// COcxHxeditCtrl message handlers
BSTR COcxHxeditCtrl::GetPwdText() 
	CString strResult;
	// TODO: Add your dispatch handler code here
	strResult = m_password;
	EncryptPwdStr(strResult, false);
//	return GetText();
//	return m_password;

	return strResult.AllocSysString();
*返 回 值:无
* 修改日期        版本号       修改人        修改内容
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* 20150306        V1.0     Zhou Zhaoxiong     创建
INT32 main()
    UINT8 szConfigFile[128] = {0};
    UINT8 szPassword[128]   = {0};
    INT32 iRetVal           = 0;
    UINT32 iDecryptFlag     = 0;
    // 获取配置文件全路径(包括文件名)
    GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(szConfigFile)-1, szConfigFile);
    strcat(szConfigFile, "\\");
    strcat(szConfigFile, "Config.ini");
    // 读入密码明文
    GetPrivateProfileString("PWDINFO", "Password", "", szPassword, sizeof(szPassword), szConfigFile);
    iRetVal = EncryptPwdStr(szPassword, strlen(szPassword), 1);   // 加密
    if (iRetVal == 0)   // 加密成功
       printf("Encrypt password successfully! Password is: %s\n", szPassword);
       printf("Encrypt password failed!\n");
       return -1;               // main函数执行失败返回-1
    // 将加密后的密码写入配置文件中
    printf("Write the encrypted password into config file.\n");
    WritePrivateProfileString("PWDINFO", "Password", szPassword, szConfigFile);
    // 判断是否对加密后的密码进行解密
    printf("To decrypt the encrypted password or not? 0-No, 1-Yes\n");
    scanf("%d", &iDecryptFlag);
    if (iDecryptFlag != 0 && iDecryptFlag != 1)   // 判断输入值是否正确
       printf("Input error, you must input 0 or 1, please check!\n");
       return -1;
    if (iDecryptFlag == 1)   // 需要解密, 并将解密后的密码写入配置文件中
       iRetVal = EncryptPwdStr(szPassword, strlen(szPassword), 2);   // 解密
       if (iRetVal == 0)   // 解密成功
          printf("Decrypt password successfully! Password is: %s\n", szPassword);
          printf("Decrypt password failed!\n");
          return -1;             // main函数执行失败返回-1
       // 将解密后的密码写入配置文件中
       printf("Write the decrypted password into config file.\n");
       WritePrivateProfileString("PWDINFO", "Password", szPassword, szConfigFile);
       printf("Don't decrypt the encrypted password.\n");
    return 0;               // main函数执行成功返回0