command name

  @return EFI_SUCCESS

EblDeviceCmd (
  IN UINTN  Argc,
  IN CHAR8  **Argv
  UINTN         Index;
  UINTN         CurrentRow;
  UINTN         Max;

  CurrentRow = 0;

  // Need to call here to make sure Device Counts are valid
  EblUpdateDeviceLists ();

  // Now we can print out the info...
  Max = EfiGetDeviceCounts (EfiOpenFirmwareVolume);
  if (Max != 0) {
    AsciiPrint ("Firmware Volume Devices:\n");
    for (Index = 0; Index < Max; Index++) {
      EblPrintFvbInfo (EfiDeviceOpenByType (EfiOpenFirmwareVolume, Index));
      if (EblAnyKeyToContinueQtoQuit (&CurrentRow, TRUE)) {

  Max = EfiGetDeviceCounts (EfiOpenFileSystem);
  if (Max != 0) {
    AsciiPrint ("File System Devices:\n");
    for (Index = 0; Index < Max; Index++) {
      EblPrintFsInfo (EfiDeviceOpenByType (EfiOpenFileSystem, Index));
      if (EblAnyKeyToContinueQtoQuit (&CurrentRow, TRUE)) {

  Max = EfiGetDeviceCounts (EfiOpenBlockIo);
  if (Max != 0) {
    AsciiPrint ("Block IO Devices:\n");
    for (Index = 0; Index < Max; Index++) {
      EblPrintBlkIoInfo (EfiDeviceOpenByType (EfiOpenBlockIo, Index));
      if (EblAnyKeyToContinueQtoQuit (&CurrentRow, TRUE)) {

  Max = EfiGetDeviceCounts (EfiOpenLoadFile);
  if (Max != 0) {
    AsciiPrint ("LoadFile Devices: (usually network)\n");
    for (Index = 0; Index < Max; Index++) {
      EblPrintLoadFileInfo (EfiDeviceOpenByType (EfiOpenLoadFile, Index));
      if (EblAnyKeyToContinueQtoQuit (&CurrentRow, TRUE)) {

  return EFI_SUCCESS;