CORE_PROC(int, RelayInput)( PDATAPATH pdp , PTEXT (CPROC *Datacallback)( PDATAPATH pdp, PTEXT pLine ) ) { extern int gbTrace; if( pdp->pPrior ) { PTEXT p; int moved = 0; if( gbTrace ) xlprintf(LOG_NOISE+1)( WIDE("Relay input from %s to %s..........") , GetText( pdp->pPrior->pName ) , GetText( pdp->pName ) ); do { if( pdp->pPrior->Read ) { pdp->pPrior->Read( pdp->pPrior ); } if( IsQueueEmpty( &pdp->pPrior->Input ) ) break; //Log( WIDE("Has some input to handle...") ); while( ( p = (PTEXT)DequeLink( &pdp->pPrior->Input ) ) ) { if( gbTrace ) lprintf( WIDE("Data is: %s"), GetText( p ) ); if( Datacallback && !( ( p->flags & TF_RELAY ) == TF_RELAY ) ) { //lprintf( WIDE("Data callback...") ); for( p = Datacallback( pdp, p ); p; p = Datacallback( pdp, NULL ) ) { moved++; if( p != (POINTER)1 ) EnqueLink( &pdp->Input, p ); else lprintf( WIDE("Data was consumed by datapath.") ); } } else { PTEXT out = BuildLine( p ); Log1( WIDE("Relay In: %s"), GetText( out ) ); LineRelease( out ); moved++; EnqueLink( &pdp->Input, p ); } } if( gbTrace && !moved && !pdp->pPrior->flags.Closed ) { lprintf( WIDE("Did not result in data, try reading source again, rerelay. %s %s"), GetText( pdp->pName ), GetText( pdp->pPrior->pName ) ); } } while( !moved && !pdp->pPrior->flags.Closed ); // stop relaying closes at datasource points //if( !pdp->pPrior->flags.Data_Source ) pdp->flags.Closed |= pdp->pPrior->flags.Closed; return moved; } return 0; }
CORE_PROC(int, RelayOutput)( PDATAPATH pdp , PTEXT (CPROC *Datacallback)( PDATAPATH pdp, PTEXT pLine ) ) { extern int gbTrace; if( pdp->pPrior ) { int moved = 0; PTEXT p; //if( gbTrace ) // lprintf( WIDE("Relay output from %s to %s..........") // , GetText( pdp->pName ) // , GetText( pdp->pPrior->pName ) // ); while( ( p = (PTEXT)DequeLink( &pdp->Output ) ) ) { //if( gbTrace ) // lprintf( WIDE("Data is: %s"), GetText( p ) ); if( Datacallback && !( ( p->flags & TF_RELAY ) == TF_RELAY ) ) { for( p = Datacallback( pdp, p ); p; p = Datacallback( pdp, NULL ) ) { EnqueLink( &pdp->pPrior->Output, p ); } } else { #ifdef _DEBUG //PTEXT out = BuildLine( p ); //Log1( WIDE("Relay Out: %s"), GetText( out ) ); //LineRelease( out ); #endif EnqueLink( &pdp->pPrior->Output, p ); } } // stop relaying closes at datasource points //if( !pdp->pPrior->flags.Data_Source ) pdp->flags.Closed |= pdp->pPrior->flags.Closed; if( pdp->pPrior->Write ) moved = pdp->pPrior->Write( pdp->pPrior ); return moved; } else { PTEXT p; while( ( p = (PTEXT)DequeLink( &pdp->Output ) ) ) { if( gbTrace ) { PTEXT pLine = BuildLine( p ); lprintf( WIDE("Relay to dev NULL... Data is: %s"), GetText( pLine ) ); LineRelease( pLine ); } LineRelease( p ); } } return 0; }
//-------------------------------------- int CPROC PARSE( PSENTIENT ps, PTEXT parameters ) { PTEXT temp; PTEXT devname; if( ( devname = GetParam( ps, ¶meters ) ) ) { // find device to see if it's already open... // by name! // but - this causes a problem for nested scripts // which are going to have to be artificiailly inceminated // with a unique name maybe something like script_##### PDATAPATH pdp = FindOpenDevice( ps, devname ); if( pdp ) { if( !ps->CurrentMacro ) { PVARTEXT pvt; pvt = VarTextCreate(); vtprintf( pvt, WIDE("Device named %s is already open."), GetText( devname ) ); EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, (POINTER)VarTextGet( pvt ) ); VarTextDestroy( &pvt ); } return -1; } if( ( temp = GetParam( ps, ¶meters ) ) ) { PDATAPATH pdp; lprintf( WIDE("Opening device handle named: %s"), GetText( devname ) ); if( ( pdp = OpenDevice( &ps->Data, ps, temp, parameters ) ) ) { while( devname->flags & TF_INDIRECT ) devname = GetIndirect( devname ); pdp->pName = SegDuplicate( devname ); if( pdp->Type ) { if( ps->CurrentMacro ) { ps->CurrentMacro->state.flags.bSuccess = TRUE; } } else { DestroyDataPath( pdp ); // new one did not finish open... } } } else { DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("Parse must specify a name (/(parse/open) <name> <device> <options...)") ); EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, (PTEXT)&msg ); } } return FALSE; }
//-------------------------------------- int CPROC CMD_GETPARTIAL( PSENTIENT ps, PTEXT parameters ) { if( ps->Data ) { PTEXT pSave, temp; pSave = parameters; if( ( temp = GetParam( ps, ¶meters ) ) ) { if( temp == pSave ) { DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("Parameter to GetPartial was not a variable reference.") ); EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, &msg ); return FALSE; } if( GetIndirect( temp ) ) { LineRelease( GetIndirect( temp ) ); SetIndirect( temp, NULL ); } if( ps->Data->Partial ) { SetIndirect( temp, ps->Data->Partial ); ps->Data->Partial = NULL; if( ps->CurrentMacro ) ps->CurrentMacro->state.flags.bSuccess = TRUE; } } } return FALSE; }
int KeystrokePaste( PCONSOLE_INFO pdp ) { if( OpenClipboard(NULL) ) { uint32_t format; // successful open... format = EnumClipboardFormats( 0 ); while( format ) { //DECLTEXT( msg, " " ); // = sprintf(, "Format: %d", format ); //EnqueLink( pdp->ps->Command->ppOutput, SegDuplicate( (PTEXT)&msg ) ); #ifndef CF_TEXT #define CF_TEXT 1 #endif if( format == CF_TEXT ) { HANDLE hData = GetClipboardData( CF_TEXT ); LPVOID pData = GlobalLock( hData ); PTEXT pStroke = SegCreateFromText( pData ); int ofs, n; GlobalUnlock( hData ); n = ofs = 0; while( pStroke->[n] ) { pStroke->[ofs] = pStroke->[n]; if( pStroke->[n] == '\r' ) // trash extra returns... keep newlines { n++; continue; } else { ofs++; n++; } } pStroke->data.size = ofs; pStroke->[ofs] = pStroke->[n]; if( PSI_DoStroke( pdp, pStroke ) ) 1; // RenderCommandLine( pdp ); //EnqueLink( pdp->ps->Command->ppOutput, SegDuplicate(pStroke) ); LineRelease( pStroke ); break; } format = EnumClipboardFormats( format ); } CloseClipboard(); } else { #ifdef __DEKWARE__PLUGIN__ DECLTEXT( msg, "Clipboard was not available" ); EnqueLink( &pdp->common.Owner->Command->Output, &msg ); #endif } return 0; }
//-------------------------------------- int CPROC MEMORY( PSENTIENT ps, PTEXT parameters ) { uint32_t nFree, nUsed, nChunks, nFreeChunks; PVARTEXT vt; PTEXT temp, next; next = GetParam( ps, ¶meters ); while( temp = next ) { if( temp && TextLike( temp, WIDE("log") ) ) { temp = GetParam( ps, ¶meters ); if( temp && TextLike( temp, WIDE("off") ) ) SetAllocateLogging( FALSE ); else { SetAllocateLogging( TRUE ); if( temp ) { next = temp; continue; } } } if( temp && TextLike( temp, WIDE("debug") ) ) { temp = GetParam( ps, ¶meters ); if( temp && TextLike( temp, WIDE("off") ) ) SetAllocateDebug( TRUE ); else { SetAllocateDebug( FALSE ); if( temp ) { next = temp; continue; } } } next = GetParam( ps, ¶meters ); } GetMemStats( &nFree, &nUsed, &nChunks, &nFreeChunks ); vt = VarTextCreate( ); vtprintf( vt, WIDE("Memory : Free %ld(%ld), Used %ld(%ld) (optional paramters \'log\',\'debug\' followed by off to disable."), nFree, nFreeChunks, nUsed, nChunks - nFreeChunks ); EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, VarTextGet( vt ) ); VarTextDestroy( &vt ); return FALSE; }
int CPROC CHANGEDIR( PSENTIENT ps, PTEXT parameters ) { PTEXT pDir, pDir1; pDir1 = MacroDuplicateEx( ps, parameters, TRUE, TRUE ); if( pDir1 ) pDir = BuildLine( pDir1 ); else return FALSE; LineRelease( pDir1 ); if( SetCurrentPath( GetText( pDir ) ) ) { if( ps->CurrentMacro ) ps->CurrentMacro->state.flags.bSuccess = TRUE; else { DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("Changed directory successfully.") ); { TEXTCHAR buf[257]; GetCurrentPath( buf, sizeof( buf ) ); SetDefaultFilePath( buf ); } EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, &msg ); } } else { if( !ps->CurrentMacro ) { DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("Failed to change directory.") ); EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, &msg ); } } LineRelease( pDir ); return FALSE; }
int CPROC PRIORITY( PSENTIENT ps, PTEXT parameters ) { // Just a note : Thread priority does not work // there are MANY MANY threads involved - so only // process priority applies... #if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( _WIN32 ) PTEXT pTemp; HANDLE hToken, hProcess; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tp; OSVERSIONINFO osvi; DWORD dwPriority = 0xA5A5A5A5; osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( osvi ); GetVersionEx( &osvi ); if( osvi.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT ) { // allow shutdown priviledges.... // wonder if /shutdown will work wihtout this? if( DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcess() , GetCurrentProcess(), &hProcess, 0 , FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ) ) if( OpenProcessToken( hProcess, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &hToken ) ) { tp.PrivilegeCount = 1; if( LookupPrivilegeValue( NULL , SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME , &tp.Privileges[0].Luid ) ) { tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; AdjustTokenPrivileges( hToken, FALSE, &tp, 0, NULL, NULL ); } else GetLastError(); } else GetLastError(); else GetLastError(); } if( ps->CurrentMacro ) ps->CurrentMacro->state.flags.bSuccess = TRUE; pTemp = GetParam( ps, ¶meters ); if( pTemp ) { if( TextLike( pTemp, WIDE("idle") ) ) { dwPriority = IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS; } else if( TextLike( pTemp, WIDE("normal") ) ) { dwPriority = NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; } else if( TextLike( pTemp, WIDE("high") ) ) { dwPriority = HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS; } else if( TextLike( pTemp, WIDE("realtime") ) ) { dwPriority = REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS; } else { if( !ps->CurrentMacro ) { DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("Invalid process priority (not idle, normal, high, or realtime)") ); EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, &msg ); } else { ps->CurrentMacro->state.flags.bSuccess = FALSE; } } } else { if( !ps->CurrentMacro ) { DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("No process priority specified (idle,normal,high,realtime)") ); EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, &msg ); } else { ps->CurrentMacro->state.flags.bSuccess = FALSE; } } if( dwPriority != 0xA5A5A5A5 ) SetPriorityClass( GetCurrentProcess(), dwPriority ); if( !b95 ) { // NT type system we opened these handles CloseHandle( hProcess ); CloseHandle( hToken ); } #endif return 0; }
static PTEXT CPROC ParseCommand( PMYDATAPATH pdp, PTEXT buffer ) { if( buffer ) { PTEXT pCommand; //Log2( WIDE("buffer: %s(%d)"), GetText( buffer ), GetTextSize( buffer ) ); //LogBinary( buffer ); pCommand = burst( buffer ); LineRelease( buffer ); if( pCommand ) { PTEXT pTemp, pStart; int bEscaped = FALSE; pStart = pTemp = pCommand; while( pTemp ) { if( TextIs( pTemp, WIDE("\\") ) ) { if( !bEscaped ) { PTEXT pNext; pNext = NEXTLINE( pTemp ); pNext->format.position.offset.spaces = pTemp->format.position.offset.spaces; LineRelease( SegGrab( pTemp ) ); bEscaped = TRUE; pTemp = pNext; continue; } } if( !bEscaped && TextIs( pTemp, WIDE(";") ) ) { PTEXT pPrior; //Log( WIDE("Splitting the line and enqueing it...") ); pPrior = pTemp; SegBreak( pTemp ); if( pStart != pTemp ) { // end of line included! pStart = SegAppend( pStart, SegCreate(0) ); EnqueLink( &pdp->output, pStart ); } pStart = pTemp = NEXTLINE( pTemp ); SegBreak( pTemp ); LineRelease( pPrior ); // remove ';' bEscaped = FALSE; continue; } bEscaped = FALSE; pTemp = NEXTLINE( pTemp ); } if( pStart ) { PTEXT line; line = BuildLine( pStart ); //Log1( WIDE("Enqueu: %s"), GetText( line ) ); LineRelease( line ); EnqueLink( &pdp->output, pStart ); } } else { // well what now? I guess pLine got put into Partial... // next pass through this all for command recall will blow... Log( WIDE("No information from the burst!") ); } } return (PTEXT)DequeLink( &pdp->output ); }
int CPROC MakeProcess( PSENTIENT ps, PENTITY peInit, PTEXT parameters ) { // parameters specify command and parameters to launch... // perhaps a working directory? May or may not want it // in the current directory... // /make process test WIDE("command arguments") WIDE("work path") <attributes?> // /make process test WIDE("notepad trigger.txt") PSENTIENT ps2; PPROCESS process = New( PROCESS ); TEXTCHAR MyPath[256]; GetCurrentPath( MyPath, sizeof( MyPath ) ); ps2 = CreateAwareness( peInit ); MemSet( process, 0, sizeof( PROCESS ) ); Log( WIDE("Have a process, and woke it up... setting the link") ); SetLink( &peInit->pPlugin, iProcess, process ); SetLink( &peInit->pDestroy, iProcess, DestroyProcess ); Log( WIDE("Set the link, getting params...") ); { PTEXT text, cmd = NULL; text = GetParam( ps, ¶meters ); if( text && TextIs( text, WIDE("\"") ) ) { Log( WIDE("Found a quote, getting command line") ); while( (text = GetParam( ps, ¶meters )) && !TextIs( text, WIDE("\"") ) ) { cmd = SegAppend( cmd, SegDuplicate( text ) ); } cmd->format.position.offset.spaces = 0; process->command = BuildLine( cmd ); if( text ) // closed, and may have start path.... { text = GetParam( ps, ¶meters ); if( text && TextIs( text, WIDE("\"") ) ) { Log( WIDE("Found a quote, getting the path") ); while( (text = GetParam( ps, ¶meters )) && !TextIs( text, WIDE("\"") ) ) { cmd = SegAppend( cmd, SegDuplicate( text ) ); } cmd->format.position.offset.spaces = 0; process->directory = BuildLine( cmd ); } } } else { DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("Must specify process to execute in quotes (\")") ); EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, &msg ); WakeAThread( ps2 ); return -1; // abort creation. } } Log2( WIDE("Starting %s in %s"), GetText( process->command ), GetText( process->directory ) ); process->si.cb = sizeof( process->si ); // remaining startup info members are NULL - specifying we do NOT care // why why when where how the process starts. if( StartProcess( process ) ) { DECLTEXTSZ( msg, 256 ); = snprintf(, 256*sizeof(TEXTCHAR), WIDE("Failed to start \"%s\" in \"%s\" error: %ld"), GetText( process->command ), GetText( process->directory ), GetLastError() ); EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, SegDuplicate( (PTEXT)&msg ) ); WakeAThread( ps2 ); return -1; // abort creation. } // well otherwise would seem we've launched a valid application // we have valid process and thread handles to it which can be monitored // and well that's about that. WakeAThread( ps2 ); return 0; }
int InitImage( PSENTIENT ps, PENTITY pe, PTEXT parameters ) { INDEX idx; for( idx = 0; idx < NUM_IMAGE_VARS; idx++ ) { PTEXT saveparms = parameters; PTEXT arg; Image parent = GetLink( &FindContainer( pe )->pPlugin, iImage ); arg = GetParam( ps, ¶meters ); if( IsNumber( arg ) ) { PTEXT arg2 = GetParam( ps, ¶meters ); if( IsNumber( arg2 ) ) { Image image; if( parent ) image = MakeSubImage( parent , 0, 0 // need other 2 arguments. , atoi( GetText( arg ) ) , atoi( GetText( arg2 ) ) ); else image = MakeImageFile( atoi( GetText( arg ) ) , atoi( GetText( arg2 ) ) ); SetLink( &pe->pPlugin, iImage, image ); if( ps->CurrentMacro ) ps->CurrentMacro->state.flags.bSuccess = TRUE; else { DECLTEXT( msg, "Invalid second parameter, expecting a number" ); EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, &msg ); } // if more args - warn? } } else { Image image; // expect that the remainder is a name.. parameters = saveparms; arg = GetFileName( ps, ¶meters ); // loaded image file doesn't care for parent status... image = LoadImageFile( GetText( arg ) ); if( image ) { SetLink( &pe->pPlugin, iImage, image ); if( ps->CurrentMacro ) ps->CurrentMacro->state.flags.bSuccess = TRUE; else { DECLTEXT( msg, "Failed to load image..." ); EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, &msg ); } } } AddVolatileVariable( pe, ImageVars + idx, 0 ); { int n; for( n = 0; n < NUM_METHODS; n++ ) AddMethod( pe, ImageMethods + n ); } } return 0; // return success }
int GetInputData( int bWord, PSENTIENT ps, PTEXT parameters ) { if( ps->Data ) { PTEXT pSave, temp; PTEXT *pInd = NULL; pSave = parameters; lprintf( WIDE("Get data from datapath...") ); if( !( ( temp = GetParam( ps, ¶meters ) ) ) ) { lprintf( WIDE("No parameters specified to get line") ); LineRelease( ps->pLastResult ); ps->pLastResult = NULL; pInd = &ps->pLastResult; } else { if( temp == pSave ) { DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("is not a valid variable reference.") ); EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, SegAppend( SegDuplicate( temp ), (PTEXT)&msg ) ); return FALSE; } if( temp->flags & TF_INDIRECT ) { LineRelease( GetIndirect( temp ) ); SetIndirect( temp, NULL ); pInd = (PTEXT*)&temp->data.size; } else { DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("is not a valid variable reference(not indirect).") ); EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, SegAppend( SegDuplicate( temp ), (PTEXT)&msg ) ); return FALSE; } } if( !pInd ) { DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("FATAL ERROR: Did not set pInd (GetLine)") ); EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, (PTEXT)&msg ); return FALSE; } // try grabbing an existing line - could be put there from BURST of prior... if( !ps->Data->CurrentWord ) // just got last word off line... { if( ps->Data->CurrentLine ) { LineRelease( ps->Data->CurrentLine ); ps->Data->CurrentLine = NULL; } } if( !ps->Data->CurrentLine ) { // Gather Data from input source.... // data from HT_CLIENT 'appears' asynchrous // to scripting.... if( ps->Data->Read ) ps->Data->Read( ps->Data ); // this returns a completeline... ps->Data->CurrentLine = (PTEXT)DequeLink( &ps->Data->Input ); } if( ps->Data->CurrentLine ) if( !ps->Data->CurrentWord ) ps->Data->CurrentWord = ps->Data->CurrentLine; if( ps->Data->CurrentWord ) { // indirect pointer will be null. if( bWord ) { *pInd = SegDuplicate( ps->Data->CurrentWord ); ps->Data->CurrentWord = NEXTLINE( ps->Data->CurrentWord ); } else { // duplicate to end of line... which may be whole - or // may be partial because of prior GETWORD from the line... // then release the data input line... // must duplicate the data in either case cause // it will be deleted with additional setting of the // variable... *pInd = TextDuplicate( ps->Data->CurrentWord, FALSE ); LineRelease( ps->Data->CurrentWord ); ps->Data->CurrentLine = NULL; // do NOT release this line... ps->Data->CurrentWord = NULL; // no word on line } } if( ps->CurrentMacro && *pInd ) ps->CurrentMacro->state.flags.bSuccess = TRUE; } return FALSE; }
//-------------------------------------- int CPROC COMMAND( PSENTIENT ps, PTEXT parameters ) { PTEXT temp; PTEXT devname; if( ( devname = GetParam( ps, ¶meters ) ) ) { // find device to see if it's already open... // by name! // but - this causes a problem for nested scripts // which are going to have to be artificiailly inceminated // with a unique name maybe something like script_##### PDATAPATH pdp = FindOpenDevice( ps, devname ); if( pdp ) { if( !ps->CurrentMacro ) { PVARTEXT pvt; pvt = VarTextCreate(); vtprintf( pvt, WIDE("Device named %s is already open."), GetText( devname ) ); EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, (POINTER)VarTextGet( pvt ) ); VarTextDestroy( &pvt ); } return -1; } if( ( temp = GetParam( ps, ¶meters ) ) ) { PDATAPATH pdp; //lprintf( WIDE("Opening device handle named: %s"), GetText( devname ) ); if( ( pdp = OpenDevice( &ps->Command, ps, temp, parameters ) ) ) { PTEXT pCommand; PDATAPATH pOldPath; while( devname->flags & TF_INDIRECT ) devname = GetIndirect( devname ); pdp->pName = SegDuplicate( devname ); if( ps->Command ) { // remove old command queue so close won't remove // ps->Command->Input = NULL; // close the command queue... // update to the new queue in the sentience // if the new one is a data source, then we // need to move old commands to new path - // otherwise they may/will get lost. if( ps->Command->flags.Data_Source && !ps->Command->flags.Dont_Relay_Prior) { pOldPath = ps->Command->pPrior; // move all commands from old queue to new queue while( ( pCommand = (PTEXT)DequeLink( &pOldPath->Input ) ) ) { EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Input, pCommand ); } while( ( pCommand = (PTEXT)DequeLink( &pOldPath->Output ) ) ) { EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, pCommand ); } } } if( ps->CurrentMacro ) ps->CurrentMacro->state.flags.bSuccess = TRUE; } } else { DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("Command must specify a name (/command <name> <device> <options...)") ); EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, (PTEXT)&msg ); } } return FALSE; }