void ACullDistanceVolume::GetPrimitiveMaxDrawDistances(TMap<UPrimitiveComponent*,float>& OutCullDistances)
	// Nothing to do if there is no brush component or no cull distances are set
	if( BrushComponent && CullDistances.Num() > 0 && bEnabled )
		// Test center of mesh bounds to see whether it is encompassed by volume
		// and propagate cull distance if it is.
		for( FActorIterator It(GetWorld()); It; ++It )
			AActor* Owner = *It;
			UPrimitiveComponent* PrimitiveComponent = Owner->FindComponentByClass<UPrimitiveComponent>();
			if (PrimitiveComponent)
				// Check whether primitive can be affected by cull distance volumes.
				if( Owner && ACullDistanceVolume::CanBeAffectedByVolumes( PrimitiveComponent ) )
					// Check whether primitive supports cull distance volumes and its center point is being encompassed by this volume.
					if( EncompassesPoint( Owner->GetActorLocation() ) )
						// Find best match in CullDistances array.
						float PrimitiveSize			= PrimitiveComponent->Bounds.SphereRadius * 2;
						float CurrentError			= FLT_MAX;
						float CurrentCullDistance	= 0;
						for( int32 CullDistanceIndex=0; CullDistanceIndex<CullDistances.Num(); CullDistanceIndex++ )
							const FCullDistanceSizePair& CullDistancePair = CullDistances[CullDistanceIndex];
							if( FMath::Abs( PrimitiveSize - CullDistancePair.Size ) < CurrentError )
								CurrentError		= FMath::Abs( PrimitiveSize - CullDistancePair.Size );
								CurrentCullDistance = CullDistancePair.CullDistance;

						float* CurrentDistPtr = OutCullDistances.Find(PrimitiveComponent);

						// LD or other volume specified cull distance, use minimum of current and one used for this volume.
						if( *CurrentDistPtr > 0 )
							OutCullDistances.Add(PrimitiveComponent, FMath::Min( *CurrentDistPtr, CurrentCullDistance ));
						// LD didn't specify cull distance, use current setting directly.
							OutCullDistances.Add(PrimitiveComponent, CurrentCullDistance);
Example #2
void ACullDistanceVolume::GetPrimitiveMaxDrawDistances(TMap<UPrimitiveComponent*,float>& OutCullDistances)
	// Nothing to do if there is no brush component or no cull distances are set
	if (GetBrushComponent() && CullDistances.Num() > 0 && bEnabled)
		for (auto It(OutCullDistances.CreateIterator()); It; ++It)
			UPrimitiveComponent* PrimitiveComponent = It.Key();

			// Check whether primitive can be affected by cull distance volumes.
			if( ACullDistanceVolume::CanBeAffectedByVolumes( PrimitiveComponent ) )
				// Check whether primitive supports cull distance volumes and its center point is being encompassed by this volume.
				if( EncompassesPoint( PrimitiveComponent->GetComponentLocation() ) )
					// Find best match in CullDistances array.
					float PrimitiveSize			= PrimitiveComponent->Bounds.SphereRadius * 2;
					float CurrentError			= FLT_MAX;
					float CurrentCullDistance	= 0;
					for( int32 CullDistanceIndex=0; CullDistanceIndex<CullDistances.Num(); CullDistanceIndex++ )
						const FCullDistanceSizePair& CullDistancePair = CullDistances[CullDistanceIndex];
						if( FMath::Abs( PrimitiveSize - CullDistancePair.Size ) < CurrentError )
							CurrentError		= FMath::Abs( PrimitiveSize - CullDistancePair.Size );
							CurrentCullDistance = CullDistancePair.CullDistance;

					float& CullDistance = It.Value();

					// LD or other volume specified cull distance, use minimum of current and one used for this volume.
					if (CullDistance > 0)
						CullDistance = FMath::Min(CullDistance, CurrentCullDistance);
					// LD didn't specify cull distance, use current setting directly.
						CullDistance = CurrentCullDistance;